Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jun 1895, p. 7

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as It passed among, them, in a mono-;,: losne of"nature's own chanting. Jim F&tck shivered in the warm evening, air, as one does who steps, uncon­ scious^, on the spot that is to be his own grave. n He had placed.his hand on Jinny's bridle when the deputy collared him. "Divvy up, man; or I'll save you from a hanging." After all it was not the deputy who fired the one quick shot that sent Jim. Flack reeling into the dust. It was the sheriff," who had silen tly tracked the two men to their; rendezvous, and now ^ut up his gun and said: "See ef the Jail-breaker is dead and done for." . « "He's dead enough." said the depu­ ty, turning him "over, and shaking wft£T fear. "Then well bury him like a soldier, where he fell. Much too good a lot for sech carrion as he.*' They dug a shallow grave and laid him in it The gold piece was made tributary to the law--the sheriff: todk ox xa\m \s vvMwa\\e&) STOVE POLISH in cakes for general blacking of a stove. POLISH for/a after-dinner applied and ished with a P Keeps You Poor. Indigestion keeps men poor. It muddles the clearest brain. You think it is some­ thing else, but--nine times in ten--the trouble is in the digestive tract. One Rip- ans Tabuie gives relief, and their occa­ sional use keeps you right. Ask your druggist for them, - A Novelty. A novelty in bicycle race's came off re­ cently in Vienna, the unusual feature being the manner of handicapping par­ ticipants. The race was for married men exclusively, and the handicap Was apportioned according to the following rule: The amount of the handicap was decided by the number of children of the -competitor; I16 got got fifteen yards for each boy and ten yards tot each girl; married men children had to start from the scratch. The course was one mile oil the club track. It was wofi by a member who had seven chil­ dren." v- " ' ' Was Once Red. The field of Waterloo is covered with a crop of crimson poppies every year. When their work \tas finished the deputy waited for orders. ' . "Take the mustang and ride for your life--the further you go the safer you will'be; and don't come back till I send for you." ' • ' The deputy never came back. Mar­ tina lives in her little home, and waits for news of Jim. Her beautiful eyes have a strained look, from gazing long and eagerly after, every horseman or foot passenger in sight on the i'ar, straight road that leads nowhere and everywhere. Her hair is faded almost to a yellow tint from the burning sun, and Jin&s children have acquired her habit of standing in the doorway, and from under a shielding arm, watch­ ing, watching. There is always one of them on the watch for "pappy." What a welcome would be his if he ever came! The sheriff could tell them the truth --but he dare not. He has blocked his own game.--Utica Globe. THE BABY'S LIFE depends on {be food it gets. Insufficient nourishment is the cause of much of the fatality among infants. Improper food brings on Indigestion. If the food is right the digestion 5riU be go®d.-&Qd "Ridge's Food" is the best. There is nothing' "Just as good" or "nearly as good." It is . the, best in the wholo world. Have you a baby? Its life depends upon haw it is fed. - Sold by Druggists. 35c up to $1.75; -ZJi WOOL RICH & CO., PALMER, MASS. THE PRICE OF FREEDOM Absouuteix Pure THE MODERN WOMAN „ Crowded houses and the "standing room only" sign tell the story of uninterrupted •success of - the ,pyinth annual season of extravaganza at the 'Chicago Opera House. The engagement of Vesta Tilley, the great vaudeville performer, is the sensation of the season, and the gifted little' woman has .made a complete con­ quest Of the hearts and judgment of Chi­ cago theater goers; She is the highest salaried vaudeville star ever seen in Amer­ ica, and so great is the competition for her services in London that Mr. Hender­ son could only secure her for two weeks, and then she returns direct to England. "Aladdin Jr." approaches the end of its long and prosperous run, and is soon to be followed by a gorgeous revival of "Ali Baba," the favorite of the season of 1S92- 03. This brilliant spectacle is to be brought out in response to a general desire, and will appear in finer form than ever before. Frederick Dangerfield and his corps of assistants are attending to the scenery, and a big force of needlewomen is getting the costumes in order. Daily rehearsals of the chorus are held on the opera house stage, while the big ballet is being drilled on a neighboring stage borrowed for the occasion. Everybody is working with might and main to get ready for the big revival, and Mr. Henderson is determined that it shall fin- outshine all his previous productions. Miss Maud Ulmer, leading prima donna with the Bostonians, has been engaged for the soprano role in "Ali Baba." and Ernest McGueking, of the Carl Rosa Opera Company, and a baritone singer of great repertoire, will also appear. The Strongest M(jn Grow Weak Sometimes. The short cut to renewed vigor Is taken by those sensible enough to use IIos- tetter's Stomach Bitters systematically. It re-establishes Impaired digestion, enables the system to assimilate food, and combines the qualities of a Hue medicinal stimulant with those of a sovereign preventive rem­ edy. Malaria, dyspepsia, constipation, rheu­ matic, nervous and kidney complaints are cured and averted by It. Who She'1$ Perplexed an Opponent and -Proved His Ignorance. "Now, the modern woman," began Snifter, "is. reallj- attracting more at­ tention than modesty will permit-- "If the fool men would mind tlieir own business there would be no trou­ ble," replied Mrs. Snifter. "That's it!" responded Snifter. "I'm impressed more and more every day with the forwardness of the modern woman." > "There's certainly room enough in the world for all to live.' "Yes, my dear, but the modern wom­ an is destined to destroy all that is lov­ able in the very thought of woman--" "It sems to me," said Mrs. Snifter, "that there is not that sympathy be­ tween men and women that ought to exist " "Ah, my dear, I have thought of that, but you know the modern woman has rendered such a thought distasteful ŝ rdliiiiibia f>ic\?cles 100 = w COLDMBIAS are the \ jSjj product of the- oldest | 5 and best equipped bi- j g cycle factory in America, and are the re- «| j5? suit of eighteen years of successful ? 6 striving to make the best bicycles in the \ world. 1895 Columbian are lighter, ? 55 stronger, handsomer, more graceful J $ than ever--ideal machines for the use of \ those who desire the best that's made. ; K HARTFORD BICYCLES cost less--$8o; \ $60. They are the equal of many other \ & higher-priced makes, though. j j| POPE MFG. CO. J® General Offices and Factories, HARTFORD. | 5E BOSTON, NEW YORK, JK CHICAGO, " ' ! !^jS SAN FRANCISCO, S providence, /jtfr\ * ' jJSjj BUFFALO. 2; Columbia Catalogue, I 1 St telling of both Colum- jyiK\L IS I? I »! bias and Hartfords, fi J ! {is free at any Columbia il f . j © agency, or by mail for J j rfij two 2-cent stamps. ( THAT LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND £9 Daily Caring Backache, Dizziness, Faintncss, Irregularity, and all Fe­ male Complaints. I [SPECIAL TO OCE LADY READEBF.] Intelligent women no longer doubt the Value of Lydia E. Pinkhain"8 Vegetable Compound. It speedily relieves irregu­ larity, suppressed or painful menstrua- yivTight Lacing. The hanci^f science, asserts the Medi­ cal Record, falls with a dull uncarnal thud upon the constricted waist of woman. It tells why she constricts, and that the purpose from beginning was an unholy one. The woman of decadent Greece first began it in order to emphasize the proportions of their hips and exaggerate the delusive prom­ inence of the bosom. The simple phy­ siological act of respiration was per­ verted by the tightened girdle until the act became one of sub-clavicular enticement In line squeezing, the waist brought into lustful prominence the capacity of women for easy reproduc­ tion and subsequent plentiful lactation. Hippocrates denounced it in the women of Cos, Galen reproved the practice, Martial jeered at it, but still the waist was tightened and the double ovoid continued to glide before the ardent gaze of man. The fact is, then, that women have tightened their girdles not because they wanted to do it, but be­ cause men approved of them and de­ sired them the more for it. Why should women, then, be blamed? The practice is admitted unsound by all authorities, from Hippocrates to Dio Lewis, but Snen have insisted 011 it Let the sani­ tarian and artist direct their attention, then, to man, the brute, not to women, his victim. When this carnal but nec­ essary factor in society and dress form is cured of his evil ways, women will dress as they ought; but not before. "But cannot men be gentlemanly V" "Ah, my dear, you don't .understand. The modern woman--" "Who is the modern woman?" "Eh? What?" "Who is she?" "Why--er--huh ?" "That's what 1 thought Snifter. To ask a man what he's talking about is to find out he's an idiot.!" And. somehow, Snifter hasn't thought so much about the modern woman since.--Cleveland Plain Dealer. A TOBACCO HEART Thousands of Americans Can't Get Life Insurance Because Tobacco Has Destroyed the Heart Action and Wrecked the Nervous System--No- To-Bac Works Many Miracles. Delanson, N. Y., .Tune 17.--Engineer O. N. Bates stepped off engine No. 47 with a long oiler in one hand and a bunch of blue waste in the other. Not a by­ stander there could help remarking his youthful, healthy look, aud active, vigor­ ous movements, and contrasting his ap­ pearance with his condition of two months ago. "Say, Colonel, how well you look!" "Yes, 1 am well; better than I have been for years." "What have you been doing?" "Oh, not much: No-to-bac cured me of the tobacco habit and braced me men­ tally and physically. In fact, made me a new man in more ways than one. I had 110 appetite; couldn't sleep; now I sleep like a baby and eat three tin% s a day with a relish, for the first time in years. My heart action is regular and 110 longer a bar to increased life insurance. You know throttle pulling requires a pret­ ty steady nerve, and my nerves are O. K. now. One box and a quarter of No-to- bac cured me completely in ten days., after using tobacco forty years. No-to- bac is sold by all druggists. 1 see the 'King No-to-bac' on nearly every drug­ gist's counter, and made by the Sterling Remedy Company, of New York and Chicago. You ought to get one of their little books called 'Don't Tobacco Spit- and Smoke Your Life Away,' and post yourself. They send them free to any one that writes. It cost me $1 to get cured, and I spent three or four dollars a week for tobacco. If I had failed to get cured I would have gotten my money back, as the makers guarantee three box­ es to cure any case. 1 have recommend­ ed the use of No-to-bac to many of the boys on the line, and every one of them who got the genuine article, so far as I know, has been cured. Look out, don't let some of the imitations be palmed off on you for No-to-bac." The cab bell rang, the engineer climbed up quickly on the footboard, stuck his head out of the cab window, pulled the throttle half an inch and the big train rolled away. Language Oddities. It is correct to say a "covey of par­ tridges," but beyond thaTTt is difficult not to err. A "congregation of plover," a murmuration of starlings," a "wisp of snipe," and a "nid of pheas­ ants" are all equally sound English de­ scriptions, but few men use them. ilons, weakness of the stomach, indiges­ tion, bloating,' leucorrhdSi, womb trou­ ble, flooding, nervous prostration, head­ ache, general debility, etc. Symptoms of Womb Troubles are dizziness, faintness, extreme lassi­ tude, "don't care," * and "want to be left alone" feelings,, excitability, irrita­ bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatm leney, melancholy, or the " blues," and backache. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege­ table Compound will correct all this ••rouble as sure as the sun shines. That Bearing-Down Feeling, causing pain, weight, and backache, is instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circumstances it acts in perfect harmony wiih the laws that govern the female system, is as harmless as Water. It is wonderful for Kidney Complaints in either sex. liydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills work in unison with the Compound, and are a sure cure for constipation and sick- headache. Mrs. Pinkham's Sanative Wash is frequently found of great value for local application. Correspondence is freely solicited by the Lydia E. Pink- ham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., and the strictest confidence assured. All drug­ gists sell the Pinkham remedies. The Vegetable Compound in three forms, - - Liquid, Pills, and Lozenges. Cremating. According to the transactions of the Cremation Society, the disposal of the dead by burning is making slow but steady progress in England. In* 188" only three bodies wei'e cremated at Woking. Last year the number was 125. Ilall's Catarrh Cure, Is taken Internally. Price 75 cents. ' The spasms of pain that rack the rheu­ matic are relieved by Glenn's' Sulphur Soap. V ' "Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," Black or Brown. 50c. _ PISO'R CITRIC is a wonderful cough medi­ cine.-- MRS. AV. PICKERT, Van Siclen and Blake Aves., Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 26, '94. Mrs. WInsIow's Bootkois Btxcp for Children teething: sottens the rams, reduces Inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 oentg a bottle. " Christ Hath Risen." All at once is heard in the distance the clear boom of the cannon announc­ ing the hour of midnight. The Rus­ sian priest standing on the steps of the altar, swings his censer, and announces in tones which penetrate to the furthest corners of the edifice, "Christos vos- kres," (Christ hath risen,) and the peo­ ple answer him with one voice: "Vo istine voskres," (In truth, He hath risen). The woman standing nearest the priest lights her taper at the con­ secrated one presented to her by hipij her neighbor in turn receives the light from her; and so on, till in a minute, as it were, the chapel was illuminated with a hundred lights. Fathers and mothers, sons and daugh­ ters, friends and relations, embraced one another, kissing three times on the forehead and either cheek and exchang­ ing the Easter greeting. The whole congregation, then passing before the priest, (lid the same with him, and high mass now followed.--Chamber's Journal. The CharnKin Scotch. I wonder if persons who can write Scotch are sufficiently aware of the great literary advantage they have over writers who are not born to that ability. It is no credit to them that they can do it It is a gift of nature dropped in their lap. I never heard of any one who learned by artificial means to write Scotch. Scotch writers do it, and no one else. It has long been obvious that the proportion of good writers to the wfiole Scotch population was exceedingly large; but I do not re­ member that it has ever beep pointed out how much easier it is for a Scotch­ man to be a good writer than another because of his innate command of the Scotch tongue. There are such delightful words in that language; words that sing on the printed page wherever their employer happens to drop them in words that rustle; words that skirl, and words that clash and thump.--Scribner'A Magazine. New Species of Ape. The Zoological Gardens at Berlin have just received from the Dutch East Indies an ape utterly unlike anything of the kind ever seen before, in Europe. It is of the orang-outang species, and of a bright flaring red, with bare neck and a remarkable hooked nose. The inhabitants of Sumatra are said to re­ gard it with superstitious reverence. It is alleged that these apes can swell their larynxes to an enormous extent, uttering loud sounds which cannot be described in words. Thomas P. Simpson, Washington, D. C. No Rtt's fee until Patent ob^ tained. Write for Inventor's Guide. , ft'a.25-95 PATENTS IN, writing to Advertisers, pleaso do not fail to mention this paper. Advertisers like, to know what mediums pay them best. >-- eO Which have -- L?J\ S you an eye to, Fy quantity or quality, when you buy ^ something to make washing easy? ^ U ^ j! If it's quality, you want Pearline. A effectiveness, in economy, and ==•' above all in its absolute harmless- ness, no matter how or where you Vyy \ \ | use t^ere s nothing to com- n \ \ pare with this, the first and only * washing-compound. W'hat difference does the quantity make, after all? If you spend five cents or ten cents or a dollar for an aid to washing,' don't you want the thing that will give you the most work, the best work, and the most certain safety for that amount ot money? That thing is Pearline. A Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this is as good as ** Dcnil or " the same as Pearline." IT'S FALSE--Pearline is never peddled. •. 4 and if your grocer sends you something in place of Pearline, be HaCK honest--send it back. 483 JAMES PYLE, New Yotk. :est Medical Discovers ot the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF DOXDDDY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common Kasture weeds a remedy that cures every ind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried It in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed exceot in two cases (both thunder humor). Helias now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from fte first bottle, and a'perfect cure is war­ ranted when tne right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains^-Jike needles passing through them; the |5ame with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed­ time. Sold by all Druggists. EAST, WEST, HOME IS BEST, IF KEPT CLEAN WITH The Ladies. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the Califor­ nia liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, un­ der all conditions, makes it their favor­ ite remedy. To get the true and genu­ ine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. Who Believes This? In White County, Georgia, there is a mountain stream which runs tip hill, at a steep incline, for almost half a mile. It is supposed to be the continua­ tion of a siphon, which has its source in a spring at a higher elevation, at the opposite side of the mountain. SASPOLIO • ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR * -- - Foul breath is a discourager of af- fect'on- 11 is &1- ways an indication V .HuBtL W Poor health -- bad digestion. To W digestion is « jjjl traceable almost all l ( v f t " [j* the starting point ious maladies. 1 v. Upon the healthy VjSylr | action of the diges- tive organs, the blood depends for its richness pud purity. If digestion stopS, poisonous matter ac­ cumulates and is, forced into the blood --there is no place else for it to go. The bad breath is a danger signal. Look jut for it! If you have it, or any other symptom of indigestion, take a bottle or two of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It will straighten out the trouble, make your blood pure and healthy and full-of nu­ triment for the tissues. PllaiwM JIM FLACK'S DEATH. CLAUS SOAP. Laziest Creaturie. A most curious and sluggish creature Is the tautawa, a nine-inch lizard, whose home is in New Zealand. The little imitation saurian has the reputa­ tion of being 'the laziest creature ever created. He is usuallj' found clinging to rocks or logs along the shores of rivers, and lakes and has been known to remain in one position perfectly motionless for many months. How the creature manages to exist is a mystery. tempt to confiscate the money without giving him his freedom. 'Jinny was there tied to a tree. There was no sign of Martina, aud for this Jim was thankful. It was better that she should return to the Children, after bringing the milstang there for "him. He commended sense, and vowed in his hejjpMBpvould live a straight life there«^^H^ her sake. .The night was ^^^^Hbtarless, and a melancholy wii^^^^^Kniling about the hill, and the and bent Every OUAS. 0 All washing is not white washing, ^ as all soap is not Santa Claus. @ That bath-brick tint when seen in gB^SSglyjH *5 clothes, always proves that they fgg S are strangers to Santa Claus Soap. |||g| $ Tly it. Sold everywhere. Made by 2 THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, CURES WHtHE Mi ELSE FAILS. Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold bydraggigta. CHICAGO. It is always Impolite to say that wom­ en or bntter are old.

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