Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1895, p. 5

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THANKSGIVING PARTY. Business Locals. A. C. FRIEDLEY For Fur Coats go to S. Stoffel's. DEALER IN WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27, 1895. Railway TimeTable. Taking effect Sunday, May 26, 1895, at six o^clocK A. Di. Trains will "pasB jlcHenry station as follows: GOING SOUTH D Late Geneva Passenger., 7:19 A M , X Williams Bay Express ,.*.8;25 " t X Williams Bay Passenger. .-3;S> P M GOING NORTH. X Williams Bay Passenger.... 9:48 A M S Lak&OeDeva Passenger 5; <8 P M X Williams Bay Express ... 4:55» " X Williams Bay Passenger 6:51 •« EXPLANATION. - D--Daily. X-^Daily except Sunday. t) Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. Universallst Church Directory. T.J. Walsh, a. President K. L. Mepmber ...Olerk James B.Perry.... :..... ....>.....Treasurer Rev. J. Straub,, D, O ..Pastor The Willing Workers, (the ladies Organ­ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B. Perry .. . ...'.../President Mrs, J. Van Slyke.... ....Secretary Supt, of Sunday Schobl,-.'........O. N. Owen Assistant,... Mrs. C). N. Owen ,;WTb9 Pastor's Chicago .Telegraph Address is Burnside Crossing, - . Preaching servicos at lo:3t) A. sr. ana at 7 ;30 i?. m. A cordial invitvtion to all, Method I at Episcopal Church,- Kev. V. • O.' Cookj- .........pastor. Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. M.. Sundav School, 1.1:45 A.'M. JDr. A,E. Auringer,....Superintendent ' Epworth League, 6:45 r, M , Wayne Wood burn, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p M. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate week, Mrs. Isaac. Wentworth, President. <®S~ A Oorc*ial iiivitation is extended to all. -- • : 1 • MASONIC. MQHBNST LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. F. L. MCOMBKR.IW. M. ORDER Off THK EASTERN STAR. Regular Meetings the First and Third Tues­ day evenings of each month, at Masonic Hall MRS. BARBARA VANSLYKE, W. M. F. L. MOOMBEK, Secretary. K. O. T. M.I MCBENRY LODGB NO. 77, K. O. T. M --Reg­ ular meetings second and fmrth Tuesday evenings of each month , at K.O T, M. Hall. (JEO. HANLEY, Com, J. J. BISHOP, R. Iv. THANKSGIVING DANCE, at the McHenry House, to-morrow, Thursday, evening ^Smith's Orchestra will furnish the music. /. JOHN J. BISHOP has the thanks of the editor and family for a nice mess of fresh Perch, caught at Pietaqua Lake on Monday. MAHHIED, at the Johnsburgh church, on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1895, by Rev. Father Mehring, .Josfph May and Miss Maggie^Miftervbottrof-J-rv-hn»Wurghr " FOUND, in this village, a pair of Rubber Boots, which the owner can have by call­ ing at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. ANNUAL Thanksgiving Party at the Riverside House, to-morrow evening. Music, Slocum's Orchestra. Ye dancing public bear this in mind. JUDGE GUIDONS, of Chicago, has decid­ ed that the barber's Sunday closing law is unconstitutional and a piece of class legislation. WE have received an article on School matters, from Prof. Harley, but owing to the crowded state of our columns we are obliged to defer it until next week. NEW advertisements this week from John Evanson & Co., J. W. Cristy & Son, Fred Sauer, Theo. F. Swan and L. L. May & Co. Carefully peruse them all. THE ladies of the M. E. Church will give a reception for Rev. and Mrs. Cook, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 3d. at the City Hall. The hours are from 8 to 10 p. M. Everybody is cordially invited. THE next regular meeting of McHenry Chapter, No. 222, 0. E. S., will be held on Tuesday evening next, Dec. 3. Every member is earnestly requested to be present. Per Order W. M. LOST, between Rosedale, on the east side of the river, and this village, a small Hand Bag, with' a Purse, etc., inside. The finder will please return to this office. ' A \'I -"A NEW HAVEN woman announces that she "would as soon send her son to hell as to Yale college." We don't see the force of the comparison. The course at Yale is elective. A MAN at Minier states that he first met his wife in a storm ; took her to their •first ball in a storm; popped the question dn a storm, and has been living in a tstorm ever since. A YOUNG man who has a good deal of epare time on his hands, wishes to learn something that will keep him occupied. We can think of two things straight-get­ ting married and tipping over a beehive. ABOUT eighteen inches of snow fell on Monday afternoon and night, and we are now enjoying the finest run of sleigh­ ing known in this section for years, es­ pecially at this time of year. IIANLY BROS., at the Brick Mills, have also put in a new Sullivan Corn and Cob Crusher, No. 12,1She same as the one we described last week, and are now prepar­ ed to crush your corn on short notice. ATTENTION is called to the advertise­ ment in another column "Wanted Sales­ men," by L. L. May & Co., St. Paul, Minn. This is an old and reliable firm, and ̂ nyone wishing a good situation should apply at once. For full particu­ lars read the advertisement. ALL of us knoiv what a nuisanee a steam or frost covered window is in cold weather. A very thin coat of glycerine applied to both sides of theglass will pre­ vent aey moisture forming thereon and will stay till it collects so much dust that it cannot be seen through. For^ this reason it should be put on verf thin. Surveyors can useit on their instruments in foggv weather, and there is no film to obstruct the sight. In fact, it can be uaid any where to prevent moisture from forming on a surface. v h PERSONAL. MRS. E. LAMPHERE,^ Elgin, spent a few days hpre last wefck. ED. WARNER, of Dundee, wai streets one day last week.'. DELL NOONAN was a Chicago visitor on Friday last. \ A. 0. WHITING, of Chicago, was on our streets the first of the week. HON. F. IV. "GRANGER was a Chicago visitor Saturday- C. H. OSTBANDER attended to business in Chicago on Saturday. NOAH PIKE, of Chenoa, was on our streets the first of the week. • ^ .. FRANK PARKER, of Elgin, was calling on Friends here on Friday and Saturday last. Miss HELEN FORREST, of Woodstock, was the guest of Mrss Bernise Perry, in this village, over Sunday. MRS. STRAUB, of Chicago, wife of Rev. J. Straub, spent a few days here the first of the week. ANTON ENPLEN was attending to busi­ nes-? at Crysta1 Lake and Nunda oil Sat­ urday last. J. J. BisHOp.and wife visited with rela­ tives ; at; Fox. Lake on Sunday and Monday;. ' JAS. PERRY. JR., of the Chicago Law School, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parentsin this village. C. B. CURTIS,^ of Elgid, attended the funeral of John Doran, in this village, on Thursday last. MRS. D. F. HANLY is entertaining her cousin, Miss Sadie l.owe, of Chicago, this week. Miss HATTIE LAMPHERE and Miss Mamie Granger, of Elgin, visited with friends here a few days last week. Miss MAMIE TONVON, of Chicago, was visiting friends here a few days last week. She came out to attend the May-Miller wedding. CAPT. J. E. BECKLKY, E. L. Beckley, W. H. Huffman, 1. M. Mallory and Dr. E. Ballou and wife, all of Nunda, attended the funeral of John Doran, in this village, on Thursday last. REV. L. G. POWERS, of Minneapolis,. Minn., a former pastor of the Universal- ist Church, jn this village, was calling on old friends here on Thursday and Friday last. He accompanied the remains of John H. Doran from St. Paul. THE Devotional Services of the Y. P. C. U., of the Universalist Church, will be led on Sunday evening next by E. B Perkins. Subject, "True Friendship." AT the recent meeting of the Northern Illinois Teachers' Association a resolu­ tion was unanimously passed recom­ mending that all school books be fur­ nished to the pupils by the respective die-, tricts. The opinion of the best educa­ tors, as expressed a^fe this meeting, is that books will be cheaper and better cared for; thajt^it^will help the attend­ ance of poor children very much, and that some fool legislation regarding uni­ formity of school books will be prevented thereby. THE November number of Met lure's Magdzine, containing the opening chap­ ters "Of the Life of Lincoln, was out of print in two weeks after publication, in­ creasing the circulation by 45,000 new subscribers. The first editidn for De­ cember will be over 200,000 copies, a further increase of 25,000, and will con­ tain other chapters in Lincoln's early life with 25 pictures, four portraits bf Lincoln. One of the Lincoln pictures and many of the other illustrations have never before beeh published. \- THE pumpkin, with its warm orange chrome colored shell, is almost worth its ! weight ilv nibkles, and the price of a pie of that family begins to amount to some­ thing. There be. more pump­ kins. or rather more people who'can. make a pumpkin pie. As for cabbage and turnips and . potatoes, they are about the same one winter as another. The demand for cabbage is greater than it was soi ie years ago, for which a grow­ ing taste for sauerkraut is responsible. In years back the refined stomach re­ pulsed the idea of being garnished with krautf but now-a-days it has a welcome from rich as well as poor. This change may be set down as an evidence of pro­ gress--the evolution of the human law. WVll tTVt; i It will not be easy for cooks to im «>se on a lady who knows exactly how fhueli of every ingredient Is requisite !or each dish, and w ho Is able to esti- nate the <jnantity of food required laily for fier household. It nia*" not in all circumstances be lecess^ry for a lady to exercise her tnowedge in these matters, and, if jheaas a cook who has prdved herself jpiStWorthy, she will do well to dele- ate large powers to her; but it is obvi- ds that to judge the skill and honesty f her cook the lady must possess the nowledge indicated. THE remains of John H. Doran were brought here on Thursday last, from St. Paul, Minn,, and myed at rest iiTthe family lot in "Woodland Cemetery. Tlicy were accompanied by a number of rela­ tives and friends from St. Paul and Chicago. IF you are in want of a fine Robe, Blanket, Harness, or anything in the Horse Goods line, do nor fail to call on Gus Carlson. He has the finest line of these goods to be found in the market, and is offering them at bottom figures Do not fail to see him before you buy. WE acknowledge the receipt of an invi­ tation to the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. David S. Smith, which will he held at St. 1'aul, Neb., Nov. 27th. Sorry we are unable to attend, as nothing would please us better than to take our old friend by the hand on this occasion. ALL.those interested in having Club Dances this winter are requested to meet at the Kiverside House, on Saturday evening of this week, Nov. 30, at 8 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of form­ ing some definite plans in relation thereto. PER ORDER COMMITTEE. PARTICULAR attention is caPed to the notice of an Auction Sale to be found in another column, of fanp machinery, wagons, buggies, cutters, sleighs, etf , by T.J. Dacy, of Woodstock. The sale takes place to-day, and also Friday of this week. THE arrangements for the Birthday Social, which is to be held at the City Hall, on the evening of Dec. Gth, are pro­ gressing favorably. Unique invitations have been issued, and everything prom­ ises that it will be the entertainment <jf the season. Bear it in mind and be sure and attend. To those of our subscribers who have made us happy during the past month by paying up, we desire to extend our thanks; to those who still owe we extend a renewed exhortation to come forward and be forgiven of their short comings by receiving a receipt a year ahead. "WHEN you talk about there being a better state than Illinois," says an ex­ change, "every potato winks its eye, every cabbage shakes its head, every beet gets red in tlie face, every-onion gets stronger, every oat field is shocked, the rye strokes its beard, the corn pricks up its ears and every foot of ground kicks." THANKSGIVING comes this year on the 28th. On this day the American youths visit their grand mother# and see how much they can eat. On the night of the 28th a storm will be central in and around the turkey stuffed viscera of the youth of the land, and the grandmother will appear on the scene carrying a big" spoon and a bottle of castor oil. Inter­ nal disturbance^will continue for a day or two and the month will go out with a bad taste in the mouth.-- Ex. ' IF people would purchase green coffee and brown it at their homes there would be fewer cases of diphtheria, scarlet and typhoid fever. The aroma arising from the browning berry is" one of the best agents in disinfecting dwellings of impure air. It is easier to buy coffee already browned than tb prepare it, but in pre­ paring once a wees saves health and doctor bills. The doors should be left open and let the aroma prevade every room, DR. A RT is prepared to teat eyes ac­ curately. The spectacle lenses are ground to order in each case. The King's Revenge. An amusing story conies from the ourt of Italy. For some time past ueen Margherite had been very much ncerned at the extraordinary rapidity ttli which the hair of King Humbert - '-.i'liu x RINGWOdD. x - Fine sleighing for this time of the year. ' ' ; _ . • Bert Bell and Nate Stevens were Rich­ mond Callers Saturday.. G. A. Stevens transiacted business at Carpentersville one day last week. .« Miss Cora Martin, of Ostend, was the guest of Mable and Myrtle Stevens on Friday. Will Heiden ahd brother are visiting friends in Chicago this week. A. Whiting, of Moreland, was calling on friends here Monday. R. Lawson transacted business at Woodstock and other points last week. Miss Kate Frisby returned ho'me from Chicago on Saturday. She was accom­ panied by her brother Mike and wifo, who, we are sorry to say, had to give up a good position on account of ill health. Scott Harrison left Monday for Chica­ go, where he has accepted a position with the Illinois Steel Company. Tue many friends of Scott Harrison presented him with a fine photograph album Sunday afternoon, which he prizes very highly. A number of the .many friends of Jos May and Maggie Miller attended their wedding on Wednesday from here. The school have their usual- program on Friday afternoon of this week, °to which the public are invited; "t : El ma Thompson spent two days; last week with Lillie and Evan Audrdfcs, >at McHenry. : Mrs. John Carr.and son. EarlK are quite sick at present writing. Rr.-Fegejra is in attendance/ . 0. A. Tabor delivered three loads of hogs to Homer Hastings, at Richmond, last week. Our harness maker, Mr. Small, was in Elgin last week on business. Frank Fay and wife were entertaining two lady visitors from a distance last week. J. W. Lawson, of Park Ridge, was the guest of Will Dodge a part of last week. Don't forget the Club Dance, at Ring- wood, on Friday, Dec. 0th, to which the public are cordially invited. A good time .is. assuredv Good stabling for horses. S P R I N G G R O V E . Mrs. Wood will give a Thanksgiving Dinner to her pupils and their parents, Wednesday, at the school house. A pro­ gramme has been prepared which con­ sists of recitations, songs, etc., by the scholars. May they have a merry time togethsr. We understand that the next Literary J meeting at the Creek District will be held Dec. 2d. til The Aid Society will meet with Mrs Heaney next Friday afternoon. They ,v will also give a pound sociable. Dec. 8, of - i which further notice will be given. Yourself and ladies are cordialjy invit­ ed to attend a Thanksgiving Party, at the McHenry House, Thursday evening, Nov. 28th. Floor Managers: Peter John J. Bishop, Henry Thelen, Ed. Wirfs. Musie, Smith's orchestra. Tickets, 50 cents. , Jos. HEIMER, Proprietor. THANKSGIVING PARTY. Yourself and ladies are cordially invit­ ed to attend a Thanksgiving Party, at Tholen's Hall, Johnsburgh, 111., Thurs­ day evening, Nov. 28. Floor managers John lvarls, Henry Thelen, John May, Mat Nett. Music, Johnsburgh Band. Have just enlarged "the hall ..twelve, feet, put in a new floor and made other im­ provements, makiDg it one of the best dancing halls in this section. A general good time may be.expected.- ,los. J. MICHAELS, Proprietor. Sportsmen Attention. Shoot at Johnsburgh, III., on. Thanks-' giving day, Thursday, Nov, 28, 1805, There will'be a Live Pigeon and Blue Rock shoot at Geo-. Nell's place, Johns­ burgh, oiit Thanksgiving Day, to which all are invited. Plenty of Live Pigeons and Blue Rocks? will be furnished, and lot6 of fun may be expected Also at the. same'time and place there will be a raffle for Turkeys. 'Let all come out and,have' a day of sport. ' ; " ' - ' ' . . . , " I G E O R G E X . E L I . , STEPHEN F. SMITH, Proprietors. SHOOT AND" RAFFLE. . There will be a shoot and raffle at West McHenry, as follows: Wednesday, Nov. 27th, day- and night, Raffle, at which time plenty of Turkeys and Chickens will btj put up. On Thursday, Nov. 28, Blue Rock Shoot, for prizes. The prizes to be"arranged to suit the crowd. Money divided in four, namely : 40, 30, 20 anil 10. Sportsmen turn out. A good time is assured. C. H. OsTRANDER. CATARRH HAY FEVER OR ASTHMA positively cure 1 by nature's roots ami herbs or no pav Send 100 postage for ten sample treatments, UOLOKADO MED- IC1NK Co., Denver. Col. Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves. Particular f\Sotice« All persons indebted to the estate of Richard Bishop are notified that the same must be paid at once. J. B. PERRY, Administrator. McHenry, Nov. 11th, 1895. 19ml The finest White Syrup only 25 cents per gallon at M. Englen's. Call at Gus Carlson's0 and get your horse dressed up. He keeps everything in that line and of the best quality. Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves. A MAN went to sleep the other night and dreamed he.was in a icity governed by women; It was scrupulously clean and while wandering around he saw three men arrested for spitting on the pave­ ment A garbage barrel at the rear of each lot was hand painted and tied with blue ribbon. Mail boxes were decorated with drawn work throws,|ar,d fire plugs had i u hioned seats on top of them. >weet.p;a vines were climbing over the electric light poles and a handsome painted cuspidore occupied a prominent place on every corner. There was no business, not a team being allowed to pass up and down the main street for fear of making dust. The town was de­ serted, save for the public women, who marched up and down to see that no one with dusty shoes stepped into town --Ex GOOSEBONEH are all white this year, corn husks are unusually thick, wood- ./'[ chucks ar9 already so,fat they can hard­ ly move and muskrats are building houses with thick walls. All signs pre- dic^te a very cold winter, with blistering stories and snow from early December to middle April. Coal is going but ice lingers at the same old figure. Annual Meeting-. Annual meeting of the McHenry County Agricultural Society will be held at the Court House, in Woodstock, Mon­ day, Dec. 2, to elect officers for the ensu­ ing year, and the transaction of any other business, in the interest of t|ie Society. G. B. RICHARDS, Secretary. THE Marengo Republican says: "The home of Cornelius and Patrick Crowley-- two bachelor brothers, thrifty farmers, residing on the "Island"' a few miles north of town--was entered last week Thursday afternoon, while the men were busily engaged at work in the corn-field, and robbed of from $5,000 to §0,000 which they kept in trunks, and which represented their hard earnings and sav­ ings for many years. It seems almost incredible that so large a sum of money should have been kept in the house, but the boys evidently had no confidence in banks and were their own bankers, yet their success in this role will certainly not teud to increase confidence in their style of banking. The thief very consid­ erately left $60 in gold coin in one of the trunks. Some parties are strongly sus­ pected of the robbery, but yet no arrests have been made. The robbery was doubtless committed by some one fami­ liar with their manner of taking care of their money." THE Reception and Social at the Pub­ lic School building, on Friday evening last, drew out-an immense crowd, every room beiDg literally packed with men, women and children, many of whom had never been inside the building before. Each room was handsomely decorated with bunting, pictures, flowers, etc., which showed that master hands had been at work, and the effect was so pleasing and cheerful that it put the vast number there assembled in the best of humor at once. The fine programme prepared was rendered in a creditable manner, and then came the refreshments to which all'done .ample justice. The social that followed was highly enjoyed by all and when they adjourned everyone preseufc spoke in the highest terms of the School, the Principal and his able corps of Teachers, Also the new school build- ino, which is an honor to the district. This social has donf* a great deal townrd awakening an interest in school w ork, and it is to be hoped may not end where it commenced, but that many more like gatherings may be had before the school' year ends. THE SECRET OF BEAUTY. Of complexion, hands, arms and hair is found in a perfect condition - of the stom­ ach and digestive organs. Keep your­ self right in these respects by using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and nature will do the rest for you. In 10c, 50c and $ 1 sizes, of J. A. Story, Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves. F U R ! F U R ! I will pay the highest market price, in cash, for Raw Fur of all kinds. Call on or address me at West McHenry, 111. WM. C. HOWARD. West McHenry, Nov: 20, 1895. 20tf Candee Rubber Goods only at Stoffel's. WESTWARD HO! A Reg-ion Abounding- in Mountains of Gold and Streams of Silver. During the past quarter of a century the Rocky mountains of Colorado have produced millions upon millions of dol­ lars in gold and silver (and precious jewels) thousands of persons acquiring wealth and ease as a result. Some of the richest gold miuee in the world have beeu discovered during the past year and there is no end to the "lucky strikes" being made at Cripple Creek gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Roekies is unequaled in either Europe or America for grandeur. For several years there has been publish­ ed in Denver a big fifty-six column week­ ly family newspaper which gives all the most important mining news and illus­ trates each week the very choicest of this marvelous scenery, contains original western stories of love and adventure, pure in tone; yearly subscribers are given gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. To introduce this great illustrated weekly family pa­ per into new homes the publishers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (stamps or silver). Club of five $1. Men­ tion the PLAINDEALER and address Illus­ trated Weekly, Denver, Col. EVANSON'S THANKSGIVING SALE Notice extraordinary. Finest Flour in town absolutely free at Evanson's Store, Monday, Dec. 2. Here is the proposition: In order to give this fine brand of Flour more prominence among the good housewives, we will present you with each flO werth of merchandise bought at our store Monday only, 1 sack 49 pounds of Flour, "Best on Record." Sugar not included. AUCTION! Wishing to dispose of his Agricultural Implement business, T. J. Dacy, the un­ dersigned, will sell at Public Auction, on Wednesday and Friday, Nov. 27 and 29, commencing at ten o'clock, A. M., his en­ tire stock of carriages, wagons, cutters, bob sleighs, harness: robes, tread and sweep horse powers, feed cutters, corn threshers, corn crushers and grinders, combined horse powers and grinders, plows, harrows' pulverizers, corn plant­ ers and check rowers, seeders. Tiger- cul­ tivators, Deering and Osborne mowers and binders, hay rakes, hay tedders, hay loaders, tank heaters, wind mills and everything carried in"^tock by leading dealers of this section. Splendid chance for a hustling man to buy implement business established 30 years with leading line of machines. Purchaser of stock remaining unsold after sale may have largest and best ar- arranged warehouse in Northern Illin­ ois at extremely low rent. Interested parties call on or correspond w,ith the undersigned. TERMS OP SALE.--$10 and under cash, over that amount 9 months credit on approved notes at 7 per cent interest.. 3 per cent off for cash. T. J. DACY, Woodstock. HILLS, THROOP & MC'JAULET, Auctioneers. ETANSON'S THANKSGIVING SALE. Notice extraordinary. Finest^ Flour in town absolqtely free at Evanson's Store, Monday, Dec. 2. Here is the proposition: In order to give this fine brand of Flour more prominence among the good housewife, we will prosent you with each $10 worth of merchandise bought at our store, - Monday only,- 1 sack, 49 pOnnds ot Flour. "Best on -Record." Sugar not included. ' J OHN EVANSOX & Co. SEE those handsome Banquet Lamps, at Geo. W. Besley's. They are beauties. Kerosene 11 cents per gallon at M. Englen's. l.} t-ake made from "Best on Record" satisfaction giving Flour . Sold at Evanson's at $1 per sack. German School and Church Books at half price at M. Englen's. Try our Fancy Cheese. We have a few choice ones. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Dr. Weare s Sure Cure for Heaves. "SHADE Frames and Crepe Paper, for Lamp Shades, at G. \V. Hesley's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. No. 1 fine salt, $1 per barrel, at S. Stoffel's. .It's Free I Do not fail to send for a free sarnpe copy of the Weekly (1 lobe, box 540, Den­ ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stones, mining news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. Cnion Suits, for ladies' misses' and children, 50c to $2, at Stoffel's. Dress flannels, suitings, dress goods, at S. Stoffdl's. FOR SALE OR RENT. Farm containing 240 acres, situated one mile south of the village of McHenry. This is one of the best Dairy Farms in the county. Has good buildings, fine spring water, running into the barns, making it convenient forstock and dairy purposes. For particulars call on or address W. SI B. BONSLETT. 565 Boulevard Place, Chicago. EVANSON'S UNDERWEAR SALE CONTINUED. Owing to the rainy and inclement weather of last Saturday, and in conse­ quence the inability of customers to at­ tend the Underwear Sale at Evanson's store, notice is hereby given that a sale of great merit happens again Saturday, Nov. 23d, to which you are cordially in­ vited. We also name an extra discount of 10 per cent on this day on all grades additional Underwear, wool and cotton. Hope ta see you. JOHX EVANSON & Co. STOVES FOR SALE. A number of second hand stoves, both coal and wood, nearly as good as new, for sale cheap. Inquire of E. LAWLUS, Opposite Riverside House, McHenry. WINTER MILLINERY. Mrs. E. W. Howe has just received a full line of Winter Millinery, to which she invites the attention of the ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Call and examine my goods before purchasing. I make a specialty of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, and have a large stock on hand to select from. My goods are all fresh and new, ofthe latest styles, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. New goods re­ ceived every week. MRS. E. W. HOWEJ McHenry, Oct. 9th, 1895. If you have not already done PO try a sack of Sleepy-Eye Flour, and be con­ vinced that it leads all others now on the market, Every sack is up to the stand­ ard. And it costs no more to use itthan an inferior grade. A. P. Baer, West Mc­ Henry, has just received a car of 500 sacks, and can supply you on short notice. With two children subject to croup we do not rest easy without a bottle of Chamberlain's Qough Remedy in the house, for the most severe attacks quick­ ly succumb to a few doses of it--Morrison Colo., Bud. For ealq at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by J. A. Story. „ We are selling the'Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal at the same price we would have to ask for a cheaper coal. Try it. WILBUR LUMBEK Co. Lantern Globes 6 cents at M. Englen's. Over 200 new Jackets, Cloaks and Capes fresh from Chicago at S. Stoffel's. Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. 1 r.:» At Perry & Owen's you Can get "the best New York Full Cream Cheese. Goat and Plush Robes at S. Stoffel's. New fall supply of the well known Chi- cago-Kenosha hosiery at S. Stoffel's. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only §2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. Fargo and Douglas fine Shoes, all war­ ranted and the newest at S. Stoffel's. Fine; henriettas, serges,and suitings, in black- and latest shades, at Perry & Owen's. . Buy your next fine Overcoat and Suit of S. Stoffel. I have calls for Houses, Who haa any to rent in this- village? Let me Know' and I can rent them. ' - . •" • ' • ' H. A MEAD.; ' Capital City Dress and Shirting Flannel at £>. Stoffel's, cheap. If you want a new Harness, single Of double, call on Gus Carlson, He is sure to please you both in quality and price. Elegant Jackets and Capes at Simon Stoffel's. Mixed paints, paints and oil, carriage paints, brushes, etc., cheap, at Besley's, on the west side., 1 have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf ______ H.C. MEAD. BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. For a free burning and long lasting Coal try the celebrated Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal. WILBUR LUMBER Co. PERRY & OWEN'S SPECIALTIES. School Supplies, School Shoes, School Hose, School Suits, School Dress Goods, delicious Coffees, Wall Paper, etc. See new adyertisement. and stock Underwear, new, cheap, large, at S. Scoffel's. Fifty inch heavy Serge Suitings, in navy blue, only 25c per yard at Simon Stoffels. _ Good advice: Never leave the house on a journey without a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy. For sale by J. A. Story. We are overstocked in Gloves and Mittens, and Underwear. This week we will make it an object to call and buy of us.-- --PERRY & OWEN. We are prepared to give you prices on your Winter's Coal. We have a large stock on hand and can make prices and delivery right. WILBUR LUMBER CO. Barler's Oil Heaters were awarded high est medal and diploma at the World's Columbian Exposition. See them at F. L. McOmber's. See the big new stock of the well known Fargo and Douglas Boots and Shoes at S. Stoffel's. Barler's Oil Heaters are reliable, clean and safe, free from smoke or oil smell, just what you want this fall. Call on F. L. McOmber and see them in opera­ tion. Unequaled bargains in Underwear for men, women and children, at Stoffel's. Bargains in new Dress Goods, Flannels, Hoods, Skirts, Yarns and Mitts, at S. Stoffels. New fall stock Dutchess Trousers at S. Stoffel's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Dr. Weare's Sure Cure for Heaves. Fleece lined and double breasted Un­ derwear at S. Stoffel's. Elegant mediunwind h£avy Overcoats, in fancy colors am trimming at Simon Stoffel's. . - NOTICE! ThatiWe can save you money on a Suit of Clothes or Overcoat. Prices never so low. PERRY & OWEN. The Sleepy-®ye Flour has no superior on the *liark«tK This is the verdict of every one wTSojises it. Call at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry, and try a sack, Change in Price; Change in the making of Pictures nec­ essitates an increase in price, and there­ fore on and after September 16th Cabi­ net Pictures will be $2.50 per dozen in­ stead of $2 as now. The change, how­ ever, will make the pictures worth more than the difference in price. L. E. BENNETT. McHenry, 111., Aug- 27, 1895. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE, And people of good taste are earnestly recommended to try Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for disorders of the stomach. Constipation and indigestion cured. A trial of this great remedy can be made for 10c (10 doses 10c) also in 50c and§l sizes, at J. A. Story's. The Golden West Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made by judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stocks. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR wm * CREAM BAKING POWDHt MOST PERFECT MADE- A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. A \ TINWARE, AND- . - World's Best. Known the world over to be the most perfect, durable and best working ^ O Stoves and Ranges ever constructed. Lowest Prices: Every Stove warranted. 1895 BANNER OIL HEiTEB, Economy and Convenience in Heat­ ing. No smoke, no odor, Only §G. Get one for your bed, bath or smoking room, library, nursery or conservatory. The Largest Stock of Stoves IN THE COUNTY. Repairs for any Stove made furnished on short notice. Anti-rusting Tinware, Table Cutlery, And every thin g ?o u n di rrhaTcI ware stores. First Class New Work and Re* pairs in Tin, Copper and Sheet- Iron promptly attended to. Call and see me, A. C. FRIEDLEY, Successor to JACOU BONSLETT. McHenry, 111., 1895. Do You Want WnrTr ? A steady payingjot Vf Ul A. • with larcest house in the west, 20 years eatabliehed. With our fa­ cilities we can make a good salesman in two weeks from raw material. Nursery stock that is warranted to grow. 25 ,be»t varletiea • eed potatoes in the world, etc. If yon want money write, stating age* L L MAY & CO- St- Paul, Minn. Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen. (This house is responsible) SALOON AND RESTAURANT | McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent for SCULITiZ Milwaniee Brewing; Co.'s Beer, THE BEST MADE. In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barrels. r * - - - Orders by mail promptly attended to. ALSO AI/VVAYS ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors, French* Bitters/ choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1894. HEAR THE DJSPOT, WEST MoHENRlf, ILL. Keeps open for the accommodation oftno Public a First-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, tyiiere he will at all time* Steep thfrbMt brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be. found in the market. . PABfeT»S; Milwaukee Lager Sect At Wholesale and Retail. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottle# ways on hand, cheaper than *ny other, quail, ty considered. •* Orders by mall promptly attended tow GOOD STABLING tOX BOXSFf. varoall and'aee us. Robert Sahiessie* -- ^ '

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