Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1895, p. 1

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SENIUM /ooa--f 'Aiian)3sr " • : : v.- . . 7. •; . \ • f , » " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Peair Shall Awe. VOL. 21. M'HENRYv ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1895. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY -«J . VAN 8LYEE, - EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ^OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen's Stor*, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance) 50, If Not Paid within Three Months... 1 00 Subicrlptiono received for threa or jix months in the same proportion. RATES OF ADVERTISING: W-e anneance liberal rates for advertising in the PjLAiNbEALEE, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily un- deTSiood. They are as follows: 1 ln&b one year * - - 5 00 2 Inches one year -vi' 10 W 3: Inches one year - - . i 15 00 J£ Column one year - • - - 80 00 )4 Ooinrnn one year- - - - 80 00 Column one year - - - ... - -r 100 00 One ncn means the measurement of one Inch down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra oharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing, cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. Ail others will be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 5 cents per line for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and 5 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIWDHALBR will be liberal in giving editorial notioes, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain.. BUSINESS CARDS. FRANK L. SHEPARD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 514--30 La Salle St., Chicago. O. H. FEGERS, M, D- iAN AND SURGE* Ills. Ofllce at Residence. PHYSlOiAN AND SURGEON, MoHenry r" JOS, L. ABT, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST; Office in Nichols Block, oyer Plaindealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4. DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door wetc of A, P. Bier's store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly ocoupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at­ tended to. J. B. HOWE, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and Residence, Hotel Woodstock. Office hours 1 to 2 p. M. daily, Uails promptly at­ tended to. Deserving poor treated free of charge at office, including medicine Monday and Friday. F. C. COLBY, D. D. S. DENTIST. Woodstock, 111. Special aten-tion paid to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance; will do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and PublioSq are O. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, solicitor, andi Counselor, Oollectlonsia specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. KNIGHT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S. EXPRESS co.'S Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker «Sc .Jeweler McHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watohes. Give me * °alU JOHN P- SMITH. H. C. fflEAD, Q Justice oj the Peace and General In surance Agent .Including Accident arid Life Insurance OFFICE WITH B. GILBERT, NEAR DEPOT, WEST MCUENRY. III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public heal Estate and Insurance. ' NUNDA, HI. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and .Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an i Chronometers. . 43F A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. Westerman & Son, HOUSE, SIGN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS, M C H E N R Y , - - - - - I L L I N O I S . We are prepared to do all work in our line on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTF. Prices reasonable and work promptly done. WESTERMAN & SON McHenry, January 30, 1894. • JOHN J. BUCH, AND F R E D V ^ A U E E , We distribute another car load of the very best Minne ® sot a XXXX Flour, direct from the mills, at the very lowest market price. . GROCERIES. Hires' Root Beer, per bottle, . * lie 1 lb can Columbia River Salmon, . . " . 12c, Best Gloss Starch, per lb, . 4c ' Best Golden Santos Coffees, per lb, . . r 24c Parlor Matches", per doz. boxes, , ' . 10 lb sack Corn Meal, . . Best Lemon Extract; per bottleH Arm & Hammer's Soda, per lb, . :- Sardines in oil, per box, HousQ^JFurmshino: Dept. Large assortment children*7^ Books, 10c and up. Folding Lunch Boxes, . . .17c Galvanized Water Pails, . . 19c Large retinned Dish Pan, . . .15c Scrub Brushes, ... 4c 0 Lamp Chimneys, . . . .3c Chair Seats, only . . . .4c Wash Basins, , . , .5c A Large Stock of Standard All bought on the down market, most carefully selected, and will be sold cheaper than ever. New Stylish Dress goods, Suitings, Elegant Broad Cloth, Flannels, Serges, Novelty Goods, Trimmings, Linings, Ms Elegant Dutchess Trousers, in large variety, all fully warranted not to rip. CHOICE UNDERWEAR. In all sizes, grades and prices to suit the closest buyer. A large invoice Capital City Flannels and Blankets just received. Faro-o and Douglas Fine Shoes in abundance. Prices low and quality high. All sizes and lasts. Bcloit Pants, Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, and Duck Coats and Overalls. Full stock, can please all. Ladies' and children's Capes, Jacket and Cloaks, arriving daily. Underwear for all, and stacks of it. New Chicago-Kenosha Hosiery. Fine Hats, Caps and Gloves. Horse Blankets. Carpets, Oil Cloths, wall Paper, Shades. Fine Groceries: The Best I^lour. SIMON STOFFEL. SCABBING MOUSE, .INear the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board bV the Day or Week at Reasonable rates, A NIO-B LINE OF;ROW BOATS AT MY LANDING. Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars alwajs on hand. •» <WFreshLager Beer constantly on draught 4hji p iif « ftlTcn 8 or 10 men to solicit orders WAN I t'J for Hardy Nursery Stock Trait and Ornamentals ; also new and vain -•able varieties of Seed Potatoes., Permanent •Dositions; good salary, ranging from $<5 to <4)125 per month, Apply quick with references, L- l . lWAY&CO. , St Paul, Minn. Nargeryiaon, Florist* and Seedmen. Our thus far reliable and carefully handled Will be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. n THINK OF THE MONEY MADE from C inventions--novelties, or sitrple useful labor-eavlng devices, If y«'U have niaae » Ja discovery, or worked out a mechanical v ̂ problem we'll give reliable advice as to patentability. The " Inventive Age, " illustrated magazine, 6th yearP ln interestof inventors, guarantees work of Its ' Patent Department," and illustrates and describes useful inventions free, Complete, valid, strong and comprehensive pntent ; best terms; advice free, Address THE INVENT: I V 1 5 A G K , W a s h i n g t o n . D C . AVINGS. and surplus funds received and loaned on carefully se­ lected real estate! securities and the interest collected"!" A A TVTG a n d r e m i t t e d w i t h o u t J L i \ J j l \ . O • charge. Loans made on time and terms , to suit borrower. J. W. BANSIKA.D, 21 DaJPage street, Khrin. Bttaoifc SIM' -;on puB ^ii eouj noA pue ssaippB Avoa^ jo 09jj onSoiB^f) xno 0AT9O9J ni-W moi sn pnes '^i USTAV NOIF II JOEL H. JOHNSON, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Special Agent for the IN orthwestem Mutual iLile Insurance Co. 11 vl Of Milwaukee, Wis. C. F. BOLEY, of McHEXRT, ILL. Always on Band with the Best. Beei\ IKext Visit ,--- Friday. Oct. 4th. WOODSTOCK, II... K DISPEMSARY At tlie Hotel Woodstock. DR. FKUTH, after years of experience has perfected the most infallibl'e method of cur­ ing Nervous debility, decay of body and mind, self-distrust, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted develonment, lack of memory, iui-s poverished blood, low vitality, and all effoots ot abuses, excesses, improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SPECIALTIES--Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi-nples, Scrofula, Blood Taint, Eczema, Can­ cer, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forreiti SoOO for a case of SEXUAL DISEASE Dure, Question list FREE, One personal interview'solicited. Consultation free DRj D. O. FRU rHi 37 I 6 Lake Ave.f Chicago? NEW CASH One Door South of Post Office McHENRY, ILL., Has refitted the earns and put in a Full Line of 1 Choice Family Kerosene, Gasoline, Potatoes, Fresh Bread, Tablets, Pencils, new Teas, new Coffees. Our Bakery Supplies, Received from the Rockford Bakery are abso­ lutely fresh every day. Bread, Buns, Bis­ cuit, Cookies, etc., always on hand. Canned Goods, and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, C. B. MURPHY. cHenry, March 18,1895. RINGWOOD. All persons reported on the sick list last week ar^ attending tb their usual work. . Lncle Robert Thompson, formerly of Greenwood, but now a resident of this place, died at the residence of his son, Th os.. Thompson, south of McHenry, on Monday morning. C, W. Harrison returned Saturday evening with his Holsteins. While not as successful at Freeport, he can claim some of the honors. The Fair exhibition is a great deal like politics. All men don't see alike, which fact, in itself, is a very good thing, . , We should like to ask in regard to our Cemetery Aid JSocietyi Are we to do any thing this fall and winter ? There are £ great many things to take our. time and money, but what can we do that will show more respect for our dead than to j keep their last resting place in presenta- ' ble shape ? What is .more unsightly, yes w« will say ungodly, thai*5 a cemetery located in a christian land: overrun with weeds? Now we don't wish'to be tinder- eto®d as saying that our cemetery is in any Buch condition at present,' but it has been, and should nothing be done it will be again. Let the officers get together and see if something can be done, Make your wants aud wishes known. Start the matter along and get prepared for next year's work. p Various reasons are given for the sud­ den departure of the Ivickapoos. Suffice to say that our burg is quiet again. Grimolby & Pint are building, another addition to their shop. This is the third since they have moved to their present location. They need room, which fact means something'to do. Friday evening, on entering Cristy & Son's store we began to wonder where we were. But on looking around we saw J. W. quietly seated at his desk, J. E: was clambering over a great pile of "Crash," getting it in shape for inspec­ tion, down the line clerk Bradley was putting more dry goods on exhibition, while on the other side clerk FOBS was busy with the stencil preparing placards to advertise the next day's sale. When one can get ten yards of crash for a dime buying cold dollars for ninety cents is no comparison. If you failed to get some of these bargains blame no'one but yourself, for "Josh"had a card on every­ thing. Even the door bore evidence that he had knocked. Mr. Spaulding has a stock of corn on exhibition which is but twenty inches from roots to top of stalk. It has nour­ ished a good sized ear, and developed a set for another. Can any of our corn growers show reason why Mr. S. should not have the premium? J. V. Buckland has moved into his now house. The old one will be used a$ a barn. $cH. iOb . Does smoke from your cigar arise Like incense in the e'r? Or does it only cause a smudge And make your neighbor swear? Why will you stick to cabbage leaves And drive your friends afar; When you can purchase for a dime "Our Monogram" cigar? IOc- BARSIAN IOC. BROS. MAKEK8 OF Choice CigarsJI We can sell you one or a thousand--retah or wholesale. PROTECT YOUR HORSE! BV BUYING ONE OF THOSE Handsome Fly Nets Now on exhibition at our shop. We also have a full line of Ousters, Whips, etc., to which we invite your ak tention, and will guarantee to please you in QUALITY, STYLE AND HRICE. A fine stock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war­ ranted as represented. PEPAIRING Promptly Attended to,} Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. GUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., June 18, 1895. STATE OF ILLINOIS, ri< MCHENBY COUNTY, Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem­ ber term, A, D. 1895. Adelbert S. Wright, vs, Chas, E. Irwin and Frank C- Irwin sis exeontors and trustees under will of Major F. Irwin, deceasod, John Gordon, Carrie frwin GorddDj John Dowling Gordon and Irwin Leslie Gordon in chancery. Affidavit of the non-residenro of Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dowling Gordon and Irwin Leslie Gordon, of the defendants above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry county, notice is hereby given to the said non-resi'lent. defendents that the complainant fileii his bill of complaint in said court, on the Chancery side thereof on the 27th day of July A. D. 1695, and that a eummons thereupon issued out of said court against said defend­ ants, returnable on the 23d day of Septem' er A, D. 1895, as is by law required. Now there­ fore, unless you the Said Carrie Irwin Gordon, John Dowling Gordon and Irwia Leslie Gor­ don shall personally be and appear before the said CH-cuit Court of McHenry county on the first day of the next term thereof, to be hold- en a» the Court house, in the city of Wood­ stock, in ta'dc^u* ty, on the 23d day of- Sep­ tember, A, D. 1895, and p'ead answer or demur to the said complainant's billofcomplaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed aud a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. £n testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Cjurt, ait my office in Waodstock this 27th day of July A. D, 1895. W. P. MORSE, Clerk. V . A. Wright. 1 >Complainant's Solicitors. Jas. Casey, ) July 27th, A. D. 1895. Do You Want ? A steady pay.ingjob,. YY Ui x!L • with largest house in the west, 20 years established. , With our fa­ cilities. we can make a good salesman in two weeks/ from raw material. Nursery stock that is'warranted to grow. 25 best varietiea »eed potatoes iD the world, etc. If you want money write, stating age. , ~ 7~~r |,, ' L- L. MAY & Ctfi St. Paul, Minn. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen. (Tbls house isjresponsible) WOODSTOCK. Next monthly horse sale Oct. 9th. Another fine rain Sunday. Circuit court will convene in this city next Monday. Bazaar in St. Patrick's Hall, Hartland Sept. 30 to Oct. 5. Ben. Stupfel is building an addition to his residence on Chemung street. The Rock River Conference will meet at Elgin on Wednesday, Sept. 25. • Farmers in this vicinity are making rapid progress in their corn cutting. G. W. Field has been confined to his home the past week with an attack of erysipelas. Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Hoy rejoice over the arrival of a son at their home last Saturday. The game law expired Sunday and nearly all our sportsmen were out after prairie chickens. The home of Mr. and Mrs. F.A.Daniels was gladdened on Sunday morning by the arrival of a bouncing boy. The ladies of the Congregational church will give a birthday Bupper at the City Hall, on Thursday evening, Oct. 3. The Norwegian Society held services in the German Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Rev. 0. A. Brandt, of Chicago, preached an eloquent and interesting sermon. A. B. Wagner is making rapid progress with his telephone exchange. The cen­ tral office, when the line is completed, will be at the Sanford residence, just east of the public square. The Golden West . Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made by judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stock i. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado. Bock County Fair at Janesville, For the above occasion the Northwest­ ern Line will sell excursion tickets at ^re­ duced rates to Janesville, Wis., and re­ turn. Tickets on sale from September 9 to 13, inclusive, good for return passage to September lA, 1895. For tickets aud full information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. „ , 9w2 Boone Gount'y Fair at Belvldere. For the above occasion the Northwest­ ern Line will sell excursion tickets at re­ duced rates to Belvidere and return. Tickets on sale from September 9 to 13, inclusive, good for return passage to September 14, 1895. For tickets and full information apply to agents C. & N. W. R'y. 9w2 Low Kate Excursions to tlie West and Northwest. On August 29, September 10 and 24, 1895, the Northwestern Line will sell home-seekers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to a large number of points iii the West and Northwest at very low rates. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern Railway. Don ' t Toba"co Spit or Smoke your Life Away The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure,. that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by 3ulia A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book fyee. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. PAINT your buggy for six bits. Call at and be will tell you how to do it. THF NEW EDUCATION. At present much is said about the "New Education." The principles un­ derlying and sound method in education are as old as time since, as the Hebrew Philosopher has said, " there is nothing new under the sun." From the time of Socrates down to the present, a few lead­ ers of'thought have tried to show, a bet­ ter way, and to induce more rational methods of instruction. During the past fifty years a great change in public opinion has taken place, both as regards what should be taught and as to how' it should be taught. Formerly a person " having small Latin and less Greek," no matter wfiat his other accomplishments might be, -was not.thought well educated. At present, scientific and manual training occupy a prominent place in our syotems of in* StrUCtion. ' • '-J" ;v Some of the important principles of the New Education are here set forth. 1. Each stu^y is valued in proportion as it developes power, and power is gained by self-activity. 2. Train the understanding; the mem­ ory will take care of itself. 3. Whatever instruction is given, it must be adapted to the actual wants of the pupil, and not ruled by the wants of the future boy or man. 4. More time must be given to the study^of nature and to modern languages and literature; less to the ancient lan­ guages. 5. The body must be educated as well as the mind. G. Rich and^poor must be taught to use their eyes and hands. 7. Women should receive the highest education. 8. Teachers must go through a course of professional training. 9. All methodB should be based on the laws of mind; that is on a scientific foundation. W. G. THE BEAUTIFUL ROCKIES They Contain the Grandest Soenexy and the Richest &old Mines in the World. For unknown wealth in fabulously rich mines of gold and silver and sparkling precious gem stones, not to mention the lovely scenery, our own Rocky Moun­ tains excel any region on earth. The Illustrated Weekly, of Denver, Colorado, (founded 1890) illustrates the choicest scenery each week and tell all about the wonderful west. Also true stories of love and adventure. TIUB big family paper, containing eight large pages, fifty-six columns, will be sent on trial three months (thirteen weeks) for only ten two cent stamps; club of six for a dollar bill. Handsome gold rings set with beautiful Rocky mountain gems are given free as premiums. Address as above and men­ tion the PLAINDEALER when you write. Several years ago I was taken with a severe attack of flux, I was sick in bed about ten days and could get nothing to relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me and has been a household remedy with us ever since. J. C. Marlow, Decaturville, Mo. For sale by J. A. Stor.y, McHenry. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, 111., C. E. Cook, writes: 'T have boen troubled with billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa­ tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many remedies, but was disappointed until 1 tried your Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suffering from above complaints. By J. A. Story. J. A. Story has just purchased a full assortment in all lines of goods kept by her, and she solicits a call and examine before purchasing. You will find a full line of stationery, all artist's materials, paints, oils and varnishes, booksf prayer books, a new assortment baskets, work boxeB, and many other fancy articles. Choice Cabinet Frames 20 cents; pin trays 5 cents each. A new line just re­ ceived; Call and see. FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovBky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. ITS VALUE RECOGNIZED BY PHYSICIANS, As a rule I am opposed to proprietary medicines. Still I value a good one, es­ pecially when such is the source of relief from pain. As a topical (external) ap­ plication I have found Chamberlain's Pain Balm the best remedy I have ever used for neuralgia of any kind. I have conscientiously recommended it to many persons. William Horne, M. D., Janes­ ville, Wis. Sold by J. A. Story. NEVER OUT OF SEASON. There is no time in the year when Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is not a benefit to mankind. It cures constipation and indigestion, and cures diarrhoea caused by bad condition of the digestive organs. Trial size bottles 10c, also in 50c and § 1 size of J. A. Story. Dr. Price's Cream- Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. FOR SALE. The farm known as the John Fitzsim- inons farm, situated three miles north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This is one of the beststock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, T JAMES FITZSIMMONS. 49niG Administrators. DR. ABT is prepared to test eyes ac curately. The spectacle lenses are ground to order in each case. TK» Telephone In War. An interesting experiment of install­ ing a telephone by trotting cavalry was recently successfully undertaken by some Prussian uhlaus between "Berlin and Potsdam. Two sets of one officer and two noncommissioned officers pro­ ceeded in the early morning from Ber­ lin to Potsdam. Each set was equipped with a complete telephone apparatus, which one of the men carried in a leather case on his chest, besides the requisite quantity of thin wire.- The end of the wite was connected with the respective . towns' telephone station, and the wire was, by moans of a fork fixed at the end of the lance, thrown over the tops of the trees along the road. As each kilometer of wire was thns sus­ pended a halt was made and it. was as­ certained whether there was connection with the station. A new kilometer of wire was then connected with the for­ mer, andi on went the menl The two sets met-at Teltow. The wires, having been respectively tested with their; re-; spective stations, were connected, and telephonic connection between- Berlin . and Potsdam was established. Thp dis- * tance is about 20 miles, and the whole tiling was done in about four hours.--- London Exchange. ' \1.] A Prince's Gift. The imperial princes have an English governess, whom they look up to with reverential awe, though,-notwithstand­ ing, or perhaps for that very reason, they are greatly attached to her. A short while ago this lady's birthday was the occasion of sundry presentations' from her little pupils and their august' parents. Among the valuable tokens of liberality the governess noticed an in­ significant looking cardboard box. . "Whatever is this?" she said as die took it up in her hand. ... V Here Prince Oscar drew himself np to his full height and replied, "That is from me!" " But it is empty," remarked the as­ tonished recipient. And the little prince replied: "Yes, it is empty now, but tomorrow papa is going to pull mv first tooth, and the box is to put it in. Then I'll give it to you." Next day, sure enough, the little man, his face beaming with delight, presented the tooth to his teacher, who now wears it as a trinket on her bangle. --Berliner Tageblatt. Death of the Crowing Hen. At a very recent date, in many parts of our country, it was a sign Of bad luck for a hen to crow. Just why, is difficult to trace. Perhaps because it was considered the assumption by a female-of masculine prerogatives. When­ ever a ben dared attempt it. she was run down by the united efforts of all tli\ children on the premises, and her head paid the forfeit. A recent traveler in Kentucky writes that while visiting at the country home of a friend a hen was heard to crow. Instantly the cry was raised: ""Catch her! Kill her!" He interposed in the hen's behalf by reminding his hosts that this was an "age of rights," and she was therefore not guilty of any; wrongdoing. They scoffed at his hetero­ doxy, and the clamor that followed pre­ pared him for the return of the pursuers bearing the head of the foolish fowl.-- Lippincott's Magazine! Lord Rosse and His Work. In his earlier years Lord Rosse used to bo a diligent observer with the great telescope which was completed in the year 1845. But I think those who knew Lord Rosse well will agree that it was more the mechanical processes incidental to the making of the telescope which engaged his interest than the actual-ob­ servations with the telescope when it was completed. Indeed one who knew him well said he believed Lord Rosse's special interest in the great telescope ceased when the last nail had been driven into it. But the telescope was never allowed to lie idle, for Lord Rosse always had about him some enthusiastio young man whose delight it was to em­ ploy to the uttermost the advantages of his position in exploring the wonders of the sky.--Good Words. Chrysoloras. Chrysoloras, a native of Constanti­ nople, who has been styled the restorer of Greek in Italy, carried Greek lore and taught his native tongue to the magnates and youth of the principal Italian cities from 1400 to 1415, and his Greek grammar was the standard for many years. Greek at that time was little known in western and northern Europe, not a single book in that idiom being found in the library of the king of France as late as 1425, but it be­ came a favorite study in Italy, where many Greek scholars found refuge after the final overthrow of the eastern em­ pire in 1458. A Sensational Flay. A dramatist waited on the manager with his new play. "Bear in mind, "he said, "that the wife dies of ah attack of apoplexy, the husband of cholera and the lover of a fit of indigestion. " "And is there nobody left for the last scene?" 1 • " N o, but that is not all. I rely on an additional and very effective incident. While the .spectators are applauding the author the manager rushes up to the footlights in great perturbation and an­ nounces that he has just died throuda the bursting of a blood, vessel."--MacU rid Comifco. ' Feeding of British Soldier*. The soldier is the best fed individual of his class in Europe. The British sol­ dier receives for his ration. 16 ounces of; thread, 12 of meat, 2 of rice, 8 of dried vegetables and 16 of potatoes, and once a week he receives 8 ounces of salt, 4 of coffee and 9 of sugar. The Methodist Episcopal churchsouth claims 15,017 societies, with a member­ ships! 1,209,976. This dienomiuatioa. owns 12,OSS churches, seatiugJS,359,- 466 parsons. The value of theTehurch property is stated to be #1S, 77ot'3G2f-

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