Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1936, p. 5

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M, jpinrsday, Mafreh, 12,1936 ;'„ • ^----f PLAINDEALE& ;fv T~ "7?^-3K»: iMSft: \^*8* '"^- V- 4 - ' • * ,fg* -*1 ' \^J 4. •'* - -.v '0*1^ iSfe AWARD SCOUT BADGES Supt. C. H. Ehiker,' county chairman of the Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts, presided at the Court of Honor at Marengo Monday night. He was accompanied to the mating by Dr. G. W. Hess, county chairman, and two sotas, and George Stilling. The Court wlfas well attended with 266 present and about fifty badges awarded- Dr. Hess awarded the second class WOODSTOCK CAGERS BEAT HARVARD IN REGIONAL BOWLING NEWS We trust ere this goes to print you followers of high school basketball will know all about the regional tour- Tha 'GraCnger team in the Old Tinkers league stilly holds the spotlight- Bob Weber with a game average of 216 pins or 648 total for the threegame series is tops. Bob had one 257 game, a mark for the boys to shoot nament at Woodstock last week. at. The Grangers trimmed the Ba- However, a brief review may not go cons 2652 to 2577. Smith led the losamiss. : ®rs with a 556 total. Sayler led the Woodstock's Blue arid White squad, 10 a 2586 to 2495 win over badges and A. A_ Stocker, Scout ex- j coached by Larry Dale, were the win- Adams team .£ "SO I HEAR" by EARL WALSH » logical man, but lethim earn his right by the process of elimination. The following letter arrived in the CARD OFJHANKS I desire m thiSmanner to express my thanks to the members of the Mc* Perhaps the Detroit Tigers, ««- Henry Fire Dept. and neighbors and pecially big "Hank" Greenberg, would, friends for the fine assistance renderlike to take a few swings at the great ed at the time of the fire on my place Dizzy. He had them swinging plenty in that 1984 World Series. > - Let's, have no fears for "Old Diz." morning mail. We are not so sure' He happens to be the best pitcher in that we care to steal the. title from J baseball and is going to collect. Diz- Hughes was high!more worthy gentleman, but tije letecutive, made the Eagle awards. Plaindealer Want AOs* bring results (Political Advertisement) V' LADIES and GENTLEMEN Voters of McHenry County To be successful in gaining the nomination for the State's Attorney's office I need your support AND ABOVE ALL YOUR VOTE Born^nd raised in McHenry county; served in the U. S. Navy for 4 years; practiced law for 14 years; active in trial work, NEVER SOUGHT A PUB LIC OFFICE BEFORE--I wiH greatly appreciate your assistance as well as your vote on April 14th. Jas. J. McCauley \ t THC ^MPlgFn "tnp" • McHenry, Illinois m»DAY (Last Day) *A NIGHT AT THE OPERA" SATURDAY -- ONE DAY Gene Raymond -- -- Margaret Callahan "SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE" ALSO--Foolish Hearts -Rip Van Winkle" SUN. - MON. - TUBS. ~~ MARCH 1 5 - 1 6 - 1 7 EDDIE CANTOR m "STRIKE ME PINK" ALSO--Color Cartoon Comic Alias St. Nick and World News Events H-- WEDNESDAY --^ Warner Oland in "CHARLIE CHAN'S SECRET" ALSO--I m port ant Nei** Way Lp l'har ------ THURSDAY -- FRIDAY Warner Baxter -- Jack Oakie Alice Fayt "KING OF BURLESQtJE" V JOOSTOCK A WEEK OF SPECIALS! FRIDAY--ONLY MARCH 13 Miriam Hopkins -- Joel McCrea "SPLENDOR" ALSO--Added Attractions SATURDAY-ONE DAY ONLY John Boles -- Gladys Swarthout "ROSE OF THE RANCHO" ALSO--Ad<fed Attract loss ITUNDAY -- MONDAY Warner Baxter -- Alice Faye "KING OF BURLESQUE" Special Lincoln Memorial "THE PERFECT TRIBUTE" 15c TUESDAY ONLY 15c Tom Keene -- Dickie Moore "TIMOTHY'S QUEST" WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Ann Harding - Herbert Marshall "THE LADY CONSENTS" % SPECIAL -- Only Showing The Dionne Quintuplets "GOINq ON TWO" ners amd are now entered In the man for the losers> rolling 547. With ter ia very amusing. State Sectional meet at Libertyville each game over 200, Herb Simon piled this week, meeting Batavia in the a total m the Forester league, first game of the tournament. but th® te*m ^ not enou*h for" . • , . . , , , team No. 2. The match ended 2669 to As the regional tourney opened las 259J. Hank Weber led the winners es: Wednesday night, Hebron pulled what with a 597 tota, Team No. 4 nosed seemed the real upset of the whole af- out teani No 3 2383 to 2377 Steffes fa.r by soundly trimming ihe favor- led the winners with 549. Sn^th-s ites from Dundee 26 to 16. With r}gj Mr. Earl Walsh, Pres. Ananias Club of America: Your belief on the following may be optional. However, we have witness- Tuesday, March 10, .at 7 a. m. on arriving at the service station at Front and Wavikegan (Street, two rob zy likes to brag, but he is good enough to back it all up with more wins than any other piteher in the league. We suspect him of being dumblike the fox. O course you saw that headline error in last week's Plaindealer where our old pal, Editor Mose, had the Pure Milk Association listed as the Tuesday noon. *42 NELS PEARSON. DEMOCRATIC MEETING A Democratic rally and dance wM be held at the Skating Rink in Marengo, Saturday evening, Match 14. No admission. 12 Say yor. DEALERTead it v> THE PLAIJ*, their kev man Palmer handW the w*s Jigh for L th« losers Thejins were observed. They appeared ^WA. As if the poor Democrats and ball, Hebron played .their usual delib- the Forester 1^ne I somewhat uneasy and were' flying | ^eir alphabet aren't having enough hitting series. erate, almost tantalizing game. Montgomery at guard drew favorable comment for his fine defensive jilay'ifl this game- His ability to take the ball off the back board proved invaluable. Dundee was figured to go into the finals, but that Hebron team must always be reckoned with in tournament play. • The same night, fouhd Harvard defeating Richmond by a 23 to 19 score. Harvard's sharpshooter, Deneen, rang up 14 points in this victory ^ Richmond played a nice floor game, but times. Rovena Marshall turned in a seemed lost in their shooting. Ehorn, 565 series last week. Richmond's leading scorer, accounted, for 18 points. , ! 1 : C. O. F. McHenry gladdened the .hearts of > TEAM NO. TWO ' all local fans as they took a thriller (Heimer i : 173 222 from Crystal Lake 24 to 21 on Thur&- V. Freund .......... 212 147 day night. A 20 to 16 lead dwindled, G. Freund 125 165 in fact disappeared, in the last few Weber 198 203 minutes of the game. Crystal Lake Winkle 184 211 are as follows: Team No, 2 ,--_ l 0.-457 Team No. l--~ 10,253 Team No. .^0.176. on, m6?]11 o b ' -- 10,118 ; shovel to remove some of the accu- i ed, the Chicago Daily News carried The McHenry Brewery team rolled mujation of ice and snow from theia story the other night about a nian from the' door of the station to the 1 tr°uble, he has to mix things up with | grass , plot in back of the station. strikes and price cuts» , , ^ > This, they kept up for some time.! / • / * ' When I went to the store room for the j JTith the letters A ajftd" B- trarttpos- ?. total^of 2833 jilns t^> triin the | (jnye,. they seemed to , understand; being stabbed in the BADOMEN. olo Crwrn Pttffs, who rolled a 2^3.^.^^ j- ^ about to do, one becoming j They shotild have said stortiach in the total. Ed Smith was in real stride, 1 so »s to light on .the shovel j first place. Maybe, they were right 1 single game and MS handle and then to fly over to whei-e j though, It^«lo«s'.geera..lU(e. .. 0 Burchett was high man Jor j the s^ow was not so 4feej5- After sev-i to get stabSed lik6 'thi^;. W^'.-thlril: : s®^eR-ieral trips! began to realize just what 1 somebody was mad at.;Us. . The ladies are still bowling on Mon- th so j removed the snow! - day nights and are having {Treat y the grass and they immediately began to pull worms from the ground". After they had their fill, one flew There isrsome talk of Heavyweight Champion Braddock meeting Camera It's a battle between the Madison 892 team no one-- 146 , 1 6 0 173 189 ........ 222 948 153 143 173 146 204 went into a 21 to 20 lead and McHenry's fans pictured another of those one point defeats. Glenn Anderson stepped in at this point with a basket Nye and free throw. Vale Adams added Knox . a point and the game was over. • Bolger. Woodstock met Elgin in the second Justen game Thursday night and won 89 to Simon 28, completely outclassing last years regional champions. Woodstock played whirlwind basketball throughout the entire game, led by his 19 points. Elgin's team was^plenty fast, but seemed to lack the size of recent years. This was explained Smith somewhat by the illness of their reg- Justen ular center, Edgington, and injury to -- a guard named Stensrud. The story " 822 820 goes that part of Stensrud's training TEAM NO. FOUR-- consisted of chasing cats up trees. In Stilling 168 148 -- j across the highway towards the N. J.j Square Garden and the Twentieth Justen residence and returned with 1 Century Club. With Mike Jacobs, 147 cio!an empty can which they proceeded,to matchmaker of tfce 20th century club , ,n I fill and I was given to understand! threatening to lure Braddock away that the worms in the can were for, for'a Louis sorap, the Garden must their feathered posterity. jact quickly. The Garden has eontrol- They then proceeded to gather ma-1 led every heavyw eight champion since terial for their new home which they | Dempsey, but Jacobs appears to hold 829 2669!are now constructing on, one of the the whip hand jn boxing right now. gasoline pumps. 149_508 146--136 19^--597 191--596 BABY CHICKS 1500 SUPER CONTEST CHICKS ARRIVED OUR PLANT TUESDAY MORNING. STOP IN AND WATCH THEM GROW ON OUR GOLD SEAL ATtTt MASH. CHICK STARTER. THESE CHICKS WILL BE KEPT IN OUR BATTERIES UNTIL THEY ARE TWO WEEKS OLD 700 REMAIN UNSOLD. IF YOU WANT SOME FANCY SEPTEMBER PULLETS, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE, PHONE YOUR ORDER AT ONCE. McHenry County Farmers Co-operative Association Phone 29 JOHN A. BOLGER. Mgr. McHenry (Political Advertisement), 213--512 123--426 17a--519 161--496 Yours in live power, 'Biff" Meyer and "Pink" Gorman. 890 tfiSAM NO. THREESehaefejD 162 ' 158 Thennes 157 175 170 That famous old Pirate shortstop, Honus Wagner, tells a good one about umpire Bill Klem in one of his series That letter makes us wonder what of writeups for the Waukegan News- 212 638'this column is coming to or where it's Sun. The story gc^s that Manager i going. All we can say is, "Aint na- Fred Clarice one day sent a utility 819 779 2591 turo grand?" 150 137 157 220 156 his last climb, the cat won the tus- Thies sle and Stensrud fell to the ground. Sutton , This win for Woodstock left the tour-Steffes nament entirely up to,McHenry coun- Karls .. ty teams. , Harvard took a, close one from Hebron in the first game Friday night 24 to 23. It was all Harvard in the rst half as Hebron failed player named Walter Rehg up to I pinch hit when Klem was umpiring. | 139--451J We would direct one Mr Krug to This Rehg was a fellow who contin- j 147 442 j the baseball answer at the foot of the?ually popped off about what he could | 175 439 j column. We gathered from a little do. j 186--581J conversation with him that he j "In hitting for myself," wise-crack^•! 138--464i thought we might haye gone too far, ed Rehg. j i out on a limb with that question.) Klem didn't: like that and promptly j "' chased Mr. Rehg. Manager Clarke protested to no avail, then sent in an unknown rookie to hit< *\Vho are you ?'5' asked Klem, "Boo!" the rookie replied. . "Get out of here," ordered Klem. 735 2377! Some of these boys know plenty of ' baseball and we must be on guard. 152--468 We dont' know all the answers by a ........ 154 139 149--442 longc shot. . ...... . 1 §5 155 198--508: The McHenry team drew favorable .•,-... 153 139 148--540 comment and made many friends in 176 226 123 806 807 525 the district meet last week at Wood. they send a smart guy to bat | stock. The wide-awake play of the an^ a fe"0*' to bo° at. me- ' OLD TIMERS to score TEAM NO. THREE a field goal in 17 attempts. Strangely Wattles 198 enough, after going 19 minutes with- Weber 212 770 2383 Anderson boys at guard positions de-1, r a. little persuasion, Klem sei-ves mention., We know they have! lo°^, UP a Car'1 "nd foUml the CLUB "heart" and their actions indicate rookle 9 "ame--Everett Booe. that they can stand up under a little 134 135--467 praise. Lack of size handicaps the 924 TEAM NO. TWOBeavis out a field goal^ Hebron dropped in Schaefer five shots within the course of one Freund . minute. Deneen dropped in the win- Granger , ning basket to end a hard game. i McHenry started eff bravely enough against Woodstock and had W oodstock on the run as Beckenbaugh dribblecL-the length of the floor Karls .. to drop in a left handed shot and end Perkiaa the quarter 12 to 5. McHenry appear- Smith'.. ed tired in the second quarter with Bacon , the front line dragging on defense. The half ended with McHenry lead- . ^ \ ing 16 to 15. The Woodstock boys .TEAM NO. ONE-- Answer To Last Week's Question Runner cam steal a base on a foul •night. If a foul fly, he 257 179--648 boys underneath thd basket, but their, . , . 159 171 154--484 alertness seems to put them in the !f , ,a , 'f . ,, A , 173 190" 191--554 right place at the right time. We £?,u!d lK)ldJ rst bas,e unt!' aftor the 182 150 167--499 heard strangers call them "The And-I^V1 |f , --•1 erson Twins." " ! r y' 164 146 170 154 172 902 212 106 200 181 172 826 2652 -- ' . " j | Mrs. G. W. Hess, who follows the' 174--550 high school basketball team through' 806 870 | put on a spurt in the last half that Wilson . ;our boys were unable to stop and the Goo<}el1 - I game ended 28 to 25. McHenry hated ^haefer i to lose, but they lost to a good team. H«f?hes { Woodstock and Harvard hooked up ^damg . : in the finals Saturday night and . • (Woodstock walked off with the hon-' • ors 32 to 25. The first half was a T®AM I one aided affair with Harvard trail- Barbian I ing 17 to 3. The second half was a J°hnson~... [different story, but the lead was too Covalt great to overcome. The third quarter S*yier jende<l 22 to 14. Woodstock evidently ^>a^e •••**••' j thought they had the game in the ! bag, but Coach Dale was taking no > chances. His team was good enough to win, but they were taking things too easy when he yanked the whole squad and ordered them into the dressing room. Whatever , he said ^irtz -r brought results and the boys settled '^hep,pard down to win their game and regional honors. Woodstock 14 out of 16 chances from the free throw line in this game. Hebron defeated McHenry in the c onsolation game 31 to 21 TTip pri?* Heimer at stake in this game was the ball ^ar's .v^l47 ....... 181 175 --...200 143 1^0 144 169 191 180 This Week's' Question A batter bats out of order. The 166--417 • thick and thin and admits slight enj P'tcher delivers one ball which is call- 168--538 thusiasn*,sends in the following art- ed a bal1" The error 1S discovered 221--556 icle written by Dean Corsa of the 172--516 Gregory Laboratory at White Hall, I Illinois. If you follow basketball, this 901 2577 little article will carry you vividly1 - ____ nflfinS i through the game. If you dont' fol-1 txlltli SCOUTS error and the right batter substituted. The umpire calls the right batter out. as this decision correct ? Mist Kinne]y certainly taught a great deal i.bout artificial respiration 846 814 NO. FOUR-- 217 125 148 „... 203 .... 154 .... .143 144 182 180 163 197--474 low basketball, you must come over. 160--485 It's real sport: 182--526! Ag Ma„ To Man 156--547 Do ^ to renew your youth ? !at our Scout meeting this week. First 140 463 To forget temporarily your troubles? |we Terel meaning of artificial i To feel the blood in your veins rush respiration which was a great help as 835 2495 an(j ebb with the accompanying chills r younger girls were conand fever of excitemient ? To set;ferne^" ® ^ ,^e necessity of 211--553 your nerves a-tingle and your hair on "owinf to a^mi"'ster ^ in time 156.--448 en(j 7 |of need. We were then shown how 127 512 99(. --„! Get interes^d in your local high K1, school basketball team! Not the professional team nor the Y. M. C. A. MATCH GAME VOLO CREAM PUFFTS to give it with one person administerj ing and another receiving. By then our time .was nearly gone ^ ^ , , , so we sang "Taps." 865 794 927 2586: ^ team composed of boys j Remt.nii>er our St. Patrick's .party, ^nS ?" "nd^ncour-^next Monday evening at 7 o'c(ock at j ; aged by boys and girls of the same* cha< ~ age. Lenzen Martini 187 411 191 145 166 185 the. Grade school by Peggy Schaefer's patrol. 114 181 172--6041 ' have played football and love the jgj 137 game. Altogether I * think it's the jgy finest game in the world. But for 203-619 Shee1' SUS,tain^<1 exdtement there is. pi^ndealer" ggg goo no ^ame ^at Furnishes thrills as does basktball. Courage, team work, in- EUNOR PRIES. Scribe, Order your rubber stamps at the To the Peopje of McHenry County ( There is a vacancy in the office of County Jiidge oc casioned by Judge Allen' s demise. This oftica is a very important one as many matters vital to yonr interests are determined in the Comity C o u r t . • ; V •• - You are about to employ some person to act as your County Judge and I am a candidate for this office. lb No matter what your station in life yon are interested in this selection. Questions of taxation and special assessments are presented in this court for decision. Especially do proceedings involving the interests of heirs, widows and orphans of deceased persons, whose estates must be probated, come under the scrutinising eye of the County Judge. In making this application I come to you in your capacity as employers-- the ones who can and will decide whom you will employ. Never before have I caught employment from you. I have no entangling alliances; I represent no person, combination or faction; I shall be accountable to no one, except to you. ~ Bern in Woodstock forty-two yeats ago, I have been a resident of McHenry County all of my life; have conducted a general practice of law in this County in all courts ?or over a period of twenty years aj}d have engaged in the trial of many important cases. Respectfully do I solicit your vote and support for the Republican nomination as County Judge, the primaries for which will be held on Tuesday, April 14, 1936. I ha^e naught but the kindliest feelings and .relations with all others who are seeking your preference. If commissioned by you to become your next Connty Judge it will be my constant aim to give every matter coming before me the consideration which it merits, regardless of wealth, character or social status of the parties involved. It will then be my sincere desire to truly merit the expression of confidence you will have shown in me. v Very sincerely yours, ^ FLOYD E. ECKERT. g23 872 948 26431 natural stamina, con- McHENRY BREWERS jdition, all count 172 206 147 5251 y w a have always made a 182 188 551!pu'"1 of attending any school flctfvl" used throughout the tournament. Both Woodstock and Harvard join six othei' teams in the sectional meet at Libertyville this week. Harvard meets the strong Proviso team which is favored by many to win the tournament. Favorites from other sections to enter the state finals at the University of Illinois, March 19, are Springfield, Joliet and Danville. Justen Smith , Simon 184 182 211 193 216 194 168 172--570 233--638 185--546 r_n ties in which our children participate. RIFLE TROPHY WON 1BW W. Klapperich l Your Boy Scout commentaCor m completely infatuated with joy that spring is here to sltay (I hope). The whole troop has caught the spirit and we'rs going on a hike to Sherman's Hill Saturday. This is a good chance Bischof for those Scouts who haven passed Freund cooking and fire-building to get busy and get it done. Advancement is an important factor in the Troop Efficiency Contest. Let's go on this hike 1 and pass some tests. We have received the news that there is going to be a Merit Badge Exhibit at Woodstock on April 18. We are preparing for it already, to carry away first prize. So far as is known Jack Hess and Angelo Unti will each have a group of Scouts exhibiting a merit badge. This is always an interesting everjt, each troop in this I can, without undue excitement, listen to them sing or play, or watch them take part in plays. But when one of 942 966 925 2833 i t*iem steps up to the free throw line j on the basketball floor, I hold my breath. My heart seems to stop beat- _ _ _ _ A l_Jn_ _ ing, rnt tor start again until jolted • BY aOY KAMHOLZ, by1 the yell that greets the successful j throw or the groan that announces * The «w»!l bore trophy match stag, i missed shot. | ed by the local rifle club Tuesday i Do you want to Slajr young ? For- ; night was Won .by Roy Kamholz. j get the dignity. Crowd into, the i Kamholz turned in a 366 total and j bleachers with the youngsters. Listen | was closely followed by J. Smith and to the cheering and the "razzing" •J. Bischof, each with 365 totals. exchanged by the followers of the opposing teams. Look at the flushed, O* Tot. tense young face* with their light- 81--365 ning-like transformation to unutter- 72--341J able joy as their side makes a good 77--359 • play. Watch pendemonium break 81--357 loose as the lead alternates in a close 74--^66 j game--and see if ycu can keep your 81--365 j own arms out of the air and voice 81---362; normal! Without half trying you im- 69--361! agine that you are in school again; | that one of those two teams out there on the floor is fighting for you. If your team loses you'll have that "gone" feeling in the pit of the stomach. And if it wins you'll step out high, wide and handsome, feeling that it is a condescension on your part to speak to one of the opposing caihp followers! If you have a heart that can stand it--and its' in the right place--youH have the time ol your life. low-priced ears EVER BUILT f J. Smith ... .... R. Thompson E. Justen ...... S. Frye R. Kamholz S K 98 96 90 97 82 98 93 99 93 99 100 95 96 94 93 98 99 90 91 84 93 93 94 95 Bald E«|le • Scavenger While It Is sdmltfed that the bald eagle Is one of our largest birds of prey, a large part of Its food consists of offal. It is a scavenger combing the woodsz-und watered shores constantly in search of dead fish and other ll•i e or dead creatures for food. people in our country who knew first aid the percentage of accidental deaths would be greatly decreased, area exhibiting one or more That is one of the major helps the merit badges. This exhibit is open Boy Scouts, extend to the country, to the public as well as the Boy educating boys in the practice of first • Scouts and is always well attended."" aid. We again took up the study of Dont forget the hike Saturday and First Aid at our Scout meeting. Each let's figure out what tests we can patrol went to a coriier and the patrol pass on this hike, which is a real opleader taught his "gang" various portunity for advancement bandageew If there' would be more j SCOUT RICHARD WILLIAMS. ; In view of the many people far and wide who expresses a strong desire to pop Mr-Jerome "Dizzy" Dean on the nose, it has been suggested to us that an elimination tournament might be staged to determine who should have the honor. Catcher A1 Todd, has enjoyed the privilege previously. Catcher Virgil Davit seems t^ be the WORLD S FIRST COMPUTity OTHPPR^N0 w,der THAN seamless all-steel BODY| other LOW-PRICED CARS! uvnn* D°UbLE - ACTING hydrauuc brakes HALATION Tnr.. WEIGHT! MP t. i- x x ^ : \ & i Nash "400" and LaFayette offer you greater safety, more room, and higher-priced engineering thanyou've ever been able to find at anywhere near the same prices. At the nearest Nash-LaFayette showroom you can see with V°ur own eyes--through the X-Kay System-that it's true! The X Ray System shows you the vital differences INSIDE all low-priced car?. It's fun. It's fascinating. Ana it's an education in itself. See the X-Ray Svstem ... see the Nash "40b'"and the LaFayette ... before you buv any low-priced car! The Nash Motors Company, Kenosha, Wis. LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS THROUGH NEW 6% C. IT. BUDGET PLAN ' AUTOMATIC CRUISING GEAR available on nit and t.^hayette mock*Is at shtfhi extra cost' K«.hUk<i line revolutions *3 at hi<b Save® up to in up to 50% in oil Hie, luauiHJus Nasfi An>ba«sa«h» *ilh trunks t 125-uKh wlwrtt)®** to !9S>5 f o b. factory All J*rk«-S subjtet »o change iwltcc Special rqttipown" 1896 NASH LAFAYETTE Pearl St. B. H. FfcETJND MOTOR SALBS Tel 185 -

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