Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1895, p. 7

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C O N S U M P T I O N menacing, but' in some cases has actually t>een experienced, '.;A ̂ Chicago correspondent says; The comparatively great heat of the past fewv days, although probably only temporary, tends to intensify the anxiety of farmers find others Who have an interest in the water supply. Thursday wasa very warm day, uncomfortably, so in some places for the time of year. 1 i Chicago the air was mild and inviting, the temperature reach­ ing a maximum point of 73 degrees, and standing at 04 degrees at the hour of the evening observation, both figures about 35 degrees above the normal for the third decade of the month of March, Spring- field just touched fourscore; St. Louis reached-82, Kansas City came two ahead with 84. and in Dodge City and Wichita, f Kas., .the inhabitants ftfntfcd themselves and kept off the dies, with the thercury at 88 and IX) degrees 'respectively. Throughout the 'central region: as "far south as the southern line of Kansas the temperature ranged from 20 to 35 degrees above the normal. BEST IN THE WORIiD. Highest of all inLeavening Power.--Latest U. S. Cov't Report NO EUROPEAN ENCROACHMENT ON THIS CONTINENT, " Indicate as surely as ariy physical symptom shows anything that the or­ gans and tissues of the body are not satisfied with their nourishment. They draw their sustenance from thfe blood, and, if the blood is thin," im­ pure, or insufficient, they are in a state of revolt. Their complaints are made to the brain, the king of the body, through the nervous system, and the result of the general dissatisfaction is what we call Nervousness. This is a concise, reasonnable 'expla­ nation M the whole matter. The cure for Nervousness/ then, is simple. Purify and enrich your blood by-taking Hood's Sarsaparilla,-and the ne'rves, tissues, and organs, will have the healthful nourishment they crave. Nervousness and Weakness will then give way to strength and health. > That this is not theory but fact is proven by the voluntary statements of thousands cured by Hood's Sarsapa­ rilla. Read the next column. "With pleasure I will state that Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped me wonderfully. For several months 1 could not lie down to sleep on account of heart trouble, and also Prostration of the Nerves. For three years I had, been doctoring, but could not get cured. I received relief for a while, but not permanent. Soon after be­ ginning to take Hood's Sarsaparilla there was a change for the better. In a short time I was feeling splendidly. I now rest well and am able to do work of whatever kind. If 1 had not tried Hoot's Sarsapa­ rilla 1 do not know what would have be­ come of me. I keep it in my house all the time, and other members of the family take it, and all say there is 1 Nothing Like Hood's Sarsaparilla, I have highly recommended it and one of my neighbors has commenced taking it. I recommend Hood's Sarsapa­ rilla at every opportunity." MRS, S, BRADDOCK, 40+ Erie Ay., Wllliamsport, Pennsylvania. •- , v <v. • figure to get \ iaXrn \s wMwa\\e& the United,-Stfttes Government Will See., tliat Justice Is Done in Latin- America--Many Republics May IJnite to Oppose Europe. i_" ' ss. THE RiSiNu Sua blacking of a stove. THE SUN PASTE POLISH for a quick LABORafter-dinner shine, THE applied and pol- ished with a cloth. Morse Bros., Props., Canton,Mass., U.S.A. HIGHEST QUALITY OF ALL, SOME CROP FIGURES, THE STANDARD F O R A L L . . . . . nAVE you feasted your eves upon the beauty and grace of the 1895 Columbias ? Have you tested and compared them with all others?, Only by such testing can you know how fully tte Columbia , justifies its proud title of the Stand­ ard for the World. And the price is but V Another "Wonder of Chemistry* By themselves both aluminum and bioxideof sodium are barmfess enough, but mix the latter with aluminum in powder and you produce, it seems, .a formidable explosive which .detonates, not only upon contact with a drop of water, but even if placed in paper, the humidity sufficing to inflame it. In a state of freedom it does not burn with the slowness of dynamite, but projects flames instantaneously in all direc­ tions and even to melt copper wire. M. Rossel discovered this explosive last December, injuring his right arm in thefirst experiment. POPE MFG. CO. Hartford, Conn. BRANCHESa BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO CAN FRANCISCO PROVIDENCE DUFFALO Prominently in the Public Eye To-Day To Teachers and Others., :" \i For the meeting-of .the National' Edu­ cational Association-at Denver. Colo., in July, next. tlu> Western trunk lines have named a rate of'"one standard faro, plus two dollars for flic round trip. Variable routes will be permitted. -Special side trips at reduced rates will be arranged for from Denver to all the "principal points of interest throughout C<)R>rado, and those desiring to extend the trip to California, Oregon, and Washington, will be accommodated at satisfactory "rates. Teachers and others that desire, or intend Attending this meeting or of making a Western trip this summer, will find this their opportunity. The Chicago, Milwau­ kee & St. Paid Railway (first-class in every respect) will run through cars Chi­ cago to Denver. For ftill particulars, write to or call on F. A. Miller, Assist­ ant General Passenger Agent, Chicago, An Art ' * Catalogue of these famous wheels and of Hartfords, $A> §6o,free at any Colum­ bia Agcncy, of n;c-"<~d for tzvo 2-cent sta. s. What a Blessing It Is to have strong nerves, and how many are denied it..They to whom nature has been niggard in this respect can enjoj' nerve vigor and quietude if they use Ilostetter's Stom­ ach Hitters, one of "the finest nervines and toffies in existence. Dyspepsia, a prolific source of nerve Inquietude. 1s Invariably overcome by this genial "medicine, which Is also potent as a remedy for malarial and kidney trouble and constipation. The loan bureau started last year by St. Bartholomew Church, New York, has since May loaned $40,000, and in no instance has had to forclose a mort­ gage. * ~ STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, I 6 LUCAS COVXTY. ( SS- FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is tho senior partner of the'firin of I<\ .T.CHKNKY&CO., doing business In the City of Toledo, Countv and State aforesaid, and that-said linn will pa'v the sum of OXK HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every , ease of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CUHK. FRANK ,T. CHUNKY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres­ ence, this Gth day of December, ^D., 18SG. j 1 . A. Vi'fGLEASON, "j | Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 8a^~Sold by Druggists, 75c. Employes of the Union Pacific Rail­ road have resolved to dispense with the walking delegate, and will here­ after conduct their negotiations and business with the Company directly. Piso'sCi UK for Consumption relieves the most obstinate coughs.--Kev. 1). Hi'cu- Mi'Ki.i.Ki*, Leximrton. Mo.. Feb. '1A, ISiM. $ 3 0 0 S A V E D ! Another One Gone Right. "I must say right here that the two boxes of No-to-bac I bought at the drug store here, completely cured me of the tobacco habit," are the cheering words received by the Sterling Remedy Co.. of Chicago, from G. II. Hood, of Spring Green, Wis. The average height of the men in the Union army in 18(13 was 5 feet 7 inches. The natives of this country averaged a greater height than that of any other. For Well People. Most medicines are for the sick. Some- can be used with good effects by persons apparently well. Occasional resort to liipans Tubules prevents attacks that result from disorders of the stomach and liver. To preserve is better and cheaper than to repair. That which seemeth most casual and subject to fortune, is yet disposed by the ordinance of Heaven. Mr. I. L. Ochsner, 22d St. and Clark Ave., St. Louis, 'Mo., says: "About 8 months ago I had been laid up for six weeks with chronic muscular and in- flawmatcy rheumatii-m. and was on the pomt of iroiug to Hot Sprintis in order to secure, if possible, temporary relief from my sufferings. I had tried every remedy 1 knew or heard 6t, with no good re­ sults. Oust then 1 learned of Irish Types. Three types at least are observable in tile south of Ireland: First, the dark Italian-looking Celt, also found in Devon; secondly, the tall, yellow- haired Danish type; and, thirdly, the aboriginal Aryan of the Volga, with red or auburn hair and blue or green eyes, who may also be found in Corn­ wall. The dark aquiline type of Wales dif­ fers - considerably from that of the Irish, and the Irish kmgnage-is- 110aiw akin to Cornish than to Welsh. The traditional Irishman of caricatures is not often seen in the south, though this type is not unknown even among the upper classes. The soft features and bright eyes of the modest peasant women present many varieties of beauty, and the min­ gled race of Cork and Kerry--fairer as a rule than that of the far west--is as vigorous as any in Scotland or in Yorkshire.--Blackwood's Magazine. Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative ; effectually" cleansliig~tlie system, dispelling, colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug­ gists in 50c and $l'bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered.,. and sent to Chicago for threa bottles. It cured me, and I have reve>' been so v>:« 11 for seven years. I know 40 bad eases which ttiis medicine has sinca cured. It certainly saved me $SU).00." SI.SO a Bo'.tlc. WRITE TO-DAY. S W A N S 0 N R H E U M A T I C , C U # E C O If?? Dearborn ®tro«t. Ohieasro. TU. over that of'180H. - South America pro­ duced 104,(KK),t)OJJ bushels in the same year, the increasing product being due to the large extension of the wheat area in Argentina and Uruguay. Europe produced nearly 7U.(K)(1.<HK) bushels more wheat in 1SSM than it did the preceding year. Asia showed a decrease of 1M,000,000 bushels, and in Africa and Australia the crop of 1SU4 was the largest/tin four years. For the last four years fhe world's, crop of wheat has been as follows: 1894, esti­ mated at 2.aUQ.000.o00 bushels against 2.427.000,000 in 1S<W. 2.414.000,000 in 1892. and 2.:{70.000.0<10 in 1891. 0 Eczema and nil Skin Diseases in 1 ten days by our celebrated Anti- ! S!>T>tlc Oiiitroeftfc 50c per box, • WINDSOR MED- CO.. TITUSYILLE. PA. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds. All Aches, Stiffness, Cuts, Hurts, Frost-bites. Swellings, Soreness, Headache, Backache, „;.WHAT MORE BS NEEDED THAN A PERFECT CURE.. D o Y o u K n o w t h a t T h e r e I s S c i e n c e i n N e a t n e s s ? B e W i s e a n d U s e The first step toward being a happy old man is to be a useful young one. INSULTED THE KAISER, The Reichstag's Action in Refusing: to Honor Bismarck'fc Itirtlulay. The action of the majority in the (Jor- mnn Reichstag in refusing to concur with the government in sending congratula­ tions to Bismarck on the.Occasion of his 80th birthday, created a commotion in the fatherland that has not been equaled in many years. Inasmuch as the Emperor, the government and scores of societies, together with the governments of the dif­ ferent States, united in honoring Bis­ marck, the action of the Uelcltstag. be- "GESTLIMEN : Regarding prospects for t!io coming YEAR, would say. we hope to double our last year's output of Acr~ motorst or, at least, as iw have done in the past, sell twenty- four out of erryy twenty-Jive teindmillt; that are sold. Since commencing the sale in 1669, WE IIAYK SOLD ABOUT Saved from Rnin and Despair by the Timely Aid of a Noted Woman. We do not attribute this fairly good record entirely to oar ef- forts, but to the superiority of ilie goods which you make. BUERILL & DAVIS Urbann, 111., February 18, 1895." GrNTLKier.N : We bought and put up Aeriyotor No. 2, and out of the first fifty which you made we had thirteen. Sinco that tune we have sold about [SPECIAL TO OUB LADY BEADEES.] more tr-uly This sunshine and joy i3 Bow the happy portion of Miss Florence -- of Beacon Street, Boston. She often tells of her suffering from the suppression of the menses. The pain was excruciating. The doctors, instead of removing the cause of her ailment, plied her each month with morphine to prevent convulsions; but the trouble was permitted to«exist. "When she could endure no more.-- prostration was imminent and futuro hopeless, --her family procured a bottla of Lydia E. Pinkftam's Vegetable Com­ pound, which, surprising to all, rapidly and permanently cured her. In writing to Mrs. Pinkham, pouring forth her gratitude • and happiness, she says: "Oh! that I could make every suf­ fering woman try your valuable medi­ cine! How they would bless you! " a e r k i o t o r s Absolutely free of cost, for a ~ LiniTEl) TIHE ONLY, In our sraaJl territory ia represented the history of the Aermotor and the Aermotor Company from tho beginning to the present hour. That history is on(^ of unbroken triumph. Aside from the Aermotor there have been but few other windmills put up in our territory--just enough with which to compare and show the infinite su- periorityof the Aermotor in design, workmanship, finish (all galvanized ,u after comple­ tion), and ability to run and do effective work when all others stand idle for want of wind. We should have sold more, -gJOwpk but this region was well supplied with wind power when the Aermotor ap­ pealed, it being only C6 miles • i\ to Chicago, and had for years been the battle ground fl U f<»r ten or twelve of the largest, best known and B R strongest windmill com- Sinies, all being located M n within 50 miles of us. ICIi OF OFR BUSINESS i U HAS COME FROM RE- PLACING WOODEN AND IL -SI OTHER UNSATISFAC­ TORY WHEELS WITH GTIJ AE RAO TORS. You say you have during the past year surpassed any pre­ vious year's record by if f/ll ebout one-half, and that you expect to double your Hy'AS last year's output the coming year. Count on us trt/\ \\U ou*" portion of it, fot the Aermotor never stood farther above all competitors in repu. tation and in fact than to day. SXITH & BRIGUT, Marengo, 111., February 25. 1895." • The next Aermotor ad. will be of pumps. We shall offer foi Invaluable in O&ce, School, or Home. wxx «s iQ O JVew from cover to cover. M BI C O ̂ YBflTY """ ~ » It is the Standard of tlie U. S. Supremo Court, of the U. S. ' Government Printing Ofllcc, and of nearly all of tllo Schoolbooks. £ It is warmly commended by every State Superintendent of Schools. f A Collesre President tvrltes : " Fcr easo Tritli which tho 0 eye iinds iho •word sought, for accuracy of definition, for ef- « fective methods in indicating pronunciation, for terse yet ' comprehensive statements of facts, and for practical use J, as a working dictionary, 'Webster's International' excels J any other single volume." :3 G. & C. OTerriam Co., Publisliexs. Springfield, Slass., U.S.A. cySend fnr frce pnmpliletcontalnlnK ppecimen pacef.inustranons,etc. • *"' ay Do not buy cheap photographic reprints gf tho Webster of 1S47. The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HECH GRADE (On this Continent,'have received three way force pump. All dealers should have it or can get i1 to sell at that price. All Aermotor men will have it.*'Tho wcel following will appear our advertisement of galvanized stee tanks at 2^,-rents per pal Ion. The) neither shrink, leak, rust nor make water ta»te bad. Aermotor Co>« Chicago. THO SALUS LADV. \uiM»i!!!pii«PP1 WIlM ** Well--Sa.nia.\ iiW Ostus must Hi have run out mi o'Soap when he left you J' ^ Even the cliildrpicecognize Santa Claus Soap as one of tlie good things of life--and why not ? It keeps ||!^ their home clean and makes their lj||| mother happy. Try it in your home. Sold everywhere. Made only by|||| The N. K. Fairbank Company, CHICAGO* n. ^ EXPOSITIONS In Europe mi Anaica. side being unpopular, is a direct slap in the face to the Kaiser and to those who with him celebrated the birthday anni­ versary of the aged statesman of Fried- riehsruhe. Whatever may have been the political animosities that Bismarck's at­ titude on public questions evoked in the past, it surely should not have been dif­ ficult to forget them in tho presence of the day that eighty years ago witnessed the birth of one of the most commanding figures in modern history and the unifier of the German nation. ^In view of the Reichstag's adverse vote, the president of that body. IJerr von Levetzow, imme­ diately resigned and the Emperor tele­ graphed to Bismarck his regrets over the unpatriotic action of the popular chamber. Beecham's pills are for bil­ iousness, sick headache, diz­ ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste- in the mouth, heartburn, tor» pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre­ quent cause of all of them. One of the most impbrtant things foi everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sickness in the world,especially of wo:u6n; and it can all be prevented. Go by the at your druggist's,or write R.F. AllcnCo.,365Cana' St., New York. Pills,io^ and 25c a box. Anuu&l sales more than 6,000.000 boXea. Price 60 Cents. Apply Balm into each nostril, M ELY BROS., 66 Vv arren bt., IS. Y. \-^ H " f|ENSION«?K5STBS 3yr3lnli>stwar. 1 s adj udicatLugclaims, atty aiuco. FARMERS WANT RAIN An Alarminyr Drouth in All North­western States-- Noi Relief in Sight. •Were it not for the snow, a residue of which has lingered w lie re it was accumu­ lated by the plentiful storms of jviuter, severe drought would now be confronting our Western husbandmen at the very outset of the season of agricultural activ­ ity. Since the snowfall of Febrifiary there has been no precipitation of i/ioisture in the entire region from the es/sterii slope of the M'fssissippi.galley t^/the base of the Itocky Mountaiin£-*"**Hft3melting of the snow, which the foresight (if winter pro- vW"«l iu such abundance, has supplied a gradual source of moisture to the earth, which has made possible the development of early-spring vegetation. t Now the snow is gone, except in some sections of the. Northwest, and* still the longed-for rain does not .appear. Mauy csommunities in Illinois are lainentijrg and predicting disaster unless relief comes in the shape of rain. Cisterns and wells are dried up, and streams usually overflowing with the spring floods, run within their banks far below the usual level. The 1111- softened ground "offers no prospect of t-he speedy sprouting of the seeds on whose development depends the yield of the au­ tumn crops. The situation among • the tillers !of the soil in Illinois and adjacent States "is not particularly alarming, but is sufficient to <\ause apprehensions if the dry spell is prolonged. In small urban centers, where the water supply is derived from neighboring natural reservoirs, the danger of uncontrollable,.fires is not only L A N D B A R G A I N S Choice vei (1 and improved in Iowa, Minnesota, and K. Dakota. Address \V. VV. GASTON, Tiaer. Iowa. FARMED MILES' Seventh Annual Class of & SBJfHbEi!? IS The BEST. FIT FOR AKING. COKDOVAN, £mm- FRENCH £1 ENAMELLED CALF. §m§7-- Î 4.53.sp FINE CALF&KANGAROQL $3.09 POLICE,3 SOLES. | • EXTRA FINE- ' E°YsscK!i2LSiioE3- ^̂ Ŝ|:i3-$2^EsTDSoN60,A. Wtt&SsA&MiJte* F.r-\D FOR CATALOGUE 1--DOUG BROCiCTaK^-UU.S. Over One'MUHoa People wear tho W. L. Douglas $3 & $4-Shoes All dur shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best valqc for the money. They equal custom Shocc In style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unuurpassed. The pri&ia are uniform,"--stamped on sole. Proip $i to $3 saved over other mekes^ li your dealer cannot supply you we caa. AND RIDGLING HORSE CASTRATION OPENS APRIL 3d. 1895. For Terms and Particulars write him at CHAlt L, KSTO>', - ILIilNOISJ When you are in a low state of health, and on the verge of illness, there is no nourishment in the world like Li Hung Chang is certainly entitled to a life membership jn the Hard Luck Club. Gold has disappeared mysteriously from the T'nited States mint at Carson, Nev. Coine, John Bull, we'll have to draw the line somewhere. A contemporary snys Spain's chief of- fenfee lay in sending.' a shlid shot after tho Allianca. If she'd sent a li(juid ball ii would have been all right. He's been putting it off for a long time, butxit looks as if Uncle Sam will how have to pull off his coat, roll up his shirt sleeves and wallop the rest of. the world. ^ ' Japan, after conquering Corea, lends money to the Coreans. There are a good mariy parts of this'glorious Union which would he eager to be conquered on those terms. If. Phoebe Couzins was" really be­ trothed to Senator Fair during the, Co- umbian Exposition, why is it that she made r.uch a spirited fight for that salary of hew? B ami Baas V By SMITH S PILE Ct'RE. Instant reiiei and perainn. ut ciirv suaran- teed. t-ent to any addresson receipt ol S t. E. M. SMITH, 515 (itith Ct., Clilcaso- to restore strength. Scott's Emulsion nourishes, strength- _ ens,, promotes the making of solid flesh, enriches the blood and tones up sSSlp , ^ho whole system. ^or ^0US^st Soro Throat, Bronchitis, ' "Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Ansmia, Loss of Flesh, Thm Babies, Weak Children, and all conditions of Wasting. < Buy only the,genuine! It has our trade- mark on salmon-colorfd-wrapper. TBAoi. M«ni) Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Soott & Bowrie, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and SI. rnn nil r by a working two Buikijns rlllf SOI r Lots- Price ssaoeicb. Abw- • Ul* UfiLL tain; sure to advance ir>. spriua. The reason tor s?l!inw--want more room to biy «. Address J AS. HIK\S. aul5 Third Are.. >• Y. Mrs. WinsloWs SOOTHIN'Q STBSTP toR Children wettUnjr; goitens the 'in£l»mm»Uc>a.\ *U*>6 p»in. cures wind colic. SS cents a bottle. Raphael, Angeio, liubeiis, Tasso „11ie "LINENE REVEUs: UI.E" are the Best and Most Economical Collars *nd Cuffs worn; they ar-mode ot line cloth, both sides finished alike, and, bem# re- ver lble. on<- collar is equal to two of any oiher kind. wrUutar xoeU and ImiLicell. A box ol Ton Collars or Five i'airs of Culls for Twenty-hve Cents. A Sample Collarjaid Pair of Cuifs bv mail for Sis Cents, kame style and size. Address KEVEKSIBLK COLLAR COMPANY, 77 FRftRKLlN ST.. KEW VORK. 27 KIIBY ST., BOSTflll. y v -srritlng to Advert Iscrs. pleas« <lo not f»j Alto mentioii this paper. Advertisers lip. to kuow what mediums pay them best. FLBilTINE SOAP CA? MADE AT HOME by a simple method discovered bv mv husband. 1 will send recipe FOR YOUR OWN use tor 81. Mrs. Eliza Tucker, 48a Orange St., Newark, N. .1. CURES ffrttKE'ALL USfcTA^n Best Coutfh Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by dry racists. DO YCW-WA-NT«WORk tor spare lime with GOill) I'AY? If so. you will ii ever regret sendxnx mmp for nnrticulars to I.. B. Johnson, 511 A St. K., Washington, 1>. C. pi fl QUICKLY .BINCUBED by ijje sent free, naxjsize by mail Ju., Chicago. Charies Rheumatine. Trial pacl Try it, and buy if it helps you: Het 50c. CiiAKLES MKD1CINU

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