Business Locals. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24. 3.805. Railway Time Table. r Taking effect Sunday,- May -26, 1836. at six o'fcioc,* A. M. Train a will, pass jlcUenry station as lollows; GOING SOUTH. t> Lake Geneva Passenger. ....7:18 AM X Williams Bay,,JOxpreeB ..--8;33 •' X William* Bay Passenger ...4;«5 P M X Williams Bay Passenger........ 6:17 •• , S Williams Bay Pa«ieager; 7:0t>- " i. X Williams Bay Freignt... 4.45 «• GOING NORTH. X Williams Bay Freight. 10.30 A M S Lake Seneva Passeoger ....-- 5:18 P M Hi Willi»m9 Bay Passenger.. 10-32 A M X Lake Geneva Passenger ........ 6;5l P M XfcWilliams Bay Express 4:45 " X Williams Bay Passenger 2:52 •' X Williams Bay Pa66ecger.... 9;1B AM EXPLANATION. D--Daily. • " . . / i X--Daily exoegt Sunday® 8 SundaysOniy. jmjgk B. BUSS,- Agent-, MeHenry, III. Great Stampede At our store this week Thursday, Friday and Saturday for Fine Shoes. We are placing before the public better Shoes than ever and the prices lower than ever. Our dealers say Shoes are worth 15 to 20 per cent more to day than when we bought our stock;, but we are selling at lower prices, w e have new dress Shoes at $1,75 per pair that we challenge the county to beat for th'eprice. MASONIC. ; Mo HENRY LQDGR, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Oomtnttpications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. F. L. MCOMBKR.1W. M. 1 ORDBR.OF THE EASTERN STAR. Regular Meetines.the First and Third Tues- evenings ol each month,, at Masonic Hall ' v m • ; MRS. IUKBARA VAN Sxa'XE. W. M. •Fi. LV MOOMBSR. Secretary. • ; V • ; ' K . O . T . M . . M-CSENRY Loboa No. 77, K. O T. M.~Reg ular- meetings second and fmrth T.ueailav evenings of each month, at K. O T, M.Hall, i- *.* *"• •« : .GEO.IIANLEY. Com, ' N. JlEUSIAN, It. K.. • " ' The ladies"goods at $1.49 are beauties and cannot be beaten, tor style and finish, Universai ist Church Directory. T.J. Walsh, President F. L. McOmber... .Ulerk James B. Perry. Treasurer The Willing Workers, (the ladies organ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry President Mrs, J. Van Slyke ..Secretary Rev. J. Straub, D, D. Pastor ^"The'Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address la Burnsi !e Crossing, Preaching services at .10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 P.m. A cordial invit ition to all. In missss' and children's, wear the trade pass right by oufc'com petitors to come and get the kind we sell. Why?' Because they know what they are get ting when they buy a pair of shoes of us, and because we carry the largest stock at the lowest living prices. Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Joseph Catdwell Pastor Preaching Sunday,«10:30 A. M. and 7 :30 p. M. Sunda • School, 11:45 A. M. Dr. A, E. Am ringer, Superintendent Junior League 3 p. M„ Mi-8 Hetty Wentwonli, Superintendent. Epwortb League, 6:45 p, M , Miss Alice Bennett, President. --Prayer Meeting; Wednesday, :7:30 r M. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate week, Mrs. Isaac Wentworth, President, •KS*A Cordial invitation is extended to all. Our stock of ladies' and misses' ow shoes and slippers in black ind tan; colors is iull of trade winners. We have the hose to match, [too. Monona Lake Assembly. On account of the above meeting the .Northwestern Line will, from J uly 22 to August 2, sell excursion tickets to Madi son and return at greatly reduced rates, good for return until August 3, 1895, in clusive. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern Railway. 2w2 Call at Slocum's Warehouse, near the depot and see the Columbian Steel Track and Porter Carries. Also full line of Forks, Pulleys, Ropes, etc. M. D. TAYLOR, Manager. e FOX LAKE PROPERTY FOR SALE. We offer the J. Iv. Milne Property, Opposite Nippersink Point, for Sale on very Reasonable Terms. Will sell all or di-vide into Lots. Inquire at Bank of MeHenry. VERY TROUBLESOME. Laxative "teas" are a bother. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is more convenient pleasant, to take and more effective. Try a ten cent bottle, large sizes 50c and $1. Make your bo,V happy by going to J. A. Story's and purchasing some of those large Fire Crackers,-guns and caps, etc., that so rejoice the boy's heart. We offer with our large line of clothing a full and complete stock ot fancy shirts, summer oeckwear, tennis shirts, line white shirts, men's good bal- hriggan underwear, the new styles in linen collars and cuffs'. Lake BluftiCamplMeetingrs. The Northwestern Line will, from June 29 to September 1, sell excursion tifekets to Lake Bluff and return at reduced rates. For tickets and full information,to agents Chicago & Northwest ern R'y. Iw2 Home First. There is a patriotism for one's home city as well as one's country. Those tuft hunting members of the "400" who spend their fortunes abroad in toadying to people with handles to their names, and hold in contempt the country and people where, and among whom they ac cumulated their fortunes, are not good Americans. They are not interested in the progress and development of their country, except as it effects their incomes. So with the citizens of a town. If the money made at-home is spent at home it makes it easier all around. The mer chant has a better trade; he can afford to keep a better stock, and pay a better rent. He wants a better store, ancj^t pays to erect better business block!, antF the entire town is favorably affected. The good citizen is the one who turns over his money in his own town and helps to keep things moving. It Js this spirit that makes a town grow. New ideas in straw and fur hats and cloth capes at S. Stoffel's. Best assortment, newest styles and cheapest Shoes for men, women and children at J. W. Cristy & Son's. 142 pairs of 40c suspenders at 25c per pair, a great bargain, * Loans Negotiated. Do you want money ? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl Ii. C. MEAD, West MeHenry. I a the vicinity of Boquet, Westmore lai>d"Co.rPa?ir'tttm<>8t" ,^a;tiyone can- tell you how to cure; a lame back or stiff next. They dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on the affected parts and in one or two days the trouble has disappeared. This same treatment will promptly cure a pain in the side or chest. E. M. Frye, a prominent merchant of Boquet, speaks very highly of Pain Balm, and his rec ommendations have had much to do, with making it popular there. For sale by J. A. Story. Don't Tobaeco Spit or Smoke your Life Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, that braces up nicotiuized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story under a guarantee/to cure or money refunded. Book free.' Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. J. A. Story has just purchased a full assortment in all lines of goods kept by her, and she solicits a call and examine before purchasing.. You will find a full line of stationery, all artist's materials, paints, oils and varnishes, booksf prayer books, a new assortment baskets, work boxes, and many other fancy articles. Choice Cabinet Frames 20 cents; pin trays 5 cents each. A new line just re ceived. Call and see. FOR SALE. The farm known as the John Fitzsim- mons farm, situated three miles north east of Nunda and six miles south of MeHenry, containing 317% acres. This is one of the best stock farms in MeHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvements are first class. ' Is in a good state of cul tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at 69 Ogdenvivenue, Chicago. JOSEPH--FFTZSI-MMOKS,- JAMES FITZSIMMONS. 49m6 Administrators.™ If you want a new Harness, single or double, call on Gus Carlson, He is sure to please you both in quality and price. Six loaves of Bread for 25 cents, at the Home Bakery of C. R. Huber. Ladies' shirt waists in endless variety at a very moderate price. 5 dcz new and stylish wrappers made up to order especially lor our trade. All good patterns,* SlSort 'fljftfn MmTJjjP'fot- sale. Also, Ply mouth Rock Fowls^of both sexes. 25tf FRANK COLE, Spring Grove, 111 dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Mixed paints, paints uncoil, carriage paints, brushes, etc., cheapT^M Besley's, on the west Bide. » W. D. WENTWORTH had a horse quite 'v severely cut with barb wire last week. ~Do not fail to see the Sunbonnet Drill, in the Park, on Thursday evening of next week, Aug. 1st. DR. BAECHLER, Dentist, guarantees all his work. Office over Heaman Bros. Jewelry Store. Go to the Park on Thursday evening of next week for Ice Cream and Cake, and see the Sunbonnet Drill at the same time. DR. A HT is prepared to test eyes ac curately. The spectacle lenses are ground to order in each case. A'steam merry-go-rouud is located on the Owen lot, just south of Carlson's harness shop, and the boys and girls are happy. WE learn that'Peter Freund has sold his residence in this village. We have not learned the name of the purchaser nor the consideration. Base IJall. Following is the official schedule of games still to be played by the MeHenry county base-ball league: ' July 29--Marengo at Hebron. July 29--Woodstock at Nunda. July 30--Harvard at Algonquin. Aug. 6--Algonquin at Nunda. Aug; (j--Marengo at Harvard. Aug.' 7--Hebron at Woodstoek. Aug 12--Nunda at Hebron. Aug. 12---Algonquin at Marengo. Aug. 13--Woodstock at Harvard. Aug 20--Woodstock at Algonquin. Aug.20--Harvard at Hebron. Aug. 21--Marengo at Nunda. Aug 2(>--Harvard at Marengo. Aug 27--Algonquin at Harvard. Aug 28--Nunda at Woodstock. Sept. 2--Harvard at Nunda. Sept. 3--Hebron at Algonquin. Sept. 3--Marengo at Woodstock. The corset business is just booming, and we carry all sizes iu 10 'good styles and several ditlerent makes. Waists to suit the forms of all inquirers. The 50'* summer corset is a beauty ind is worth more money. ANGEL food, layer cake, fruit cake, pound cake or any other kind of cake resh and Huber's Home Bakery., BARIUAN BROS. have just put in a new line of the finest, pipes evvr brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. DELICATE OF FLAVOR. Refined and perfect in its effects is Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, the sure cure for constipation, indigestion and sick headache. Try a sample bottle at Julia A. Story's. 10 DOSES 10 CENTS. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is so pleas ant to take and withal so effectective in results that when once tried nothing ever again takes its place. For consti pation, indigestion, chronic sick head ache, summer complaint, or any trouble of the stomach or bowels, it leads all other remedies. You don't have to spend a $1 to try this remedy. It is put up in 10 cent bottles and speaks for itself as well in a small as a large quantity. Reg ular sizes 50 cents and $1. For sale by Julia A. Story. I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf H. C. MEAD. It's Free ! Do not fail to send for a free sampe copy ot the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, mining news, etc". Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. The Ctolden West Invites your attention. Fabulprtfs for tunes have been madgJj^-' jfftfEcious in vestments in gold mining stocks. Send a stamp for full particulars aboutCripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado. . \ Time Extended. 1 will extend the time for making Cabi net Photographs at $2 per dozen 30 days longer, or until May 1st. Now is the time to get your picture taken. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Gall at once. L. E. BENNETT. MeHenry,.March 20, 1895. FOR RENT AT PISTAKA BAY. Furnished Cottages, with Boats, &c., by the month or for the season. Terms Reasonable. Inquire at the Bank of MeHenry. • DECORATE. Julia A. Story has just received a large assortment of Chinese and Japanese Lanterns. All who wish to decorate their homes and lawns on the Fqurth should call and see them. How about curtains and wall paper? You cannot afford to go without them when you can get them so cheap v We are showing some nice Curtains, Kolls and all for 20 cents each. Others lor a trifle more.© Some new things in Carpets and Mattings. The C. S Graves Land Company, R. 11, 5G Fifth Avenue, Chicago, is offering laud in Central Wisconsin, Clark County on long time and easV payments to farmers who will go therfe and im prove it. There seems to bej no better chance offered for the young farmer, or those who cannot afford to buy high priced land, than to buy a farm of this company and secure the benefit of the in crease in valuation. See adyertisement in this paper. PETER WAGNER has built a neat little cottage on the east side of the river, which he proposes to move in to as soon as completed. - J. J. Bisnop will please accept our thanks for a fine IIT^S of Black Bass. They were caught in McCollum's Lake and were beauties. THE annual reunion of theSoldiers and Sailors of Lake County will be held at Wauconda on Thursday and Friday, Aug. 29 and 30. PORING the storm on Thursday even ing the northeast, corner of, the Colby block was struck by lightning, but no material damage was done except the .knocking off of a few brick. * THE last general assembly passed a law requiring the American flag to. be floated from every school building- dur ing school hours. A failure to do thi* duty is punishable by a tine of from §3 '•(to $10 for each offense. SHERIFF BORKE, of Kane county arrest ed two men from Turner who were sein ing in Fox river between Geneva and St. Charles, They will bo prosecuted under the state law. So says the Elgin Advocate. THE dancing public should bear in mind the Old Folks' Party, at the Bow ery Platform, West MeHenry, on Friday evening of next Week. Good music.and a gOGd time may be expected. The man agement will spare no pains to make it pleasant for all. \ ANOTHER heavy rain and vthunder storm visited this section on Tntrtsday afternoon and evening last, which stak ed the ground up in good shape, aiid completely broke the drouth in this \m-- cinity. It was accompanied by a sevem wind, which did considerable' damage among shade and Irait tre^s. mm? SPECIALTIES, v, Delicious Coffees, Finest Teas, tieinz's Elegant Pickles, Fine Bananas, Oranges and Lemons. Dried Fruits and Canned Goods, FRESH VEGETABLES To.;day at Perry & Owen's. Can be found freab Celery, String Beans, Cabbages, Onions, Peae, Cucumber! and Water Melons. Perry & Owen, Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. Iveg Syrup struck 95 cents per keg of 4 gallons and how it does go from us. PERRY & OWEN. Wanted ! Two hundred and fifty Tamarack Tel ephone Poles, peeled, 18 and 20 feet long and not less than eight inches at the base. Address. F. SEDGWICK, 300 So. Clinton St., Chicago. General Merchants McHENHY, ILL. See those fine dress shirts, of theUnited Brand and Beloit makes at S. Stoffel's. AUCTION SALE. Having decided to move to Chicago I will sell at Public Ruction at my resi dence; opposite the Brewery, at Mcuenry, on vVednesday, July 24, 1895, to the highest bidder, for Cash, different House hold Goods, Garden Vegetables, etc. MRS. BERTHA KUHNERT. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, LOST, on the street, in the village of MeHenry, on Tuesday, May 21st, a Red Plush Pocketbook, containing one five dollar bill, two one dollar bills and so ne silver. The finder will confer a favor on the owner and be liberally re warded by leaving the same at thePLAiN- DEAEER office. V: • " MRS. THAU. SETM-UCB. Grand Dance and Picnic! There will be a Grand Dance and Picnic at Stilling'r Summer Resort, Pistaqua Bay, Saturday and Sunday, July 27 and 28, 1895. Dancing to commence at 9 o'clock Saturday evening. Music, Me Henry Orchestra. Tickets, 50 cents. On Sunday, the 28th, there,will be speaking by Frank Spitzer, of Woodstock, and. other -eminent speakers from abroad Also at 3 p. M. a Boat Race for a prize The MeHenry Military Band will be pres ent and furnish music. Refreshments of all kinds on the ground. The public are sordially invited. ' J BEN STILLING, Propi ietor. Six loaves of Bread tor 25'cents, at the Home Bakery of C. R. Huber. CREAM Hotel Park. I'LRS. 0; JI. CULVER has" opened a new Hotel, under the above' name, in West MeHenry, where she is prepared to accommodate the public in the^best of mann ;r,'either by the/day. or week, A share of public patronage solicited. Terms Reasonable. -DELICATE OF FLAVOR. Refined and perfect in its effects is'Cald- well's Syrup Pepsin, the sure cure for constipation, indigestion afld sick head ache. Try a sample bottle'(10 doses 10 cents) at Julia A. Story's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.