Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Oct 1895, p. 4

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- i GREENWOOD. Have you set up your "stove? Mrs. Will Cruikshank is visiting friends in Wisconsin. Mrs. Fred Carr is quite low at this writing. # E. G. Wester man made a business trip to Chicago Thursday, Edith Mansfield and Hattie Wesson spent Saturday and Sunday at home. County Superintendent Wir« was a welcome visitor at our school Thursday. Our primary school began Monday Sept. 30, with Mrs. Robbins as teacher. Mrs. E. T. Mansfield has been on the sick list but. is better at this writing. There will be an Art Social at the home of Mrs. Roberts, Friday evening, Oct. 11. A good time is assured. , x Mike Dassow, Clarence Goddard and E. W. Rabbins attended M. W, A. ('amp Meeting, at Ringwood, Thursday night. R. Lawson and wife and J. •< W. Grim- olby were over from Ringwood to hear the lecture Saturday night E. W. Robbins attended the Pricipals meetiuc in County Superintendent Were's office, Saturday, Sept, 28th. And now one of our boys is ftickine: because he did not get the pumpkin "in the bicycle race. , The Ladies' Baptist Aid Society will aive an Art Social, at the homo of Mrs. Libbie Roberts, Friday evening, Oct. 11 Come out and enjoy yourself. President Blahchard lectured to a ffood bouse Saturday evening and three times on Shnday, his subject being secret organizations. . : Mrs. Frank Thompson^ of Wilmot, Mrs. ft. Thompson."of Spring Grove and Mrs. M. Chase, of Ringwood, spent Wed­ nesday night at Greenwood. E. W. Robbins and Merritt Cruikshank went after hickory nuts at an early hour Friday morning. Sometimes the early bird catches something besides the worm. Our road race, Saturday, the 28th was a very close and exciting contest, Mer­ ritt Cruikshank being the winner with Robert a very close second. The boys propose holding another in about two weeks, open to Hebron, Richmond, and McHenry riders. Through the efforts of Rev. Hnll and Miss Nellie Baldwin, a, Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor Society and a Nor­ mal class, for the systematic study of the Bible, have been organized. The first meeting was held Friday meeting at, the M. E. Church and will be held on Satur­ day evenings in the future. RIPANS TA BULKS WEDNESDAY.* OCT. 9, 1895, Just received from the famous house of Joscph Beifeld & Co., over 225, new, stylish and < -- perfect fitting /. . Fashionable shades, positive all sizes, age 3 to 48. Quality and price to meet the times. Mandolin and leg-of-mutton sleeves. Fine fur, cloth and velvet capes. Examine our .new Stvles correct, quality honorable, Prices, sizes, assortment and y shades to please.' :, - .j One Gives Relief. DUTCHESS TROUSERS. Extra Heavy Men's'Suits, $5.00 A. hox will be sent, postage paid, on recipt of 50 cts by RIPANS CHEMICAL CO , 10 Spruce S1„ New York. Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabuleslf requested to do PO. I They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. Dress Goods, Suitings, , Serges, Novelty Goods, rlanneis, Broadcloths, Trimmings, Shawls, Domestics. Batting, 5c per roll. Cotton Flannels, 5c to 25c. Shaker and Tennis Flannel 5c to 25c. Gingham 5c to 14c. 50 Choice Fur Coats, Direct from St. Paul, will arrive this week; Coon, Rus­ sian Dog, Lynx, wild Cat; all warranted. DEALER IV Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, 111. Having again taken possession of my- Market, in this village, I am now pre­ pared to furnish my old customers and the public generally, with Fresh and Salt Meats. Smoked Meat, Sausage, etc. Of the best quality and at Living Prices® I shall keep constantly on hand Meats of all kinds, and leaving nothing undone to meet the wants of my customers. Vegetables of all kinds in their season. FRESH OYSTESS, By the quart or can. fey-Cash paid for Bides, Tallow, Veal, Poultry, etc. i A share of the public patronage is re spectfvlly solicited. \ THORRA8 BURKE. McHenry, 111., Oct. 1. 1895. Just received, a wagon load of new ribbed and flat goods, in tans, gray and naturai. All our scariet under­ wear will go; cost no object. FARGC'S CUSTOM BOOTS AND SHOES Are again our leaders. Stock complete. Prices less the advance in leather. Candee's Rubber Goods. TURKEYS TfBlBI Horse Blankets Oil Cloths. Wall Paper. World's Best. Known the world over to be the most perfect, durable and best working Stoves and Ranges ever constructed. DRESS AND WORK SHIRTS. Overalls, Duck Coats, Pants, Jackets Blankets, Yarns, Hosiery, Hoods, Scarfs, Gloves. Mittens, too many to look at, Best patent Flour, sack, $1.10 Good grade Flour, sack, 95c. SIMON STOFl ^JEL. Every Stove warranted Economy and Convenience in Heat­ ing. No smoke, no odor, Only $6. Get one for your bed, bath or smoking room, library, nursery or conservatory. Who's Got The Turkey ! The Biggest Turkey! The Largest Turkey! The Liveliest Live Turkey! - We offer a cash prize of $25.00 for the largest Living Turkey consigned to us before January 1st, 1896. Elgin. Produce & Creamery Co., 13 Dearborn St. CHICAGO. General Commission Merchants. IN THE COUNTY Repairs for any Stove made furnished on short notice. Our thus far reliable and carefully handled IlfSUBANOT lIuSINBM Anti-rusting Tinware, Table Cutlery, And everything found in hardware stoies. W ill be kept up in future. V\ ill visit the city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. SIMON STOFFEL First Class New Work and Re> pairs in Tin, Copper and Sheet' Iron promptly attended to. Call and see me. A. C. FRIEDLEY Successor to JACOB J3ONSLETT, Coal, Shorts, McHenry, 111., 1895 V A X S O X ' S N U N D A . W. H. Huffman was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. • I Rev. Mr. Kistler, who has been pastor of the M. E. Church here for two years past, was sent to Scale Mound, in .Jo Davies County, 111. Tho Wilbur Co., whbh recently bought the two yards here, are having a fine business. The McHenry County Base Ball League gave a dance here last Friday night, Attorney Barnes, of Woodstock, went bo Geneva, 111., Monday morning, to at; I tend court. { Dr. L. A. v/erueu and wife celebrated their marriage anniversary last Satur-! I day evening. There were a number of their friends present from Chicago,Jalso I the Dr.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I Werden, and Miss Dunkler, and Mr. and Mrs. Seeley. Rev. Locke has been sent to the city by I the Rock River Conference to administer j to the spiritual wants of the people the coming year* Sergeant Fitzgerald, oi the U. S. Army, Sundayed with MB parents at Cry&t'al Lake. F. R. Jackman, of Woodstock, was I doing business in the city, last Monday. Some six or eight new houses are in I course of construction at Nunda. A good J healthy growth. Nowhere in McHenry j county can there be found a more deBir- 1 able location.' , They Contain the Grandest Scenery and the Richest Gold Mines in the World. Fpr unknown wealth in fabulously rich mines of gold and silver and sparkling precious gem stones, not to mention the lovely scenery, our own Rocky Moun­ tains excel any .region on earth. The Illustrated Weekly, of Denver, Colorado, (founded 1890) illustrates the choicest scenery each week and tell ail about the wonderful west. Also true stories of love and adventure. This big family paper, containing eight large pages, fifty-six columns, will be sent on trial three months (thirteen weeks) for only ten two cent stamps; club of six for a dollar bill. Handsome gold rings set with beautiful Rocky mountain gems.are given free as premiums. Address as above and men­ tion the PLAIN DEALER when you write:, Middlings, Bran, Would you care to buy or not, at a remark low price? The Store aim8 to do well lor its patrons; for tbj^ i/ftTTe tots as well as ths big. We invite you, and urge you to come; every day if pos­ sible, but this week. NEAR THE DEPOT, Saturday, Oct. 12th Oil Meal, .Oats, Koero open for the accommodation of the Public a Flrat-Olasa Especially tor Hats. S uspenders and Gents' N; c kwear Sjlcon and Restaurant Where he will at ail times keep the best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. PABfe^'S Milwaukee Lager Beer At Wholesale and Retail. j The Season's Greatest Hat Sale will happen Saturday. Some few of last season's production ; your choice for 50 ct^bach, A new line, just in, -oit and stiff, yo«r choice, $1.25: s<>»0£» worth up ro $2 75, • W The Overcoats, Cloaks, -Warm Shoes, Everything needed for wiuler'a wear is hire now. We mean to save you money.jj Ground Feed. You have got to Use them. Get my pr ces on quai tities, from a b^g-full to a ^car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere. < FOIl SALE. . _ The farm known as the John Fitzsim- mons farm, situated three miles north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This in one of the beststock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house" and baVn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap, For fur-^ ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at 69 Qgden Avenue, Chicago, u v.:_ JOSEPH FITZSIMII ONS, JAMES FITZBIMMONS. 49 mG Administrators, Beer In Large or Small Keg» or Bottles al­ ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Ordsrs by mail promptly attended to. GOOD 8TABL1NQ FOB HOliSFC, «roall and'aee us. Robert 8ohiessle. 4VM2 McHEXBY, ILL

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