Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1895, p. 5

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Business PERSONAL MRS. W. A. CRISTY visited with relatives and friends in Elgin on Friday last. Miss MAGGIE KEARNB, of Chicago is vis­ iting with friendf here thisweek. -- F. L. MCOMBER and wife, visited with friends at Waukegan over Sunday. FRANK BUHR, of Chicago, visited with relatives and friends here last week. L. H. LIGHTHEART and son, of Wauke- gan, spent Sunday in this village. H. C. SMITH has been quite sick the past week, but is now rsported better. MISS KATE BICKLER, of Elgin, spent Sunday with h«r parents, in this Village. JOHN~B. BLAKE, and " TOR." Hemmis, of Chicago, were calling on friends here on Sunday. THOS. HOWELL was visiting with his father, M. A. Howe)^, in this village last week. MRS. PILCHER, of Portage, Wis. is vis­ iting with her daughters, Mrs. Auringer and Mrs. Gallaher, in this village. E. TOWER, of Chicago, formerly OF Yolo, was calling on old friends here on Satur­ day last.' HUBER XEIMAN and wife, of Chicago, were visiting with friends here and in Jonnsburgh, the first of the week. • MRS. W. F. GALLAHER has been quite pick the past week, but is now reported (better. MRS. ORLANDO PCTMAN, of Hortonburjtf, Kansas, has been the guest of Geo. W. Besley and wife, the past week. _ JOHN SCUUENEMANN and wife and Louie lvuhneit and wife, were-visiting relatives and friends here over Sunday. MRS. J. P. MERKER, nee Belle Whiting, of Bellville, 111., is visiting with her par­ ents, near this village. MRS. M. GILBERT, of Evanston, and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert, of Nunda, were the guests of B. Gilbert and family one day last week. M^s. J. M. SELLECK and two children, of Chicago, fete the guests of Mrs. E. M. Owen, in this village. They expect to remain here during the summer. T. MCCORD and sister, of Chicago, are rusticating at Pistaqua Bay, the guests of R. H. Owen, at 0. W. Owen's cottage. They will spend the week there. MISSES ANNIE WINKELS, Mary Wirtz, Mary jSenz, and Mrs. Agnes Montgomery, all of Chicago, were visiting friends here the first of the week. 0. W. OWEN was in Chicago Monday ordering several more Crown Pianos. He tells us that Bent's new factory is the largest in the world. That his Pianos are fast coming to the front is evidenced by their large and increasing sales in this section. PROF. W. H. STRAYER, late Principal of our Public School, left here on Friday morning last for Flandreau, Moody County, South Dakota, where he is en­ gaged aB instructor in a County Teach­ er's Institute, to be held at that place. He expects to return to Chicago, about •July 15. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. Benj. Gilbert, on Thursday afternoon of this week. SECRETARY. THE regular monthly bueines meeting of the Epworth League will be held on Monday evening, July 1, at 7:30 p. M. FLORA SHERBURNE, Secretary. I THE ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. II. Blackman. Thursday af-j ternoon, June 27, at 2:80 o'clock. All members are requested to be present, as important business is to be transacted. MRS. A. E. AURINGER, President. MRS. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. GET your work done up and your af­ fairs arranged so you can take a day off a week from Thursday and spend it at McHenry, where all your neighbors and the crowd will be. McHenry will cele­ brate the Fourth of July that day in a manner that will be sure to please you. ° Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. For fine Clothing, Shirts and Hats^o S. Stoffel'fl. At Perry &. Owen's you can get the best New York Full Cream Cheese. Buy your wall paper from Stoffel. Large and strictly new stock, no job lots. 100 pairs of the famous Duchess Pfiints just received at S. Stoffel's. Choice potatoeg at Stoffel's. 0 New stylish hats and caps at poor- prices with S. Stofiel. , Jelly is having a "walk out" with us at 34 cents per pail. PERRY & OWEN, See the new, fine Shoes, in black and tans, at S. Stoffel's. Headquarters for the famous Worcester W. C. C. Corsets, in Colors and black, all sizes at S. Stofiel's. Come Friday and Saturday and get a pair of Shoes that will wear and have the style too, at under prices. PERRY & OWEN. Beloit shirts, overalls, pants and jackets in all sizes, warranted not to rip at Stofiel's. A beautiful story is alovely.large book bound in leather* only $2.25, fet- J.:A. Story's. Can and examine. Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry & Owen's. ' Enameled patent leather and tan shoes of the Fargo and Douglas makes at S. Stoffel's, I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. „ H. C. MEAD. See those new, cool Dress Fabrics at S. Stoffel's. » A choice line of Confectionery at the Home Bakery of C. R. Huber. New carpets and oil cloth at Stoffel's. PAINT your buggy for six bits. Call at Besley's and he will tell you how to do it. FOR SALE. A Cottage and nearly a half acre oi land, near the village of McHenry, tor &350. Inquire of PERRY & OWEN. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1895. AT MCHENRY, ILL Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, May 26, 1895, at six o*ciook A. M. Trains will pass ilcHenry station ae follows: „ GOING SOUTH. T> T.nka Geneva Passenger.. 7;18AM X Williams Bay Express ..8;33 •' X Williaips Bay Passenger. •••4:46 P M X Williams Bay PasBeriger »:17 8 Williams Bay PaaBenger 7 00 « X Williams Bay Freight.... " GOING WOBTH. X Williams Bav Freight... ....10.30 AM 8 Lake Seneva Passenger 5:18 P M S WHiiams Bay gtutaesger.. 10:82 A M X Lake Genieva Passenger ........ 6;5l P M X Williams Bay Express..:.. 4:J5 " X Williams Bay Passensrer 2:52 •' X Williams Bay Passenger 9;i8 A M EXPLANATION. T)--Daily. X--Daily except Sunday. b Sunday* only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. Great Stampede At our store tHis week Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Fine Shoes. We are placing belore the public better fcjhoes tham ever and the prices lower than ever. Our dealers say Shoes are worth 15 to 20 per cent more to­ day than when we bought our stock; but "WE are selling at lower prices. 8 WE have new dress Shoes at $1,75 per pair that we challenge the county to beat for theprice. > JULY 4th,1S95 ORATORS OP THE DAY; on. CHARLES E.' FULLER OF BELVJDERE, ILL. MASONIC. - - MCHENRY LODGES, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the ' second and fourth Mondays in each month. FI L. MCOMBKR.1 W. M, ORDER OP THE EASTERN STAR. Regular Meetings the First and Third Tues­ day evenings of each month, at Magonic Han > . • Mrs. BARBARA VAH SLYKE. W. M, F, L. McOMfexR. Secretary. . > • 1 KTOTT. M. M^DENRY LODGE NO; 77, K. O. T. M.~Reg- alar meotmgs second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month * at K. 0 T, M. Hall: ; GEO. HANLEYJICOM,. N. HEUMAN, R. K. - ; OE WOODSTOCK, ILL., * ] H O N . F . K . G R A N G E R , }•'; OF M'HENRY. . • . ADOLF FISCHER, Editor of this Fnmilwn fi-eimd, will also address the people in German. OFFICERS THE DAY. President, J. Van Slyke. Vice Presi­ dents, Dr. C. H. Fegers, McHenry; J. W. Cristy, Ringwood; Peter Rotherinel. Johnsburg; Andrew NeisE7Spring Grove; Albert Raught, Yolo; E. A. Golding, Wauconda; John Calmer, Nunda; JohD Relihan, Terra Cotta; E. F. Matthews, Barreville; James Conly, Cherry Valley: 0. Garrison, Greenwood. Chaplain, Rev. Jos. Caldwell. Mar­ shals, Geo. H. Hanly, Goo. Rothermel. Games of all kinds during the day, in­ cluding Sack and Wheelbarrow Races Egg Races, Foot Races, Bicycle Races, etc.. for liberal prizes. The McHenry Military Band and a fine Choir will furnish music. During the evening there will be a grand display of Fireworks. Grand Parade at 9 o'clock A. M., in which all organizations from home and abroad are invited to participate. Come out and help us observe the day we eel ebrate. PER ORDER COMMITTEE. The ladies'Jgoods at $1,49 are beauties and cannot be beaten tor style and finish; Unlversalist Church Directory. T. J. Walsh, ... .......President --F. L. Mctmwr... --.--tilerk- James B. Perry Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladies organ- feation.) , Mrs. Jas. B Perry X President Mrs. J. Van Slyke Secretary Rev. J. Straub, D. D Pastor «TThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Burnside Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7;30 p. M. 4 cordial invitation to alta In missss' and children's wear the trade pass right by our com­ petitors to come and get (the kind we sell.! Why? Because they know what they are get­ ting when they buy A pair oi shoes of us, and because we earry the largest stock at the lowest living prices. Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Joseph Caldwell, Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Sunrtav School, 11:45 A. M. Dr. A, E. Auringer,. Superintendent Junior League 3 p M„ Mi>8 Hetty Wentworihi Superintendent. Epworth League, 6:45 p, M, .Miss Alice Benneit, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate weei, Mrs. Isaac Wentworth, President. Our stock of ladies' aud misses' low shoes and slippers in black and tan colors is full of trade winners . We have the hose to match, too. Call at Slocum's Warehouse, near the depot and see the Columbian Steel Track and Porter Carries. Also full line of Forks, Pulleys, Ropes, etc. M. D. TAYLOR, Manager. WE offer w i t h our large line of clothiag a full and complete stock of fancy shuts, sunsner neckwear, tennis shirts, fine white shirts, men's good bal- briggan underwear , the new styles in linen collars and cutis. Six loaves of Bread tor 25 cents, at the Home Bakery of C. R. Huber. DON'T hie away to some out-of-town place on the Fourth. You will have more fun right at home. Do not fail to attend the Ice Cream Festiva^nd Eantem Drill, at the Park, on Thursday, to-morrow evening. /"" MRS. L. H. OWEN gave a Tea Party to a party of ber friends on Thursday after­ noon last. A pleasant time is reported. DR. ABT is prepared to test eyes ac­ curately. The spectacle lenses are ground to order in each case. DR. BAECHLER, Dentist, guarantees all his work. Office over Heaman Bros Jewelry Store. ANGEL food, layer cake, fruit cake, pound cake or any other kind of cake^ fresh and nice at Huber's Home Bakery. /AN additional attraction for our /Fourth of July celebration will be the / camp of Regulars, who are expected to I be here at that time. MARRIED.--At St. Mary's church, Elgin, June 24, 1895, by Rev. Father Lyons, | Miss Mary Knox, formerly of McHenry, I and Mr. W. M. Wall, of Elgin. MRS. E. M- OWEN is tearing down and rebuilding a portion of her residence. When completed it will greatly improve its appearance. NEW advertisements can be found in our paper to-day from John Evanson & Co., John J. Miller, T. J. Walsh and Theo. F. Swan. Read them. A LAW enacted by the State Legisla­ ture makes it unlawful for any barber shop in the State to keep open on Sun­ day after July 1, next. Do not forget the 4th of July Dance at the McHenry House. Smith's Orchestra will furnish the music and mine host Heimer will leave nothing undone to make it pleasant for all. THERE are six entries in the free-for-all race at Woodstock, to-morrow, June 27, with records of 2:17 or better, which will make this the best race ever seen in this part of the country. MANY of our girls can bravely mount a bicycle and ride or die, but let a mouse eiiter their room and there will also be mounting a chair in hot haste, but not 1 , quite so much bravery will be displayed. ALL kinds of Bakery Supplies at the new Cash Store of C. B. Murphy, in Pekovsky's block, one door south of the post office. ______ FOX LAKE PROPERTY FOR SALE. We offer the J. Iy. Milne Property, Opposite Nippersink Point, for Sale on very Reasonable Terms. Will sell all or divide into Lots. Inquire at Bank of McHenry. ' DON'T NEGLECT TO-DAY, But take home a small bottle (10 doses 10 cents of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsia for constipation and resulting troubles. None so pleasant to the' taste and effec­ tive in results. For sale by Julia A. Story. James Perdue, an old soldier residing at Monroe, Mich., was severely afflicted with rheumatism but received prompt re­ lief from pain by usiug Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says: "At times my back would a'che so badly that 1 could hardly raise up. If 1 had not gotten re­ lief 1 would not be here to write these few lines. Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done me a great deal of good and I feel very thankful for it." Sold by J. A. Story. 142 pairs of 40c suspendets at 25c per pair, a great bargain, Ladies' shirt waists in endless variety at a very moderate price. 5 doz. new and stylish wrappers made up to order especially tor our trade. All good patterns,^ The corset business is just booming,Rand we carry all sizes in 10 Jgood styles and several different makes. Waists to suit the forms of all inquirers. The 50c summer corset is a beauty and is worth more money. Don't Toba^oo Sgit or Smoke your Life A wy. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, " that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, majies weak men gain strength, vigor andmauhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. Kow about curtains and wall paper? You cannot afford to go without them when you can get them so cheap . W e are showing some nice Curtains , Kollsand all for 20 cents each. Others for a trifle more. Some new things in Carpets and Mattings. FOR SALE. The farm known aB the John Fitzsim- monsfarm, situated three miles north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing .'117% acres. This in one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county aud all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at h\) Ogden Avenue, Chicago. J OSEL'H FLTZSIMMONS, JAMES FITZSIMMONS. •iOuiG Administrators. Ivejj Syrup struck 95 cents per keg of 4 gallons and how it does go from us. v PERRY & OWEN. WE hear it rumored that the Regulars who are to camp here the first of July, are comiug as a guard to parties who will put in a first-class (fejji across Fox river. Also to accompany a party who will look up meandered land around the Lakes. We wonder! THE various Fourth of July commit-? tees are all actively at work "whooping up" the celebration. Of course there are some who are not very much enthused on this subject but it is altogether pro­ bable the celebration will be carried to a successful conclusion whether they as­ sist or not. A few croakers in a com­ munity are necessary. THE 1', P. C. U., connected with^&ite Universalist Church, will gjive/m/ Ice Cream Festival and Lantern Drill, in the Park, on Thursday evening of this week, the proceeds to be used toward repair­ ing the church. The Lantern Dri'l, which will be given by ten little, girls, is some thing uuique and is sure to please. The dfcill will take place about nine o'clock. Ice Cream, Cake and Lemonade will be served. Let all turn out and give the Y. P; C. T. a rousing benefit. &10UBY SPECIALTIES Delicious Coffees, Finest Teas, rteinz's Elegant Pickles, Fine Bananas. Oraftiges and Lemons. Dried Fruit/ and Canjned Goods, See those fine dress shirts, of the United Brand and Beloit makes at S. Stoffel's. I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf H. C. MEAD. Now is the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamber­ lain's Cho'lic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ edy as a safeguard against an attack of bowel complaint during the summer months.. It costs but 25 sents and it is almost sure to be needed beforfe the sum­ mer is over. This remedy never fails, even in the most severe cases, and is in fact the only preparation that can always be depended upon When re­ duced with water it is pleasant to take. For sale by J. A. Story. Perry & Owen, IN Yerm illion county the other day a cyclonic storm sucked five gallons of cream from,a crock in a milk house, churned it in midair and scattered the Jmtter over a five acre pasture. Next. F. K. GRANGER had the misfortune to lose a valuable filly a few days since. ID attempting to iun^p over a barbwire fence it had one leg and its shoulder broken and was killed to put it out of misery. » MARTIN PALMDS beat the record on /Saturday last in the horse-shoeing line. He put oh four shoes in six minutes and forty-five,, seconds. Seven minutes, we believe, is the shortest time on record. Martin takes the cake. A Denver business man is suspected of having beaten the record. The record is: "Liabilities, #3.500,000; assets, $250," And now the Chicago papers are green with envy, and say they don't be­ lieve it. / . -- - THE conference of high school superin­ tendents and principals, recently held at the University^»f-Winoi8 was largely at­ tended by prominent high school men from all parts of the state. The confer­ ence will be productive of mrijHflHn in t hat it will strengthen the ant relations existing betwej^^^Hugh schools and the University oi^^fHithe head of the school system of General Merchants MzHENRY. ILL. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, CBEAtyL MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Creaip of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Aim or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.

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