V *>* . . ^ "V •V V~" -.. * y^- S. •», m McHXNRY PLAHIDXALSE Thursday, January, 2S, 1M THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER hWiH mrj Thursday at McHenry. DLi bf Chwta F.! Baaieh. fettered as second-class matter at the poatoflka at McHenry. I1L, an- •r Um act of May 8, 1B79. Om Tear Month* ...*2.00 _|1.00 A H. MOSHER, Editor UBian Sayler, Local Editor w ^ Manager _ Telephone 197 aaqp**"* VISIT NORGE FACTORIES H. E Buch and son, Albert, went to llichigan last week Wednesday, where they remained until Saturday and visited at Detroit and Muskegon and enjoyed a tour through the Norge factories. The • refrigerator plant is at Muskegon and the washers and stoves are manufactured at Detroit.^ The Norge products are made by the Borg- Warner corporation, which also manufacturers auto motor parts and their products are all high class and outstanding in quality _ The trip was won by Mr. Buch as an award for making his quota of sides of Norge products and was a most interesting and instructive one. ASSISTANT PASTOR Rev. Dr. Frank Miller of Aurora ha* been appointed pastor at St. Mary's church,* where he read mass for the first time in McHenry on Jan. 12_ He is now officiating in the absence of Msgr? C. S. Nix, who is in Florida. Dr. Miller, whose home is in Aurora, has been assisting Msgr. Schmitt there and has also served as secretary to the bishop. Me is a doctor in Canon law, having studied at Rome. •; > /.- 5«r* Had a Loud V&c* Stentor was one of the Greeks before Troy, whose "stentorian" voice was as. loud as that of 50 men. 1 Mong the Concrete -••sss'-y.fc • -- -"-Si .sSV-.-rtw . •v#T' *"•" '•It «J , A Great Sale and a Great Selection of Cars A CAR FOR EVERY R RSE AND PURPOSE 19S5---Batek 4-Door Sedan with. Built in Trunk. 1954--Ford DeLuxe 2-Door Se-r dan. > 19S4--Chevrolet Yi Ton Panel. . 1933--Chrysler 6 wheel 4-L)oor Sedan. --Buick 6 wheel 4-Door Be* dan. 1932--Reo Royal "8" Sedan, 1931--Buick 4-Door Sedan. 19S1--Pontiac 6 wheel Sport Coupe. 1934--G.M.C. 2 Vt Ton Truck. 1929--Buick Sedan. 1929--Hudson Coupe. 1929--Ford Coupe. 1929--Studebaker President Sedan 1930--Studebaker Commander Sedan. 1930--Auburn Convertible Sedan. 1934--Ford "8" '1 '/i Ton Truck. 1932--Chevrolet 6 wheel Sedan. 1932--Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan. 1929--Chevrolet Sedan. 1927--Buick 4 Passenger Coupe. Absolutely ne misrepresentation of cars. Some cars carry new car guarantee. Full facta will be given. R. 1. OVERTON MOTOR SALES W. McHenry, 111. Phone 6 Below we list just a few of the many extra values to be had at ERICKSON'S great January Sale. MEN'S WORK SHOES--Elk or Retanned Uppers, Composition Soles, $2.25 Value per pair $ 1 59 ,STOCKINGS--Ladies' and Children's Black and Brown Stockings, Values to 50c .. . .. .. per pair 14^ UNION SUITS--Ladies' Silk and Wool Union Suits, $5 00 Values, per garment $1.50 UNDERWEAR--Boys' Apiece Wool Underwear, $1.25 Values, per garment Boys' and Girls' 2-piece Cotton Underwear, Winter Weight, per garment * SWEATERS--Boys' Wool Pull-over Sweaters, Were $4.50, Clearance sale price, each $1.49 DRESS GOODS--All Wool Serge sad Flannel in Black and Gray per yard 69^ RAZQR BLADES--Fit Gillette Razors, 15 Blades 25^ GROCERY SPECIALS For Friday, Saturday and Monday, Jan. 24 - 25 - 27 BUTTER--Finest 92 to 93 Score Creamery Butter, 1-lb. rolls . .. j lb >gjy- RICE--Fancy Head Rice 3 lbs. 19^ CORN FLAKES--Kellogg's Large Sun;... per pkg- 10^ BRAN FLAKES--Post's Bran Flakes, per package 9^* post's Bran Flakes, Large package 16<^ SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITS--Per package COCOA--Hershey's Cocoa, 1-lb. pkg. 12^ SIRUP--"Amazo" Butterscotch Sirup, l*4-lb. can 9^ SALT--Free Running Table Salt, Two 2-lb. boxes 15^ SMOKED SALT--"Old Hickory", 2-lb box 19^ HICKORY NUTS 5 lbs- ifor 29* • I 9 Lakes Appear aad VanUb The red lakes at Wlilte snbds Na tlonal monument. New Mexico, appear and disappear, causing no end of popular speculation as to the reason for this temperamental behavior. A the ory advanced by scientists ascribe* their color to the organism, »i»ivallell;i sallna. This type grows In suit water of high concentration. Jlppurently It flourishes In the famous vermilion lakes of the White Sands onlv when the water has evaporated <!<>wn to n certain high percentage of suH, favor able Co lts growth. <'v Pillars of Hercules The Pillars of Hercules Whs the name given In ancient times to tf&' mom) tains of Calpe and Ahylfi. standing op posite to. each other, the one on the European, the other on the African shore of the straits ivhich connect the Mediterranean with the Atlantic. The present names of these mountains arc the Rock of Gibraltar and Jebel JSatout Yellow-Throat Along wooded streams, and In moist thickets, the yellow-throat will be found. He is olive-green, bright yel low on the throat and breast--which fades to ft dull wlilte onder the tall: and he wears a characteristic, black mask. There Is a narrow border of gray Just. back of the mask. WiJfee' are dusky, olive-brown, v.v .7^.* .Delicately Balanced Tarbinei '• §o delicately balanced are the 10 giant turbines In the Queenston-Chip pewa hydroelectric plant In Canada that, after the sluice gates are shut, their wheels will run on momentum unless the brakes are applied, for more than 12 hours.--C. C. Foster, Maple "wood. New Jersey, in Collier's Weekly Meaning of the Name Hafia The Persian name Hafiz Is rej»lly only a title meaning gifted with a good memory. It was bestowed upon the poet as a pupil because he could recite the whole Koran. It has clung to him by fame Instead" of bis real name, which was, in full, Muhammad ad-Din. or Mohammed, the sun of religion. Alp* Not Mountain! !#ot everyone knows that, ttttBtly speaking, the Alps are not mountains, says a writer in the Boston Globe. An Alp is really a local name fofr the ele vafed i»nd little Inhabited meadow and pasture tracts of Switzerland and the Tyrol. It Is really a lovely mountain ous valley under cultivation. Whal About Pneumonia! % Over 6.000 persons died of pneumonia in Illinois during 1934. How many of these lives might have been spared if modern serum, treatment had been employed 1 -- an ylmbarassing question for health authorities who know how effective is the use of the proper pneumonia serum To use the proper kind of serum it is necessary for the physician to have a diagnostic laboratory examine the patient's sputum to determine the type of pneumonia germ causing the disease Since practically no sputum specimens are received in the State diagnostic laboratories for pneumococcus typing, it may be presumed that serum therapy is not employed as" generally as might be advantageous or at least that serum therapy might be employed more scientifically than heretofore. Therefore, a word or two concerning the modern diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia should be entirely a propos. Pneumonia is usually classed in two ways, lobar pneumonia or a consolidation of one or more lobes of the lungs, and bronchial pneumonia or a patchy distribution of small areas of consolidation in the lungs. Lobar pneumonia is usually caused by a specific germ, the pneumococcus, while bronchial pneumonia may be caused by a variety of bacteria. The greatest advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of lobar pnteum<onia, caused by the pneumococcus. Bacteriologists now recognize at least 32 types of neumococci and the recently rediscovered Neuf eld test for determining1 the type of pneumococcus in a patients' sputum makes possible the typing of the caustjve germ within a few minutes after the sputum is received in the laboratory. The test, which is simplicity itself, consists of adding various types of rabbit antiserum with a drop of dye to portions of the sputum and observing the preparation under the microscope; the type of rabbit antiserum which causes the capsule of the pneumococcus in the sputum to swell indicates the type to which the germ belongs. This method gives positive results in approximately 76 per cent of the specimens, and where it fails the older methods of tying such as mouse injection, precipitin tests, etc., may be used. But what's the purpose and necessity of determining the type of the pneumococcus in the sputum ? Simply this, tf very effective serum for patients who have pneumonia caused by " 'i > -! ' . V,W r- FOR SALE Cargoes of Transatlantic Liner* Cargoes carried In transatlantic liners include such live creatures as elephants, monkeys, cattle, horses, dogs, turtles, gold flsh, rabbits, musk rats, lobsters and such Inanimate things as airplanes, yachts, railway trains and kegs of gold and sliver. Meaning of Precious Stone* Amethyst, sincerity; aquamarine, courage; diamond, innocence; emerald, happiness; garnet, constancy; opal, hope; pearl, health and longevity; ruby, contented mind; sapphire, wisdom; topaz, fidelity; turquoise,"pros perity and success. Many Die From Monoxide Between 500 and 700 persons meel death every year from monoxide gen erated from automobile engines. A few of these are suicide cases, the rest result from carelessness and lack of knowledge regarding this gas. Oldest U. S. Printing The flrst piece of printing to be done in the United States was a broadside published In 1639. It was printed on the press of Stephen Daye at Cambridge, Mass., and was entitled "The Freeman's Oath." FOR SALE--Used G. E. refrigerators, ABC and Apex washers. H. E. Buch and Son, Riverside Drive. Phone 48. * " 33-tf FOR SALE--Bargains in recondition*- ed Radios. 7-tube Console, $12; 9-tube Sparton Console, $18; Midge^Radios, $5 and up. New Philco 1936 line on hand. Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop, West MceHnry. 34-tf FOR SALE--$650.00 Player Piano for the balance of $68.50 at $7.00 per nio. Discount for eash. Unusual opportunity. Player like new. Rolls anc| free delivery. For- information where piano may be' inspected write Wal-. tham Piano < Co., Sta. C., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.' „ *3l-2 FOR SALE---Home Grown Potatoes; 90c per bushel. M. P. Meyer, 1% mi, north of Johnsbure on River Stoad. *SB FOR SALE--Federal Washing Machine in good condition. Sell cheap. Tel 52-R. 85 FOE BENT FOR RENT--Room/ centrally located. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 15-tf FOR RENT--Modern House of Dr. N. J. Nye. Inquire 26-tf FOR RENT--Hanley Farms. Also Houses Call 93-M, 80-tf FOR RENT--Two-Story house at Ringwood . Furnace heat. Rent $10 pef month. Inquire of Vernon J. Knox. Phone 43, McHenry. _ 34-tf WANTED MEN WANTED -- For Rawleigh Routes of 800 families in Grayslake, Mundelein and Libertyville. Reliable hustler should start earning $25 weekly and increase rapidly. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. ILA-412-S, Freeport, I1L *32-6 DEALER WANTEt--For McHenry County to handle Grafilm, the "Graphite Processed" Motor Oil. Write for information and a trial filling. Grafilm Oil Company, General Distribut- . . . . _ T T c r s , 1 8 S o . F i r s t S t r e e t , ' H i g h l a n d , either type I or type II pneumococcus i tii . has recently been developed by Dr. ' Lloyd D. Felton, formerly of the Har MISCELLANEOUS vard Medical School but now at Johns Hopkins. The sooner patients hav- I WILL PAY $4.0t/ to $14.00 for old ing either of these types, of pneumonia j and disabled horses. They must be receive the specific-serpm, the quicker able to walk. Call or write FRANK and more certain is their recovery The statistical judgement as to the value of serum treatment, based on alternate case studies with and without serum,'has long been a debated subject but conservative investigators reports at least a 30 per cent reduction in rrortality, while others have obtained a 50 per cent reduction M. JAYNE. Phone Woodstock 209. 19-tf WE PAY $2.00 FOR DEAD HORSES AND COWS weighing 1,000 lbs, or more. Phone Dundee 10--Reverse Charges. MID-WEST REMOVAL CO. PRIVATE LESSONS--In VioliiTand in mortality with type I anti-pneti- Dramatic Interpretation. Mrs. H. D mococcus serum. Various studies Ellis, graduate in violin and former with type II serum have shown a re- teacher of violin at Sturgeon Bay, duction in mortality ranging from 12 Wisconsin, High School. Merrick up to 50 per cent. Serum treatment house, Crystal Lake Road *35-3 in cases caused by types VII and VIII : has only recently been undertaken, but NOTICE---Rose Bud Beauty Shoppe appears to be very effective since .wishes to announce that after Feb. 1, Bullowa reports a 74 per cent reduc-1 W>H t>e moving out of town. Thanking tion in mortality for type VII cases, my P®8^ patrons. *35 and 67 per cent reduction in type VIII Wheel* an Ancient Invention -- Vehicles with wheels date back to time unknown. The Roman charjots used for war, for pleasure and for sport represented a development of more than 2,000 years of testing and improvement Russia Used Secret Postmarks During the World war Russia , used secret postmarks which bore no name of towns or other identifying marks, so that the positions of troops wquld not he given away by the postmark on cor respondence. cases. The great differences in mortality reduction obtained in the various studies seem to be chiefly due to the time when the serum was administered, it being generally agreed that FARM ALMANAC AND FACTS BOOK" Publication of a "Farm Almanac and Facts Book which will be distributed to the rural population in all ,aLe;*u'. 11 ?e/"* ^nerai,y :agr^a inai, ^ of the country was announced serum ts of little value after the third ^ay by the Ford Jjotor c^^y The book is of a convenient pocket size, containing 48 pages. It is unusual in makeup and content, present LEE-AID CwcMloih la Psalfry ^ A Sctarffffeofty ftoparttf NiWHosd pT^ CoapoiMl Wfticfr h M wltk fkm M«tft I B your show ayttptoma at Oocddioala, that dreaded Intestinal dlseaae, begin at onoa with Lee-Aid. Thla la the treatment which is giving such splendid results for flock owners everywhere. Oocddioala Is the most prevalent and the moat instructive of poultry diseases. Until Lee-Aid was devised, there was no dependable treatment. Lse- Aid stops the destructive work of the cocddial organ lams inside the birds, repairs the damages caused there and aids In preventing secondary iBfectiona and complications. Don't let Coccidiosis steal your poultry profits. Get Lee-Aid now. . Syaptem Yeans kMi anilh km bloe4y drop- Pl.»J ksve */eepjr t i wtars d r o o p t a , appearanee. H e w e v e r , death nay eaue withoat ehleks •bowing sir e x t e r n a l symptom*. •-r t;*:, THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 40 y , .Greenly Good Food and Good Liquor-- Afrait you here. It 's always more fun to be where there's liyely congenial crowd--so come in and sea us sometime. 4' Mexican Chili -- 10c , - v, Fish Dinners All Day Friday --- 10c akcL 26c My Place Tavern JUSTEN & FEEUND, Proprietors Green Sfreet McHenry, fBL prcsi( Birthday.. NELL'S PAVILION Johnsburg Bridgte --r- 8 Miles North of McHenry THURSDAY, JAN. 30 Bill Benson and His 7-Piece Orchestra Entire proceeds from sale of tickets devot&d to the Warm Springs Foundation to fight Infantile Paralysis- ADMISSION -- -- -- 35c -- PERSON MID-WINTER Newspaper "Spread" \. newspaper "spread" Is a lead story and all its sultsiillariesralso a story (hat requires a top head, that Is. one that goes at the top of a coliyain; also sometimes used to designate tha-head itself. ' Existence of Scorpion* Scorpions were XIready in existence In the carbonlferdlts period and there is no essential structural difference be tween these fossils and existing forms Yosemite an Indian Nam* Yosemite is an Indian name, meaning "valley of the grizzly bear." It Is pro nounced In four syllables, with the ac cent on "Bern." Sassafras Called Agoe-Tree The sassafras, » North American tree of the laurel family with nro ma tic bark and foliage, also Is called the ague-tree. ^ ? Languages > far* California More than 20 languages and about 100 dialects were spoken In California in ancient Indian daytf. Paris Museum Founded ift:1.4$39 The French Xsitlonai Museuin nT Nut urai History, to i'arls, was founded in 1035 or fourth day of the disease. Epidemic Disease Prevalence Scarlet fever with approximately *n8 an extensive array of handy tables, 500 new cases weekly is the most; statistics and charts for the assistance prevalent and widely distributed epi-1 farmer and business man. Othdemic disease in Illinois at the pres- er sections are designed to aid the ent time. The unusual incidence level, i ten** w^e. „ , . . . . . slightly lower than a year ago at this This first Ford Aiirtanac is publishdate, will probably continue until'*or *93® an(* >8 now being distri- March or later Ibuted. It carries a readily available Pneumonia incidence is probably'at calendar on the back cover and Conor near the seasonal peak with about , tains tables showing the time of rise 400 fresh cases weekly. This disease set of sun an* moon m a11 Parts is by all odds the most important mid- country every day of the year, winter communicable malady from helPful and interesting astrolthe standpoint of mortality. From. 700 ?K»cal a"J astronomical information to 900 deaths per month from1 pneu-,18 included. monia are not unusual in Illinois dur- Among the other prominent sections ing the first quarter of the year. This Jhe ^ok ***'f A l«t of memorable range falls to 160 to 260 in mid-sum- historic events for each day of the Sf year, facts about the universe, explan- Whooping cough is running an or-J^ns of physical phenomena, a list dinary prevalence course with about 'of ^Portant festiva s and anniversar- 150 new cases reported weekly. The ^ the rulea ^ foretelling weekly incidence will probably not i weather conditions, population static rise greatly during the winter and |tics». *~*s a"d records on farming as . nn an industry, discussion of the farm sprCinerge bsreoa-ss pi.n al mening.i t.i s .i. s s_ ome- of the futuri.e ', iin- formationu o-n* c itizenwhat more prevalent than usual with,.and naturahzation a brief review reports fluctuating from 10 to 20|«f development of the per week. The trend of incidence has Umted States- do 3 and don ts TED'S PLACE Main Street SATURDAY, JAN. 25 MUSIC BY BARBARA HORIGK^ 0EGHE8TRA_ 7 9°me Over Try Out the.New Tile Flo«p • its A jij at* afa A a!^ja A A A ^ ^ ^ A A. A A A A A A for been sharply above the usual since|U8«emergencies, poisons and their mid-November antidotes, instructions for flower and WOODSTOCK HAS CENTENARIAN Mrs. Laura Curtis of Woodstock celebrated her one hundredth birthday anniversary at the home of he>- daugh- j L.r on r«ror(i ter, Mrs. Frank Tappan, Tuesday of y this week. Her three daughters were with her to observe the pleasant event Equal Righto In Burma, India, tights with men where property Is concerned; husband and wife live on terms of greater equality than In any l other country In ihe world. The likelihood of substantially greater prevalence during the late winter and spring and the |\igh fatality from this disease are disquieting factors in the situation. Diphtheria is running a course similar to that a year ago, much below former levels but somewhat higher than in 1934 Case reports range from 50 to 100 weekly. ' Smallpox * prevalence has been sporadic with from 2 to 10 cases reported weekly. The trend has been a little above last season. Poliomyelitis, while low in prevalence, 2 to 5 cases weekly, is running higher than a year ago Usually this disease almost completely disappears in mid-winter. Chickenpox is at the usual winter Incidence level of from 800 to 600 new cases weekly. Scarlet fever and measles were more prevalent in 1935 than in any other Smallpox was less prevalent than ever before. The typhoid incidence was one of the lowest ever recorded. Diphtheria ran about 600 cases above 1934 Cerebro-spinal meningitis was more prevalent than in any previous year except 1929. Tuberculosis ran about 300 cases above 1934. Tularemia was only one-half as prevalent as usual while undulant fever was up Bharply. vegetable gardening, crop seed sowing instructions, a list of places of interest to the tourist, parcel post rules and regulations, temperature and rainfall chart, dates of killing frosts in all parts of the country, and a table of distances between this principal cities of the country. Stories on the founding and development of the Ford Motor Company and about the Ford Rouge Plant, word pictures of the famous Edison Institute Museum and quaint Greenfield Village, established within a few miles of the Rouge Plant, are other features of thar Ford Farm Almanac. • . V- • BOOK. * TEin mUitmMumtth entndooiinM • which Is bringing _ amaitaareUrf.Soldoniiaodad • mini) hack "BONES" TAVERN^ •. '* ' - r • Kow Open in ; . .. Blethen Hotel, Crystal Lake MEISTER BRAU BEER THE FINEST OF LIQUORS AND MIXED DRINKS COCKTAIL LOUNGE -- TAP ROOM RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION Meet Your Friends at Bones' Place PHONE 886 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. priceless mrnhmhon ; --for thoee suffering from j STOMACH oa duodenal I ULCERS, DUX TO HYPiR- I ACIDITV--POOR DICaS- I TION. ACID DYSWSia. | SOUR STOMACH, CASSI w fationT^ad BREATH, SLEEI"- 9 LBSSNBSS OR HEADACHES. DUX 9 "to axcsas acid. WATTLES DRUG STORE Phone S7 Mai* Street Phone 200-J Fred J. Smith, Prop. Johnsburg The winter weather is especially hard on any car or track and closer inspection should be made., We are prepared to advise the needs and do expert repair work^|||: fair prices. ^ Standard Service Station 24-Hour Towing Service FRED SMITH, Prop. V