Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1895, p. 10

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fwRRPIO «MWSKE» "'NCWOOD, ILl ELGIN, ILL JULIA A. STORY, DBALBK IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULL LINE OF ^ESSSt CHEMICALS, H DYE STUFFS, . . . , _ . P a i n t s , O i l s a n d l&PfffT7' 1 ^OlOrS COW8TAKTLT OH HAND. Fdll linb of PATENT, MEDICINES, 'TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians Proscriptions j pSfmAcu'tby a Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. --» -- JULIA JL 6TORY One Door West of River tide Souse, McHenry, 111. W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. Notices h rul or Hie above head are furmlshed by the ladies ct thfl W, C, T. V andthe editor claim* n® part or credit for the The first bill ever drawn by a woman legislator passed the Colorado legislature last week, and it is a happy prophecy of the golden age in government when men and women shall sit together in legislative councils, that it was a bill raising the age of consent to twenty-one . years. Hon. Mrs., Hally, one of the three women members, was the author of the bill. ' 7T~Austria proposes to deal .with persist­ ent drunkards by treating them as mentally incapable and detaining them in sjjecial retreats for a term of two years. They may go in of their own ac­ cord or on compulsion, in which case they must be tried and witnesses both lay and medical called. They may be released before the time is up or impris­ oned again. TheW.C. T.U. pledge reads "includ­ ing wine and all kinds of beer and cider." To my mind this means such drinks as "rpot beer" and "orange cider" if they contain alcohol. Does not the so-called "temperance rpot beer," (Hire's. Root; Beer,) as it is commonly made contain alcohOI? And does not alcohol form " iu orange cider as it does in other cider : in a few hours. ' Why is it that patrons and directors .who want the children taught correct facts in arithmetic or geography, are seemingly unwilling to have correct scientific facts concerning alcohol and its effects upon the human system taught the children ? If beer is a healthful drink, why is it that beer drinkers are more susceptible to disease than total abstainers? • Why is it not just as important that children should learn the the elementary facts about the human system as to learn to read and write and count? There are times when it is a good plan to KEEP COOL! But at this season of the year nearly every one is making prepara­ tions to " • IS, ) , v STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenht Countt, Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem­ ber term, A, D. 1S95. Adelbert 5. Wright, vs, Chas, E. Irwin et al Chancery Partition. BY vlitue of a decretal order made and en­tered in the abore entitled cause at the September term, 1895, of said Court and tome directed and delivered as Special Master in Chancery, appointed by said Court, I will, on Monday, Kov 11, A, D. ')£9o, at one o'clock P. M. of said day at the east door of the Court House, in Woodstock, McHenry county, Illi­ nois, offer for sale «nd sell at public vendue, for cash, to the highest and best Didder, th* following real estate, to-wit: That part of lot No. seven (7), in block No. fifteen (!5 ) de scribed as commencing eleven ana one-half (UK) feet north of the northeast corner of said lot, running thence west twent.three (23) feet to within fourteen (14) feet of the northwest corner of said lot, thence South •one hundred and twenty-seven and one-half (127#) feet to toe sonth line of said lot, thence east twenty-three (23) feet, thence north one hundred and twenty-seven and one half (1!7#) feet to the place "of beginning, known aad described as NO. five (5) Pbrenix Block, in the city of Woodstock, McHenry county, IU. J. F. Casey. Special Master in Chancery. KEEP WARM. Yon will not find a better winter than at our store. place to get. what you want for We will aim to please you in goods and prices. 'orafipAipwA S1N39V ON •?lN5WnN0 , ~ s-aoiad AsaMcfJ - !̂ 0U3UiyU13f)0|§)493 ~ J, W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood, 111. A memorial money saving week is in store for you. A busy week for us. A week of specials in every department. On November ioth we will be 10 years old in the Big Store. (Havebeen in business in Elgin about 25 years.) If you don't know us, have never heard of us, won't you spend a day with us next week? We don't ask you to buy, get acquainted. Mfcm -- -- --y -- T. mx THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGI1>. ILL, Cape and Jacket BargainsI For twenty days only. Elegant garments. MaDdarian sleeves, no two alike, all sizes, styli h colors, prices guaranteed. Mioses' and children's capes and jackets, Astrachan, Electric Seal and Coney Fur Cape?. New Ideas in Suitings, Dress Goods, Flan­ nels, Velvet, Silk and Beaded Trim mings. FINE NEW SHAWLS. SCARFS, HOODS. YARNS, MITTENS. Underwear - Bargains ! For men, women and children, in *cxrlet, gray, whit e and natural, from 15c to $2 Union suits; double breasted; fleece lined, %ST. PAUL FUR COATS, Direct from the factory, in all sizes; Coon, Russian Dog. Chinese Goat, Mountain Goat, great Black Dog. These goods are perfect and warranted; our stock is large and prices clear down. Overcoats and Winter Suits. All sizes, only correct stvles. Overcoats from $3.75 to $22. Suits frcm $4.40 to $20. Boys' 2-piece suits $135. Odd knee pants 25c to $1.35. Nobby suits in double breasted square cuts, Prince Alberts, cutaways, NEW FOOTWEAR. A large new stock of Fargo's shoes for men, women and children $2,5C shoes. Gen. Grant, box tips, etc. g3gT"See our Douglas' men's fine shoes, made on the most stylish Iftsts |^TA complete s.ock of Candee Rubber, tor leather and felt boots and knit socks, rubber boots. Warm Gloves and Mittens, Stylish and warm Hats and Caps. Hosiery of the best make, Beloit Overalls, Coats, Shirts, Pants and Jackets. Dutchess Trousers, never rip and fit pertect. Carpets, Rugs. Floor Oil Cloth, Wall Paper. Shades. Horse and mule Blankets 5-A goods are the best. Crockery, Groceries, Flour, etc. SIMON STOFFEL. IzreURAITOl) Btr^IWESS Will be kept up in future. W ill visit the city every Thursday and will fill all special orders of a reasonable nature. SIMON STOFFEL. GEO. W. BESLEY, - - - i West McHenry, 111. •EALEtt N- Drugs, Medicines, POINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOE MEDICAL USE. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical Use. ®~The beat brands of Cigars and smoking and chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions t' ' ' I Carefully compounded. Give me a call, . v: GEO. W BESLEY. Jfj^ iW>*. AVTNPQ IDLE monk: xi T 11\ VJ O • and surplng fan tit received and loaned on carefully se­ lected real estate securities and tht interest collectedT /"V A "VTQ Land remitted witeoatJ^V^xLii O. s k m charge. Loans mada on time and termj to suit borrower. J. W. RA NHTK.A It 31 JJuPage street, Klmn. Illinois. Can not be excelled It is one of the Hardest of Hard Coals,rand we guarantee it to burn freely and last longer than other Coals. COAL. m 0,AIj I COAL. In placing your orders for your winter's Coal remember that the Cross Creek Lehigh We have our Coal sheds filled with the above named Coal right now and can give you PRICES AS LOW AS HE LOWEST. Delivery to suit you . Call and see us, examine our Coal, get our prices and we know you will be pleased. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 14, 1895. / , Fnrniture FURNITURE. r"tm A large assortment of Chamber Suits, Dining; Chairs COMBINATION BOOK CASES, Ladies' Desks, Sewing Platforms Floor Rockers, Carpets, Window Shades COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, ETO. New goods received every day. I do not allow any of my goods to get shop worn or out of date. & Prices as Low as the Lowest. A FULL LIKE OF UNDERTAKING ON HAND ' JaOOP" JlTSTHW McHenry, III., July, 1895. •I SUB, M fetal ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Sold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adapted to City, Villac* or Country. Needed in every home, shop, store and office. Greatest conven­ ience ai^,d best seller on earth. Agents make from &5 to $50 per day. One in a residence means a sale to ail tho neighbors. Fine instruments, no toys, works anywhere, any distance. Complete, ready for use when shipped. Can b« put up by any one, never out of order, no repairing, lasts a life time. Warranted. A money maker Write 1VV. P. Harrison & Co.. Clerk 10. Columbus, a II. SCMBSLB, NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST MoHENRY, TT/f rKSlrE-oi™' »'•»' Saloon and Restaurant, to bo found in tho market. PAB&T'S Milw&aks# Lager Seer At Wholesale and Retail. M$1 "a.lf T<>oe Engrav. (pit I JJ^aviiigs 2x3 inches, for $1,75, ttiousnnda on any1 printing presshUBpm?r.hnt' andtl.TSand receVve "he8 w2vK£*M0"jACKBO"' •« Pillsbury's and W ashburns Best Flour. WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ' WHEN YOU BUY IT. And make good bread when you use it. There are others, but Pillsbury's and Wasnburn's Best leads them all. Try them and you will use no other. Every sack warranted. ' ' Washburn's Best, - - - - $1.10 Pillsbury's Best, - - - - - 1,15 Leave your orders at the mill, we will do the rest. ^ Respectfully Yours, " T. J. WALSH. Sr SmaU K«K8 or Bottles Bl- ty considered! PW th&n any other' Orders by naall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8F8, WCall snd'see us. Robert Sohiessle. UBitefl StatfislarClaiiii Ape WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock - - lllfnols Proseoutesall classse and kinds of claim. Majnit the United State, for ex 80WU™ tSeFWidows, Dependent Relatives ot Heiw _ _ _ 'WM. H. COWLIN O9o0*t Resldeoee, Madison St. Wood«x>«k UNIVERSAL'PROVIDER. ' : - ORIGINATOR OF LOW PRICES. EVERY EYE IS ON US. Watching the success of our ten year's success in the Big Store achieved in two. Watching our advertisements, those true Trade Thermometers. Seeing how we perform what others claim, but never dare to do. EVERY TONGUE Will praise our REDUCTION EFFORTS during the week, Nov. 10th to 17th, RIPANS TA BULES Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If you suffer from Headache, Dya- ---; * mm" m a «***« nM Depia or Indigestion..' TAKE BIFAMm TABULES If you are Billious, Constipated, or -- . mmm , _ . M__. __ have a Disordered Liver TAKE BIFAll S TABULES If your Complexion is Sallow, or -- you Suffer distress after eating, TAKE BJFAHS TABULBS For Offensive Breath and all Dis- 1 orders of thr Stomach......... TAKE TABULSS Ripans Tabule^ act gently but promptly on the liver, stomach and intestines; cleanse the system effectually; eure dyspepsia, habitual constipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabule taken at the first indication of in­ digestion. billiousnesg, dizziness, distress atter eating or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty, . ; < Ripans Tabules are prepared from a prescription widely used by the best physicians; and are presented in the form moat approved by modern science, v It given a fair trial Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure ; they eontain nothing injurious and are < economical, One Gives' RelieC a- • . • A box will be sent, jpostage paid, on reeipt of 50 cts by RSPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce Si,, New York, Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules it " requested to do so. •--| They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. |-- SSFJTgS. Agents. $75 a vrepk. Kxclusive territory. Th» Rapid DI»hW*fcher. Washen all tie dishes for a family ia one minute. Washes, rtn*eB and drie« them witboat wetting tho hands. Tern push the button, the machine doe* the rest. Bright, polished dishes, and cheerful vires. No scalded tingera.nosoiledhmndsor clothing. broken dishes, no muss. Cheap, durable,warranted. Circulars free fgr. p. HARRISON <fc CO., Clerk Jio. 12, Columbus, O.

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