Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1895, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win UP F-nci no Pear Shall Awe. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 189, ALOFT ON AN ICEBERG THE REMARKABLT ADVENTURE OF THE SCHOONER ELWOOD. McHENRY, II .L. Always on Band with the Best. Beer. lyicHENRY, ILL. C. T. ESK'LSON, Manager. All kinds of Otit Flowers, and Funeral De~ signA to o had at all t ime*" at Reasonable Rates, Carnations in bud and other potted plants for si&le. PCBLIBHED E^ERY WEDNESDAY BY EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK, Tw# Doors North of Perry & Owen 's Stori , Does smoke from your cigar arise Like incense in the air ? Or does it only, cause a smudge ^ And make your neighbor swear?-' Why will you stick to cabbage lea ves And drive your friends,afar, When you can purchase for a dime , "Our Monogram" cigar? ' 80c ' 10'c. BAR6IAN EROS, • _ MAKERS'0?| Choice Cigars* We can sell you one or a thousand--retai or wholesale. WILBUR LUMBER CO, West Side Livery, FEED ANQ.SALE STABLES EI J. HANIJY, Prop'r. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. ' First class r igs, with, or without drivers, furn>shedl»t reasons-bio rates- Part ies tRken t and from the Lakes in EaSy Rigs, anu prompt connection made with a!! t raine/ * ' Our Rig* will be kept in first cta^s shape, ami we (-hall spare no-pains to pleas* our cus towers at al t t imes Give us a call , E J. HANLY, West McHenry, l i i„ Aug. 13, 1894. ' , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : - One year (In advance) • •• ' ---51 60 If No* Paid Within Three Months. . . % >'<J Subscriptions receive'1 for three or six. month* i t i the same proportion; AT THEIR YARDS IN WEST McHENRY, Have now oil band Moth hard and soft Coal, which they,-wilt sell at trices as low as the lowest. We are handling the celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we guarnntee unequalad ;>y any. J^**Delivery made to suit pur- i-haser F e e d ! F e e d ! Feed of all kinds constantly on bind. Car Lots a Specialty . |3lrTile r timer Ceffientrj-etc .- nlways on hand. Wilbur Lumber Co. NEW CASH NEAR THE Keeps open for the accommodation oftn» Public a Firet-Olass The undersigned having, leased the Pefexrvsky Blocks---- ' One Door South of Post Office McHENRY, ILL., Has refitted the sanis and put in a Full Line of Chaise Family Groceries, Kerosene, Gasoline. Potatoes, Fresh Bread (Elgin), Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees. Canned Goods, Fruits, Bakery Sup­ plies, etc., whieh he will offer to the buy­ ing public at the Lowest. Living Prices, for Cash. Our goods are all fresh, new and clean, and we hope by fair dealing an<i good goods to merit and receive a share of public patronage. C. B i^RPHY. McHenry, March 18, 1895. PABST'S Milwaukee Lager leer At Wholesale and Retai l . How Harry Wack, a Newspaper Man, Won , Miss Yaw, the Singer, The story of how Harry Wack, the1 newspaper man, won Miss Yaw, the ; singer, "is delightfully new. Mr. Wack] tells it himself. Mr. Wack did not fol- j low the conventional paths in hi3 love- j making. He struck out after an origi-! nal method of his own. Mr. Wack met Miss Yaw He liked her voice, her per­ sonality, her splendid mind. She asked him to write some articles on psychol­ ogy and similar subjects. He wrote them. She liked them so well that she proposed that they exchange 100 essays on interesting topics. They did it j About the time the essays were finished --or before--they were engaged: T •should like to read those essays seria-1 tim. They would tell the story. I opine that the first ones dealt with the sub-* jects in hand in a strictly scientific fashion. Later on they commenced to take on the brighrtinge of love. I fan­ cy I can see Wack writing essay No. 53 with a tender light in his eye. There was a message in every line. Wack didn't care about the prosy subject he was treating He was thinking of the bright eyes for which the essay was in­ tended. Essays 9S, 99 and 100 must have been complete love stories in them-j selves. Here's to Wack and his essays. He is one of the brightest young men in litera­ ture, and it can be said of him that he has written the most powerful essays of the age.--Atlanta Constitution. a business oakds FRANK L. SHEPARD, IOUNSF.LLOR AT LAW. Suite 514--30 La i 8*llo St., Chicago. -- - Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles 01 a.ys on hand, oheaper than any other, qusli -considered. JO* L ABT. M, D. [ PHYSICIAN jsn SURG EON, McHenrv, 111, Offl< e in Nichols Bl< ck, over PlaUdeaier Ofiioo. Telephone No. 4. Ordwns by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSFS. *WCall and-see us. O. H. FEGERS, M, D- iHTSlOiAN AND SURGEON, KoHenry Il le. Office at Residence. Robert Schlessle. DO YOU WANT A O. J . HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at the ersldence of R. A, Howard, Weit MoHenry, 111. For til*1 next lit) d <y 1 will sell you iSino-le or Double Harness, Hand-MLrtcie, At a Big Discount. My stock is complete, all made of the best material and warranted as repre­ sented. fe^-Also, a full line of Robes, Blankets, Whips, etc , which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought, any- wheie. L>o not fail to call at once and get the benefit of these bargains. C U S C A R L S O N . . McHenry, 111., March 5, 189-i. Intel States «ar Claii Apcj --or-- WM- H- COWLIN, Illinois. DR. A. K AURINGER, PHTSIClAN AMBftURUEON Office in Dr. Ohilds building, West McHenry, 111. Residence, hou*e formerly occupied by Dr. O*borno, All professional eali* promptly at- tended to, Afood stock ProsecuteBall classse and kinds of claims \gainst the United States for ex-Soldlera, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is mad® in prosecuueg old and rejeoted claims All communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are eneiosed for reply. WM, H, COWLJS )ff lce al Residence, Mad i son St , Woodeto F. C. OOLBY, D. D. S. DENTIST. Woodstock. III . Special aien-tlon paid to regulating children's teeth, Part ies coming from a distance wUl do well to give t imely notice by mail . Office, Kendal blooh corner Main street and Public,Sq are O. P. BARNES TTORNEI, Solici tor, andi Counselor, . Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. KNIGHT & BROWN, TTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S. Express Co. ' t t Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. Tom Reed a Linguist. If by any lucky stroke of fortune Tom Reed should happen to become presi­ dent of the United States, he will prob­ ably be the first accomplished linguist to occupy that office. Mr, Reed is pas­ sionately fond of the study of languages. Some years ago he took up French, and during the Fifty-first congress, while acting as czar over the house of representatives and passing through parliamentary storms of cyclonic sever­ ity, found time three days a week to go to a school of languages for his lesson in French. Later he took up Italian and is now able to converse fluently in thafc language. At the present time he iS; studying Spanish, and if the movement to annex Cuba to the United State3 should succeed during Mr. Reed's hoped for regime he will have in his command of this tongue a convenient accomplish­ ment. --Chicago Times-Herald. Record of Alexander Hamilton's Death. In the records of the health depart­ ment of New York, uuder date of July 11, 1S04, is the original entry of the death of Alexander Hamilton, as follows: "Name, Alexander Hamilton; place of nativity, Santa Cruz, W. I.; disease, casualty; cemetery, Trinity church; sex­ ton, Thomas Collister. " In the right hand margin of the page, under the heading of "Remarks," some one has made the following explanatory; note: "Fell in a duel with Colonel Aar­ on Burr, Wehauk, N. Jersey, on the 9fch July, interred at the expence of the Corporation of the City otVNew Yor£."J --New York Commercial Advertiser. I A Wee Mite, A wee mite of a babe that can easily be held in one hand came into this world in San Francisco the other day. The child weighs only 2lv> pounds and is the daughter of Virginia Guaquo. She is perfectly formed and appears quite healthy, but owing to her small- ness it is almost impossible to feed tha, child.--San Francisco Examiner. /, Coal, Shorts, Middlings, Bran, i Oil Meal, Oats, Ground Feed. V , S LUMLEY. i TTORNEY AT LAW, and Bolioltor in Chancery, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Offioe in Park House, first f loor. ILLINOIS* H. C. WIEAD, Justice oj the Peace and General In­ surance Agent including Accident and Life Insurance. OITICE WITH B. GILBKUT, NEAB DEFOT, WEST MCHESEI, III. OPTICIAN, THE BEST StfADE. In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. Orders by mail promptly attended to. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Leal E*tato and Insurance. ft' UK DA,Ml. Nunda, 111. A New Mining Fever Coming. There are indications that an era of speculation in gold mining stocks is rap­ idly approaching. The great cheapening of silver has directed renewed attention to the most precious of metals, and there has been a remarkable increase in its production during the past year. Cheap­ er and better machinery has been in­ vented, aud new and more effective processes of treating ores are being con­ stantly discovered. In consequence mines that were long ago abandoned as worthless have been reopened, aild new ones aro being located everywhere in the gold bearing regions. Under the new order of things a great deal more capi­ tal is required, and since comparatively few individuals can be found able or willing to take the risk of mining in­ vestments stock companies must be formed. The result may soon be that tha market will be flooded with mining securities. --Louisville Courier-Journal. ALSO A® W ATS" ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, choice ASeSj Wines, Cigars; Etc. T b iy n^iie but the best and Bell at rt-a onab e prices. Call and see mc and I will use you well. ANTOKY ENGELN. McHenry, 111 , 1894. °PERFECT FI 1 GUARANTEED (Jet my prices on quantities from a bag full to"* car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere. jGKfS P. SMITH, Watchmaker <St Jeweler MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special at tention given to repairing flne watohes. Give me a call . JOHN P- SMTTB. Will be at O. T. DaniPl 's Drug ̂ tore, Algon quln, every Wednesday, and at the office of Dr. Anringer, West McHcnry, every Satur­ day, commencing Feb. 23, 1895. Also at 4be office of Dr. Dawson. Waucond'v, on Mondays and at the office of Dr Rice. Richmond, every f ' r jday. Office with Dr, Werden, Nunda, 111, A Q . R A M B . G F F E R ! RnME. A. KUPPERT'S Wester man & Son WEST McHENRY:.II.L. FACE BLEACH HOUSE, SIGN AMD CARRIAGE PAEfcTEaS. =• McH I- .NRY, ILLINOIS. We are prepared to do all work in our l ine on fehort ot ioe and guar nice satisfaction p \ PSR HANGING A SPECIALTY Prices reasonable and w rk promptly d 0 D®' ^ WEHTERMAN & SON. McHerry. J \miary 30, 1S9L ptjtjWQ Wext Vlslt'-- Ji l . rF 'Uln U Fr iday. Apr i l 19. WOODSTOCK, IL., , v t i lie Hotel Woodatock, RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Photographed from Lift. Made a Swell Man of Me. He* .Lit t le Joke. i Queen Victoria may not be feeling well, but Albert Edward will hardly try on the crown, as the old lady hak a most unpleasant way of de/emug the croakers -^Philadelphia Press. A Knowing Horse. Kansas has a horse that is fond of 4 That horse ought to have an-offioe. Atlanta Constitution. ' r|l A Novel Strike. j ji (j The pupils in a Loganspcrt (lad.) school have struck. How about the par* • entsS^--Chicago Post « | Joe Jefferson's Luck. , ' Joseph Jefferson has struck bedrook salt. "Them that has gits. "--Eofttott Journal j JOHN J. BUCH 1st Day. p/ ̂ /ffy 15th Day. THE GREAT 30th Day. XPUFtlHIVOIEE: ^DE31M[DE3X3-Sr produces the above results in'30 days. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail iToung men will regain their lost manhood, and ole men will recover their youthful vigor by usint REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervou» negs. Lost Vitality, Impotency. Nightly Emissions i,oet Power. Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, anr all, effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretioi which unfits one for study, business or marriage 1 not only cures by starting at the seat of disesB? l?r( isaereat nerve tonic and blood builder, brihr ini back the-pink glow to i>ale cheeks and r< storing the fire of youth. It wards off Jnaanit and Consumptioti. Insist on haring RKVIVO. n other. It can be carried in vest pocket, By mai .•1.00 per package, or six for S5.00, with a fw tl?« written gnaranteo to cur* or refuri the money. Circular free. Address » ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 RIv«rSt., CHICAQ(Lll , iB-OR BALK BY " . G. W, W*tt McHenry. DISPENSARY AND Near the Iron Bri«ije, McHenry, BoaTtf tot D»Y or Wook at Seasonab e r«te», A NIOR L1*^ or Row BOATS AT MT LAHDI*®. Pare Wtpea, Liquor»arrd <^b»'ce Cigars 5 always on hand. jWtrMh Lagttr Beer oonstaiitiy on draueh-

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