N U N D A . . Eljoctrie lights now in Nuuda. M. I). Hoy was a Nunda visilor lust Monday. c Sunday School Convention in the Methodist Church last Sunday. , Mr. Hfendricks of Woodstock, was au "N\inda caller Friday. Smith & Throop have another car of apples. " ---- W. O. Keller was a Chicago visitor on Monday. The Christian Church is holding n. Fierier of meetings, tfooiuieneing Sunday even- ing. ; • v.\r - J. ^ an Slyke, of the McHenry PLAIN- DEALER, was seen on our streets Monday last. L. P Lowell has opened a law office in the Marshall Block, over Jackman & Collins' hardware store. Seeley & Werden have received their sto«-k of new groceries, dried fruits, cafv ned goods and confectionery: William Hill has gqt his market nearly completed, and it is as neat a market as can be found in any town in McHenrv county. • •. W. P. St. (lair. Justice of the Peace and*Notary Public has moved his office to the Marshall building, opposite the Richmond house, over Jackman and Col lins' hardware store., where he "can be found ready to insure in the best of com panies, against loss by fire . or wind storm. Deeds, contracts and mortgages drawn, and collections made.' • Rev, J. M: GreSn wfll deli vef his famous lecture on Gettysburg!!, under the aus pices of Nunda'* Post No. 226, tr.'•£. R., Tuesday evaning, November 2(3, 1895, iir Colby's Opera House, Nnnda :. Every one who can should, hear this lecture, as it is without doubt one of the most in teresting lectures given. Mr. Green is an orator of a high order, his lecture is de livered in a concise and graphic manner. Historically it is valuable, to both old and young, and at the verv reasonable price that will be charged this will Cer tainly be a. rare opportunity to enjoy an interesting and instructive entertain ment. Admission, 25c for adults, 10c for children under 15 years o' age. As this is the first lecture of the season, we hope to see a fall house. , It wouldn't be policy to have a poor Overcoat in our store,' ^Sgjgt, fcs hor offer you a shoddy made- Jr* vffl up che* p artiele of any descrip- jiir-a tion- Pretty sure you would tell you so well unless by actual If you come to-the store any / Bk day you will find heaps of Over- JB \ coats at prices thiat will please | | i ^ qualitV for ladies and misses, '"j '0* pi ' p •^1 ^ I --^ 1' i%\ 1 \dn s ribbt 3 fleece lined them for your benefit. We name the price for this benefit sale at 43c per suit, or 2 suits for 85c. We limit 2 suits to a customer. Towellings, Bed Spreads, Blanketp, at under price. Underwear sale, Saturday, remember. UNDERWEAR. Boots and Shoes M.. D. Wells & Co., that is enough on Boots and Shoes to convince the public that we handle none but the best. S P R I N G G R O V E . The Church Aid Society will meet, with Mrs. Shotliff Weduesdny. W. C. Moss spent the last two weeks in Relvidere. Andrew Neish has built a nice barn and has the foundation ready for a house just north of the meat market. Mrs. Heaney is not as well as usual. Mr. Wood made a trip toChicago with horses lately. The last meeting of the Literary So ciety of the Creek District was well at tended, more being present than could be cornfortabl.v seated. The exercises were good and Miss Max<~>n is to congratulat ed on the interest shown and progress made by her pupils. "Old Sleepy Eye' is always in the lead, because it makes more bread to the sack han any other Flour Known the world over as the purest, best and most- healthy Flour. It will cost you nothingto try a sack, Get yOur Oilcloth of Perry & Owen. We have beautiful desicns in patterns and by the yard, any width. Multum SLEEPY&*•' The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of all the people who con template a little high living during the approaching Holidays, to call at his store before buying elsewhere, examine The only Exclusive, Fuf! and Complete Stock of Call on us for Estimates. W, A. CRISTY and W. NOONAIf AGENTS FOR McIIENRY COUNTY. Ever laid down in the village of McHenry, always new and fresh. The Minnesota Full Patent and Stand- art] Wheat Flour at nearer the price ol Wheat than usual. .1 ho many Nov elties not usually kept in a country store, viz : Canned, Pickled & Dried Fish. SNYDER'S SOUPS AND CATSUPS. Liebig s Extract Beef, Burnham's Clam Roullion, Fancy Cured Meats, Leaf Lard, Cotosuet, ail kins of Fancy (iiv en & Drifd Fruits, Agency for the celebrated Baltimore bulk Oysters, direct from the shell. IST Michigan and Eastern Buckwheat Flour, guaranteed straight goods, es pecially recommended. All of which is respectfully submitted to those who are looking for something good and know it when they see it. At Uncle Ben Gilbert's West McHenry, 111., Nov. 19, 1895. A new line of Prices, New Overcoats, New Suits, New Odd Pants, New Odd Vests Tou should avail yourself of the very low prices we shall make on Saturday, Nov. 23, and Monday.. Nov. 25, on all Odds and Ends. We shall have a grand Holiday Opening the next Saturday. Yours for business, J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. mm We want lots of room for Holiday Goods and will make such prices on Rem nants of present stock as will make room. Two great days, Saturday, Nov. 23, and Monday, Nov. 25. We shall have a great Holiday Opening Sale Nov. 30 and Dec. 2, e have made a great study to get what you want and you should call and see it. J, W. CRISTv & SON, Ringwood. Our extraordinary low prices on our entire line of new Clothing are good every day. Call at your own time and convenience, make your selection, we will do the rest. ELGIN, ILL The cold fall winds make a demand for Shoes., We have the stock, quality, aDd the right prices. See our large stock ot Underwear. We always show the largest line of Gloves and Mittens, Horse Blankets. Lap Robes, Caps, woolen Hosiery, fleece lined Hosiery, Floor Oil Cloths and Binding, Kersey Pants, Duck Coats, Overalls and Jackets, "wool and Jersey Shirts. Remember our Jersey Lily Flour is gaining ground every cay, Choice fresh Groceries as ever. UNIVERSAL PROVIDER. THANKSGIVING PARTY. Yourself and ladies are cordially invit ed to attend a Thanksgiving Party, at Thelen's Hall, Johnsburgb, 111., Thurs day evening, Nov. 28. Floor managers John Karls, Henry Thelen, John May, Mat Nett. Music, Johnsburgh Band. Have just enlarged the hall twelve feet, put in a new floor and made other im provements, making it one of the best dancing halls in this section. A general good time may be expected. Jos. J. MICHAELS, Proprietor. JOHN J. MILLER, West HcHeniy TO BREAD MAKERS F. L. M c O M B E R OUR SECOND ANNUAL ANNIVERSARY SALE -- DEALER IN -- MdkR'B'W&BB, STOVES, RANGES, ETC, WEST MellENHA , ILL. IN THE BIG. STORE. Will be continued throughout the week, November 17th to 24th. Make up your list' of wants and get our quotations before you buy. THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE EJLGMN, ILL, The Stove for you to buy is a Every one warranted, and sold at a -- • Small Profit. "The Largest "and Finest line of Stoves in the Market. • - 1 F. L. McOMBER, West McHenry.