Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1895, p. 8

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A Tonsorlal CftlTenltyi .»• Philadelphia has a nqw'collegiate in Btiiution. It is known as "Hie Philadel­ phia Barber College.-" The facility con­ sists of two professors, the founder, L. H. Bailey, and his wife, who ocfinpy a email railed off space near the door. The •tudeuts, of whom there are ten, occupy the center of the big room. -- ' Tl|e subjects, as a rule,- are queer look­ ing "objects. " They are gentlemen of the road. The barber college is a god- eend to them, for it saves beer money. Every morning one of the students goes out with a handful of small cards upon which is printed: "Free haircut and shave! From-8-to 6 o'clock every day. White men only. Come and bring yomr friends. No. 832 Cherry street Abso­ lutely free." These he distributes at the various cheap lodging and eating houses In the vicinity. The gentl^&en who receive the cards are not slow to accept J the invitation. "Some of them are proud to do so, for, as one of them said while he was waiting for a shave:4' 'Tain't everybody wat kin git his face scraped by a college student and besides have a purty woman a-look- in on fer to see dat de job's done right. See?". . >•' Mrs. Bailey is the instructor. She is a bright little woman, with a missktfy' "'I think, from .my personal observa­ tions,'" said she, "that the barber busi­ ness in Philadelphia needs elevating, and my husband and I are doing our best toward that end." The ' 'worse1' lasts eight weeks,-- Sew York Commercial Advertiser. The I^iou Preferred^Tiffbts. That lions prefer tights to skirts is ap­ parent from the tenor of an.interesting interview with Carl Hagenbeck in the London Daily Graphic, for Mr. Hagen­ beck declares that during a period of 43 years he has only had one accident in his business. It was caused by one of his female performers entering the lion's den with a new dress on. The lion had always seen her with tights, and not under­ standing what the dress was bit it to satisfy his curiosity.1 - Unfortunately he included jn the mouthful a portion of the wearer, inflicting severe injuries upon his fair trainer.--New York Trib- una ^[CWOOD, l^1 " Now is the time to dress up yonr feet to keep off the fall and frosts, There is no house as well equipped to do this i are, with the Selz make, which needs no introduction here. " i rains as we ELGIN, ILL - We have made arjangemsnts by which we can supply every boy and girl with the best weariog School School Shoes at the lowo^t living price. Rubber Boots, Grain Boots, Etc, CLOTHING, we will give you extra inducements in -- Clothing bought ot us for the next two weeks, as we must make room for our tall stock now coming in- UK PER WEAR. As the nights get cool you should .pot fail to call on us for this most necessary line of dress. We have the right weights for this season ot the year., V':; Jersey JLI Vy Fiour leads. Call for a sack, barrel -- -- -- -- -- -- o r c a r l o a d . ' - ; v ' Yours for Fall Business, , V: ' - • •' • V.'-. Items FROM OUR The names have been taken of those who came too late to get a chance at the Penny Crash, and they shall have some. JOHN J0 MILLER, West McHenry, Best Boiled Linseed Oil, per gal, - 49e Best. St. Louis White Lead, per 100 lbs, $5,19 Best Mixed Paint, per gal. - - $1.10 Good Barn Paint, per gal. - - . 69c Best Venetian Red (dry), per lb. - Yellow Ochre, per lb 2 l-4c K'alsomine (tinted colors). 51b pkg - 40c Caisomine, white, 5 lb pkg. - 35c Paint Brushes, 4-in. all Russia bristles, worth $2 for $1,69 Paint Brushes, 4 in, good bristles, worth $1,25, for 89c. Paint Brushes, 3 in. good bristles, worth $1.10 for 79c, Kalsomine Brushes, worth $2, for $1.29. Kalsomine Brushes* worth $1, for 63c. Wall Paper, a thousand and one patterns at our usual cut rates. Window Glass, all sizes. CASH IS KING The Binder trade is fast drawing to a close for the season of 1895; but the Corn Cutting season will soon be here and we wish to announce to the public that we have just received a sample of the Dain Steel Corn Cutter Call and see what inducements we offer to Thoroughly adjustable, will cut stubble from 2 to 12 inches high. Now on exhibition at our warehouse. Call and look it over; we will I T ' MCHINRY, ILLINOIS Wholesale and Retail Agent for Do not forget that we can show the best an wrougnt gear Buggy on earth for the price; the celebrated Peabody. Also, Road wagons, Road Carts, fine Driving Harness, both single and double. Binding Twine; wood and iron Pumps, Sulky Plows, walking Plows, in fact anything in the Implement line from a wheelbarrow to a corn Husker and Thresher. Very Respectfully Yours, J, W. CRXSTY & SON, Ringwood, 111 THE BEST MADE. In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. Orders by mail promptly attendedjto. ALSO. ALWAYS ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors, Frenchl Bitters, choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc, I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1894. THEO GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE E L G O I L L . JULIA A. STORY, COAL COAL F. L . McOMBER DEALER IN -- DEALER IN -- STOYES, RANGES, ETC, WEST McIIEKRV , ILL. In placing your orders for your winter's Coal remember tliat the Cross Creek Lehigh Some things that are wrong, perhaps, but nevertheless true. That I am not handling dry goods and notions, and still sell Tin­ ware, Granite Iron-ware, etc. Not the grade that goes with a well assorted dry goods stock, but good serviceable ware, at--less moiieyy in a majority of cases. , « That I do not sell flour and provisions, and yet carry the only stock of strictly high grade Cutlery in town, for which you are asked a uniform low price. NEAR THE DEPOT, Cin not be excelled. It is one of the C O N S T A N T f . Y O N H A N I ) . Hardest of Hard Coals, and we Quaranieirrriirliarni?rBety^rmi last longer than other Coals. Keeps open for the accommodation oftne Public a Flret-OlasB Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at ail times keep the bast brands of Wine*, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. PABST'S Milwaukee Lag®? Bee; At Wholesale and Retail. FULL LINE OF PATENT, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. We have our Coal sheds filled with the above named Coal right now and can give you That I am not in the boot and shoe business, and am still allowed to sell Sporting Goods^ Fishing Tackle, Ammunition, etc. That I do not carry a line of clothing, and so sell Lanterns, Bask­ ets, Brushes, Wringers, wood and iron Measures, etc. I carry a line of the best Stoves on earth, do all kinds of Job Work in sheet^mctals, make Roofing and Dairy Supplier a specialty. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST m rrescripiions * Your Patronage is respectfully solicited. Delivery to suit you. Call and see us, examine our Coal, get our prices and we know you will be pleased. •JULIA A. STORY Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottlee al- Ways oh hand, oheaper than any other, quali ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR UORaFti. 4®*0all and'see us. Robert Sohiessle. One Door West of Riverside Souse, McHenry, 111. WILBUR LUMBER GO West McHenry, 111., Aug. 14, 1895.. , > F. L. McOMBER, West McHenry. FURNITURE GEO. W. BESLEY ONE GIVES RELIEF Gives you a chance to buy what you need, no matter what. It is cheaper than you ever have or ever will again. Don't spend a dollar until you see how much cheaper we are. Chamber Suits, n ^ \ Di^ngChairs» Sewing- Platforms, Floor Rockers, Carpets, Window Shades, COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, ETC. New goods received every day. I do not allow any of my goods to get shop worn or out of date. >EALER IN' Drugs, Medicines, ome a running or you will be too late to secure ^ e best pair Ladies' Shoes you ever saw for $1.48. th o make this price simply to start you on our line, bolieving in the merit of the goods to hold you and keep you wearing our line of Shoes. PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL USE. Our lalest GOOD English decorated Dinner Sets a sensation One hundred pieces. Call and learn how to secure a set free. FLOUR ! Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use Prices as Low as the Lowest. Another car, (500 sacks) of the || «f||u celebrated Sleepy-Eye Flour just re-ig |||||«$ceived, and every sack warranted; W BPSl" |S§f~Why use inferior Flour when^ji Sleepy-Eye costs you no more. It f costs you nothing to try a sack. Dealer in General Merchandise ' A . P . B A I West McHenry, Illinois;. ' E^TThe best brands of Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco* always on hand. \ Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING ON HAND, JACOB Justen. McHenry, 111., July, 1895. ' West McHenry, ̂ Tan, 2, 1895

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