Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1895, p. 7

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' v--1": , .vj , ; • .. • BEST POLISH |N THE WORLD. EfclTY-SIX KILLED IN A LOS <CELRRILLOS, N. M., SHAFT. --=Aie 4iw • Sest Months .in whiph to * orty-twdj Joiners Kit torn bed by •&* • Fearfijl Gas Kxplosion--Qatight in a Trap„the Workmen Ai^e Blown to * Piec<3j» or Suffocated by Smojcc. DO STOT BE DECEIVED '"^mMBlirill rf llllffij with Pastes^ Enamels, ar.d PaTSIs^wjjich' Stain the-ihands. Snjnre tfe© iron, and hurap red. The Rising SHU Stave 'Polish is BwjP liant, Odorless, and I)nrabl"e7'>Each package, contains six ounces; when t^oistened will; make several boxes of Paste Polish. HAS AN ANNUAL SALE/OF 3,OQO TONS^ And the Best Blood. Purifier is Death Roll May Increase. • A frightful explosion of gas in J the White, Ash coal, mine, three miles south­ east of Lbs" Cerrillos, X. M\, occurred at 1.1 o'clock Wednesday^ morning, and as. a'1 •result-many homes in the valley are deso­ late. Twenty-six uiiners are known to have been killed, anc} eleven have been taken out alive. But these are m,tfre or less bruisQTor burned, and the death roll may increase. This mine is the soft'Coal./ prod ucer oi ̂ li p • vtt Hey an.d- is operated by the Atchi'soh, Topeka ami Santa ̂ Fe way Company. From it alt markets south of the place, including tlye-Southera t^a- cific and Mexican Central Railways; are supplied. The output averages sixty ears per day. ; •• The mine iKis fonr fe^ls, which branch off froh^-the inclined shaft, and the men -were at work scattered in. all of theiu. The- fact that there is $,4<X> feet of working .aiid no air sh£f£ accounts for the accnmu- latihg of the gas. and for three hcmrx after the explosion the deadly vapor pour-, ed forth-from the single„eutt'y in such . volume as to indicate that"^he'mine had caught, lire. When this :w&s anh<^.flce<j as a probability the' pitiful, cries of both men'and wome^ who had ga'th^ed ft round the -entry were heartrending, - Frantic wives, many of them carrying baffles in their arms, having children clinging, to their skirts, or to them, §tqod at the en­ trance of the mine for hours amid tears and praye'rs, watching and waiting, while hundreds of juen vainly struggled to gain an entrance further into the mine. Usually 1(50 miners are employed in the Ash shafe but the day being Ash Wed­ nesday there were o 111 y--r-wrty-t\vo men inside at the time of the explosion. Five of these made their yjyly to the outside be­ fore the gas reached them. Some of the bodies taken out were burned almost to a cinder and 'others so badly mangled and burned that recognition lias been ver> difficult. It is thought the explosion was caused by the miners breaking through iijto some old abandoned working, thus liberating the jjas that had accumulated. -The mine was worked through a single in­ cline of .'50 degrees, and seems to have •been defective as respects ventilation. Which Purifies, Vitalizes and En; the Blood, * I h-adapteaten that>alad.n 'A ny? • 1 * Sp if was, bat it hp® fecn mofaQi. fefc&tien. -It-'digresses ms fearluMy.'V ,• w"9\v> that's jioafcenst., S&sJlqw tlilai ll.'^eallrichti.a tenishiistes." ;"Whatiaiti"V • *' A o Bipans * Tabule /•" "Do you carry tlicm around with you ?" " I do, .indeed I EVer since I beard- about thein 1 keep One of the little \ ial3 in my vest; pocket." Both Left. The train was just ready*to start for Boston when a* dck'ctive from Sujjer- ~ intondeut Byrnes' office go^ on one of • the. smoking cars and said: ""Be care­ ful, gentlemen; I believe there are a couple of ^harpers inside." "Good gracious1." exclaimed a very stylish-looking gentleman, preparing to get- out. "I had 110 ided'there were such people here. I'm sure L shall get out." Another who was sitting in a scat | opposite exclaimed: "I have a large sum of money with me and I have no wish to lose it." Whereupon he, too, got out. "All right, gentlemen," the officer 1 calmly remarked. "They are both gone now."--Harlem Life. s, A eat is enabled to send out or re­ tract her claws, because the' boue to which the claw is attached has a rot­ ary movement on the bone above, .and a powerful-ligament draws the former i down and exhibits the ylaw. It Is Almost Indispensable Where •„«ww'v^[acliincry Is Used. Very few people outside the regular trade know what enormous quantities of asbestos are.utilized where machin­ ery is used. Asbestos in its original State is a tibrous mineral indigenous to Canada, and other places, sent over here in luniks like pieces of raw slate on the top and bottom, while the sides are covered with a fluffy Sub­ stance--the liber, when it is pulled from the bulk. You can pick each lump to pieces with your nails, although to look at it .one would think thjit nothing less than a heavy hammer would rnaktvjany iiypressiou on it. v When it y^aehes the factory it is put. into crushers. These are like the ordi­ nary mortar mixers that you see whore building operations are going on, and the resulting 'gritty, fluffy mass is thrown into what, fs termed a "devil." The devil tears it up with sharp prdhgs and then sifts the grit from the fluff. The former is used for mixing with the asbestos in other processes, while the latter is shot into a receptacle that re­ duces it to .a consistency almost as fine as cotton wool. As it falls from this machine it looks for all the world like snow. • In other departments the raw asbes­ tos is crushed and then mixed with cer­ tain earths'to be used for covering the outer surfaces of steam t)oilers"," asbes­ tos being a non-conductor of heat. Then again, large quantities of mill-board are made for packing between fire­ proof doors and articles of that descrip­ tion. while occasionally it goes to form one of the main constituents in a fire­ proof theater curtain. W. L. DOUGLAS C IS THE BEST. TIT FCR AKtNGf. ~ ^0*^$ 3. CORDOVAN; JJ^JPR FRENCH £CENAMELLED CALF. \ MM' !%4.s3S?F!NECALF&l(Ar<Sfla(JtX * 3.50 PQUCE.3 SOLES. jfjpfl I -EXTRA FINE- .">• BOYS'SCHaOLSHQEa -LADIES* bestd0NQ01^ SEMD' FOR CATAtOetfe ^B»j»^Y-L-DOU&LAa« BROCKTON^M&SS. Over One Million People wear tha W. Ls Douglas $3 & $4- Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory They Rive tho best value for tho money. They equal custom «hoeo !n Style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed^" The prices are uniform,--stamped on so|e. v- proir $s to $3 3aved over other snakes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. y r Postmafst«r Ocncrnl IJissell to Return to His Law Practice in Buffalo. • The President has accepted the resig­ nation of Postmaster tJeueral Bisseli, jmd has nominated Representative William L. 'Wilson, of West Vir- ,0 ')0 kis suo- i» the cabinet has (J) been decided upon <5 tor some time. Post- master General Bis- 5>ell, a Washington XsA dispatch says, retires ' f X"1 roln °^ce 011 t^ le / djyl best terms with the President and with w. s. BJSSKI.I.. • the- confidence and e&teem of all the cabinet. Mis decision to give up the'cares of office was reached some weeks ago, the -chief reason there­ for being Mr, Bissell's unwillingness to sacrifice more and money for. the honor of holding a seat in the cabinet. He has been influenced to a large extent by the discovery that a considerable share of business of the firm in Buffalo of which he is still a member is drifting into other hands, and .Mr. Bisseli thinks it time for him to return home for-time purpose of looking after his own .inter­ ests. • He is not by any means a wealthy man, and his expenditures in Washing­ ton have amounted to at least three times his salary as a cabinet officer, more than swallowing up his salary and his private income together. Concerning hiss resignation the Presi­ dent said: "It surely is not necessary for me to say that 1 shall release Mr. Bis­ seli with the utmost regret. Air of his associates in the administration will feel that ...they have lost a colleague who, in all respects, was a valuable factor in their executive labors, as Well-as a companion to whom they have become greatly at­ tached. I am not taken by surprise, for I have known for some time'that it was in­ evitable, because Mr. Bissell's reasons for his action were of a personal nature and were inexorable." FARMER MILES' Seventh Anntral Class o£ ! AND RIDGLING HORSE CASTRATION OPENS APRIL 3(1. 1895. For Tertns and v 'Particulars write him at CHARIiESTOJi, - IJL.L.IJXOIS. Remarkable Newspapers. The most extraordinary journal in the world is published weekly- at Ath­ ens. under the editorship of George Souris. It is.written entirely in verse, even the advertisements being cast ra poetic form, and it is so popular, with­ al, as to remove Greece from the cate­ gory of places where this sort of thing ls a drug in the market. The verse is not mere do'ggerel, but always artistic, and often powerful. It consists of four .pages of double '-oluiuns, the size of the pages being ten inches by eight. Occasionally i! has comic wood cuts. Another"TTirious freak of journalism is a newspaper published once a cen­ tury. The paper is called the Illumi­ nated Quadruple Constellation, and was published in New York in 1S59. In size it is no less than eight and a half feet in length by six in width. It contains eight pages of thirteen col­ umns eiK'h- The columns are forty- eight inches Fn length, and if placed end to end would form a strip of print­ ed paper 125 yards in length.--New York Advertiser. He's All Right Now. November 21, A. W. Ault, of Galveston, lud., wrote the Sterling Remedy Co., of Chicago, extemjAg his thanks to them for the cure effected in his case by No-to-bae. He said he form­ erly used five cents worth of chewing tobacco a day and averaged five cigars, and was a confirmed victim pf the to- baeeo habit. After taking nearly two boxes of No-to-bae the desire for to­ bacco was completely eradicated, and he now feels like a new man.' Asa result of the exaininatlou-of fiaur thousand eyes, Dr. Miles," of'Bridge­ port, Ct.. found that sixty-five per cent, required glasses,. The women and girls far exceed the men and boys. The per­ iod during which the peopty have the most trouble.with their ej'es is between twenty ajid thirty. , « The Kaiser as an Artist. Emperor William of Germany has come out in yet another character, that df an artist. The library of the Reich­ stag has just received a series of draw­ ing by his majesty. They represent vessels of the most recent construction selected- from the navies of the United States. France, and Japan. Drought Proof Field, Corn. Here is something new. Despite 110 days without a drop of rain, Salzer's new Yellow. Dent, Corn yielded on a large acreage over sixty-eight bushels per acre, while the Department of Agriculture reports the average yield on corn but a trifle over twenty bushels per acre in the United States. Now think of-the possibilities of this eoj'n in a good corn season! It will go dou.ble this yield then, or I06 bushels." If You Will Cut Tliin Out and Send Tt with 14c postage to the John A. Salzer Seed "Co.. La Crosse. Wis., you will, get free a package of this Drouth Proof Corn and their mammoth catalogue.CNU Berlin's Milk. At Herr Bolle's famous dairy In Ber­ lin the milk is strained through a wire sieve with a cloth, over which fine gravel is sprinkled. After the milk is strained the gravel is put into a hot oven that -any germs that may have been possibly strained from the,.milk may be destroyed. There ls more catarrh in this section of the countrv than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be In­ curable. For a great many years doctors pro- Doiuiieed It a local disease,'and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to ho a constitutional dis­ ease, and therefore requires constitutional treat­ ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, ls the only con­ stitutional cure on the market. It is taken in­ ternally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoouful. It acts" dlrectlv on the blood and mucous sur­ faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. F. •!. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. £5?"'Sold by Druggists. 75c. The horse's eye has a thick glutinous secretion because his eye, being large and much exposed to dust,'the viscid secretion cleanses it more effectually than would one more watery agent. IF You HAVE A WORRYING COUGH, or :~any Lung or Throat trouble, use at once Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant, and don't par­ ley with what may prove a dangerous con­ dition, . -- ' Boundless intemperance in nature is a tyranny--it hath been the untimely emptying of many a throne, and fall of many kings.--Shakespeare. CURES irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menstruations, "Weak­ ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility, Kidney Complaints in either sex. Every time it will relieve / Backache, Faintrjess, Extreme Lassitude, " don't care" and "want to he left alone " feeling, excitability, irrita­ bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or the "blues." These are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the Uterus, or Womb Troubles. Every woman, married or single, should own and read " Woman's "Beauty, Peril, Duty," an illustrated book of 30 pages, con­ taining important information that every woman should know about herself. We send it free to any reader of this paper. - Alt druggists sell tho Pinkham medicines. Address ill oonfldence, I.VIHA K. ITNKHAM CO.; LYNN, MASS. Lydla E. Plnkham's Liver Pills, 25 cents. Burns. Success in treating burns depends .upon-the completeness with which the irritation is arrested and the air ex­ cluded. j. Surface burns arc for the most part- caused by dry heat, from direct con­ tact of the flesh.wit.h the flame, or by moist heat, iai tl^c form qf hot. water or steam. Scalds are more painful, and where the injury is extensive, much more dan­ gerous than wounds caused by dry heat. In burns from dry beat the dam­ age to the tissues is generally com­ plete; while hot water and steam leave the flesh dead, it is true, as far as its usefulness is concerned, but still capa­ ble of undergoing decomposition and putrefaction with all the accompanying dangers. " Whatever their nature, however, all burns are to be treated alike. If caused by heat the part should imme­ diately be wrapped in some substance that will effectually exclude the air, which becomes a source of irritation to the raw flesh. This may be done very simply and easily by cotton wadding soaked in cairon-oil: or, if these articles are not at hand, the burn may be sprin­ kled liberally with baking"soda, starch or even flour, with just enough water added-afterward to, make a thick paste. All blisters should be ^lightly firicked before the part is dressed. After the wound has been smeared with some one of the above prepara­ tions it may be lightly covered with cotton wadding. The dressing should be removed daily, and S.e part careful­ ly washed with, a woiik solution of carbolic acid--say from three to five per cent.--and re-dressed. Burns caused by acids or other irri­ tating substances should be immediate­ ly immersed in running water, that the irritant may be diluted and carried off!^ y Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when ^rightly usea. The many, who live bet­ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the worfd'e best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to" health of $he pure liquid laxative principles, embraced in the remedy; Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of_ a perfect lax-? ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug­ gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. i Need Clear Heads. Working people need clear liwis, sound feleep and good digestion: tor if sickness collie's, what then? 11 is cheaper to keep wen. That "queer feeling" springs from indigestion. First you "pooh pooh!" Then von grow alarmed and send lor the doe- tor. Xo need of that. A box of Kipans Tubules'^vill set you right and keep you right; so you can eat. sleep and work. Ask the druggist for them. Not So Busy After All. The bujs.v bee. scientists say, works but three hours a day. Unspeakably Miserable Is the man or woman troubled wltbdysjiepsm. Heart: palpitations, sour stomach, liVartburm* uneasiness of the nerves, oppression or a sense of emptiness at the pitmf the ^ oniaeh. are..among its symptoms. Hrtstettf .. Lom- a'eb Buffers eradh-ates it. and ent over­ comes - constipation, biliousness, 1' . matie, kidney, and malarial complaints. se this thorough remedy systematically and it will achieve permanent results. The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH Sil&Pi ; Removal of Ticket Office of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul By. „,(in March 1st the Chicago ticket office of the Chicago,Milwaukee & St. Paul Ky. will be moved to the new Marquette Building, corner Adams and Dearborn streets. The number of the office will be 95'"Adams street. C. N. SOI;TIIKH, Ticket Agent. On this Continent, have received HIGHEST AWARDS A College Graduate at J4. Dr. William It. Harper, president of the Unreality of Chicago, ap#eaT%to possess some of the characteristics of a prodigy. He entered Muskingum College, in Ohio, at the tender age of 10. and ̂ was-graduuted at 14. Then lie went to Yale, and was. only 19 when he received his Ph. F>.. from that col­ lege--an age at which most students are sophomores. Dr. Harper is now "9. The university of which he is the head has an endowment of $4,000,000, and has $600, spend this year. l.OOO Bu. Potatoes I^er Acre. Wonderful yield's in potatoes, oats, corn, farm and' vegetable seeds. Cut this out and send 5c postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., I>a Crosse, Wis., for their great seed book and sample of Giant Spurry. - CNU. We raised in the Carolinas, and Geor­ gia 128,590,434 pounds of rice. EXPOSITIONS In Europe and America. Raillery is a mode of speaking in favor of one's wit against one's good nature.--Montesquieu. I The whole body of a boa or ofcer con*'- ' stricter is a perfect network of power­ ful muscles. Piso's ("I'RE cured 111c of a Throat and Lung trouble of three/cars'standing--E. CADV, Huntington. Intl., Nov. 12, 1894. Refinement creates beauty every- \yhere«--Ilazlitt. fgfw 1 Ii4;p ht'll tJnlike the t)utch Process, no Alka- or other Chemicals or Dyes are ^tisfcu ltT s iry_"oT tlreif preparatioriW Their ficticious BREAK FAST COCOA is absolutely ^)ure and soluble, and costs less than one cent a cup. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & GO. DORCHESTER, MASS- Senator Murphy and General Sickles can get away with more tobacco thau any other t,wo men in Congress. The Chinese Emperor is small and deli­ cate. He looks like a lad of 10 or 17 and speaks like a youth of that age. The Marquis of Dufferiu is going to erect .in Dover, England, a life-size and heroic statue of the King Lear of Shakes­ peare. • , Miss Ellen Tickle, of Heno. Butler County, Ohio, is said to be the smallest fully developed woman now living. She is 31 years old and weighs but 28 pounds. Parnell Eisher, of Bridgeport, Del., is 6 feet 714 inches tall, and can carry two barrels of flour at once and trot along eas­ ily with 400 pounds on his shoulder. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt • is munifi­ cent in her charities and .untiring in her good works, but she does not go upon the housetops to advertise what she is do­ ing for the poor. Prof. Langdell, of the Harvard Law School, who originated the "case sys­ tem in the study "ft^law, will: celebrate his twenty-fifth anniversary as dean of the school next spring. . ' Rev. Timothy Dwight Hunt, who died recently at Whitesborough. X. Y., organ­ ized the first Presbyterian Church in Cal­ ifornia in 1S49, and was one of the pion- oor missionaries to tho Sandwich Islands Governor O, Vincent Coffin, of Connec­ ticut, is feaid to be the bCst-dressed execu- five.: that the Stale has . had for many years. He must ha.Ve other good quali­ ties, as he is very popular with the clerks and employes;at tliecapitol at Hartford. In an official list of the physicians prac- ticing medi(j'ine_in New York are the fol­ lowing nanies. Appropriate or otherwise: Bill, BfesOli, Deady, Cofjin, Ender, Gore, Herb, Ivabels, Kra-m, Lordly, Madden, Pettus, Sass/ talid Sour. Jacob Kinser, residing at Zion. Ivy., concluded on "Monday that he was goings to die, He sent for lys neighbors and *a~ minister, selected the text, heard liis fun­ eral sermon-preached and then folded his hands and died. He was 70 years ohk Man?, of the most influential persbns in Germany have signified their intention •of -.m»king.v.v.aluable....presetuLs Pxilice; Bismarck-on Jiis Coming eightieth birth­ day, on April l! Almost every jewelet of prominence in Berlin is at work on some souvenir. : 1 , YOURSELF FRENCH SPECIFIC nev«r fails to euro all- diseases of the urinary organs, either sex or1 condition. Full directions with each bottle; pric« 81.00. Sold by E. I.. ST A HI. Druggist, 173V«n Buren Street, coriier ilfth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois-' cent by express cn receipt of price. • Kaphael, Angelo, Ku'aens, Taaso The "LINEN E RE'S'EKSI BLE" are the Best and Most EconoruU-nlCollars and Cull's worn : they ar^ made of hneicloth. both Bides finished alike, and. being re­ versible. on* collar is eqnal to two of any other kind. They Jit will wear well and Inok uell. A box of Tea Collars or Five fairs of Cuffs tor Tw»nty-hve Cents. A Sample Collar and Pair of Cuffs by mail for sis Cents. Name style and size. Address REVERSIBLE COLLAR COMPANY, 77 fRAHKLIR ST.. HEW YORK 27 KtlBY ST.. BOSTOH No' and Ye ll Ne'er Be Mar Don't Refuse All Our Advice to Use A Statue to Highland Mary. It has been arranged to erect a stat­ ue 10 Burns' "Highland Mary" by Mr, J). \Y. Stevenson. R. S. A.. .Edinbargh, 011 the rocks in front of Dunoon Castle. 011 the Firtli of Clyde, where a site has been granted by.jlic,Duke_ of Argyll, Col. Bouverie Campbell, and the local coniuiissioners. Md.rj* Campbell's birrh- .ilace is in the immediate vicinity, and the figure will face "the land of Burns." which lies 011. the opposite side of the efejuary. . It is intended to unveil the .statue 180(5. the centenary of Burns! death: when tliciv will be :i n.i- tional demo 11stra'tion at Dunoon. The. Prime Minister, the Marquis of Lorne, the Marq.uis of Dufferiu and Ava, Sir Frederic tieighton. Mr. iFenry Icftng, and jmany other notabilities figure 011 the list of patrons, and Mr. Colin Rae- Brown of the Loudon Burns ;Club is the chairman of the idling committee. --Westminster Gazette. Ely's Cream Balmglpil^ ™ .. . feBJ Rof5?^.C//BrcC0L HA3f-FEV£R If you've neuralgia, take St. Jacobs Oil--rub it on --rub it on bard -- keep rubbing it on -- it bas got to stop the pain -- that's what it's for. thrive on Scott's Emulsion when all the rest of their food seems to go to waste. Thin Babies and 'Weak Children grow strong, plump and healthy by taking it. "You can take that soap right back and change it for SANTA CLAUS-SOAP. I would not' use any other, kind." ^ , •' Every woman who has e^er used Scott's Emulsion oveio^mes inherited weakness and alb the tendencies toward $ Emaciation or Oon^umptioji. \Thin, weak babies and growing % child^ri and all persoiis'stafferiiig^rom Loss of Flesh, Weak $ Lungs, Chronic Coughs, and . Wasting Diseases will receive ^ untold benefits from this great nourishment. The formal a ^ for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by the med- ^ jcal worl.d for twenty years. secrei^iboutjit, _ • m Sehdfor pamphlet on Sc&lf s Emulsion." \FREE. m Scott & Bovvne, N. Y. '» All Druggists. 50 cent3 and $1. A Harmless: preventsv-rin , - dderssklusmooth and soft as an infant's. Mdm. on Yeau Fcudre I.icjuide, No. 4S W. atlth St,, New l'orli. By 3iail |i. IK' writtog to Advertisers, please do not/ail to mention Chis paper. Advertisers like to know what mediums jr.iy them best. - a° v, Jitex,, outach " i'. btno- »in sow» .dalmoel r ' MM . CORESJrtRtBE ALL ELSE FAILS. _ " M Best Cough.Syrup, Tastes Good* Use in time." Sold by druggists. \ i -knows it-is-without an equal. Sold everywhere. -Made only-to J j The N. K. Farrba^k Company, Chicago, 1 <

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