Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1895, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1895. Railway Time Table. Taking effectSunday, May 26, 1895, at six o'clock A. M. Trains will ;pass ilcHonry station as follows: GOING SOUTH D Lake Geneva Passenger ....7:lp AM X Williams Bay Express 8:25 " [' V VV ILL IFLMQ T(UY P*S55N^6?. - P M GOING NORTH. X Williams Bay Passenger........ 9:48 A M 8 Lake Geneva Passenger ........ 5;i8PM X Williams Bay Express... ̂ 4:55 " X Williams Bay PaBsenger 6:51 •' EXPLANATION. D--Dally. X--Dally except Sunday. b Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. Universalist Church Directory. T. J. Walsh,«... .'. President F. L. McOmber ...Olerk JSmes B. Perry.... .V Treasurer Bev. J. Straub, D, U. .. ..UPastor The Willing Workers (the ladies organ­ ization.) Mrs. vTas. B, Perry ....... .......President Sirs, J. Van Slyke. .........Secretary •8apt, of Sunday School,....i....6. N. Owen Assistant,.,, .... Mrs. Q. N. Owen ***The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Burnsid.e Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A, m. and at 7 ;30 P. M. A cordial Invit-vtion to ail. - --===;==.• Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. V. o. Cook, .Pastor. . Preaching Saoiday, 10:30 A M. audi ;30'p. M, Sundav Sc&oolj 11:45 A; k. Dr. A, JE. Auringer, .... ... Superintendent Epworth league, 6:45 r, m, Wayne Wood burn, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p M. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate week, Mrs. Isaac Wentworth, President, >8®" A Cordial invitation is extended to all. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.--" Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. „ F. L. McOMBKR, IW. M. ORDER OB1 THE EASTERN STAR. Regular Meetings the First and Third Tues­ day evenings of each month, at Masonic Sail MRS. BARBARA. VAN SLYKE, W. M. F, L. MOOMBBR, Secretary. K. O. T. M. MCHENRY LODGH NO. 77, K. o. T. M --Reg alar meetings second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at K. O T, M. Hall. GEO. HANLET, Com, J. J. BISHOP. R. K. Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves. "A CELEBRATED CASE." Watch for it. Do not forget the Social, at G. W Bealey's on Friday evening of this week RAIN, followed by snow, was the alma­ nac for this section the latter part of last week. Miss J. A. STORY is now buying her Holiday Goods, and promises one of the -finest displays ever seen in McHenry, CIRCUIT COURT will be in session at Woodstock next week. We believe this \ is an adjourned Bession. THE Art Gallery, at G. W. Besley's, on Friday evening, will be well worth your attention. SEVEN car loads of stock were shipped •from this station last week, five by F. K. Granger and two by C. T. Eldredge. THE pleaaantest party of the season is expected at the Riverside House on Thanksgiving evening. Slocum'a full Orchestra will be present. FOUND, in this village, a pair of Rubber Boots, which the owner can have by call­ ing at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. NEW advertisements this week from Perry & Owen, John Evanson & Co., M. Engcln, Theo. F. Swan and Fred Sauer. BEAR in mind the Thanksgiving Party at the McHenry House, on the evening of the 28th. Smith's orchestra will fur­ nish the music. LOOK out for the Holiday Advertise­ ment of G. W. Besley, which will appear soon. His usual large and welt selected stock will be bigger than ever this year. GEO. G. SMITH had a valuable colt lac­ erated by a bull dog one day last weeek. The dog was promptly killed and the «colt died Sunday night. MRS. T. J. WALSH will give a reception on Saturday evening, Nov. 16th, in honor of Mrs. Rounds, State President of the W. C. T. U. The hours are from 8 to 10 p. M. „ THE Devotional Services of the Y. P. C D. of the Universalist Church, will be led on Sunday evening next by Miss Ethel McLeod. Subject: "Right Conversa­ tion." ON account of other entertainments, the regular meeting of McHenry Chapter No. 222, O. E. S., for Tuesday next will be postponed until the next regular, which will take place Dec. 3d. THE W est McHenry Band are rehears­ ing for another Drama, entitled "A Cele­ brated Case," which they propose to bring out at an early day. Full particu­ lars hereafter. THOSE Kansas Apples, which we adver­ tised last week, have arrived, and can be Y found at C. B. Murphy's in Howe's block and in Smith's block, on the West Side. 'They are beauties. THE Ladies of the Willing Workers Society have decided to give a Birthday Supper; at the City Hall, on the evening ®®bf December Cth. This is something unique and will draw a full house. Full particulars hereafter. A NUMBER of boys were arrested in a , neighboring town on Hallowe'en. This is proper. It is all right for the boys to have a little fun, but when it comes to damaging property it is time to call a halt. , 1 A letter just received from James Rob- bins, announces that he arrived at Seattle,. Washington, safe and sound, and was enjoying himself ^ finely. He gives a short account of iiis trip, which time and space will not allow us to print at this time. _____ Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves. * \ * "--: . PERSONAL. HON. GEO. GAGE was a Richmond vis­ itor on*Tuesday. • « * Mws KATE HOWE was a Chicago visit­ or on Saturday last. _ /•-- KASIN WELSH, of Chicago, was on our streets on Saturday last. .teV WALTER EVANSON, of Wauconda, spent Sunday, with friends in this village. MIKB WINKLES was visiting relatives in Milwaukee the past week. MRS. HOMER CLEMENS was a Richmond visitor Monday. THOS. HALPIN, of Elgin, has been call­ ing on friends here the past week. DR. J. L. ABT was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday. MISS MAGUIE FRISBY visited relatives and friends in Chicago last week. ISAAC ENTWOIITH was an Elgin visitor on Monday. A. P. BAER and John Evanson attend­ ed to business in Chicago Tuesday. MRS. E. HOPE, of Florida, has been the guest Of Dr. H. T. Brown and wife the past week. ... " ": PAUL BROWN and wife, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village, MRS. F. T. COLBY, of Chicago, has been visiting w.ijh her mother, in'this village, the. past week. ANTON ELGLEN and son, Peter, attend­ ed to business in Milwaukee the first of the week.. MRS. H. E. WIGHTMAN and Mrs. R. Waite are visiting friends in Chicago this week. FRED SCHNORR, of Council Bluffs, Iowa spent Sunday with his parents in this village. GEO. ROSE, of San Francisco, Cal., was the guest of Fred Schnorr and wife, in this village, over Sunday. W. H. STEWART, of Athens, N. Y., and John Stewart, of Chicago, brothers of Mrs. Isaac Wentworth, visited here over Sunday. DR. A. E. BAECHLER, Dentist, is spend­ ing this week at his old home, ia Bloom- ington, and therefore his office will be closed until Monday next. f A FINE baoy girl arrived at the home jo I Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johonnott, Rich­ mond, on the 3d inst. The PLAINDEALER sends congratulations. HARRY HOLMES went to Woodstock on Tuesday morning where he expects to be engaged for the next two weeks as bailiff at the County and Circuit Court. MRS. JOHN I. STORY and daughter, Edna, Mrs. 0. N. Owen and daughter, Ethel, Mrs. H. .McOmber, Miss Amy C. Owen, Miss Julia A. Story, Mrs. E. J. Hanly, and Mrs. M. A. Howell and son, attended the Flower Show in Chicago on Friday last. MISS LOIS WHITING, being about to leave McHenry, was the recipient of a pleasant surprise by her young friends on Friday evening last. About thirty of her friends and schoolmates were pres­ ent. who left many tokens of their regard in the shape of handsome presents. MRS. J. VAN SLYKE, Miss Amy C. Owen, Miss Stella Nordquest and Mies Hattie Howard, are the delegates chosen by the Y. P. C. U , to attend the Annual Con­ vention of the McHenry County Christian Endeavor Union, which is to be held at Algonquin on Friday and Saturday of this week. Do not forget the Social at the River­ side House, on Tuesday evening next. GET your Conundrums ready for the Social, at G. W. Besley's, on Friday evening of this week. THE ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. E. M. Owen, Thursday af­ ternoon, Nov. 14th, at 2:30 o'clock. MRS. T. J. WALSH, President. MRS. F. L. MCOMBER, Secretary. THE teachers of the Public School will hold a public Reception, in the School Building, Friday evening. Nov. 22. All friends and patrons of the school are cordially invited to be present. JOEL A, HARLEY, Principal. No patron of our Public School should miss the opportunity to look over our elegant new School Building, and enjoy a rich Literary and Social treat, on Friday evening of next week, under charge of the teachers. The building will be thrown open and all are invited. IT will be safe to see that youi gun is loaded and in a convenient place before retiring nights. There are a large num­ ber of thugs and thieves leaving Chicago and are making raids in several towns in this vicinity. Should one of these night marauders gain admission to your house show him no mercy. ' THE next Social by the Ladies of the M. E. Church Aid Society, will ba held at the residence of 6. W. Besley, on Friday evening of this week, the 15th. There will be a fine literary programme, an Act Gallery, Conundrums, etc. Refreshment^ will be served and a general good, sociar time may be expected. All are cordially invited. WE are in receipt of au edition of Web •ter's Pocket Dictionary, with the com­ pliments of the Leland Hotel, Chicago. It is a neat and handy little volume, and is a fine advertising card for that popular Hotel, which is situated on Michigan Ave. Boulevard and Jackson street. It is the best Hotel of its class in Chicago, having a very superior loca­ tion, fronting Lake Michigan, at the beginning of the finest driveway in Am­ erica, and at the same time close to the leading wholesale and retail houses, theatres, etc. When in Chicago on busi­ ness or pleasure try the Leland. Winter Tourist's Kates via the INortfc- ' Western Line. The Northwestern Line is now selling excursion ticketb at greatly reduced rates to the|bealth ̂ nd pleasure resorts of Cal­ ifornia, Florida, Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Georgia, North.Carolina, South Carolina Tennessee and Alabama. For tickets and full information apply to Agents Chi­ cago & Northwestern R'y. ( 19w,4 : THE first Social of the season, under the auspices of the Willing Workers So­ ciety, of the Universalis^ Church, frill be held with Mr. and Mrs. John L Story, at the Riverside House, on Tuesday evening of next week, Nov. 19th. A fine pro­ gramme will be prepared, refreshments served, and a good social time may be expected. All,are cordiially invited. Let there be a good turnout and make this, the first Social of the season by the Willing Workers, a success, socially and otherwise. Supper 25 cents per couple Miss ALMIRA SLADE, sister of Rev. H. Slade, died at her home, in Elgin, on Sunday morning, Nov. 3d, of heart dis­ ease, aged 66 years. She had been Bick but a week and a day, and few except her most intimate friends were aware of the severity of her illness. Even they thought she was improving until a few hours before death, when a change for the worse was noticed and consciousness left her. She was born in Cayuga County, N. Y., and h&d lived in Elgin about ten years, and was highly respected by all who knew her. School Social * The Principal and Teachers of McHenry Public School are preparing for a grand Social, to. be held in the School Building on Friday evening of next week, Novem­ ber 22d. On that evening the building Will be lighted from top to bottom, and erey/ room thrown open for the inspec­ tion of residents of the District and others who may be present. A fine Lit­ erary Programme will be rendered, light refreshments served, after which a gen­ uine old fashioned time will be had. Everybody is cordially invited. Every­ thing free. It is hoped that the house will be tilled to its utmost capacity on that evening. More particulars next week. MRS. ROUNDS, President of the Illinois State W. C. T. U. will visit this village S.uuday and Monday next, and speak as follows: She will preach in the Universalist Church on Sunday m6rning, at the usual hour. On Sunday evening she will deliver a Lecture in the City Hall, commencing at 7 o'clock sharp. On Monday afternoon she will speak to the Ladies in the City Hall- All ladies interested in the temperance work are invited to this meeting. Again on Monday evening she will lscture in the City Hall, the lecture to commence Jat 7 o'clock, There will be good music at each lecture. Let everybody turn out and give this noted orator a fair hearing. Those who do not will certainly miss a rich treat. Mrs. Rounds is one ot the most interest­ ing speakers now before the public. PROMPT PAYMENT. Thefiie oa the Lumley farm, sti ac­ count of which can be found in our Ring- wood correspondence, occurred Nov.6th» entailing a loss of between $3,000 and §4,000. They were insured in the Phoenix, Simon Stoffel, of this village, agent, and on the Monday following, just five days after the fire, their loss was paid in full. It pays to get insured in a good company and with a prompt and relia­ ble agent. A Straight Tip, It is a well established fact that the heaves in horses results from colds, fol­ lowed with cough and possibly distem­ per. At this season of the year the ani­ mal is more likely to take cold than at any other, and with the change from grass to dry feed the conditions are favor­ able for the trouble to advance and be­ come serious disease. Taken in time this may be easily avoided. A few doses of Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves will pre­ vent these diseases, or cure them if al­ ready started. The sooner ic is given the less will be required and the more certain the permanent removal. Particular Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of Richard Bishop are notified that the same must be paid at once. *•> J. B. PERRY, Administrator. McHenry, Nov. 11th, 1895. 19ml Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves. SEE tho J handsome Banquet Lamps, at Geo. W Besley's. They are beauties. Kerosene 11 cents per gallon at M. Englen's. We have received a car of Ben Davis Apples, and will sell a few more barrels at $2.15 per barrel. Call while it is yet to-day. J, W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Done to a turn--the Cake made from "Best on Record" satisfaction giving Flour . Sold at Evanson's at $1 per sack. German School and Church Books at half price at M. Englen's. Try our Fancy CheeBe. We have a few choice ones. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. The time of the falling leaf is usually one that makes us think of Overcoats and Underwear. Daily economy in these goods are practiced at Evanson's. SHADE Frames and Crepe Paper, for kLamp Shades, at G. W. Besley's. Make your boy glad to go to school by dressing him in one of Evanson's Com­ fortable School Suits and Overcoats. ^Sportsmen Attention. Shoot at Johnsburgh, III., on Thanks­ giving day? Thursday, Nov. 28, 1895. There will be a Live Pigeon and Blue Rock shoot 8t Geo. Nell's place, Johns­ burgh, on Thankegiving Day, to which all are invited. Plenty of Live Pigeons and Blue Rocks will be furnished, and lots of fun may be expected. Also at the same time and place there will be a raffle for Turkeys. Let all come out and have a day of sport. GEORGE NELL, STEPHEN F. SMITH, Proprietors. SQUARE ON THE HEAD. Hats and Caps at Evanson's. Cash bargains for lovers of cash trade at Evanson's. The finest White Syrup only 25 cents per gallon at M Englen's1. Call at Gus Carlson's and get your horse dressed up. He keeps everything in that line auu ul the best quality. RINGWOOD. William Heiden has been on the sick list, but is on the gain at this writing. Lee Carr instill on the gaia, being able to Bit up a part of each day. v The Ladies' Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Nancy Coates, next Thursday after­ noon, Nov-i»14. There will be a very interesting pro- gram st the M. E. Church next Sunday evening, Nov. 17, entitled "The Man who spoiled the Music." Come and hear it, and you mav find that you are engaged in that business. We haven't quite made up our mind as to the condition of our Cemetrry Aid Society. Should it continue in its pres­ ent dormant state through the winter we shall need a pilot next year to show us where we are buried. Stafford & Zola, of Woodstock, have placed a fine piece of work in the west cemetery. It is a granite monument and marks "the resting place of the late Robert Thompson. Don' to attend the social given by the Young People's Aid Society at the residence of J; S. Brown, on Friday evening, Nov. 15,"95. The\following programme will be given: Quartette."y v •' \. Recitation. Winnie Grimoldby Recitation Flossie Carey Instrumental Duet Mrs Bishop and Julius Smith Reading...........,.....,,..;.,... J. Vr. Buckland Residinig.....».;.,.^>,u.v«.wMr8^ iii W, Allen Duet................C. E. Fay and J. E, Cristy Recitation...;.. .; ....Eiten Morgan R e a d i n g . , , . S c o t t ; H a r r i s o n Duet, .........Mr. and Mrs. Bradley On Wednesday morning of last week, as the husbandsmea; and his hired man were rejoicing over the arrival of damp weather, a sudden g|aw of red lit up the sky, the sound of farm bells from the direction of the light settled the question as to what it was. The tire was located on what is known as the Thomas Lum­ ley farm, and a load from town drove over only to find that they could do nothing. It appears that one of the men knocked the lantern from a nail and when it struck the floor the flying oil caught fire and scattered the flames in every direction. In an instant the fire wae at the top of the hay mow. Calling to the others to turn the cows loose he proceeded to get the horses out of danger, which was done without diffi­ culty, as the fire was in front of them, and when cut loose ran into the yard. There were foi'ty-eight, cows to turn out, which consumed much valuable time. Had there been two more it is quite probable that they would have perished; as it was the timbers were falling as Mr. Carlson,, the tenant, emerged with the last one. Five buildings were destroyed, two barns, granery, corn crib and tool house, together with all their contents, which consisted of sixty tons of hay, five hundred bushels of oats, ninety bags containing feed, several loads fod­ der 2orn, feed cutter, tread power, crush­ er, grinder, in fact of all the machinery necessary to carry on a large dairy farm All that was saved was two cultivators and a truck wagon. Some insurance was carried, but iust how much has not been ascertained at this writing. At the best Mr. Carlson will be a heavy loser, N U N D A . The drouth is broken. Farmers can husk. The cisterns are filled. We hope to have Indian summer soon. Miss Hattie Andrus, daughter of Mrs. O. L. Andrus, of this city, died last Wed­ nesday, Nov. 6th, after a long illness. Miss Hattie was born and raised in Nunda township and highly esteemed by all who knew her. Her funeral services were held Friday, Nov. 8th, at 2 o'clock, p. M., in the Christian Church, the Rev. Ochger, pastor of the church, officiating, the church being crowded with sympa­ thizing friends and neighbors. The re­ mains were laid to rest in the Union cemetery. Geo. F. Rushton was calling on a few of his host of frieuds in this city, Satur­ day, on his way from Woodstock to Elgin. The entertainment given by the pupils in the second room of our public school last Friday night, at the rink, was a de- eidod puccrs*. The exercises consisted of songs, recitations and selections from Hiawatha with tableaux. Every pupil having a part done splendidly. Great credit is due Miss Miller in training the pupils of her room for this entertainment, as they all performed in such a way as to indicate discipline and thoroughness, both of which traits Miss Miller possesses. The attendance was large, there beint? some 300 persons present. The receipts were about $17, the admission being only five and ten cents. This entertain­ ment is only the beginning, as it is the intention of Prof. Calhoun to have something prepared and given by the pupiis of each room during the year and thereby giving the parents and patrons an opportunity ofj seeing and realizing what the principal and teachers are doing for their children. The proceeds are to be used in purchasing pictures for the room that gave the entertainment. Both principal'and teachers in our public school are doing excellent work, and if parents and patrons will take the time and visit the school they will understand better what kind of work is beiUg done. 'Leave ringing of your hands" as that energetic Lady Macbeth remarked, and keep your fingers warm in Evanson's gloves and mitts. APPLES! APPLESr The undersigned has just arrived here with a car load of Kansas Apples, very choice, and can be found at the sto re o C. B. Murphy, in the Howe Bloct, where you can get your winter's supply of Apples at Reasonable Prices. Call early before they are all gone. M. BRYANT. Left to themsslves, The right Shoe will always find a mate at Evanson's. THANKSGIVING PARTY. Yourself and ladies are cordially invit­ ed to attend a Thanksgiving Party, at the McHenry House, Thursday evening, NOVJ 28th. Floor Managers: Peter Rothermel, J. J. Barbian, Jacob Miller, John J. Bishop, Henry Thelen, Ed. Wirfs. Music, Smith's orchestra. Tickets, 50 cents. Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves. THE SECRET OF BEAUTY. Of complexion, hands, arms and hair is found in a perfect condition of the stom­ ach and digestive organs. Keep your­ self right in these respects by using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and nature will do the rest for you. In 10c, 50e and $1 siies, of J. A. Story. Six weeks ago I suffered with a very severe cold; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advised me to consult a physician. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised in the Str Paul Volkls Zeituvgl procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while was entirely well I now most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone suffering with a cold, Wm. Keil, 678 Selby' Aye., St. Paul, For sale by J. A. Story. Dr. Wear6's Sure Cure for Heaves.' Reduced Rates to Atlanta. On account of the Cotton States and International Exposition, at Atlanta, Ga., the Northwestern Line is now sell­ ing excursion tickets at reduced rates. For tickets and full, information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 14 w4 1 MILLINERY. Mrs^ J, H. Spaulding and daughter have just received a full line of Fall and Winter Millinery, to which they wish to invito "t'b.0 st'te'Dtioji of all i^dios "'ishiflg anything in that line. A full line of trim­ med hats to select from, also children's hats, etc. Please call and examine goods and learn prices before purchasing. Respectfully, MRS. J. H. SPAULDING & DAUGHTER. The Sleepy-Eye Flour has no superior on the market. This is the verdict of every one who uses it. Call at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry, and try a sack. , DR. ABT is prepared to test eyes ac­ curately. The spectacle lenses are ground to order in each case. ' Candee Rubber Goods only at StoffePs. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Barler's Oil Heaters were awarded high­ est medal and diploma at. the World's Columbian Exposition. See them at F. L. MeOitiber'e.-, - • See the big new stock of the well known Fargo and Douglas Boots and Shoes at S. Stoffel;'s. ' ' Barler's Oil Heaters are reliable, clean a'nd safe, free from smoke or oil smell, just what you want this fall. Caii on F. L. McOmber and see them in opera­ tion. • " ' Unequaled bargains in Underwear for men, women and children, at Stoffel's. Bargains in new Dress Goods, Flannels, Hoods, Skirts, Yarns and Mitts, at S. Stoffels.. The Golden West Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made by judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stock i. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado. Don't Toba^oo Spit or Smoke your Life Away The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. No. 1 fine salt, Stoffel's. per barrel, at S. • It's Pree I Do not fail to send for a free sampe copy ol the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and ^family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western Stories, mining news, etc Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. ^ Union Suits, for ladies' misses' and children, 50c to $2-, at Stoffel's. Dress flannels, suitings, dress goods, at S. Stoffel's. FOR SALE OR RENT. Farm containing 240 acres, situated one mile south of the village of McHenry. This is one of the best Dairy Farms in the county. Has good buildings, fine spring water, running into the barns, making it convenient for stock and dairj purposes. For particulars call on or address W. & B. BONSLETT. 565 Boulevard Place, Chicago. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Having sold out my ousiness this is to notify all persons knowing themselves iudebted to me, either by note or book account, to call and settle the same with­ out delay, as I wish to close up my books at as early a day as possible. Let all take notice and govern themselves accordingly. JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry, Sept. 24, 1895. STOVES FOR SALE. A number of second hand stoves, both coal and wood, nearly as good as new, for sale cheap. Inquire of E. LAWLUS, Ooposite Riverside House, McHenry. Don't you buy any other kind of Rub­ bers but Snag Proof. They will surely please you. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. WINTER MILLINERY. Mrs. E. W. Howe has just received a full line of Winter Millinery, to which she invites the attention of the ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Call and examine my goods before purchasing. I make a "specialty of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, and have a large stock on hand to select from. My goods are all fresh and new, of the latest styles, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. New goods re­ ceived every week. MRS. E. W. HOWE. McHenry, Oct, 9th, 1895. The handsomest and best Oil Heater ever made is Barler's Ideal. You need one and now that the price 5 is within rfeach you can have one. I have four sizes. F. L. MCOMBER. If you have not already done eo try a sack of Sleepy-Eye Flour, and be con­ vinced that it leads all others now on the market. Every sack is up to the stand­ ard. And it costs no more to use ittban an inferior grade. A. P. Baer, We0t Mc­ Henry, has just received a car of 500 sacks, and can supply you on short notice. With two children subject to croup we do not rest easy without a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house, for the most severe attacks quick­ ly succumb to a few doses of it--Morrison Colo., Bud. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by J. A. Story. FOR SALE. <= The farm known as the John Fitzsim- mons farm, situated three miles north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This is one of the best stock farms in McHenry county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at .the farm, or at 69 Ogden Avenue, Chicago. JOSEPH FITZSIMMONS, JAMES FITZSIMMONS. 49m6 - Administrators. We are selling the Cross (>eek Lehigh Hard Coal at the same price we would have to ask for a cheaper coal. Try it. WILBUR LUMBER CO. I • ^ / Elegant medium and heavy Overcoats, in fancy colors and trimming at Simon Stoffel's. ' Business Locals. For Fur Coats go to S. Stoffel's. Lantern Globes-6 cents at M. Englen's. Over 200 new Jackets, Ctd&ks and Capes fresh from Chicago at S. Stoffel's. Insure your property with 3. Stoffel and be insured. At Perry & Owen's you can get the best New York Full Cream Cheese. Goat and Plush Robes at S. Stoffel's. New fall supply of the well known Chi- cago-Kenosha hosiery at S. Stoffel's. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bouQd in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story 's. Can and examine. " Fargo and Douglas fine Shoes, all war­ ranted and the newest at S. Stoffel's. Fine henriettas, serges and suitings, in black. aud latest shades, at Perry & Owen's. • '• Buy your next fine Overcoat and Suit of S. Stoffel. I hate calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. ' IL C. MEAD. Capital City Dress and Shirting Flannel at S. Stoffel's, cheap. * If you. want a ne\v Harness, single or double, call on Gus Carlson, He is sure to please you both in quality and price. Elegant Jackets and Capes at Simon Stoffei's. Mixed paints, paints and oil, carriage paints, brushes, etc., cheap, at Besley's, on the west side. I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf ___ H> C- Mead* BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ev«r brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. For a free burning and long lasting Coal try the celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, WILBUR LUMBER CO. Extra good Flour only 99c per sack at S. Stoffel's. PERRY & OWEN'S SPECIALTIES. School Supplies, School Shoes, School Hose, School Suits, School Dress Goods, delicious Coffees, Wall Paper, etc. See new adyertisement. Underwear, new, cheap, and stock large, at S. Scoffel's. Fifty inch heavy Serge Suitings, in navy blue, only 25c per yard at Simon Stoffels. Good advice: Never leave the house on a journey without a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy. For sale by J. A. Story. We are prepared to give you prices on your Winter's Coal. We have a large stock on hand and can make prices and delivery right. WILBUR LUMBER CO. FOR RENT AT PISTAKA BAY. Furnished Cottages, with Boats, &c., by the month or for the season. Terms Reasonable. Inquire at. the Bank of McHenry. New fall stock Dutchess Trousers at S. Stoffel's. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE, And people of good taste are earnestly recommended to try Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for disorders of the stomach. Constipation and indigestion cured. A trial of this great remedy can be made for 10c (10 doses 10c) also in 50c andfl sizes, at J. A. Story's. FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. Change in Price; Change in the making of Pictures nec­ essitates an increase in price, and there­ fore on and after September 16th Cabi­ net Pi3tures will be $2.50 per dozen in­ stead of $2 as now. The change, how­ ever, will make the pictures worth more than the difference in price. L. E. BENNETT. McHenry, 111., Aug. 27, 1895. HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. Some Reading that will prove Interest­ ing to Young Mothers. How to guard against the Disease. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning the cause, first symptoms and treatment is the ob­ ject of this item. The origin of croup is a common cold. Children who are sub­ ject to it take cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The first symytom is hoarseness; this is soon fol­ lowed by a peculiar rough cough, which is easily recognized and will never be for­ gotten by one who has heard it. The time to act is when the child first becomes hoarse. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely given all tendency to croup will soon disappear. Even after the croupy cough has developed it will prevent the attack. There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains nothing in­ jurious. For sale by J. A. Story. Loans Negotiated; Do you want money? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. JUST IN! CLOAKS! Our Fall stock of the newest things in Cloaks and Jackets for ladies and misses, in the latest and most fashionable, goods are in. We are showing some extra val­ ues in the most stylish goods in the market, bought direct from one of the largest manufacturers in Chicago. Come and see them. F Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, •DR. " c r e a m BAKING PVHVffi MO|T PERFECT MADE. A pur€ CTape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. We have this week placed in stock an extra large stock of Overcoats'and Suits, in the most attractive goods, and at prices never Before so low.. They have already begun to move out. If you want a Suit or Overcoat come and look ours over " ; • Bed Blankets. H o r s e B l a n k e t s Are moving out aud we are hur­ rying them by cutting a slice off the Prices. We are selling a Bed Blanket, in Whiee and Grey, Extra Value, at 69 cents. This is way below the former price, and an extra good large, square Horse Blankets at $1.19. In goat and wolf Robes, lap Robes and Fur Coats, call and get some bargains, Headquarters for the Misha- waka Knit Felt Boots and Ger­ man Socks. A splendid German Sock, heavy, for 75c. Overshoes, all sizes and prices. Don't forget that we are sole agents for the celebrated Snag Praof Rubber Boots. You can buy them at no other place in town and it is throwing away money buying an imitation. Some extra good things in Lapies' large button, needle toe Kids that you donit find at the other stores, and several now styles of the famous Pingree & Smith Shoes, Dress Goods are moving lively. This week we make several new additions in all wool Suitings at 28c per yard and the new Fleeeed W rapper Cloth in several styles • HATS. Received last week our advance stock of men's and boys' fall styles. Stiff hats and Fedoras in blaek and browns. Just come in once and look them over. Delicious Coffees. You would be surprised to eee what a trade we are having in our fine coffees. The sellers are $8e, 30c, 32c and 40c. Have others at 20c and 25c, but find the good ones are none too good. Ones you try them and you are our coffee customer. Bear in mind the other dealers do not han these coffees, as we buy th green from the importers cash and hire them roasted, thus saving the middle man's profit, which is the biggest, and you get a first class coffee at ao low price, and fresh too. trade only from us. You can get this Wall paper. [Have cut priees 20 per cent on all good grades. Papers were never so cheap as now and our stock is complete. Papor trimmed free. Perry & Owen, "Genera^MerchantSa MoBENHY. ILL. PERKY & OWES, Bankers. > MoHCNRY, - - IILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic J2i»• ohange, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our eare in a maimer and upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to our customers. and respectfully solioit tk§ public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; ^ On Real Estate and other first elasi security. Special attention given toco* lections i ----~ iNbTBANCB In first Class Companies »l tto Lowest Hatis. Yours- speotfully, PCRRY * OWIIi NOTARY PUBLIC,

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