Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1895, p. 8

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Artistes and Koltoee under the ftbrire head • »r« f»r*tshetf by ibe Ladies ot the W, 0, T. U M*the editor claim* no part or credit for the The legislature of South Carolina has passed a scientific temperance instruc­ tion law. This ^reduces the number of states without such a law to four. It has been decided by the Chicago fijof the churches hfiloninnc1 to it must not use fermented juice for communion and that unfermented grapes must be substituted at all times. The temperance pledge will be placed5 in the Sunday school. How little is known about our foreign born citizens and their children! 1st. A system of visiting houses should be carried on BO as to become acquaint­ ed with our several fields. It does not need large gifts, nor many, to be able to do tjiis work, only to be filled with the love ob&od, I was going to say swamped in God'® love. There is not a depart­ ment of' our W,. C; T. D. work that can not do something in this, or for it. An Act Prohibit the Seiiding of Minora "to'Saloons; • • ; • Be it enacted by the people of the State cif Illinois represented m General Assem- *?/NC WOOD, II-L UNIVERSAL PROVIDER. ORIGINATOR OF LOW PRICES, There are times when it is a good plan to KEEP COOL! Relief, But at this season of the year nearly every one is making prepara­tions to o-'-1st. That it shall be and is hereby 'made unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, by himself, his agent or servant, to sell, give Or deliver any in­ toxicating liquor to any minor, whether with or without the written order of the present guardian or family physician of such minor. 2d. That if any person, firm or corpo­ ration in this state shall violate the pro­ visions of this act, he, she, or it, shall for each offense be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than thirty days. The above bill was drafted by George F. Rearick, attorney-at-law, Danville, 111., and was presented to the Legisla­ ture by Hon. Thomas Hamer, State Senator' of Vermont. Mrs. W. P. Kuhl is the author of the bill. A box will be sent, postage paid, on recipt of 50 cfcs by RGPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Spruce Sl„ New York. Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabule3 it requested to do so. [ They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. OUR SECOND ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY SALE! IN THE BIG STOKJS, Will be continued throughout the week, November 17th to 24th. Make up your list of wants and get our quotations before you buy. KEEP WARM 4 For twenty days only. Elegant garments. Mandarian sleeves, no two alike, all sizes, styli h colors, prices guaranteed. Misses' and children's capes and jackets, Astrachan, Electric Seal and Coney Fur (Jape3. New Ideas in Suitings, Dress Goods, Flan­ nels, Velvet, Silk and Beaded Trimmings. FINE NEW SHAWLS. SCARFS, HOODS, YARNS, MITTENS, Underwear - Bargains ! For men, women and children, in scarlet, gray, whit e and natural, from 15c to $2. Union suits; double breasted; fleece lined, DO you want A steady payingjol, with largest house in theweBt, 20 years established. With our fa­ cilities we can make a good salesman in two weeks from raw material. Nursery stock that is warranted to grow. 25 best varieties seed potatoes in the world, etc. If you want money write, stating age. L L, MAY & CO- St« Paul, Minn, nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen. • *' (This house isjresponsibl#) You will not find a better place to get what you want for winter than at our store. We will aim to please you in goods and prices THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGO, H3LJLto Ringwood, 111 Wholesale and Retail Agent for ST. PAUL FUR COATS, Direct from the factory, in all sizes; Coon, Russian Dog. Chinese .oroat, Mountain Goat, great Black Dog. These goods are perfect and warranted; our Btock is large and prices clear down. Overcoats and Winter Suits. All sizes, only correct stvles. Overcoats from $3.75 to $22. Suits frcm $4,40 to $20. Boys' 2-piece &uits $135. Odd knee pants 25c to $1.35. Nobby suits in double breasted square cuts, Prinoe Alberts, cutaways, THE BEST MADE. in any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ALSO. ALWAYS ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors* FrenchSBitters, choice Ales* Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. GOAL COAL O AjL I JULIA A. STORY, In placing your orders for your winter's Coal remember that the Cross Creek Lehigh NEW FOOTWEAR A large new stock of Fargo's shoes for men, women and children $2,5C shoes, Gen. Grant, box tips, etc. - J^lfSee our Douglas' men's fine shoes, made on the most stylish lasts t3i~A complete slock of Candee Rubber, for leather and felt boots and knit socks, rubber boots. Warm Gloves and Mittens, Stylish and warm Hats and Caps. Hosiery of the best make. Beloit Overalls, ("oats, Shirts, Pants and Jackets, Dutchess Trousers, never rip and fit pertect, Carpets, Rugs. Floor Oil Cloth, Wall Paper. Shades. Horse and mule Blankets 5-A goods are the best. Crockery, Groceries, Flour, etc. Call and see me and I willust use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McRenry, 111., 1894. Can not be excelled. It is one of the Paints, Oils and Colors Hardest of Hard Coals, and we guarantee It to burn freeiy and last longer than other Coals. We have our Coal sheds filled with the above named Coal right now and can give you PRICES AS LOW AS HE LOWEST. Delivery to suit you. Call and see us, examine our Coal, get our prices and we know you will be pleased. WILBUR LUMBER CO. West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 14, 1895. CONSTANTLY OK HAND. FULL LIKE OT PATENT. MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. WEST MoHENRY, XXJL. L Keeps open for the accommodation of the rubllo a Flrst-Olais Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all timet keep the best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be fonnd in the market. U' PABST'S Mil -1 * W auwftufivf lAger seer At Whoiesale and Retail. MS rrBbCriUUOnS [Carefully compounded by a i ) Registered Pharmacist, Tour Patronage is respectfully solicited. SIMON STOFFEL One Door West of River tide Bouse, McHenry, 111. iKSGI^yVll BUSINESS FURNITURE. Will be kept up in future. Will visit the city every Thursday and win fin oil annni n 1 nrHpVfl nf n reasonable nature. 'illsbury'sand Washburn's Best Flour. WILL SATE YOU MOM A iarge assortment of Chamber Suits, - Dining Chairs, Sewing Platforms, Floor Rockers, Carpets, Window Shades, COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, ETC. _ ; ; • • V New goods received every day. I do not allow any of my goods to get shop worn or out of date. mmw • GEO. W. BESLEY Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8F8. W"Oall and'see as. Robert Schiessie. DEALER N DmffffiSl ifl ®ru^s' Medicines, • PAINTS, OILS. ilittaj, West McHenry, 111. FOE MEDICAL USE. ' s I Also, Bottled Ale and Borter for Medical Use. ' l^TThe best brands ot Cigars and smoking and chewine- Tobacca always on hand. 6 Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded. Give me a call, ^ GEO. W. BESLEY. WHEN YOU BUY IT. And make good bread when you use it. There are others, but Pillsbury's and Wasnburn's Best leads them all. Try them, and you will use no othei^ Every sack warranted. Prices as Low as the Lowest -PUT . €Ai A PULL LINE OP UNDERTAKING ON HAND JAGOB JlJSSMlN, McHenry, 111., July, 1895. Washburn's Best, - $1.10 Pillsbury's Best, - - - - - 1,15 Leave your orders at the mill, we will do the rest. Respectfully Yours,

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