Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1895, p. 4

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tp bo voted at the Annual Village Election, to be held in the Village o£^Nunda, *MoHenry ^oi^nty, Specimen Ballot' Illinois DEALER IN Agricultural WEDNESDAY. APRIL 10, 1895 Machinery I tSJ* We understand that the Chicago later Ocean and Tribune will advdeate Congressman Hopkins candidacy for Governor. WW" Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was in good; demand, 39,460 •pounds offerings, 34,200 selling at 20c, sellers considering no lower bids, week,20c; last year 22(ft22)4\ Last I^The value of the sheep in the Unit­ ed States has debased nearly fifty per crnt in the last two years, representing a decline of about $60,000,000. Yet the tariff reformers expect to find a full offset in the sale oY a few hundred dollars' worth of American woolens in an English manufacturing town. - The fellow who is talking up the building of an electric railroad from New York to San Francisco, which shall carry passengers a •• hundred miles an hour, uiay truthfully lay claim to hiring rapid transit ideas', even if he never gets the $200,000,000 needed to construct the road. Senator Evans has introduced a bill making Memorial Day a school holi­ day. When Decoration Day was made a legal holiday it did not occur to the authors to make a like amendment in the school law.. The superintendent of pub­ lic instruction has ruled against recog nixing it as a school holiday, because he is required to be governed by the school law, and the Evans bill will remedy this (defect and give the school children a chance to observe the day. below fry**1 R 19" A Washington telegram says that all necessary steps for, putting into effect the recent legislation raising all pensions below §6 to that rating have been taken by the Pension Bureau. Low rate pee­ rs whose names are borne on the of the Buffalo, Chicago, Concord, Moines, Milwaukee and Pittsburg ties will receive the ?0 rating on April 4, and all like pensions in other jurisdictions will be advanced at the next payment in their district. The changf- will add about? 1,500,000 to the pension expenditures, and the cases of about 40,000 pensioners will be affected. ttif*Gov. Altgeld lias named April 19 88 Arbor day this year. There is an act of humane providence or forethought in the planting of a tree, especially a tree well selected for its purpose, which always commends itself. The idea of Arbor Day is good according as we put it in practice. If every one would plant " somf kind of a fruit or ornamental tree on each ArborDay, every farm and every city lot in Illinois would soon blossom like a rose, and many who in after years enjoyed the comforting shade of wide ^ spreading branches would bless the orig­ inator of Arbor Day. « The world's present stock of war clouds is the largest and most varied thathas lately been placed on exhibition. It includes examples of all styles and sizes, colors and patterns. Some of them are made for domestic trade, and others --chiefly the larger and more highly col­ 's5 oped ones--were prepared for export. The condition of this industry is extra­ ordinarily active and.prosperous. There is hardly a country in the world that doesn't yearn for a lot of war clouds and thanks to the efficiency of our modern appliances, they can be nroduced in quanties to suit without disturbing the f public peace or impairing the average citizen's right to life or the pursuit of happiness. N UN DA. The drouth is broken. , • * ' Mr. Berlin has moved on to,, the St. .Clair: farm. SdnVel doubt a* to which party will win--License or No-License. D. L. fearu6y was a Chicago visitor Monday. . • .! F. W. Covalt was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. - Wm. Hill, of Crystal Lake, was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs. AlTa Hale is quite sick. ' D. B. Warner and wife are visiting friends in the city. Nunda Village Caucus held Monday at 2 j?. m., nominated C. C. Watson for President, A. A- Thomas, Frank Mc- Collum and Ben Throop for Trustees; [. M Mallory for Village Clerk and A. A. Pettibone-fof Police Magistrate. Nunda Tillage Caucus held Monday at 7 r. M. nominated Robert Philip for President, W. A. Van Auken, Ed- Barnes and Albert Dilley tor Trustees; Eugene Andrus for Clerk and N. M. Gardner for Police Magistrate. V. The Campfire which was held b.vNunda Post 226, March 2Sfch was well attended *nd a good-time was had. Mr. Crane, of Bur well. Neb., was present and spoke of the needs of the Nebraska Comrades. Between ten and eleven dollars were realized and paid over to Mr. Crane to help iti buying seed and feed for needy veterans of Nebraska. " ' * OBITUARY--Henry Padelford died at the home Of his mother,. Mrs. George Dike, at Crystal Lake, March 25th lS95. Mh Padelford was born at Buffalo, N. Y„ in 1838, 'ana came west with, his parents when a mere boy, and settled sn Elgin. Henry enlisted at the first call for volunteers made by President Lincoln- in April 1861, in Co. A 1st Regiment III. Vol. Inft. for three months. At the ex­ piration of his term of service he was iiscbarged and re-enlisted August 14th, 1861, in the 36th 111.' Vol. Inft. for three years or during the war,-serving to the close of the war. Much of his life since was spent in R.R. service., Mr. I'adelfnrd •<-as a quiet unasuming, but he lent bis aid in putting down the Rebellion, ltfd saw and experienced the many hard­ ships the soldiers had to endure. He •vas laid to rest by his comrades in the beautiful Tnion Cemetery near this city. The service was attended by the Rev. J. E. Evans, of the Congregational Church, at Crystal Lake, who s^ofce from the >vords, '"So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.--Isa. XC-12. MoBEJtRY, ILL. I have atoa great expense just purchased a new and improved WELL WACH1#/ ^ And am now prepared to put in wells on "short notice and at reasonable rates. If you want a well calLand see me, Also, the Best Line of Pumps to bs found in the market, Buggies and Carriages .. AT YOUR OWN PRICE, Call and see us., ' ... WM. BACON. BILLY S, MORGAN STALLION, will stand at the barn of the undersigned, one-half, mile north of Me Henry village, for the season of 1895. • . , PEDIGREE: BillyS was sired by Prince S, bv Savior's VotingGifford Morgan Black Hawk, by Hnnly's Morgan Blaofc U-twk, by Gifforcl, by Wood bury by Just ;n Morgan. D un of Prinee 5 by Colhv's Young Green ' Mountain, bv Turner's Sir William, by Green Mountain 2'. by Gifford, by Woodbury, by Justin Morg'tn. Grmd-dam of, Prince S by f'anly's Tounp Mo-ga i B'a' k< General Gifford. by Giff r<i. by \Vootlbury, by Justin Morgan. Dam of Billy S by Grey Eagle, by Blacli Hank, bv Sherman, by Justin Morgan. Grand-dam of Billy S by Shermfin's Krrgsn Defiance",'"Ivv B >91011 Tiger, by Cock of the Kock, by Sherman, by Justin Morgan D.uu "of Sherman's Morgan Dcliance by Woodbury, by Justin Morgan. Terms made knovvn On application. BRADFORD SMITH. • O. 0. WATSON. - Fo±< Ttfqstees, • B. THROOP. ' - . • FRANK MeOOLLUM, • A. A. THOMAS. > -' • ~ Foi< G1GI<1\, • I. M. MALLORY. : ; FOi< l°olicc • A. A PETTIBONE. • For License. : • Against License. Q N o L i c e n s e T i c k e t , (BY PETITION,) TT _ ' , Fot< Pi'esider^. . • R. PHILP. • G. L. BECKLEY, -- • ED. BARNES, ' " • A. H. DILLEY, ^ 1,Toi< ' • W. E. ANDRUS. WOODSTOCK. City eiection next Tuesday. Heavy showers visited this section on Saturday and Sunday nights. Frank Becking has accepted a position in the Volksblatt office and will learn the printer's trade. E. E. Richards' operetta, ' The Recep­ tion," will be given in the Opera House Thursday evening. The remains of Mrs.' Wainwright were brought to this city last week Friday from Elgin and interred in Oakland cemetery. A large number of new books were ad­ ded to the Public Library last week and are now being enjoyed by the patrons of the Library. . Remember that the fifth and last num­ ber of the Library Course will be given in the City Hall on Thursday evening, April 18, 1895. A number of the friends of Michael Schaaf gathered at his home on Clay street last Sunday to heln him celebrate the 70th anniversary of his birth. The remains of Dr. and Mrs. Cook, who died last February, were taken from the vault last Sunday and interred in the family lotin Oakland Cemetery. The German Lutheran Society held Confirmation exercises in their church, on Chemung Street, last Sunday, which were largely attended and very much enjoyed. A new Sunday train made its first trip over this division of the C. & N. W. last Sunday, arriving here at 10 A. M. goiug north, and at 9:30 p. M. going south. The funeral" services of F. P. Donnelly were held from the residence of .ludge C. H. Donnell.v, on Clav street, Saturday afternoon, Rev. Father Lubey, of Chica- cago officiating, and the remains laid to rest in the family lot in Calvary cemetery. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. large wholesale firm in New York Beat out circulars to various smaller dealers in different parts of the country aoliciting business with the assertion that the removal of the duty on wool had enabled them to furnish goods at considerably lower prices than formerly. One of the answers received was from C . S. Braadbent, De Rio, Texas, and ran as follows: "Yes, your circular letter is true. Prices do show the effect of the changes in the tariff. But this is a stock country, and with wool selling at seven cents £ pound and hides selling at prices that do not make it worth while to ship them, if the free trade statesmen will tell us where we are to get $2 to buy a boy 's suit that we formerly paid $6 for they will do us a favor and solve a knotty problem, 'Our people can hardly get enough to eat, and have to wear cloth­ ing carried over from the days of 18-cent wool. In the days of 18-cent wool- they lived nut! dressed weii and had a good ] annual surplus. We do not sell one-half the goods we used to sell, and those we ' do sell are at less than one half the for­ mer profit, and where there is such vast under consumption the markets are bound to be glutted." Ringling Bros ' Circus in Chicago, Ringling Bros.' World's Greatest Shows, which is now conceded to be in merit, originality and completeness the leading circus, menagerie and hippo­ drome in all the world, will open a three weeks' engagement at Tattersalts, 10th ; and State streets, Chicago, beginning .Saturday, April G, and close April 28 || Beginning with practically nothing ten • years ago, this circus has grown through the energy, merit and honest methods of its owners and managers, to its present vast proportions. The show at Tatter- salls will be the largest ever seen at anj time and under any circumstances. Pre- ceeding the performance proper there will be a concert of an hour's duration by ; Liberates band of sixty pieces, many of •whom are soloists, and it is therefore ' conceded in advance that the concert, ) alone will be fully worth the price of ad­ mission to all the showed which) includes the concert, the fattens, menagerie and hippodrome ri Don't Totia'co Spit or Smoke your Life Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed ._ tobacco:habit "cure, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by .lulia A. Story under •& guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New-York or Chicago. 4) ta JS w c c g § -3 o c a o Q O --• -13- 2. t; y •&,-- § c* u E rt 0> <u 2? j> fl. •5 X o W w 1ST Q w i--i (4 PLI o © • . • • / » Foi< Police M. GARDNER - •'••• Specimen hallot, to be voted at the Annual Village Election, to be held in thcVillaffe of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois Tuesday, April 16th, 1895. Q Corporafion Ticketo • JOHN Foi< l9i<esidei|^, I. STORY. 5 " Foi< "X^illqgG Glei4\. • FRANK L. McOMBER. = o W • ' 3 a. cr g >>8 e „• .5 IM Pi PI *-• ^ £ m u <u S t? fcfi Xi fc. U O 1) & »• o. & •§2 o o O O 0) a Foi< Ti<t"is|eGs, • R. A. HOWARD. • ISAAC WENTWGRTH. • CHARLES H. GRANGER. Foi< Police Afqgisfi^c, • HENRY McOMBER. © © o ©s H E. E3, PERKINS, McHenry, III. Painting, Graining and Paper Hanging a specialty. Material furnished if desired. QJ C/3 c a.s .S &TJ i- By actt^al count there are over two thousand pairs of boots, shoes and rub­ bers at J. W. Criflty & Son's store, and over one hundred pairs are being offered at less than cost of production. See their ad, or better yet, cts 11 at their store and judge of the truth of this assertion. Annual Statement. By tlie Treasurer of Township No. 43, Range 8, East, McHenry county, Illi­ nois. for the year beginning April 5, 1894, and ending April 1, 1895. ACC'T WITH SCHOOL TRUSTEES. RECEIPTS. Township fund on hand at be­ ginning § 496 51 Rec'd from Co. Supt...,. 513 76 Rec'd interest 96 75 Total $1107 02 EXPENDITURES. Township fund loaned $ 450 00 Distributed to Districts 524 56 Treasurer's salary. : po 00 Incidental expense 3 23 Publishing former statement.... 2- 72 Township fund on hand at end­ ing- > 46 51 Total * $1107 02 ACC'T WITH SCHOOL DISTRICTS, RECEIPTS. On hand at begiuning .'$2942 99 ruetees 524 56 5207 41. - 85 38 36 66 Distribution Taxes,.. Tuition. Other Treasur-ersA v JOHN P. SR8i™, Watchmaker •& Jewelw MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry alvr&ys on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watches. Give me a call. JO If IS1 P. SMITH. REIDS German G0U8H KIDNEYGURE* £ont&,ins no Poison. ReicTs German Pills cure Constipation and Malaria. Sylvan Cum purifies the breath. Special Easter sale of ladies', Saturday, April 13th, gents' and children's § Shoes, on We aim to make this Easter Shoe Sale the most profit- m IT CUP|S CROUP- EDALE F L O R A L C O . MCHENRY, ILL. C. T. ESKSLS0N, Manager. All kinds of Out Flowers, and Funeral Do- signs to le had at all time* Reasonable Kates, Carnations in bud and other potted pl'ttats for sale. able to our customers in this store's existence, and invite you most cordially to supply yourself with a high grade of SHOES ,> SATURDAY. Easter Bargains in Every Corner. ELGIN, ILL '• SATURDAY, April 6th, We will place on sale the $10,000 A. D. Martin stock of HABDWABlt The price on Barb Wire, (Slid- den) steel, galvanized, thick set, will be $2.09 per Ijuiidred. Steel wire Nails, 8 and larger, 2c. per pound; per keg, $1.25 to $1.85. H- Gasoline - Stoves, 2 burner, worth $4, for $2.39. Don't Miss This Sale, Our Grand Display of Easter - Millinery WILL, BE ON EXHIBITION ednesday, April 10, Thursday, April 11. Friday, April 12. Saturday, April 13. Are negotiating for the pur­ chase of a $2,000 stock of GROCERIES. Spot Cash is what will buy Spot Cash is what will sell Watch for Particulars. Total | $8797 00 EXPENDITURES. .Teachere' 8alariesjr«w**» : $*1G18 00 Repairs and improvements 318 80 Furniture and apparatus......... 178 26 Incidental expenses 692 75 On hand at ending 3989 19 Total ,..$8797 00 The above statement is correct. JOHN PETER, Treasurer. Subscribed and jjw6rj)tf;$o before me this £th day of AiW^Kt895'. WM..A. NATIDFFINHBIAGISTRATE. West Side Livery* FEED AND SALE STABt.ES E. *T. ttANLY, Prop'r. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Flr«t class riga, with or without driT«re, turnUhedlat reasonable rate*- Parties tnken t . and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection macie with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first class shape, and we shall spare no pafns to pleaiv our cus tomerfe at all times, Give lis a cal^ E. .J. HANLT, We#t JlcHonry, 111,, Aug. 16, 18U^. Work? with largest house in the west, 30 yews established. With our fa. cilities we can.make a good salesman in two week* from raw inaterial. Nura«ry stock that iB warranted to grow. 25 best vafiotiea *eed potatiiBS in the world, etc. If you want money wrife, stating age. ' L L. HAY ft CO. Si. Paul, Mian. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsman. (This responsible) I AM IN THE BIN©. And in order to stay will meet prices with any and all, as the following will show: Five PiecejUarlor Suits, $19.79, No. 1 Wilt611 Couch, $8.89. A large Plush Rocker, $2.49. Carpet, , in Tapestry $4.35. I a!so have a full line of new Furniture of every description, Carpets, etc»and I will not be under­ sold. \ Call and see me before you buy. tSiF^Undertaking and'Embalming promptly attended to. Hearse in connection. I can and \vill save you money. A good tf Adom JfUOTBH, McHenry, 111., April, 1895. THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGIIS. ILL, " FARMERS STORE New goods arriving every day. The very latest styles, in Dry Goods and Notions, at a very small margin over wholesale prices. BOOTS AND SHOES. kid patent tip for ladies and Our Spring stock is in and we start our ladies' button shoes at 98c, It is a hummer. Low shoes children. Call and see what we have to offer, GROCERIES. We take the lead in good goods at low prices. Crockery and C* ass ware- in great quantities at factory prices. When in need of a Washing Machine call and get reduced prices the "Western" and "Pan American," they are the machine. on Buy a.#sack ot we claim for it, :Sleepy Eye" Flour and be convinced that it is all West McHenrya Illinois.

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