Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Apr 1895, p. 4

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From the Chorion OHpp&\ April I9ih: BtrMMEB RESORT SEEKERS. Friday last No&K Pike and «T. E. Wightnian returned from a trip to Lake Pistaqua. Mr. Pike had been up there; to erect a couple more cottages and Mr. Wightman had been in Chicago on busi­ ness and went over to the Lakes to visit his mother, who just celebrated her 81st birthday. - . . In referring to Lake Pistaqua some- jr Just received from the leaders of fashion, Jos. Bei- feld & Co., of Chicago. Sizes to fit all, prices ditto, and in the very nicest shades of tans, grays, navies knd browns.-- DEALER IN Agricultural WEDNESDAY. APRIL 24, 1895 Machinery I {ST Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was steady.- Offerings, 58,- McHENRY, ILL I have at a great expense just purchased a new and improved WELL MACHINE, And am now prepared to put in wells on short notice and at reasonable rates. If you want a well" call and see me, t Also, the Best Line of Pumps to be found in the market, Buggies and Carriages AT YODit OWN PRICE. Call and see us, WM. BACON. ELGIN, ILL We arc the people on ladies? garments, misses' and children's Jackets. New shades and weaves of imported Dress Goods, Suitings and Trimmings. Wqrsteds, Satteen^, Percales. Ducking, Sportsmen'** Cloth. Ginghams, Tennis Flannel PRINTS, ETC. • Also, a good stock of Sheetings, Shirtings. Cassimeres, Universal Provider. Origin inator of Low Prices & Summer In all sizes and proper cuts, prices a id stvies, square cut, sack, frock, Prince Albert suits,_ in navy, gray. and - . brown* etc. Profit on suits small, variety large. Agents in town for the Dutchcss Troupers, $1,25, $2, $3, $3 25, $3.50 to $8. A large new lot to arrive this week, which we warrant fully in quality and work, - / ^ ' MORGAN STALLION, will stand at the barn of the undersigned, one-half mile north of McHenry village, for the season of 1895. ~ PEDIGREE: • Just received, a large stock of celebrated United Brand white and colored Fancy Dress Shirts, which are a:i popular with our rising young judges, senatoiv, etc,, and at prices to bringdown the house, Shortly and called before the Senatorial Investigating Committee who are trying to oust Department stores, to answer the charges, • Billy S was sired by I'rinre S, by SayVor'f ToungGifford Morgan Blnck Hawk, by Hnnly's Morgan Black Hawk, by Giffora, oy Wood­ bury by Just'n Morgan. Da in of Prinze S by Oolbv's Young Green Mountain, by Turner's fir William, by Green Mountain 2d, by Gilford, by Woodbury, by • Justin Morgan. Grand-dam of Prince S by F'anly's Young Mo-gan B'6< -k Hawk, by General Gifl'ord. by Gifl' rd. by vVoodbnry, by Justin Moreati. Dam ot Billj S by Grey0Kagle. by Black Hawk, bv Sherman, by Justin Morgan. Grar.d.dam of Billy S by Sherman's Morgan Defiance, by Bmon Tiger, by Cock of the Rork, by Sherman, by Justin Moroan Dam of Shermnn'8 Morgan DdUance by Woodbury, by Justin Morgar. Terms made known on applicationr* ' BRADFORD SMITH. Don't forgjet our Wall Paper, Carpets, Shades, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Etc, As we have onI;y new woods, full measure, newest designs, tiim free and show the largest variety, and are modest on profits, Why do we sell goods at Retail Less than other dealers pay for them at Wholesale. ALGONQUIN. Mrs. Bigelow and son Henry are out from the city visiting friends. John Rioer, of Chicago, is spending a few days fishing here and is having good success. Wil/iam Ratterty has been very sick, but is on the gain. School election last Saturday drew out a very large crowd. A good many of the ladies voted. John Johnston, whose time expired, was re-elected. J. Johnson, S9; T. Wenholz, 47. Mrs. Alois Vanderaue is very sick. Dre. W. A. Nason and Watson are attending her. John Xickle, of Lodi, Wisconsin, was here on business this week. P Mrs. D. W. Thomas.spent last week at Woodstock, with her sister, Mrs. Henry Keys. Ex-Sheriff Udell, ot Harvard, was 'here on business this week. Lawyers Barnes and Casey, of Wood, stock, were on our streets this week. Sixty-five numbers were sold at the party last Friday, and everybody seem­ ed to have a nice time. We earnestly iovite the weary and footsore to send down to us your teet and be ligged out with some of our fine custom made and warranted Fargo or Douglas shoes, Styles right, prices catching, Continue to wear our warranted Beloit Shirts, Pants, Over­ alls and Jackets, as our stock is now, large, low priced, attractive Nobby and new Hat* and Caps, fine Neckwear, Trunks, Sat< heie, Hand Bags Glassware, Stoneware, Lamps, Jars, white Qraniteware, Pure Teas, Coffees and Spices Produce, Provisions, Fruits, Always buy the well known Fancy Fatent and Chick Flour,' 100 bus. choice Burbank eating or aeed potatoes just received. If we are closed up it will be a hard blow to our num erous patrons ; but as long as we are satisfied with To Treasurers of Public Funds, Attorney General Maloney, of this State, quotes the law in declaring that all treasurers must publish their reports. He says: It must first show the amount of money on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year. Of course this sum need not be itemized, for the people already have been made aware, or ought to have been made aware, of the source from whence that money came. The only pur­ pose the legislature had in view in re­ quiring a publication of that amount was to point out to the people how eco­ nomical, or otherwise, the previous year's administration had been, and with what amount from that source the coming fiscal year should be charged. Again, the report must show the amount of public funds received, and from what sources. I am of the opinion, in order to comply With this provision of the law, that there should be a plain, unambiguous state­ ment made by the officer, of the different BumB of money coming to his hands, and the sources from whence they, and each of them, are derived should be plainly and unambiguously stated. It seems to me that the report should be so plain and detailed as to convey to the person who reads it as thorough a knowledge and undsrstanding of it as the officer who had handled the money. If, in order to accomplish this purpose an itemized statement becomes necessary, then an itemized statement should be made. Again, the report should contain "the amount of public funde expended and for what purposes expended." Really,, in practice, the matter of expenditures is far more important than that of receipts. While, no doubt, it is material and high­ ly beneficial that the public should know the exact source from whence the funds are derived to defray the public expense, yet it is of far greater importance that they should know how and in what man­ ner they have been expended. There is no danger from the public press. An honest criticism of every officer's acts is a good healthy thing in' the community, and it should be encour­ aged rather than retarded. Honest men do not fear scrutiny into their public acts, and while no doubt many news­ papers often surpass legitimate public criticism, yet, after all, the great body of them is invariably found on the side of honest govern men % and a proper and impartial enforcement of the law. So long will we continue to run a Department store Our thus far reliable and carefully handled THEO. F. SWAN, Will be kept up in future. V* ill visit the, city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGIW, • ILL, The great "Snag Proof" Rubber Boots can be found only at Perry & Owen's. We carry all sizes in men's and boys' short boots and sporting boots. SIMON STOFFEL CEMETERY WORK. I am now prepared to do work in the Cemetery on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Lots cleaned, sodded and put in first class shape at reasonably rates. I am also ready to clean yards, trim trees and all other work in this line by the dav or job. Residence a few rods north of the Cemetery. NICK WINKLES. McHenry, April 15, 1895. The Fine Young Trotting Stallion CENTERVILLE. Hats, Pants and Shirts Record 2;3l?i Will make the season, closing June 1st, at the stable of the un­ dersigned, in McHenry. Three special wood bargains in Ladies' high grade Shoes. Fine Dongola Pat. Tip, lace, Bluchtr style, well worth $2 75, our price $1.98. ladies' hand sewed square toe p it tip, regular $3.50 shoa, our price $2 35. Ladies' extra fine (Keed shoe) regular $3 shoo1; our price $2 18, DESCRIPTION --Centerville is a beauti­ ful dark chestnut, with two white ankles behind, 17 hands high, weighs 1,050 pounds, foaled June, 1887. He is very rangy and stylish. CENTERVILLE Wall Paper at a Discount Was sirerl by George O 9701. record 2:21he by Lakeland Abdallah, 351. own brother to Harold, the sire.of Maud s, (Que n of the turf, Noontide, 2:20X ; Matt e Graham 2;21X; Mo.Curdy'fi HambletoniHn, 2;..6Jtf; Temple 3:20 ant! others. Also sire of 23 in i he 30 list. George O's da»i vraa the 'a.sf paninir mare, Fannie B, aired by Aut nut, by Geo M. Patchen, (r«"ord 2:233«5). by Oats us M. Clay, by Andrew Ja kson, by Bashaw, etc. , Cen'ireville's dam was by Creeper Jr., he by Old Creeper. Her dam* by "Raymond'* Morgan. He is considered one of the most prom­ ising young horses in McHenry or Lake counties. His record oi 2:31% was made in a hotly contested seven heat race, he taking second in the first four heats and first in the three last, showing that he not only has speed but-staying quali­ ties as well. ZZ TERMS --.$10 for the season. Season to close June 1st, as I intend to track him this season. Lace Curtains in setts or by the yard at prices that will please you, Cash profit is all we expect. ^ It Cost Him the CisarB. "Hello, where'd you get that mare? 1 propounded Tom Pease of farmer John i Burton, as the latter got out of his buggy to tie his horse yesterday. "Raised her from a colt," senteriously replied the other. "Git out. You hainl had that horse a month." " Mebby you knowiny business better than I do myself," replied Burton testily ae he gave the hitching strap an extra pull. "I know darned well that you ain't driven that horse a month," persisted Jim, shifting his quid to the left cheek. "I'll bet the cigars that I've driven thiBnag into this town twice a week for eight years. Now if you know better'n that there is a chance for an argument, "I'll go you," replied the other. " The mare you've been driving had the heaves .ao bad that she blowed like a black­ smith's bellows." Then the farmer smole a knowing smile and told his doubting friend how a couple of packages of Dr. Weare's Sure cure for Heaves had knocked the spots out of the heaves and left the mare well and sound as she was when a colt. Then Jim bought the cigars and made a inur- ;§nur,.|:' • Nice fresh spring styles of dry goods fust received, also hats for the hatleeB and pants for men and boys, at J. W. Cristy & Son's, Ringwood. ATRUE SAYING. It haa been said that habitual consti­ pation is the cause of fully one-half the " diseases that flesh is heir to. Keep your bowels regulated by Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and your system will be in proper condition to keep off diseases of all kinds. Get a sample bottle (10 doses 10 cents) of Julia A. Story, and you will bless the you did. ! V GEO, W BESLEY LELAND * HOTEL JOHN HEIMER, Proprietor; DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. TOILET ARTICLES. PURE TINES AND LIQUORS FOB MEDICAL USE. , BURLIN Michigan Ave Boulevard and Jackson streets. Fronting Lake Michigan, Within two Blocks of the Center of the City MANUFACTURER. . . . OF - . - • • AND • DEALERS.; I* Entire new management and popular prices. Over $100,00C ha* been expended in re-modeling and re-furnishiDg the House making it one of the mot-t complete and comfortable hotels ii Chicago. Steam heat and electric light in every room. Fifty-fiv< bath rooms, TClevator and every modern convenienca. Booms, with meals, from $2 per day upwards. Rooms, without meals, from $1 per day upwards. All meals 75 cents each, x EST A very desirable hotel for ladies visiting the city unattend­ ed, and special care will be given them. DABB & MILLIGAN. CHftS. W. DABB, >• fit Fourteen years Proprietor of the Commercial Botel, Chicago, CHAS. F. MILLICAN. Five years proprietor of Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago. Wfe»t McHenr, Agents. $75 ^ '^ 7 a week. Exclusive territory. The lUpbl Dish Waiher, Washes all the dishes for a family in one minute. Washes, rinses and dries theta /' •'without wetting the hands. You f" push the button, the machine does L "fat RAP 10 BS. the rejt. Bright, polished dishes, cheerful wires. No scalded I ^^flugers.nosolledhandsorclothing, -r- broken-dishes, no muss. CJhcap, durab le , warranted. Circulars free. W. P. HARRJ^ON & CO.. Clerk No. 12, Columbia*, O. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. PRICES A CATALOGUE I^PThe best brands of Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. • ^ . -- Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded* Give me a call, West McHenry, Jan. 2, 1895

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