Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Oct 1895, p. 5

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;±he .Record Again Broken. On Monday morning Major General C. H. Ostrander, Lieut, General John HeimeiyColonelBen Stilling, Captaip J. D. Lodt'z, First .Lieutenant John iSar- bian, Second Lieutenant John Miller, Sergeant John J. Bishop and Corporal Nick Barbian,with "Poodle" Holmes as Commissary, started out to beat the record or ciie iti the attempt. That thiey succeeded (not in dying) was evidenced by every team that came from toward the Lakes on Tuesday being loaded with --Mud Hens. There are mud hens on every corner and mud hens are freely offered as change in all matters of busi­ ness. Every member of the party is different from George Washington, for they can tell a lie but won't, and each one solemnly avers that they killed three hundred and fifty-one Mud Hens. No use of another party going up What mud hens there were left have taken to the woods. -THE Dedication services, at the UniveK salist Church, on Sunday lasfc, yrere o^ the most interesting character^ The house was full, many being present from adjoining towns, and were unanimous in their praise of the handsome appearance and convenient arrangement of the inter-: jor cf-the church edifice. To the ladies o5 the Society is mainly due the praise for this good work, as it was through their untiring efforts that the financial part was carried out So successfully, aud which leaves the church to-day - practi­ cally Out of debt. Services -will be held hereafter regtilarly every Sabbath, mor»- ing and evening. ' ABOUT ten days ago the family cf Geo. S. Curtis, in this village, received word that he had been injured by th»> cars at Janesville, Wis., and that he wa» 'being cared for in the hospital at that place. It seem that in attempting to board a moving train he lost his footing and was thrown under the wheels, having one arm crushed, four ribs broken and otherwise injured. Ho was taken to tE'e hospital where his arm was amputated near the shoulder, his other wounds dressed, and at last accounts he W|ys get­ ting along as well as could bejpcpected. IT is the constant aim of a French wife to be interesting to her husband, says a French writer. She is forever changing her appearance. For instance you will seldom see a French married woman wear her hair in the same way longer than throe or four weeks. She knows that love feeds on trifles, on illusion, on suggestion. She knows that when a man loves his wife, a rose in her hair, a new iVock, a bonnet differently trimmed, will revive in him the very emotion that tie felt when he held her in his arms for the Srst time. She also knows that the very best dishes may sometimes become in­ sipid if served with the same sauce. Ileal Estate Transfers. Re "or*led up to and inolnrlir g Oct. 7. \"V Terwllliger and w to WH Terwilli- r . r, w % o\vM sec 12 Dorr $ 1 On A* H IVrwllliger find w to Mrs M B K'-appe, ecme, 5000 oo V Fenwirk and w to Ella Hart It 22 and pt of U 23 folk 1 Huniley 100 on Alin Fegors and b to J Miller Its 7 and 10 blk 25 .McHenry•, w of r 11C0 00 Heirs of N. R make to Mary Tooker e % Its 5 ai.d 8, blk 26, Hart's 4th adn I Harvard 22f> 00 M PovfiermaVrr and w to M E ffowell Sr, 33 09a in nee 2t MoLionry ... 2273 00 J P 1 ay and w to N Freund pi of It 14 Johnsburgti 100 00 J Given to P Cavout\v3tf nej^ .st-3^ ec 21 Dunham . ' . . . . . 150 00 l.ola Wnlsii t.oT J Walsh It? 2aDd 3 and pt 116 I)lk2l jicHenry, w of r 3000 00 L DisbroW and wet |al to trustees of schools of 40 .(3 , la in stil see 15 Alden 300 00 AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auc­ tion, on the farm of Joseph Oeffiing, near the Johnnburgh Cheese Factory, on Tuesday, Oct. 213d, 1895, commencing at II o'clock, a m. the following property : 4 cows, 1 span horses, 1 five-year-old mare, 13 shoats. 10 store hogs, 1 set double harness, 1 lumber wagon, 1 light vvagon, 1 top buggy, 1 single harness, 1 fanning mill, 1 corn sheller, 1 hog rack, I organ, 2 stoves and other household furniture. Alsd about 3^/0 bushels oats. 30 bushels rye, 10 tons corn in crib, 4 tons slough hay, quantity corn stalks, >tnd other articles not mentioned. Free Lunch at noon. TERMS.--All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one vear on approved notes at 6 per cent in­ terest. Two per cent off for cash. No property to be removed until settled for. JOUN N. THEI,EN. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. RING WOOD. A. li, Francisco has returned from his western trip. ... " <• H. L. Waterman received a car o£ oats from the west, and more are expected right along. J Our little burg is getting to be the center of the dairying industry, the large stand being crowded with cans every morning, some shipping as many as eighteen cans each day. " Several from this place attended Dedi­ cation Day exercises at McHenry on Sun­ day. All report a pleasant, time. N. D. Stevens and Bert Bell havo a new husker and will do yourhueking on short notice.' • ' ' Cristy & Son have purchased a cob crusher and grinder which will soon be in running order. All getting grinding done should make's, note of this. Midnight strollers will bear in mind that the west side walk is in about the •*arae condition (only more so) that it has been for a year or more. Therefore, damages for injuries received after dark must be relieved by an application of St. Jacob's Oil. The Cemetery Meeting was not as well attended as we bad wished, the threaten­ ing weather no doubt keeping many at home. There will be another meeting on Thursday evening, Oct. 24. The place of Meeting will be announced iu otir next. . The sudden death of Henry Simpson, On Sunday evening, was a shock to all1 >ie we had supposed him to be in better health than for some time past. An ibituary wjll appear in our nesL WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16, 1895. Railway^ Time Tab!©. Taking effect Sunday, May 26, 1695,-at six o'clock A. M. Truina will .pass ilclleury station as follows: G ING 80TJTH. T> lake Geneva Passenger .7:19 AM X Williams Bay Express 8;25 " X Williams Bay Passenger.........3:25 P M R OOING SOBTB.' X WOlrams Bay Passenger... 9-4S A M 8 Lake Geneva Passenger 5; ^I'M X Williams Bay Express.... 4^5 X Williams Bay Passenger ....... J:51 BXPLANATIOK. I r>--Oaily. X-D»t!y except Sunday. a Sunrtavs only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. , Our Fall stock of the newest things in Cloaks and Jackets for ladies and misses, in the latest and most fashionable goods are in. TIT • W e are showing some extra Tal­ lies in the most stylish goods in the market, bought direct from one of the largest manufacturers in Chicago. Come and. see them. MASONIC. MCHEHKV LODGK, NO. 158 A. P. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. F. 1,. MCOmbkr.I W. M. MILLINERY. Mrs. J. H._ Spaulding and daughter have just received a full line of Fall and Winter Millinery, to which they wish to invite the attention of all ladies wishing anything in that line. A full line of trim­ med hats to select from, also children's hate, etc.j Please call and examine goods and learn prices before purchasing. , Respectfully, MRS. J. H. SPACIjDING & DAUGHTER. F0B. SALE. Two Choice Brood Sows, with fourteen Figs, on my farm, one mile southeast of McHenry, on the River Road. t . . Ep. SUTTON; The Sleepy-Eye Flour has ho superior on the markets, This is the verdict of every one who uses it. Call at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry, and try a sack. DR. A HT is prepared to test eyes*ae- curately. The spectacle lenses are ground to order in each case. Candee Rubber Goods only at Stoffel's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Barler's Oil Heaters were awarded high­ est medal and diploma-at the World'* Columbian Exposition. See them at F. L. MeOmber's. Sei the big new stock of the well known Fargo and Douglas Boots and Shoes at S. Stoffel's. Barler's Oil Heaters are reliable, clean and safe,free'from smoke or oil smell, just what you want this fall. CalMJrT F. L. McOiuber and see them ilr^pera tion. Unequaled bargains in Underwear for men, women and children, at, Stoffel's. Bargains in new Dress Goods, Flannels, Hoods, Skirts, Yarns and Mitts, at S. ^toffels. The Golden West Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made by judigjous in­ vestments in gold mining stot^fci Send a stamp for full particulars aboutCripple i'reek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and. full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak ̂ lining and Real Es- !ate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, 'olorado. FOX LAKE PROPERTY FOR SALE. We offer the J. K. Milne Property, Opposite Nippersink Point, for Sale on very Reasonable Terms. Will sell all or divide into Lots. Inquire at Bank of McHenry. Pillsbury's Best and Faucy Patent Flbur always at S. Stoffel's. One gallon can Pie t\.acbes for 25c, three 3-pouud care Pie Peaches for 25c, 2 cans 3-pound Table Apricots for 25c. These and many more at J. W. Cristy A -ton's. New fall and winter Suits, in frock, round or square cut, f 5 to $20, at S. ^taffel's. FOR SALE OR RENT. ° Farm containing 240 acres, situated >ne mile south of the village of McHenry. Phis is one of the best Dairy Farms in • he county. Has good buildings, Hue xpring water, running into the barns, making it convenient for stock and dairy purposes. For particulars call on or address W. & B. BONSDETT. 565 3oulevard Place, Chicago. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Having sold out my ousiness this is to lotify all persons knowing themselves indebted to mo, either by note or book iccount, to call and settle the same with- • ut delay, as I wish to close up my hooks at as early a day as possible. Let •ill take notice and govern thtmselves •iccOrdingly. J ACOB BONSLETT, McHenry, Sept. 24, 1895. EDITOR OF THE GRAPHIC. Of Cambellsburg, Ind., writes: "I will carry your ad at price named. Our drug­ gists don't handle Syrup Pepsin and I want some of it myself. 1 have taken two bottles and it did my stomach more good than any medicine I ever took, and I want more of it. I had a bad case of dyspepsia." At J. A. Story's. Fine new Shawls at S. Stoffel's. If you have not already done eo try a sack of Sleepy-Eye Flour, and be con­ vinced that it leads all others now on the market, Every sack is up to the stand­ ard. And it costs no more to use itthan an-inferior grade. vA. P. Baer, West Mc­ Henry, has just received a car of 500 sacks, and can supply you on short notice. MOTHER AND BABE. Both equally benefitted by the use of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Is the baby constipated? Then try this pleasant liquid laxative, both sure and mild and pleasaut to taste. Has the mother in­ digestion or sick headache? There is nothiug so effective. In 10c, 50c and $1 sizes of J. A. Story. NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: Take notice that by mutual con­ sent the firm' of Carlson, Ander­ son, Larsson and Company has been dissolved, and any accounts or any extension of credit that may be obtained by any of the in­ dividual members of said firm must be upon their individual merit and not upon the credit of the Company. • , . FEED CARLSON, O. G. ANDERSON.' CARL LARSSON. Ringwo.od, 111., Oct. 15? 1895. Elegant.medic n and heavy Overcoats, in fancy colors aad trimming at Simon Stoffel's. UnSversailst Church Directory. T. J. Walsh, ... ... President. F. L. MoOuilfer. ...olerk James 8, Perry.... ..Y... . Treasurer The Witting Workers (the laches organ­ ization.). Mrs. jas: B, Perry .... ....President Mrs, J. Van 81ybe .i.Secretary Itev. J. Straab, D, D... :...... . ^.Pastor WThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address; >8"•Ruriieide Orosfeing, j PreachiNJR services at. 10:30 A. M. and at 7;•»(? P. M. A cordial invit itiou to all. . \ Overcoats and Suits. GREENWOOD. Mrs. Lizzie Mansfield, of Elgin, is visit­ ing her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Mansfield. The Greenwood boys are talking of organizing a football team. Let us do something beside*talk. Our flag and Hagstaff have arrived and )ld Glory will soon be floating from the <chool house top. I). Hawley, of Hebron, was calling on friends here on Sunday evening. J. Barber finished threshing on Friday. Who had a longer run than Barber. Mrs. M, M. Chase is visiting her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Robbins. in this village. The Art Social, on Friday night, was a ^rand success, socially and financially. Dassow and McDonald are still at vork making good roads for the people of Hartland. These men have no super­ iors in road making. The ladies' M. E. Aid Society meets vith Miss Ida Cruikshank on Thursday. Our people were pained to hear of the leath of Mrs. Fred Carr, on Monday oorning. She has suffered for spine time vith typhoid fever. She leaves a hus­ band and one daughter two years old. We went to see Geo. Ilutsgn Monday "o hire a rig. "Yes," says George, -'I'll ^ive you that rig, and here is $10 in •oney, and anything else you want." We thought Uie poor fellow was dement- • d, but wbeiHaVill Cruikshank told us that a girl arrived at George's house sometime Sunday nightour fears vanish­ ed. The girl calls George pa. Methodist Episcopal Church. Re v. V O. Cook, ;. ••••••• 4 • • Pastor, Preaching Sunday, 10:36 i. si. and ? :30 p, M. Sundav. School, 11:45 A.M. . Dr. A, E. Auringer, SuiiCrintendent Junior League 3 p. M„ Mi -s Hetty AVentworih, Supenatenilent. Epworth League, 6:45 p, M., Miss Alice Bennett, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:3Q P. M. Ladies' Aid fociety each alternate week, Mrs. Isaac Wentwort'h, President. &S~A Uor< ial invitation is extended to all. We have this week placed in slock, an extra large stock of Overcoats and Suits, in the most attractive goods, and at prices never before so low. They have already begun to move out. If you want a Suit or Overcoat come and look ours over" Boys' and girls' School Shoes. The winners we sell at §1.25, §1.35, $1.50 and up to f>2. Our shoes have a reputation. TSew customers are being made daily, and simply because we have good goods at a low price and keep lots of them. Have a new shoe but­ ton fastener that will fasten the button on so they will never come off. Lad»e6^ misses and children's capes, jackets and cloaks at S. Stoffel's. If your children are subject to croup watch for the first symptoms of the dis­ ease -- hoarseness. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given, as soon as the child becomes hoarse it will prevent the attack. Even after the croupy cough hasoappeared the attack can always be prevented by giving the remedy. It is also invaluable for colds and whooping cough. For sale by J. A. Story. ^ ) YOU HAVE SEEN Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I'epsin advertised for months, but have youe ever tried it? If not you do not know what an ideal stomach remedy it is. A 10c bottle (10 doses 10 cents) will show your its yreat merits as a curefor constipation, indiges- <ion aud sick headache. Regular size 50c and $1, at J. A. Story's. NOTICE--Who wants to be hit with a -\x dollar Club Pants? Come in and get measured for a §3 Barn Door, Stable Door, Fly Front Door or Plymouth llock Pants. E. LAWLIJS. Agent for McHenry. New fall stcck Dutchess Trousers at S. Stoffel's. Fly Nets and Dusters in endless variety '•an be found at Gus Carlson's Harness Shop, one door south of Nordquest & Weber's Blacksmith Shop. Prices as low as the lowest. A big stock of the Capital City flan­ nels, blankets, etc., just received, at S. ^toSel's. Call at Gus Carlson's and get your horse dressed up. He keeps everything in that line and of the best quality. FOR RENT AT PISTAKA BAY. Furnished Cottages, with Boats, &c., by the month or for the season. Terms Reasonable. Inquire- at the Bank^of VlcHenry. ' , Change in Price; Change in the making of Pictures nec­ essitates an increase in price, and there­ fore on and after September 10th Cabi­ net Pictures will be $2.50 per dozen in­ stead of $2 as now. The change, how­ ever, will make the pictures worth more than the difference in price. L. E. BENNETT. McHenry, 111 , AUK. 27, 1895. The Darlington, Wis., Journal says ed­ itorially of a popular patent medicine: "We know from experience that Cham­ berlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoee ttemedy is all that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains aud possibly saved us from an un­ timely grave. We would not rest easy over night without it in the house." This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any other medi­ cine in the world. Every family should keep it in the house, for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. For sale by J. A. Story. Loans Negotiated. Do you want money ? I can get it for 'you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Medal and Diploma. K. O. T^M. MCHENRY LODGB No. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg­ ular meei.ngs second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at K. O ; T, M. Hall. GEO. HANLEr.iCom, N. HETTMAN, U. K. Don't forget that we are sole agents for the celebrated Snag Praof Rubber Boots. You can buy them at no other place in town arid it is throwing away money buying an imitation. Some extra good things in Lapies' large button, needle toe Kids that you donit find at the other stores, an^( several new styles of the famous^ Pingrec & Smith Shoes, I WOODSTOCK. Next horse sale day Nov. 12, 1895. The leaves are beginning to fall. Born to Geo. P. Eckert, and wife, on Friday, Oct. 11th, a daughter. Miss Alice Corlett, of Elgin, spent Sun­ day with relatives here. S. E. Anderson, of Harvard, called on relatives and friends here Saturday. FrAl Merrick and wife, of Lake Geneva, ^pent Sunday .with friends here. Mrs. Barbian, of McHenry, visited with friends in this city the first of the week. P. Weidrich aud wife, of Richmond, -pent Sunday with their son, east of this city. r -G. Webster sold out his meat market, outh side of the square, last week to Chicago parties- G. H. Hooker and wife rejoice over the rrival of a daughter, at their home, on Friday. 0. Gaffney, father of the station ajrent it Hartland, died at his home at that place Saturdav night. The funeral ser­ vices were held on Tuesday. Married, in this city, Sunday, Oct. 13. lorgen Sommer to Miss Anna Christen- «on, both of Dorr township, Rev. Brandt, •f Chicago, officiating. The Norwegian Society held services in the German church last Sunday after­ noon, Rev. 0 E Brandt, of Chicago, preaching an eloquent and interesting jermon. The city authorities have connected a a new steam whistle with the.engine at thepumpinp; station, which wili be a great convenience to our people, as we have been lost since B. F. Ellsworth •topped blowing the whistle on his re­ pair shop at morning, noon and night. -Dress Goods are moving lively This week we make several new additions in all wool Suitings at 28c per yard and the new Flceeed Wrapper Cloth in several styles. Received last week our advance stock of men's and boys' fall styles. Stiff hats and Fedoras in blaek and browns. Just come in once and look them over. Delicious Coffees. You would be surprised to see what a trade we are having in our line coffees. The sellers are 28c, 30cj 32c and -iOjc. Have others at 20c and 25c, but find the good ones are none too good. Once you try them and you are our coffee customer. Bear in mind the other dealers do not handle these eoffees, as we buy them gr ;en from the importers for c sh and hire them roasted, thus swing the .middle man's profit, which is the biggest, and you get a first class coffee at a low price, and fresh too. You can get this trade only from us. WINTER MILLINERY. Mrs. E. W. Howe has just received a full line of Winter Millinery, to which she invites the attention of the ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Call and examine my Roods before purchasing. I make a specialty of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, •ind have a large stock on band to select from. My coods are all fresh and new, of the latest styles, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. New goods re­ ceived every week. MRS. E. W. HOWE. McHenry, Oct. 9th, 1895. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auc­ tion, on his farm, one mile north of Mc­ Henry, on the Ringwood road, on Thurs-< day, Oct, 24, commencing at 12 o'clock, [M., the following propertyj 1 horse 7 i years old, 1 horse 8 years old, 1 colt 3 years old, 10 cows, coming in soon ; 1 heifer 2 years old, 30 choice April pigs, 11 Poland China Boar, 1 truck lumber hvagon, 1 double buarg.v, 1 road cart, 1 •Ibob-sleigh, 1 cutter, 1 mower, 1 sulky ^cultivator, 1 seeder, 2 drees, 2 plows, 1 sulky plow, 1 hay rake. 1 fanning mill. 1 corn sheller, 3 milk cans, 1 pulverizer, 3 sets double harness, 1 single harness, 1 saddle, 12 acres of corn stalks in field, 6 tons tame hay, 600 bushels of oats, 800 bushels of corn, 30 bushels of rye, and numerous other articles. TERMS.--All snms ot $ 10 and under eaeb ; over that sum a credit of one year wili be given on approved notes at 6 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash Jos. DIEDRICU. F. K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. Wall paper. Ilave cut prices 20 per cent on all good grades. Papers were never so cheap as now and our stock is complete. Paper trimmed free. Perry & Owen, Union Suits, for ladies' misses' and children, 50c to |2, at Stoffel's. The handsomest and best Oil Heater ever made is Barler's Ideal. Y'ou need one and now that the price is within reach you can have one.' I have four sizes. F. L. MCOMIIER. Dress flannels, suitings, dress goods, «.t S. Stoffel's. aCenerallMerchants. MoSUNHY. ILL. FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms ig second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold •^heap and on reasonable terms. Tnquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. Over 200 new Jackets, Cloaks and Capes fresh from Chicago at S. Stoffel's. Fur Overcoats-direct from the factory at St. Paul at S. Stoffel's. Don ' t Toba'co Spit or Smoke yofir Life Away The truthful startling title of a book about. No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as Nor to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story und^r a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. ' •' ;1 No. 1 fine salt, $1 per barrel, at S. StoMel's. ' ; Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. PEHfiY & OWEN.lB&nkerv* VIoHENRY, - - BILLINOIS. This Bank receive* deposits, buy* md sells Foreign and Domestic Ex­ change, and does a Sanaral Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our e are in a manner and upon ts:ms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage, MONEY TO LOAN; On RealEstate and other first class security. Special attention given to e©• lections, II«aX7«AI*OIC In first Class Oomfanies vt ih§ Lowest Rates. Fours Bpecifully PIRRY * OWK«» Evanson's Gingham Sale Saturday, Oct. 19th. Awarded World's Fair, Highest Hoj Were our Special Clothing Sales a suc­ cess? Ask the hundred purchasers if they.received good values and you wiljt have your answer. You will hear from® us again and it is for our future reputa­ tion we are working: These sales are to mak^npw friends as well as retain old ones. Look out for our next drive. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Riunwood. Our eyes are open for a good purchase for you. We will tell you what it is next week, so watch our ad. ' J. W. CRISTY 4 SON, Ringwood. Big bargains in Ladies Jackets at Evanson's. " •- It 'e JFrea I Do not fail to send for a free sampe copy ot the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home aad family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, minipg news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. -Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.

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