Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1895, p. 4

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Don't Tobacco "Spit 6r SjnokS your 71 fe P w y. The truthful. startling title of a book about No-'to-bac,~ the only harmless," guaranteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want to quit and can't use,">so-tobac." Braces up nicotin1zediier v es,el i thi uates nicotine poisons, imm'tf weak lmjir gain strength, weight and vigor." Positive cure or money refunded. :~J ; Book at druggists, or mailed free. Ad­ dress The Sterling Remedy Co7*Chicago, 45 Randolph St.; New York 10 Spruce' St., . • . 9yl; (Still in the insuranqe busiuess. ' cy S. ISTOFFEIJ. u UllUli (JLiiJXJlLiU III ii liiLiuU Means Saving of Your Dollars Ton have been told about the shoe deal lor the past week or so. Wodiave told jcifhow good, and .how ('he.>pr~~but\not a word ha# been said about the mot ve f< r t his chonwiess, Tbe i eison is simple enough; we want • . • !:-•• • / , '• •; All otlds arid Vfiicls craned «P« no matte* whether we get 25 or Tftf cents on the doilsr, ELGIN, ILL . 'Dutchess all wool and/fully warrantc perfect fitting pants, jja, all sizes, at S Stoffol's. . ; V . ../ . , roll SALE. The brick block known as the Pekoveky Block,.opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this vitlage> is, nitered-txrr sale:-; It con­ tains one^ large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or otbft* business. in first story„ and also fin© Jb- ii^ rooms in second story. Is, situated kf center Of village, and is a first class hp "cation. for any business:- Will be'hBoki chea p and on rea' ona ble f orms. Inqu ire o? . jitf West M'cH4wry.<- Yon,sj«relv cannot invest your money any better. The cleaning up price-for , - '~ ,wT"r ;This week, Saturday, March^LG, VToyluake at $1.25 tor your choice. rl his; will b; the Shoe sa!e of the season,'and we urpe you to supply yourself, Ladies' Fine Kid? Pat. Tip and Plain, Saturday's price, $1,25. Pahtsi Overalls-, .never rip, 73 c, Men's '.Shirts at under prion-. f Dress Goods, Silks, Linens; White Goods, Embroideries, Corsets, Handkerchiefs. Pilisbury 'e, Chick's and the famous Fancy Patent .Flour at reduced -prices at S. Stqffei'8. ">• . -v ; Look over our Carefully .selected stort of Fargo'and. Douglas Shoes for all* only at ,S. Stoffel's. " . V Ft>r new designs in Wall Paper, Shade- Curtains and Carpets go to S, Stoffel's. Ladies, Gents ano Children's Undcrwcdr ,j0 do L'° Hosiery. do f!o .. do Cloves. <1® do do Shoes. When same are arranged for sale will quote our usual low prices Corset Sale This Week Bear in mind our Cut Bates on Patent Medici; es. All $1 Patent Medicines, like Hood's Sarsaparilia, for 79c. All $1 Patent Medicines, like Paine's Celery Compound, for 79c All 50c Patent Medicines lor 39c, All 25c Patent i\?edicine9 for 19c. P..N. Corsets, W C C, and other standard brands at the lowest prices ever offered. • - * vf Summer Corsets, heavily boned, perfect fit, regular price 50c, 29c fW ^ Huminer Corset^o {*2 Made of excellent material, perfect shape, extra long waists, a regular dollar corset in every respect. This sale 50c. , $1 and'# 1 £5 Corsets, a lot of high price corsetp, odds and ends. Your fyj choicer. ;....".'.r.. 75c \vS{, a<ided a good many new lines this sp> ing of the best corsets made Y7 in this country, and offer them at our usual very low prices. {jfy WAISTS AND SKI UTS,--The nioBt complete and satisfactory assortment in this city. You will find it both useful and economical in jZ. beinir able to secure sep irate waists and skirts. . i.: vty KS'-SHIUT WAISTS.--Laundried cuffs and collar, loose front, new fa spring styles and ideas,...... 50c TZ ISS^LAUNDRIKD SHIRT WAISTS •>--Perfect fit, well made, endless Qy variety to sekctfrom, best and newest materials, prices ranging 75c, 85c, foj if I and upward. , Vz HafSKlRTS.--Serge skirts, mohair figujjed skirts, crepon skirts-- Kj yds. sweep, ne^ plaited, black lined throughout, velvet binding, $3.75, f 5 ami Upwarr s. yt |FEJR\SEW SI'I<IN(J,CAPUS AND JACKETS.--We should pleased to show you the choicest and most complete line ever brought^luto this ci'y. Administrator's Notice • RSTaT E of John Fltiekc. deceased. The innle.r-ipne<i ha ving beew n | ipo ;nte<1 Administrator of the esia .e ol John Flusky, • l ' f i 'eaRfd, Into of the rotinty of Mctteim ami state or Illinois, hereby Rives noti e tha- he \v ii I appear before the County Court ol M'-Henrv county, ut the Court Ilonae. Ir _VP<.<ut stock, fit the V ay tfrni, <rn 'he lirft Mon'lay in May ., next, at \\ h^bjhne ali pei-Poiy) having craims atrainst » at" ert«te are n^tilie I ami requested to altera for the 'pin DO-T* fbaving the S-;IIH> adj•i£>I .e<l. All : er "ons 'o »"id M-taic fire rt!(jnested t 'aakcjinnir- 'diate j::ivm°nt to ihe iiudersighf ii , pitted this lfith-ilu> "f F eb., A O. 18 5. !. '»« 4 JAMtS B.l ' tKRY, Admin fltrator. TIIH"). F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGI3I. ILK DO YOU WANT A FARMERS STORE For Ihe next 60 d-iy-» 1 will sell you Single' or Double Harness, IIau«l-31ade, At a Big Discount.\ My stock is complete, all made of the best material aud warranted as repre­ sented. Jfe^Also, a full line of Robes, Blankets, Whips, etc., which will be sold cheaper t ha n the same goodscan be bought any- w hei e. \:o not fail to call at once and get the bei efit of these bargains. C U S 'CARLSON.' Mcllenry, III., March 5, 1894. 1895 We invite the protective c.lothiiisr buyers ot' VtoReury and Lake counties to an entirely new way of business. There has been a rev ; o ution in the cloth'nsr trado, which resulted in an entire new line "f prices, to the bene tit of the wearer, <a Better Clothes for Less Money is the New Motto. We carry everything„in the ('lothinr; line. Prices given on ap­ plication Do not beat \our,se!f bj> buving before first looking over our new way of business, BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS CAVEAISJRADE MARKS . ' COPYRIGHTS. W .Chicago Inter, Qcauu: What it-- tragedy was that! A strong man swoon ing when he is informed that he has fail ed to pass an examination,-thereby ION- ing bis/position upon which depended the bread of his wife and seven children! Such incidents as this are an inevitabh outcome of the red tape system which attempts to de-rermine a man s general efficiency according to his ability to answer questions that have.very little to do with the practical work which he ih commissioned to perform. There is no doubt whatever that the recent examin- amination ordained by the police boarci as a step fn the direction of civil service reform has .left scores of men still upon duty who were not half an Jaithful and deserving as this poor soul who could- ,not pass, and finds, himself confronted 'by a helplesB family for whom he is no longer able to provide. Our spring took is now in and ready for yojir inspection. A "ok through our line will convince you that we again arp to the f' 'ont in ladies and gents' fino f >ot wear, J h it we are iiolrselliiig all "dds and end-* at'25c on 'ihe dollar, hut that we have a nice new and lean etock of shoes at, bed rock payments. The Latefrt Style oi Spring Hats, just in. New spring stock ot Shirts. Pants, Trunks and Traveling Bags. Choice fresh Groceries: A n(;w car of Jersey Lily Flour just in. Clover, timothy and all o lher^ds for sale. C A N I O B T A I N A P A T E N T ? For a prompt aqswer and an honest opinion, write to MINN <SS CO., who have had nearly fifty years' experience in the patent busiisass. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In­ formation concerning Patents and how to Ob­ tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through' Slurin & Co. receive special noticeinthe .Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with­ out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world- S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. JBuildlng Edition, monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, ' i5 cents. Every number contains beau­ tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address ilUNN & CO., NEW YOUK, 301 BIUOADWAT. Crockery and C'assware. It will do you good to call and see the big -tock of those goods e have for sale. All Crockery warranted. JOHN GOOD BREAD Is never produced from inferior flour. Everybody knows that. The foundation of good flour is choice selected wheat. Machining method and know how are all important in the making of a reliable uniform brand like Pillsbury's Best. , A ^ §g§T' We now ofTer, for spot cash, , this celeb.rattwi brand of flour at $1 " : "V « "pgrSack bt- $-3"90 pnr bbtr~ -W-astr= -- p.'r * ------ burn's Best at 95c per sack or *3.70 1 per bbl. A choice family flour at ir/»**:. $ 85c per sack, When offering the§e - B brands' of flour we feel tbat we are KniSSwSrrid rirJ <" producing the very best flour thot & *1 money can buy* ' *2^- **t And on every sack a guarantee. ' * 'Twill suit your notionsIto a "T/' . ^^r.* J$' We also can supply you with 1 'M fresh ground graham flour, strictly pure buckwhra. flour, fresh ground • - \ . bolted corn meal, rye ilo ur, at price-* \ that defy competitionT " ... Bring on your wheat for flour, will guarantee to satisfy youJ>/th in quality and quantity. Although the weather is ' cold the feed grinding goes ou at six cents per bag. * . -Leave your orders at the mill and.we Wiil do the ; .. ONE (JIVES HELIf:I FUR SALE. t . The farm known as the John Fitzsini- rnpns farm, situated three yiiles uorth- east of Nunda and six riiiles south of Mcllenry, contairjinK 8l 7% acres. This- is one o| the beststo^k farriis in Mcllenry county.'" lias the finest farm housd-. and barn in the county and all improvement8 are fi"St class. Is iu a good state of cuj- tiviition.. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at ,the farm, O' L f i t < 3 " A v p t i n t f " J OSEPH FlTZSIMMONH, .JAMES FITZSIMMONV, j, 19m6 • Administrators. ElECTBIC TEUPHOI McHENRY ROLLER MILLS

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