Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1895, p. 1

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SECURITY, -- ROD/ but to Truth, to Liberty and Law f No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL, 21. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1895. PUBLISHED^VERY WEDNESDAY BY -jr. VAN 8LTKE,- EDITOK AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS B4.0CK. Two Doors North of I'err.v&Owen's $tor«t , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ! One year (in advance).... ....$1 50 If Kot Paid within Three Months... 2 00 SuBacrlptiona- receiveo for three or six months in the same proportion. ' '. '• RATES OF ADVERTISING: We aniisunce libera!- rates for advertising in the PLAINI/EALEK, and endeavor to state th<3m so plitialy .that they wii! he readily un dsrstood. They are-,*6:follows: riEch oh£ year - •. - 5 00 2 Inches one year, - «•'..« - '10 00: 3 Inches one j-ear - - • - 15 00 W Oolumhone year . - •',* „- • - 30 00 X Column one year- . - - - - 60 00 Column one year - - - 100 Op One, ncn means the measurement of one iuoh down the column, single column width.. Tearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of ohanging as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of Ideal notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per lino the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at"the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and 5 cents per lino for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement wiiloost $1.00 for one week, $1~50 for two weeks, §2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIHDEALEK will be liberal in giving eiitorial notioos, but, aB a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its^oiuuins for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. FRANK L. SHEPARD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 514--30 La Salle St., Chicago. O. H. FEGERS, M, D- __1AN AND SURGE! Office at Residence. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry Ills. ' JOS, L. ART, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OOD LIST, Office in Nichols Bk>ck, over Plainclealer Office. McHenry Telephoue No 4. DR. A. E. AURINGER, PnYSIOjAN AND SURG EON. &ffico in the Htroner building, one door went of A. P. Bier's store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at­ tended to, J. B. HOWE, M. D, PHYSICIAN AftBaSURG EON. Offi-;e and Residence, Hotel Woodstock. Office hours 1 to 2 P. M. daily, uails promptly at­ tended to. Deserving poor treated tree o* charge a t office, including medicine Monday and Friday. F. C. COLBY, D, D. S. DENTIST, Woodstock, 111. Special aten-tionpald to regulating children's teeth, Parties coming from a distance, will do well to give timely notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street anil Publiu.Sq arc C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, solicitor, and| Counselor, Oollectionsia specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. KNIGHT BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. U. S . Express co.'s Building, 87 and 89 Washington St. CHICAGO, ILL. • • -- -0, if f ill vAUER, 1 JOEL H. JOHNSON, WOODSTOCK, ILL. Special Agent for the - , , ̂ orthwest^rn Mutual Life Insurance Co. llyi Of Milwaukee," Wis. ;AN:SEX SALESROOM. M .e distribute another car loatd~of the very Best Minne sota XXXX, Flour j direct from the mills, at the'very lowest market-price. QRGCER1ES. V. Hires' lioot Beer, per bottle, .. .. . lie 1 lb can Cbliimbia River Salmon, . . 12e Best Gloss Starch, per lb, . , 4c . Best Golden Santos Coffees, per ib, , "24c Parlor Matches, per doz. .boxes, . 14c 10 lb.sack Corn Mfcal, . . lTc Best Lemon Extract; per bottle, . oc Arm & Hammer's Soda, per lb, . 7c ° Sardines in oil, per box, . 4c House Furm'shing-Dept. ' - Large assortment children's Books, 10c and up. Folding Lunch Boxes, . . .17c Galvanized Water Pails, . . ' 19c Large retinned Dish Pan, . . .15c Scrub Brushes, . .* . 1 4c Lamp Chimneys, . . . .3c Chair Seats, only . " . . .4c Wash Basins, , . , , 5c C. F. BO LEX, ProDrielor of McHenry Brewery, " M'CHENRY, ILL. Always on Hand with the Best Beet?, TiD IrPITfpn'Q Next Visit,--r-.; DM. JBU J M 0 Friday. Oct. 4th. WOODSTOCK DISPENSARY At tlxe Hotel Woodstock. 1)11. FRUTH, after years of experience hae perfected the most irifallibio method of our mg Nervous debility, decay of body and mind, sel'-distruet, poor memory, weak oyes, stunted development, lack of memory, im­ poverished bloorl, low vitality, and all etlocts of abutes, excesses, improper life, etc.., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. SrECiALTiES'-Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi-nples, Scrofula, Biooff Ta^ot, Eczema, Can- c«r, Piles, and Diseases of^Yvbpien We Guarantee to Forfelj SiSOOfor a ease of -SEXUAL DISEASE Jure, Question list FHEE. one personal interview efollcited. Coustiltation freo D R . D . O , F R U f H , 37 16 Lake Ave.i Chicago' A Large Stock of Standard West Sid© Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. J. HANLY, Prop'r. WEST McHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates. Parties'taken to and from the Lakes in Eisy Rige, and prompt connection marie with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first class sha(JS. and we shall spare no pains to plerse our cusi tomers at all times, Givo us a call, E. J. HANLT, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 1894. All bought on the down market, most carefully selected, and will be sold cheaper than ever. New Stylish Dress goods, Suitings, Elegant Broad Cloth, Flannels, Serges, Novelty Goods, .Trimmings, Linings, \ Watclimaker & McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry alwayson hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watohes. Give mo f t Ca lL JOHN P- SMITH. H. O. RflE&D, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent Jncluding Accident and Life Insurance OFFICE WITH B. GILBERT, NEAR DEROT, WEST MCUENRY, III. W. P. ST, €L&BS?, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Leal Estate and Insurance. \ K U K D A , I I I . A. W*. CHURCH, WatoliniSLlcer a,n<i Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an i uhrorioiuetcrs. aW A Full Assortment of Goods in hiB line. Westerman &. Son, HOUSE, SIGN AND CARRIAGE P A I N T E R S , MCHENRT, ILLINOIS. We are prepared to do all work in our UB6 •on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTK Prices reasonable and work promptly •done. WESTERMAN & SON. McHenry, January SO, 1891. Ms Elegant Dutchess Trousers, in large variety,, all fujiy warranted not to rip. CHOICE UNDERWEAR. In all sizes, grades and prices to suit the closest buyer. A large invoice Capital City Flannels and Blankets just received. Fargo and Douglas Fine Shoes in abundance. Prices low and c ~ quality high. All sizes, and lasts. Beloit Pants, Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, and Duck Coats and Overalls. Full stock,"can please all. ' Ladies' and children's Capes, Jacket and Cloaks, arriving daily. Underwear for all, and stacks of it. New Chicago-Kenosha Hosiery. Fine Hats, Caps and Gloves. Horse Blankets. Carpets, Oil Cloths, wall Paper, Shades. Fine Groceries: The Best Flour, SIMON STOFFEL. Our thus far reliable and carefully handled JOHN J. BUOH, BOARDING HOUSE, Near the Iron Rridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Week at Reasonable rates, A NICE LINE OFJROW BOATS AT MY LANDING, Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Oiiiirs alwayson hand. WFreahLager Beer constantly on draught 4fijf, Uf AlUTCn 8°r 10 men to solicit orders wi fKrt I £U for Hardy Nursery Stock Fruit <snd Ornamentals ; ulso new and valu­ able varieties of Seed Potatoes. Permanent positions; Rrol salary, ranging from $75 to §125 psr tnonth, Apply quick with references, L. L .MAY &CO., S t P a u l , M i n n . Hsrser/msn, Florists and Soedmen. IKSUKAITOB BOTIOTS® Will be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. SIMON STOFFEL. $ THINK OF THE MONEY MADE from inventions--novelties, or simple useful labor-saving devices, If you have made a discovery, or worned out a mechanical problem we'll givo reliable advice as to patentability. The " Inveiytlve Age, " illustrated magazine, 6th year, In interest of inventors, guaramees work of Its ' Patent Department," and illustrates and describes useful icventions free, Complete, valid, strong and comprehensive -patent-; best terms; advice free. Address THE IN CENT­ IVE AGE, Washingtpn. D C. AVINGS • and surplus funds received and loaned on carefully ao- lected real estate securities and the i n t e r e a t colleetedT A A IVT G and remitted withont-L-iV/xSLX^l icharge. Loans made on time and terms . to snit borrower. J. W. RANiSXliAD, 21 DuPage street, Elgin. Dliaolfc If you wish to it, send us your will receive our Catalogue free of know all about address and you Price List and charge.,,, m LIGHTNING BllRUNGION/T^X MIS, NEW CASH One Door South of Post Office McHENRY, ILL. , Hae refitted the earns and pat in a Full Line of \ Choieo Family Growries, Keroeenp, Gaeoline, Potatoee, Freeh Bread, Tablets, Fencile, new Teas, new Coffees. Our Bakery Supplies, Received from the Rockford Bakery are abso­ lutely fresh every day Bread, Buns, Bis­ cuit, Cookies, etc., always oji hand. Canned (Goods, and all kinds of Fruits in their season can be found at our store, C. B. &WRPHY. McHenry, March 18, 1895. Doee smoke from your cigar arise Like incense in the air? Or doee it. only cause a smudge And make your neighbor Bwear? Why will you stick to cabbage leaves And drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a dime "Our Monogram" cigar? BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGULAR SEP­ TEMBER MEETING, 1895. The Honorable Board of-Supervisors of McHenry county met. in ..annual session, at the Court House in Woodstock on Tuesday, Sept. 10, A D. 1895.' s The meeting was called to order by the chairman, J. H. Gracy. The following named supervisors answereid at roil;enll;.„>sT. B.rotzman, C. P. Wright, R J. Beck, 1<. F. Axtell, W. D. Cornue, Wm. Des­ mond, Geo. B. Richards, F. E. Stevens, John Weitzien, L T. Hoy, S. E. Clark, H. F..Tones, George McCotinell, A. M; Wray, W. A. Cristy, J. H. Gracy and W. P. Thompson." - ,• -The, following petitions- were r^ad to the' board and on motion .of Sup.1 ,Beck were referred to the committee.on town and city .lots, towit: STATlE OF ILLINOIS, loc " - McHenry County, | ® ; To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry eoantyi Your petitioner, J. F. De-: \ arniond, .would respectfully show that bli­ the 2Stti day oPSlay, A. D.' }H94, he bid olf at the tax sale, for delinquent'latitis' and lots, tlie following descfib'.ed ptece~' of land viz: Part w % of sw.^j, sec 26, Town 46; Range s, being in the city of .Harvard and. assessed in the name of ®lia%. Anderson, for" t he suln of one and forty-ohe-hiiiidredths (Si;40) dollars, and"received' the' usual -tax-purchaser's (cer­ tificate therefor. This piede of land or lot is oiie of some 18 or 20 ot her pieces, or descrip­ tion^ of like or identical character, differing only in amount of value in the flo-lumn of acres in the assessor's book and is conse­ quently vague and uncertain as to locality. And your petitioner is very preditably in­ formed that no such person as Chas. Ander­ son has owned any of these lots or sub- descriptions; that this pieca is a duplicate assessment of a certain lot owned at one time by one, C. H. Peterson.' And your peti tiouer would respectfully request that the' amount so paid by him be refunded by order of your Honorable Body. Dated at Woodstock, this 10th day of Sep­ tember, A. D. 1895. ! J. F. DEYARMOND. •To the Honorable Board of Supervisors ol McHenry County: We. the undersigned, being, parties who weru burned out in the Are at Algonquin village on the niglit of August 17th last, would petition your Honorable Body to remit the taxes on the same, or as much as your Hon oral, le Body see lit on the following lots, to-wit. Lots i and 9, block eight, (8); lots 8 and of lot 0, block 8; lot 7, block 8, . All in IMumleigh's addition to the village Of Algonquin. Algonquin 111., Sept. 10, 1895. JOACHIM WIKNICE, C. C. CHUNN, MRS. ELIZABETH CHAFELU The clerk presented to the Board two bills aggregating $100.00 which were forwarded to him by the clerk of Boone County, by order of the Board of Supervisors of said county, said bills being for medical expenses in­ curred on account of Emery E. Howe, said to be a pauper from McHenry county. Upon motion Of 8up. Beck the clerk of this board was instructed to return said bills to the clerk of Boone county as they were not a proper charge against this county, as each town cares for its own poor, and should have been referred to the supervisor of the town­ ship of this county where said pauper was alledged to be a resident.. Sup. Hoy, on behalf of the poor farm com­ mittee and Mr. and Mrs. Brown, superintend­ ent of the poor farm, extended an invitation to the board to visit the poor farm in a body on Wednesday, Sept U, 1895, for the purpose of inspecting the conditions of the inmates -and recent improvements on the buildings. On motion of Sup. Cristy the invitation was accepted. Sup. BrOtzman moved that board adjourn until 4 p. m. for committee work. Carried. 4. r. sr. -Board met persuantto adjournment. At roll call members all present. The committee on elections made the fol­ lowing report which was adopted, to-wit: Board of Supervisors, September term, Sept. 10. A. D 1895. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I „„ McHenry County, i s Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred elections would beg leave to sub­ mit the following Report on the matters before them: That in the town of Dunham the name of J. J. Crowley be substituted in thf place of A. J. Whipple as one ofthejudges of elections in said town. That in the second precinct of the town of Dorr the name of J. A.Cowliu be substituted for thAt of M. M. Morley as one of the judges of election and in the first district of said town the name of Fred Sch roeder be substituted for that Of J. A. Cowlin. AH of which is respectfully submitted, W. A.- CUISTY. Chairman, A. M. WRAY, GEO. MCCONNKLI., H.F.JONES, L. T. HOY. The committee on education made the fol­ lowing reports which were adopted, towit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, > McHenry County, j Board of Supervisors, September term, Sept. 10, A. D. 1895.;; -MTrtjtonrrrrarrrmid-Ti^Tntiemtm~ef-tl*e-B«ai*d BAReiAN BRO@: MAKERS OF Choice Cigars.! We can sell you one or a thousand--retail or wholesale. PROTECT YOUR HORSE! BY BUYING ONE OF THOSE Handsome Fly Nets Now on exhibition at our ehop. We aleo have a full line of Duetere, Whipe, etc., to which we invite your at^ tention, and will guarantee to please you in QUALITY, STYLE AND HRICE. A fine stock or SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaperthan the same goode can be bought elsewhere and war­ ranted as represented. IREPAIBirVG Promptly Attended to,) Do not fail to call at once, and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., June 18, 1895. NOTICE. All you men and boys that want to Save from $2 to $5 on Pants OB stes. Don't Miss this Chance On any kind of #oods sold in ray store, at Chicago's lowest prices, E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside Hotel, McHenry Call at Gus Carlson's and get your horse dreesed up. He keeps everything in that line and of the best quality. The committee on town and city lots made the following report which was adapted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,.} __ McHenry .County, ( Board of Supervisors, September term, Sept. 10, A. D. 1895. - ' iMi\ Chairman and preutiemen of the Hoard of Supervisors:' Your committee to Whom was referred t'he petitionH«of J. F-DeYarmond, et al., would beg leave to submit the fol­ lowing report on the matters before them: The petition of J. F. DeYarmond asking that Si.40 be refunded on a tax sale certificate pur­ chased by him. We have examined the same and wnu Id 'recom m'eud that the one dollar and 40 cents be refunded. On the matters of J. Wienke, C. C. Chunn and ElizebethOhapell asking for rebate of taxes on account" of fir-e in the village of Algonquin. We would .recommend that the taxes be extended, as assl'sS|>cL • . •». •> ,-;• All of Which is respectfully submitted. ' , C. P. WRIGHT, . . Chairman; GEO. MCCONNELL., ' o- - F. F. AxTEI.t,, , .v A, M. WRAY, • ' T)ie coinmittee ou roads and'bridges made the. following report, which was adopted, to-wit: ' STATE OF ILLINOIS, Us McHenry County, , : -.Board of Supervisors, September term, .Sept, 10,. A. D: ]89s. . Mr. Chairman and Qentlemen.of the H.oard Of '-Sa-pervfeop?: Your <;om inittee'.to whom was referred the, various road warrents;would beg leave to subniit the following report on the matters befor'e tbem: We have examined the same and find follows. The town' of Hebron nineteeii districts, are correct, and as the above town is the only one under the old lahoi Sv«tem. We would recommend that all .ants not, now in from the town of Hebron must be delivered to,4the County Clerk by October 1, 1805. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. P. THOMPSON, Chairman, JOHN WKLTZIEN. N.BHOTZMAN, F. F. AXTELL, C. P. WKIOHT. Sup. Hoy moved to adjourn until 9:30 a. 111. Wednesday. Carried. WEDNESDAY, 9:30 A. M. Board met persuant to adjournment. All members present except Sup. Brotzman. SUD. Thompson moved to adjourn until 2:30 p. 111. and proceed to poor farm. Carried. 2:30 p. at. Board iMfct persuant to adjournment. At roll call all members present except Sups. Brotzman and McConnell. r, - ' The committee on claims imide the follow­ ing report which was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF IIjIJINQJIS, McHenry County,« ( Board of Supervisors, September term, Sept. 10, A. D. 1895. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on claims Would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders 011 the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Am'tof Am't Claimants. For what. Claim. Ali'wd \V. E. Wire county superlutend- dent, stamps and stationery..8 23 80 8 23 80 O. S. Eastman, pub. notice ; 1 50 1 60 L. P. Card, justic's fees, people vs Edward Powers 6 17 6 17 H. c: Mead, justice fees, people vs Dewitt Couipton and E. Lamden. 7 75 7 75 A. J. Boyington, J. P.. and D. W. Hewitt, justice and con­ stable costs, people vs Chas. Ballard 15 40 13 40 John Koltz, constable, taking! prisoners to jail .' 6 00 6 00 John Baidock, J. P., people vs George Dean, et al..?! 4 15 4 15 L. H. Jofies, J. P., people vs J. J. Conroy v 4 50 4 50 A.C.Thompson, J. P., people vs A ttobblns _... 3 60- 3 (iO M. L. Sackett, J. P., people vs H. T. Iiowarth 4 60 4 60 L. H. Jpnes, J. P., people vs Robert George 3 60 3 60 L. H.-Jones, J. P., same 5 10 5 10 L. H. Jones, J. P., people vs Fred Heiner, et al 10 80 10 80 Ij. O. Diggins, J. P, people vs Chas. Cook, etal 62 75 4•) 05 All of which is respectfully submitted, R. J. BECK, Chairman, " '""" : " F. E. STEVENS, GEO. MCCONNELL, N. BKOTZMAN. JuThe committee on finance made the fol­ lowing report which was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 KS McHenry County, j Board of Supervisors, September term, Sept. 10, A. D. 1895. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee 011 finance would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: The county treasurer reports a balance on hand, at this date of sixteen hundred and forty one dollars and eleven cents (81641 11). Yourcom- inittee would recommend that the sum of twenty-five thousand ($25,00(1.00) dollars tax be levied on tba property of the county to nay the contingent expenses, of the county, Marshall Bros , hose ... 8 30 W G. Conkiin, groceries 10 45 Joliu Tong,v wagon and> machinery repairs.. 7 25 \V illis Disbrow & Co., feed and seed.... 100 94 C. T. Dofiovan, blacksmithLng- " 2« 30 Evans & Killi^t:, meat 31 74 A. B. Pratt & Sou, meat i,..-----•• 7 08 Woodstock Sentinel Co., blanks........... 100 L. T. Hoy, school books and crutches.. 4 65 E. A. Murpiiy & CO., dry goods and clotlling..." 1277 C. F. Thorne, clotblng and shoes 46 10 Stone &. Hart, siloes and repairs 5 15 T. J. Dacy, machinery and repairs....... 34 96 E. S.McFadden, tools and tinware....... • 8 13 M. D. Hoy & Son, curtains, wallpaper and dry goods....;.. - 49 04 ,C.<F. Gaulke, meat,.*............ 103 30 _C. L-. Dougla.s & Son, meal. 1 40 T. H. BroWn, salary 337 54 D o i n c i d e n t a l s . ^ . . . 3 4 7 1 S. E. Cunningham, carpenter work 4^ 25 R. McLean, game 48 00 S. K» Martin Lumber Co., lumber^..... 428 00 Bryant & Son, nhrsery stock.. .............. 50 00 C. Quinlani potatoes. ..... 50 27, L. H. Bennett, carpenter'work.-........„. ; 81 SS- A. W. LacSell, painting ...;...... 13 '£> Robt. McLean, carpepter work.'.2? .00" Si E; Cmnninghafti, same............ 25 00 R. D. CoOney, hogs.......... ;... 47 (sQ Crissey <fc Son, kitcheri range.45 00" of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the annual report of W. E. Wire county superintendent of schools would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have examined said report, compared said report wi,th books and accompanying vouchers and find the same correct, and recommend the adoption >f the report. Your committee has also examined the superintendent's report of institute funds and find the same correct, with a balance on hand of two hundred fifty- nine and two hundredths dollars (259.02.) Your committee would further recommend that the usual appropriation of. fifty dollars (350.n0) be made for local teacher's meetings for the next two years. All of which is respectfully submitted, ^ W. D. CORNUE, Chairman, H.F.Jones, - C. P. WRIGHT. A. M. WRAY. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I RH McHenry County. ( Board of Supervisors, September term, Sept 10, A. 1). 1895. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the report of W. E Wire, county superintendent of schools, for the quarter ending Sept. 1, 1895, would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters before them: We have examined said report and lind the same correct and recommend its acceptance, and that two hundred forty-five dollars (§245 ) the amount due the superinten­ dent be allowed in full as follows: For 29 days visitations at 84....... $116 00 For 29 days exp. in school visitations... 29 00 Fori days spent in examinations at $4... 16 00 For 0 " spent in teachers institutes §4. 20 00 For 16 days spent in oilice work at 84 64 uO Total f. ^ 8245 00 All ofwhicli is respectfully submitted. W. D. CORNUE, •*. Chairman, H. F. JONES, ----- C. P. WRIGHT. A. M. WRAY. The committee on personal property made the following report which was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County, ) March 28th 189o. To Mrs. Ellen M. Stewart, Dr„ To error in assessment of personal property assessed to C. F. Stewart, on May 1,1894, town of Richmond: Assessment was $67o; should have been $76. Tax was 812.18; should have been 81-36. ° Amount over-paid $10.82. STATE OF ILLINOIS,) fis McHenry County. J Mrs. Ellen M. Stewart widow of P. K Stewart, deceased, does solemly swear ttha the items mentioned in the annexed account are just and true; that the tax as therein charged, and that the amount claimed to-wit, the sum of ten dollars and eighty-two cents, is due her and she hereby requests your Hon­ orable Body to refund the same. MRS. ELLEN STEWART. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of March 1895. _ • '. ' G F. RUSHTON, Clerk. STATE OF ILLINOIS, las McHenry County, ( Board ofSupervisors, September term, Sept. 10, A. D. 1895. ' Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board ofSupervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the error of assessment of per­ sonal property assessed to 0. F. Stewart on May 1st, 1894, in the town of Richmond would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we have made inquiry of the assessor of said town and find that'the assessment should stand as assessed All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WELTZIKN, • ' a> ' - Chairman, A. M: WRAY, WM. DESMOND, < F. E. STEVENS, W. D. COBNUJS. for the ensuing year. A11 of which is respectfully submitted. F. E. STEVENS. Chairman. JOHN WELTZIEN, W. A. CRISTY, G. B. RICHARDS. L. T. HOY. The committee on town accounts made the following report which was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, I RS McHenry County, i Board of Supervisors, September term, Sept. 10, A. D. 1895. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred town accounts would recom­ mend that taxes be levied for the ensuing year as per certificates from the several towns as follows. R and B. Town. Corp. Riley 60c 8 275 Marengo - 60c Marengo City 5250 Dunham .". 80c 600 Chemung 60c 1200 Havard City -- --- 5000 Alden 90c 600 Hartland 80c 750 Seneca 90c 650 Coral 60c 200 Grafton 90c 400 Huntley Village Dorr 60c 1400 City of Woodstock 6000 Greenwood 60c 500 Hebron 80c 400 Richmond 60c 250 Richmond Village Burton 60c 425 % McHenry 60c 1100 McHenry Village Nunda , 60c 1£H)0 Village of Nunda Algonquin..' 80c 1400 Algonquin Village Crystal Lake Village... 800 Gary Village - All of which is respectfully submitted. S. E. CLARK, Chairman. H. F. JONES, W. D. CORNUE, C. P. WRIGHT. The committee on poor farm made the following report which was adopted to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 McHenry County, f Board of Supervisors,September term, Sept. 10, A. D. 1895. , . , Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Poor Farm would beg leave to submit the follow­ ing Report on the matters before them: The committee met' at the poor farm APr'l 26tli for inspection of farm and buildings and to ascertain necessary repairs and after exam­ ination decided upon the following repairs and alterations. Repairing cow barn and putting Instant chionsandnew mangers: repairing hog pen bv placing new sill; repairing fence in front of buildings and painting same; rebuilding sidewalks, repairing cell door, pipes to kitchen, boiler, chimneys on poor house and Superintendent's house; papering and paint­ ing four rooms in Superintendant's house; repairing roofs of Superintendant's house and poor house andalso the two catch basins on poor f(irm. That the ice house be used as a work shop and that a new .range be bought for SuperinteHdant's house.. Also decided to repair plastering in poor house as needed, under the supervision of the chairman and Superintendent of poor farm. Committee met at poor house, August 23, 1895 to make out bills for keeping the poor from March 22, 1895 to August 23, 1895- The following bills were presented to committee and allowed and ordered to be paid. Eckert, Youfeg & Co. groceries..... .......S 39 11 Whitson Bros, hardware and labor 109 43 J. C. Cboate, clothing and dry goods... 8 58 B. S. Austin, groceries and flour 103 .W Bunker Bros,, groceries g,nd flour v 142 72 Alois Dreyer,-harness repairs lb 00 W, D. Hall, lumber . SW5 77. Total,.. ....S2372 99 The above audited bills were divided aa - follows: . ' • - •'• '• 1 .. Permanent improvements..-.-....^....--.-81154 27 . RVinumg expensest .v..1105 47 Tobacco -- ......^ .v, I..:.,.... '2J.46 Clothing 77 79 Bills for running expenses.... 105 47 Add supplies on hand 'March22, 1895.....' 243 60 Supplies on hand Aug. 24,1894, omitted from March report 84 11 Total ....! ...„,..J81433 18 Less supplies on hand Aug. 23, $165 17 Less board Mrs. Lawson 22 weeks 66 00 231 17 Net running expenses 51202 01 Total number of weeks board 667 Rate per week 81.SO Add 10 cents per week is 81.90. The following bills were sent to the towns and persons liable for the same. Chemung 43 62;McHenry ... 51 40 ' Alden 89 90!Nunda 144 02 Hartland 218 06;Algonquin......... 249 45 Seneca 135' 71-Dorr 182 24 Grafton 44 80',E E Richards.... 66 96 Greenwood 85 57!Coral 4180 Hebron... 41 S0| The committee find the "work laid out' at their meeting of April 26th nearly completed with the work still in progress, ceiling being used in place of plastering as atflrst eontem- . plated which was approved by the committee. q L. T. HOY. Chairman. W. P. THOMPSON. ~~- W.A. CRISTY, F. E. STEVENS, G. B. RICHARDS, Sup. Desmond offered the following reso­ lution and on his motion it was adopted. WHEREAS a former board of Supervisors adopted a rule seting aside ten cents per week for each pauper to create a fund for the purpose of repairs on house and farm. Resolved that the same be repealed. 1 WM. DESMOND. Sup. Hoy Ofi'ered the following resolution, towit: WHEREAS, as appears from the statement of the. county treasurer, there is now no -- money in the treasury, with which'to meet the necessary running expenses of the county for the balance of this fiscal year, therefore be it Resolved that the Finance -committee be and they are hereby instructed to make such necessary arrangements for'the procuring of tlie money necessary to pay legitimate expenses of the county as in tneir judgement may be for the best interests of the county. , L. T. HOY. Sup. Wright moved the adoption of the resolution. Sup. Beck called for the ayes and nayes. The roll beiug called the clerk announced the result--15 ayes--nays 0. The chairman declared the resolution adopted. ,'JTie following is a statement of the cost for supporting the poor in the various towns for the year ending March 31st, 1895. Riley 105 76 Marengo 150 00 Dunham.. 78. 00 . Cliemuiig 712 30 Alden .0. ; 154 06 Hartland 340 40 Seneca not reported Coral 88 90 Grafton 101 <S Greenwood 183 55 Hebron -. - ilo 21 Richmond ... 12193 Burton McHenry not reported Nunda 291 21 rVlgonquin 1143 51 Sup. Hoy moved that the committee on fees and saleries have until the December meeting to make their report in regard to the question of fees now being investigated by said committee. Carried. Sup. Hoy moved .that the board adjourn at the call of the clerk. ^ GEO. F. RUSHTON, Clerk. J. H. GRACY, Chairman. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Oi Greenville, 111., C. E. Cook, writes: "I have been troubled with billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa­ tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many remedies, but was disappointed Until I tried your Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suffering from above complaints. By J. A. Story. J. A. Story has jusfpurchased a full assortment in all lines of goods kept by her, and she solicfts a call and examine before purchasing. You will find a full line oi stationery, all artist's materials, paints, oils and varnishes, booksf prayer books, a new assortment baskets, work boxes, and many other fancy articles. Choice Cabinet Frames 20 cents; pin trays 5 cents each. A new line just re­ ceived. Call and see. FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It com tains one large store room and tw rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Inquire o! 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. Several years ago I was taken with a severe attack of flux, I was sick in bed about ten days and could get nothing to relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me and has been a household remedy with us ever since. J. C Marlow, Decatutville, Mo. For sale by J. A. Story, McHenry. ITS VALUE RECOGNIZED BY- PHYSICIANS, As a rule I am opposed to proprietary medicines. Still I value" & good one, es­ pecially when such is the source of relief from pain. As a topical (external) ap­ plication I have found Chamberlain's Pain Balm the best remedy I have ever used for neuralgia of any kind. I have . conscientiously recommended it to many persons# William Horne, M. D., Janes- ville, Wis. Sold by J. A. Story. Den't Toba cco Spit or Smoke your Life Away The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story uuder a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. N^w York or Chicago. PAINT your buggy for six bits. Call at Besley's and he will teliyouhow to do it.

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