pis * < > » * - ' ' • » - H i ,7 - ^ ' I -. '>#" : ^p» f^v^.'-ps. **«s? %-i • 1 - #r #/ , , < «*.. >• , . •« ^ Thursday, April, 2, 1936 fM.'ty,-,. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB mm VOLO Mr. and Mrs/ Charles Rushing of Chicago spent a few days,here at the home of the latter's father, G. A. vasey- ' . • ' . • . »>"" . " " 1 ] airplane bunco, Mrs. Jay Vasey and I still, Mrs. B. Justen in airplane bunco. |H. Phannenstill in euchre. Mrs. Steinsdoerfer received many I Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Elsbury of pretty and useful gifts. Mrs. William Waldmann returned to her home here Saturday, after vis- 'fispFBj•"<r\, cr. i; v*"?F? .*f* Page Threfr Gurnee called on Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Friday. . Mis's Edna Fisher of fWaukegan iting relatives in Detioit, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser spent Monday evening at the htme of Mr. visited her mother,1 Mrs. Sarah Fisher Monday and Tuesday. „ ^ . I Mr. and Mrs. Maxson and "sons of; and Mrs. Arthur" Wagner nefcr Slo- _ Frankj St. George and Mrs. Charred Elmhurst, Mrs. Hoffmann and son of eum's Lake. - Jones were Waukegan shoppers n-, Crystal Lake visited Mr. add Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of y*' ; 'Herman Dunker Sunday. rWaueonda visited Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd The Jolly Sixteen club met at thfc j Mr. and Mrs. Roy PAssfield and Fisher Saturday evening. Our Washingtorif Letter - v V 1 ; --By-- jfatiotvaj ;^dit<>Hal AhMdattOK. JIINGWOOD Mrs. Ellen Whiting entertained the "Easy Aces" at her homie Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. \Y. B- Harrison and Mrs. Earl Whiting. The Home Bureau held a card party at the home of Mr. &nd Mrs. Charles home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfielii Mrs. George Dowell were Crystal j Herman Dunker and Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Lake callers Friday Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, Mrs. Roy Pass field, Mrs. Joseph Passfield, Arthur Kaiser, Frank St. George and Roy Passfield. * Mr. and Mrs. Bernar.t Hankie and son of Evanstori visited Mr.' and Mrs. Frank St. George Tuesday. Mrs. M-. E. Smith of Wauconda called on Miss Vinnie Bacon Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Magnussen- Raymond Steinsdoerfer at Betty's Washington, April 1 -- There son; Robert/'something pathetic in the se-calfed j^'Peet Fr.viay evening." Prizes in"500' were awarded to Mrs. Sweeney and Mrs. Ed Carr. In hearts td-^Stlak j visitorsat Woodstock Saturday after and Mrs. Nell Chaddock, Elgin, spent j visitor? at MayWood and Forest Pitrjl Saturda'y in the \VHliam_ McCannon Sunday.- , ___t : „„ ,.. and Geofge Ycung homes. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Ray Peters, spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. George Young enter-' day with relatives at Hunter and Bet»4 tained their/five hundred club Sunday videre. | evening^ Prizes wera awarded to Mrs.1 Rev. and Mrs. Collins returned Antone Freund and Peter A. Freund, home Saturday afternoon from a visit ami Mrs: PeterWgmgart- and. George . wjtti relatives in Chicago. - \oung. JL'. . |! 'Mr. atul Mrs. George Bacon of An^ Mr- and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich ami ticch spent Sunday with the former"!" family of "Greemyood spent: Sunday mother, Mrs. Jennie Bacon. * . QJ with the former's parents, M^ ind Mrs John Freund and Mr. and Mr%: Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. ' Ben Freund of Johrsburg spent Tue# Mr. ami -jMrs , F:A. Hitehshs were day evening in the Joe Schaefer homi* Mrs. Minnie Coates spent" Sunday in §.• 'SSll ... _ . (attended an American Legion meeting "public" hearings conducted by Con- pishsr and Walter Thomas. | noon. the home of her son Fred Gibhs ani TUe2 « Cmt?1 Vake" JhI,rsda.y e^nine gressional committees. The current:;.. Among those from here to irttend I Mrs. S. W Smith and daugfif^V family cf C^tend. ' ' • tVIPV will mcpt npxt at the home played in the American Legion hearing on the revenue bill clearly in- the Auxiliary card party at Richmond Bemice, spent Saturday afternoon in Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith of Chfc* Mr, Lh Wa^np'r Mrs band at this meetmg. . dicates the average citizen's alarm Tuesday afternoon were Mesdames Elgin. They were accompanied home cago spent Sunday afternoon in t#4 ut tl.A iwmwJ ' Mr- an^ Mrs" L,oyd of Grays, over his inherent rights of petition. Ray' peters, Viola Low, F. A. Hitch- .by. Mercedes Lindemann who spent S. W. Smith home.. urimame A ^ ; lake speni Sunday here with Mr.-an<f Though the pending measure vitally ens, H. M. Stephenson. George Shep-: Sumtay in the Smith home. • / . j Mr. and Mi-s. James Conway dl' MV ^nH Mr<? flvde \Vricht mrtored Mrs- Henry Passfield. • ! affects millions of ^taxpayers, only a ard, B. T. Butler, Loi>is Hawley, W,, Sunday dinner guests in the S. W. , Crystal Uk? spent' Friday with Mrfcfo^^^ J'wednesdav I Mrs. Frank Wilson ife assisting Mrs. mere handful cf witnesses have dis- B: Harrison J^y Cristy,.E. ^..Wliitiiig: S'mitX' home "were Mr. and' Mrs, C. Jennie Bacon.// / V, A ?h«Jpr ™divert for*Mrs • Henry P&ssfield with the work in th< P^yed sufficient courage to appear illd Whitihg. . / j Anderson and d filter. Joyc?, of An-,| ; Mr. knd '.MrS^l^&befW *# siorK snower was gi ei? o >^Volo cemetery ; before a House compnttee to oppose Ann'ng • those from:-'the.'^ Rthgwood ^ioch-'Miss Billie Robin, Harry Coifc daughter, Shirle>% si>ent Sunday atl^ gave a card party, riit their home Fri- j Lily Lake Wednesday afternoon. day .eveningr, for the benefit of the St-einsfoerfer was formerly„ Volo Home Bureau unit. The evening Rita Steinsdoerfer of Volo. The waSi spent in playing five .hundred, 'ernoon was spent in" playing five liiitl-, «.=. * \TT^ tactics. It is unusual for a great cap- ens, W. B;".'Harrison Fred EppefvC airplane bunco, euchre. Prizes were dred.and airplane bunco. Prizes were ^onimus, Mrs. Bruno; Gnmallie, Mrr. . a.- . -tn rt ., . ' , - v' - - V'iwon by Mrs. Joseph Passfield and Jo- Von by Mrs. -Frank King, Mrs H. j'William' Wirtz attended the luncheon j . - . / •. y„i:^ u j" ^ y Harrison.f^Jaus :Xjai"s0^i &rjd E- A.| seph Passfield in five hundred, Miss Michalson, Mrs. L. Barrell in five hun-j at the Ivanhoe church Thursday. Fern Wait and Miss Miriam King in dred, Mrs. A. Wegner, Mrs. Phanrien r>-ne Thursdav Aorfl" 2 j ^uuu inopaay aiiernoon were xuesaames |". n1'• t\:.. *»ty; r Mr-« Hfr Congressional committees' belligerent J. Jepspn, Charles Pe'et, F. A. Hitch- IVisitors at Rockford Sunday. ' ^,1: tactics. It is unusual for a great cap- ens. W. B. Harrison. Frpd Ennol:; V. - Mr. and Mrs. F„ A: Hitch« -family were'Visito^/i|tv,<^stirt.%*l^';' Hitchens iwe^e Su'nday afternoon.' /- 'fit i * i'f NEW SPR1NQ MATERIAL BLISTER SHEERS -- In a number of plaift colors; 36-in. wide yd. ... 35c CRASH CLOTH -- 36-in. wide, new slitb effects, yd. 19c Printed SEERSUCKERS, In plaids, checks and stripes, yd. 29c PRINTED PIQUES -- Checks and stripi^ fast colors, yd. 25c PRINTED DIMITIES -- Dainty small figures, yd. 19c RAYON BEDSPREADS, $1.35 to $2.25 BATES BEDSPREADS, 90 x 105 $2.50 JOHN STOFFEL Mrs. Leo Scheid, Mrs. Frank Kinr. Miss Frances Flary, Alvin Phannerstill, Earl Lagerschuette and William Wirtz in five hundred. Mrs. Clar1: I " : o ; - V = v : - - f tt fT t tJ T T t T fT v T T 4 T T • t tJ T T ft T TX T T t • f f ttT f T T T T It would ho unfair Jind very selfish to ask my home town people to vote for me just because I ha])peu to have been born in Woodstock and have resided there all of my life. ~ This enmpaifrn should not be based upon s< ctional issues or.prejudices; Woodstock, being nearly in Uie center of McIIenry County, is the most accessible city to the greatest number of people in-Chfe county, and, therefore, the most convenient to the average citizen thereof who has business in the county seat. • . But that still is not reason enough to ask for vour s contribute suggestions based on a Thomas. I A miscellaneous shower ^ gJVer ot A ^experience. The?e t Mrs. Nick Y<3\ing entertained 'the ' for Mrs George "Flary (Miss Grace ?eaders do not hesitate to appeAr in Bunco club at her home Thursday aft- Nichoilsy at the home of Mr. and M^ '. *-ourt cases because the judicial sysr. erno^h. Prizes w^ere awarded to Mrs. Frank Hironimus Saturday eveninp ^ff°rds a wrtness certain rights. Edgar Thomas ,and Mrs. Edward Ten tables of five hundred and euchi« hardy and daring individuals, Thompson. were, played. Prizes were wr>n b> ^ho in Pf,!ance of. da>' . s^k*; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder and T -- , their-neck-out, are either envied or 'daughter, Jessie, spent Thursday in pitied by their silent colleagues. j Chicago. Like the nursery rhyme tale, fearj Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCannon and of Congress makes the wolf bigger, son, Loren, were visitors in the B. B. Nicholls Mrs. William Dillion, Mr<; than he^ is. Unfortunately, lawmak- Marble home at Greenwood Sunday. William' Nicholls, George Steinsdoer. ers are inclined to misinterpret the si- i Mrs. Edk? Peet and daughter, Edna, fer, John Blomgren and Frank Hiron- lence of the people as approval of and Mrs. Wm. McCannon spent Wedimus in euchre. Mrs. Flary receive* pending measures. Typical of this nesday afternoon at Woodstock. many pretty and useful gifts. Con* trend is a letter sent by a Senator to i Mrs. Lester Carr and son, Joseph, gratulations were (extended to thii 'a state political power, which said in and Miss Mae Wiedrich were visitors happy couple. (Part "only 3 or 4 witnesses appeared at Woodstock Wednesday. Messrs, Bernie Frederick, George in opposition to this bill giving new Mrs. Viola Low was a visitor at Mc- Hironimus, Misses Bertha and Cather 1 authority to the commission so I voted Henry Thursday morning, ine Hironimus of Fremont spent Sur- for it" A large batch o€ written pro-! Mrs. Charles Peet and two daughday evening here at the home of M-. tests were forgotten and the opposi- ters were visitors at McHenry and and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. . Jtion measured by the number of wit- Woodstock, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardscl nesses. This attitude revealed by a Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant and of Forest Park spent Sunday at th* veteran solon's apology for hasty ac- Mrs. Emma Merchant of Woodstock tion accounts for the number of new spent Thursday evening in the Ray lvvs enacted by defaults of opposition. Merchant home. Though humanitarian impulses are ^r- and Mrs. George Martin spent speeding the consideration of flood We^end in Ohio. control legislation, the old army game, ®en ^ alkington and son, Paul, were of polities may hamper early passage ca^ers ®t Libertyville Sunday after- 'of this important authorization. Pro- no®ni posals by the War Department and Mrs. B. T. Butler and daughters and : other engineering groups for reser- Mrs. J. C. Pearson were Elgin-visitors • voirs and levees along Eastern water- Saturday _ Vfways to curb disastrous floods is like-' a Mrs. Harold Bennett of A-l ly to encounter snags. It seems that BelVidere wore callers in the H. M. ; the long struggle between rail and Stephenson hon>e Monday. 1 water-carriers for the freight business'_ ^rs- ^ - W- Brown was a visitor at ^•carried through the regions figures .Woodstock Saturday afternoon. V prominently in the ccntroversy. In- ' Mr. and Mrs. He nry Hinze of Crys- ••• land water-carriers would like to have tal ^ke- ^iss I'ora """-rison of Elgin. I i navigable streams controlled to permit Mr. and Mrs ( harl'?s Peet and daugh- j • i passage of freight-laden vessels while *es' ^r* and Mj"s- W. B. Harrison jind j V the rail-carrn rs are opposed to ex- and Mrs Raymond Harrison and | A penditures of Federal funds which sons werp Sunday dinner guests of i I this f rm nf Mr. and Mrs. George Harrisen. It was REM WHAT THESE NOTED AUTO EDITORS AND FAMOUS FASHION AUTHORITIES SAY . . . About the Big Money-Saving Dodge..."Beauty Winner" of 1936 home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J .Martini "IF irS STYLI vou ic inttrettciin I aon t nesltate to IIT iha hia new 936 Dodge !• Oevona ** ooubt t h e m o t D e n j - » h a t tver came ou of fhe Doage p an iavt S Giogan •uto ealtor the Wattling- (M'Poit "SUCH AQORGEOUS Iboaing at eirclaimt Sallv Mtlgrfm n«t1 onallyknown ^teatoi ol women a atylea *bu ih* thing that wil1 thril every wosn «t? • heart .« ..he careful attention tha* has been given to all interior appointmenta * "THE NEW DOD6E tor 193a Is unaoubtealr mo»' beautiful or DodC* tvti built " 8«T» KOT A. Reca automobile editor, St Loui* Glube-Democrat. "Dodge aetigncrs ana esslneerscertalnlvou tald Jlhemielves^^T^^hl»^«rj* ^ would develop this f. rm of comjieti „ , , , . f ;tion.' Meanwhile, government relief ^no,;,of jne birthda>r anniversary V I agencies are hopeful that Congress •Tl roasniiK ahAiilfi nnt hn hna<vf lijinri ftip porannnl desire of anv particular candidate to hold tlie ofliee of County Judge. The question should be: "What candidate, everything considered, would be most . r qua^fie<^ «nder all the circumstances, fbr the }>eople of Mc- ; ' • ^Henry County to elect as County Judge?" ; And here is why I believe I am entitled to y&iii" consideration: • ' . 1. I am in the very prime of my life and believe that I ^5an render to you efficient and satisfactory service. . \ 2. The twenty years I have practiced law have given me trial experience that is valuable when applied to problems - ^requiring judicial decisions. ~ : - 3. Most of-my practice throughout the years has been in representing people of very limited means which given ^ ; an insight into the needs of the average citizen. 4. Of late years there has probably been no lawyer at the bar who has represented any more,--if as many,--unfortunate peoplo charged with crime and unable to employ coun- ~ sel for their defense. The judges of both the Circuit and County Courts have many times appointed me to defend , such of Mrs. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs, George Shepard an<l family were visitors at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Roy Wiedrich spent Monday in Chicago. " '•• .. Mr. and Mrs. Georeg Young spent Friday evenintr at McHenry.' I processing tA axes was clearly dictated. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Mrs. , Mildred Munshaw. Mra^Eannie-Udall, COT. i t j by concern over re^c<" n nf >*»n- ---i V j sumer. The processing taxes have ad- •^•mittedly increased th i cost of certain I foodstuffs. It is considered poor poli- T T 7f T will authorize an outlay of 305 million | dollars for flo< d control engineering j project s immediately. | Politics is also the guiding principle (in the tax program. The refusal of, the sub-committee which drafted the tentative tax measure to eliminate FAMOUS fo dependability safety and amazing economy ot operation, Dodgo now steps out anead with sneer oreath-taking oeauty sets .ne pace for all 936 cars witn sensational new style and smartness All ove' cti» country ncted automooiH editors and stylists men arid -vomen iwno (now are snowenng oraisc anil admiration on the ' new Dodge Tne oust oolcing car Dodg-» ever ouilt." they unanttnously agieo " Point ovoomt conrvparetnistnrilling >e»v Dodge *'tn <nv ta >>elling *vitnin « ot ts ort.e Dodge *t -s .pt. . n<» Auglide Ride nvd• -i •»'i . O'.akes *• •• saiety-steel bodies . . . Balance# Driving€ontrol more, spacious, more 'uxurious interiors and above all itia amazing econo.ny at tne oowerlm Dodge engine wtucH owners already lepott gives tbem. 18 to miles per gallon saves up to i on oil vya ;nvite vou to prove Dodge s amazing economy to yout own satistaetion See our 'ree' gasometet" test See oetore voui very eyes exactly now much mileage Dodge delivers- on a q j a n-r t v o* gasoline Come in iOk.iuv There is no oDli^a tion titiaugh ch* ittficim Chrysler Motors Commercial Credit •"tmpanV New 6';i Time Payment Plan «ou «ri;i find ;t tesa pstlv and easy to arrange tim<; payments to fit yovr budget Blake's Motor Sales ALBERT BLAKE, Prop. . Phone 156 T T Tt T ? t T T T tT t Ty T T X f I % peoplo and 1- have done it repeated ly without remuneration. 5. I have had considerable experience in representing widows, orphans, the Children's Homeland the Old People's Home, and in adoption proceedings, all of which come largely within the jurisdiction of the ^ouit over which I now seek to preside as Judge. • 6. I know of nd^^Ikwyer McHenty (^unty wi^ am unfriendly oi: aga'inst whctin I bear any malice or ill-will, or any lawyer for whom.. I would show any preference over any other, so thjat whomsoever you select as your attorney J kaow . j j could give you and hint equally fair consideration. * 3 '; 7. I would like to, and if elected propose to kt^^mjpt ^ ^ establish contacts with the schools and churches of the . county to aid them in detecting a<id watching minor derelictions and tendencies toward crime in the children under their domain to prevent, if possible, some of the crime in the county, which should reduce not only the amount of taxpayers' money to be paid for the prosecution of crime, but would ijideed alleviate a great deal of sorrpw in many homea tod save many of our young from a career of crime. 8. I will hear ahd pass oa your lawyers to try each other. ' . v 9. I shall not seek to punish any one who may dislike me just because of, that dislike but will as nearly as is in my power disj>ense justice as fairly an3 iinpartlally-as I Am capable of., doing. ! . These are some of my aims and desires and I feel I should present ,t#em' to you at this time for .whatever consideration you deem them worthy. • . • Verv sincerelv vourn, . * FLOYD E. ECKERT •I t T ? T ?t ? ? • ? V •T»' t f i T TV V f ? ? X I f X • T ? X X f X X T T T X T X X T T T T T T T tT fJ tical strategy to arouse antagonism Of consumers because of the effect of legislation on their pocketbook, particularly in a campaign year. The only chance of restoring processing taxes would come in the event the Administration's efforts to recapture "windfall" taxes was lost. Then it would be necessary to turn, again to the excise taxes on farm products to provide the necessary revenue. v , Ordinarily it is not difficult to reconcile differences between a Senate and House bill. The .two measures to regulate lobbying practices now before a jofnt comniiMi'o < f the Senate and House have reached an impasse largely because of personalities in- Oddly enough the merits of the two bills are not the dividing points. It is the antagonism of the House membership towards tactics adopted by g^npiW Plnfk, a'^h^r of .bill, in drumming-up sentiment for his measure. In Black's ruthless investi gatii n many m?mbers of the House were stigmatized, a fact which rankles in the minds of their colleagues and creates marked antagonism towards anything with which Senator Black is connected. If a compromise is reached between the two legislative bodies it is likely that more than ojhe hundred thousand national, state and local organizations, societies, and fraternal groups will be obliged to register at Washington, if they attempt to influence the enactment ci defeat of £ny legislation rr the election of any person to a Federal office. It is known that the groups who plan to register voluntarily will insist cn a complete policing or enforcement of the lobby law without political favoritism. Much of this ijl feeling beh tween the Senate and Hcuse is attributable to the scandals involved in legislation to regulate the public utilities last summer. The cloakroom talk is to the effect that the Senate will eventually take the responsibility for restoring excise; taxes on foodstuffs when the tax bill is complete. Only one-third of the Senate membership must seek re-elec^ tion while the entire House must go before the hustings in November. It is argued that the Senators seeking re-election; who might be adversely, affected by voting to restore this portion of the President's recommendations, will in turn endeavor to trans* fer public resentment to the White House. It ig customary to engage in "buck passing" whenever tax measures which directly affect the voters arise. A A A A ^i| A A A . Mr. and Mrs. F. McDonald spent tbl weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joh* Hutsell in Chicago. ,. 'i Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wagner called QO Mr. and Mrs. A. Justen in McHenrJ Tuesday evening. . Tfow bi& - Qui" • l ' « TO WE ^ morC ^outstanding oiled,pre<-^ cause of ° . permanently aad dirt. Bovine-^ ,g»LO»t built. »» Meets ALL FIVE Standards for Refrigerator Buying! « LOWER OPERATING COST SAFER FOOD PROTECTION FASTER FREEZING--MORE ICC MORE USABILITY FIVE-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN NEW PRICES AS LOW AS FRIGIDAIRE=-a MADE ONLY BY GENERAL MOTORS JMGHHI • The new Frigidaire is amazing in beauty, quality, low price! What's more, it brings yo||, an utterly new way of choosing the right refrig^v1 ; cr.itor -- on the five basic standards. Buy no frigerator unless it meets ALL FIVE-and proves Come in and let us prove to you how the Frigidaire cuts current cost to the bone. How keeps food safer and freezes more ice faster. How the sealed-in mechanism is protected for Five Years against service expense for only Five Dollars included in the purchase price. fof. yaur mtmey! _ Food-Safety Irtdicator built right intf 0H if HUM! t|,e cabinet Only Frigidaire dares to give you the Food-Safety Indicatorlor tins Name • Plata visible proof that foods are kept .it >atety-Zone Ten* ' perature, ; degttti mdi »iwr« . ii Jacob Justen & Sons Phone 103-R Green Street