y . . ^ . .\ X FOR £ALE. The brl^k block known as the Pekovekj Block, opposite the Bank of jtfcHenry, ir. this village, is offered for sale. It con;( tfijns one large store room and two mains suitable for Dress. Maker or othei "business, in first story, and also fine liv- ing^rooras in second story. Is situated in 'center of village and is a first class lo cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on rea* onable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, WeBt McHenry. BABBIAN Bnos. have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. y:- * , FORfeALE^ Short Horn . Bulls for sale. Also, Ply mouth Rock Fowls, of both sexes. 25tf FRANK COLE, Spring Grove, 111. 1 ' A.: ' Money saved to the consumer by buy ing Clothing by sample of J. W. Cristy & Sbn. Goods' and prices guaranteed to please or no sale, ^CWOODrlt1 But our 1895 Cultivator is a full steel rider., with single and double pointed sliOvel spring teeth. Foot lifting steel gangs enable the operator to turn around without touching the levers, which have very fine notched ratchets, so shovels can be set to cultivate to a fraction of an ineh- Front end of shovel gangsman be moved together or apart, to suit the work. All parts are maleablc iron or steel, with steel or wood wheels as desiredy-and last but by no means least is its spring seat and name, " Wauconda." Both shoitld be seen and tried Coal, Shorts, ~ Middlings, Bran, Oil Meal, .We still have a few dozen of those knife sets left at the , /. Waiicoiida No. 12, ~ " to be appreciated ALBION SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR, Five machines in one. The only Cultivator that cuts all the ground close up to the hill, and is the representative tool , of lever cultivation;, : ^ V . '• Nunda, 111, Ground Feed. You have got to Use them, Of 25 Cents per Set; Each set comprises one Bread Knife, one Cake Knife, and one Kitchen Knife. We would like it very much to have all see pur • Albion No. 10^ or our W-auconda No. 12 in the field, as they both thor oughly unlock the fertil ity and leaves the ground in sueh nice condition to stand the drouth, which we are sure to have every summer. The cut shows you it leaves no open fur rows to wash away the best soil, worse yet, al low7 it to stand and slowly dry up, which causes the ground to look white, as it cakes up, and later on be ready to absorb the moisture that the crop needs so much at that time. Get my prices on quantities from a bag -full to a car load, be fore buying elsewhere. 7 THIS WEEK WE HAVE MANY PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. W. A. CRISTY, Will be at O. T. Daniel's Drug Store, Algon quin, every Wednesday, and at the office ol Dr. Anringer, West McHcnry, every Satur day, commencing Feb. 23, 1S95. Also at 4he office of Dr. Dawson. Wanconda, on Mondays and at the office of Dr. Rice. Richmond, every Office withDr, Warden, Nunda, 111, WE&l UcHENB Y, ILL. Call and see if you don't think so RTTWn' ̂ Next v,slt'-- 01)1110 Friday. July 12, WOODSTOCK) IL., The Supply is Limited CARMERC B WANTEDW to buy Farms in CENTRAL WISCONSIN. First come, first served LAND OF"* PROMISE DISPENSARY Drop us a card ;and WJ will meet you in the field . nd prove what we say to -A.110ion 3STo. lO. be facts. Also just received a new invoice of Surries and Top Carriages, which we will sell you for less money than any other dealer in McHenry or Lake Counties. UgHr3 Call and see. Yours for fuu, money and business. v Ringwood, 111 F, L. McOmber s West McHenry FARMERS STORE Gasoline Stove We are the agents for R. A. Wilson's Wrappers and Dresses, and have just received a large invoice; they are far superior to any other garment offered for sale in McHenry, Call and see how stylish, and what a perfect fit they are. Also have a full line JULIA A. STORY, Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a First-Olaas DEALEB IN Saloon and Restaurant AT LOWEST Dry Goods and Notions Where he will at all-times keep the bee brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. - PABST'S Milwaukee Lags; Beet At Wholesale and Retail . ||p| At theXJsual Low Prices, ]\f, D, Wells & Co. The name is enough to satisfy jou that we s e l l y o u t h e b e s t B o o t s a n d S h o e s i n t h e m a r k e t , a t p r i c e s O . K . PRICES Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al< ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quili. ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSFS WhOall and-see UB. Robert Sohiessle. ;• - CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Is in great demand. Come to headquarters for your wants. • GROCERIES are a necessity, and why not buy them "where you get the freshest and purest. We have them just to suit, FULL LIKB OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggist?' Sundries. FLOUR.- •Don't forget "Old Sleepy-Eye." Is making new friends every day. Will cost you no more than inferior Flour. It costs you nothing to try a sack. ins prescriptions ig«!rus,0sf.'!.',r * Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. ONE GIVES RELIEF. 'JULIA A. STORY One \Door West of Riverside Bouse, McHenry, 111 GEO, W. BESLEY Is the Leading Plaee s to get your HOUSEHOLD GOODS, And in order to stay will meet prices with any and all as the following will show: . . JEALEtt IN- Five Piece Parlor Suits, $19.79. No. 1 Wilton Couch, $8.89. A large Plush Rocker, $2.49. Single Lounges, in Tapestry i^S'Carpet, • V-;- -- $4.35. 1 I also have a full line of new Furniture of every description, Carpets, etc., and I will not be under- S O » d * f | S i f ' i • . . . . • • ' • Call and see ine before you buy.; I can and will save you money. . . . . l ^inJndertaking and Embalming promptly attended to. A good Hearse in connection. > . liOOB JtJSTPIlN. McHenry, 111., April, 1895. „ Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. BRADFORD SMITH, FOB MEDICAL USE Agents. $75 a week. Exclusive territory. The Rapid Dish Washer. Washes allthe dishes for a family in one minute. Washes, rinses and dries them without wetting the bands. You push the button, the machine does the rest. Bright, polished dishes, and cheerful wires.' No scalded . Oogera.noioiledhandior clothing. "No broken dishes,no muss. Cheap, durable, warranted. Circulars free, ff. P. HARRISON Si CO.. Clerk Ho. 12, Colujnbua, O* Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use When in need of anything in our line call, and convince yourself •*« RAPID KMttsmr . - / •-- -- -- --• -yr w ™ -- p / UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING. A specialty. Always carry a complete stock of Undertaking Goods l.. • ". Y ours for business, ®"The best brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. ' * „ . _ ds • • • • • • Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, . N. J. JUSTEN Dr. Price's Crearn Baking. Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. West MeHonry, Jan