Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Apr 1895, p. 5

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' j ALGONQUIN. E. Lamont took in the sights of the city last week. There will be a ten cent tea aiven at. the residence of Mrs. Shoves next Friday. Mr. Kozel, on the East side, is sinking his well deeper and expects to get a fiow- ing well. ' A bus load went to Dundee Monday night to the sho w. ^ J- Payean was out from Chicago over Sunday. -- J. Quedera, of Chicago,-is-trying to buy a place here tor; a summer residence. E. C. Andrews found his dogs thatf were taken about three weeks ago at MeHenry. s R. Lyon, the dentist, has quit coming here. . • R- Lei big will make the Morton. House his headquarters. " ' John Wandrack sold his rig in Chicago last week. The boys are catching some nice fish below the dam. C. WandracK hasa-flne assortment of Hammocks and the prices are right. Frank Yerkes, our marshal, has sold his Fitz Roy colt to Bolts Brothers, of Dundee. At the, Corporation Election on Tues­ day there was but one ticket in the field and consequently was a very tame affair. Two members were taken into, the Woodmen last Week and two applica­ tions received.» - . V ' The girls are all glad that they don't have to work Saturday nights any more in the condensing factory. They keep the milk until Monday. '> ... D. W. Thomas met with a serious and what might have proved a fatal accb dent, on Friday afternoon last. He was driving his spirited team down Main street, when the neck yoke broke, lettiug the pole down and the wapon ran on to the horses. They immediately started out at a break-neck gait, the wagon swinging from side to side, Thomas heroically hanging to the lines but with no power to control the frightened team. The team ran about. tw6 blocks until thev reached the corner opposite Daniels' Drug Store, where the pole of the buggy was driven about tour feet into the gravel, throwing Mr. Thomas full ten feet into the air, falliner on hin head and shoulders, dislocating liin shoulder and bruieiug his face quite severely. The team kept on down the street but were headed off by John Wan­ drack, \\h$> fearlessly faced them and succeeded in stopping them on the plat­ form in front and almost within tbedoor of Peter's Dry Goods Store. Dr. Nason was called and immediately replaced the dislocated shoulder and Mr. Thomas is now reported as getting along nicely. When everything is taken into consider­ ation it seems almost a itiracle that he escaped with his life. WOODSTOCK, The war or. crows has commenced. - Farmers are nearly done Bowing oats. Next horse sale Wednesday, May 8. "Uncle Josh Spriiceby" at the City Hall, Friday evening, May 10th. Bicyclists were enjoying the elegant roads and fine Weather on SundayC A. W. Arnold, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day with his family herel J. E. Crandell, of Belvidere, was here on business last Saturday. F, K. Granprer was over from McHenry last week Friday on business. Frank L. Kappler spent the first of the week ,at his horu« in this city. Gary Austin and Bart. C. Young went to Mareiigo last Sunday on their bicycles. Mrs; R. L. Dufield and Miss. Mabel Hunt, of Ridgefield visited with relatives and friends here last week Thursday. Wm. ^Gallagher, of Chicago, visited with relatives and friends in this city last week. , ~r Henry Schneider, of Chicago, son of "Officer Schneider, spent last Sunday with his parents in this city. • J. H. Biggins returned on Saturday evening from a six weeks' trip through E u r o p e . ; - - - . . . " • • " _ • Carrol Kingman, of Chicago, spent part, of last week with his parents in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Mollohan and children, of Chicago, visited with, relai lives here this week. " . - Mrs: E. S, Sprague and son returned oy Sunday last from a weeks visit with relatives at Huntley.; : .. . The operetta "The Reception." will be given at the Opera House ' on Thursday evening, April 25. Easter Sunday was observed.,.with ap­ propriate services at the variouschurches in this city. Henry C. Murphy, of Chicago, visited with his parents and many friends in this city last Sunday. Henry Hacker and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in this city.. Edward Kappler, John H. Higgins. Charles E. Quinlan find Charles Nail made a trip to Ridgefield last Sunday on their bicycles. Wm. Freestone, of Benton Harbor, Mich., was lookingaftQr the' interests of the Dingee Pickle Company in this city last week. , The park has been raked over, the dead limbs cut out of the trees, and it now rireseu's a very much improved ap­ pearance. Clean up the streets and alleys about your premises--it is the duty of every citizen to do his share toward keeping the streets clean. Walter H. Murphy, of San Diego, Cal. aaud Elmer R. Murphy spent Easter Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Murphy in this city. Attorneys C. 1'. Barnes and V' S. Lum- ley were at the river last Saturday hunt­ ing ducks. They returned with 75 upicimens as a reward for the time spent. Mayor Donavan, wife and family ac­ companied by the Misses Eliza, Kate, Hannah, Mary and Maggie Donnelly and U. S. Marshall J. C. Donnelly, spent Faster with T. B. Donnelly and wife] in Chicago. Business Locals, Insure your property with S, Stoffel and be insured. , _ Full stock of choice Clover and Tim­ othy for Spring seeding at S. StoSel's. Pillsbury's, Chick?, Sleepy.-Eye and Fancy Patent Flours at S Stoffel's. At Perry"^ Owen's you can get the best New York Full Cream Cheese. Dandy new hats and neckwear at Stoffel's. i Genuine Early Rose ..and --Beau.ty-.ot- Hebron seed potatoes at^ S.j3tofiel's. Buy your wall paper from Stoffel. Large and strictly new stock, no job lots. Again we have in stock the latest ideas in the famous United Brand Dreas Shirts. ,. Choice potatoes at Stoffel'e. New stylish hats and caps at poOr prices with S. Stofiel. Jelly is having a "walk out" with us a t 34 cents per pail. \ PERRY & OWEN, ' A large new stock of Spring Capes from Beifeld & Co. just received at S. Stofiel's. Don't fail to,inspect that big stock of new spring clothing just -received bv S t o f f e l . . J . . " Headquarters Tor the famous Worcee.ter W. 0. C. Corsets, in Colore and black, all sizes at S. Stofiel's. A few more bargains |n Shoes left. Call quick. The goods must move. We have no shelf room for them. J. W. CUISTY & SON, llingwood. . Come Friday and Saturday and get a pair of Shoes that will wear and have the style too, at under prices. FERRY & OWEN. Beloit shirts, overalls, pants and jackets in all sizes, warranted not to rip at Stofiel's. A great many gross of those good Clothes Fins are going out at 0 dozen for 5 cents, at Ferry & Owen's. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in le-ither, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Urn and examine. Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry & Owen's. 1 have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and 1 can rent them. Ifc~C. MEAD. BARUIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Moet Perfect Made. Another Week's Beginning Thursday we will turn out great quantities of ladies', misses', men's and boys^ Hosiery at profit to the buy­ er. Prk^ea are below. A lot of children's white hose 4c, worth 10c. Some, after values in black at 10c. A lot of boys' socks, 42, worth 12 and 15c. A lot of men's socks, 5c, worth 10c. Some extra values at 8c, 10c, 12J£c and 15c. v ' • . •' •« A lot of ladies' fast black hose, 5c, worth 10c. "':'v Some extra values at 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c and 20c. • / This week we put all bur $1.50, §L75 and $1.85 grade at $1.33 per pair Theee are all nice fresh goods and plenty of them, but you had better come quick, they will go, and in a hurry, at these prices. The $2.50 grade will sell during this sale at $2. Dress Goods We have been selling great quantities of Dress Goods because we have a good stock. We have them in early so they can be made up before the Spring House Cleaning. Come in and see the fine Pon- gres and Satines, in the Latest Spring Styles. Fine Henriettas, in colors ahd black, at 25 cents to $1.00. "The Black Henriettas and Serges, are takers.-- Prices always the Lowtst. Just received some fine Summer Silks, for Waists and Dresses, and all shades of Velvets and Velveteens. A full line of the new Trim­ mings used. 1 RINGWOOD. Arthur Whiting, of Moreland, called on friends here Friday. J. V. Bucklaud was in Dundee the latter part of last week on business. Mrs. Wm. Dodge and children left Thursday morning for California. Gilbert Hopkins is rejoicing over the arrival of a fine little girl last Saturday. Frank Hall is having a bad time with the rheumatism. Fanny Osborne returned from Engle- wood Sunday evening. F. C. Whiting, of Johnson, Vt., was calling on friends here the last of the week. Chas. DateB has moved into Charles Bacoa's house by the M E. Oiurch. 0. A. Tabor was over to Woodstock on business a short time since. Miss Mamie Myers, of Cherry Valley, was calling on James and Anna Green Wednesday evening. Maggie Terwilegar was visiting at Mrs. Frank Fay's Wednesday. J. V. Buckland is about to commence the foundation for a fine new reside ce, which he is going to build this sum me'-. Flense do not forget the School Eire- tion f >r one new director, n< xt Sati r '«r ev< ning the 2Uth. Especially the ladies. Fred Coates and wife, of Richmond, WH*p cullers at C4E. Fay's Sunday. Bert Bell is breaking a couple of hii;h steppers for H. C. Allen, They are fi. e looking colts. We understand that Cristy & Son ha-.v emr.iped a yonncnian from the East ro tal" the place of Lee Andrus, who 1. ft some time ago. Misses Lucy Dodge, Mildred Lnwson, MM hie Stevens, C. E. Fay, F. S. Harrison and Albert Francisco weffe in attendance at the Teachers' Meeting, at McHenry, Saturday. Wesley Ladd, Chas. N Thompson Wra. Coates, James Green and .Jonathan ..Brown were in Woodstock Thursday and Friday giving more evidence in the' celebrated land case of Ladd aud Thompson. Uncle John Harrison is very Iow<tfit the present writing. His friends have%iyen up all hopes of his recovery. P. K. Allen and wife, of Richmond, were calling on P. K.'e mother, who has been very sick but is gaining at present, on Saturday. Bernard Harrison and wife were visit­ ing friends west of town Sunday. Miss Frank Ingalls is having her house newly painted, which adds greatly to its appearance. Elon Harrison is the artist. Miss Nellie Christian, of Solon, was making friends here a short call on Friday. This week finds us with our new all Papers in the raek, ready for the spring house clean­ ing. The selections of fine com­ binations in side., ceilings and borders are far superior to any in these parts. Ladies do 'hot fail to examine the elegent new dress goods for the spring trade at Stoffel's. 1 have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of vears. lltf „ _____ H. C. MEAD. Clover, timothy, millet,' field and en­ silage corn from reliable growers at S. Stofiel's. At Perry & Owen's only can you get Heinz' Sauerkraut and Apple Butter. Also the finest mixed Sweet Fickleiin the world in bulk. - ' - - t - Buy your clothing at the "new sched­ ule" prices at Ferry & Owen's. $20 suits now $15. $18 suits now $14. All very low in price. FOR SALE. Short Horn Bulls for sale. Also, Ply­ mouth Rock Fowls, of both sexes. 2,r)tf FRANK COLE, Spring Grove, 111. 50 MEN WANTED. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week to buy those new fancy Shirts at Perry Owen's. A nice and complete assortment of box stationery, cards, invitations, progress­ ive euchre tally cards, etc., to be found at Julia A. Story's, who is constantly adding to this line of goods. Field Seeds. We shall handle with the greatest care as to cleanliness, all Clover, Timothy, Hungarian. Millet, Seed Corn, Potatos, and all other seeds pertaining to farming. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry, 111. SPRING HATS. We have just received a full line of new Spring Hats. Call and see them. They are of the latest styles and the best as­ sortment to be found in the county. . JOHN J. MILLER. PROTECTION THE CRY. Protect your children from the fearful fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair of those "Best of All"school shoes and get a pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mud they are all tramping in. Buy your Easter unit, hat, boiled shirt aud shoes of S. Stoffel, Refrigerator for Sale For 6ale, a Refrigerator, nearly new. Suitable for store or family use. Has been used only about two years. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of 40VV2 MRS. CHAS. ICUHNERT. In order to secure a good crop the ri>{ht kind of seed must be sown. Four" of the best sorts of Seed Potatoes c«n be found on sale at .J. W. Cristy & Son's, Uingwood, viz: Early Ohios, Early Rose Snow-flake and Burbanks. Their prices are reasonable. Call and see their stock. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. Do not throw away your old sewing machines until you have taken them to 0. W.Owen. It he cannot repair them and make them run as good as when new then it will be time enough to throw them away. Charts reasonable. DonH Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Lite Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak mcu gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. By actual count there are over two thousand pairs of boots, shoes and rub­ bers at J. W. Cristy &• Son's store, and over one hundred pairs are being offered at less than cost of production. Sue their ad, or better yet, call at their store and judge of the truth of this assertion. MILLINERY. vfe now have a full supply of new Spring and Summer Millinery, good, and wish to invite the ladies of McHenry and . vicinity to call and examine before pur­ chasing their new Hats and Bon­ nets, as we have a large supply of ready trimmed hats to select from and at prices which no one can fail to be pleased with. We also have a fufPline of Children's Hats^aps and Infant's Hoods. Dress­ making always done in the best manner and as promptly as possible. Respectfully, MRS. J. II. SI'ACLOINO & DAUGHTER. . West McHenry, Illinois. 39w6 FOR SALE. 1 The farm known as the John Fitzsim- mons farm, situated three miles uorth- east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This is one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house .-and barn in the county and allimprovements are first class. Is IU a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at G5) Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, ' JAMES FITZSIMMONS, 19mG Administrators. Keg Syrup s+ruck 95 cents per keg of 4 gallons and how it doe^ go 'rom us. PLI RY & OWEN. Time Extended, I will extend the time for inking Cabi­ net Photographs at $2 per dozen '30 days longer, or until May 1st. Now is the time to get your picture taken. Sat­ isfaction guaranteed. Call at once. L. E. BENNETT. McHenry, March 20, 1895. fi1 Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder- " World's Fair Highest Award. J NOTICE. Having secured the services of John c). Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call All work g^rrauted and done promptly. . 11 R. BISHOP. Victory for Snag Proof Rubber Boots Tbe cfeniaiid u|9 for Stout's Stout'sljl Rubber Boots as it has spring. 1 Snag proof rubber boots are taking better than ever. People are learning of their double wearing qualities and will have no others. They cost but a trifle more than the common ones. Found only at Perry & Owen's. Loans Negotiated. Do you want money? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. FOR SALE. The brick blocli known as the Pekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, iu first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any busiuess. Will be sold cheap and on rea' onable terms. Inquire of 4tf H.C. MEAD," West McHenry. The low prices we are quoting in Gro­ ceries are attracting attention. Our CoEfees aud Teas seem to be getting known abroad. Well they are quite a good deal better than the other fellows are selling and so much cheaper. PASTURAGE. Those desiring to pasture cows in the E. M. Owen pasture apply to O. N. Owen at Bank of McHenry. Terms $8.50 per season New and elegant styles in fine shoes for both sexes and all nationalities at S. Stoffel's. Douglas and Fargo made them. 0 10 DOSES 10 CENTS. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is pleasant to take and cures constipation, indigestion, sick headache. Get^a 10 cent sample bottle of Julia A. Story. -- Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. The great "Snag Proof" Rubber Boots can be found only at Perry & Owen's. We carry all sixes in men's and boys' short boots and sporting boots. Nice fresh spring styles <jf dry goods just received, also hats for the hatless and pants for men and boys, at J. W. Cristy & Son's, Ringwood. Only new depigns and full lengths of wall paper, ceiling and borders. No job lots to pay double profit on, but buy of first hands at Stofiel's. A DIVIDED PLEASURE.. You take your remedy, which is pleae- anfcsto the taste, and we take pleasure in relieving you of such troubles as consti- patiop, indigestion and sick headache. Try CaldvVell's Syrup fepsin. 10 doseB 10 cents. (Largegize 50c and $1.00) at Julia A. Story's. ..., ' New carpets and oil cloth at Stoffel's. GenerallMerchants, MoHENRYs ILL. PEKRY & OWEN, Bankers. McHENRY, - - BILLINGS. This Bank tecetve* deposits. btujs and sells Foreign and Domestic 2m- change, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do ail business' W- trusted to our care in a manner and upon te.'ms entirety satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. * MONEY TO LOAN; On Heal Estate and other first slau security. Special attention given to eo* lections, '• IJ*feTJ£tAI*OE In first Class Compf tk* Lowest Hates. • •• - } '..7M Yourf*,. speotfuUy, PIMYAiwriKl «TROTARY PUBLIC. •aavaNvis 3HX SUVHA oi? "jucisjinpu JDIPO /CUE JO ainjv 'Ejuouiiuv U 'OJJ -ISPMOJ JEPCJ, JO IUE3J0 ADCJQ 3INLL V -3CIVW lD3H"H3d ISOW MV3U3 'JIBJ S.pjjoav SJOUOJJ }S9IJ3!1| papjBMV ,. *

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