Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1895, p. 4

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THE REPUBLICAN WAVE. y The^meacing of the results of the elec­ tions recently held is so clear that the wayfqdring man though a fool will make no mistake in interpreting it. All over the North and West, and probably in a considerable portion of the South, the drift is in favor of t]he Republicans. The change in the conditions came in 1893, when the people, to the extent of their opportunity, reversed the Democratic verdict of 1892. Ever since then the Re­ publican tide has been steadily rising. When in the congressional elections five months ago, the people turned 6ut a house with ninety Democratic plurality and put in one with a Republican plural: ity of one hundred alid forty, there was a general impression that the Republican high-wat&r mark had been.reached. This notion, though, was erroneous. All over the country the Republican wave is still at its Hood. It is safe to predict that a grander triumph than any achieved by any party since the Republican tidal wave of .1872 will be gained by the Re­ publicans in 1896.--Ex. SPEND MONEY AT HOME. Under the above head tlie Chicago Mail makes the following truthful re­ marks : "If France continues to exclude American beef Uncle Sam should retaliate by; excluding French wines. Recent analysis have shown that French wines and liquors imported to this Country aney very impure.and unhealthful, and, ip fact, much inferior to California and^ other domestic wines. The toadyism of the average wealthy American should bring a blush to the cheek of any loyal American citizen. Millions of dollars are expended every year for articles bearing a foreign label that are not half as good as the home product at a less price. This is especially true of wines and cham­ pagnes. Thousands of Americans spend money to visit Mount Vesuvius and Lake Corno, that have never seen the Rocky Mountains and the Yellowstone National Park. If American travelers in Europe would stay home one season they could make good the deficiency in the national gold reserve." MODERN WOODMEN PIONIO, A Gala Day at Madison. Wis. June 6th; The citizens of Madison, Wig., are ar­ ranging for the entertainment of twenty- five thousand people from abroad.. on Thursday, the 6th day of June next. On this day will occur the great eifnnual pic­ nic of the Wisconsin and Illinois mem­ bers of the Modern Woodmen of America. The railroads which touch Wisconsin's capital city have made a rate Of one fare for all within a radius of 100 miles of Madison who wish to attend, the tickets, to be sold any time after midnight fol­ lowing June 4 and good to return the day after the picnic. Those living be­ yond the 100 mile limit can obtain spec­ ial rates by application to the roads e^rly enough, and if too late can pur­ chase to the lOOTnile limit and then get a one-fare ticket, saving much. A fine programme has been arranged, which includes a procession of ten thous­ and to fifteen thousand Woodmen in line with thirty to forty bands of music, es­ corted by the Governor's guard, of Mad­ ison, the crack Wisconsin company of the NationalGuard, floats representing wood aud industrial scenes. There will be speaking by prominent people, excur­ sions to various points of interest, an ex­ hibition by the local fire department, ex­ hibition drill by theguardsmen, tumbling and turning in the largest gymnasium in the world, that of the Wisconsin state university. The day will be crowded with eyente and made one long to be re­ membered by visitors. Are You Read For the Harve: WEDNESDAY. MAY 15, 1895, There's ,only one way to get ready so that j^ou can be sure that you are ready and I am ready to get you ready with the World-Beating, |6?" Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was firm. Offerings were 91,800 poutids. Sales, 7,280 pounds at 16 cents. Last week's butter sold at 17 cents. Year apo, 17@17% cents. I®" It is not surprising that Secretary Gresham should have trouble with his own liver and stomach. He has upset a great 4a any other stomachs aud livers by his conduct of our foreign affairs. p I®" Mr. Cleveland says the democratic party will be defeated, if not disintegrat­ ed, if it doe's not follow his single gold standard ideas, which is perfectly true ; but it is also true that the party will be defeated if it does. In fact the democrat ic party has reoched the stage in which defeat is certain, no matter what it does or leaves undone. 58?" Senator Gorman, when asked-to support a man he did not wish nomin­ ated for governor by the Maryland democrats had the gall to say that he thought the nomination ought to seek the man this yettr. 'Twas a slick answer, but itfailed to work, and the otherfellow, ex-Congressman Rayner, is now openly fighting Gorman and trying to head olf that nomination. If present conditions continue the next government of Mary­ land will be a Republican. (ST" One of the most difficult things an Illinois Legislature finds to do is to keep from foolishly squandering the public funds, and another is to adjourn in a re­ spectable time. The state treasury now shows a deficit caused by the reckless appropriations made in 1893 and the people voted the Republican ma­ jority in the hope that economy would prevail in the appropriations and that legislation would be enacted with dispatch and the members return to the bosom of their constituents covered with honor and glory after a short but faithful session. But alas, $5 per diem and per­ quisites seems too tempting a bait for the average "statesman." LIGHT-RUNNING McCORMICK STEEL BINDERS AND k MOWERS. ELGIN, ILL "WORLD Keep on paying high prices. - Keep on burning your money by patronizing dealers that charge you all kinds of profits, pretty soon you will wonder where your money has gone.- Overcome the idea, , . . TRADE AT SWAN'S and Many Rich Men in This Country Made their montf buying unimproved land at a small cost and cultivating it, thus securing the benefit of the increase in valuation. Why any one would rather rent a farm for cash rent, or work one on shares when they can buy in Central Wisconsin for the low price offered in this paper, we cannot see. We would advise all who want to im­ prove their chances for making money to write to the C. S. Graves Land Com­ pany, Janesville, Wis., for particulars and join the large number soon to settle in Clark County. V ANSON'S Slidden Barb Wire, galvanized, you are usually charged 4 $2.75, our priee is $2.09 per 100 lbs Railroad Milk Cans, 8-gal. genuine steel, heavily tinned, you have paid $2.50 and $2.75, our price is $1.98 It's serious business, this doing trading for the community, this searching tha market for bargains, for fashions, and for such ne­ cessities as needed from week to week. You who gyt things from all par.s of tbe country brought to you at the store's counters do not realize the responsibility attached to moderd retailing, but you should know it, you have a right to, the store is of your making. Concerning spring trading, we ay that the store has never been as ready before, it has never brought goods to the counters so cheaply, it has never mastered the situation so skilfully than this season. Two special things ynu will need, on which we are overstocked, Do Elgin Pattern, you have paid $2.85 and $3.00 Cheap Excursions to the West. On May 21st and June 11th, the North- Western Line (Chicago & North-Western Railway) will sell excursion tickets at very low rates to a large number of points in the west and northwest. For full information apply to agents, Chicago & North-Western Railway. Steel wire Nails lc per lb. Nails per keg fates, $1.12. The above goods we buy in car lots. When you call on us get quotations from our Groccry Depart­ ment, Wall Paper Department, Housefurnishing Department, Crock ery Department, ^e ean save you money. MAY PARTY. Yourself and ladies are cordially invit­ ed to attend a May Party, at McHenry Houee Hall, McHenry, Wednesday even­ ing, May 29. Floor Monagers--Stephen Smith, Frank Roney, J. J. Barbian, H. Thelen, John J. Bishop, GusSimes, Thos. Grantham. Music, Smith's Orchestra. Tickets 50 cents. . * Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. SHOES AND HATS Special Hat sale, Saturday, May 18th. Your choice at $1,25 on that day. -- -- -- Fine laces of latest make, curtain netting, shades, and all necessi­ ties for spring trading at correct prices. Ladies'Shirt Waists, 3oys' Waists, Ludies' Dresses. Ladies' Mackintoshes, Ludies' Muslin Underwear, Ladies' Capes and Jackets, and Ladies' fine Shoes, Fine Groceriee at correct cash prices. THEO. F. SWAN, ; OBEAT DEPARTMENT STOKE JOHN J. . MILLER Is the Leading Place to get your HOUSEHOLD GOODS, We are ready to Put down your order for Edward Hose & Co.'s Perfect Fitting Garme nts Made to your measure. Guaranteed to fit. BELONG TO 10 RING, When in need of anything in our line call, and convince yourself y----~r---i, /--- m--> rnjmm If you wish to it, send us your will receive our Catalogue free of SECURITY, -- R O D / know all about address and you Price List and LIGHTNING CQ.f .WIS, UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING. A specialty. Always carry a complete stock of Undertaking Goods Yours for business, We also have a full line of the best ready-made Clothing in stock from one of the largest and best manufactories of the West, from a cheap Cotton to the best Woolen Goods. Largest stock of fine Footwear, Ladies' Slippers, Blutchers, Oxfords, etc. A fine line Of Men's Summer Shoes. Complete line of Summer Underwear. Ladies' Wrappers, all sizes. New stock of Straw Hats. Hammocks, Fly Nets and Lap Robes. Good Flour cheap. Fresh Groceries, lowefet prices. No J. JUSTEN West McHenry, May, 1895, JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry, A.C.SPURLING Veterinary Surgeon, McHenry. Makes a specialty of CASTRATION, Office at Hanly's Livery Stable. West Mcllenry, 111. PEALER IN Agricultural Machinery MoHENRY, ILL. I have at a great expense just purchased a new and improved WELL MACHINE, And am now prepared to put in wells on short notice and at reasonable rates. If you want a well call and see me, Also, the Best Line of Pumps to be found in the market, Buggies and Carriages AT YOUR OWN PRICE. Call and see us, WM, BACON. $ TH'NK OF THE MONEY MADE from inventions--novelties, or simple useful labor-saving devices, If you have mane a discovery or worKed out a mechanical problem we'll give reliable advice as lo patentability. The " Inventive Age, illustrated magazine, 6th year, in interest of Inventors, guarantees work of its '-Patent Department," and illustrates anj describes usoful inventions free, Complete, valid, strong and comprehensive p«tent'; best terms; advice free, Address THE INVENT­ IVE AGE, Washington, D. O. WANTED l°r m?n 8oUcit °rflers ™ **»* • C.U for ̂ Hardy Nursery Stock Fruit and Ornamentals ; also new and valu able varieties of Seed Potatoes. Permanent position#; good salary, ranging from $75 to $125 p«r month, Apply quick with references, »*' lsJ¥Y * co-»* Nurserymen, Florists and SeetUuen? 1 nn* New and elegant styles in fine shoes for both sexes and all nationalities at S. Stoffel's. Douglas and Fargo, made them.

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