Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Apr 1895, p. 7

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Ycwli want the Best Ifi such a trial that men say "Let the house take c'are 6f itself." But the con­ scientious wife feels bound to risk health and strength in this annual strug­ gleAvith dust and dirt. The consequence of her feverish anxiety over extra Work is depletion of the blood, the source of all life and strength, manifested in that weak, tired, nervous condition too prev­ alent at this season and very dangerous if allowed to continue. Whatever}- man and woman needs in the spring is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It keeps the blood vital­ ized and enriched, and thus sustains the nerves and all the bodily function's. !... "I take Hood's Sarsaparilla'every spring, and i't is the only medicine I use through the year. It enables me to do my house cleaning and farm work all through the summer. It helped me very much for palpitation of tlie heart. I think Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine for everyone, and all who take it will never be without it. I have also used Hood's Pills, and they are the best I ever tried." MRS. F. H. ANDREWS, S. Woodstock, Ct. vb \rw\v^ uww&WeA THE RISING SI,™ N\ STOVE POLISH 5ni / (I n cakes for general blacking of a stove. THE SUN PASTB J POLISH for a quick tSBOS3?. QJ# after-dinner striae, applied and fd- '-ished with a cloth. Morse Bros., Props., Canton, Mass., U.S. A- Royal Baking Powder never disappoints; never, makes sour, soggy, or husky food; never spoils good materials ; never leaves lumps of alkali in the biscuit or cake; while all these things do happen with the best of* cooks who cling to the old-fashioned j - » v- ' . "-v methods, or who use other baking powders. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier If you want the best food, ROYAL *j>. Baking Powder is indispensable. Prominently in the Public Eye To-Day Japanese Soldiers Make No ftoise. ' The terror inspired by the Japanese armies in t,he East is greatly enhanced by the fact that they make no noise. They march with no bands, iio drums, beat" reveille or tattoo, and in..action the Japanese utter no cheers. The offi­ cers liavea. code of signals by whistling that serves to,direct; the movements of the troops. Drs. H. n?%reen & Sons, Atlanta, Ga., -ard the greatest dropsy specialists in the world. Cure more patients than the entire army of phdfiteians scattered over this broad land of ouri?r^s\. valuable discovery outside any medical book or published opinion. A purely \ cgftable preparation. Removes all dropsical svinptonvs rapidly. Ten days' treatment furnished free t > every, sufferer. See advertisement in other column of this paper. " • One Box Did the Business. Harrison Thurston, of North Conway, ' X. H., writing under date of Nov.' 21, 1893, to the Sterling Remedy Co., of Chicago, says that his brother was com­ pletely cured of smoking and chewing tobacco by using one box of Xo-to-bac, and is row recommending Noto-bae to tobacco users. Topics iu. the Buffalo Pulpit. Farmer^tati-ake, who, with his good wife, Mainly, is on a brief visit to his daughter-in-law in Buffalo, looked over the newspapers Saturday in an en­ deavor to find a church service* on the following day which he might attend with hope of securing spiritual .satisfac­ tion. He soon gleaned that the follow­ ing scriptural subjects would be dis­ cussed from various city pulpits: "Is the Trilby Craze Dying Out?" "Fitzsimmons vs. Corbett." "How the Pastor Spends His Vaca­ tion." "Should Our Daughters Marry For­ eign Noblemen V" "High Sleeves and Theater Hats." "The Gold Brick Saloon." "Canal Street on Saturday Xight." "Wordsworth and the Lake School of Poetry." "The LI lid Congress." "Rights of Motorinen." Farmer Oatcake gave it up after awhile and laid down the paper, saying, with a. sigh: "Laws sakes, Mandy! I do believe that the gospel and the scheme of salvation have gone clear out of fashion."--Buffalo Express. Henry M. Stanley's Quiet Life. But little is heard nowadays about Henry M. Stanley. An American corre­ spondent recently found him living very quietly and very contentedly, for an explorer, iu a hum-drum way in Lon­ don. He sat in his library at a desk that was laden with typewritten manu­ script. and smoked a brier-root pipe while he talked more enthusiastically about the condition of the poor in Lon­ don than about Africa. His recent life of ease in town lias improved the phys­ ical appearance of the explorer, and re­ stored the flesh and nervous force he lost in penetrating the fastnesses of the Dark Continent. A PIECE OF CLOTH ROYAL.EAKINO POWDER CO., 10« WALL 6T., NTW-YORK. W Taking Precautions Even irk Jail. A recent arrival* just before retiring the first night, looked out through the door, very carefully scanned the walls to see that there were no panel rackets to fear, squinted up through the ven­ tilator, then carefully folded liis pahta- ioous and vest and tucked them under his pillow. Wonder whom he feared, or was it force pf L\abit?^-Miuuesota Pris­ on Mirror. ~ She is rather good looking ) ' i But lacks sense! • ' She dissolves - A ® Ripans ® Tabtile On her tongue Instead of Swallowing it wliole. It does its worir Either way, > ' Brit the last is the way intended. Nevertheless. A Good Job. Upson--Speaking of coupon schemes, that of Rushlev's has made liirn rich. Downer--Must have "been a good one. Upson--It was. He'married old Bond- clipper's daughter.--Buffalo Courier. Prevention Vs. Cure, Most people are quick to see the need of medical aid when disease has fas­ tened itself upon them, or when they are prostrated by some epidemic. It is not everyone, however, who realizes the importance of keeping the body in such a state of health that it will be able at all times to resist the attacks of disease. It is when the system,is weakened by overwork or worry, caus­ ing loss of appetite, etc.. when it is greatly debilitated, or "all run down," that the' danger of serious sickness and heavy doctor's bills is to be feared. On the other hand, if perfect health can be maintained, the blood kept pure, and the circulation good, the ap: petite normal and the spirits cheerful, there will be no occasion to fear the grip, pneumonia, diphtheria, or any similar ailment As a means of keep­ ing the body in just this condition of health no better agent has yet been found than that great blood purifier and strength builder, Hood's Sarsa­ parilla. While it is true that "Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures" it is equally true that Hood's Sarsaparilla prevents sickness, and this truth is of supreme importance to all. Mrs. C. C. Roles, of Wauregan, Conn., writing to the pro­ prietors of Hood's Sarsaparilla. stated the case most concisely when she said: "We don't wait until we are sick, but take Hood's Sarsaparilla to prevent sickness." Certainly, prevention is far better than cure. "Sometimes," said Uncle Eben, "when er man tells yoh he's discour­ aged he doah' mean nutfin' by it 'cep- pin' dat lie's 'bout made up's min' ter be good an' lazy de res' ob his life." A Sufficient Reason. Teacher--Thomas, how is it that James can say his alphabet So much better than you can? He never misses a letter." Thomas--He oughtn't to, 'cause his father's a postman.--Harper's Young People. IN THIS WOMAN'S CASE. Mrs. Campbell Wishes Her Letter Pub- lished so that the Truth May Ho Known. [SPECIAL TO OL'E I.APT REAPEBB ] Of the thousands of letters received from women all over the jworld by Mrs. tvho is in ill health or ailing. In the case of Mary E. Campbell, of Albion, Noble Co., Ind., her suffering was so severe, her relief go suddenly real­ ized, and her gratitude so great, that she wishes the circumstances published, in the hope that others may be benefited thereby. She says: -- " My physician told n:e I had dropsy and falling of the womb. My stomach and bowels were so bloated 1 could not get a full breath. My face and hands were bloated badly. I had that dreadful bearing-down pain, backache, palpitation of the h.eart, and nervousness. 41 One of my physicians told me I had something growing in my stomach; and the medicine that I took pave me relief only for a short time. I thought I must die. I began to take Lydia E. Pink/tam's Vegetable Compound, and it worked like a charm. After taking the first bottle I could walk across the street, now I am well. I advise all my friends to take it." --MARY E. CAMPBELI,, Albion, Noble Co. Of course you will ride. lAll the world will--fashion, pleasure, 3 -- business -- men, women, children, VM It takes a while X Y some times for the world to recog- fam hize its privileges; 3 JffiEre but when it does it adapts itself M promptly. There- « fore, you who are . , in the world will ljg> ride a bicycle--a 0 4 COLUMBIA W E. bicycle if you desire the best the iSZ. J world produces; a Hartford, the VJ H next best, if anything short of a E. Columbia will content you. SSL J ColumDias, $100; Hartfords, Vi K $So $6o; for boys and girls, $50. w j POPE MFG. CO., Hartford* Conn, k j BL, Boston, New York, Chicago, p San Francisco, Providcncc, Buffalo. ^ A Catalogue--comprehensive, beautiful--at any I ;• gency free, or by mail for two 2-cefit stamps. The book tolls of all the new Columbiag and Hartfords I Ask Aid, If you nro troubled with malaria, constipa­ tion, biliousness, kidney trouble or dyspep­ sia, of Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, aud It will be speedily forthcoming. Nervousness, loss of appetite and sleep, and a Joss of vig­ or. are also remedied by this restorative. Phvsleinans of eminence Indorse It. a val­ uable confirmation- of the verdict of the peo­ ple and the press. Take It regularly. It has been a rule;of my life to confer all the favors I can and to ask as few as possible.--Ha wt hrone. ' *"VHEBEST .BICYCLER Like an open book, S o u r f a c e s t e l l t h e j 3? Cytale of health or dis- ease. Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, listless steps and l a n g u o r o u s l o o k s tell of wasting de- S - . - i j b i l i t a t i n g d i s e a s e / J some place in the S/k body. It may be one place or another, the B cause is generally WKJ* traceable to a com- Goodness thinks no ill where no ill «*. v mon source--im- seems.--Milton. r_ JS pure blood, and im- ^ pure blood starts in the digestive organs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood, stimulates digestive action, searches out disease-germs wher­ ever they exist aud puts the whole body into a vigorous, strong aud healthy con­ dition. It builds up solid, useful flesh, rubs out wrinkles, brightens the eyes and makes life really worth living. SHE CAME TO HIM AND HE TALKED MICE AX INNOCENT MAN." away from 'me, as she might, after 1 told her I'd never cringe to her for her favor. Ilang it, I wish I wasn't her heir. People will suspect me, secretly, perhaps. I can prove I wasn't Inside the house that night; but you know how the papers talked. Poor Bitzner, the roofer, came to me and cried over what they said about him. Kill Aunt Jesseyj Why--good Lord' " 'You used to call her Aunt Jezebel,' said the widow; Mrs. Mull is her name. " 'Yes, I'm sorry I did; but she had a temper,' said Mr. Jeffries. 'I've a mind not to take the money.' ? " 'Then I shan't take you,' said Mra. Mull. 'Such an idiot; I should be ashamed of you.' "See here!" Kitty handed me an ad­ dress on a piece of paper. It was Mrs. Preston Mull, at a certain number, Chestnut street "It is her motlier-Iu- law. Can yon send out Mrs.i&Mull-- Eliza Mitlt^a telegram, sayfugi^tfome at once to this address?' " she asked. "I can," said I. "Do it," said she. "No, don't ask me. I am helping you. I have my thoughts. Now take me home." I took her home, aud telegraphed to a brother detective to telegraph to the widow, and I waited and watched. I saw her get into a carriage aud go away. I followed out and saw her take the train. If Kitty wanted her out of the way, she was safe. A few hours afterward I received a note:, "Disguise yourself as an old woman and come here at once. Come In a cab. Wear a thick black veil. Send up word that you are my Aunt Agues. Lose no time." I lost none. As I went slowly up the stairs, with my black veil down, I could hear my heart beat. rKJtty opened the door, called out, "Way, >aunt-y, dear!" aud shut it. 1 \ "I have opened the chior petween my room and Mrs. Mull'sX' she said. "I have found something. X can't appear in this matter. You must see for your­ self." She led -me into the handsome room and went to a wardrobe. There, from beneath other dresses, she drew a plainly cut coat, or redingote, of thin black cloth, with many buttons down the front, and spread it on a chair. About the height of the knees a piece was torn away and a button gone. "Hush!" she said. "We don't know who may be listening. Make no sound." " Then she took the blt of clofli from 1ier pocket, fitted it to the rent, and laid the button on it. "The piece of cloth found in dead Mrs. Jeffries' hand came from this gar­ ment," was her remark. "Yes," I said, "she must have dis­ guised him in it. But--why " "Goosey!" said Kitty. "Mr. Jeffries could not get into this. Mrs. Mull wore it^ierself. Mrs. Mull killed old Mrs. Jeffries. The nephew knows nothing about it--guesses nothing. This wicked woman wanted to marry him when he had inherited the estate. She has done It. I watched her through the peep­ hole I had jyade. I saw her writhe in agony and, 'wHthout speaking a word, wring her hand|; and tear her hair. It was a guilty conscience that moved her. There--you have it all in your own hands now. I'll go and tell Mrs. G--« that I have news which must take me away, pay her my board and go with you in the cab." , I left her at her own door. Mrs. Mull was arrested at the station on her re­ turn, and it was all as Kitty said. She made full confession. She had con­ ceived the idea of murdering the old woman that her nephew might get the money, and she had hoped the poof roof mender would be charged with the crime, f . \ It is possible to criticise nature, but it is not possible to change it. RHEUMATISM! Not So Convenient. Physicians indorse Ripans Tabules by prescribing the remedies they contain, but in form not so convenient, inexpensive and accurate as in Ripans Tabules. Is Cured by "SCHRAGE'S StiPOO.OOO RHEU­ MATIC CURE" when all elise ails. Is the BEST too GOOD for you? 10,00ti Chicago references. Cured Maj.Oieo. Helnzmann, 7" 5th avenue, who had >heu- matlf-m for 30 years: cured N W. Mundy, of W. A. Havemeyer & Co.. SI Lake ktreet, of cout. Highest references. Guaranteed absolutely the. best in the world. Pure. Sure. Hwanson Kheumatic Cure Co., 107 Dearborn Street, Chicago, IU. The face of humanity displays fewer pimples than formerly. Reason--Glenn's Sulphur Soap. "Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," Black or Brown. 50c. ^£^f-ELECTRICIAN. A complete Electric Bell Outfit, including nickel-plated bell, battery, wire, push-button, staples, screws, etc., securely paclced in be*, with full directions for putting up, sent to any address on receipt of only 12.50. Former price, 66.00. Address, ROY J. TOMPKINS, 323 Pleasant St., OAK.fABK, lUU Other remedies may ST. JACOBS OIL The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S The Evolution Of medicinal agents is gradually rele- gatingtheold-time herbs, pills, draughts and vegetable extracts to the rear and bringing into general use the pleasant and effective liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. To get the true remedy see that it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. ouly. For sale by all leading druggists. When wars do come, they fall upon the many, the producing class, who are the sufferers.--U. S. Grant. FOUR KINGDOMS Will owe Sprains, Bruises, and a Backache Agents, male and female, everywhere for a quick selling article. Prutect-d by the U.S.Gov't. Particu fawS iree. .j, X^ Hunter £ Co., Arcade, Clut'l. O Eczema and all tjkin Diseases ia ten days by our celebrated Anti­ septic Ointment. SOo per box. WIRDSIR MED- CO.. TITQSVIllE. NL If so a " Baby " Cream Separator will earn its cost for you every year. Why continue an inferior system another year at so Rreat a loss ? Dairying is now tho only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con­ ducted it always pays well, and mu6t pay you. You need a Separator, and you need tho BEST,--tho "Baby." All styles and capacities. Priccs, 875. Upward. Send for new 1895 Catalogue. DO YOU WANT WORK lor spare time with GOOD PAY? If so. yon wiU never regiet sending Hamp for particulars toX. K. •lohnson. 511 A st. >. K.. Washington. I>. C. Mrs. Wlnslow's SOOTHrno STBUP for Chlldrea teething: sottens the gums, reduces inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colio. 25 cents a botcls. Catarrh Cannot He Cured witli LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and iu order to cure it vou must take internal remedies. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood an^ mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in tills country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is com­ posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the muctn;s surfaces. The perfect combination of the tvro ingredients is what produces such v,6n- derful results in curing Catarrh. Send for tes­ timonials. free. V. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. It"is the enemy who keeps the sen­ tinel watchful.--Mine. Swetchiue. 51 IN writing to Advertisers, please do not fail to mention thU paper. Advertiser^ HI™ to know what mediums pay them best. Branch Offices: ELGIN, ILL. General Offices: 74 C0RTLANDT ST., NEW YORK. He that Works Easily Works Sue cessfully." 'Tis Very Easy to Clean House With Beecham's pills are for bil­ iousness, sick headache, diz­ ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor­ pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre­ quent cause of all of them. One of the most important things foi everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sickness in the world,especially of women; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book,free at your draggist's.or write B.F. AllenCo.,365C5ana' St., New York. Pills,io<: aud 25$ a box. Annual *alos more than 6,000.000 1^oXe«. J 4 I G H E S T A W A R D ^TJ WORLD'S FAIR, m |§3 ISIH10EB FIT FOR AKINS, cordovan; Tjk FRENCH & ENAMELLED CALF. MM, FINE CALF&I(ANGARC!I $3.50POLICE,3SOLES. SO# *2. WORKING!^ JMFFLL I ' -EXTRA FINE- C>- Boys SchqdlShqes. I|Sf§r®||P -LADIES' MR DR0CKT01CMAS5. Over One Million People wear tho W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the beet value for the money. They equal custom Shoes in style and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. •The prices ere uniform,~-stamped on sole. Prom $i to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you wc can. ' | that you have > read that Santa i Claus Soap is i one of the j J greatest labor-1 j J saving inven- |' tions of the < ! t i m e . T e l l ! i h e r t h a t i t el will save her ] | strength, save j [ her time, save > her clothes. i The merits of DIRECTIONS for wind CREA AF ISA LM. -- Apply _a yart icJc-uf the- np inki the nostril#. After a moment draw strong breath through the nose. Use three times a dui/, af­ ter meals" preferred, ani before retiring. COLD1 co,w -HEg WFEVER KG ̂ t J WM vZur Best suited FOR ^Dl1"l0NS/blGESTlV£°^^3' Dyspeptic,Delicate,Infirm and AGED PERSONS THESAFESTFo o D IN THE SICK ROOM FOR INVALIDS [3 AND CONVALESCE^ • Logans i^-ooo ^NURSING MOTHERS, INFANTS^ CHILDREN D R U G G I S T S . ^ JOHN CAR LR * SONS. NEW YORK. ron n il I r by a workinK man. two Buildlwj Mill Sill r Lo,ts- Pnce *2«0 each. A bar-' Ult wfiLU train: pure to advance inspiinx. TIim reason for Helling--want morp mouev to build. Address J AS. liUKNS. 20.5 Third Ave., a. If. CLOSE TO THE SCl'TTI-E DOOR LAV TLE BLACK BUTTON. C A T A R R H salary and wearing my best clothes; but I've found something out already. Mrs. Jeffries' nephew calls here some­ times. He calls on a young widow who has the upper front room. He has been engaged to her for some time." She paused a long time and then said: "He was here the night of the mur­ der." t "Well!"*!' said. "Has she let him out upon the roof?" "I wish you wouldn't ask .me any questions," said Kitty. "1 shall know before long. Will you let me have that bit of cloth V" "It's_mpx6„precious than diamonds," I said. Her answer was-- Mi"es, I know it." She put it into her pocketboolc. "I have changed my room,", she remarked. "I am next to her. There is a locked door between us. That is all. And I have made^a peep-hole." "You are a born detective, but, a?> this widow is respectable, you can't watch young Jeffries that way." "Yesterday," she said: without an­ swering me. "Jeffries1 called. I saw KLY'S CREAM BALM Opens and c'eanRes tho Nasal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflammation Heals the Sores. Protects the Membrane trom Colds. Ke- BtoreB the Venues ol laste and Smell. The Halm is QUICK.y absorbed and gives reliet at onco. A particle is applied into each nostril and is agree­ able. Price 50 cents, at druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street. New York. jwm jrjlh \ ejtrctubl© • appeal at once to every thoughtful woman. It's ̂ the best, purest, and < |[ most economical soap to be procured. Sold everywhere. Made only by j !! The N. K. Fairbanh Company, - Chicago. ] S !>Mniinii»iwnini>iiinimi>----------< Si n U r o! UbP I B B I cured many thousand cases pronounced hopeless. From first dose symp­ toms rapidly disappear, and in t-n days at least t \vo- tliird-s of all svmptoms «re removed. BOOK of testimonials of miraculous cures sent Fit HE. I Warn Bfara W By SMITH'S PILE CURE. Instant relief and perman.nt cure Rnaran- tei d >ent to any address on receipt ot SI. E. H. SMITH, 615 06th Ct., ClitcttRO. Examination and Advice as to Patentab'litv of In­ vention, Send for Inventors' Guiile. or How to Get a lT»teut PATRICK O'KAIIRKLT.. Washington. L). O. PDliftin nrrCD--The old reliable Pomejrranate bKAnll Ul f tnil* m Co.. fU i'iftli av.. Knicker­ bocker Building, New York oilers good paj"in«. light work to men or women all the y<-ar round, bt-nd 26 ctt, cash or stamps tj^outtii and instructions. RHEUMATISM AND pRHGI»«S Chanes Rueumatine. Trial pHckhee sent fiee. Try it. and bnv if it helps you. Regumr fcize by mail 60c. CHARLES MEDIClNK CO.. Chicago. S. N. T No. 15--95 The^ERMOTOR ANTI-FREEZING THREE-WAY Pj FORCE PUMP has few- cisu-ngs » break, has a very large air chamber, has a very large spout opening, ftg has a windmill shut-off I eve k attached, and can be furnished by any dealer this side of the Rocky Mountains In at the above price. 0̂̂ '̂ Of conrse. it is better toNgo to aa Aermotor agent for them. It is always better to go to an Aermotor M| agent for an j? thing you may want which he handled. As a rule he is a, first-class, live, reliable, wide-awake fellow; that is the reasonhe is an Aermotor agent. It i s doubtful in our entire list of thousands of agents,; you can find one" slow, stupid, behind-the-'ss^times fellow. We furnish also a SPECIAL AERMOTOR FORCE PUMP AT $4.50, BETTER THAN USUALLY SOLD AT $8 OR 910. Send for oar Pump Catalogue. Buy nothing but an Aermotor Pump, and do not pay more than Aermotor prices for it. We protect the public. W« furnish it good goods at low prices. We have established twenty branch houses in order that it may get goods cheaply arid promptly. Vou consult your own interests by insisting on not only Aermotor prices but Aermotor goods at Aermotor price*. Be sufQ and fee our offer 1 next week of a f+o Feed Cutter at tio. AERMOTOR CO.( Chicago* ' = u~ CURES VfHtHE ALL ELSE FAILS. Q Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good- TJse H in time. Sold by druggists. JJl

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