Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1895, p. 7

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WITHOUT FOOD OR SLEEP. THE torturous tr ia l of misjs ' CALLIE HUMMEL. BOUTEILHE AND HIS BOMB. •Doctors Said She Had Chronic Trouble of tjie Stomach and Could Not Be Cured--She Has Now Recovered Her Good Health and Spirits and the Neighbors Say It's a Miracle. From the New Era, Greptsburg, Ijid. The editor of the New Era had heard that Miss Gallic • -Hummel, of Siinmah, ludiaua, had : been cured, of a severe ease of chronic stomach trouble and dyspepsia. As the story sounded ] almost improbable, we determined to' learn the truth of the matter, and went to Sunmau theiother day for that purpose. We called on-M-iss Hummel and found her to be a beautiful and charming, young lady, still in her teens and. quite intelli­ gent. The glow of perfect health appear-^ ed T)n het' ruddy cheeks, and she was not the least disinclined to relate her marvel­ ous experience: 'I had stoutach trouble and dyspepsia nearly all my life," she said, in her pleaa.- aiit \va.v 7' 'and tlie older I got the worse it grew on me and the more severe it be­ came. 1 could est scarcely anything aud sleep" was a rarity, with Hie, my trouble was,, so painful. After doctoring with my physician .here f.or several-years, he failed to do aie any .goyd^beyond t*he'reach of medical aid. I went to Cincinnati, Where I was, treated by the ablest physi­ cians "Without the ieaSt success. Discour­ aged and distressed, I h?turn<Kl home aud 'began trying the, many different jnedi- Cjnes which J saw advertised, but not one did cue the 'Jeas,i -.noticeable good. My troubles steadily grew \vofse. and, in al­ most ,unbearable misery, 1 hecaiiie sajflly despondent-' and grew pale and thin as a. skeleton for want of. sleep and food, but neither could i enjoy.' My mother saw an article about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and their marvelous cures, and. they were a godsend to me. I had lost all*.faith in medicine and had given up all hope of re­ covery. grim death staring me in the face. She wouldn't let me rest, however, till I had tried a box of the Pink Pills. With the first box 1 began to feel better, my appetite was partially restored and I could sleep** Within a short time I was, as yoijgSsee me to-day, in perfect health, and able to sleep soundly enough, with an appetite that 1 can eat almost anything without reluctance. I feel that I owe everything to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and do not hesitate to recommend them through your paper to suffering humanity." Dr. Williams' Pink I'ills, for Pale Peo­ ple are now given to the public as an un­ failing blood builder and nerve restorer, curing all forms of weakness arising from a watery condition of the blood or shat­ tered nerves. The pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on re­ ceipt of price, no cents a box or six boxes for. $2.50,' by addressing Dr. Williams'" Medicine (kimp'any. Schenectady, N. Y. Pictef. the great Swiss chemist, lias found that a combination of sulphurous and carbonic acid gases possesses ro- inarlBible power as a disinfectant. It not only kills disease germs, but it also diffuses itself in such a wonderfully penetrating way that it acts more rapid- Jy than other fumes. The Recent Outrage at MM. Roths­ child's Bank in Paris. The man who threw the bomb at MM. de Rothschild's bank inr the Itue Lafitte, Paris, is not an anarchist lie is one of those discontented individuals who con­ sider that their talents ought to have /aised thenrto high positions, and Who neglect the humbler work they have before them. Marie Andre Victor Leon Bouteilhe--to give the criminal's name in full--is the soii of one of the -offi­ cers" of the Commune. He was educat­ ed at a Paris lyeee, b,ut he. never distin­ guished himself, and at the age of IS he enlisted in a regiment of Algerian TiraitTL'urs, with "whom he 'remained live years, On his return he found some employment, and in 185)3 he Was taken into the service of the Western Railway Company, and passed into sev­ eral offices at Courbevoie, Saint Cloud and Asnieres. It appears, however, that his conduct was anything but satisfactory, and af­ ter several reprimands from his super­ iors Bouteilhe lgft his situation. Being thus thrown out of employment, and i.kon not TF.n.iu "For years I had suf­ fered from falling.of the womb, inflammation of A stomach,--and weakness of the female organs. 441 used Lyilia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound, and found a perfect cure in it for these troubles." . . MR S . LI Z Z I E F D E C L I N E , H 2 4 V Grand Street, •• Jersey City, New Jersey. greatly in want of money, he went to live at his mother's house in the Rue Montparnasse. Mine. Bouteilhe, who lives with her two daughters, is much respected by her friends and acquaint­ ances, while her daughters are hard­ working girls, one being employed in a bank, the other in a telephone office. The extravagant talk of Bouteilhe went unheeded by his mother and sisters, and they experienced a great shock on hearing who the perpetrator of the Hue Lafitte outrage was. One of Bouteilhe's favorite lopics was the absurdity of the country giving a man an education and then leaving him without employment. The bomb was fabricated by Bouteil­ he alone in a thicket in the Bois de Yin- cennes. The prisoner at first hinted that he had accomplices, itndalso gave a false account of the composition of the bomb. The three tradesmen of whom lie pur­ chased the materials have recognized him, and subsequently Bouteilhe declar­ ed tha t l l i>xlu i4 lwi t tOl i tU+y-A^i l : l [ H I T : test against the rich, and without any assistance, but he denied tliat^LuvJsent the explosive letter. He was a great, admirer of Yaillant and Emile Henry, and sometimes ex­ pressed himself in favor of their sort of "propaganda." and of a general strike. He was a conceited fellow, and on one occasion, when advised to go into trade.'lie exclaimed, "Trade dis­ gusts me." Bouteilhe detested work that soiled li^hands, and on the same occasion lie cried, "Was 1 made for those jobs'. '" His ambition was to en­ ter one of the big Parisian stores as a clerk. -New York Herald. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet­ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'neeas of physical being,, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Svrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It'has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug­ gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. So. 48--95 Current Condensations. Iloy. a Mi-acre island in the Ork­ neys, with the famous pillar of rock, the "Old Man of Iloy," , '!oo feet high, at its northern end. is offered for sale. Prom the time of Solomon the chro­ nology of the Hebrews may be connect­ ed that of Egypt, Assyria and Babylon, and comparative views pre­ sented. The people of the i nited States use on an average lL'.ooo.uon postage stamps of all kinds each and every day of the year, or a total of 4,."NO ,<KM),<I(H) p«>r an­ num. The (Jreek year consisted of twelve months of twenty-nine and.thirty days alternately; three times in eight years a month was added to make up the de­ ficiency. • On her last trip the Lueania. in order to save the tide at the Mersey bar, broke the record between Queenstown and Liverpool, making the -'40 miles in ten hours. A pipe line to convey the product of the Los Angeles oil wells to the sea­ board, either at San Pedro or Kedondo. is under the consideration of an East­ ern capitalist. The "Era of the Martyrs.", a famous era in use in the early church, com­ memorates the tenth and last great per­ secution. by Diocletian, beginning Feb. 2.S. 284 A. I). The liijst cabbages grown in Great Britain were raised on the ground ad­ joining the Abbey of Arbroath, having been produced from seeds obtained from Artois, in France. Nearly the entire continent of Europe receives its supply of oleomargarine from New York and Chicago., and the | importation is always exclusively , ' Old Wudswuth. Wordsworth's contemporaries In the Lake Kegion knew very little about him, and cared less. It was "Mr. Wudswuth, stamp-malster, him o? Rydal" whom they knew, not the poet- laureate. Indeed, one yeoman who went out -of" his way to'attend a politi­ cal meeting, to be addressee^ by the fatter, was heard to exclaim: Tr-*"--* "Schaff on it! It 's nobbut old Wuds­ wuth o' Rydal, efter aw!" And heartily indignant with himself fof coming, lie left tile meetiligj As for his poetry,-it was "aw reet eneuf, but queer stuff, varra," and they could not believe that when the for making it was on, Wordsworth was in his right mind. V S ; j ' v- "Aw yes," they would say, "I darsay he's quite sensible whiles; if /a nobbut catch him reet, he'll .talk as plain as oyder you or me!" One day. Hartley Gofferldge appeared in the studio of an artist friend at Ambleside, and was at once accosted With the query: . 1 "Well, what's the news this morn- tog'"" . ' "Your inquiry reminds m.e of an an-, swer I 've just had to the same," he answered, . "As I Was walking down, I came Upon a poor man from Rydal, breaking stones. Like you, I said: ' ' 'Good morning. John; what news have-you this morning?' and John, an­ swered: " 'Wliy, nqwte varra partie'lar-,. only old Wudswnth's broken fowce ageean!'" • The Mistress. The best household mistress is the woman who has a practical knowledge of household duties. A knowledge of cookery will enable her to point out to inefficient cooks the cause "Mistake aNud failure; and she sho'ald not only know how things should look and taste1 when sent to t ;\ble, but be able to judge of and Qhoose well ewj I It will not be easy for cooks to im­ pose on a lady who knows exactly how i|auch of every ingredient is,requisite Por each dish, and who Is able to esti­ mate the Quantity of food required daily for fier household. i I t mar not in all circumstances be tiecesscry for a lady to exercise her knowledge in these matters, and, if heoas a cook who has prdved herself rastworthy. she will do well to dele- rate large powers to her: but it is obvi- (us that to judge the skill and honesty cf her cook the lady must possess the knowledge indicated. I F Y O I I I'mp.oyinrnt, Ladles or Ofutiemen. thromrh Rotterdam I t I l / U a d d r e s s C . . l i o x 9 1 , H a r t f o r d . C o n n . l < l l l o u _ u The King's Revenge. An amusing story conies from the (Ourt of Italy. For some time past (•ueen Margherite had been very mucdi (jncerned at the extraordinary rapidif^F Aith which the hair of King Humbert What could she do? Womanlike, she saw only one remedy--hair dye--a^rd she suggested tfie idea to the King. But his majesty objected to being re­ juvenated by any such process. One of her relatives, a young prince, suggested strategy. He knew, he said, of a splendid colorless dye which she could place on the dressing-table of the King, and he would use it withou' thinking as an ordinary hair brush. But his majesty got wind of the af­ fair, and laid a counterplot. The Queer had a little white dog with long hair. He inveigled it into his dressing-f*oom, applied the famous hair dye. and turner the dog into her majesty's apartments in a coat of splendid jet black. A Tontine Hotel. The ancient Tontine hotel of New Haven, built in 1824 by a company or ganized under the tontine plan, is now- owned by forty-four "nominees" hold­ ing fifty-one shares of stock. The com pany started with 117 stockholders, and the number was increased to 24". Under the original agreement, when only seven stockholders are left the property becomes theirs. The original capital was $24,. ' i00; it was intenvied to start with a capitalization of but the company was not successful in reaching that amount. As most of the surviving shareholders are agei people, it will be only a few years be fore the number, seven, will have been reached, and then they will take tbt property absolutely and the company will go out of existence. So far as is known, this is the oulv company of this character in this country, one which existed in New York bavin gone out of existence several years ago. Tankage. "Doyou know what tankage is?" asked one of the customs inspectors of the re­ porter yesterday. "Something to do with a tank?" "Guess again." "Give it up; what is it?" "Well, I didn't know before to-day, continued the Inspector, "but I was down aboard of a vessel to-day. a coast­ er bound to the eastward, and was in­ formed by the captain that he had 30C bags of tankage aboard. Then he ex­ plained that tankagejis nothing more nor less than dried blood. It is procur ed at the abattoirs at Boston and other ports and taken to Boothbay, where it is used in the manufacture of fertiliz­ ers."--Daily Eastern Argus. , Superstitions of Jamaica. If a 'death occurs in the .house, it is believed that all the water in it is poi­ soned at once, and must be thrown away. the. reason given being that "death" cools his "sting" after de­ stroying life in then-first wafet-ihe finds; and as no one can tell--death being in­ visible--what jar lie may choose, it is safest ta throw it all away. Careful people, to save trouble, even carry all water out of the house immediately before a death is expected. It is cus-i toinary to remove the pillow from dy­ ing: persons. so that they die lying quite flat. For what reason the negroes do this I know not. but I am told It is always done by them. I have he?.v#i that the same, thing is done in some country districts in England under the belief that it makes "dying easier." It probably has assisted to help some unfortunates out of the world in the West Indies, for I have heard that the pillows is in many cases positively sna tched a Way. Chicago Opera House. Beginning Sunday, Nov. 17, at the Chi­ cago Opera House, Miss CanuHe D'Ar­ ville and her'excellent cofhpuny of lyric artists will present for the Jhlst, time hi Chiiago Ludwig,Englander and J. Chee- ver Goodwin's historical comic-optica., '-VA Daughter of the-Revolution." with Miss D'Aryille and her company of. eighty. As the . title indicates the, stofy. follows his­ torical incidents of 1770, American pa­ triotism in comic ,opera form should be* successful. There . will bfe />een "British atid Hessiai 'f military officers', .colonial dames. American officers and troops, who will make the scene most- realistic. J. CheeverGoodwin, who wrote t he lib ret t o, is well known here as having written "Wang," "The Merry Monarch," "Doe- tor Syntax," and other successful operas, and in "A Daughter of the Revolu­ tion" has made a special effort and much comedy in action -may be ex­ pected. Miss D'Arville has a great part in the title role. She has three changes of costume to make during the opera, which gives her opportunity to appear as a sol­ dier. servant maid and grand dame. It is one of the most pretentious offerings that [Miss D'Arville has yet been seen in. and her voice lias never been richer than this •season, and one may look forward to a freat operatic night on Sunday and an- ctheiubrilliant triumph for Miss D'Arville. Japanese Footgear. The Japanese hardly ever wear any shoes or slippers but such as are made of plaited rice-straw. They cost a iliere trifle, are found exposed for sale i« everf town and village, and the rledestriau supplies himself with new Shoes as he goc-s along, while the more jirovident man always carries two or tuiroe pairs with him for use. throwing tjlioni away as they'wear out. Old Jvorn-out shoes of this description are fjj 'ound lying everywhere by the sides of J^lie roads, especially near rivulets, v>vhero travelers, on changing their fj^ho^s. have an opportunity at the same flime of washing their feet. b • How's This! We offer One Hundred lioH.irs Howard for any-ease of Catarrh tltai eanriot-tie curcil by Highest of all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report Rapid Transit in China. A most interestingreport upon Chi­ nese railroads is furnished to the State Department by United States Consul Road, at Tieu-Tsiu. He tells of the diffi­ culties that were encountered by the young English engineer who ran the first locomotive in overcoming the su­ perstitious natives, who called his loco­ motive the "rocket dragon." The road ran'< from Tien-Tsin to Shang-Chiiig- Hawn, and lie gives tile following inci­ dent or;tne first trip by steam of Li" Hung'Chang: " "As director .general of the road lu» was given a special car. This was fur­ nished with elaborate chairs, lounges, tables, etc., upholstered in silk anil ' satin. LI on his first trip was profuse j in his expressions of. admiration. Up­ on his return to Tien-Tsin liis" satisfac : tion had reached such a point that he ordered all the furniture* hangings, etc.. to be- removed to his yanien,. To the disappointment of the great Viceroy the special feature of the car--the lux­ urious bed--"was left behind; as it had been built jnto the car. The directors learned a lesson and the Viceroy's new private car has furniture that "cannot be removed." False Witnesses. There are knaves now and then met with who represent certain local bitters anil poi­ sonous stimuli as Identical with or posses­ sing properties akin to.those of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. These scamps only .suc­ ceed iu foisting their trashy compounds upon people unacquainted with the genuine ar­ ticle, which Is as much their opposite as day is to night. Ask and take no substitute for the grand retppdy for malaria, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism and kidney trouble. Men should not talk to please them­ selves, but those 1hat hear them.-- Sterne. Wisdom can live on what fools tram­ ple under foot. Tiie Battle of the Giants. The Battle "of the Giants was another name given to the battle of Mariguano in 1 olo, between the allied French and Venetians and the allied Italian and Swiss armies. The latter were defeat­ ed with great slaughter, over 12,-GOO of their troops being left on the field. The victors lost 4^300. The battle was given the name by Trivalzio, a soldier 'and historian, who was present. Very Low Rates to the South t)n Dec; 3 the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad, will sell one way, land settlers' tickets to all points in the South at very low rates. For.detailed informa­ tion address. City Ticket-Office, 230 Clark Street, Chicago. C. W. Humphrey, North­ ern, Passenger Agent. SC. Raul, Minn., or Charles L. Stone, .-General Passenger »ud Ticket Agent. Chicago. • . Winter'furs, or furs, of animals killed ̂ in winter,>are_ better for felting pur­ poses and the manufacture- of hats than', those .of animals taken in summer. TliiiJur is thicker-aud- much more-com­ pact. Piso's Cure for (Consumption cured a case of Pneumonia after the family doc­ tor gavi4 up all hope.--M. F. McDowes, Conowingo, Md. Habbit fur. when used for hats, is first carefully "plucked," that is. the long hairs are pulled out. Formerly this process was done by hand: now a machine acomplishes the same result. best in the world . Vcv\s - 1 xaXm \S\yw\W THE W25 THE RISING STOVE POLISH in cakes for • general blacking of a siove. THE SUN PASTB POLISH for a qtiiek after - dinner shine, applied aud pol­ ished with a cloth. Morse Bros., Props., Canton, 3Ia«s.."lT.'S- A. World's Fair! HIGHEST AWARD. ORANUM Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is the best, handiest, safest, surest, cleanest, most economical and satisfactory dye ever invented. It is the gentlemen's favorite. FITS.--All Fits stopped tree by Or. Kline's Great Nerve Itestoi er. No Fits after first day's use. Mar^ vplons euros. Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle tree tc lit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St.. Pii 11:1. Pa. {FRIENDS wherever its I Superior Merits become: It is the Safest! Sold by DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE! John Catle & Sons. New York. Mrs. Wlnslow's SO O T H I N G SY R U P tor children [ teething: sottens the gums, reauces intlaimuation, I allay s pain, oires wind colic. 2S cents a bottle. ©©®©®©®@©®®e®«©©i3©0©®@e©®@©©©©©©®®© Is a prize fighter and champion in every contest with - Hall's Catarrh Cure F. J. C1IKNKY & CO., Props,, Toledo, O, We the underslpnfed have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly/ honorable iiv all business transactions and finan­ cially able to carry out anv obligation made by their firm. WE S T & TH I A X , Wholesale Druggists,Toledo.O. WU.IHNC,, RINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75e. ]>et- bottle, bold bv all Druggists. Testimonials free. German papers assert that gas pipes made of paper are a success. Manila paper strips arc passed tl rough melted asphaltum and then molded under heavy pressure. After cooling the pipes, which juia.v be of any desired length, they receive a water proof \Coating. Asthnia.tic troubles and soreness of the Lungs or Throat are usually overcome by Dr. D. .layne's Kxpectorant--a sure cura­ tive for Colds. Truth is the handmaid of justice; freedom is its child; peace its compan­ ion; safety walks in its steps; victory follows in its train.---Sydney Smith. MRHEUMATIC PAINS \ rCtffXVi B B ® Tf IrtlAflrc r AM 1«/>U i JlU It knocks out in every round, and on its belt is written "I CURE." i[©©©®©©©®9®©©s@®©a©©e©®®©®®©®@©®Q©s.33®@ Timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market many misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu­ facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, a:id be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker St Co.'s goods. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. Mr. I). M. Cobb, of 1034 Uuion avenue, Kansas City. Mo., under date of June Id. 1895. says: "For a number of years I have suffered . from constipation in its severest form. My liver,failing to act for a week. I have tried any number of specifics and have also had physicians prescribe for me, but only received temporary relief. During the early part of the past winter I had my attention called to Ripans Tabules by a small sign on a telegraph pole, which said 'One gives Relief. ' I procured a box and wns at once attracted by --- the neat form in which they were put up. Before 1 had taken half a dozen doses I began to feel the good effect, especially from the pain 1 would suffer when my liver was trying to act. 1 have now taken three boxes and have no more trouble. My bowels act regular and free and as a result my health is much improved. (Signed) D. M. COBB." Tabules are sokl by drucglsts. or by mall It (he price (5U cents a bux) IN sent to The Ripaus Chemi­ cal Company, No. 10 Spruce Street. New York. Sample vial, 10 cents. THE AEItlHOTOrv CO. does half the world's wiiid.powor to 1. 6 what it was. It has many branch houses, and supplies its goods and repairs at joui door. It can and does furaisha , better article for less money than ' others. It makes Pumping and Geared, Steel, (ialvahtzed-alter- I Completion "Windmills, Tilting j vvj-- ..n t Fixed Steel Towers, Steel Buzz Saw S> Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed Ci Grinders. On application it will name on® of thexo articles that it v.-til furnish until January at 1/3 the usual ;srice It also nia'sos Tanks aud t'nmrw of all kinns. Send for catalogue. Psc'.jrv: l~ anj Fiftaorj Sirests, Chicago. t ( Gracc before Meat. There's a difference between being full of thanks-, giving, and being full of Thanksgiving dainties. But the one thing generally leads to the other. How can it be helped when the turkey is so good, and the pie so enticing? Here's a helpful hint. For that full feeling after Thanksgiving -- take a pill. Not any pill, mind you. There are pills that won't help you. Take the pill that will. It's known as Ayer's Pill --and it's perfect. It is sugar-coated, pleasant to the' pa-late, and its operation, like "that of nature, is effective and without violence. Keep this in your mind if - you want to enjoy the holiday season: Grace before meat, but a Pill after Pie. A Tramp Cries. It was simply an everyday incident o 1 city life, but it attracted the attention of one passerby. The merry pupils of one of the dis­ trict schools were romping in the play­ ground, nothing distracting their at­ tention from the sport; but from with­ out a man, a tramp, with ragged coal and unkempt appearance, was peering through the iron palings. Nothing was said, but when the chil­ dren were- called back to work, he turned away, brushing a tear from his7 sodden face with his ragged sleeve. An ordinary incident, but one with pages of history behind it.--Cincinnati Com­ mercial Crazette. A Dylltie- Race. According to a medical correspondent of the Kaspi the Kalinychs, in As- trachan, are gradually dying out. This medical authority is unable to explain i lie cause beyond the fact that some iaij 'sterious mental trouble appears to be affecting the Kalmychs. The asy turns and - hospitals are continually filled with the partially insane people, and the mortality is so great that very soon there probably will not be a Kaimych left in Astrachan. Hopeless, The doctor and intimate friends con­ sidered-my case, I was so we tk and ex­ hausted. I uecided to take Hood's Sarsj- parilla and soon began to improve. After I lad taken ten bottles I was entirely cured, and have ever since been free from all ills peculiar to mv sex. I conlid -ntiy recommend Hood's Sarsanarilla. 'I Mas. H. L. Lake , Meredosia, Illinois. Hood's SarsapariHa is the only true blood purifier prominently in the public eye to-day. cure habitual constipation. Price i;5 cents per box. Hood's Pills r^CAl<CBf>RMI JOHNW.IlIORRT& WA»MNCTON, D.OT ^Successfully Prosecutes Clauris* Late Principal Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau. 3yra in last war, 15ailjadicatingclaims, atty aiuce. KIDOER'8 PMIIulSSS ' !iiurlestown, AIas& The More You Say the Less People Remember." One Word With You, SAPOLIO POPHARI S ASTHMA SPECIFIC .Gives relief in FIVE minutes. Send I for a FlfKEtrial package. Sold by j Druptrists. One Box sent postpaid Ion rt '<-ert>t of $1.00. Sixboxrs$i.00. J Address THOS. rOPHlS, ruiL.1., PI. ' flfi LADIES' TAILOR SYSTEM . UU l't rtect tfuing. No alterat.ons. Sluijuo and accurate, if not as represented iuun- i-y nuuruptl. 50J)U0 sold. GliAV T.M.LOK1SG -cnoou 1299 i: 1301 Broadway. New Vork. THE YOUTHS COMPANION ^ : P I S O . ' S . O U - R E F O R „ UUKta nfltnt ALL tLSt rAlLd. Best Cotigh Syrup. T3stes Good. Vee In time. Sold by drtiCKists. gBBBBsgaaengg Comes Every Week For all the Family. Frofuselv Tiinstr£LtBd Read Every Week in more than Half a Million Homes. Serial Stories. Cabinet Ministers. The Volume of The Companion for 1896--/the 70th year of its publication -- will give weekly entertainment and instruction in abundance for every member of the family. Notable Series. The Lord Chief Justice of Eng­ land and Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes have contributed articles of national importance, together with those by Hon. Thomas B. Reed and Justin McCarthy, M. P. Four Fascinating Serial Stories have been selected from the large number offered, with the following titles: "The Ventriloquist," "In the Clutch of the Tsar," " Rosamond's Violin" and "In Indian Meadow." Popular articles on subjects of unusual interest are written by Hon. Hoke Smith, Sec'y of the Inte­ rior ; Hon. H. A. Herbert, Sec'y of the Navy; Hon, J. Sterling Morton, Sec'y of Agriculture. More than 200 Famous Men and Women have contributed to the next Volume of The Companion. Send for Full illustrated Prospectus and Sample Copies Free.. REMARKABLE OFFER! 5 50-ct. 5 p * t "p-VTI A I? 5 rKEE ~ Tie Y°utfl's Companion every week till January 1, 1396. £ . JVi/XVXV £ free ~ Thanksgiving:, Christmas, Rew Tear's Double Numbers. 1 1 ' FREE --Onr Handsome 4-pa?e Calendar 7x 10 inches), lltho- J I Qpm ? 1 Hew Subscribers who will cut out this slip and send it AT 0HCE J -a-* f i with name and address, and $1.75, will receive: } FREE -- The Youth's Companion every week till January 1, 1896. { TlllS Slip "Wltll J *1.75 S graphed in nine colors. „ Retail price, 50 cents. » AND THE COMPANION 52 weeks, a full year, to January I, 1897. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 201 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. TN writing to'Advertisers, please do not fail J. to mention this paper. 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