West McHenry Arid in order to stay will meet prices with any and all as the following will show: • ; Gasolire Stove AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES YOUR FARM MACHINERY, FARMERS-STORE THE THJKD SEMI-ANKUAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF Our Spring stock is in and we start our ladies' kid patent tip button shoes"at 98c. It is a hummer. Low shoes for ladies and children. Call and see what we have to offer, J. D. LODTZ, Jr We take the lead ia good goods at low prices. Crockery and Glassware. In great quantities at factory prices. When in need of a Washing Machine call and get reduced prices on the "Western" and "Pan American," they are the machine. I take pleasure in informing the public that my Tailoring Establishment is now ready to take orders for Buy a sack ot <:Slespy Eye" Flour and be convinced that it is all we claim for it, I have made a careful examiaation and purchase of goods at the best houses in Chicago, with the result that I now have the finest stock of Spring1 and Summer Goods ever seen in McHenry. The goods turned out from my establishment are hand-made and home-made, and are guaranteed first class in every particular as to style, workmanship and quality. |®"With regard to prices, I will say, without fear of contradiction, that they are from $4 to ?15 lower than those in the city. I can make you an all-wool suit as cheap ae $17, A Pants to Order^ ̂ 3,75 and upward, My motto: Good, honest work at living prices. Soliciting your patronage, I remain, Yours Respectfully, Fb o to irrn jih eil from Life. R E V I V O KESTOR:S VITALITY. i JtJLIA A. STORY, BEALKR IN Drugs tSt Medicines mnesmx* wis i With Lower Prices Than Ever JL Made a ist Day.Man 15th Day. of Me. THE GREAT 30th Day. PlrlEKrCIX R.EMSSDY produces the above results in 30 days. It a. ts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail. Ifounc mou will regain theft lost manhood, and old ttieu will recover their youthful viuor by usinp iiKVlVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness. Lost Vitality, Inipoteucy. Nightly Kmissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wat-timr Diseases and all effects of self-abuse or excess and iudirtcretion, which unfits one for n' udy. business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonic aud blood builder, bring ing back the pink nlow to pale cheeks and re storing the fire of youth. It wards off Jnsanitv and Consumption. Insist on having RKVIVO.no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, 81.00 por package, or six for 85.00, with a posi tlve written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 River St., CHICAGO. ILL FOR SAXE BY G. W, Beslht, West McHenry. DEALER IN J. D. LODTZ, JR Barbian Bros.' Block, McHenry, 111, A .FULL LIMKfoT- OiWl rmd Colors constantly on hand. Alto a fulli line$of PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTtCLES, ARD A COMPLETE STOCK O P And all other goods in proportion PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully&cempouijdeci by a Registered Pharmacist, Tour Patronage Is respectfully solicited. We have for sale Clover Seed, Timothy S.>ed, all kinds of Jen Seeds, and the following choice •JULIA A. STORY On«\Door West of Riverside J ovse, McHenry, 111 Yours Very Truly N. J. JUSTEN West McHenry, March 27,1895, Early Rose, Early Oh os, Snow Flake, Burbanks Our prices are Low. SPEAK QUICK 1895 GOOD BREAD Is never produced from inferior flour, Everybody knows that. The foundation of good flour is choice selected wheat. Machining method and know how are all important in the making of a reliable uniform brand like ONE GIVES RELIEF, We have a large stock of We invite the prospective clothing buyers of McHenry and Lake counties to an entirely new way of business. There has been a rev olution in the clothing trade, which resulted in an entire new line of prices, to the benefit of the wearer. Better Clothes for Less Money is the New Mottp. We carry everything in the Clothing line. Prices givtn on ap plication. Do not beat yourself by buying before first lookii g over our new way of business, HAISH'S ELI BARB WIRE, Agents Wanted A V I T A L Q U 1 S T I 0 5 S Pillsbury's Best When offering thie brands of flour we feel that we are producing the very best flour that money can buy. And on every sack a guarantee, 'Twill suit your notions to a "T." We also can supply^ you with fresh ground graham flour, strictly pure buckwheat flour, fresh ground bolted corn meal, rye flour, at prices that defy competition. Bring on your wheat for flour, will guarantee to satisfy you both m quality and quantity. Although tta weather is cold the feed grindi|t<j? goe3 on r.t six cents per bag]?"" Leave your orders at the mill and we will do the rest. Our spring ttock is now in and ready for your inspection. A look through our line will convince you that we again are to the front in ladies" and gents' fine foot wear, that we are not selling all odds and ends at 25c on the dollar, but that we have a nice new and clean etock of shoes at bed rock payments. ' • Wo&: \Tlic Latest Style ol Spring Hats, jost in. New spring stock ot Shirts, Pants, Trunks and Traveling Bags. Choice fresh Groceries. A new car of Jersey Lily Flour just in Clover, timothy and all other sceas for sale. ,,, . J, W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood, 111, McHENRY ROLLER MILLS, JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry,