Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1895, p. 4

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PRACTICAL, POLITICIANS. Mugwumps and bolters may sneer at Bdward LauterbachV assertion that "Partioscanudt "be maintained except through the energies of practical politi­ cian^, but, nevertheless, 'he-:is entirely correct. It is the "practical politicians who see to it that the party .organiza­ tion is kept up, who look alter the regis­ tration of voters, get out the vote on election day, and do the thousand and one things necessary to achieve success. A good share of the people who are con­ tinually condemning the politicians and shouting for reform, never attend the primaries, and would not register or yote ii not reminded of their duty by party workers. Abraham Lincoln was a practical politician. So was Henry Clay, So was Blaine. A party without leaders, FOOjj/ L^GISliATION, . Among tl/o laws passed by our late unlamehted legislature was an amend­ ment to the Pharmacy Law." The law as amended requires all persons, firms or corporations, jylio sell the "UBiial domes tic remedies, patent medicines, etc." to obtain a permit from the State Board of Pharmacy, and pay as a fee for the same one doHar. Now1 then, Mr. Editorf, I am a little shop keeper and sell shoe blacking and sassafras candy, cod fish and molasses, pepBin gum, warranted to cure dyspep sia, hoarhound and rock candy, ditto for coughs, colds, etc., Hive Syrup, sure cure for the croup, Castoria, which all the chiidrencry for, Smith Bros.' cough drops, for the immediate relief of sore throat and hoarseness, price five cents,, catnip and sage for a soothing tea for the little ones at home, also "Hoods cures," for particulars see small and great barns. So, thinking myself a ben­ efactor in placing all these "domestic remedies" before a generous public, and being a law abiding citizen, I .duly filed my application with the State Board of Pharmacy, (I dearly love to write the name in full.) incloeed'the required one dollar and calmly waited my permit. Soon a letter cams from said State Board of Pharmacy with the informa­ tion that the said Board had resolved not to issue pel mits to sell the "usual domestic remedies, etc;" except, in remote regions. They very kindly informed me that 1 could still sell alum and sul­ phur, sal soda and rosin, and for this in­ formation they charged me one dollar, that is, 1 suppose so, for they did not re­ turn the one I sent them. Now, Mr. Editor, when you send to my shop for sage, please state whether you want it for sausage or sage tea. If you send for pepsin gum please state whether you have the heart-burn or chew for fun. If your little"one comes for rock candy send me word if you are to make tulu, rock and rye, for I cannot sell these as domestic remedies under the pain and penalties of the law. Verily if you bray fools in ajmortar 8omt will escape and break into our legislature. SHOP KEEPER. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. IS, 1895, We give you reasonable priee-new-s every weeferand are anxious to tell you more. / Come, we will tell it to you in the store. "- Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was firm. Offerings, 31,500 pounds. Sales, 18,540 pounds at 21 cents. Butter last week, 21 cents. Year ago, 24®24% cents. iQ^The Ohio Wool Growers' Associa­ tion met in Columbus last week, and passed resolutions showing the great de­ crease in the sheep and wool raising industries in. Ohio since the passage of tlie law putting wool on the free list. THE SHOE TRADE LAKE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL We have is the cheerful results of giving you what you want and giving <t to you at the lowest price, Trade imposes itself upon no one, it eomes when itiF^gsited, » - Ladies' Dongola, pat, tip, square or round toe, as you prefer. $1.35. Misses' Dongola pat. tip. $1.25. High grades, high priced Shoes if YOU wish. but the same price-liberality runs all through the Shoe Stock, without men who understand the inland outs of polities to guide it and shape its policy, is a heterogeneous mass, which once in a while' with some tidal wave to assist it, might win a victory, but ordi­ narily would be dt^feated at the polls. It ,is ohly crack-brained theorists and sen­ timentalists who would do away with leadership, with organization, and let .a party wander its own sweet will, to bring up fiually in the ditch. We arrange a great three-days Combination safe this week A-iicI next week, Monday «$c Tuesday When We oiler special inducements ia Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Underwear, and Groceries^ It will pay you to come. . . . . . / • . ----awBfc Do you need a hnating or cook stove? If so, now is the time to buy. W e have a large stock of the celebrated Acorn & Garland Stoves, Notwithstanding the Groat Fire, the Lake County Fair Flourishing Condition, and has more attractions ^ this year thfin over before As well ss other makes. Our stoves give universal satisfaction and are worthy of inspection. The Largest Stock of Stoves in the County. Parses 8c Premiums We have on hand Anti-Rusting Tinware, Table Cutlery, and everything found in a hardware store. First class new work and Repairs in Tin : Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your trade is respectfully solicited. JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry The following Class Races will be September i 3thB 2:25 class, Trotting, - - 2:45 class, Trotting, - Farmers Race, - - - Who's Got The Turkey ! / '! Order. I September 19th We supply Boarding Houses and Hotels at Barrington, Palatine, Crystal Lake, Lake Geneva, and elsewhere. Our rates to country patrons, on meats, carefully boxed and shipped are: Porter House Steaks 11c Sirloin Steaks 9%c Beef Tenderloin Steaks 7%c Sugar Cured Hams, guaranteed 9%c Fancy Grade Bacon 9% Leg Lamb 7c Hound Steak 8c Rib Roast, choice cuts 8c Corned Beef... 6%c Chicago references required, and no second order filled until first account is settled. Express charges paid on orders ex­ ceeding $10. REFERENCES H. T. Jones, Crystal Lake, 111. Our meats are high grnde, strictly fresh and will keep for 8 days alter re­ ceipt, if properly handled. The Biggest Turkey! The * Largest Turkey! The Liveliest Live Turkey! September 20th. Free-for-all, Trotting ... - $30( Three-year old, Trotting, - - 151 2:30 class, Trotting, - 20( 2 : 4 0 c l a s s , T r o t t i n g , - -- 2 ( ) ( Entries close Saturday, September 14th, at 8 P. M. 5 pei trance. Additional 5 per cent to winners. Distance rule of We offer a cash prize of $25.00 for the largest Living Turkey consigned to us before January 1st, i896. 13 Dearborn St. CHICAGO General Commission Merchants. PERFECT" F1 L' GUARANTEED, New Grand Stand, capacity 5,000 Two-Story Art Hall, 100 New Box Stalls, also Cattle and Horse Stalls, New Track, Best in State. Agents Wanted Will be at r. T. Daniel's Drug Store, Algon quin, every Wednesday, and at the office of Dr. Auringer, West Mc Henry, every Satur­ day, commencing Fob. 23, 1895. Also at 41)0 office of Dr, Dawson. Wauconda, on Mondays? and at the office of Dr. Rice. Richmond, every D'riday. Office with Dr, Werden, Nunda, In every town in McHenry County, and the Northern part of Illinois, to BO- licit Life Insurance for the West End Market, 2i>2 West Madison St, CHICAGO. LIFE INSURANCE CO. OV MILWAUKEE, WIS. The Company has $75,100,000 assets and $15,000,000 surplus; is 38 yeara old and pays larger dividends than any other life company in this country. For information apply to J. H. JOHNSON, Special Agent. Woodstock, 111 Or V. P. HEIL, District Agent, Rocfcford, 111. lime A.C.SPURLING Veterinary Surgeon, Mclieiyry. Makes a specialty Of*W CASTRATION, Office at Ilanly'e Livery Stable. AVest McHenry, 111, CARMERC • WANTED w to buy Farms In CENTRAL All Buildings Have Been Moved Out of the Ring Shorts,, NOTICE Middlings, Bran. And several companies of Soldiers will be in attendance * during the Fair. Several Companies of Soldiers from Fort Sheridan will give an ex hibition drill,-sham battle and parade. • ... . Waukegan Athletic Association vs, Oak Park Athletic Associa- tion. o / Base Ball, prize Games, etc, - All you men and boys that want to Oil Meal. Oats, Don't Miss tliis Chance On auy kind of goods sold in my store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry Ground Feed QWEST Pftice-S Lincoln as a Lover. Abraham Lincoln's sentimental per­ plexities are to be shown in an article of singular interest which John Gilmer Speed has written from unpublished let­ ters of Lincoln to Joshua Speed, for the next issue of the LadiBts' Home Journal. The article will show that the great President was not steady in his affairs of the heart, that he floundered in his love, and finally induced his friend Speed to marry and tell him (Lincoln) whether marriage was a failure or not. West Side livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES Ei J. HANLY. Prop'r. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or"without drivers, iurnished-at reasenatile rates- Parties taken t" and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will he kept in first class shape, and we shall spare no pains to please ou# cus tomers;atiill times, Give us a call, ' . K. J. HANLY, Woit McHenry, 111,, Aug..15, ltWi. (ret inv prices on quantities from a bag -full to a car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Sold outright, no runt, no royalty. Adapted to City, Village or Country. Neefled in every home, shop, utore and office. Greatest conven­ ience and best seller on earth. A ([< ••<" make from 85 lo 850 per day. One in a residence means a sale to all tho neighbors. Fine instruments, no toys, works anywherefany distance. Complete, ready for use when shipped. Can be put up by any one. never out of order, no repairing,.lasts a life time. Warranted. A money maker. Writ® W. P. Harrison & Co.. Clerk 10. Colutpbns. Q> A, W. WALDO, President wmi ILL

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