Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1895, p. 4

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& Mead, shoe dealers'and offer one pair $2 50 Qxfotd ThefoHov awarded tq County Fail WEDNESDAY. JUNE 26, 1895, • Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was firm. Offerings* 57,780 pounds. Sales, 10,500 pounds at I7k'c; 42,600 pounds at at 17%c. Last week, 17^c, year ag3 16ft@17c. 8a?°The officials that, undertake to TOrrwtwOffieu bicyele rider.s-who-wear bloomers will have anything but a happy time of it, and will have to retreat with the jeers of the entire country at their folly. They don't seem to know Amer­ ican women. f^"In an interview Henry Watterson said that Kentucky was not Texas and will,.probably go republican this year. Somebody has spoken of Texas also as being doubtful. That is carrying even a good thing too far. Iltndly leave the poor Democracy a cemetery in which to bury its numerous dead and ground of -its own from which to embark for eter­ nal banishment to the dismal regions away up at the head of Salt river. IST: There are yet many cowardly po­ litical leaders who are afraid to express themselves in favor of honest money, but before many,months shall have passed they will come to the front and jostle over each other and declare in favor of maintaining public, and private credit, and in favor of dollars, whether paper, gold or silver, which will,command their face value in every market in the world. The number is daily growing, as people have time and opportunity to read and study the question. IST1 Senator Thos. H. Carter, the chair­ man of the Republican National Com­ mittee, recently said: "In 1896 the Republican party will stand for protec­ tion and the restoration of bimetalism on a substantial and enduring basis There may be differences oropinion in the party on the tariff schedules, but not upon the principle of protection. There will be differences of opinion as to the best course to pursue to secure the free and unlimited coinage c?f both gold and silver at a fixed ratio, but there will be no dif­ ference of opinion as to the desirability of bringing about that result. l&^People who are always drumming it in your ears that mere increase of pop­ ulation is in itself evidence of progress and prosperity in a country, should con­ template China. There the people wor ship the spirits of their ancestors, and every man feels it his religious duty to have as large a family as possible so that he will have somebody to worship him, So for thousands of years the Chi nese have gone on repeating the same ugiy little yellow Mongolian pattern over and over, increasing the ppecimens till population has crowded food production to the starvation point and the poorer classes devour roast rats and dogs, if travelers are to be believed, and in 2,000 years China has not progressed one inch. If there were fewer people and more per­ fect ones in our crowded centers, society would be far better off. It is time civili­ zation considered quality as well as quantity. L PREMIUMS. wing special premiums will be exhibitdrs at the McHenry next August : POULTRY, The Ferris Publishing Co., Albany, N. Y., publishers of the old reliable Poultry Monthly. $1 a year, offer one year's sub­ scription for each of the following: 1 Pest pair Golden Wyandotte Fowls. 2 Beati>a 'r Silver WvandoOte Cihickf. 3 Best pair White Wyandotte Chicks. 4 Best pair Black I.angahan Fowls, ft Bcst vUeplav of Pigeons, 6 Best pair \V C 8 Polish Fowls. 7 Best pair Whi-e Fan ta 1 Pigeons. 8 Best pair Partridge Cochin Chicks The Mica Crystal Co., Concord, N. H., offer a 100-pound sack of mica crystal gritloceach of the following! 9 Best pair Bronze Turkeys. 10 Best pair White Guinras_. 11 Best pair White Chin a Geese. 12 Best p«ir Muscovy duck®. 13 Best pair Jacobin Pigeons. J. W. Darrow, publisher, Chatham, N. Y. offers one yearly subscription for each of the following: 14,Best pair Houdan Chicks. 15 Best pair Hose Comb Black Bantams. 16 HoetS O Brown Lephoru. Fowls. 17 Best pair Barred Plynsi-jith hock Chicks. IS Best-pair Black Leghorn Fpwls. 19 Bes: pair Pekin Pucks. " The Wabash Grit Co., Peru, lnd., offer, a 100-pound sack of limestone grit for each of the following: 20 Best i air Uarred Plymouth Hock Fowli, 21 Bast pair Black Lang»iiR">.Chicks . 22 Hest p- ir White Cochin Fowls. 2? Best pair Uou.en JJlicks. 24 Best pair Silver Spang let! Ham burgs, E: E. Richards, Ce^ar Rapids, Iowa, publisher of the Western Poultry Journal Iowa's great 56-cent journal, offers one yearly subscription for, each of the fol­ lowing: , • 25 Best p^ir White Plymouth Rock Chicks,. 26 Best pair Golden Polish Fowls, 27 Second best exl-ibit by lady, 28 Best pair Pearl Guineas. 29 Best piir Brown China Geese. 30 Bes pair B B Red Game Bantams. Al -BesX pair-Ar.gora Rahbi». 32 Best pair Dark Brahma Fowls, 33 Best pair Partridge Cochin Fowls 34 Best pair White Plymouth Rock Fowls. F. H. Petts, Warsaw, Mo., publisher of Poultry Topics, the great 2o-cent poul­ try paper, offers one yearly subscription each: 35 To the twenty exhibitors who do not win any premiums on the twenty leading varie­ ties of p.•ul'.ry. ' ' Clarence C. DePuy, printer and publish­ er, Syracuse, N. Y., will give a copy of DePuy's Popular Poultry Book No. 1-- All About Broilers and Market Poultry Generally," by M. K. Boyer, price 25 c mt^ for: 86 Best exxibit by I.ady. Poultry Book No. 2--"Capons and Caponizing," by Geo. Q. Dow, price 25 centg.forT 37 Beav'est Hen on exhibition. De^uy's Popular Poultry Book No. 3, -"Money in Hens," by M. K. Boyer, price 25 cents, for: 38 Best pair Light Brahma Fowls; American Poultry Advocate, Syracuse, N. Y., 20 page monthly, one year, price 25 cents, for: 39 Best display in American class. I). J. Lambert, Apponaug, R. I., offers one box Lambert's Death to Lice for each of the following: 40 Be^t pair Buff Cochin Fowls. 41 Bo-t p»ir White Leghorn fowls. 42 Best pair Silvr Bearded Poli-h Fowls, 43 Best pair Golden Wyandott Chicks, 44 Rent pair White Cochin Chick-*. 45 Best pair Pekio D"cks. 46 Best p<»ir Black Leehorn Chicks. 47 Best pair Dark Brahma Chicks 48 Best pair Black v inorca F«w Is. 49 Best pair white-faced Black Spanish. 50 Best pair White Holland Turkeys, 51 Best pair Light Brahma Fowls. 52 Smallest Bantam Hen. 53 Heaviest 1 dozen bens eggs, 54 Lightest 1 dozea hens eggs, 55 Best exhibit Canaries. 56 Bestdlsplay Plymouth Rocks. 57 Bestd splay Largshans, 58 Best di.c play Piceons 59 Rest display Lieht Brshm&s. 60 Bebt display White Wyand"ttes. 61 Best display in American class, P2 Best disp ay in Asiatic claps. 63 Best display in Meditsrransan class. , Thorne clothiers, ties to: f> Lady taking first premium on dark fru't cake. Bunker Bros , grocers and hardware dealersj offer asack of Ultimatum flour to: 6 Lady making the best loaf of hop yeast bread;---- B. S. Austin, the grocer, offers one sack "Sleepy Eye" flour to: 7 Lady making bast milk-rising bread from. "Sleepy Ey e" flour. Cowlin Bros, shoe dealers, offer one pair Selz's Royal Blue $4 Shoes to: 8 Lady taking moat premiums in this de­ partment. CLASS G, LOT 30. A. S. Wright, the leading druggist, offers one nice dressing case, one bottle Wright's Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry, onejaottle Johnson's Celebrated Extract of Sarsaparilla, one bottle Wright's Corn Cure for : 1 Largest display by one exhibitor in Class G, Lot 30. _« ^ E. S. McFadden, tinner and hardware merchant, offers one carving knife and fork for: • I arg? st and be it display of pickles, sour 'nd sweet. CLASS K, LOT 40. J. B. Babcock, publisher of the Maren­ go Republican, offers one yearly sub­ scription for: 1 Best floral design, the work of a lady liv ing In the county. M. C. Dufield, publisher of the Marengo yens, offers one yearly subscription for: 2 Nicest arranged boqnet. o . .. •1. Van Slyke, publisher of the McHenry PLAINDEALEH, offers one yearly sub­ scription for: ... ~ - 3 Handsomest flowering plant; CLASS K, LOT 38. Woleben & Patrick, Marengo mer­ chants offer one silk umbrella for: 1 Best honiton lace. T. EL Gill, Marenpro merchant, offers one silver card basket for: 2 Best lunch cloth and ilx drawn napkins. F. W. Patrick & Co.,. Marengo mer­ chants, offer one hanging lamp for: 3 Center piece and two doylies, Roman em broidery, CLASS L, LOT 42. G. W. Sanders, the Marengo jeweler, offers a silver bonbon dish for: 1 Best hop-yeast, bread. Dr. H. W. Richardson, Marengo drug­ gist, otfers one jewel case for: 2 Best oil painting. H. G. Otis, the hustling jrrocer of Ma­ rengo, offers one water set for: 3 Six embroidered doylies. L, T. Hoy, druggist, Woodstock, offers a §2.50 volume of Burns's poetical works tor: 4 Best landscape painting in oil, by a girl not over 14 years old. CLASS 11, LOT 31. John A. Dufield, publisher of the McHenry County Democrat, offers one yearly subscription W: 1 Peck of largest potatoes. I. M. Mallory, publisher of the Nunda Herald, offers one yearly subscription to: 2 Person showing the greatest variety of tomatoes Publishers of the old and ever reliable Orange Judd Farmer offer one yearly subscription each for: 3 Largest and best diiplay of fruit*. 4 Lnrgest and best dlsp'av of cereals. 5 Lnrgest pumpkin on exhibition. Great preparations now going on for the 4th, in the way of selling Breezy Dress stuff and hot weather meichan- diee ot every description. §3jgr Prices slightly reduced on some things, especially on wool Chillies, Crape gooos and such Fancy Dress Goods and Jbabi .cs -suitable for the bal 1. ~ --|f| ~ ^ -v V- We want to make it easy for ypu to get an outfit at little, Finest Wool Challies 15c, Crepons, complete ass't, 12 l-2c Fine Kid Slippers for the ball, SI .30 to .45. Fine Rueset or^lack, strap across, fine large buckle, U.25, - We make a 3 days Ribbon Sal% Beginning Suturday, June 21), so to make it possible for you to ° get ribbons cheap for the celebration, July 4th, . CRACKEES tor the little tots and , • bigger ones also* ELGIN, ILL WW It's a practical method of economiz­ ing to visit our Big Store, THE PARTY STANDS EIGHT. Senator-elect Thurston, of Nebraska, sizes up the attitude of the Republican party on the silver question, as repre­ sented at the Cleveland league meeting as follows: Ninety per cent of the delegates Dresent were for sound money, that is to say, for dollars that would pay just as much as gold. While bimetallism and silver had their admirers and orators, the sine qua non which formed the foundation for the arguments in their favor was that only such legislation could be acceptable as maintained the parity and purchasing power of the two metals. The report made by the committee on resolutions, while consistent with the league organi­ zation, was wanting in a disclaimer of authority or purpose to make a platform or commit the party. The platform adopted by the last Republican conven­ tion was a tip top one, though possibly it admitted of improvement in the finan­ cial policy enunciated ' Senator Thurston WB asked if the dele­ gates as a body had expressed any pref­ erence regarding candidates for the Presidency. "No, it appears to me," was the reply, "that the delegates individually, let alone collectively, were not willing to discuss or compromise themselves as to any one candidate. It was the trend of thought of those present at the conven- tion~tnat tne Then most prominently named in connection with the chief ex- ecutiveship of the country were all sound on the money question, though they were equally anxious to make the greatest possible use of our silver product and to secure an international agreement which would give the white metal a stable po sition in the commodities of the world. Dr Clubs. ittsburg Frank Rowe, Hebron, 111., the genial proprietor of Frank's General Store, offer's a pair of Selz's Royal Blue Shoes for: 6* Best exhibit from Hebron township. M. G. Tripp, photographer, Wood stock, offers one dozen cabinet photos for: 05 Most attractive exhibit of poultry. Holmes & Wright, publishers of the Gazette. Richmond, offer one yearly sub­ scription for: 6<> Best display Barred Plym mil Ro'ks. Also one yearly subscription for: 67 Best exhibit trom Richmond or Burton®Jaltimoro townships. Walsh & Whittleton, publishers of the Harvard Herald, Harvard, 111 , offer one yearly subscription for: 68 Best poultry exhibit from McHenrj I county. I Also one two-years subscription for : 69 Best exhibit from Chemnng or Dunliau townships. H. B. Begun, publisher of the Hebron Tribune, Hebron, 111., offers one yearly subscription for: •70 Be«t poultry exhibit frcm Hebron town­ ship Also one yearly subscription for: 71 Heaviest pair of fowls on exhibition. Pratt Food Co., 1'hiladelphia, offer the following special premiums which will be on exhibition and delivered by the com­ mittee at the time of the Fair to the drawers of the same. One 5-pound pack­ age Pratt's Poultry Food for each of the following: The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Journal writes that Reed feels reasonably certain of having at least 198 votes m the next Republican national convention. Of this number he counts on Illinois giving him its solid delegation of 48 votes. If the boom of the big man of Maine rests on no better basiB than his reported calculations on the Illinois delegation there isn't as much to it as many people have thought. Illinois will not look as far east as Maine for a candidate when it comes to giving a solid delegation.--Rockford Repub­ lican. • nrnttttOTift! Tor the unvs-aterTng-,- 'liich the Government wanted the bridge mpany to do for nothing. Following is the standing of the clubs f the National Baseball League* ANNOUNCEMENT. Having1 purchased the A^riculturnl business of the estate ol the late B, Bishop 1 hereby announce to the buying public that in the future 1 shall try to carry a full and complete line of goods per­ taining to he Implement trade. My aim shall be to seil as good goods as can be bought, and at right prices, thereby causing no friction between buyer and seller as good goods always recommend themselves, The harvest Is now fast approaching, and you will find on our floor the The following prices will make your pocket-books-smile with joy. What's the use. of running a sewing machine this warm weather when you can buy yeur sheets and pillow cases, your children'8 dresses, ladies- waists and wrappers, and ladies' two-piece suits at less than cost of material. Pilow Cases 45 x 36.. ....l^c Pil1 o 7 Ceses, 45 x 36, Fruit of the Loom Muslin 15c V Pillow Cases, 45 x 36. Pepperell Muslin.. 12c Pillow Cases, Pequot Muslin... 15c Pillow Cases, hem-stitched and lace trimmed, 24 and 29c 9-4 Pepperell Bleached Sheets 49c 10-4 Pepperell Bleached Sheets 54c 9-4 Pequot Bleached 8heete 59c 9-4 Pepperell Hem-stitched bleached Sheets 69c Our line of Bed Spreads cannot be duplicated at the same price in the city, for...59c, 79c, 98c, $1,02, and a beauty for $3.98. Per veil. Won. Lost. cent. 40 29 17 .(',30 r>o 31 1!) .020 44 26 18 .501 2!) •>'> .509 r>a 30 23 .r>oo 48 20 '>•> ,r>42 4il 20 23 .5.31 .48 25 -- The New Champion Harvestoi and Binder. The Champion Mower, The Crown aud Milwaukee Mower. 1894 Binders, complete, with Truck, Carrier and Canvas, for SlOQ Call in and get prices on the world renowned Plymouth G50 feet Manilla Twine, and Plymouth pure Sisal Twine, The Rock Island and Thomas Hay Loaders. The Holling^worth Self and hand dump Rakes are the best, J^pr"Fine Buggie*, Harness and Road W^agons a specialty, Don't fail to see them Thanking you tor paet favors find hoping for a liberal_share of your patronage in the future, I am Very Respectfully Youis. T. J. WALSH. JUL! PACTS. "Wliat "'It" Has Done. It has yielded a 16 per cent increase in the importation of foreign goods, made by foreigu labor, and displacing a like amount of American labor. It has yielded a nearly 10 per cent de­ crease in the exports of American pro ducts and merchandise, thus cutting off just so much more work and wages for Americans. It has yielded a great flood of foreign grown wools, and destroyed the Sheep raising industry on American farms and ranches. Incidentally it has helped to yteld a shorter supply of sheep for slaugh­ ter and assisted the Chicago meat ring, to put up the price of mutton* It has yielded a decrease of 10 per cent in the amount of importations free of duty. McKinley's act ejten had a more liberal free list. • ^ \ It has yielded more taxation and rev­ enue on imported foods, necessaries of life, such a* sugar, tea, coffee, fruits, rice, fish, vegetables and provisions generally --than the old 1890 tetfiff by about two dollars to one. Mixed paints, paints and oil, carriage paints, brushes, etc., cheap, at Besley's, tin the west side. 7 2 Rest pair B6R Game Fowl*. 73 Bestp'ir Barred Plymouth Rocks 74 Best pair Langshan KOWIE, 75 Best pair I-ifjht Brahmaa. 76 Bestf-pair Buff Cochins. 77 Best pair BronzejTurkfys 73 Best pair Silver Wyandotte Fowls, "9 Best pair American Domtmques. 80 Best pair B B B Game Bantaa a. 81 Best pair Golden Duckwing Bantams. The Woodstock Sentinel Co., publish­ ers of the WoodstockoS'entiae/, offers onV yearly subscription for each of the following: 82 Gentleman exhibitor wearing smallest b'iot : 83 Gentlemin exhibitor wearing largest boot, 84 Lady exhibitor wearing largest shoe, I) AI It Y CATTLE. Rowe, Russell & Boughton Chemical Co., Hebron, 111 , manufacturers of Fever- ine and Gargetine, offer %-dozen of each for: 1 Best grade cow, 4 years old or over. 2 Beet grade heifer, 2 year old an under 3. 3 Be t dairy cow, 3 years old or aver--any cldds. breed or grade. Also one bottle each of Feverine and Gargetine to: 4 Exhibitors who do not win premiums in above classes, J. W. Darrow,publisher, Chatham, N Y., ofier8 one yearly subscription to the Practical Dairyman fo,r each of the fol lowing: 5 Best Durham better calf. G Beet Holstien heifer calf. 7 Best Jersey heifer calf. 8 B stRed Polled heifer calf. i) Best dairy cow. l°/>ligei,grade he»fer calf. CLASH G, LOT 39. A. S. Wright, the druggist, offers a cijt glass bottle of perfumery to: 1 Lady hiking Orst premium on argel food Ross Cotton, the merchant, offers pair of kid gloves to; 2 Lady takiug first premium on caramel CAKE, J. M. Thomas, 0f the «Fair" store, offers a set of silver knives and forks for: 3 Best basket fancy cake. A. D. & J. A. Kennedy, grocer?, offer glass eet_6f four pieces for: 4 Beet chocolate cake. Independence Day Did you ever hear how it happened we celebrate July fourth rather than some later day? For days the members of Congress bad differed over the terms ot Declaration. As the hot summer weeks progressed, windows were opened, much to the delight oi the moBqaitoes and flies of a neighboring stable. The stockinged calves of congressional legs were assailed daily by the diminutive combatants, un­ til at last the persistency of the most stubborn member was worn out on the fourth day of July. "Now that tht struggle was ever the members became hilarious in their good nature." John Hancock dashed down his great signa­ ture in such shape "that George the Third might read it without his specta­ cles." "Now we must hang together," it was remarked. "Yes," said Franklin, 'or we shall hang separately."--From Demoreat's Magazine ot July. NOTICE. men and boys that All you want to Save from $2 to $5 on Pants OR SUITS. Don't Miss this Change On any kind of goods sold in store, at Chicago's lowest prices E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry A.C. SPURLING , Veterinary Surgeon, McHenry. Makes a specialty of CASTRATION. flar Office at Ilanly'a Livery Stable. West McHenry, 111. Six loaves of Bread for 25 cents, at the Ifome Bakery of C. R. Huber. ^ We have for a Fourth ot July Dress-up the best outfit in Suits The largest assortment in Odd PantsB The finest and newest Straw and Felt Hats. The old reliable Selz Schwab &,Co.'s Shoes and Slippers. The best boiled Shirt for young and old. The very largest assortment of Neckties aud Collars. The finest Alpaca Coats, at the very lowest living prices. We have, among] other things, a fine fresh stock ot Have just put in another car of the two winners, Jersey Lily and Hard-to-beat Flour. Call and see ns and be convinced of the above facts, JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. Administrator's Notice. Fi>STATK of Richard Bishop, deceased. The !i underaigned having been appointed jA4- iniatrator with will anuexfd cf the es ate of Kichard Riehop. deceased, late of the county of McHenrv and state or llllrois, hereby gives notice that ho will ap] ear before the County Court ol Mcbfrry county, at the Court House. In Wood stick, Illinois, at the August term, on 'he iret Monday in August next, at which time all persons having claims against cai > estati are notified and requested to attend for the ,>ur- pose <>f having the stfme adjusted. All per­ sons indebted to euid estate are request* i to make immediate payment toilie uudcrsikned Dated this 7th day of June, A D. 1»*5. 49w4 JAMES B. PERRV, Administrator. With Will Anni xed. Executor's Notice, ESTATE of Emma Hurelle, deceased The undersigned having been appdrfted Executor of the last will and testami it of Emma Hutelle, deceased, lateol thee unty of McHenry and state ot Illinois, herobj gives notice that he will appear before the C «nt> Court of McHenry bounty, at the ourt Home In Woodstock, at the-Aug. term, n the first Monday in Aug. next, at which M >e all persons having claims against »aid esti ,e are notified and requested to attenu for tta pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. 4 - per sons indebted to said estate are reque ted to make immediate payment to the unueri gned Dated this 11th day of June, A. D„ IS! J AM £8 B. PERU' Exeoi Estray Notice. Carne'iuto enclosure of the^inder- Signed, on or •about June 3d, a iilack Horae, weighing between, 800 anl ,900 pounds. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges ai 1 take him away. P. J. C#UIY. 50w3 FOR SALE! The elegant Excursion Steamer, "BARBAROSSA," • Is offered for sale. Length 55 feet, beam 9 feet; Stern wheel 16 inches draft; speed 10 miles per hour, and has a capacity to carry 60> people. Is newly finished and has two engines. Good for river orXake service. i ' Can be delivered on board cars. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms if applied for at once. Inquire of M. ENGLEN, McHenry, III. E Administrator's Notice. STAl E of Hannah Oar.r, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrated; of the Estate of Hann ih Carr deceased. Vate of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois hereby «ive« uotice that be will appear before the Com ty Court ol McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the Monday in Aug persons having notified and re poee of havln* sins indebted make immedia Dated thi8,6 49W4 oii the first which time all at said estate are lend for the pur. iljusted. All per- are requested to the undersigned , A. D. 1895. W. OVERTON. Administrator. Children's Ready-made Dresses, from 19c to $1.98 Ladies' Shirt Waists, an endless va­ riety, in Prints, Percales, Lawns, Ginghams, White Mull, our line at 49c and 69e, usually sell at 75c and $ 1 Ladies' fine soft finished Percale Wrap­ pers, Mother Hubbard yoke, trimmed with fancy white braid, and extra large full sleeves, worth $2, our June price is.,...!.. $1.12 Ladies' two-piece Suits, in blue and white Percale, very wide skirts and extreme large full sleeves $139 THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGIIS, ILL, ^ The New. (hampion filNPBR LIGHT DRAFT. Low Force-Feed Elevator. Eccentric Binder Wheel. An Entirely New Departure. RADICALLY DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHER HINDERS. IF YOU SEE IT YOU WILL BUY NO OTHER. The New gHRMPION Mower MOST PERFECT MOWER MADE. LIGHT DRAFT. The Pitman has no other motion except straight forward and straight liackvU^ever breaks and never wears out. The only Mower where lost motion can be talcgn- up both in boxes and gearing. Turning a set-screw does it. SAMPLES NOW TO 3E SEEN AGENT, MeHENRY. JACOB BONSLETT, THE HOME BAKERY! McHENRY, ILL. C. R. HUBER, Proprietor, Having secured the se.viees of A FIRST CLASS BAKER we are now prepared to furnish our customers and the public generalty with Bakery Supplies, , of all kinds, FItESH EVERY DAY. Six Loaves of Fresh Baked Bread for 25c. We also keep constantly on hand fresh ^Coffee Cakes, Lemon Layers, Chocolate Layers, Cqcoanut Layers, Cup Cakes, Coflee Rolls, Butterfly Rolls, Macaroons, fresh Fried Cakes, Pies, etc. 5 and 10 Cent Pies fresh baked, in short we keep ail kinds of Bakery Supplies, guarantee them fresh, and will t <./ Sell Them Lower than other houses can afford to import them Patronize home industry/and know just what you are getting for your money keep our usual supply of Choice Family Groceries, which we offer a the Lowest Living Prices. _ -vr ~ ~T. 7~ir" Our Ice Cream Parlors open day and evening. Call and see us, Gi McHLNRY, ILL., June IGj 1895. • • V u m

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