Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jul 1895, p. 5

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PERSONAL R. WAITE spent Sunday with friends at Elgin. M HON. F. K. GRANGER attended to bus­ iness at the county seat Monday. E. CARPENTER, of Elgin, was on our streets on Saturday last." JAMI:s ROBBINS was visiting with friends in Richmond the first of the week. I. M. MALLORY, of the Nunda Herald, was on our streets on Saturday last. JACOB WENTWORTH, of Pingree Grove,\ was calling on friends here one day last week. P.S. MAYES, who has been at Pingree Grove the past month or two, is now at his home in this village, MRS. G. A. WALSH and daughter, of Elgin, were visiting with friends here the latter part of last week. ' . Miss BESSIE AND MASTER JAY GOING, of Chicago, are spending their vacation in this village. . . .. L JJA GILBERT and Walter- Evanson, of Waudonda, were on our streets on Sunday. ALE\CI SOME its; wife and children, of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. John Winkels thisweek. , , FRANK GRANNIH, of Chicago, is the. guest of R. Sherburne and family this week, •, »." ' TO:MORROW, as perhaps you are aware, wiH be the Fourth of July, and McHenry is to have one of those good old-fashion- ed celebrations. From what we hear, thousands of people from the near by and distant places will be here on that da)r^ Now when the show commences let e^pfebody--man, woman and child, rich a^a poor, get down to business and en­ joy themselves and do all they can to make the celebration a grand success. IF. the newspaper man would put [ one-half of the news of all classes, that he learns each week, into his paper, the the people of the town would rise up and proceed to mob the wretch, if he does not put in certain items one/half of the town, wiil call him a coward^and say he was bought; and if he does publish those same items the other half of the town will feue him for everything from libel to breach of promise. The country editor's life is a ggntinual round of pleasure. THE Lantern Drill and Festival, by the Y. P. C. U., in the Park on Thursday evening last, drew out a large crowd and was a highly enjoyable occasion. The drill was something new here and was executed in a manner that done credit to the little girls, engaged and also to those having it in cliarger Atthough the evening was cool tKb Ice Cream, Cake, and Lemonade was readily disposed of and netted something, over $30. It was an occasion long to be remembered with pleasure by those in attendance. MARRIED--At the Methodist Parson- sue, Lake Geneva, Wis., On Wednesday, .lune 26th, 189"), by Rev. J. J. Garvin, Chas. E. Lamp here and Miss Mary L, WeritWorth, both of McHenry. The above couple are well and favora­ bly known here, where they have resided almost their entire lives. The, groom iH the eldest son of the late E. Lamphere, and the bride the eldest daughter of Isaac Wentworth, and one of McHenry's accomplished and popular young ladies. Their host of friends in this and Lake counties tender their congratulations and hestwishes for a long, happy and prosperous life. AN Arkansas editor published the fol­ lowing salutatory in the first issue of his paper; "Our aim, to tell the truth though the heavens take a tumble; our paper, of the people,, for the people, to be paid for by the people; our religion, or­ thodox, with a firm belief in hell for de­ linquent subscribers; our motto, take all in sight and rustle for more; our policy, to love our friends and brimstone our euemies. If thine enemy smite thee on the cheek, smite him with haste and dex­ terity at the but of his most convenient ear. What we advocate: One country, one flag and one wife--at a time. Our object, to live in poinp and oriental splendor. OUR attention has just been called to a very tine picture, taken by McHenry's Photographer, L. E. Bennett, represent­ ing the family burial place of the Stocker family, in Woodland Cemetery, in this village. We do not exaggerate when we say it is one of the finest outdoor pictures we ever saw. Every part is brought out plain and distinct,^ the Monuments, Headstones, Trees and Shrubs standing forth so plain that one would almost think he could walk be­ hind them. Nothing we can say will half do it justice. It must be seen to be aopreciated. If any of our readers want tine photographs or views they can do no better than to call on Mr. Benuett, as he has no superior in the Northwest. LIST of letters remaining uncalled for in the P. 0. at McHenry, 111., on the 1st day of July, 1895. Mrs. Ammo Mauer, Fred 0. Williams. Robt. Nainsegern, ('has. Youle, Mat Hofer, .1. Cohan, Henry Wall, Wilson Collins. Please say advertised when calling for above letters. ALBERT SNOW, Post Master. Business Locals Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. For fine Clothing, Shirts and Hats go S. Stoffel's. At Perry & 0wen?s you can the best New York Full Cream Cheese, Buy your wall paper from Stoffel. Li,rge and strictly new stock, no job lota, 100 pairs of the famouB Duchess Pants just received at S. Stoffel's. Choice potatoes at Stoffel's. New stylish hats and caps at poor prices with S. Stofiel. Jelly is having a "walk out" with us at 34 cents per.' pail. \ 0 PERRY &, OWEN, See the new, fine Shoes, in black and tans, at S. Stoffel's. a, Headquarters for,the famous Worcester W. C. C. Corsets, in Colors and black, all sizes at S. Stofiel's. Come Friday and Saturday and get a pair of Shoes that will wear and have the style too, at under priceBi PERRY & OWEN. Beloit shirts, overalls, pants and jackets in all sizes, warranted not to rip at Stofiel's. • A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, ohly §2.25, at J. A. Story's, Can and examine. Fine henriettas, aerges-and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry & Owen's.' " • •; \ - - >. Enameled patent leather and tan shoes of the Fargo and Douglas makes at S. Stoffel's. * I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me KnoW md I can rent them. - H. C. MEAD. See those new, cool Drea^f^ttbrics at S. Stoffel's. ^ A choice line of Confectionery at the Borne Bakery of C. R. Huber. New carpets and oil cloth at Stoffel's. PAINT your buggy for six bits. Call at litisley's and he will fell you how to do it. FOR SALE. A Cottage and nearly a half acre ol and, near the village of MpMciwy* tor 8350. Inquire of PERRY & OWEN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1895. AT MCHENRY, ILL Railway Time Tab!©. Taking pffcct Sunday, May 2G, 1S>95, at six o'clock A. M. Trains will pass jlcllenry station as follows; , G'UNG 8QUTH. T» Lake Geneva Passenger...,.,... .-.7:18 A. M X Williams Bay Express T-- 8;33~^4 X Williams Bay Passenger....4;45PM X Williams Bay Passenger.....,... 6 :17 " S Williams Bay Paisenger.. ..... 7.00 " X Williams Bay Freignt^ ......4.45 '« GOING NORTH. X Williams Bay Freight 10.;30 A M S' I>ake 3eneva Passenger^ 5:18PM 8 Williams Bay Passenger....... 10:32 A M X L.nke Geneva Passenger ..* 6;51 P M X Williams Bay Express ' 4:45 " X Williams Bay Passeneer 2:52 •• X Williame Bay passenger 9;tS A M EXPLANATION. TV-- Daily. X--Daily except""Sunday. 6 Sundays only. .""".'v.. . B. BUSS,- Agent, McHenry, 111. Great Stampede At our store this week Thursday, Friday a ad Saturday for Fine Shoes. We are placing betore the public better Shoes than ever and the prices lower than ever. Our dealers say Shoes are worth 15 to 20 per cent more to­ day than when we bought our stock; but we are selling at lower prices. | «*v e have new dress Shoes at $1,75 per pair that we challenge the county to beat for theprice. , JULY -O-tbl, 1895 MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGB, No. 153 A. F. and A. M.-^- Segular Communications the second and fourth Monday s in each month; F. L. MCOMBI!K,!.W. At, ORATORS OP TUE DAY; Hon. CHARLES E,FULLER, OF I! EL VIDE RE, ILL. FRANK SPIT2ER, Esq., OP WOODSTOCK, ILL., , HON; F. K. GRANGER, OP MvilENHV.'- .. ADOLF FISCHER, Editor of the Fa niiJienfremiti, will also address the people in German. OFFICERS OP THE DAY. President, J. Van Slyke. Vice Presi­ dents, Dr. C. H. Fegers, McHenry; J. W. Criety, Ringwood; Peter Rotliermel, Johusburg; Andrew Neish, Spring Grove; Albert Raught, Yolo; E. A. Golding, Wauconda; John L'almer, Nunda; John Relihan, Terra Cotta; E. F. Matthews, Barreville; James Conly, Cherry Valley; 0. Garrison, Greenwood. Chaplain, Rev. Jos. Caldwell. Mar­ shals, Geo. II. Hanly, Geo. Rotliermel. The following will be the PROGRAMME : The procession will form on River street, near the Iron Bridge, at 9 A. M. aud headed by the McHenry Military Band proceed to the depot and meet the Orators of the Day. The procession will then T larch to the Park where the follow­ ing exercises will take place: 1--Music by the Band. 2--Prayer by the Chaplain. 3--Singing by the Choir. „ 4--Oration by Hon. Chas. E. Fuller, of Belvidere. " , 5--Music by the Band. G--Address by Frank Spitzer, Esq , of Woodstock. 7--Singing by the Choir. 8--Short speeches by Hon. F. K. Granger, Adolf Fischer and others. 9--Music by the Baud. Adjourn for dinner. At 1 i\ M. the people are requested to assemble on the West Side where the committee on games have arranged the following splendid programme: .1--Foot Race, 100 yards, purse $3, 2--Egg Race, puree $3.' 3--Running Broad Jump, purse $1.50. 4--Standing Broad Jump, purse §1.50 5--Fat Men's Race, purse $3. 6--Wheelbarrow Race, purse §3. 7--Tug of purse $3. Other spoj^TB will be interspersed, mak­ ing the nfrerriooii programmean exceed­ ingly fine one. During the evening there will be a Sjrand display of Fireworks. In the Grand Parade at 9 o'clock all organizations from home and abroad are invited to participate. Come out and help us observe the day we celebrate. PER ORDER COMMITTEE. ORDER OP THE EASTERN STAR. Regular Meetinsrs the First and Third Tues- Jtv evenings of each month, at MMsouic Hall MRS. BA*BAKA VAH 8I,YK%, W. M. F. h. MOO.MBSE, Secretary. K.O. T. M. MO0ENST T.ODGH No. 77, XC. O T, M.--Reg­ ular .meetings second and f.iurth Tuesday evenings of each inonfcli s at- K. O T," M. Ball. GEO. HINLEV.iCom, N. HEUMAST, R. If . ; The ladies^goods at $1.49 are beauties and ciimot be beaten for style aud finish, i SEE the card of Dr. 0. B. Howe of Woodstock, to be found on the first page of this paper. FINE Music will be furnished at the Pic­ nic Dance, on the-West Side July 4th, from 2:30 to 11 o'clock p. M. C. H. GRANGER is painting the out­ side of his residence in a handsome manner. JOHN WHITE has leased the Casper Wirfs building, and opened itoaTuesday as a Saloon and Boarding Hdnse. THE Seip Brewing Company have sent out another team to their agent here, Jos. Heimer, necessitated by their large wholesale trade. WHEN you anf attending the celebra­ tion remember the Bowery Dance, on the West Side. Free Concert at 2:30 P, M., and dancing until 11 o'clock in the evening. • f AT Ripon, Wis., any person caught smoking a cigarette in public is subject to a fine of $10. The license to sell the same is $500. A good law and should be put in force in every town in the nation. Universa ist Church Directory. T.J. Wa'sh, President F. L. McOraher. rlerk James B. Perry Treasurer The Willing Workers, (the ladie« organ­ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry President Mrs, J. Van 9lyke Secretary Rev. J. Straub, D, O. Pastor Of'The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Burnside Crossing, Preaohincr services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7;30 P. M. A cordial invitation to all. In missss' and children's wear ihe trade pass right by our cc m- petitors to come and get the kiud we sell. Why? Because they know what they are get­ ting when they buy a pair of shoes of us, and because we carry the largest stock at the lowest living prices. Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Joseph CaMwell, Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7;30 p. M. Sunda? School, ill :45 A.M. Dr. A, E. Auringer,.!.. .. ..Superintendent Junior League 3 P M,, Mi-s Hetty Wentworth, Superintendent. Epworth League, 6:45 p, M , Miss Alice Borrnett, President. - -- Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid Qofiety eaoh alternate week, Mrs. Isaac Wentworth, President. Onr stock of ladies' aud misses' ow shoes and flippers in black md tan colors i^i/full of trade winntrs. We have the hose to match, too. 4 Call at Slocum's Warehouse, near the depot and see the Columbian Steel Track tud Porter Carries. Also full line of Forks,^Pulleys, Ropes, etc. ^----- M. D. TAYLOK, Manager. W e offer with our large line >f clothing a full and complete stock ot fancy shirts, summer leckwear, tennis shirts, fine vhite shirts, men's good bal- briggan underwear, the pew styles in linen collars and cuffs. THE Nortlnvf stern has secured the con­ tract for 6,000 cars of fruit from Cali­ fornia, aud orders have been sent out that no more than fifteen cars shall be allowed for a train as time is the ess nee of the contract. • OUR Job Presses have been rushed to their utmost capacity the oast two weeks, and, this week we have not been able to give the paper that attention we otherwise would. If our readers notice any lack of local or other news they will know the cause. BEWARE of book agents, university ex­ tension agents, and in fact all kinds of agents that request you to sign your name to a list of any kind for the sake of influence. Every time you do it you put vour foot in it. If you don't believe it try it. , GRAND FREE CONCERTS And Bowery Dance at West McHenry. Chicago talent has been secured for two first class Free Concerts, from the Bowery Platform on the Parker House lot, West McHenry, Thursday, July 4th. The first concert will begin immediately after the rae^s, at 2:30 I\ M. -The second-eon* cert at 7:30 p. M. The West Side Brass Band will furuish music between the 'dances. A first class Orchestra has been secured for the dances. THE ROYAL ENTERTAINERS. 142 pairs of 40c suspenders at 25c per pair, a great bargain, Ladies' shirt waists in eiidless variety at a very moderate price. } dt'Z. new and stylish wrappers made up to order especially tor mr trade. All good patterns, * THE Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Chuich will meet at the parsonage Tues­ day afternoon, J uly 9. Ten cent tea will be served from five until -seven. ?Se Cream will be served 10 those wishing it at 10 cents per dish. All are invited. SECRETARY. The corset business is just booming, and we carry all sizes in 10 ^good styles and several litlerent makes. Waists to suit the forms of all inquirers. The 50c summer corset is a beauty md is worth more money. Special Bargains for July 4th at Evanson's. WE notice from a circular dated "Head­ quarters Department of Illinois, Grand Army of the Republic, July 1st, 1895," that L. E. Bennett, of McHenry Post No. 643, has been appointed Aide-de- Camp upon the Staff of the Department Commander. How about curtains and wall paper? You cannot aflord to go without them when you can get them so cheap. We are showing. j.ome nice Curtaius, .Rolls and all' tor 20 cents each. Others tor a trifle more. Some new things in Uarpets and Mattings. 5E0CESY SPECIALTIES, Delicious Coffees, Finest Teas^. rieinz's Elegant Pickles, Fine Bananas. Oranges and Lemons, Dried Fruits aud Canned Goods, Perry & Owen, General Merchants, McIlENH Y. ILL. Keg Syrup struck 95 cents per keg of 4 gallons and how it does go from us. PERRY & OWEN. See those fine dress shirts,_of the United Brand a,nd Beloit makes atS. Stoffel's. I ha ve calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of vears. lltf H.C. MEAD. PERRY & OWEN, Bankers. McHENRY, - - filLLIKOIS, This Bank iecetvet deposits, buy* md sells Foreign and Domestic ,*mx* 1 r :hange, and does a iianaral Banking Busine** r We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon te.'ms entirely satisfactory to our customers, and respectfully solicit the ^ public patronage. , .̂ || -MONEY TOLLOAI!; On Heal Estate and other first cla$4 - , J security. Special attention given to oo» lections, Iisr bUBANCE • ..... 1 In,First Class Comp'msi at ike Lowest Bxtes. Tours- speettully. • A OWKIi V. . J - VOTARY PUBLIC. • J§ Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, C DR.' CREAM

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