Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1895, p. 7

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NEURALGIA OF THE HEART} DURRANT IS DOOMED. Highest of all in LeaveningJPower.--L&test U. S. Gov't Report FOUND GUILTY OF THE MURDER OF BLANCHE LAMONT. k^ox \ox W ktYveVpCVftSS WVS \ \s \yu\\^ wrwaWfeA End of the Triiil at • San FranClsto- Verdict Falls -with Crushing Kffect Upon Prisoner and Friends--K'xitk- ordinary Scene in the Court Room. THE RISING SUN /7^Ln\ STOVE POLISH m I* I cakes lor general: blacking of a.gtove.J THE SUN PASTBi J& ŜSSSSŜ f̂ j POLISH for a quick j '«sJ5p^irBSS LABOR OAT after - dinner . shttir.! applied and pol-j ishcd with a cloth, j Morse Bros.. Props.* Canton, Mass.. U.8- A. DeatH the Penalty. Theodore Durrant. of San Francisco-, assistant Superintendent of Emanuel Bap­ tist Church Sunday school, was on Fri­ day convicted of the murder of Blanche Lamont, for which he has been on trial since July 22 last. The jury was out twenty minutes and arrived at the verdict on the first ballot. As there was'no rec­ ommendation of mercy the punishment was fixed at death. There was no deliberation at all. The jury had evidently decided upon a verdict before they left the box. .It was 3:33 when they filed out of tlie courtroom, 1628 .Folio Edition of Shakspeare. The first edition of Shakspeare eve:r published was the 1023 folio, which" was issued seven years after the poet's death. Very few copies of this editio pinceps are known to exist, and there­ fore the one that has lately been dis­ covered in the university library of Padua may be regarded as a most val­ uable addition to our literary treasures. . It is complete ^'ith the exception of the title page. The librarian found :t in a box of uneatalogued books. It is thought that the loss of the iitle page explains its having had a place in the literary treasure,' for there is a piece of paper pasted on the cover inside oil, which is written: "Tutte le "opere^di Shakspeare, Cdmedie, Tragedie. Manco il frpntispicid. In capsa'XA laevus." (All the works of Shakspeare. Comedies and Tragedie^- The frontis^ piece, lacliiug. lit the left-hand draw­ er.), ' . The book must have bekwtged to,an aetoK, as it. is marked for the stage and these markings are, restricted to three plays--•"Mitcbeth," •'Measure for Measure" ..and "A Winter's Tale." ".Macbeth" is the play" most- annotated. The volume is }n a good sta;te of pre­ servation".--New York Herald. An Indian's Grave. Two Muscongus. Me., men, who were digging a cellar" for a house, found a skeleton o£„un Indian warrior, at least 0 feet 0 inches tall, and with it were found old iron implements, spear and arrow heads, while around the bones of the arm were copper bands six inches in djam.etei\" carved and curiously wrought. The body had been uui-eii In a sitting posture, facing the east, and the set of teeth which had done tj^eir owner good service during life were still perfect. > Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usea. The many, who live bet­ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'neeas of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles- embraced in the remedy, Syrup,of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing.ahd truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative ; effectually cleansing the system; dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval' of the medical profession, because it acts on the- Kid-' neys, .Liyfer and Bowels .'without weak­ ening tliem and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug­ gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but It is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Mr: A. P. St. John, a citizen of Oregon, Wisconsin, in an interview had with D. E. Williams, of the Orego,n Observer, on the 6th day of May, 1895, said: "For a long time I have been more or less troubled with dyspepsia. Having cottsicfcera- ble hard work jo do, if I followed • the cravings of my. appetite it was sure to result in those terrible distressing pains of the gtomich. • { When in the most agony I would . endeavor to obtain partial relief by'some 'grandmother' treatment* -••which, if of any benefit, was: to strengthen the imagination'that the distress wais a trifle less. At times I have suffered intensely. ' While 'visiting my sister Cora I was recommended to try Ripans Tabules, which 1 soon discovered were a blessing to mankind. Now I am never without them, and am pleased to recommend them as a Godsend to those troubled with dyspepsia." Ripans Tabuios arc sold by drugretsts. or by mall If. the price (50 cents a box) Is spnt to The Rlpatts rlieml- i cal Company, No. 10 Spnico Street. New York. Sample' irlnl, 10 cents. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, ( LUCAS COVNTV. FSS- FRANK J. CHENF.V makes oatli that he is the j-enior partner of the 11 rm of F. .1. CHENEY & Co., doing business in the City, of Toledo, County and Stole aforesaid, and that iaid flnii will 'nay the Sinn of < )NE HUXDRKl) DOl.LAKS for each ai'.-l every ease of • Catarrh that cannot he wired by the use of HALI.'S CATARRH CURE. ' . FKANK CHENEY. Sworn, to before me and subscribed in mv pres­ ence. this 6th day of December, A. D. 18S6. | SEAL i- ' -4* i , ;• vA': -Notary Public. - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. ? F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O'. SS^Sijld by, DriiKsists, 75c. "Ignorance is less removed froin the truth that prejudice. ! ;; : . FITS.---All Fits stopped tree by Or. Kline's Gre it Nerve Res to i er. No Fits after first (lav's use. Mar­ velous cures. Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle free'to lit cases. Send to Dr. Kline. Ml Arch St., Fliila, l'a. . Mrs. Winslow'S SOOTHING SYRUP for Children teething: soiteus the uuras, reauces inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. iffi cents a bottle. When Wrinkles Seam tlie Brow, And the locks grow scant and silvery, in­ firmities of age come IJU apace. To retard and ameliorate these is one of the benign effects of Ilostetter's Stomach fSitters, a medicine to which the aged and infirm can resort as a safe solace and invigorant. It counteracts a tendency to rheumatism and neuralgia. Improves digestion, rectifies biliousness and overcomes malaria. A wineglass before re­ tiring promotes slumber. " A Crick " A Stitch' "A Twist"--"A Jam' "A Halt"--"Raw Spots' " Blue Spots "--"Dead Aches"-- are all well known of flesh, bone, and muscle, and easily cured by Torpedoes, when first employed by the Americans-against the English in the revolutionary war, were called American turtles, and their use was pronounced infamous and worthy only of savages. St Jacobs Oil nnd at 3:55 a knock on the door an­ nounced that a verdict had been found. It took just five minutes of actual time to elect a foreman and take the one ballot necessary. As the aged foreman, pale and trem­ bling, read the words that fixed Durrant's fate a noise like the roar of a mob arose from the rear of the courtroom. The next m6ment men were cheering wildly, while women wept hysterically in excitement. The bailiff rapped loudly for order, but the tumult continued for a minute before anything like quiet could be brought out of the disorder. Judge Murphy named the day for sentence, and said lie would then also fix the date of Durrant's trial for the murder of Minnie Williams. During the tumult that followed the announcement of the verdict Durrant and his mother were lost sight of except by the few who sat nearest them. As the last words of the verdict were uttered Durrant made a spasmodic-effort to arise POPHAM'S ASTHMA SPECIFIC Gires relief in FIVB minutes, fiend for a FKEiSti iai package. Sold by Druggists. Or," Box sent postpaid on receipt of 81.00. Six $6.00. j Address THOS. 1'OPIUM, P1I1LA., I'A. Counting the stars. Numbering of the heavenly bodies. Whether planet, satellite or star of the smallest size, lias been commenced at the Paris observatory by Miss Klumpke, doctor , of- sciences and as­ sistant astronomer, in view of the pub­ lication of an international catalogue of the stars. The idea was formed at the astronomical congress in 1SS7, and already 189 photographs have been taken. Some only contain a dozen stars, this being a celestial desert; but others are crowded, even to the num­ ber of 1,500. The average number is 335 stars per photograph. Altogether the catalogue is expected to contain about 3,000.000 stars. A census of the heavenly bodies has long been needed. Now a woman comes forward and will count all of the stars. She will be some time at it, but when the work is done it will be finished. -- Agents-Ladies or Gents, S75 a OraTPla*era,ortakingordersfo^us the materials and outfits, teach the paring, polishing, plating and fin- prices, testimonial", samples fr«»r. Gray «fc Co., Plating Works, Oqp't 16, Columbua, O. CURES WHtHE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. IF YOUK MATTRESS I I I.T.I NO'S GOOD; and your tick worn out. you can convert It into the lat-; est improved Folding Mattress In SO minutes, without' ,sewing or tacking, by using our Ready-Made Compart-' nient Tick. Convenient;durable: beantUul;cheap. Try one and you'll [lave uo other. G300, Franklin Grove, 111.: THAT LYDIA E. PINK HAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND 'MrASTm ^y mail. Stowell&Ca, jCliaricstown, Mos& 'DOERS PASTILLES Is Daily Caring Backaehc, Dizziness, Faintness, Irregularity, aud all Fe­ male Complaints. I FSPECUAI. TO OCB LAD-T BEAnERS.] Intelligent women no longer donbt. the value of Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. It speedily relieves irregu­ larity, suppressed or painful menstrua- Tlio Companion has been growing bettor, brighter every yoar for more than sixty yeara. More than two hundred of the most famous writers in, Great. Britain and AmerLa have contributed expressly for The Companion for 1896 -- the 70th year of its publication. For all the Family Distinguished Contributors, Every member of the family, from youngest to the oldest, finds in each issue amusement and education in the Serial and Short Stories, in its Editorials, Anecdotes,. Health and Mis­ cellaneous Articles. The Princess Louise. The Marquis of Lome. The Lord Chief Justice of England. Sir Benj. Ward Richardson. Secretary of the U. S. Navy. Secretary of the Interior. Secretary of Agriculture. Judge Oliver W. Holmes. Sir William H. Russell. Frank R. Stockton. W. Clark Russell. General Nelson A. Miles. Hon. Thomas B. Reed. The Dean of Salisbury. Sir Edwin Arnold. Justin McCarthy. Camille Flammarion. 1 And More than ico Others. The Companion is published every Thursday and is received each week in more than thirty- six thousand post-offices in the United States, and by more than Half a Million Homes. Holiday Numbers Special Souvenir Numbers, double in size and appropriate to each season, are published at Thanksg-ivingr, Christmas, New Year's, Wash­ ington's Birthday, Easter and Fourth of July. Artist Melehers' Wooden Shoes. A11 American lady traveling in Hol­ land writes that Melehers, the Detroit artist who won the Paris exposition prize in 1889 and has since enjoyed ex­ traordinary vogue on the continent, is quite unspoiled, by the honors heaped upon him. Though lie has dined with the German Emperor he still wears a peasant blouse and wooden shoes, on the plea that lie is too poor for anything better. When lie went to dine with the „wife of the Burgomaster of a Holland town he appeared in this costume, and soaked to the skin by a hard rain. He apologized, not for the clothes, but for the fact that they were wet, aud main­ tained that it was the only suit, hejia.d,. His hostess thereupon provided him with a dry suit of her husband's. B LAX CHE I, A MONT, THE VICTIM. It Ss a Pleasure to his feet, but before he could do so hie mother, with a half-sigh, half-moan, threw her arms around his neck and sunk back into her chair. Durrant's father was not in the room when the verdict was re­ turned. Aside from the spectators Mrs. Noble, Blanche Lamont's aunt, and Maud La­ mont, the dead girl's sister, were appar­ ently the happiest persons in the room. When the verdict was announced Maud Lamont sprung from her seat, clasped her hands and then cried of sheer ex­ citement. Mrs. Noble mixed smiles with tears and shook hands with a number of friends who crowded around to congratu­ late her." ,. The case will be appealed to the Su­ preme Court, and it is expected nearly a year will elapse before a decision will he obtained. The size of The Companion page is four times that of the leading Magazines. In each Volume nearly 700 pages are given, profusely illus­ trated. The subscription price is $1.75, paid in ad­ vance. No other weekly or monthly publica­ tion gives so great an amount of Entertainment and Instruction at so small a price. Send for Full Illustrated Prospectus and Sample Copies Free. \ rrfc 5 REMARKABLE OFFER! ! QPNTI I { ^U°Cl« t New Subscribers who will cut out this slip and send it AT OHCE 5 OX3ri.ll ±J J j | with name and address, and $1.75, will receive: } r\ a j TTl^Tb a "O I FREE --The Youth's Companion every week till January I, 1896. ? ^ FREE -- Thanksgiving, Christmas, flew Year's Double Numbers. j YA-B-J tS-b-a 5 FREE --Our Handsome 4-page Calendar (7x10 inches), litho- S !H K iH> iH j graphed in nine colors. Retail price, 50 cents. « ^ jf AND THE COMPANION 52 weeks, a full year, to January I, IS97. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 201 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Send Check, Post-Office or Express Order, or Registered Letter, at Our Risk. This slip with "BIG FOUR" A T L A N T A F L Y E R Leaves Chicago 12:00 noon, St. Louis 12:00 noon, Peoria 11:40 a. m., Indianapolis 6:20 p. m. Arrive Cincinnati 9:05 p. m., arrive Atlanta 12:10 noon next day. This train from the West is known as the Fa­ mous "Knickerbocker Special," and from the North as the" Washington Fast Line," and is magnificently equipped with Buffet Parlor Cars, Wagner Sleeping Cats, Mod­ ern Coaches and Dining Cars. Direct connection at Cincinnati with fast train of the Queen & Crescent Route to Atlanta via Chattanooga and the South­ ern Railway. For full information as to rates, etc., call on or address any agent Big Four Route. E. 0. McCORMICK, D. B. MARTIN. Passenger Traffic Mgr., Gen. Pass. & Tki. flgi., CI>'C IXXAT1. _J._C. TUCKER, &. N. A„ 234 CM Street, Chicago. 8* N. Of No. 4(>--!)5 Instead of trifling with a bad cold use Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant, which will loosen the phlegm, subdue inflammation and certainly save your Lungs and Throat uiueh dangerous wear and tear. T H E E A R T H Q U A K E O C T . 3 1 , 1 8 9 5 . The earl j' Saxons seldom wore hats and still more seldom caps. Their sole head covering was the long flaxen hair which they cultivated with sedulous care. WPti , T'/^AW V '/"iiiifim ) p lu'/itntA 4s 'Uip.ik/TN tt Q Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer is, unquestionably, the best preservative of the hair. It is also curative of dan­ druff. tetter, and all scalp affections. j Love ' If? Lightens 1 Labor s There is no strength in exaggeration: even the truth is weakened by being expressed too strongly.--Anon. In a groat many cases of Asthma. Piso's Cure for Consumption will give relief that is,almost equal to a cure. 25 cents. Obedience is not truly performed by the body if tlie heart is dissatisfied. As it will be sixty years hence, when the okl settlers toll about it.--Chicago Record. Sparks from the Wires. Seven hundred deaths tare reported at Tangier, Morocco, to datd from cholera. At Kingston, Ont., a statue of the late Sir John A. Alacdonald .was-unveiled in the presence of nearly 10,000 people. •*» Maj. Davidson, of Berkeley Springs, W. Ya., aged 83 years, an ex-State Sena­ tor, committed suicide by shooting. Cause, physical infirmity.; , The President has designated Capt. William H. Clapp, Sixteenth Infantry, as acting Indian agent at Pine Ridge, S. D., relieving.Capt. Penney, the present agent. Tlv> ae-ssiou of the Texas Leg­ islature adjourned sine die after defeat­ ing both the validating act and tlie schoof fund bill. The Watkins' investigation amounted to nothing.. Near Mount Gilead, Ohio, Christopher Miller shot his wife fatally and then com­ mitted suicide by hanging. He had been adjudged insane, but relatives kept liin/ from going asylum. I11 the bye-election in Montreal-.Center for the Provincial Legislature, Dr. J. M. Guerin, Liberal, received 2,892 votes and °C.' A. McDonnell, Conservative, 1,038; Liberal majority, 1,254. This is a Libera) grain. * . '. ' .. Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla. True. So any tea islea. So any flour is flour. But grades differ. You want the best. It's so with sarsaparilla. There are grades. You want the best. Jf you understood sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it would be easy to determine. But you don't. How should you ? When you are going to buy a commodity whose value you,don't know, you pick out an old established house to trade with, and trust their experience and reputation. Do so when buying sarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been on the market fifty years. Your grandfather used Ayer's. It is*a reputable' medicine. There are many sarsaparillas. But only one Ayer's. IT CURES. This great cleaner comes to woman's aid on wash-day and every day. Makes her work a matter of love instead of drudg- ery. Try it. Sold everywhere. J Made only by The N. K. Fairbank fvSSI^ Company, dK CHICAGO. YOU WILL REALIZE THAT "J LIVE WELL WHO LIVE CLEA LY," IF YOU USE

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