Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1895, p. 8

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^'NCWOOD, II* The WntermeJon Opcnod His Mouth. "There is 110 mistaking the fact that oolored-persona aye very fond of wjiter- snelon. This fact I had illustrate?! to mo once," said Captain of Detectives Killer. "One of my men had arrested a young colored man charged with lar­ ceny, and/while he was waiting to te, 'sweated' by me the officer made some remark to him about watermelon. "The darky responded, Well, if I have to go to jail, I'd certainly like some watermelon first.1 This * was ah opening for me, and as I found my man hard to'break'I sent out and got a large, juicy melon, and placing it in front of him in my office told him that if he would tell the truth he could eat the whole melon. "At first he refused, but the bait was too tempting, and in a few minutes he told me Who his accomplice was. I shall remember this fact in the future when dealing with a stubborn negro."---Phil­ adelphia Call. An Educated Horse. There is an educated horse in Nash­ ville that would be a valuable acquisi­ tion to a tented aggregation of eques­ trian prodigies. In one respect this horse is superior to the people of Mem­ phis, in that it knows Nashville's ways and humors. , The owner of the animal evidently reposes the most perfect con­ fidence in it, for, without bridle or veins, he drives through the most crowd­ ed thoroughfares, guiding the horse by „Word of mouth, occasionally putting emphasis upon his orders by using the whip. Th<% who saw the intelligent eteed. going up Vine street the other afternoon at a lively pace, without either bridle or lines, congratulated themselves that they were on the side­ walk rather than in the buggy it was drawing.--Nashville American. WE PROPOSE TO Cry of the Muezzin, Tangier. At dawn you jire awakened by the musical singsong of the muezzin from the minaret of a neighboring mosque calling the faithful to prayer. The rich Arabic sounds have a solemnizing influ­ ence, and you wonder why this sum­ mons is confined to the followers of Mohammed and is not heard among the inhabitants of the west, where a greater prophet is worshiped. The muezzin's cry is repeated at noon, in the afternoon, at sunset and at night, and in addition to its religious si gnificance*ft acts as a kind of clock to the watchless multitude. -- Temple Bar. No Sanctity In Garments. There is no sanctity in garments. A rose in a man's hat does not enlarge his piety. Grace is not conveyed by a piece of laun or chastity by the wearing of a girdle. A black gown has neither more tense nor better manners than a black eoat. Nor is a black cloak more edify­ ing than a fustian frock, no more than a cambric bib is an antidote against lewdness or an atonement for it.--In­ dependent Whig, 1719. To every child five years old or over who intends to go" to school this Fall,' One Lead Pencil and. Tablet. The only condition required is that eanh child apply in person and on this day only.. Floor A large assortment of Chamber Suits. - Dining Chairs, COMBINATION BOOKCASES,. Ladies' Desks, Sewing Platforms, s, Carpets, Window Shades, COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, ETC. New goods received every day. I do not allow any of my goods to get shop worn or out of date. , Prices as Low as the Lowest. A PULL LINE OF ON HMD, 9b* MeHenry, X1L, July, 1895. ; We shall have the most complete Line of Slates, Tablets, Pencils, Etc., V " Offered in thie couaty and our prices will be the lowest, $5F~ Our stock prices low, of School SHOES . is complete and J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood, 111. The Binder trade is fast drawing to a "close for the season of 1S95; but the Corn Cutting season Will soon be here and we wish to announce to the public that we have just received a sample of the Dain, Steel Corn Cutter Thoroughly adjustable, will cut stubble from 2 to 12 inches high. Now7 on exhibition at our warehouse: Call and look it over; we will do you good. ' A Useful Fashion. "Ah, professor, what a charming col­ lection of stuffed birds yon have here! Where did you get them from?" "Oh, that is qnite simple. I have been collecting them for years from the wornouthats of my seven daughters."-- Zur Erheiterung. "Who is this Dr. Holmes?" asked a lady of a New England bookseller re­ cently, according to the Boston Literary World. "I've never heard of him, but his wife, Mary J. Holmes, writes lovely hooks!" A German proverb says, Honor the old, instruct the young, consult the wise and bear with the foolish. COAL. OAIJ! COAL. Do not forget that we can show the best all wrought gear Buggy on earth for the price; the celebrated Peabody. Also, Road agonte, Road Carts, fine Driving Harness, both single and double. Binding Twine; wood and iron Pumps, Sulky Plows, walking Plows, in fact anything in the Implement line from a wheclbarrow to a corn Husker and Thresher. Very Respectfully Yours, T. J. WALSH. In placing your orders for your winter's Coal remember that the Cross Creek Lehigh C m not be excelled. It is one of the Hardest of Hard Coals, and we guarantee it to burn freely and last longer than other Coals. We have our Coal sheds filled with the above named Coal right now and can give you PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. rA p Delivery to suit you. Call and see us, examine our Coal, get our C 1 I prices and we know you will be pleased. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West MeHenry, 111,, Aug. 14, 1895. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Bold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adapted to City, Village or Country. Needed in every home, shop, store and office. Greatest conven­ ience and best seller on earth. Airente make from 85 to 850 per day. One in a residence means a sale to all tho neighbors. Fine instruments, no toys, works anywhere, any distance. Complete, ready for rise when shipped. Can be put up by any one^ never out of order, no repairing, lasts a life time. Warranted. A money maker. Write W. P. Harrison & Co.. Clerk 10. Columbas, Ol II Agents Wanted Agreta0maK money. T I T A L I 0 3 T I 0 1 S T h e l a r g e s t a s s o r t m e n t i n O d d P a n t s . QF TUP nAV Political Revolution of * 1 fit "Kl . 'i)2. Crif is of '<l '94. ; Battles for bread, OOXEVISM. btrikes, the unemployed. GKBAT I.AKOR ISSUES of the present and the future. Tar'ff 3 .egiiirt'on -3-he Silver Questions. Vnm Proteeiion does I lor tne American Woikmeo. What Free Trade does for lnm. A bojk for the hour- Everybody wants it, Price only #1 50. Sells , at (sight. Mo»i Liberal terms to agents. Send I for circulars or send 20 cent3 for a<e.>t's out P- W.Z.IEGLEB&OO., :>a ila/tet Street, t, Louie, iio. TOR $1.75 Beautiful Half Tone Engrav. .ravings 2x3 inches, for $1,75, n,»vi»«Joa P'int hundreds of tbousW 18 on any minting preen. Send photo *nd t\75 and receive the cut. Sample free AddrCPS JACKSON, 4!5 .Dearborn treet, Chicago. UnM States_ffar_Clciim Apcy WM- H. COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois ProseonteealLclassBeand kltxis of claims B({&;n»t. the United Staiea for ei So'diare t ie1r Widows, Dependent Re'&iives o Heirs' A apcc'fv'tymade in prowtitluiisr o'd and' Ail eoaaroVu cafions proa'pfjy answeredIf Fost*gebU.nip&vre«ne:o£ed toe reply. „ WM, H. CO WL1N ^ moo a$ 'teaidence, t. Woodatooc The finest and newest Straw andelt H Fats. The old reliable Selz Schwab & Co.'s Shoes and Slippers. The bes t boiled Shirt for young and old. ° The very largest assortment of Neckties and Collars, * The finest Alpaca Coats, at the very lowest living prices. We have, among other things, a fine fresh stock ot Have just put in another car of the two winners, Jersey Lily anc Hard-to-beat Flour, Call and see nB and be convinced of the above facts, JOHN J. MILLER, West MeHenry. JULIA A. STORY, DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLT ON HAND. FULL LINE OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions \ Carefully compounded by a Registered Puarmaclet. Your Patronage Is respectfully eolioited. im m -JULIA A, STORY One\Door West of Riverside House, McEenry, 111. , ELGIN, ILL UNIVERSAL PR Originator of- Lowest Prices. 8 E X J T H R S I Below we give you some quotations from our Hardware Depart­ ment that will BRING you to see us. When we get hold of bargains we turn them over to the people at a Bargain Price. And our ever increasing trade seem to appreciate it. GEO, W.BESLEY, ---- West MeHenry, 111. -DEALER IN- Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOE MEDICAL USE. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. t^lT'The best brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, GEO. W. BESLEY. West MeHenry, Jan, 2,1895. Good Wash Board, $ .17 Largest Size Wash Tub, .69 12-qt, Preserving Kettle, .79 Wash Wringers, 1,49 6 doz. ClothesPins, .05 100-ft. Clothes Line, .18 Curling Irons, .5 Chair Bottoms, .6 Large size Dish Pan, .59 Large size Hand Saw, .53 Large size Hammer, .13 Galvanized Iron Pail, ,19 Dairy Pail, .31 No. 8 Copper Wash Boiler. 1.49 Large Western Washer, 2.79 Perfection Washer, 3.39 i? Round Washer, 2.89 Tea Spoons., each, .01 Table Spoons, each, .01 8-gallon Milk Can, 2.19 Milk Cans Repaired and Tin Work at cut prices. 8, 10, 12, 20, 30, 40 and 60c Wire Nails, per pound, $ .03 10, 12, 20, 30, 40 and 60c Wire Nails, per keg, 2.85 Glidden 2-point Galvanized Barbed wire, per cwt. 2.39 Fodder Twine, per lb, 4£c Best warranted Corn Knife, .19 4-tined Potato Forks, .49 4-tined Manure Forks, .39 Large Scoop Shovel, - .64 D Handle Spade, « .44 Long Handled Shovel, .49 Long Handled Spade, .49 Three-tine Fork, .32 1-2 Bushel Measure, .24 1-Peek Measure, ,19 1-2 Peck Measure, .16 Patent Posthole Digger, 1.29 Common Posthole Digger, .69 1-Bushel Basket, -23 Large Clothes Basket, .7,9 Anything you get that does not please you can be returned and your money refunded. We are here to give our customers their money's worth. THEO. F. SWAN, / GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGI^, ILL,

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