Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1895, p. 8

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, The fotllowing is a specimen ballot containing the names of candidates to be voted for at the Annual Town Election on April. 2d 1895, for he town of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. « _..CHAULES H. GRANGER, Town Clerk. F. L.iMcOmber s West McHenry (^Democratic Ticket FOK SUPERVISOR, CPfflORGfE yr. BESLEY. FOR TOWN CLERK. The number of Stoves and Ranges sold by us thus far this season, is ahead of any previous sale in the records of our city. The universal satisfaction given by the • • .. . • FOR SUPERVISOR, * • WILLIAM A: CRISTY FOR TOWN CLERK. Save You Peninsular Stoves • WILLIAM D. WENTWORTH. Q JOHN H, MTT/T/ra? _ .. . . - • FOR ASSESSOR, ' • JOHN HUEMANN. i FOR COLLECTOR, • M. J. FREUND. FOR COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS. 0 JAMES GREEN. Their superiority in style and finish, and above u&\\ the prices at which we sell them is giving us anything in the Stove FOR ASSESSOR THE STOVE TRADE OF THE COUNTY. FOR COLLECTOR QU * £ ^ L E. e5 PERKINS, : 'McHenry, HI- Painting, Graining and Paper Hanging a specialty. Material ; ^ furnished if desired. FOR COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS FARMERS STORE GOOD BREAD THE THIRD SEMI-ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Sold Outright. no rent, no royalty. Adapted to City, Village or Country. Needed in every home,*shop, store imd office. Greatest convt'ii- iebce and best seller on earth. Ap« iil» inahe from 85 to 850per «1aT. One in a residence means a sale to all tho neighbors. Fine instruments, no toys, works anvwhere. any distance. Complete, ready for use when shipped. Can be put up by enyotie, never out of order, no repairinc, iasttraSBfe time. Warranted. A money maker Wte W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk 10, Coluir.tus, 0. J D. LODTZ, Jr Is never produced from inferior flour, Everybody knows that. The foundation of good flour is choice selected wheat. Machining method and know how are all important in the making of a reliable uniform brand like It takes two to pick a quarrel, but any one can pfck a bargain at the Faamers store. We are receiving goods daily for the spring trade, and in Dry Ooods and Notions Have some bargains, In Hosiery we have a large stock, carefully selected, at prices to suit the: times. Pillsbury's Best. We now offer, for spot cash, this celebrated brand of flour at $1 per sack or $3 90 per bbl. Wash­ burn's Best at 95c per sack or $3.70 per bbl. A choice family flour at 85c per sack, When offering these brands of flour we feel that we are producing the very best flour that monej? can buy. And on every sack a guarantee, 'Twill suit your notions to a "T." We also can supply you with fresh ground graham flour, strictly pure buckwhea flour, fresh ground bolted corn meal, rye flour, at price* that defy competition. , We sell the celebrated M. D. Wells Co. hand made* which are al­ ways the best, at reasonaqle prices, OlRjOCJEIfcilFS When in need of good, fresh groceries, rpmember we have always on hand the largest and freshest stock in McHenry. at Slate street prices, ^PFISH, for Lent , Any kind you want. . W eli^can't you use another keg of Syrup, best in town, FLiOTJR Sleepy-Eye Flour still takes the lead; None genuine unless a picture of an Indian is on the back of each sack. Ke- member Sleepy-Eye Flour goes further, makes whiter and moister bread than any other flour on the market'."'" For sale at S. Stoffel's; A. Simes', Big Hollow, and the Farmers store. °l° »uir« Crockery and Glassware* It will do you good to call and see the big -stock of those goods we have for sale. All Crockery warranted. Agricultural McHENRY, ILL. I take pleasure in informing the public that my Tailoring Establishment is now ready to take orders for Machinery! McHENRY, ILL We have the most complete line of Pumps to be found in the county, and if you are in need of one it will pay you to caU and see us. We have WITH WIND MILL REGULATOR, Bring oil your wheat for flour, will guarantee to satisfy you both in quality and quantity. Although the weather is cold the feed grinding goes on at six cents per bag. Leave your orders at the mill and we will do the rest. Buggies & Carriages Our entire stock of Buggies and Carriages will be sold AT COST for the next 30 days, McHENRY ROLLER MILLS J. D. LODTZ, JR Barbian Bros.' Block, McHenry, 111. JACOB JUSTEN MeHENKY, ILI, To the Furniture trade, Would be pleased to have you call and see my complete line of 1895 Aren't you all pleased over the event?., I am, and so tickled that I conclude to ship 4 or 5 of my early cars of machinery to West McHenry. Expect to unlond in the warehouse near the depot, and will probably be so filled up with seasonable, We invite the prospective clothing bu^grs of McHenry and Lake counties to an entirely new way of business, There has been a rev­ olution in the clothing trade, which resulted in an entire new line of prices, to the benefit of the wearer, , Better Clothes for Less Money is the New Motto. We carry everything in the C l o t h i n g UDO. Prices given on ap­ plication Do not beat yourself by buying before first looking over our new way of business, BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS. Our spring took is now in and ready for your inspection A look through our line will convince you that we again are to the front in ladies and gents' fine foot wear, thit we are not selling all odds and ends at 25c on the dollar, hut that we have a nice new and clean etock of shoes at bed rock payments. ri also keep a full line of samples of Carpets, and can please you both in quality and price. Ialso have a large stock of Picture Mouldings and do That I shall be glad to hold one of our Public Sales, and ask you " How Much?" If so same Call and look my stock over when in want of Furn: uie of any kind. UNDERTAKING A specialty. A splendid Hearse in connection, will be furnished at /easoi to eratea. JACOBJUSTEN. McHenry. Jan 1, 1895. Will be held on Saturday, and Monday, the Last days of March, 1895, Very Best of Farm Machinery, Wagons Carriages, Walking and Riding Plows, The Latent Style oi Spring Hats, just in. New spring stock of Shirts, Pants, Trunks and Traveling Bags. Choice fresh Groceries. A new car of Jersey Lily Flour just in Clover, timothy and all other sceus for sale. - Disk Pulverizers, Lever Harrows, Cultivators, Farm and Driving Harness, Sweat Pads,v Whips, Halters, etc. Sell you anything to lessen stock and get so we can see out. Did you say you would come and give us a bid, or purchase at private sale? Just as you wish. All of us must get a HUMP on ourselves for 1895.' I offer this great sale, so you will bs sure of a first class,start, whieh, in my experience, is everything toward success. Will you come? Of course you will, and we will be almost tickled to death to see you and give bargains. M(M 7C Beautiful Half Tone Engrav. JM, I Qgravings 2x3 inches, far $1,75, You * an print hundreds of thousands on any printing press. Send photo and $1.75 and receive the cut. Sample frae. Address JEFJ>KKSON JACKSON, 415 Dearborn Street, Chicago T"'RAPID OISHHASMIR JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry GEO, W. BESLEY mm and Dru8s-Medidne9- ' , PAINTS, OILS. mm West McHenry, 111. FOR MEDICAL USE. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. ' ' jy he Dest brands of Cigars and, smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call. --> GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHoiirj , Jan. 2, 1895.' Hiteh -pn Pulvjrizer, Best in M irket Our Lever Harrow, Yours for a good time and business

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