Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1936, p. 2

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• 1 \->V " ' x Ar ' Thursday, March, 19,1936 rine and Lucy McCabe visited at Librtyville one evening last RINGWOOD Sunday. 1 1 tx~-.--~ Alvin (Political Advertisement) ^ii§# mm Afi,V v:.* •. V# "l" W" tADIES and IGENTLEMEN r Voters of McHenry County To be successful in gaining the nomination for the State's Attorney's office I need your support AND ABOVE ALL YOUR VOTE Born and raised in McHenry county; served in the U. S. Navy for 4 years; practiced law for 14 years; active in trial work. NEVER SOUGHT A PUBLIC OFFICE BEFORE--I will greatly appreciate your assistance as well as your vote on April 14th. Jas. J. McCauley mgtoil Letter date which will permit them to make personal sujryeys in their bailiwicks. Family quarrels usually provoke, more havoc than the best laid plans of enemies. It is similarly true in political life. The Democratic high command working out campaign strategy are conscious of the fact that the development of factionalism may wreck their hopes to renew their fouryear control of the government. Lead- : ers privately admit they fear the cor- Washingtori, March 18 - Invention j roding effect of inter-party dissension more than the resources of the Republican opposition. Desertions from parpuDiic resentment toward politics and ^ standards by former Governor A1 politicians would we a welcomed de- P1*11"1 an(l his**followers would be an vice here. The best substitutes are I act sabotage likely to slow down of a scientific instrument to detect'and measure with exactitude the extent of public resentment toward politics and reports of scouts repeating neighbor-1 tha. machinery for the 1936 vote musthood gossip and an enormous volume er" « ; of letters and telegrams which pourj. Veteran 'partisans with a working into political camps. The trend of knowledge of little things which inthis information is fretting ambitious flame the public mind are not unduly office-seekers and their cohorts. By minimizing the mischief-making tactile nature of their calling, the pro- tics of. Senator Rush Holt of West fessional politicians are a suspicious . Virginia. Heretofore, Holt's only, lot. Deep in their hearts they are claim to public interest was the fact,noon, doubtful of the back-slappers' loyalty that he is the youngest sol on to serve Mr and equally, perturbed over the silen- >n the Upper House. What was orices or open criticism of their oppon- jpn&lly a petty tiff between the ents at home. Consequently, our na- youngster, considered a political "actionftj legislators are chaffing over cident", and his older colleague,' Seii'i the uncertainty as to the adjournment Neely, threatens to develop into a nation-wide expose of politics and the Works Progress Administration. Tile issue has been smouldering but concern is felt that Holt's imprudence may set a match to a prairierfire at ah inopportune season. The tentative tax bill which the House sub-committee will have ready this week will be a make-shif# affair. Revenue authorities realize an equitable measure could not be devised in Mrs. F. A. Hitchens entertained the Easy Aces at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. W. JB. Harri- . The Home Circle was entertained in the home of , Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin WednesSay. A one o'clock luncheon was served by Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Ray Merchant and Mrs. Joe McCannon. In the afternoon a fine program was enjoyed. ^ Mr. and Mrs. «L C. Pearson entertained , the five hundred club at their home Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Young and pot-luck dinner was" served at noon. Election of officers then took place. Mrs. Frank Wilson, president; Mrs. Paul ,0'Leary, vice-president, Mrs. Russell Ma/gnussen, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Charles Jones, recreate* Mrs. Carl Fink, publicity chairman. Karl Magnussen was elected president of the Lake County Young Folks Society at Grayslake Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kruppa and. Mrr uevi w JFN-S. UCUIKC and Mrs. Nick Mergapthaler 'of Wil- Ray Peters and Mrs. George Shepard i mette spent Saturday evening here n WltVl TWtV flnrl \fr« Frotilr ,Qf Case, ,Mrs. Roy Passfield, Alvin Case, fp* , tt „ Lloyd Fisher and Arthur Kaiser. The The Volo Home Bureau unit met club will meet next with Mr. and Mrs at the home of Mrs. Frank Wilson Roy Passfield Wednesday, March 11. There were 12 Mrs. Anna" Lusk returned to her tv!° v,lsltors- A ! Jome here Tuesday, after spending a few days in Chicago with Mr. and Mrs. R. Oakes". IT PAYS tittup LIVE STOCK BY RAIL "NorthWestern" offers shippefi many adyantages in getting lire stock tp market--economy too. For example below it th« C9tt tj m minimum weight CMT. -from Nogs ' Cattle McHENRY u»tUD*cki> Min. Wt. Min. Wt. Min. Wt. to 16,500 lbj. 24,000 lb». 22,000 lb>. Chicago (U.S. Yds.) $23.33'2iU0 26.90 Kay and George Young...... The 11 months,old son of Mr. And Mrs.. George Rife of Grayslake was brought here for sburial Friday after uzzy, Walter Low, LeRoy Neal, Howard Shepard, Loren McCannon and Neil Harrison attended a Boy Scout meeting at Marengo, Monday evening. . ' Mrs. Joe Wagner of McHenry spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were visitors at Woodstock Friday morning. There will be a P. T. A. meeting at the schoolhouse Friday evening. The Sewing Society will hold an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. F. A. Hitchens Friday. Billy Dodge of Woodstock spent the-limited time which will be allotted Saturday night and Sunday with Howto this legislation. Tlje principal jard Shepard stunt behind the scenes is to juggle] Richard Edinger spent Saturday figures which will show the public that night with Loren McCannon. it is primarily a "soak-the-rich" ideal Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nimsgern of without hurting the little big fellow. J Spring Grove were visitors in the Whether the legislative body 'will Nick Young home Saturday. force 200,000 corporations to strip] Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake their cupboards bare to give eleven j spent Tuesday and Wednesday with million stock-holders a dividend and jher parents, Mr. and Mrs. George at the same time impose high taxesj Harrison. for r.«, on mJ«d and in- on foods consumed by the entire popu- " ' tornution about many other tcoao* ^ _ , £! ; •ie, and .dT.m.,c, of .hippie lit. !at,on 1S» .the current puzzle. Delay sfock by rail; coo suit reporting & tax bill hss been ocr. w PAnnn I » » casioned by the frantic search for an Pk «nr Agent | alternative to a sales tax on eatables. none oo-w IA veteran government official - has stated that not more than five of the 541 members of Congress have the remotest idea of the mechanics of taxation and the direct effect on employment and cost of living. This deficiency, however, does not interfere with glib talks on the subject for the enlightenment of the layman. Among the . many items on the j "Worry calendar" of the political, T „ T L1. , „T , , , 'chieftains are the attmepts to exempt'1 F" McLaughlin home, Wednesday. ,conda. i Congress from judicial restraints1 Mr> and Mrf" Geor&e Young were r Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grays- CHICAGO 6- NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY Mrs. Louis Schroeder spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. . Mrs. Lizzie Merchant oflSolon Mills spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker were callers at Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughter, Virginia, and Mr. and- Mrs. Joseph McCannon and son, Loren, spent Sunday in the Roland McCannon home at Algonquin. Mrs. Ralph Simpson and»Mrs. Maxwitji Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. William Waldmann is confined to her bed at this writing. William Rossduetscher of Joliet spent a few days here at the home of ^rs. Anna Lus^k. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family Were Antioch callers Saturday. The Volo Sewing Circle met at the home of Mra. William Wirtz Tuesday. They will meet next with Mrs. Frank St George. Russell Dickson of Wauconda i*' employed for Harry Passfield. Miss Ann "Smith of Chicago spent the weekend here at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. F. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield were Elgin callers Monday. Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake spent Saturday here with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Baumruk and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baumruk and son, Mr. and Mrs. Trokes and Mr Postisil of Berwyn, Mr. and Mrs. Lash, Mr. and Mrs. Valenta of Chi cago, and Mr. and Mrs. Markvakrt of Cicero spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann and family of Chicago spent, a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann. * Mrs. Roy Passfield and Mrs. George Dowell visited Mrs. Charels Dalvin in Wauconda Wednesday. Mrs. Wayne Bacon of Grayslake spent Tuesday here at the Bacon home. ' Mrs. Earl Hironimus and sons spent the weekend with Mrs. Ricfhard Cronin' in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs.\ William Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Frank King and daughter- Mr. and Mrs. A. Wegner, and Mr. and visturttftM well Beth of Chicago speht Tuesday j Mrs Frank Hironimus and daughter night and Wednesday in the Will Beth [spent Saturday evening at the home home ahd attended Home Circle in the' of Mr. and Mrs. Vedder Stone in Wau- AND L- 641936 ileaving the impression that they are!visitors at cllenry Friday afternoon. | lake, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield above the law; the inclination of at Mrs' Viola was a visitor at;and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield McHehry Friday morning. j-and sons, and, George and John Pass- George Young and Antone Freund j field were ^Tuesday dinner guests at attended a milk: meeting in Chicago ; the home of their parents, Mr. and Tuesday. j Mrs. Harry Passfield in honor of their Mr. and Mrs. James Low and adding anniversary. omy; a growing tendency to label ail dau£hter of Kenosha were callers in I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher spent critics Af --1 : the S. H. Beatty home Saturday aft-j Saturday evening at thd home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer in Fremont, in honor of the latter's mother's birthjfew hot-tempered solons to describe i proceedings in the House and Senate las "circus stunts"; voting increased i appropriations for government burj eaus while preaching need for econ- Mrs. J. W. Wagner and Mrs. * E. Rossduetscher and 'Mrs Frank Henkel called at McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and family of Libertyville visited Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rosing Sunday. Mrs. Marlow Harris and Mrs. Melvin Stone of Wauconda spent Wednesday evening here with their sister, Mrs. Clarence Hironimus. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr., visited Mrs. Nelson and babe at the St. Therese hospital,, Monday evening. Harry Maypole of Fox Lake visited friends here Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs.. George McGill and friends of Kenosha, Wis., visited 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Wagner and daughter, Frances,1 of Chicago were Sunday guests tjere with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wagner. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kirch-of Chicago . M. fc. CHURCH Yea are invited to attend at the M. E. Church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. Epworth League, 7:30 p Pastor. Rev. R. W. Pinell. . Invitations have been extended to the Eastern Star and Masonic lodges to attend Palm Sunday services at the church. • ( V. F R E E f «fe'o book.' ; ^ |T; WATTLES DRUG STORE > 97 ' Main SU**::/;. M Mrs. Mt&Omwt Bit, Nmv, Montu-Satbte Dodga Touring Smtm (4-Door. with built-in » $760 lit! prtc*. at factory, Ditmtt "MOST BEAUTIFUL CAR DODGE EVER BUILT' say FAMOUS FASHION AUTHORITIES NM VarkFa fwltt "rr-*HK detail of th« n«w Dodge JL that moat appaalad to ma waa tha perfectly fascinating design of the radiator," says Mra. Dowd. "The noee of the new 1936 Dodge jaat looks as if it would clip through theaTr like lightning. It's the smarteat looking front that 1 have seen on a motor car •.. and 1 am pretty •are that every one will feel the •ame way." In all parts of the country, famous fashion authorities and auto editors of leading newspapers acclaim the beauty oi the new 1936 Dodge-- say it'a the most beaatitul car Dodge ever built. Bat Dodge gives you more than critics of Congressional policies as { unscrupulous propagandists „and lobbyists" while taking advantage oif their official jobs to engage in , same practices; opposing the discharge of constituents from tempor-. M ary Federal agencies while advocating Q ?' 1 thrift in government; suppressing y remnants of the "Brains Trust" through censorship of their speeches or sending them abroad on various pretexts and so on. The Superintendent of Documents at the Government Printing Office strftck a raw nerve with Congress ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze ot Crysthe j tftl Lake sPent Sunday with the lati ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent _ evening in the Ford Jackson home at Jo'hnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and family of McHenry spent Saturday in the Elmer Olsen home. Miss Gladys Howe spent Friday morning at McHenry. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold a dinner at the MWA hall Wednesday,; day anniversary. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and Mrs. F. King visited the former's daughter in Chicago the past week. The Jolly Sixteen Club met at the Coir. beauty .. . give* you everythiag you ahould demand of a motor o(Nt --"Airglide Ride"--safety-steel body--genuine hydraulic brakes ,.. . and, above all, the amazing economy of the famous Dodge engine which owners already report gives them 18 to 24 milea per gallon of gas--with saving! up to 20% on joilt See and drive this new Dodge today. Prove to yourself how much extra value it gives you for only a few dollars more than, the lowest-| priced cara Tkreeck the Official Chrysler Meters Ceaaaai ilal Crsdtt Ceaweey New S% Tiaie PayaNat Ptae yea wM fiad il eecy aad lees oestfeteerraace One payaNatste fit year faadget. Blake's Motor Sales ALBERT BLAKE, Prop. Pearl and Park Sts. Phone 156 McHenry J when he advocated the substitution of j March 25 ! of8free J'SS I Mr" and Mrs- Smith and son mJiT nl wIfiL P C dTl\0{ Harvard sPent ^nday afternoon "nrinr tr. th r^®ntly that j with the former's parents, Mr. and prior to the creation of emergency I mrs g \\r Smith S5,Tie"'<!hS distribution Mr. and Mrs.' Lonnie Smith and fion ' faVeraRC SCLenty spent Sunday in the William lion, whereas it now exceeds a half Wurtzinger home at Woodstock. The sooner you have your G-E Refrigerator in your kitchen the sooner you will begin saving about HO a month on your food budget. G-E Refrigerators are powered with the famous sealed-in-steel mechanism that now gives "DOUBLE THE COLD" AND USES 40% LESS CURRENT. i billion copies." Considering the fact that Congress utilizes many of these documents as a means of keeping their names before the voters, the House did not accept £he suggestion of making the legislators or the public pay for this floo4 Of reading matter. The prospect of a two-^cent per mile railroad fare effective this summer drd hot change the customary grant of 20 cents a mile for, the legsession ELECTED DIRECTOR Nick Weingart was elected as one Miss Billie Robins and Harry Connell of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin of West Allis, Wis., spent Sunday in the H. M. Stephenson home. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, were visitors at Richmond Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family of Greenwood spent Sunday in ;he W. O. Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown visited Leonard Brown Hat DeKalb Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson McHenry, Illinois (Political Advertisement) I of the directors for the Woodstock (Were visitors at Wauconda Friday j branch of the National Farm Loan as-1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and | sociation and of the McHenry County, family of Kenosha spent Sunday with j Farm Loan association at the annual ®nd Mrs. Hepburn. meeting of the organizations held at Woodstock last week. The County Judgeship Under our state law every voter has the legal right to call for and vote a Republican ballot at the approaching April Primaries, no matter what ticket they voted at the April 1934 Primaries. ; The business of our County Court is steadincreasing in volume and importance, innumerous criminal eases. CHARLES P. BARNES > (Former County Judge) %»•- Republican Candidate jor COUNTY JDDGE /fVrteftries Ttiesday, April 14 During the eight years that I wag your County Judge I heard and decided many important and intricate contested cases, and if you feel that I am worthy and also qualified, to again fill this important office, and see fit to again give me your support and1 vote, it will be greatly appreciated by me. • If I am nominated and elected, I will be in Woodstock at all times to attend to the businsss • of that court to the very best of my ability. Yiscy sincerely yours, \ CHARLES P. BARNES. Russell and Kenneth Franzen were .visitors at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Andrew Hawley of Elgin was a vis itor here Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and son, Lyle, visited in Spring Grove Sunday afternoon. Roy Wiedrich spent Monday at Mil waukee. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, were visitors at Greenwood. Friday afternoon. Merritt Cruikshank of Dundee spent the weekend in the William McCannon home. J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor spent Sunday in the Lloyd Grat ton home at Woodstock. Russell Franzen and Bob Kilday oif McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in Woodstock. ' RESIGNS POSITION Mrs. B. H. Freund has resigned her position in the West McHenry State bank. Her place has been filled by Miss Rita Freund. Miss Ethel Jones Spent Monday in Chicago. E. J. Buss and daughter, Mary Margaret, visited in Streator last week , Wednesday. Mr. Buss' mother, Mr$ ' Elizabeth Buss, who has been spend ing the winter in the home of her daughter/ Mrs. Mike Lavelle, in that city, returned to McHenry with him and will spend some time in the home of her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Kane. Sabaeribe for flM PlafaxUakr. At Your Public Service Store THE NEW, IMPROVED 1936 C0NL0N IRONERS ONLY 10c A DAY... Payable with your Monthly Service bill FREE HOME TRIAL • New improvements and lower prices make the 1936 Conlon Ironers bigger values than ever. Come in and see them. Learn how easily you can iron " everything from flatwork to shirts this modern way. Try one of the new Conlon models in your own home. Then, when you prove to your own satisfaction the superiority and advantages of this ironing method, purchase your Conlon on our liberal payment plan. Special terms are available for ii. limited time only. Ask for a free home trial today. , An exceptional ironer value. Knee control #nd many exclusive Conlon features.. Only $49.95. Porcelain table-top cabinet model at the lowest price ever offered. 2-speed operation. With cabinet, $69-95; without cabinet, only $62.95. 1936 IS THE TIME TO BUILD PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS T*l*phai»: OiTftal Ltka MO

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