Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1895, p. 7

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ALLIES COMPLETELY PARALYZET). Propelled by Gas. The field of usefulness so long'hela by the horse is narrowing daily. ' A tricycle propelled by a two horse power gas engine is the property of a Califor* nia man, who, having tested it? on the streets under varying Conditions as to grade and roadway, has found it in every instance satisfactory; being easy to control as regards starting, regu­ lating speed, turning, stopping, etc. The machine is calculated to carry three persons on the'single broad seat, though operated by one, with surplus power sufficient to trail one or two buggies or a loaded wagon, according to the character of the road. It car­ ries tweleve hours' supply of gasoline, or two and one-half gallons, and can easily attain a speed of from ten to twelve miles per hour on favorable, ground. Being geared in such a man- ner that the movement of a" lever in-, creases or decreases the speed enables the driver to climb grades of considera­ ble pitch. It is claimed to be perfectly safe and- is simple in construction, the design of the inventor being to have as few pieces and parts as possible. The wheels and frame supporting the en­ gine are strong and the entire machine is constructed in the most substantial manner, as if intended to withstand hard usage. ; - , Highest bf all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report Baking Powder PHYSICIANS ARE ASTOUNDED BY A PECULIAR CASE. ^ \&\\w \s \yu\\^ wwrwaWe^ A Young Man stricken withXandry's Paralysis and Yet Recovers. (From the. Times, Philadelphia, Fa.) Stricken with Landry's Paralysis and yet cured! That means but little to the average layman, hut it means a miracle to a physician. Such is the experience of O. B. Dallimore, now a resident of Madison, N. J., and a rare experience it is. "Yes, it is true that I had Landry's Paralysis," said Mr. Dallimore to a re­ porter, "or else the mosjt celebrated phy­ sicians of London were, mistaken. "It Was 'on the ir»th of March, this year," he .continued, "when I was in New York .City, that I first felt the 'symp­ toms of my trouble. 1 experienced diffi­ culty in going up stairs, my legs failing to support me. I consulted a physician, who informed me that I had every symptom of Locomotor Ataxia, but as the case de­ veloped he pronounced it a case of Lan­ dry's Paralysis, and knowing the nature of the disease advised me to start for my home and friends. I gave up my work, and ,pn April 1st started for London, Out. A well-known physician was consulted, but I grew rapidly worse, and on Satur­ day, April 7th, several eminent physi­ cians held a consultatioh'on my case and informed me that I was at death's dbor. having but three to six days to live, still I iingered on, by this time c.unipletely paralyzed, my hands and feet being dead, I could hardly whisper my wants and could only swallow liquids. Oh. the mis­ ery of those moments are beyond all de­ scription and death would really have been a welcome yjsitor. "Now comes the part that has astound­ ed the physicians. Rev.'Mr. Gondy, a clergyman who visited me in my. Inst hours, as he supposed, told me of the marvelous cures of. paralysis that had been performed by Div •Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I started to take the pills about April US, and a week after that felt an improvement in my condition. There was a warm, tingling sensation in the limbs that had been entirely dead, ̂ nd I soon began to move my feet and hands, the improvement continued until May US, When I was takeii out of bed for a drive and drove the horse myself. By the be­ ginning of July Jr was able to walk up­ stairs alone and paid a visit to Niagara. "Slowly but surely I gained my old health and strength, leaving Ontario for New York on Oct. 11, and beginning my work again on Oct. 2(i, 1SS)4; cured of Landry's Paralysis in eight months.'.' To confirm his story beyond all doubt, Mr. Dallimore made the following affi­ davit. Sworn and subscribed before me Dec. 3, 1894. AMOS C. RATHBUN, (Seal.) Notary Public. I)r. Williams' Pink Pills contain all theJelements necessary to give new life and richness to the. blood and restore shattered nerves. They are for sale by all druggists, or may be had by mail from Dr. Williams'.Medicine Company, Schen­ ectady. N. Y.. for 50 cents per box, or six boxes for $2.30: " With Two. Powerful Friends the De­ mands of the Russian Bear Are Laughed to Scorn -- Montreal the .Scene of a Terrible Accident. THE RISING SUV \\ STOVE POLISH in IA ^ I , cafces for general; V E p o b l a c k i n g o f a s t o v e . , THE SUN PASTE POLISH for a qulcld ss LA®0*1 odikr after - dinner . shlneJ THE => applied and pol-j i--=s*a^ ished with a cloth.; Morse Bros., Props., Canton, Mass., U.S.' A*1 No "Wonder He Changed. "Are you the man who painted that 'er picture of 'Moses in the Bullrush- esV' " asked a countryman of an artist, •who had Pecenuy startled the town b.v an exhibition of oil paintings. =^========i "Yes," replied the artist . "All right; thed 1 want you to paint my father." : "Certainly, if he gives me a few sit­ tings." . ;/ .•••> "Can't do it; he's dead." "Let jue have a photograph of him." "Can't do that neither; he never had his picture taken." "I am afraid,"then, I must decline." "Decline? What for? Haven't you painted Moses? You didn't have a photograph of hint, did you? No. 1 thought not Well, my father hain't been dead nearly so long as Moses. If you can paint Moses you ought to know enough to paint my father." Appreciating the- sit uat ion , the art­ ist went to work and evolved such a portrait Usi.! he. thought might satisfy so original a son. ' ' ' "CrikeyI" exclaimed tins art patron oh seeing the completed painting. "That almost knocks the stuffing out of Moses; but, I say, how he has changed!" • In the Woolly "West.. 11 is related in the' Chap Book that Eugene Field, of Chicago, being asked out to dinner in London, found him­ self seated next to Mrs. Humphry Ward. Mrs. Ward was in a meditative and receptive mood, and said little at first; but about the time the fish came she turned to Mr. Field and said: "Tell me of Chicago, of your habits and cus­ toms. I have never known any one who lived there." Whereupon Mr. Field replied: "Well. Mrs, Ward, when I was caught I was living in a tree." Cleanse Your Blood.. Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through your skin >in the form of pimples, eruptions and sores. Cleanse it when you find it obstructed or sluggish in the veins. Cleanse it when it is foul. Your feelings will tell you when: Keep the blood pure--health of the system will surely follow?•' And. remember, whenever your blood needs cleansing, that Hood's Sarsaparilla and only Hood's must be the- medicine em­ ployed. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most prominent blood purifier in the world to-day--for it is the best. . , Lost One Pair. Thackeray once asked one of the men who lets out skates on the Serpentine- whether he had ever lost a pair through the omission to exact a deposit, and he replied that he had never done so, except on one, occasion, when the cir­ cumstances made it pardonable. A well-dressed young fellow was having his second skate fastened on when he suddenly broke away from the man's hands and dashed on to the ice. The next instant a thick-set, powerful man was clamoring for another pair. "I shall nab liini now," lie cried, "for I am a dab at skating." He-was a sher­ iff's officer in pursuit of his prey, and a very animating sight it was to watch the chase. He was, as he had boasted, a first-rate skater, and it became pres­ ently obvious that he was running down his man. Then tlie young fel­ low determined to run a desperate risk for liberty. The ice, as usual, under the bridge- was marked "danger­ ous," and lie made for it at headlong speed. The ice bent beneath his weight, but he got safely through. The slierifl's officer followed with equal pluck, but, being a heavier man, broke through and was drowned. "His skates." said the narrator of the inci­ dent, "I got back after the inquest, but those the young gentleman had on I never saw again." Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal "enjoyment when rightly used. The many,'who live bet­ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the*needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the fortn most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance.. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug­ gists in 50c ancf $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed,"y°u will not accept any substitute if offered. Sad Case of a Foolish Bride Who Is Dying in Florida*. As a result of what some folks claim is witchcraft, Mrs. W. R. Langford,'a bride of but a few weeks, who lives about twelve miles from Bartow, Fla., is on her deathbed. ' . Some time ago Mrs. Laugford came to Bartow to attend the Normal Institute, hoping to pass her examination and after­ ward get an appointment as school teaeh- er. Mrs. Langford was in high spirits and soon became noted as one of the jol- liest of the NormjAsptudents. One day as she was walking^alone in the suburbs of the town she was accosted by an old woman of the Meg Merrilies type, whom Mrs. Langford had never seen before. Frederick the Great was a devoted student of philosophy and poetry . Ma- can lay draws a curious picture of liini during the darkest days of the Seven Years' War, with a dose of corrosive sublimate in one pocket and a lot of bad poetry in the other. The Dinner Bell Sounds but a mockery to the dyspeptic. He hears It . of course, but his ./stomach does not respond to the call. He "goes through the motions" and suffers afterwards for the small amount of (vlctuals he partakes of. Hostetter 's Stomach Hitters alters his con­ dition Into one of ability to eat plentifully, digest heartily, and assimilate thoroughly. Malaria, rheumatism, constipation and bil­ iousness are conquered by this world-famed medicine. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your . L.ife Away Is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Hac. the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nlcotlnlzed nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak nieh gain strength, vigor and man­ hood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To-Hac is sold by Druggists every­ where. under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. P E A C E R E S T O R E D I N T H E O R I E N T . Knergetie Though a Cigarette Fiend The Japanese Mikado is a man of much energy and endurance in spite of the fact that lie is a great cigarette smoker. He is fond of outdoor sports and has warmly encouraged the intro­ duction of foot ball into Japan. He is a hunter and fisherman, and is quite a good shot with a rifle. His devotion to lawn tennis is marked and he wields a very clever racquet. A boy's marble placed in a kettle pre­ vents the encrusting of the vessel be­ cause the marble attracts the particles of lime and so prevents their adhering to the sides of the kettle. The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE Aful Make Money at It. If you only knew it. the trouble is with your digestion. If that was good you would sleep better, wake better, work bet­ ter, and make more money at it. How can one "get on" when the whole system is sluggish V But people don't realize what is the trouble. A box of ltipans Tabules makes life worth living. All druggists. The disesteooiii and contempt of oth­ ers is inseparable from pride. It is hardly possible to overvalue ourselves but by undervaluing our neighbors. Penny postage for London and its suburbs dates from the year 1(181. Medical Discovery fights in the right way. It will cure 98 per cent, of all cases if take'n during the early stages of the disease. Its first action is to put the stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys into good working order. That makes digestion good and assimilation quick and thorough. It mukes sound, healthy flesh. That is half the battle. That makes the "Discovery" good for those who have not consumption, but who are lighter and less robust than they oucrht to be. ® HIGHEST AWARDS from the great Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS iln Europe and America. j\YAEkS Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional euro. Price 75 cents. At the age of 71! Darwin declared that a cigarette rested him more after hard labor than all else. feeling given by Great Britain and the United States. The Russian Prince Uehtomoky, who accompanied the present czar 011 his tour in the East, has written a long communi­ cation to the Moscow Yiedomosti ex­ plaining the threatening features of the situation in the Orient. He declares that Russian intervention is inevitable. It would be criminal neglect, he thinks, if Russia were to allow Japan 'to menace Russia's interests in east Asia, as is con­ templated in the Shimoneseki treaty. He expresses the fear that bloodshed will/be necessary before Japan's aggressive spirit can be checked. He regards the Japanese as intoxicated with the completeness of their victory and determined to force upon the rest of the world a policy which all nations having interests ill east Asia must frustrate, by peaceful means if pos­ sible, but otherwise by the sword. Washington Diplomats Secretive. A Washington dispatch says the report by cable that England and Japan were milking strenuous efforts to secure the co­ operation of the United States to prevent other powers from interfering in the mak­ ing of the treaty of peace between Japan ami China and control certain of its terms, was referred to the Japanese Lega­ tion. Minister Kurino is sick, but ques­ tions as to the truth of the story were answered to the effect that nothing was known of it at the Japanese Legation. If efforts were being made to bring the* United States into the affair 011 the side of Japan they were not being participated in by Minister Kurino. There is high authority for the statement that nothing of the kind had been urged at the State Department by either the English or Jai>- anese diplomats. So far, at least, no in­ vitation to the United States to interfere in any way in the treaty making between China and Japan had come from any source. It was stated emphatically that 110 attitude of interference would be as­ sumed by the United States now or here­ after. 110 matter who issued the invita­ tion or who urged it. I CAN recommend Piso's Cure for Con­ sumption to sufferers from Asthma.--E. D Townskmi, Ft. Howard, Wis., May 4, '94. Remember that the top side of a cloud is always bright. Brevity is the Soul of Wit Good Wife, You Need waas flUll£idLMM recoutly pub- rvyJ-JJ-J bulled by tne Passeajfer Department ot ilie 111 nois Central Rail­ road, eutltlrtf "Southern Home-Seeker's Guide for JS9i>." It contains over ft0 excellent letters from Northern faimers now located in the Sontb, and otberauthenticand valuab e information. For a free copy address the undermined at Manchester, Iowa: J. F. ISIEKHV, Assistant cien'l Passeueer Ait. SAPOLIO Dcatli of Ferns from Old. Age. "Do ferns ever die of old age?" is the startling question of a Washington cor­ respondent. Most ferns have a creep­ ing root stock, or rhizome, as it is tech­ nically called. Roots go down from the apex, as the\new fronds push up. and eventually the under part of the rhi­ zome dies. Ferns of this class may live forever., in a certain sense, though real­ ly 110 part, alive to-day, may have been living ten years ago. But some ferns have been ambitious, and instead of groveling under ground, have learned, as the evolutionists might say. to straighten the rhizome and lift if into the air. Then we have the tree fern, or one with an erect crown at any rate. It is not possible for ferns of this class to live forever. They must eventually die of old age. Beecham's pills are for bil­ iousness, sick headache, diz­ ziness, dyspepsia, bad taste in the mouth, heartburn, tor­ pid liver, foul breath, sallow skin, coated tongue, pimples loss of appetite, etc., when caused by constipation; and constipation is the most fre­ quent cause of all of them. One of the most important things foi everybody to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sickness in the world,especially of women; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book,free at your druggist's,or write B.F. AllenCo.,365Cana' St., New York. Pills, 10? and 25^ a box. Annual tales more than 6,000.000 boxes. Double jPlk-*. the satisfaction obtained from gal ordinary soap and only half the expense W and bother. That's why ^ thousands of thoughtful, thrifty women use Santa Claus Soap. They have learned by practical, thorough tests that for washday or every­ day use there is no soap in the world that nearly equals M A N Y G I R L S M A N G L E D . Let every man take care, how he speaks and writes of honest people, and not set down at a venture the lirst thing that comes uppermost. HPUQ iamjohn W.MOBBIS, IlllllvIvN Washington, IKC. m*SuccessfulIv Prosecutes Claims, • Late principal Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau. D 3 yrs in last war. 16 adjudicating claims, atty since. MANGE CURE in^1*Ifl•• VWlBli Guaranteed. Sold in pkirs at 50 rtf*. and lO. J.J. STKASSKN, 210 Cl> bourn Aveiiue, Chicago, Hi. For All Women Who Are Sick. [srr.ciAt. to ocb i.ady eeadebs.] "I am happy to say your Vegetable Compound has cured me of painful men­ struations and backache. Sold everywhere. Made only by The N. K. Fairbanh Company, - Chicago. 98% LYE L Powdered and Perfumed. (PATENTED.) The stroiige«l and purest Lvemade tTulike other Lye it beinir a fine powder and pai-Ked in u can wltU removable lid. the content* ate al­ ways ready lor u&p. Will make the best rerfunierl Hird i-oap in 2u min­ utes iritfioiiC boiling. It is the liost tor cleansin# waste pipes, di-inlect- in« eiuks, closets, washing bottles, paints.trees, etc. PENNA. SALT MFG. CO. Gen'l Agts., l'hlla.. Pa. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, is a constructive food that nourishes, enriches the blood, creates solid flesh, stops wasting and gives strength. It is for all Wasting Diseases Raphael, Angelo, ltubeua, Tauo The *LINENE REVERSIBLE" are the Best and Most Economical Co liars and Ouffs worn; they arc made ol fine cloth, both sides finished alike, and, beinx r»- *er>ible. one collar is equal to two of any other kind. They fit well wear well and look tcell. A box ot Ten Collars' or Five Pairs of Cuffs for Twenty-five Cents. A Sampl6 Collar auid Pair of Cuffs by mail for Six Cents. Name style ana size. Address REVERSIBLE COLLAR COMPAXT. T7 FHftWKLIW ST.. HEW YORK. ?7 KIL8T ST.. BOSTOI. rf Acres of Land for sale at Auction. May * i L " 15, iae, in small tracts tasuft purelias- / Mi" i 1 er- Income from this l*nd in-1894 was L .• I I over 180,000. For further infoimatinn tTfw v \J writetjeo.W.PrutBman.Hoopeston.lH. like Consumption, Scrofula, Ansemia, Marasmus; or for Coughs and! Golds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Loss of Flesh and! General Debility. Scott's Emulsion has no equal as Nourishment f§r Babies and Growing Children. Buy only the genuine put up in salmon-colored wrapper. Snidfor pamplet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. / Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and $1. *' suffering every month was dread­ ful. The doctor gave me morphine to ease the pain, but nothing to'cure me* and I was obliged to spend two or three days in bed. Now I have no pain at all. "I can work harder, and be on my feet, longer, than I have for years. I cannot praise your medicine enough. I am glad to tell every one that I was cured by Lr/dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound."-- MRS. NEWTON CkfriB, Man- cheater, Ohio. All druggists sell it. .airs. WIiislOWs SOOTHING STBUP for children pethins: cottens the sums, reauces inflammation. Have pain, cures wind coUc. 35 centB a bottle.

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