Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1895, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; Ho Favors Win us andnoFear Shall Awe/' M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1895. REVOLTS TO ORDER. A SYNDICATE SUPPLIES MONEY, ARMS AND MEN TO REBEL LEADERS. F R E D > v A U E | i McHENRT, ILL. Always on Band with the Best. Beer. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY • J . " V A N S L T K B EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Two Doors North of Pert y & Owen's 8 tor*. Does smoke from yourxigar arise Like iticsnse in the air? Or does it. only cause a smudge And make your neighbor swear ? Why will ypu stick to cabbage lea vea Arid drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a dime H "Our Monogram" cigar? ; Black Silk, Dress Goods Wf? You will find here thfe week some very interesting values. ft) We fell more pilks than ever before, because the high grade yfw gonria vou buy of us a* # saving tof 25 to; 33 per cent. 24 In. Gro.-de Paris, - * L ... ,;i- •' :v'"-•• • i Oc, BARBIAW BROS. 46 5n. all wool AVbatros, in ail the e venirte shstdes, best yalu: in the land, 50c. :»• v " Zff Grand, Fre'r* & Co.'s make beet, 4{Q Lyons allli. warranted not to crack nnd not to wear tli'nv. value $1.75 to «2, as ei 25' to $1.50, ni 24 in. Satin Dachees, th^gpnulne article, $1.75 quality sit 81 25. 28 in black CUIUH silk, 50c, ^ 21 in black Stanley crepe, 39o. Pure silk liauflre crepe, 35c and &0o. 28 In. black Taffeta 85a and $1, ngi Fancy Taffeta silk for waists, rare aud rich, 7fte. 85o, $1, SI 25. An immense assortment of Bilk laces lii black and cream. .J'," MAKKRS OF| Choice Cigars. We can sail you one or a thousand--retain or wholesale. Engsdlnes, Daaiasin and Lans- down, 41 in. wide, tbe handsomest 3ilk and wool fabric ever brought out, nothing like It for wedding, party or gr&'duaHtig. dressts, all shades and blsck, $1. NEW CASH tCrepon. Mixtures Cheviots, Plaids. Checks, French and Ger­ man novelties, hundreds of pfpec s 'o select from 38 to 50 in wide at 25c, 35c, 50o, 60c. 75c and ®i4 The undersigned having leased the Pekovsky Block, One Door South of Post Office McHENRT, ILL., * Has refitted the earns and put in a Full Line of Choice Family Groc&ries, Kerosene, Gasoline, Potatoes, Frefeh Bread (Elgin), Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees. Canned Goods, Fruits, Bakery Sup­ plies, etc., which lie will offer to the buy­ ing public at the Lowest Liviog Prices, for Cash. Our goods are all fresh, new and clean, and we hope by fair dealing and good goods to merit and receive a share of public patronage. C. B. MRJRPHY. McHenry, March 18,1895. THE "THIRD DEGREE How Superintendent Byrnes of New York .Employed It. In a Recent Murder Case. I wonder how many people know what the "third degree" really is. Col­ umns have been written about it, but I have never yet seen an accurate descrip­ tion of the process of extorting from the criminal a confession on the Byrnes plan. It is simple enough, however. The fauions New York superintendent merely organizes modern inquisition in the deep reoesses of his retreat at police headquarters and marshals his facts be­ fore tho criminal. In the case of Caesar, the negro who was recently arrested in New York for the murder of his mistress, a negro girl, he used first moral suasion, and later an apparition of the murdered girl appeared, from where is a mystery, upon the wall of the room in whioh Caesar was closeted with Byrnes. The blood stained carpet was held up beforo his eyes. The superintendent told him to take hold of it and examine it. That settled it. Caesar broke down aud made a full confession, and the "third degree" was again vindicated. --St. Louis Republio. BUSINESS CARDS FRANK L. SHEPARD, lOUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 514--St? La i tall* St., Chicago. NEAR THE DEPOT, TViiuda, 111' JOS. L. ABT. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenrv, 111, Office in Nichols Block, oxer JflaindQaier Office. Telephono No. 4. Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a Flrst-Olaes O. H. FEGER8, M. D- •HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Ills. Office at Residence. Saloon and Restaurant DO YOU WANT A Vfhere he will at all times keep the beet brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at . the ersldence of R. A, Howard, West MoHenry, III. ; PABST'S Illw&akee Lager Beef At Wholesale and Retail . For the next 60 d ty* 1 will sell you kSingle or Double Harness, Hand-Made, At a Big 13i«coinit. My stock is complete, all made of the best material and warranted as repre­ sented. Ks^Also, a full line of Robes, Blankets, Whips, etc., which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought any­ where. bo not fail to call at once and get the benefit of these bargains. CUS CARLSON McHenry, 111., March 5, 1894. ^ DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHTSICIANANDSURGEON . Office in Dr. Ohilds building, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at­ tended to. Will be nt O. T. Daniel's Drug Store, Algon quln, every Wednesday, and at tlio office of Dr. Auringer, West McHcnry, every Satur- day, commencing Fob. 23, 1895. Also at the office of Dr, Dawson. Waucond*. on Mondays and at the office of Dr. Rice. Richmond, every Friday. Office with Dr, Warden, Nunda, 111, F. C. COLBY, D. D. S. D*NTIST. Woodstock. 111. Special aten-tlon paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance, w'll do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and PublicSq. are Beer in Large or Small Eegs or Bottles al- ivsye on hand, cheaj)er than any other,. 'quail ly considered. Ordare by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STARLING FOR HOR8FS. SS-Oall and-see us. ' An Estimate of the Mortality In the Re- ccnt War In the East. The close of the war betweeu China and Japan, now apparently close at hand, makes an estimate of the loss of life quite interesting. Mr. Alatsu, secretary of the Japanese legation in Washington, has made a calculation which shows that the Jap­ anese have had 912 killed and 2,061 wounded. The Chinese loss is about 8,000, not including the wounded. But tho fact is that the reports in the dis­ patches regarding the casualties to the Chinese are not reliable, and they prob­ ably really lost twice as mauy as Mr. Matsu has figured out. The, loss on both sides, however, is small, considering that the war extend­ ed over eight mouths. The Chinese were running most of the time; otherwise tho results, so far as their armies are concerned, would have been far mor« disastrous.--Washington Post. Biggest Westeri^Land Lease. The territorial school land department recontly consummated at Guthrie, O. T.f tho biggest lease of land ever made in the west. The lessees are D. Waggoner & Son, cattle dealers of Decatur, Tex., and the lease is for five years and covers all the school land in Roger Mills, Day and Woodward counties, or 532,800 acres. The sum of $17,250.83 per an­ num is paid for the lease. It is the in­ tention of the lessees to graze cattle on tho new lease, and 60,000 head will be placed on grass within a few weeks.-- Kansas City Times. Where Are the Others? Chicago's claim of having 200 poets lacks verification. -There is Eugene Field for No. 1 and Harriet Monroe for No. 200, but if there are 198Between them they must have tethered their Sev­ eral muses and gone into pork.--San Francisco Examiner. Maybe She Simply Got Married. An English woman writer has ap­ peared who is said to treat the stibject of marriage in an entirely new way. Possibly she discusses it with dignity and common sense.--Chicago Post.' Baltimore's Trolley Fender. They have got a trolley fender in Bal­ timore that has picked up 30 people in as many days, but it isn't stated wheth­ er they likewise collected their fares.-- Boston Herald. They're Born Every Day. The inventor of the conductor's bell punch is tlead. but the chaps who know how to beat it are very much alive and numerous. -- Washington Post. . ' : ' '• ' Was It an Obituary Sermon? Napoleon's cup of glory is now full.' He lias furnished a text for a Chicago preacher's sermon.--Chicago Times- Herald. - . Not In Her Dictionary. Arbitration has never been a recourse favored by England in her attempt to steal the earth.--New York Telegram. She Floats at Last. At last the St Paul floats lMKflMj Minneapolis laugh is over.--N(U Evening World. . • ( H O. P. BARNES, TTORNEI, Solicitor, and| Counselor, . Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. , Robert Sohiessle, KNIGHT Jb BROWN, TTORNBYS AT LAW. U. S. Express Co.'s . Building, 37 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. CO AL 1 V. 3. LUMLEY. & TTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor in Chanoerv, • „ WOODSTOCK, ILL. Office in Park House, llrst floor. 1W cHSIftRY, BLLEROtS. Wholesa le and Retaii Agent for AT THEIR YARDS IN Over J. Evanson & Co.'s store, West McHenry. T H E B E S T M A D E . In any qnanliiy from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Have BOW on h:ind Moth hard and soft Coal, which they will sell at prices as low as the lowest. Coal, Shorts, 'Middlings, Murdered For a Hen. Will Payne was murdered a few days since by his brother, JJ. Payne, on the farm of the latter, near Knottsville, Ky., over a hen. A few days ago Will lost a hen and traced it to the farm of his brother. His brother claimed the hen, and a quarrel followed; Will seized a fence rail and attacked his brother. The latter also seized a fence rail aud struck Will a heavy blow on the head. The wounded man fell and was taken home, where he died from a blood clot on tlia brain.--Cincinnati Enquirer. Asked For Bread and Received a Funeral. The obsequies of Sir John Thompson, the Canadian premier, cost §50,000. Tho amount raised by public subscrip­ tion for his almost destitute widow and ohildren amounts to only $35,000. In other words, the statesman's family ask­ ed for bread, and grateful Canada gave them a magnificent funeral.--Now York Evening Sun. A New Grand Army. A new organization of Grand Army veterans was formed at a meeting held in Philadelphia recently. The new or­ ganization will be known as the East­ ern Association of tho Q'. A. R.--Phils^ delphi'a Press. A Gat and Parrot Time. Milwaukee's cat and parrot show waB a greater success than was anticipated. It was not supposed there were so many old maids in a town where marriage is so easy.--Chicago Post. „ Something to Be Thankful For. We have to thank the counterfeiters for the withdrawal of the rather inar­ tistic and flabby 2 cent postage stamp.-- Boston Herald. Goes to the Right Spot. China may regard Japan's civilizing process as a trifle severe, but it goes right to the spot.--Washington Post. -- T She's Getting Americomanla. E jrope now wants a trotting circuit, and uo doubt will have it.--New York Telegram.. . " • H. C. MEAD, Juttice oj the Peace and General In- turance Agent fncluding Accident arid Life Insurance. OFFICE WITH B. GILBKRT, NEAS DEFOT, WBST MCHENRT. III. Exceptions Prove the Role. It does not exactly accord with our preconceived ideas of English earls to learn that- a gentleman who has for some years earhed an honest living as a book* keeper in^P6ronto has been identified as. the heir of the Scottish earldoms of Strath ern, Monteith and Airtb. It is of course possible that he may be a'genu* ine nobleman, but he has not consorted with prizefighters, he has. not married a skirt dancer or a money chest, and he seems to be wholly unconscious of what is expected of a hereditary legislator of Great Britain- --New York World. We are handling the celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we guarantee unequalud by any. £5§TDelivery made to suit pur­ chaser Feed ! Feed ! Feed of all kinds constantly on Al.SO ALWAYS ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors, French^Bitters, choice Aless Wines, Cigars, Etc. I b iy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us-« use you wel ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111 , 1894. • W. P. ST. CL&SR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Ixeal Edtate and Insurance K UK DA,HI. Oil Meal Oats, Ground Feed. A. 8». CHURCH; Watohuiaker and Jeweler NO .On > HuadredTwenty-Five State St Ohi-cago. 111. Special attention given to re- pairingF me watches and Chronometers. JWArull Assortment of Goods in his line nana. V,ar L.OIS a SPECIALTY. Lime, Cement, etc always on hand. Came Out With Colors Flytnff. . When Uncle Sam touched the pock- ets of the Jamaican Britishers by refus­ ing to buy their coal at an exorbitant price,, he went into an international complication and came out of it with full colors.--Philadelphia Press. Both Are Right. It is not likely there will be an^Siel fighting in Manitoba this time. -Chi­ cago Tribune. There is a prospect of a,rsal rebellion in Manitoba this time.--Chicago Post. Characteristic Friendliness. A Chicago woman acted as bridesmaid at the second marriage of her divorced husband.' The most charming charac­ teristic of the Chicagoan is friendliness. --Buffalo Express. -- Bismarck's Finest Title. "Uncie," as applied by Emperoe William's amiable spouse, is one of the most royal titles that Bismarck has Qt* er woru.--New York Telegram. Not the Right Grip. Governor McKinley has the grip, but it is not the kind he.wants.---Galvoston News. _ . •' • A. Hint. | The Ailsa knows her busmka^-NeTf York Tribune, C R A M ® O F F E R S ' SttRflE. A. RUPPERT'S Wilbur Lumber Co FACE BLEACH Westerman & Son MflMTOQ Next v,sit'~-- ; Pri l l f lO Friday. A p r i l ! © . WOODSTOCK, IL. , At tlie Hotel Woodstock. (ret my pieces on quantities from a bag full to a car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere. HOUSE, SIGN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS. MCHENRY, - - - - - ILLIMOIS. We are prepared to doal! work In our Use on short notice and guars ntee satisfaction. PAPER HANGING A SPEClALTK Prices reasonable and w> rk promptly done. WESTERMAN & SON. McHenry. J vnuary 30, 1894. ftlme. A. R«pperf says'- there' a e -tin v i.hon«aii0s that -w-nUl 'like 10 t.y my World is enQwneJ !• it o e Biearb. buthayebeen We! r. ^ from U.I.Ilig SO on n<ifiOinii ' J price. vr_turh is |2.00 i>ei'^bot- ^ w'ilfsGllvtoevpvy caller apam. ' plebottlef«r3oc, andtoi liose Jiving outside of city, in Jf/ j part at the wor d. 1 v,-.!l Sri'***' CZ se:i(i it saft-ly packed, pltrn mapper, all charges prepaid, ior25c, silver or"s; amps. In every case of l'reckie ". p1 tuples, taotbs sal-ow- iless, blackheads, acne, eczema, oiiiness ot rougn* ness, or any discoloration or disease of thesl.111. ana •wrinkles (not caused by facial expression) race !}leacli removes absolutely Itdoes not cover up «t cosmetics do, but is a curs. Address »11 eoni- uuications or call on SI.V1E. A. KUPl EKT, /o. e East 14th -Street, New York Cit^P1 All my preparations, samples, brttlos. &a., cau be t at regular prices lrom my local agent, J. SUCH, RESTAURANT WEt/ Mc.Hi.NIty, ILL DISPENSARY AND- United States_WarClnii Apcj WM.'fi. COW LIN, BOARDING HOUSE, asrs. S. A. RCBS2.S& Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Woodstock - - Illinois Prosecutes all olassss and kinds of claims «gainst the United States for ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is mad® In prosecuting oId_snd rejected claims. All Communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enolosed for reply. WM, H. COWL1JS ffloe at Residence, Mad\ ion St. Woodstocx

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