Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jul 1895, p. 5

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• \ '< • :L; ; t i 5 ed. Smith's Orchestra furnished the best PERRY & OWEN. KU2 4th mm ' WEDNESDAY, "JULT, 10, isf - fe' Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, May 2G, IS95, at Bix o'clock A." M. Trains will pass jicHenry station aa follows: ? O »IKG SOUTH. T> liakB Geneva Passenger... 7;W A M X Williams Bay Eit^reee ..8;33 " X Williams Bay Passenger ...4:45 FM X Williams Bay Passenger........ 6:i» » S vVilllams Bay Paasenger.7.00 " X. Williams Bay Freight 4.45 « \ GOING HORIH. " X Williams Bay Freight 1.10:30 A M 8 Lake 3eneva Passenger "... 6:18PM 81 Williams Bay Passenger 10:32 A M Lake Geneva Passenger ........ \3L p a u p X Williams Bay Express., X Williams Bay P;i8sen(rer 8;5i P M .. 4:45 " 2:52 -•» 9;48 AM X Williams Bay Passenger £ V§llp BXPtAKAtlOS. ^D--Daily. X--Daily except Sunday s Sundays only. B. BU8S, Agent, McHenry, III. MASONIC. MCHBSTRY LODGR, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second ancS fourth Mondays in each month. F. L. MCOMBEK.1 W. M. OUDER OF THE. EASTERN ST AR. Regular Meetings the First and Third Tues­ day. evenings of each month, at Masonic . * Hall "• ft;#! f- MRS. BARBARA VAN StYKs>W'. M. - F, L. MOOMBBR. Secretary. pP . - '•i • K. °. T. M^:-v:gV" • . MC9ENRY LODOB No. 77, K. O; T. M-~Iiegr .the guest of C War meetings second ,and fourth Tvifesday evenings of each month, at K. O T, M. Bali. GEO. HANL.EY,IOOIR, N. HE a MAN, R. Iv. . . • UnlversaiIst Church Oirectory. T. SLWalsh President ' F. L? McOmber ..i ...Olerk James B. Perry.. , .Treasurer The Willing Workers. (ttie ladles organ­ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry ....... ..> V President Mrs, J.: Van Slyke ... ...............Secretary Rev. J. Straub, D, D Pastor £ys.The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is i^urnside Crossing, preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7;30 P. M. A cordial Invit'vtion to all. Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Joseph Call well, ". ....Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. V< Sunday School, 11:45 A.M. Dr. A, E. Aurinjjer, Superintendent Junior League 3 p. M„ Mi -s Hetty Wentworih, Superintendent. Epworth i-e'ague, 6:45 p, M , Miss Alice Bennett, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. M. LadieB^ntl Society each alternate week, Mrs. Isaac Went worth, President. A. Cordial invitation is extended to all. SUN MON Tue WfcD THU FRI SAT 3 4 5 6 7 •a £ 10 11 12 13 H 13 16 17 18 19 20 m 24 25 26 27 28 31 28 31 / >'/ A BAND of Gypsie \ Bide of the bridge M V . 1':' ; • Gypsies camped on the east Monday. 1)R. BAECULER, pentist, guarantees all his work. Office over Heaman Bros " SKE"}- . . Jewelry Store. curately. ground to < f to test eyes ac- j.Bp6ctacler lenses are ler In each case. PERSONAL C. GRANGES, of Chicago, spent-.the with friends here. - , : ! „'IMIS8 %QG<E BLAKE, of Chicago, is ,'vji iting friends in this village this week. J. hJL&jOgins, of Woodstock, catrn wer on his wheel the 4th. \ CHAS. A. GOING and wife, of Chicago are visiting with friends here. Miss MAGGIE FHISBV,, of Chicago, was visiting her parents here the 4th. FRANK ROTHERJIEL, of Chicago, viei ed with his parent# here last week. Jos. SMITH, of Chicago, was viei tin here the first of the week. HENRY HEIMER and wife, of Chicago, spent a few days here last week. ( • ROBT. MURPHY, of Elgin, was on our streets a few days last week. . ... .. MIKE WIRTZ and sister^ of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends here. CHAS. HEBBES, of the Elgin Herald, spent the' 4th with friends in this village. C. F. THORNE and wife, of Woodstock, wer^^the guests of C. T. Eldredge and r over Sunday. BAD and wife, of Waukegan, were calling on friends here the latter part^pf last week.„ . . REV. FATHER FEGERS, of Sterling, was H. Fegers and wife, in this village, a few days last week. ^ BEN BONSLETT, of Chicago, was visit­ ing with his parents, in this village, the latter part of last week. JERRY SMITH and wife, of Gray's Lake, were calling on friends here one day last week. FRED T. COLBY and wife, of Englewood are visiting with thoir parents here this week. MRS. MAGOON, of Elgin, has been the guest of Rev. Caldwell and wife, at the M. E. Parsonage, the past week. ROLLA CHURCHILL, of Liberty ville,. was calling on friends here on Sunday and Monday. REV. H. B. LONG and wife, of Chicago, are the guests of G. W. Besley and family this week. MRS. A. H. HILL, of Chicago, is visit­ ing with her parents, H. E. Wightman and wife, in this village this week. G. A. CANFIELD wife and son, of Chi­ cago, are the guests of Mrs. L. Stoddard in this village. MRS. ENALD SCHNEIDER, of Chicago, visited with relatives and friends here last week. ^ HARRY WIGHTMAN took a couple of horses across the country to Chicago last week, returning Wednesday by rail. MISS CLARA WIGHTMAN started on Fri­ day last, for-Boston where she will spend a Bionth in company with other teach­ ers of the Chicago schools. NICK BUHR and wife, Frank Buhr, John Buhr, and Miss Mary Buhr, all of Chicago, were visiting friends here qver the Fourth. MRS. SEARL, of Elgin, wife of the for­ mer pastor of the M. E. church here, was the guest of Mrs. J. L. Howe the past week. * MRS. E. A. LAMPHERE has moved to Waueohda where she will reside in the future. C. E. Lamphere will occupy her residence in this village. Miss BELLE WRIGHT, of Woodstock, entertained a party of girl friends at the residence of her grandfather, 0. W. Owen, in this village on Saturday last. The party consisted of Misses Blanch and Alice Bunker, Jessie Jewett, Master Adelbert and Miss Belle Wright, with Mrs. A. S. Wright ELS Chaperon. They visited the camp of the Regulars and called on Misses Agnes and Bernice Perry. TBIB section was visited by a severe wind anci rain storm on- Sunday after­ noon last, ajrd although nco damage was done in this immediate vicinity other sections were not so fortunate. The rain was much needed and was welcomed by all. Thejdrought is now broken and a large crop of corn and potatoes is assur- ;his section. - THE Bowery, erected on the West Side, on the Fourth, attracted a good deal of attention and drew in a goodly number of shekels for its projectors. BY B. LONG, of Chicago, son- G. W. Besley, will rch Sunday, July All are cordially Hggpy" of the south- Esshas been the best There is also a record breaking d Mr m-law of preach in 14th, at 10 i. . ., IT IS said era part of the s |or several years good proapf apple " THE Indep^ideo at the River- a grand suc- and eightv-nine lance, and all re- me. ifi side cess. couples W' '^port^feife ustiflil 200 A COUNTRY correspondent writes to inquire "what.i« good for potato bugs?" As far as oup; experience feopp we have never found ab^thi^g better that pota­ toes for potato bugs. AT the McHenry House, on the evening of music and eve: most quiet and < nig passed off in the ahner. THE Savanna Journal thinks that , VGod wasted mud when he made men so and so little as those who will take a paper four or ir-e years and then re- ; q-usst the postmaster to return it mark­ ed "refused. iMl ED. BUTTON is the happiest man in two counties, and measures sixteen inches : to the foot. Cause, a fourteen pound boy arrived at his home on Friday last Mother and cfi}$"iire doing well and Ed r- f Now would be we places and Then' do th every can patrii bushel. • WE M saying th salooi build^j White & said buil White ai mistake o, i, f \ •• '--.2 r'l 1 \ Mk fourth is over it it vasaline on the sore ver tp do so again thing "next year' and as you live. Ameri- t«be kept hid under a istake last week in ,ite had Opened a t in the Wirf's have said that d a saloon in piew firm is John e made the ILFC'ST TBI THE ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Thursday af­ ternoon, July 11, at 2:30 o'clock- All members are requested to be present, as important business is to be transacted. MRS. A. E. AURINGER, President. , MRS. T. J. WAT.SH, Secretary. THERE are plenty of men who will grasp your hand, with a pleasant cor­ dial smile; there are plenty of men who will pass you by in the most indifferent style. You may be "cut" sometimes b.v those your boyhood days you knew, but a men will always treat you well when he wants a favor from you. THE Regular Troops arrived here oh Saturday morning and went into camp on the farm of A. L. Howe, jnst north of the corporation line. They remained until Tuesday morning, when they broke camp and continued on their way to Wisconsin, where they will go into camp •.for the summer. They were a fine look- i,ug lot of men J and although out for a holiday and npt under strict discipline, were well behaved and gentlemanly in every respect. They expect to remain here a day or two on their return trip in the fall. < „ • ; MARSHAL NEISEN captured a horse ief here on the morning of the 5th. It ppears he stole a team at Lake ZuHch, as tracked here by the owner, who fol- RVT N/% -I ;!--J 1 IXL OU UIUWY VLIOY LXX? TTLTLYVU UUU a few minutes behind him, and found hie team hitched in front of the McHenry House. Marshal Neisen found him on the inside in the act of refreshing him­ self with a glafes of beer. Officer Riley, of iWauconda, came over in the afternoon jand took him back to Lake county, where he will be given a chance to ex- ain his c IF a fly drops in a glass of beer, one who has made a study of national char­ acteristics can easily tell the drinker's nationality by his action. A Spaniard pays for the beer, leaves it on the table, and goes away without saying a word. A Frenchman will do the same except that he swears while he goes. An Englishman spills the beer and orders another glass. A German earefully fishes out the fly and finishes drinking his beer, as if nothing had happened. A Russian drinks the beer with the fly. A Chinamen fishes out the fly, swallows it, and then throws away the beer -FliegendeBloetter. THE law says a Bicyclist is entitled to half of the road, but the way some of them act one would think they were en­ titled to all of the road and a forty acre lot adjacent. ON Sunday last, while Frank Thurlwell was driving on ^he Johnsburgh road, north of this village, he was deliberately run into by a bicycle rider, which so frightened his horse that he ran away, threw him out and badly demoralized his buggy. If a few of theRe smart individuals, who ride bicycles and smoke cigarettes, were taught a lesson, they might learn that horsemen still have a few fights which they are in de­ cency bound to respect. WE learn from Mr. Heck, of Richmond, who is handling John Heimer's fast young trotting stallion, "Centerville," that he is coming to the front this season in fine shape. He has only been in training a few weeks, but one day last week he trotted the extreme outside of the Richmond track, under a pull, easily in 2:28. And he can beat this any day when called upon to do so. There is one thing remarkable about this colt, in the two years he has been in Mr. Heck's hands he has never started in a race but what he has go,t a piece of the money. He is certainly a very promising young horse and-will be heard from before the season isjrver. Asa trainer and driver Mr. Hecl^as no superior in this part of the state. IT is rather suggestive that the Harvey Tribune, organ of the so-called lemper- ance town by that name, should keep running a large, "ad" of a patent key­ hole illuminator. This would seem to show that there is quite a demand for it, but why people in a temperance town can't find the keyhole without help is a matter for wonder. THERE is quite a lot of noxious weeds growing in various, parts of our village which should be gotten rid of in some way and improve the sightliness of our streets, if for no ot^^^jonu Citizens shohld co-operafe'with whoevertlu) vil­ lage board may appoint and see %hat none such weeds go to seed on their premises. Such weeds as burdock/wild lettuce, etc.", should be especially/looked after and killed out if possible^/ IT issaid that somesumojer hotels will employ "social lubricators^ during the present season. A "social fabricator, ^it seems, is a woman who, in return for her board and lodging, binds herself to amuse the guests. It is doubtful, how­ ever, if the scheme will work. A nice pre- sentable man would be much more apt to amuse the women while, on the other other hand if the "social lubricator" tries to amuse the men she will very quickly hear from the wiveC * Hoftftl Park. .MRS. C. N. CULVER has opened a new Hotel, under the above name, n Wem; McHenry, where she is prepared accommodate the public in the best of manner, either by the day or week. A share of public patronage solicited. Terms Reasonable. ~ . Mixed paints, paints and oil, carriage paints, brushes, etc., cheap, at Besley'a, on the west side. WORK on the Universalist church will begin at once. The fixtures and old seats will be removed this week to make room for the workmen. The improve­ ments contemplated include replastering, remodeling the interior and finishing throughout in oak, and the reseating with fine modern pews. This will re­ quire till about the first of September, (furing"'Which time services of all kinds are "necessarily suspended. However the P. C. U. and Willing Workers Will be busy with social and financial undertak­ ings. Mr. Straub will spend his vacation at his home in the city, in library and literary work, with Occasional trips out to see how work is progressing. He has made some reputation as a writer of books. In 1884 he brought out a large book entitled "The Consolation of Science," an argument for immortality from the standpoint of nature, which received the warm endorsement of Presi­ dent Porter, of Yale College and like celebrities in this country and in England, and iu recognition of which Tuft's College, Boston, conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. In 1888 he brought out his work "Prophecy and Prophets," in recognition of which in 1890, Lombard University conferred on him the degree of Boctor of Divinity. In this institution he has for some years held the position of non-resident Lec­ turer. He will be in easy telegraph reach all the time, and can be out on most any train when wanted. The PLAINDEALER, under the head of church directory, has his address. Who is Going: to Louisville P MCHENRY, July 8, 1895. To all old soldiers and any others who wish to go to Louisville to attend "the National Encampment. Having attended several encampments and learned by experience that it is much pleasanter and better accommodations can be had by uniting the parties going o^er the same route at the same time, we have thought it advisable- to7 ascertain about how many will go from our county and go in company. To that end I Would splicit correspondence from any who feel interested, and any sugges­ tions in. regard to the matter will be gladly received. * Let's have McHenry county well rep­ resented. Address. - *r H. C. MEAD. West McHenry, 111.- Dr. Price's €%am Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. fruit cake, 1THE SOtJETH IN McHENRY., Rie Cejbbraticm in McHenry on the Fourth was a grand success in every per- ular. Early in the morning the people began to arrive from the surrounding country, and s by ten o'clock between |ur and five thousand people were oh bur streets, and still they kept coming. ^Pilfjre. was but^oije disappointment during the day. iSn account of sickness Senator Fuller was unable to fill his en- gagemeift. As this was m)t known until after the exercises at the, stand were over, the cause at that time was unex- plainable. That many were disappoint­ ed in not hearing him goes without say­ ing, as few men in public life have truer and warmer friends than Hon. Charles E. Fuller has in McHenry and Lake counties. The oration of Frank Spitzer, Esq., of Woodstock, was pronounced by all to be one of the finest ever listened to. It was patriotic, eloquent, logical, and did not deal with the dead past but the live issues of the day, and in so clear and forcible a manner that all could under­ stand and appreciate. Every word that droppedirom his iips was listened to with the closest attention by the large crowd present,-and it was the universal verdict that in Mr. Spitzer McHenry county has a rising young orator of Whom she may justly feel proud. Adolf Fischer, editor of the Familien- frenad, was the next speaker, who spoke in German, and,, it was pronounced by those who could understand him, as being both eloquent and patriotic. In the afternoon came the amusement part of the programme, which was car­ ried out on the West Side, to the entire satisfaction of all. The fireworks in the evening were un­ doubtedly the best ever seen in this vil­ lage, and proves that no mistake was made in the selection of the committee for that part of the programme. The McHenry Military Band furnished excellent music for the day and evening, and the singing by the little girls at the stand was a new feature but was done in a manner that gave the greatest of satisfaction to all who listened. It was simply fine. In short the programme throughout was carried out in an unexceptionable manner, and as yet we have not heard a word of fault from any one. For this the excellent committee of arrangements and their sub-committees should receive the thanks of our citizens. The Fourth of July Celebration in Mc­ Henry for 1895 will long be remembered with pleasure by all who participated. ONE of the plainest signs of advance­ ment in the business world is the increas­ ed attention which farmers are paying to the details of commercial affairs. The good old days when Ithfe farmer would write his letter on a piece of wrapping paper, wad it up and put it into an en­ velop, have passed. The farmer now does more or less business by mail and he wants neat note heads to write on and he wants his return address printed on his envelope. He knows that business men are more favorably impressed with neat stationary than they are with old wrapping paper, and he "receives many favors thereby which would otherwise be refused. To those who have not yet secured stationary, we desire to add that the PLAINDEALER is prepared to furnish the same so that the cost will be no more to our farmer friends than blank paper and envelopes cost when bought in small quantities. Come in and see samples of work and you will be sure to leave your ordfr for a supply. ' ^ y Fine Pictures Given Away. E. Lawlus, of this village, has made arrangements with one 6f the largest Portrait Houses in the country, whereby he can furnish his customers with a fine Water Color Tint Portrait absolutely Free. His conditions are that you trade with him to the amount of $10 when he will present you with a portrait of your­ self or any member of your family and guarantee the likeness to be perfect. He will also furnish you a frame for the picture at actual wholesale price, rang­ ing at the low price of $2.50, $2.75 and $2.85 each. Call on Mr. Lawlus, see samples of these pictures and learn fur­ ther particulars. Look out for his new advertisement next week. The Surest Way to Make Money. Is to buy land in the natural or unculti vated state, improve it and get the ben­ efit of the increase in price, That chance is offered by The C. S. Graves Land Com pany, R 11, 56 Fifth Ave., Chicago. (See advertisement in this paper.) RACES AT JANES VILLE. ' For the above occasion the North Western Line will, from July 15 to 20. inclusive, sell excursion tickets to Janes- ville, Wis., and return at low rates. For tickets and full information apply to the Agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 1-2 w Proceedings of the Board, df Trustees- COUNCIL ROOM, July 1,1895. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full board. „ Minutes of last meeting read and ap­ proved. J The following bills were presented and ordered paid. John SimOn, bill ,....$ 1 00 J. Van Slyke,.printin.g.. '4 50 B, Gilbert, bill...... 3 00 John Walsh, police service.;.... 40 25 M. Neisen, " " ' 40 00 J. Swedish, labof. 2 50 W. Schreiner, st. com 31 50 C. B'. Murphy, bill.... 75 P. Thalen, mowing...... 5 00 Wrilbur Lumber Co., bill. 316 13 L. Newman, special police... 3 00 J. Fair, mowing..... 10-50 W. D. Wentworth, sprinkling 94 56 Geo. Myers, street labor 3 00 J. ilerbes, gravel 1 20 C. Lamphere, bill 1 00 M. Engien, bill 2 66 W. Bapon, bill 7 20 The following appropriation ordinance was passed unanimously: Be it Ordainod by the Board of Trustees of the Mags of McHenry, III. Than there shall be and is hereby ap­ propriated out of the, funils of SBjid vil­ lage auu from any iiiOney that may be in the village treasury the followingsums of money and for the purposes herein Specified : ! . , ; - > Streets, alleys and bridges........$2500 00 Fire Bep^ttment../;...500 00 Public Park 350 00 Mis. f nd Con. Ex., Sal. etc---.... 1950 Q0 On motion by Neisen, J. Dermont and L. Newman were appointed special police for the night of July 4. The finance committee were granted until next regular meeting of the board to make their report. By a motion of Trustee Howard the street sprinkling is to be continued another month by W. D. Wentworth. On motion by Howard the Celebration Committee were given the privilege of collecting all street permits on July 4th, to be used for celebration purposes. On motion by Howard seconded by Granger, a dram shop license was grant­ ed to White & Wirfs, upon they-present­ ing the proper bonds and depositing with the Bank of McHenry $250,in favor QJ[ the village treasurer. On motion board adjourned to next regular meeting. •IOHN I. STORY, President. F. L. MCOMBER, Clerk. BOARD OF HEALTH. NOTICE TO THE 1'UBLIC. Notice is hereby given to all persons within the corporate limits to at onct examine their out-buildings, hog-pe^ stables, water-closets, etc., and to re move all offal, manure piles and gener­ ally renovate their premises, and by the use of disinfectants, which can be obtain­ ed at either of the drug stores,effectually guard thqhealth of our citizens. The BoMd will, in a few days, make a tour of the village and the hope to find that these suggestions have been complied with, that they may be saved the disagreeable duty of enforcing the law. The Board will consider it a favor if persons knowing of any nuisance within the Corporation limits will report the same to any member of the Board when it will be attended to at once. 1. [I)R. O. J. HOWARD, ANTON WEBER, R. WAITE. McHenry, 111., June 10, 1895. ANGEL food, layer cake, pound cake or any other kind of cakf, resh and nice at Hijper's Home Bakery. Baces at Fxeeport. On account of the Summer Race Meet­ ing to be held at Freeport, July 22 to 27 the Northwestern Line will sell excursion tickets at half rates--one fare for the round trip.Tickets on sale July 22 to 27 inclusive, good for return passage on or before July 29, 1895. Iw3 Half Bates ta'Baltimore, Md. On account of the International Con­ vention Baptist Young People's Union, the Northwestern Line will, on July 15 and 16, sell excursion tickets to Balti­ more, Md., and return at rate of one fare for the round trip, tickets good for re­ turn passageuntil Aug. 8, 1895, inclu­ sive. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwest­ ern R'y, 3w2 Desplaines Gamp Meeting:. The Northwestern Line will, from July 17 to 30, sell excursion tickets to Des- pla,ine« at low rates. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. Iw2 Lake Bluff CampiMeetinarS. V y • • ' *1 ' The Northwestern Line will,, from Jim# 29 to September 1, sell excursion tickets to Lake Bluff and return at reduced rates. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwest­ ern R'y. Iw2 Six loaves of Bread tor 25 cents, at the Home Bakery of C. R, Huber. • : ; ' • . , . : v' Mrs. Rhodie Noah, of this place, was taken in the night with cramping pains and the next day diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of" blackberry cordial but got no relief. She thenjsent to me to see if I had anything that would help her I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the first dose relieved her. Another of our neighbors had been sick about a week and had tried different remedies for diar­ rhoea but kept getting worse. I sent him this same remedy. Only four doses were required to cure him. He says he owes bis recovery to this wonderful rem­ edy.--Mrs. Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich. For sale by J. A. Story. - •„ - It's Free! , Do not fail to send for a free sampe copy of the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance; pure western stories, mining news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. The Golden West Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made by judicious in­ vestments in gold mining Btock^. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado. Time Extended, I will extend the tune for making Cabi­ net Photographs at $£ per dozen 30 days longer, or until May 1st. Now is the time to get your picture taken. Sat­ isfaction guaranteed. Call at once. L. E. BENNETT. McHenry, March 20, 1895. FOR Furnish by the in Reason abl McHenry. TAKA BAY. it;v> Boa+s, &c., season. Term® It the Bank of THE BEAUTIFUL B0CKIES. They Contain the Grandest Scenery and the Richest Sold Mines in the World? For unknown wealth in fabulously rich mines of gold and silver and sparkling precious gem stones, not to mention the lovely"scenery, our own Rocky Moun­ tains excel any region on earth. The Illustrated Weekly, of Denver, Colorado, (founded 1890) illustrates the choicest scenery each week and tell all about the wonderful west. Also true stories of love and adventure. This big family paper, containing eight large pages, fifty-six columns, will be sent on trial three months (thirteen weeks) for only ten two cent stamps; club of six for a dollar bill. Handsome gold rings set with beautiful Rocky mountain gems are given frtfe as premiums. Address as above and men- : 1 tion the PLAINDEALER when you write, - ' ' . ' DECORATE. •/#;• Julia A. Story has just received a la assortment of* Chinese and J a pane Lanterns. All who wish to decorate their homes and lawns on the TSi " should call and see them. •, «T"r' Wf$ Business Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. For fine Clqthing, ShirtB and Hats go S. Stoffel's. I At Perry & Owen's yon can get the best New York Full Cream Cheese. Buy your wall*paper from Stoffel. Large and strictly new stock, no job lots. 100 pairs of the famous Duchess Paijts just received at S. Stoffel's. » - * Choice potatoes at Stofferpu- New.-stylish hats and caps at poor prices with &. Stofiel. Jelly is having a "walk out" with us at 34 cents per pail. • ' PERRY & OWEN, See the new, fine yhoes, in black and tails, at S. Stoffel's. ' Headquarters for the famous Worcester W. C. C. Corsets, in Colors and black, all sizes at S. Stbfiel's. Come Friday and Saturday and get a pair of Shoes that will wear and have the style too, at under prices. ' : V \ ' P E R R Y & O W E N . Beloit shirts, , overalls, pants and jackets in all sizes, warranted not to rip at Stofiel's. : • ; • ' A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can.and examine. Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black and latest shades, at Perry & Owen's. • . Enameled patent leather and tan shoes of the Fargo and Douglas makes at S. Stoffel's. • I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. H. C. MEAD. See thos.e new, cool Dress Fabrics at S. Stoffel's. A choice line of Confectionery at the Home Bakery of C. R. Huber. New carpets and oil cloth at Stoffel's. PAINT your buggy for six bits. Call at Besley's and he w ill tell you how to do it. FOR SALE. « A Cottage'and nearly a half acre oi land, near the village of McHenry, for $350. Inquire of PERRY & OWEN. Call at Slocum's Warehouse, near the depot and see the Columbian Steel Track and Porter Carries. Also full line of Forks, Pulleys, Ropes, etc. M. I). TAYLOR, Manager. ALL kinds of Bakery Supplies at the new Cash Store of C. ,B. Murphy, iD Pekovsky's block, one door south of the post office. ~ FOX LAKE PROPERTY FOR SALE. We offer the J. K, Milne Property, Opposite Nippersink Point, for Sale on very Reasonable Terms. Will sell all or divide into Lots, inquire at Bank of McHenry. VERY TROUBLESOME. Laxative "teas" are a bother. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin is more convenient pleasant to take and more effective. Try a ten cent bottle, large sizes 50c and $1. Make your' boy happy by going to J.A.Story's and purchasing some of those large Fire Crackers, guns and caps, etc., that so rejoice the boy's heart. Loans Negotiated. Do you want money? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. In the vicinity, of Boquet, Westmore laud Co., Pa., almost anyone can tell you how to cure a ' lame back or stiff next. They dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on the affected parts and in one or two days the trouble has disappeared. This same treatment will promptly cure a pain in the side or chest. E. M. Frye, a prominent merchant of Boquet, speaks very highly of Pain Balm, and his rec­ ommendations have had much to do with making it popular there. For sale by J. A. Story. Don't Toba co Spit or Smoke your Life Away The truthful startling title of a book about No^to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed "tobacco-habit cure, that braces up ni^'otipized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigtu- and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by J uli^i A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. BoolMtee. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. FOR SALE. The farm known as the John Fitzsim- mons farm, situated three miles north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This i,s one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at the farmr or at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, JAMES FITZSIMMONS. 49 Administrators. Keg 4 gallons See those fine dress shirts, of the United Brand and Beloit makes atS. Stoffel's. I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years, lltf H. C. MEAD. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, / ' • ' i - M D I t i&M : | CREAM | BANN< DELICATE OF FLAVOR. 5 Refined £nd, perfect in its effects is'Cald- well's Syriip Pepsin, the sure cure for constipation, indigestion and sick head-. a sample bottle (10 doses 10 PERFECT pure Grape Cream'of Tartar "mmonia, Alum or afty otl 40 YEARS THE STA Great Stampede At our store this week Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Fine £>hoes. We are placing betore the public better Shoes than ever and the prices lower than ever . Our dealers say Shoes are worth 15 to 20 per cent more to­ day than when we bought our stock; but we are sc lling at lower prices, fj ^ e have new dress Shoes at $1,75 per pair that we challenge the county to beat for theprice. ' , • The ladies'J°gooda at $1.49 are beauties and cannot be beaten tor style and finish, v l; ? In rnissss' and children's wear the trade pass right by our cc m- petitors to come and get the kind we sell. ^Why? Because they know what they are get­ ting when they buy nr pair of shoes-of us, and because we carry the largest stock at the lowest living prices. _ < Our stock of ladies' and misses' iow shoes and elijapers in black ansl tan colors is lull of trade winners. We have the hose to match, too. We offer with our large line of clothing a full and complete stock ot fancy shirts, summer neckwear, tennis shirts, fine white shirts, men's good bal- briggan underwear, the new styles in linen collars and cuffs. 142 pairs of 40c suspenders at 25c per pair, a great bargain; : Ladies' shirt waists in endless variety at a very moderate price. 5 doz. new and stylish wrappers made up to order especiallyfetor our trade. All good patterns. ^The corset business is just booming, and we carry all sizes in 10 "good styles and several ditlerent makes. Waists to suit the forms of all inquirers. The 50c summer corset is a beauty and is worth more money. How about curtains and wall paper? You cannot afford to go without them when you can get them so cheap. We are showing some nice Curtains, Rolls and all for 20 cents each. Others tor a tritie more. Some new things in Carpets and Mattings. BBOCZBT SPECIALTIES. Delicious Coffees, Finest Teas, tieinz's Elegant Pickles, Ffte Bananas, Oranges and Lemons, Dried Fruits and Canned Goods, Perry & Owen, General Merch MiHENR Yt ILL, PERRY & OWE*. Bankers. McHENRY, • - IILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic ohangetanddQ9sa Saneral Banking Business We endeavor to do ail business trusted to our core in a manner upon terms entirely satisfactory^™** customers and respectfully public patronage. MONEY TV On Real. given & security, lections, vt.yht JFirst ( t Rates

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