Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1895, p. 5

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Business l»ocals. PERSONAL. |IKV. FATHE^KUWCIT was a Chicago visitor on Thursday last. J. DI LODTZ was a Chicago visitor on Monday. \ y BEKT NEWELL is visiting with- his mother, in this village. E.vW. HoWK attended to business in Chicago on Monday. HENKY POILE O$ Chicago, was calling on friends here over Sunday. GUY CLEMENS, o! Chicago, visited with his parents here this week. LEE ANDRUS has accepted A position with. Simon Stoffel, in this village. GEO. W. BESLEY was a Waukegan vis­ itor one day last week. Miss MARY ANN KNOX, of Elgin, made her mother a visit last week. CHAS. NORDQUEST and three friends, OF Chicago, spent Sunday in this village. MRS. SARAH MCOMBER, of Chicago, has been calling on friends here the past week.- MISS HELEN MARTIN, of Elgin, is the guest of Miss Edna Story, in this village. '• .... .... _ J . DAVID FRAZIER and :wife, of Chicago, were the guests of H. Wattles and wife," in this village, the past week. ' -j: C. A, KNIGHT, of Chicago, spent Son- day with his family in this village, the guest of Dr. H. T. Brown and wife, j MISS MARY MCKINLEY has gone to Clear Lake, Iowa, where she will make her future home. r < J. P. SCHUMACHER, of Cainville, Wis., was the guest of J. D. Lodtz and wife, a few days last week. MRS. RICHARD HARRISON, of Ringwood,\ was the guest of R. Sherburne and family one day last week. HARRY FULLER and Jay Gilbert, of Wauconda, were on our streets on Sunday. * MRS. FRANK MCOMBER and daughter, Irene, and Mre". B. Gilbert, drove over to Waukegan on Saturday morning to visit friends in that city, returning on Monday evening. MRS. DEGRAFF and daughter, of Am­ sterdam, N. Y., hav0 moved into the house on Front street lately purchased and repaired by Jos. Deitrick, where they will make their home for the summer. MRS. MARK THOMPSON, of Spokan#, Washington, who formerly resided with her family near this village, on the farm now owned by Bradford Smith, was call­ ing on old friends here one day last week. MRS.'CALDWELL, wife of Kev. Caldwell, of the M. E. Church, is with her husband this week. Mrs. Caldwell met with a severe railroad accident some two years ago and has been an invalid ever since, and we believe this is the first time she has been able to come here. AT a fueeting of the Executive Commit­ tee of-the Stat® Republican League, held attho Great Northern Hotel, Chicago, on Saturday, April 27, the folio wingdel- p&ates were chosen to . represent the i.ighth Congressional District at a meet­ ing of the National Republican League, to be held at Cleveland, Ohio on June 19th 1895: DELEGATES.--Ira C. Cropley, Aurora; J. Van Slyke, McHenry; Guy Bush, Downer's Grove; R. G. Earley, Elgin. ALTERNATES?--L. A. Constantine, Au­ rora ; M. F. Walsh, Harvard; A. L. Ham- iltop, Turner; A. C. Barclay, Elgin. « THIS section was visited with two seVerfe wind and hail storms, one on Saturday afternoon and the other Sun* day afternoon. The one on Sunday was\ much the severest, some of the hail stones measuring four inches in circum­ ference, and in consequence the damage to window glass and shade trees 'waa immense. The German church had a large number of window lights broken, and like damage occurred; to many pri­ vate residences".1 At the residence of Hon. George Gags, in the west part of 'the village, hail stones are said to have been piled on his west porch to the depth of eight inches, many of theni being as large as hen's eggs. Those who were so unfortunate as, to be caught out with teams in many eases took a rapid ride, not from choice but from compulsion, the big imil stones making the horses almost unmanageable. It was a storm the like of which was never seen here be­ fore. Fortunately the fruit and garden vegetables were not far enough advanced to receive any injury. - Insure your property' with S. Stoffel and be insured. Full stock of choice Clover and Tim­ othy for Spring seeding at a. Stoffel's. j" ." „ -- - Pillsbury's," Chick?, Sleeky-Eye and Fancy Patent Flours at S.. Stoffel's. At Perry & Owen's you can get the best New York Full Cream Cheese. : ~ « Dandy new hsk-s and neckwear iat Stoffel's. >' _ . Genuine Early Rose and Beauty of Hebron seed potatoes at S. Stofiel's. Buy your wall paper from Stoffel. Large andJyCNctly new stock, no job lots. Agaia-tfe have in stock the latestideas in the famous United Brand Dress Shirts. Choice potatoes at Stoffel's. & --• New Stylish hats and caps at poor prices with S. Stofiel. Jelly is having a "walk out" with us at 81 cents per pail. " PERRY & OWEN, A large new stock of Spring Capes from Beifeld & Co. just received at S. Stofiel's. Don't fail to inspect that big stock of new spring clothing just received- by Stoffel. "f J V. Headquarters for thefamous Worcester W. C. C. Corsets, in Colors and black, all sizes at S. Stofiel's. A few more bargains in Shoes left. Call quick. The goods must move. We have no shelf room for them., j. W. CRISTY «FC SON, RingwOod. Come Friday and Saturday and get a pair of Shoes that will wear and have the style too, at under prices. PERRY & OWEN. Beloit shirts, overalls, pants and jackets in all sizes, warranted not to rip at Stofiel's.* __ A great many gross of those good Clothes Pins are going out at (5 dozen for 5 cents, at Perry & Owen's. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry & Owen's. I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. II. C. MEAD. BARHIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and Bee them. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. .WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1895, ' Railway 1*ime Table. Commencing at Noon Sunday, Jane 10, 1894 Passenger Trains will pass tbiS station as follows; GOING SOUTH. D Lake Geneva Passenger.7;2SA. M. E W i l ' i a m s B a y E x p r e s s . . , . , 8 ; 2 - * A . M . E vViUiamS Bay Freight 3:28 P. M. ® Williams Bay Passenger... ....3.28 P. M. ^ ^GOING NOKTPH. -- E Williams Bay Passenger;.s 9:56 A. M. E Williams Bay Freight;........... 10:30 A.M. E Williams Bay Express......... ,4:55 P. M. E Lake Geneva Passenger....T.. 6:51 «• 3 Lake Geneva Passenger --...6:18 EXPLANATION. D Daily. > 4 E Daily except Sunday. u Sundays oniy. B. BtTSS, Agent, McHenry, III. Another Week's Hosiery Sale. Beginning--Thursday we will turn out, great quantities of ladies',vmis8es', men's and boys' Hosiery, at profit to the buy­ er. Prices are below. A lot of children'^ White hose 4c, worth 10c. Some after values in black at 10C. A lot of boya' socks, 12, worth 12 and 15c. - ' A lot of men's socks, 5c, worth 10c. Some extra values at 8c, 10c, 12%c and 15c. ;• A lot of ladies' fast black hose, 5c, worth lOc. Some extra values at 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c and 20c. . ' . . - ! . • MASONIC. . MCHENRY LODGE, No. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. • • S F. L. MCOMBKK.1W. MJ ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR. Regular Meetings the First and Third Tues­ day, .evenings of each month, at. Masonic Hall > - , • „r MRS . BARBARA VAN SLTKE. W. M. F. L. MOOMBBR. Secretary. K. O. T. M. MCHENRY LOBGH NO. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg­ ular meetings second and-fourth Tuesday evenings of each month , at Iv. O T, M. Hall. . GEO. HANLEY,iCom, N. HEUMAN, R. K. Unlvorsalist Church Directory. T. J. Walsh, .............President F. L. McOmber... Clerk James B. Perry Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladies organ­ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B, Perry President Mrs. J. Van Slyke ....Secretary Rev. J. Straub, D, D. Pastor j»-The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address 8 Burnside Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7;30 P. M. A cordial invitation to all. This week we put all our $1.50, ^1.75 and $1.85 grade at $1.33 per pair These are all nice fresh goods and plenty of them, but vou had better come quick, they will go, and in a hurry, at these prices. The §2.50 grade will sell during this sale at $2. "EiTHERJuira town with a vim or just sell out and leave it," says an exchange, "Men who are all the time trying to get out of business or out of town will sever build up either. One or two things muBt be done--run the town for all it's worth, get up steam and keep it up, or quit the whole thing, slideout and let nature take its course. Do you want trade? Bid for it. Do you want business to come to your town? Encourage those who do come. Do you want a prosperous town where people can come who are disposed to make homes? Then do away with, bury from sight, all spite work ; work no more for a few individuals but all work together for a common prosperity. Wake up, rub your eyes, roll up your Bleeves and go to work. Don't work with fear and trembling but take it for grant­ ed that^blood will tell. Leave results with themselves; borrow no trouble, but all unite to make it the biggest kind of a city. BE sure to come and hear Mrs. Hilton at the City \ [all Sunday evening. , RED HORSE are now in full bloom and our standard fishermen are happy. C. B. MURPHY now has his Ice Cream Parlors open day and evening. Do not fail to call and sample a dish. DB. BAECHLER, Dentist, guarantees all his work. Office over Heaman Bros. Jewelry Store. Jos. HEIMER, ot the McHenry House, advertises a May Party for Wednesday evening, May 29th. H. DOLBEER had the misfortune to lose three fat hogs he was delivering to C. T. Eldredge one day last week. They died in the wagon on the way to town. THERE will be exceptionally good sing­ ing at the City Hall Sunday evening, as the choirs of the two churches will unite to furnish the music. DURING the storm on Saturday night the arch over the entrance to the Ger­ man Cemetery was struck by lightnifag and one post splintered quite badly. IF the person who borrowed a Horse Rasp from H. E. Wightman will return the same they will confer a favor on the owner, as he wants to use it. THE Village Board are putting in a res­ ervoir for the purpose of supplying water for sprinkling the streets. The reservoir will be filled from the creek below the dam. - AFTER weeks of waiting this vicinity has been favored with refreshing and copious showers. We trust the weather clerk will see fit to "continue the motion." NEW advertisements can be found in our paper this week from J. J. Miller, John Evanson & Co., J. W, Cristy & Son, Fred Sauer and the C. S. Graves Land Company. They will all interest you. IF you want a good smoke, call at Besley's and try an "Ideala." They are a straight five cent cigar, but you can get them there at three for ten cents. Try one. AT a Meeting of the Village Board on Monday evening, the following appoint­ ments were made: Village Treasurer, Jas. B. Perry: Street Commissioner, Win. Schreiner; Village Constable, M. Neisen; Marshal, John Walsh. THE Ringwood Cemetery Aid Society will meet with J. E. Cristy on Thursday evening, May 0th. A short programme and election of officers will be the order of the evening. A full attendance is desired. THE entertainment by the pupils of our public school, on Friday evening last, drew out a full house, and we judge was highly satisfactory, as all who attended speak of it in the highest terms. We did not learn the amount of the receipts. MRS. HILTON will address the ladies of McHenry on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at the City Hall. This meeting is not exclusively for the ladies of the W. C. T. U., but for all ladies and mothers, and the subject will be intensely interesting. ARRANGEMENTS are progressing favor­ ably for the May Festival, to be given under the auspices of the Ladies of the Willing Workers Society, at the City Hall, on Friday evening of next week, May 17th. A full programme will be given next week. THE McHenry House is undergoing substantial repairs, by being newly painted, papered and otherwise putln first class shape. Mine host Heimer will "iSpare no pains to make it pleasant for the pleasure seekers and the public gen­ erally who may give him a call. / C, STEGEMANN has the lumber on the ground and intends putting up another j cottage on the east end of his lot on \Pearl street/which he will probat^f have for rent. More cottages is what is need- 'ed in McIIenrv, and we are glad to see a commencement in that direction. WE hear of a case of fire at Wauconda which ca,ught from an overturned lamp .where several small children, had been locked in the house, the parents having gone away from home. This should cer­ tainly warn any thoughtful father and mother against such a barbarous system of treating small children. Dress Goods We have been selling great quantities of Dress Goods because we have a good stock. We have them in early so they can be made up before the Soring House Cleaning. Come in and see the fine Pon- gres and Satines, in the Latest Soring Styles. Fine Henriettas, in colors and black, at 25 cents to §1.00. The Black Henriettas and Serges, are takers.-- Prices always the Lowest. Just received some fine Summer Silks, for Waists and Dresses, and all shades of Velvets and Velveteens. A full line of the new Trim­ mings used. This week finds us with our new all Papers in the rack, ready for the spring house clean­ ing. The selections of fine com­ binations in side., ceilings and borders are far superior to any in these parts. Ladies do not fail to examine the element new dress goods for the spring trade at Stoffel's. I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf H. C. MEAD. Clover, timothy, millet, field and en- siluge corn from reliable growers at S. Stofiel's. At Perry & Owen's only can you get Heinz' Sauerkraut and Apple Butter. Also the finsst mixed Sweet Pickleiin the world in bulk. Buy your clothing at the "new sched­ ule" prices at Perry & Owen's. §20 suits now §15. §18 suits now §11. All very low in price. FOR SALE. Short Horn Bulls for sale. Also, Ply­ mouth Ilock Fowls, of both sexes. 25tf FRANK COLE, Spring Grove, 111. A nice and complete assortment of box stationery, cards, invitations, progress­ ive euchre tally cards, etc., to be found at Julia A. Story's, who is constantly adding to thiB line of goods. Field Seeds. We shall handle with the greatest care as to cleanliness, all Clover, Timothy, Hungarian, Millet, Seed Corn, Potatos, and all other seeds pertaining to farming. JOHN JTMILLEIT, West McHenry, 111. SPRING HATS. We have just received a full line of new Spring Hats. Call and see them. They are of the latest styles and the best as­ sortment to be found in the county. JOHN J. MILLER. PROTECTION THE CRY. Protect your children from the fearful fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair ot those "Best of All"'school shoes and get a pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mud they are all tramping in. The Star Spangled Banner's Author. Many interesting things about Francis Scott Key--the author of the Star Span­ gled Banner--are contained in a pamph­ let which may be obtained free from tnfr Key Monument association, Frederick City, Maryland, by sending one 2-cent stamp for postage. This Association is raising funds for a suitable monument to the poet, and they suggest that in the sclrools affld everywhere, upon or before Fllag-itily (June 14) thissubject be suita­ bly recognized. Contributions, however small, are asked for. livery one who loves the flag ought to have some small share in building this monument. The Governor of Maryland has strongly eh- .dorsed the movement. The names of all contributors will be preserved in the crypt of the monument, and published (without amount) in the history of the monument when completed. MARRIED.--At the German church, in Johnsburgh, Thursday, May 2d, 189"), by Rev. Father Mehring, Mat J. Freund and Miss Katie Smith, both of Johns­ burgh. THE Ladies' Aid Society, of the M. E. Church, will meet with Mrs. Hutson,. Thursday afternoon of this week. Eyerybodv invited. Y M RS. W. D. WENTWORTH. Sec. | THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. Jas. B. Perry, 011 Thursday afternoon of this week. A good attendance is requested. MRS. J. B. PERRY, President. MRS. J. VAN SLYKE, Secretary. WORKMEN have commenced on the ad­ dition to J. J. Buch's building, aud will rush it to a, speedy completion. Thip, when finished, will be one of the most complete and handy boarding houses in this section, and where Mr. Buch will ac­ commodate his increasing summer trade in a satisfactory manner. TALK up your town : don't run iCQown. If you do not like it leave it, bu^ don't stay here and abuse it. As long as you choose to reside here you are a compon­ ent part of the place and are very foolish to see your qwp disparagement. Talk up your town, write and speak in its praise, and show yourself worthy of your home and friends. SUNDAY evening, May 12th, the regu­ lar monthly temperance meeting will be held at the City" Hall. The address will be made by Mrs. Jessie Brown Hilton, of Evarilton. Mrs. Hilton is State Super­ intendent of the department of Mother's Meetings of the W. C. T. U., and comes to us highly recommended as a lady of culture and a speaker of rare ability. Do not fail to come and hear her. A LARGE number of the horsemen of the county met in Woodstock, Tuesday of last week and organized the Woodstock Driving Association. They elected the following officers: A. S. Wright, presi­ dent; M. W. Merry, Geo. G. Smith, 0. H. Lincoln, C. E. Cook, H. B. Throop, M. W. Lake, It. VY. Overton and Dorr Thomas, vice presidents; C. F. Dacy, treasurer; Ilobt. Forrest, superintend­ ent; G. B. Richards, secretary, They de­ cided to hold a two.days meeting in that cityJune 26th and 27th. So says the Sentinel. DISCOURAGEMENT sits heavy on the lightest heart says an exchanee. Be careful how you use it. There are cases, where disparagement is necessary, but it is like a poisonous drug, only to be ad­ ministered in minute doses and by prac­ ticed hands, or tongues, rather, and ex­ treme cases. But don't resort to flat­ tery. It is more than liable to turn into hypocrisy, which is merely a form of lying --pure and simple. If your friend is try­ ing to do well, for heaven's sake don't discourage hitn.r If he fails, or stumbles, or atammers, halts,'breaks or falters and does not reach the mark, don't come the "I told you BO" on him; don't discourage him. Don't you dare to do it. Don't be his Jonah. Give him a boos't with a ringing, cheerful, ^arty push the right way, with a good honest lift of encour­ agement. That kind of medicine goes down easily and proves kind. PAINT your buggy for six bits. Call at Besley's and he will tell youhow to do it. THE PEOPLE ARE NOT DULL. The ^Masses, are Quick to Recognize What is to their Interest. People are slow to accept new theories which disturb existing ones, but are quick to recognize practical results. This is illustrated by the way Dr. Weare's investigations and discoveries regarding the heaves in horses was re­ ceived. As long as he argued, all horse­ men denied that heaves could be cured. But when he becan to demonstrate, doubt and controversy gave place to confidence and use. Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves has been advertised to a considerable extent during the past three months and scores of our farmers have tried the remedy to see what it would do. In every case the result has been satisfactory and these Farmers now own sound and valuable horses where they formelry possessed only wheezy wrecks. "The world do move" and the mass of people know a good thing when they see it. Victory for Snag Proof Rubber Boots The demand was never so great for Stout's Stout's Snag Proof Rubber Boots as it has been this spring. Snag proof rubber boots are taking better than ever. People are learninu of their double wearing qualities and will have no others. They cost but a trifle more than the common ones. Found only at Perry & Owen's. Loans Negotiated; Do you want money ? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or renti' Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine, liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village aud is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. The low prices we are quoting in Gro­ ceries are attracting attention. Our Coffees and Teas seem to be getting known abroad. Well they are quite a good deal better than the other fellows are selling and so much cheaper. Roses and Carnations, 25 cents per dozen, by the Rosedale Floral Company, C. T. Eskilson, Manager. East of Iron Bridge, McHenry, 111. Tomato and Cabbage Plants, tor sale by the Rosedale Floral Company, east of Iron Bridge. A Story in a Few Words. John--How did you come out last year on your rented farm ? Tom--Barely madeenough to pay rent. John--What rent did you pay? . Tom--I was paying §5 per acre. John--Will you rent a farm this year? Tom--No, I am going to buy a farm for the price that 1 have paid yearly for rent. John--Where are you going to buy it? Tom--Why, haveyou not seen the offer of the C. S- Graves Land Co., II. 311, 5G Fifth A v., Chicago, who have an adver­ tisement in our p^per? Above is A sample of conversation heard between a great many farmers in the thickly populated counties of many states. - , EVANSON & SHERMAN'S Cash Store at Wauconda, inaugurates a special bargain sale in Dress Goods and Clothing, beginning Saturday, May 11th and to continue one week. Clip this notice oat, bring it to the store and you will get/10 yards best Dress Gingham for 50 cent«. Bargains are bristling in every cqrnep'of this store and goods are mov­ ing; quick. There i» money saving for you. Mixed paints, paints and oil, carriage paints, brushes, etc., cheap, at Besley'sy -on the west side. New carpets and oilcloth at Stoffel's. NOTICE. Having secured the services of John C. Young, who has had years of experience in fitting new and repairing old pumps, will say that if in need of a new pump or want your old one repaired I will be glad to have you call. All work warranted and done promptly. 41 R. BISHOP Perry & Owen, General Merchants. MoHENRY. ILL. CARHERC • WANTED W X PERRY & OWEN, Binters-1 McHENRY, - - ILL INOIS. This Bank receive* .deposits* buyt and, sella Foreign and Lk»7ies(ic Ex­ change, and does a General Banking Business . . . * We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner\ and upon te.-nis entirely satisfactory toj our customer* and respectfully solicit th* public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Heal Estate and other first ela$§ security. Special attention given to «©• lections, INSTJK-AJVCE *-;.•• ,. In first Class Cornp^rua at tM Lowest Kates. - Yours.. specttuUv, PERRY * OWKMl « MOTARY PUBLIC* . Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, Cheap Excursions tp the West. On May 21st and June 11th, theNorth-. Western Line (Chicago & North-Western Railway) will sell excursion tickets at very low rates to a large number of points in the west and Northwest. For full information apply to agents, Chicago ^North-Western Railway. MOST PERFECT MADE, i A pure G^ape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Altim or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STAWMRD. . Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.

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