r scr**" v? - . s - - ; - r - - . . " „ ' • - - < \ - i J. D. LODTZ, JR., C Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma, Barbian Bros.' Block, McHenry, 111, 'stamped At moderate prices. Fine imported <ind domestic Serges, Diagonals, Bunting, etc., itf black and skadeWof tan, brown$. blue, gray, cardinal and green, .aWnew , and strictly in good taste. See our line of Novelty Dress Goods. Only one dress of a kind. These goods are choice in color and texture. All imported, fine wool, elegant checks, stripes and mixtures. Call and see them. IY A fine line of Dress Trimmings, Braids, Yelyets, Silks, Ribbons, etc. Cotton and Silk Laces, '"'••; T~. )r ~ Ladies'Waists and Caps, cool, comfortable, stylish and cheap< Ribbons, Notions and White Goods. ° e New -Wash Dress Goods, Lawns, Jaconets, Canvass, Ginghams, Percales, Satteens, Prints, Corded and Lace goods, in cream and new colors. Ladies' and misses' summer capes and jackets, prices and styles right Spring & Summer Clothing For men. boys and children, in black, blue, gray, etc. Very cheap, eool, perfect fitting, and a lot to chose from. Don't fail to call on us. Just received, 100 pairs Duehess Pants to sell from $2 to §5. » • New Carpets and Oil Cloths, Over 200 patterns stylish and new Wall Paper, with matched ceiling and border, all trimmed free. Rolls full measure. No job lots or soiled stock. Prices as low as the lowest. See our new fur and straw Hats, cotton and wool Caps. Rubber Gossamers, and Mackintoshes. Our United Brand and Badger State white and fancy dress Shirts are the stuff .,. All sizes. - SHOES, T^hen next you want shoes buy only the C. H. Fargo make. They are honest, they fit, they wear well, and please you and your wallet. Our stock has just been added to, our prices have not yet advanced, Hand in your feet for a pait. Summer Underwear. In cotton and wool for all the townspeople, from 8c to §1. A great bargain in ladies' ribbed vests, 3 for 25c, well worth 90c each. Bargains in Hosiery, black, gray, cream and tans. Parasols, Fans, Embroideries, white goods. A new crate of white granite table ware, at the lswest prices. Now buy standard Grsceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices and Fiovr. With a good stock, low pricea and obliging salesmen, we remain SIMON STOPFEL. WHO? You. WHEN ? Now. WHERE ? At our store. ' WHAT? ;v Fresh line of Ladies' Walking Shoes. New styles, best makes, lowest prices. ^ Is our Motto for 1895. Wauconda No, 12: But Our 1895 Cultivator is a full steel rider, with single and double pointed shovel spring5 teeth. Foot lifting steel gangs enable the operator to turn around without touching the levers, which have very fine notched ratchets,~ so shovels fcan be stit to cultivate tp a fraction of an inch. Front end of shovel gangs can be moved together or apart, to suit the work. .All parts.are maleable iron,, or steel, with steel or wood wheels as desired, and last but by no means least is its spring seat and name, "Wauconda." Both should be seen and tried to be appreciated. ' • We want a portion of your Shoe trade and can please you both in goods and prices. We handle several other'lines of goods, but cannot tell you about them here. Call on us and we will do our best to interest you. ALBION SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR, Five machines in one* The only:Cultivator that cuts all the ground close up to the hill, and is the Representative tool of level cultivation. Our thus far reliable anil carefully handled INSUKANOT Business Will be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. " SIMON STOFFEL. J. W. CRISTY & SON, . Ringwood, 111. Fo Lo McOmber s. West McHenry General Hardware. I AM IN THE KING And in order to stay will meet prices -with any and all, as the following will show: Five Piece Parlor Suits, $19.79. No. 1 Wilton Couch, $8.89. A large Plush Rocker, $2.49. Single Lounges, in Tapestry 9 Carpet, $4.35. We would like it very much to have all see our Albion. No. . io, or our Waueonda No. 12 in the field, as they both thor oughly unlock the fertil ity and leaves the ground in sueh nice condition to stand the drouth, which we are sure to have every summer. The cut shows you it leaves no open fur rows to wash away the best soil, worse yet, al low it to stand and slowly dry up, which causes the ground to look white, as it cakes up, and later on be ready to absorb the moisture that the crop needs so much at that time. Drop us a card and Ave will meet youpin the field and prove what we say to .AJLloii on INTO. IO. be facts. •IP i ^Ss© just received a new invoice of Surries and Top Carriages, which we will sell you for less money than any other dealer in McHenry or Lake Counties. Call and see. Yours for fuu, money and business. Gasoline Stove In the Market, AT LOWEST LIVING PRICES. I also have a full line of new Furniture of every description, Carpets, etc., and I will not be under sold. o all and see me before you buy. I can and will save you money. Undertaking and Embalming promptly attended to. A good ..Hearse in connection/? Jacob JUOTEH® McHenry, 111., April, 1895. GEO, W. BESLEY, - - -- West McHenry, 111. -DEALER IN- Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. TOILET ARTICLE8. PURE WINES AND L1QOOBS Fos MEDICAL USE. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. ISifThe best brands ot Ci&ars^and smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions .Carefully compounded. Give me a call, •llj-GEO. W. BESLEY. iy, Jan, 2,1895.B THE THIK.D SEMI-ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF J. D. LODTZ, Jr McHENRY, ILL. I take pleapure in informing the public that my Tailoring Establishment is now ready to take orders for Spring and' Summer Suits and Overcoats. I have made a careful exainiaation and purchase of goods at the best houses in Chicago, with the result that I now have the finest stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever seen in McHenry. The goods turned out from my establishment are band-made and home-made, and are guaranteed first class in every particular as to ntyle, workmanship and quality. tgrWith regard to prices, I will say, without fear of contradiction, that they are from $4 to $15 lower than those in the city. I can make you an all-wool suit as cjieap as $17, Pants Jlo Orderf $3,75and upward ̂ JULIA A. STORY, DEALKB IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A F U L L L I N E O F CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINE OF ^MrfEKT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions | Carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. gm • JULIA A, STORY ~ One\Door West of Riverside Foxise, McHenry, 111. The Fine Young Trotting Stallion CENTERVILLE. Record 2:31 closing Will make the season ^ June 1st, at the stable of the un dersigned, in McHenry. DESCRIPTION.--Centerville is a beauti ful dark chestnut, with two white ankles behind, 17 hands high, weighs 1,050 pounds, foaled June, 1887. He is very rangy and stylish. CENTERVILLE Wan eired by George O, 9701, record 2:21.#, ho by Lakeland Abdallah, 351, own brother to Harold, the sire of Maud S, rQue"n of the turf, '2:08%), Nrontide, 2:20K; Mattie Graham 2;21>i ; McOurdy'a Hambletonian, 2;.'6)£; Temple 3;-J0 and ojliers. Aleoeireof 23 in i h.e 30 list. George O's da"> was the tast pacing mare, Fannie B, aired by Autocrat, by Geo. M. Patchen, (record 2:2.1)*), by Caesius M, Olay, by Andrew ja kson, by Bashaw, etc. Centreville's <)iim was by Creeper Jr., he by- Old Creeper.- Her dam by Raymond's Morgan. He is considered one'of the most prom ising youug horses in McHenry or Lake counties.' His record Of-2:31% was made in a hotly contested seven heat race, he taking second in the first four, heats and first in the three last, showing that he not only has speed but staying quali ties as well. TERMS --$10 for the season. Season to close June 1st, as I intend to track him this season. JOHFS HEIMER, Proprietors FARMERS STORE There is no end to the good trades we have to offer this wee^ in our different departments. In Off Goods arad Motions We will offer some great bargains in Prints and Muslins. Call and see what we have to offer, We are in the lead as usual, and carry the largest and freshest stock in town. _ BOOTS AND SHOEfe. None better than M. D. Wells & Co.'s hand made goods, which we always have a full and complete stock on' hand, and at prices to euit the hajrd times .------_-- _ : My motto: Good, honest work at living prices. Soliciting your patronage, I remain, Crockery and Classware. We have just received the largest stock thot has ever been placed on sale in McHenry, and will make the prices right. \A/3shing Machines Have taken a big tumble, and if you need any will suit youT^""^ The Western Washing Machine for $2,42 The Pan American, $2.58 Novelty Wringer. $1.68 Superior No, 2, $1.48. FLOUR.- ••Old Sleepy, Eye is still on top and good as ever. West McHenry, Illinois. BILLY S, i MORGAN STALLION, will stand at the barn of the undersigned, one-half mile north of McHenry village, for the season of 1895. PEDIGREE: Billy S was sired by Prince S, by Savior's Young Gifford Morgan Bluck Hawk, by Hanly'a Morgan Black Hawk, by Gifford, by Wood- bury by Justin Morgan. Damof 'Prinee S by Oolbv's Young Green Mountain, by Turner's ftir William, by Green Mountain 21, by Gifford, by Woodbury, by JU8tin Morgan. J 1 Grand-dam of Prince S by Hanly's Younff ,v-1' san I5 'a<-k Hawk, by General Gifford. by Giflnrd. by vVoodbury, by Justin Morcan. Dam of Billy S by Grey Eagle, by Black Hawk, bv Mhorman, by Justin Morgan. Grand.dam of Billy 8 by Sherman's Morgan Defiance, by Boston Tiger, by Cook of the liock, by Sherman, by Justin Mornan Dam of Sherman's Morgan Defiance by Woodbury, by Justin Morgan. Terms made knoWn^on application. BRADFORD SMITH. W. L. Douclas 0$^ CliAr IS THE BEST. jQIiWI* NO SQUEAKING And other specialties for Gentlemen, Ladles, Boys and Hisses oro the Best in the World. 6ee descriptive advertise ment which appears la ***• paper. Take no Substitute. Insist on having W. X. DOUGLAS' SHOES, with name and prloa on bottom. Sold by Simon Stoffel, West McHenry