Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1936, p. 8

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<• #• • T • • .«- •«* ^ ,«• i if > 511" ^ ^• T .ti., -w :4. ,,> ' " H V * /.v.- -»,-• • - f apapprsw ^ ..», •• • . i*p*¥9r * 5|:v*rr 'if -1 Mv' '.*> . fv,* • h» vHlirf' 'ffb rr> b? » • ' yv*w. * *;•£;£ ** ^,-^^v;-?4.J-'^ .« /...a- PLAINDXALXR Thursday, April, 111836 V PI-4 N CARD PARTY H'jltox River Valey Camp, R. N. jlaiis a card party for April 21. A., C. D. OF A. MEETING The social mee ing of the Catholic Daughters of Amcriea will be held this Thursday eveniag. i ! M. E. WOMEN TO MEET »"flie Methodist Woman's Association meeting will be held at Ringwood, April 21. :. '• f? , . MOTHERS CLUB ;.'(7^he Mothers club will meei;.lfiid6y afternoon at Legion hall. Those . in charge of the meeting and program iM*e Mrs. George Stilling, Mrs, G. W. 'fjless, Mrs. Paul .Schwerrnah, Mrs. John Bolger and Mrs. Floyd Cooley. „• MID-WEEK CI43R v>;5'•; ;>;i^The Mid-Week club met WithtMlrs. '•>C£rWf Goodell Wednesday afterncori. ftizes in bridge were won by Mrs. JL A. Craver, Mrs* L. A. Erickson and Wrs. Minnie Milter.' The next 'meet-v trig will be with Mrs. E. E. • Bassett. ST. MARY'S SCENE OF SPRING WEDDING Thfc first of the spring weddings took place at St. Mary's church at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning when Miss Helen Petrosky, daughter - ^ i • : | of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petrosky pf happy .with gifts from the eoar., Ri(bniomli and Mr £lmer Justen, a^so* [ son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, The hall was beautifully decorated: near Ringwood, were united in marfor the occasion with Easter lilies; riage. The Rev. Fr. J. Blake of Richand snapdragons, carrying out tholmond, ppstor of the church of which colors of -he order, yellow and white., the bride is a member, officiated at The very pleasankevening was con-j the beautiful and impressive cerecluded with card^ and the serving J mony. of a light lunch. Prizes in cards i To the strains of Lohengrin's ever Were won by Mrs. Anna Meyep and lovely bridal march, the bride and Mrs. Albert Krause in bridge; Mrs. Jacob Schaefor and Mrs. Mat Steffes itl five hundred!, and. Mrs. Chas. Herclrich and Mrs. M. J. Freund in buh> co. ..Officers installed were r ; ; Chkf Ranger--Celia Blake. Vice Chief Ranger--Lillian Stoffel, * Recording v Secretary--Barbara •Krause. ; Financial Secretary--Anna Heimer. : Treasurcr--H elen * Weber. ' \ , Senior Conductor--DoroLhy Scbaefer. Junior C< nductor--Mary Freund.; Inner Sentinel--Ella Schneider. ^ Outer Sentinel--Matilda^ Gareftch. - First Trustee--Susie Justen. ; Second Trus ee--Vera Schmitt. ; • Third Trustee--Clara Stilling, * Musician--Helen Schneider. Members of the sick committee her attendants approached the altar where they were met by the bridegroom and best man and the nuptial vows were exchanged. Miss Marcella Petrosky, sister of the bride, served as maid of honor, and Evelyn Hay, cousin 6f the bride, FIRE DAMAGES HOME OP MRS. MATTIE SMITH The McHeiny Are department an-; swered a call to the home of Mrs. Mattie Smith -Sunday morning when fire was discovered in the roof of the LILT LAKE NOW TEH TEARS OLD Ten years ago Lily Lake was purchased by iSampson-Sex and Company. It was first opened to the house. public on April 16. Since that time there has been many development, „inount of damag<i wag done hLn'it L About 500 houses have j The departmeat also answered a been built, beaches were made, roads j calj to a gnss fire .near Uly Lakc and electricity were put through andi^ Mondav a channel was ma<Je. ^ 'BETTT'S LAST BET" BE STAGED BY SENIORS, APRIL 24 "Betty's Last Bet," a fine comedy, In the year of 1927 a gas station was built,- in 1928 a store was built which was known as the "Little Red Store," and it is now a restaurant. In the same year (1928) the gayest spot in all Lily Lake was built fl. W. Hess, Mrs It is known as the "The Jewel Tow- Mrs. John Bolger It was extinguished before a great will be staged by the senior class at - - the high school on FHday evening of next week. The setting of the play is in the Darling home in a Connecticut village. Mrs. Darling /s a widow with MOTITERS CLUB four marriagable daughters and the B. & P. WOMEN TO MEET The Buisness and Professional Woman's club of the county will meet in Niesen's cafe in McHenry Monday evening, Apr. 20, for a 6:30 dinner meeting. Dr. Mary Schrogder will talk on "Preparing Ourselves ' for ! g&ret .1 reund, Martha Freund, Kath- World Citizenship." irine Phannens ill and Laura Smith. er," which/ dominates the entire land- Cooley scape. In this beautiful, structure, done in the Spanish manner, there was Constant activity every Saturday night. Entertainments were, often in , ._. . • „ . rprogriess and every resident of Lily was bridesmaid. Ervm May, cousin, Lake attended. V / - In the year of 1929 a beautiful spacious dance hall and a. dining room was built.' Also in this year Lily I^ike held its first annual homecoming and community celebration. In the year 1935 a grocery store was built, and since ttjen a garage here and there and a few cottages have been built and this brings-, lit «p to our present date. The Mothers Club will meet Friday P'ay has to do with the romances oi afternoon, April 17, at Legion hall family. Those in charge of the meeting and I Musical features for I'ne evening program^are Mrs. Geo. Stilling, Mrs. j include instrumental numbers under Paul Schwerman, the direction of Mr. Ellis, songs by and Mrs. Floyd the Boys' Glee Club, unden the direcsolo by Louise Stilling. Miss Tajr-f lor is presenting Wwo dances -with: girls from the ; physical education classes. The date tf the play is April 24, and the admission price has bene seV at 26 cents for all tickets. Seats may be reserved Thursday, April 23, at the local drug stores. Members of Ca&t Mrs. Darling, Adele Froehlich;. Katherine Darling, Kathleen Justen; Margaret Darling, Ruth Reihansperger; Dorothy Diarling, Ethel Freund; Elizabeth Darling, L»uVergne Engeln; Haunch, Betty Thennes; Richard Wentworth, - Robert Beckenbaugh; Percy Wentworth, Clarence Anderson; Jack Van Loon, Vernon Kramer; Hamilton Moriarity, Marshall Ba- 46-2; tion of Miss O'Gara, and a marimba con; Edgar Darling, Walter Colby of the groom, served as btest man. Colorful as the budding trees and bursting flowers of the spring and reflecting the joy of the Easter season, the lovely gowns and beautiful bridal bouquets rnade the scene a memorable one, as the happy bride and her husband and their guests left the church to enjoy the company of friends in the nferrymaking of the day. • ^ The bride was beautiful, in a white satin weddilig gown with a train and trimmed in lace. Her sheer veil. are Mrs. Theo. Schiessle, Mrs. John Iworn caP effect- W8S trimmed in wax King and Mrs. Emma Barbian and!? buds and chantilly lace and for the good of the order are Mar- Stop and look at our window display of Priscilla Aluminum ware. Priced at 98c. H1, C. Kamholz, West McHenry. * , 47-bp EASTER PARTY I An Easter party was enjoyed by 1 members and friends of tlie Ladies' Ai<f Society at the home of Mrs. Temple Thursday afternoon. Plans w<iie made for a doughnut sale to be held on Saturday, April 25. Orders be solicited in advance. . : GIRL SCOUT NOTICE Girls! Dont' forget to get your cookies Saturday at Mrs. Durland's far Girl Scout Cookie Day. We hope everyone will be as accomodating this j Tracy cartoon jrear as they were last year in buying cookies. We made record^sales last year, but hope to go over that mark! INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS TAKEN FROM COLUMNS v- OF OUR EXCHANGES fell in graceful folds. Her costume was completed with white accessories and a bridal bouquet of white roses and daisies. Ti e uiaid of honor, Miss Marcella. Petrcsky, wore a floor length green taffeta dress trimmed with ruffles on Dodice and skirt and carried a bouquet of bronze snapdragons. Mi§s Evelyn Hay, the bridesmaid, w(jre a pink taffeta dress, floor length and ruffle trimmed, similar to that of the maid of honor,-and carried pink snapdragons. Matching accessories completed' the costumes with flowers matching the shade of the desses, worn on the sandals of the two maids. Attracting a< big share of attention and admiration was the tiny flower girl, none other than little Miss daughter of heisimprov-! Mr: and - Mrs. Nick M. Justen, and Lake and its slster of the eroom- Chester Gould, formerly: of Pawnee, Okla., and creator of the Dick which appears daily and Sunday in the Chicago Tribune, is rapidly becoming acquainted in Crystal Lake since he purchased a; ^ .. . T . farm in Bull Valley. Mr. Gould ?,°rothy, J.U T Stf" ' ^ I greatly enjoys the farh 1 , SURPRISE PARTY ing and likes Crystal wm .Mi c. , ., ... , ' jHembers of the Sunshipe club and people. The farm is located at the j , . ^ hn«wy°W vt -or pCSS their husb«ids gathered at the home j base of the "Bill Miller Hill." W 2Vl"' of Ed Conway Sunday evening for a I Mrs. L. R. Pearson, Cuba town-1 jj™' ^ ,^r Part of the inrprise party planned in honor of | ship, fractured a bone above thel Ffi|, J^no> , ™aJmer' his birthday. He was presented with ankle in her right leg when she* slip-1 recet)tjon held at a - gift from his friends present, ped and fell while walking on an ice j at ^ h°me °/ Music, dancing and games were en- covered incline at her home Tuesday | J^ ,en W ere a we " joyed with high honors going to1 morning of last week. She had. just! ^UPPW ™ •Irs. Wm. Gerhardt and Charles S. stepped from a doorway that was Al^n while consolations going to covered with icq when she fell. V&Lliam Gerhardt and Mrs. Ben j Sale of the W. D. Thompson farm Bauer. j of 118 acres, two miles north of Harjvard on' federal highway 14 is re- ' CHILDREIN'S EASTER PARTY j ported by the owner, Roy Thorn pfhe ladies of St. Clara's Court, W.: son, resident of the Cleveland, Ohio, C. . O. F., entertained the Juveniles! area. The price is reported to be Decorations at the home corresponded to the colors of the bridal costumes. The festivities of the day drew to a close with a wedding dance at the Bridge ballroom. Mr. and Mrs. Justen will go to housekeeping on the Frank Ketchan X.the court at an Easter party at!$85 an acre. The purchaser is em- farm near Richmond ^known aa_s8 the St.^ Mary's hall Monday afternoon, ployed by one of the large industrial i Js o<j rnorio„iQ,^ 6 Justen The feature of the party was an egg- Fothng contest, won by lit le Charlene Guerico. Other games appropriate to the Easter season were played by the Juveniles and prizes w^re won by Elaine Heimer, Bet y W.eber, Lucile Weber, Georgie Worts, concerns of Chicago who was actuat-1 ®n&a^ed as manager ed in the purchase by location and! t <^t"of-£wn «uests were present the type of soil, he stated recently the wedding ;among them being the 1 brides' uncle, Carl J. Petrosky of De- while in Harvard completing details of the purchase. Paschendale, located on the Illinois Wisconsin state line 2% miles north- Kithrine Garesch and Eileen Smith, j east of Antioch, and one of the show Lunch was served with the little places of the lake region, has been folks receiving favors of chocolate s°ld to the Women's Catholic Order Raster eggs. troit, Mich., Emil Fritz of Kenosha and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Baresh of Chicago. OFFICERS INSTALLED EASTERN STAR HOLDS FIRST of Foresters. Mrs. Anna R. Downes GUEST NIGHT of Antioch, High Chief of the Order, states that is will be used as a home1 The installation of officers of the *or the aged. The property is im- „ w TT Vdnior branch of McHenry unit of proved with a sixteen room house, y patrons of McHenry chapter, the American Legion Auxiliary was servants quarters, farm barns, in ad- , ' honored Monday even an Interesting feature of the Auxil- : dition to a private lake. The entire iary meeting held at Legion hall property consists of 80 acres. Thursday evening. I A coroners' jury failed to find the Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer, past reason for the death last week Monpresident of the McHenry county, day of Mrs. Charles B. Edwards, 45, coancll of the Legion Auxiliary, act-. Grayslake, whose body was found ed as installing officer and Mrs.' after a search in a creek near the Bestha Mertes, sergeant-at-arms of. Grayslake sanitary district sewer. McHenry unit of the Auxiliary, as- When Mrs. Edwards did not appear at the breakfast table early Monday morning, members of . the lusted in the ceremony. v The installing officers were pre- Past worthy matrons and past ing when they filled the offices of the chapter for the meeting upon invitation extended by the worthy maron, Mrs. Minnie Martin, and worthy patron, Henry Howe. This was the first guest night of the year and this evening was a pleasant one for the past officers. Greeted in song by the soloist, Mrs^ Lillian sentfed with gifts from the Junior started th^ search that ultimately re- Auxiliary by the chairman, Marilyn suited in the finding of the woman's Mertee. Officers installed were: .Marilyn Mertes--Chairman. Marie Nickels--Vice-Chairman. Jane Marshall--Secretary. Ethel AJthaff--Chaplain. Charlene Mertes--<9ergearit-atarns. ^ Bonnie Page--Flagbearer. Lunch was served following installation. body in the creek. It was believed she left her home some time Sunday night during the snow storm, while other members of the family were occupied. An attempt to force his car back on the concrete after it had slipped onto the shoulder cost the life last Sunday evening of Warren Brownlee, Highwood, when his automobile crashed into a truek belonging to the Dear Nr. and Nrs. Voter: Let us now all join with one accord and extend our hearty and sincere congratulations to the victor, Henry L. Cowlin. Congraulations, Henry! We will be back of you and the Republican ticket in the Fall and we wish for you a most successful regime Judge. And now to all of those loyal friends who so staunchly stood with me all through the campaign may I say: - I cannot thank you with words, but an appreciation abides in my heart which so,me time, somehow, I hope I may be able to reflect by action and deed that you may know the real gratitude I feel toward you. The campaign being over/let^is all forget our differences and work for the common good of all our people. Thanks again! Very sincerely yours, FLOYD E. ECKERT that dull L w : mmm ton's Pursang. It contains organic iron and copper compounds which increase hemoglobin--the substance that makes red blood red. Pursang jhelps to build red corpuscles. And at the same time it aids appetite and improves digestion. See how much better you feel lifter taking the first bottle of Purtang. Wait a week or more and you'll hardly believe you're the same ton you'll How do you feel these aaya? Are you blue, discouraged and "run down"? That dragged-out feeling may be due to a deficiency of iron in your blood. Indoor living, worry and overwork often conspire to bring on this condition. And lack of iron in the blood can make a man or woman imagine almost everything is wrong, when really the trouble can be quickly remedied. £f you are "below oar" try McKtt- BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 Green Street McHenry, HI. The Auxiliary has completed plans Charles Fiore Nursery on Prairie fcr a card party to be held at Legion avenue near the Highland Park city hall, Wednesday, April 29, when limits. Frank Martin of Highland bridge, five hundred, pinochle and Park> who was riding with Btownlee _ Cox, the acting worthy ma family Itron' Mrs. Martha Page, and acting worthy patron, Dr. R. G. Chamberlin, received flowers and gifts and each officer received a gift from the chapter. Seated as nearly as possible in the order in which they served the chapter in its highest office, the worthy matrons recalled interesting events of their year when they served in this capacity. Two past matrons, Mrs. Alice Cropper, and Mrs. Ella Sweet, of Richmond chapter were escorted and introduced. Following the chapter meeting an interesting program was rendered by Mrs. Herman Ellis, who played violin selections, Warren Jones, to satisfy yourself with something better bunco will be played. The commit- at the time accident, received "? * Sro"P of vocal s°los and Herman ' tee in charge is composed of Mrs.'a broken leg, while Frank Pesci of j E1l*s*. ^ith a group °f e^rmct s°l°a. Elizabeth Schoewer chairman; assist- Kighwood, tfho was driving the (. f'nty '1 efreshments were served ed by Mrs. Ray Page, Mrs. Howard truck> and Frank Tangarra and Johnjby th® committee composed of offi- Watties, Mrs. C. S. Alleh and Mrs. Fiore wl»o were riding ire the truck,1"™ of the chapter and a social hour Alfom Pouse suffered cuts and bruises. j followed. Monday of last week, residents of Plans were made for a public card Grayslake whose homes are along! Party to ^ held on Friday evening, the lake shore, reported that seven I May 8. Mrs. George Johnson was LADV FORESTERS) INSTALL About -forty members of St Clara's Court, Women's Catholic Or- 'white swans were making a stopover aPPointed chairman of the commit* der of Foresters, at-ended the sijc o'clock dinner served at Bickler's hotel Wednesday, which preceded the annual installatin of officers of the court at 8 o'clock. Fa her Miller, assistant pastor of St. Mary's church, administered the oath of office, and Mrs. Albert Blake acted as installing officer and was introduced by the past chief ranger, Mrs. Kathri »e Worts. She received a gift from the court and alse from her officers. Mrs. Albert Barbian presided at the instrument as musician for the installation ceremonies. Each, of these officers of hionor were presented with gifts appreciation from the court. Four li.tle g'rld, Juveniles of the cMit, served as guard of honor and, dressed in white with yellow and white hefd ban'i; and streamers, escorted th» wffit'ors to their respecti 'i stations. < The little girls serving in this capacity were Mary Ann Noonan, Eileen Smith, Kathrine Garesch and fill#* Stilling, They were made Matron--MES. -Dr. G. Chamvisit there, evidently on their way to'^®®' ^or ^*e party. their summer home near .some far! Officers of the evening were: northern lake. This is nofWthe first) time that swans have beln seen either on Grayslake or on neighboring lakes, but they are not a common sight, and usually there are but two or three of them. The birds probably arrived here during the night, and early Mohday were seten near the Wn.i Mahotcha home. They were on the lake at dusk, but were missing the next morning. The birds, which have spotless white plumage, red bills, surmounted by a black knob. and black legs, are well known for their graceful and stately appearance. We are all familiar with the appearance of swans in par.ks, but it is quite a thrill to see them, so- to speak, at our own back doors. , : Martha Public Liability insurance ori rour automobile defends any legal action, defrays legal expense, court costs and pays any judgment up to the limits of your policy. EARL R. WALSH. Phone 43. 46-tf Worthy Page, v Worthy Patronberlin. Associate Matron--Mrs. Ethel Holly- • : , Associate Patron--Lisle Bassett. Conductress--Mrs. Minnie Miller. Associate Conductress--Mrs. Florence Cobb. Chaplain--Frances Vycital. Marshal--Elsie Vycital. Treasurer--Henry Stephenson. Secretary--Mrs. Jennie Eddy. Musician--Mrs. Gretta Goodell. Soloist--Mrs. Lillian Cox. Adah--Mrs. Mabel Johnson;,, Ruth--Mrs. Lillian Sayler. Esther--Mrs. Alice Lindsay.. „ Martha--Mrs. Ony WheelVy.. Electa--Mrs. Arline Pearson. Warder--Mrs. Lulu Klontz. Sentinel--Mrs. Luella Stephenson. ... ... tB You will search the world III vain for a morejttstinctive car Say you read DEALER.. It ia THE PLAIN- >* Price Class Winner 352-Mile Yosemite Economy Run 33.9 mi. per tiL average (no oil added) under Amer. Auto. Aaan. superviaion Triple-Sealed Hydraulic Brake* Smooth and sure in any weather Knee-Action Ride For safety and comfort on any roed Turret-Top" R«her Bodies - The smartest, safest bodies built today Level Floors--Front and Rear Foot room for all THE MOST BEAUTIFY THING ON WHEELS . *Lutprk>aa at Pontiuc, Mfo/tirfan, begin at HIStor the and t? 30 tor the (aubnw c to change without notice) and "8". Standard group of acceaaonaa extra. AJ1 Pontiac cart can be bought with monthly pay iiviite to Buit your puree on OFFICIAL PRICE CLASS ECONOMY CHAMPION Sa/etj plate glasa atandard on Da Luxa "6" the C --- Front Street General Motor* InetaJlment Plan. W«t McHenry R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES lll'jiois SNTER PONTIACS NATIONAL ECONOMY CONTEST-FREE CARS-T64 CASH PRIZIS

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