Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1895, p. 4

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BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ladies Stylish Proceedings of Special April Meet- in*, 1895. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1895, The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry county met in special session at the court house, in Woodstock, on Monday, April 22; 1895. !"> The board was called to order by the clerk and the following named supervis­ ors answered at roll call: * - Sups. Xaham' Brotzman, C. P. Wright, R. J. Beck, F. F. Axtell,~W . D, Cornue, Wm, Desmond, Geo. B. Richards, F. E. Stevens, John Weltzien, L. T. Hoy, S. E. Clark, H. F. Jones, Geo. McConnell, A.M. Wray, W. A. Cristy, J. H. Gracy and W. P. Thompson. order of business would be the election of ,a chairman of the board for the ensuing year. Sup. Beck moved that Sup. J. H. Gracy be elected chaiEman for, the ensu/ ing year.; Carried. '/ Sup. Hoy moved that the board/be governed by the same rules as were in force in 1894. Carried. Sup. Beck moved that the board ad­ journ until 1 o'clock, p. M. to meet the assessors. Carried. ONE O'CLOCK, P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment, members all present at roll-call. The chairman announced the following standing committees for the ensuing year: _ . Lands--Geo. B. Richards, S. E. Clark, N. Brotzman, R. J. Beck, W. A. Cristy. Town and citylots--C. P. "Wright,, F. F. Axtell, Geo. McConnell, W. P. Thomp­ son, A. M. Wray. Personal property--John Weltzien, F. E. bteyens, A. M. Wray", W. D. Cornue, Wm. Desmond. Railroads--A. M. Wray, Wm, Des­ mond, S. E. Clark, H. F. Jones, R. J. Beck. Finance--F. E. Stevens, L. T. Hoy, G. B. Richards. W. A. Cristy, John Weltzien. Education--W. D. Cornue, H. F. Jones, W. P. Thompson, A. M. Wray, C. P. Wright. Roads and bridges--W- P- Thompson, N. Brotzman, John Weltzien, C. P. Wright, F. F. Axtell. Fees and salaries--G. McConnell, R. J. Beck, G. B. Richards, Wm. Desmond, J. Weltzien. f~\ Public"buildings--F. F. Axtell, L. T. Hoy, R. J. Beck, W. D. Cornue, W. P. Thompson. Claims--R. J. Beck, F. E. Stevens, Geo. B. Richards, G. McConnell, N. Brotzman. Settle with the treasurer--W. Desmond Johp Weltzien, F. E. Stevens, F. F. Ax­ tell W. A. Cristy. Poor farm--L. T. Hoy, W. A. Cristy, W. P. Thompson, F. B. Stevens, Geo. B. Richards. Elections--W. A. Cristy, A. M. Wray, L. T. Hoy, G. McConnell, H. F. Jones. Town accounts--S. E. Clark, N. Brotz­ man, C. P. Wright, A. F. Jones, W, D., Cornue. Rules--N. Brotzman, G. McConnell, L. T. Hoy, S. E. Clark, F. F. Axtell. The quarterly report of W. E. Wire, superintendent of schools, was presented and referred to the proper committees. The committee on education made the!< following report which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the quarterly re­ port of W. E. Wire, superintendent of schools, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before thpm: Your committee'has examined said report, find the same correct, and recommend that the amount asked for ($482) be allowed.^ All of which is respectfully submitted. W. D. CORNUE, Chm. A. M. WRAY, H. F. JONES, ° "1_ _ W. P. THOMPSON. C.P.WRIGHT, The committee on poor farm made the following report which was adopted, to-wit Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on poor farm would beg leave to submit the following report: The committee met at poor farm March 22, 1895. The purpose was to ascertain the cost of keeping inmates since August 24, 1894. The following bills were audited: Bryant & Sons, payment on orchard . . .}50 .. J Donavan, fixtures * 4 5<> J N Burton, coal 2 !)1 . . N S Uobb, freierlH on coal,' . . . . 60 . . N S l.obb, salary Aug 24 to Jan 1 371 13 E V Anderson, medical attendance 67 T H Brown, incidentals 3 7s T H Brown, salary Jan 1 to March 23... 177 53 Eckert & Young, groceries and tobacco 35 (55 M D Hoy & Son,, clothing 6 74 Bunker Bros, groceries,. . 106 03 Stone & Hart, shoes,. . 5 . . E A Murphy & Co, clothing 35 72 A 8 Wright, drug", etc 4 50 Pratt & Son, meat. V 5 8.4 F M BcnKer. groceries " SJW F W Buell, feed, 59 65* Thome & Mead, clothing 44 2ii Whltson Bros, hardware. 13 75 (J W Hill, blacksmithing . 8 Si) N S Robb, incidental expenses 8 83 Burikor Bros, groceries 52 34 W. Disbrow, feed 22 28 Philo R»e, wood 24 . . WhHeon Bros, hardware 9 81 A S \v right, drugs, etc : 4 25 Eckert & Young, groceries 22 8>< Sentinel, printing . . . . 4 85 0 F Thorn, clothing, 4 48 T J Dacy, pump 8 frO A Drey or, harness anrl repair 9 80 B 9 Austin, groceries 24 56 Thorne & Mead, clothing... 42 25 E A Murphy & Co, clothing, etc 11 24 Conklin & Hyde, groceries. ' 8 94 F W Buell, feed and flour. . . . 38 25 OT Uonovan, blackstnithlng . . 9 30 F W Streets, clothing ; 5 98 A Field, coal >. 12 3b F M Bunker, groceries 25 95 M D Hoy & Son, clothing 20 31 ' Total.. . $1809 04 Of the foregoing $$1,558.87 was for running expenses. « CREDIT ITEMS. Horseiftpold (2) $120 . . Oats (list) bushels). 30 . . Supplies on hand 243 60 Total,. . . . $ 483 GO Total expenditure* $1558 87 Total receipts 483 60 Net running oxpenses $1075 25 Total number of weeks board, 884 2-7. Average rate per week $1 20 Added for Improvements, per week 10 Total cost per week .. .$] 3o The following amounts were sent to towns and parties liable for the same: Algonquin > $ 235 80 Nunda J47 47 McHenry., 9053 Hebron 39 00 Greenwood ]j2 73 Dorr ;;;; ] 9 1 Grafton. 41 e . Coral.. . , . ; 4 1 1 0 Seneca 327 14 Hartland; 213 60 £id e n- 84 58 Chemung 4547 E E liichards j. 92 ijj T.otal . .^147i~03 All 6f which is respectfully submitted. - G. W. CONN, Chm. W. P. Thompson. L. T. HOY, F. E. STEVENS, [ G. B. RicHARns. The committe on claims made the fol­ lowing report, which was read and on ' motion adopted, to-wit: I T) Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the ^ Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims would beg leave to submit\ the following report on the matters before * them: That they have examined the • bills and vouchers of W. E. Wire, county [ superintendent and find the same correct and make the vouchers a part of this re- MF Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was steady. ' Bids opened at 17c. Total offerings 74,040 pounds; sales 35,340 pounds at 18c, 3,180 pounds at 17%c. Last, week's prices 19% @20 c; year ago 16%@18c. The recent ruling of the D. S, Su­ preme Court on the income tax has had the effect of increasing the deficit in the U. S. Treasury to $40,000,000. It will f>robably reach $47,000,000 by June 30, ht end of the fiscal year, especially if the rehearing of the income-tax question, now pending in the supreme court is de­ cided in the affirmative. The case will be argued next week. tSf Judge--iTipton, of the McLain county circuit court, has called the at­ tention of the sheriff of that county to the fact that sheriffs have no legal right to appoint bailiffs and clothe them with authority, this being a duty incumbent upon the Circuit Judge. This ruling is contrary to a practice that has been in vogae for years throughout the counties in Illinois. / -... Speaking ofthe death of Jas. W. Scott, Kate Field says: "Of such stuff are we mortals made. We fuss and fume and slave ourselves to death to attain our purpose, and just as we are in sight of the promised land, the angel of death bears us away to that unknown place where, let us hope, truth needs no daily press to make its clarion voice rewound throughout eternity." ISP" Major General Alexander McDowell McCook is in the 64th year of his age and has been placed on the retired list of the army. He is a native of Ohio, the eldest of eight brothers who rendered ser­ vice in the civil war and by their bravery earned the sobriquet of the "fighting McCooks." Major General Thos. H. Ruger, of the department of th* Missouri, will no doubt succeed him. ELGIN, ILL Wr& are the people on ladies' garments, njj^ses' and children's. Jackets. New shades and weaves of*itnported Dress Goods, Suitings and Trimmings. Worsteds, Satteens5 Pcrcale&. Ducking, Sportsmen'a Cloth. Ginghams, Tennis Flannel. PRINTS, ETC. Also, a good stock of Sheetings, Shirting?, XJ^imeioa, Spring & Summer Clothing IQ all sizes and proper cuts, prices and styles, square cut, back, frock, Prince Albert suits, in navy, gray, and • •'.• ~ ••' brown, etc. "Profit on suits small, variety large. ~ JSfT" Agents in town for the Dutchess Trousers, $1,25, $2, $3, $3 25 $3.50 to i6. A large new lot to arrive this week, which we warrant iull^ in quality and work, ON FRIDAY, MAY 10th, We will present to our numerous patrons the grandest array of Just received, a large stock of celebrated United Brand white and colored Fancy Dress, Shirts, which are so popular with our rising young judges, senator*. etc,, and at prices to bringdown the house, ISP The appropriations for the State Univerwty seem to be practically settled excepting with regard to the library building. The bill has passed the senate but is hanging fire in the house. Even though the state treasury is in an unfor­ tunate condition the state is not by any means bankrupt, and this mo^t impera­ tive need of the University should be met. T>°n't forget our Wa,H Paper, Carpets, Shades, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Etc, As we have only new goods, full measure, newest designs, trim free, and show the largest variety, and are modest on profits, Ever attempted in this or any oth^r city, it being the occasion of our SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY ISP Every department head has instructions to outdo all vious attempts at Bargain Giving. Our thus far reliable and carefully handled Insurance Boemese THEO. F ill be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE SIMON STOFFEL Are You Ready For the Harvest ?' There's only one way to get ready so that you can be sure that you are ready •and I am ready to get you ready with the World-Beating, Invites you to provide yourself with a new Hat tor Spring Dozens of Fadoras, just rsceived, of the $2.25 quality; price for this quick sale, $1.68. LIGHT-RUNNING McCORMICK STEEL BINDERS AND | MOWERS. Shoe leather is becoming firmer in Price, in sympathy with many other staples. We mention this because we sell McHenry, III . Painting, Graining arid Paper Hanging a specialty. Material furnished if desired. Because we want your shoe trade at once. Would you care to buy A.C. SPURLING At a special bargain, 4 1-2 cents per yard Is the reguiar price Veterinary \ 1 '1|\ Surgeon, McHenry. Makes a specialty of CASTRATION. VS' Office at Hanly's Livery Stable. Wesi McHenry, 111, tSir'Special Hat sale this week, Saturday, don't miss it choice of our finest, $1,68. Your FARMERS STORE There is no end to the good trades we have to offer this week in our different departments, In Dry Co.ods and Notions We will offer some great bargains in Prints and Muslins. Call and see what we have to offer, BURLIN MANUFACTURERi DEALERSj£|I We are in the lead as usual, and carry the large it and frestest stock in town. BOOTS AIND SHOES. None better than M. D. Wells & Co.'s hand made goods, which we always have a full and complete stock on hand, and at prices to euit the^Td Jtimea-^v Crockery and C? ass ware. We have just received the largest stock that has ever been placed on sale in McHenry, and will make the prices right. "Washing Machines Have takerl a big tumble, and if you neeql any will suit you. The Western Washing Machine for $2,42 The Pan American, $2.58 Novelty Wringer, $1.68 Superior No, 2, $1.48. , FLOUR.- •Old Sleepy Eye is still on top and good as ever. - CLOTH INC 'WRITE! to;R, PRICES .AN® CATALOGUE HATS Laundried Shirts, worth 95c now 45c Men's Hats, worth $1, now ..,.65c ,, v.Cnp to the finest grades.) (and up to the finest grades) " orking Shirts, worth 65c now.. 25c Boys' Stiff Hats, worth $1.25 now....45c " " " " " t5c " 25c Gold Dust, per can, worth 25c now....18c Suspenders, " 45c " 15c Good Brooms, " 30c " ...;i5c (and up to the very best.) Wash Soap, 7 bars for 2oc Neckties, worth 45c, now (....'.18c A large selection of Buggy Whips (and up to the finest.) worth 55c, now..... 18c We have a large stock of Crockery and Glassware, which will be sold regardless of cost. If you are looking for your own interest you will not miss this great chance, \ \ Respectfully, \ .. * A , SIMON BROS West McHenry, Illinoii West McHenry, 111,

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