Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1895, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no ^ear Shall Awe." M'HENRY, ILLINOIS; WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,1895 THE SACRED CODFISH. The Proposal to Take It Oat of the State- house In Boston Creates a Sensation. The Worcester Gazette says': . Charles Francis Adams recounts "The Story of the God'? in the Springfielcl He- pubhcan. In 1782 John Adams secured from Great Britain ain eminent diplo­ matic victory after a wearisome contest --the right of fishery---and on March 17, 1784, John Rowe, a Boston member, asked and received permission to hang the historic codfish. on the. •wall of the"' chamber of .representatives in the state- house. Thirty years later another war With. Great Britain .occurred. John Qniney Adams was called on this time; as a diplomat, and. he,' too, saved the codfish once more from British encroach- meats. The sbatehonsp cod, which the sacrilegious are now threatening to store in the garret, is emblematic of com­ merce, war and diplomacy and tells of Massachusetts victories in all three fields. After the peace of 178? John Adams quartered the codfish in his coat of arms, and it is there now. This must have been the origin of the phrase "cod­ fish aristocracy," once in common usa It was commonly spoken in derision, but the pride of the Adamses in the cod­ fish would seem entirely worthy. On thi& subject the New York Sun re­ marks: There is a proud and beautiful build­ ing in Boston* Bulfinch did it. It is a Parthenon^fenounted by a. gilded gas- house, and torhose who love it the. supreme architectural achievement of the world. Even the limited or preju­ diced persons who dieny its charm can­ not fdfrget the joy of its associations. To go to Boston, KTfiew that doiM with an eager eye and to perspire jjsith the pulchritude of it and the deeper ' thought that one doesn't have to live in Boston is not the least of pleasures in a world that persons of fair digestion regard with a certain amount of attach­ ment. As a matter of fact, the dome ia a hollow fraud. Mr. Bulfinch, who has had the distinction of having an emi­ nently parochial street named after him, was not lucky enough to have his de­ signs carried out, and- the statahonse, with its feeling Dutch name, is not all that it might have been. But it has merits. There is or was in it the sacred codfish, a palladium that fell from heav­ en plash, into the Frog pond in the days when Boston was an eminent sea­ port. This codfish was almost human and quite superhuman. It could wink. It had learned to say cultyur and liter­ ature and leftenant,. besides the other things that are said in Boston. There was a silver bathtub in which it used to tipple when the Boston nine got a game. It used to leap into the air when­ ever Governor Greenhalge appeared with blue knit thinking cap on. It was sprinkled with champagne whenever the Ancient and Honorable pany had a feast. All tbdH the legislature revered iMM wag its tail at a good thn^BH dead whenever a bore was upT^^55j They have been "fixing up" the state- house. /Evidently some idiot is in charge./The sacred codfish is not to be indued among the treasures^ the re­ stored statehouse. The Lajp'and Order people say it drinks too ;r<ch.. The A.* P. A. says it has a Hi^jrnian counte­ nance. All th<Q;.sa\jge', it was the best in the state. It was tp? most venerable in- stution there, except Harvard college and George Marden of LowelL It is gone. It has been torn down. It is nil. So falls the codfish aristocracy. So fades a glory unmistakable. FLORAL CO McHENRY* ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer. McHEKRY, ILL, C. T. ESKILSON, Manafler. All kinds of Cut Flowers, and, Funeral De­ signs to ' e had at: all times at Reasonable Rates,; Caru&tioiis- in bud-and other potted plants for sale. - ; . Published Every Wrdxesday by EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. office in the N ichols block. ; Does smoke from ydur cigar arise > Like ir cense in the air ? Or does it only cause a smudge ¥ . And.raal^joiw neighbor swear? -Why willyotifetick to cabbage leaves your friends afar,; "When you can purchase for a $itne 7; "Oiir Mbhograih" cigar ? ; - *•" , • 10c f Oc. BAR8IA.N BROS. MAKERS OF! Choice Cigars. We can 8*11 jou one or a thousand--retat. or wholesale, '. WILBUR LUMBER CO, Tw« Doors North of Perry % O wen's Stor*, wm JSi|3o Livery, FEED AND t>X LiE ST A ELES . or. flAWC/ST, Prop»r, W EST Me ll ENUY, ILI.. j '.?ir8t classrigs, wsth or without, drivers, •lurn ,stiediat:reast-nS.i)ie ral'e*-.* Pdrtiea teken -awci f*ot« live- l,i\kes--in Easy, Riga, "and promptconnectinn made with.aU'tmipp Out Riga .will be kept first.,ot#8s shape, mid we shall spare no puins to please our cua £®mers at itll-timea, GRve ivs& call, « •• E. J. H.VNLY, West MeHenry, 111,, Aug. lp, 1894. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One year (in advance) . . . .V: . . . . If Not Paid within Three Months,./ Su4f0ci ;iption-3 receiye.<i < fojr tiycee i mo nth a , in, the a.ime>proportioa.. , AT THEIR YARDS IN WE.5T ..McHENRY, Have now on hand Uoth hard and soft Coal, which they will soil at prices ae low as the lowest, . We are handling the celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we guarantee uncqualed by any. f^T'Delivery made to suit pur­ chaser Feed ! Feed ! Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. Car Lots a Specialty. rile. Lime, Cement, etc always on hand. lliOH DEALER IN Agricultural Keeps open for the accommodation of She Public a First-Olasa Machinery! Se loon and Restaurant MeBENRY, ILL Where he will at all times keep the beat brands of Winea, Liquors and Oigara to be found in the market. We have the m 'St complete line of Pumps to be found in the county, and if you are' in need of one it will pay you to ca'l and see us We have Wilbur Lumber Co PABST'S Milw&ukes Lag M Best At Wholesale and Retail. BUSINESS CARDS FRANK L>. SBEPARD, iOUNSKLLOR AT LAW. Suite 514--3d La i Salie St., Ohloago. She Cycled Through the Streets of Atlanta and Horrified the Natives. A few days ago, before the snow came, there was an amusing little hap­ pening on one qfjdflp principal streets of which btprs relating. Two rnon from away n-jfin North Georgia who chanced to be down here attending the United States court as witnesses in some moonshine cases were walking along talking enthusiastically about a proposi­ tion, to go" in and get an. oyster stew for dinner, The matter of 'dispute seemed to be as to who should pay for the stews. They were somewhat excited'ahd"pay­ ing little attention to the rest! of the world when all of a suddedj* woman on a bicycle swept up behind them very close to their backs and gave the bell of her wheel a sharp Whirl of a ring. "Whoop! Don't do that again!" screamed one of them, and they both shot away up in the air and landed many feet away. Turning around, they saw the lady dashing on down the street, unconcern­ edly bobbing up serenely over the Bel­ gian block. . "Gol darn my buttons, " said one of the visitors to the other, "hit's one uv dem votin women dat's come down here fum de north. Dey'll be doin uv ev'y- thing fust thing you know. "--^.tlanta Constitution; Beer in Large-or Small Kegs or BottleB al ivays onjiand, oheaper than any other, qu.ili ty considered. Orders by-mall promptly attended to. GOOD /STABLING FOR H0R8F8 , «srGall and-see us. Robert Sohiessle. WITH WIND MILL REGULATOR JOS L ART. M. D. PHYSICIAN .A N D SURG ELN, McHenrv, 111, Office in Nicholo/Bicekjjover lrlaii,deaier Office; TelephoneiSo; 4. Buggies & Carriages Our entire stock of Buggies and (Jarriapjes will • be sold AT .COST for the next 30 days, O. H. FBGERS, M, D- iHrsIOlAN AND SURGEON, McHenrj Ilia. Office at fl^sidence. . O. J. HOWARD, M. D- PHYSICIAN .AND SURGEON. Office at the ersiucnce of R. A. Howard, West MoHenry.lll. F.O.COLBV, D. D.S. DKNTIST."Woodstock 111. Special alcn-tion paid to regulating chihiren'6 t-eetli, Parties coming from a distance wUI do wp" to give timely not ice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Mam street and PuoliuSq are O. P. BARNES, TTQRNEY, Solici tor, and I Oounielor, . Ooilectioiss a s])eciaity. - WOODS TOOK, ILLINOIS. E. RICHARDSON, DEALER IN D11Y CiOOD ̂ GROCERIES, CLOTHING, _ KNIGHT & BROWN, TTORNEY8 AT LAW. U. S. Express Oo.'n Building^ 87 and 89 Washington St. OHIOAGO, ILL. THE QUEEN'S HEALTH DEALER IN Differing Opinions on This and Other Sub­ jects Connected With Her Highness, Queen Victoria has been in London recently, according to The Court Circu lar, but if it had not been for the offi­ cial chroniclers the inhabitants of the metropolis would probably not have been aware of their sovereign's presence among them, for, save for her drives to and from the railway stations, her maj­ esty has only shown herself in public once, and then muffled up to the eyes agaiutSfi the Gold weather. On the strengths of that solitary peep courtly but mendacious reporters have ventured to descant upon the Queen's good health and lively spirits. . The fact is that she never looked so aged and wan apd worn as at present She is less able Iwn ever to walk even the shortest distance without assistance, and she is bent almost double. Never­ theless the renewed talk of her abdi­ cating in favor of the Prince of Wales may be dismissed as pure invention, for, if -physically feeble, Queen Victoria-is mentally a thoroughly sound woman, and she is said to retain to the fullest degree her inarvelously clear percep tion of The cinOst intricate affairs of state. She will start for the south of France in about a week.--Loudon Let- ,ter. Faure's Popularity, President Faure's campaign of popu­ larity is being carried on with unabated skill aiid persistence. Ho has just paid a bill of $2.0,000 fora quarter of a bot­ tle of wine supplied to every soldier in the army, with which to drink bis health. He continued his long round of visits to the hospitals of Paris, going through all the wards, including those "where there arer cases of infaeliois dis- eases. He visits the kitchens of public institutions and eats and drinks the regulation-food and wine supplied there. The Parisians now recogniz© the presi­ dent on these tours and cheer him wild­ ly in the street.--Paris Letter. Handicapped, but Game'. There is a bright young man over in west Washington (old Georgetown) who belongs to one of the .oldest families iu ' that extremely aristocratic section, and everybody who is anybody knows him. Some time agoa young woman tempted him into wagering that he could grow a head of hair as long as hers. Ha is do' fng it Already his. hair, reaches his shoulders, and neither ridicule nor per­ suasion has prevailed to induce him to visit; 9 barber; --Rochester Post - Express. A Father to Son. "My son, '-' said a fond father, a man Whose early and late education had been • somewhat neglected, but whose great success qualified him to give ad-' yice, "take-this for your motto in life, 'K. K. -- Keep Kool;" '--New York Sun. V. 3. LUMLEY. I TTORNEY AT: LAW, Bnd Solicit&r In i Ohancerv,-- V^OODSTOOK, ILL. Office In Park House, iirst floor. ¥1 cK£ t i R V , 8LUNOIS Drugs. Paints and Oils Flour, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Etc CHOLLY AND THE INCOME TAX. > REDUCED NOBILITY. The Idea Is Odious to the Dudes, and They Can't "Make Out" the Papers. The income tax fellow has been around to see me. I was out. So be left his card in the shape of a hugo printed document as big as a copy of The Recorder. It is covered with affidavits, and I have signed them ali. I believe I've sworn that I'm worth year; that I'm not; that Pm a charge on the county, and that I am as rich as Jack Astor. It's the most muddled up paper I ever tried to read and understand. I believe that I am what is called a person of ordinary intelligence, yet I can't make the thing out at"all What show will the chappies have who don't come up to my high order of intellect? ' ?*.j There is some frightful penalty, "with boiling oil in it," provided for any one who distorts the truth in mak­ ing his returns, but how to tell the truth is what bothers me. ... . The whole idea of an inoome"^Sis odious to us dudes._ , It makes us begin to think-how wo live anyhow, when the whole joy Of life is in not knowing anything abont such things. - "I suppose I've got money," said Dottie Onativia yesterday, looking over his high collar at his varnished boots and smart clothes, "but I'll,be hanged if I know hqw much. 1 win asJs^niy* man if he has\fcy idea." ' But "his mau" didn't know "and"re­ minded Dottie that his wages for the last few months had not, etc!,--Cholly Knickerbocker in New York Recorder. The Count Plunged, Lost, Was Ruined, and S'His Daughter Became a Thief.' The case of a ruined noble family was ma™ public last week, says a Paris correspondent. Count Stdzzi hazarded the vvkola \f his fortune in big land building, speculations in Romo a few years ago and Nfor two or three short weeks was seemingly an assured winner of millions. But a crash came while his operations were still open, and he went under, with scores of families as noble, as ancient and as reckless. The count's young daughter was en­ gaged to be married at the time, but her lover proved as fickle as fortune, and the ruined family retired to Bo­ logna. Tho young countess, in order to support her parents, took' a . place as chambermaid and recently, under stress of poverty, stole some of her mistress' jewelry, and being tried and convicted was mercifully sentenced to only 12 days' imprisonment, the judge admit­ ting as extenuating circumstances the sad change in her family's fortunes. The publicity thus given to the case may possibly prove the salvation of the family. The young countess is now 28 years of age. T H E B E S T M A D E , I wish to announce to my patrons and the public generally that I am now pre­ pared to furnish Ihem with all goods in my line at the J/ Ln any quantity ^from a Snitz Glass,to 1C0 banels. Order s by ma i l p rompt ly a t t ended to . W. P. ST. CL&BR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public 1 eal Estate and Insurance. . K U N D A , < I I < Nuiida, 111. AI.SO. ALWAYS^Oli HAND ' Fine Kentucky Liquors* French Bitters, choice Alesf Winesr Cigars, Etc l b y none but the best and sell,at reasonab e prices. Call and see me and I will us« use you: well. ANTONY ENGELJfs MeHenry, 111 , 1894. JSp FELTS and RUBERS at prices that defy competition. A large stock of Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, etc. UNDERWEAR, the finest stock to be found in tlwsjsection. The finest stock of^Shoes and Rubber Boots to be found in the Northwest. The best 50c. Tea in market.- lbs. Arbuckle Coffee, $1. Oysters 30c. per quart. A No. 1 Fine Cut Tobacco, 20 cents per pound. In fact everything at bottom prices and good goods guaranteed. E. RICHARDSON. Volo, 111., Dec. 10, 18_9*r- 8^o^Chars:e fori! Testing the Eyesk. I PERFECT FI ^GUARANTEED. Will lie at O. T. Daniel's Drug Store, Algon' quin, every Wednesday, and at the office of Dr. Auringer, West McHenry, every Satur-' day, comtneneing Feb. 23, 1*895. Also at 4he office of Dr. Dawson. Waueonda, on Mondays and at the office of Dr Rice. Richmond, every .Friday. Office vrith©r, Werden, Nunda, 111, a C B A H B O F F E R ! mme. A. KUPPEBT'S Proposed Legislation For Sleeping Cars. In New York, for example,- a uniform rate of 80 cents for a berth, without regard to distance, is called' for; in Pennsylvania the rate vOemanded is ^i for the first 100 mile/ and 50 cents for each additional 100 ihiles. The legisla­ tors of Illinois want a rate of $1 for 24 hours or less; the Hoosiers are near to passing a bill fixing a rate of 75 cents for the first 100 miles and cants for each additional ten. miies; in^'Kansas the purpose is to fix sleeping car rates at nothing higher than f 1. 50 per night and as low gs 25 cents per day. A bill is almost certain to pass in Arkansas limiting the rate to half a cent a mile, and the. legislators of Texas, are minded to fix tho rate a£ $1 a night, etc.--New Orleans Times-Democrat. Westerman & Son HOUSE, S I G N A N D C A R R I A G E ' -- ' PAtKTERS, ^ « McHbhbt; - - i. - . IbLtsois. , i We are prepared to do all, our line «h short r otiee and guars n tee satislaction.. PAPER HANGING* A SPKCIALTF. Prices reasonable and w«,r)i promptly done. r -- WESTERMAN * SON. McHer ry, J.muary 30, 1894. Next Visit, Friday. Match 22 R E V 1 V O REST0KES VITALITY. rbntoffraplit'il from Life. W O O D S T O C K * I L Made a Swell Man VT of Me. Of Interest to All.' , "During dangerous weather-of this sort,"said the old doctor, '.^the mosfc careful persons are apt to catch a cold in their chests that will extend swiftly to the lungs if npt attended to. It nsut ally makes its presence known by a con­ stricted sensation just under the breast bonei where the flesh is the thinnest. When a person experiences this fueling, he can rest assured tliat he can procure almost instant relief by drinking a onp of water as hot as he cau bear to take in the month alid to swallow. There is no better medicine ia the world to arresi the progress of a cold than hot water, and, besides its effect upon the stomswh and the system generally,:it,.is btm©» • ficiaJJa the highestde'grea,; And in mt? throat tho remedy will bo found almost a specific.Wj^hin^tan Star, , JOUN J. BUUH, DISPENSARY AND BOARDING fcKe's tottery. A remarkable instance of the queer things turned out, by life's wheel of "for­ tune came to public notice yesterday at Bismarck. A gjerkin. the United States land ofrice at the North Dakota capital threw up his job to start a restaurant and blind ^pig, and ex-Governor Short- bridge was appointed to the clerkship, a position which pays ^1,000 per an­ num --St. Paul Globe. Near the Iron Bridge, MeHenry, ^ n.te;r,:Agents,$75 V " - fi\ v )lf / • ' a wct-ki Kxclu?ivti ii*riiu/ry.' Th« r • * IUpW l)I»h Washer. Washed all the ' xn»bea for a fnmilj in oue minute. r' .Wo>h«if,-riu*etf ami dric» them • wiiliout w«dtiug tb*; You pu^h tbe. button, tb« machine doea | 3**HAP!D 1,10 JJritflit, pollahed jdishe», |piSH*A'"yFa * ' "\vs5v* au<* cb&crUii vrlrvs. No scalded I " I ^fr^g-'T^nosoUedhandsorclothing. 'broken-dishes,iaoinuM.Cheap, durat>te,waffan.cled. Circularffee. W. P. UABKISC^S Ss CO.. Clerk No. 12, Columbus, 0» Board by the, D»y or Wcok a* I Reasonable rates, . A NICK LIME OF.ROW BOATS AT MY LAKI>I*G . Pure "Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars -- always on hand. .WJhfenh Lager. Upor oenetantly on dHn*h<-

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