WEDNESDAY, JAN, 15, 1896. Railway Time Tabio. Taking effect Snnrlay, May 26, 1895, at six o'clock A. M. Trains will paBa ilclienry Btation as follows: „ GOING SOUTH B Laka Geneva Passenger...... 7:19 A M X Williams Bay Express ....8;25 " X Williams Bay Passenger ,.3;25 PM GOING NOBTH. • X Williams Ba'Y Passenger 9 48 A M S ijake Gcnevtr Passenger ........ S;03-P M X Williams Bay Express .....1:55 "J X Williams Hay Passenger EXPLANATION. D-Dajly> •* X--Daily except Sunday. b Sunday » only. B. BU39, Agent, McHenry, 111. Urtiversalist Church Directory, T.J. Walsh, ... President F. L. MoUmber ...Clerk James B. Pert-y.;... -..Treasurer Rev. J. Strailb, D. D................ ....Pastor The Willing Workers., (the ladies organ za-lion.). •, '•'tote. Jas. B> Perry . ... ....PrBSident Mrs. J; Van Slyke..... ...............Secretary Supt, of-Sunday School,........»Q. ,I?.„ Owen Assistant,. :.............. Mrs. O. N". Owen iaWThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Burnside Crossing, . ' Preaching services at; 10:30 A." M,. and at 7;30 P. j£. A cordial invitation to all. ' Methodist episcopal Church, Rev. V. U. Cook, ...... Pastor, . Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7;30 p. M. ' Sundav School, 11:45 A. m. Dr. A, E. Auringer,...v Superintendent Epworth I.eague, 6:15 i\ M., Wayne Wood burn, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. - Jjadies' Aid Society each alternate week, M'i>6. Isaac Wentworth, President, <®~A Cordial invitation is extended to all. "A CELEBRATED CASE," at Riverside Hall, to-morrow, Thursday evening. Do not fail to see the BARBEL RACE, at the Riverside Skating Rink, on Saturday evening. ° A large reduction on Neckties, Satur day, Monday and Tuesday, at. J. D. Lodtz's. GRAND Drama, at Riverside Hall, to morrow, Thursday evening. Have you secured your reserved seat? DR. STRAUB will preach on the Arme nian question, next Sunday evening at the Universalist church. Services begin at 8 o'clock. pehson^L/ R. SILEBBURNE aud wife visited friends in Greenwood onecHly last week. REV. FATHER KIRSCH was A Chicago visitor one day last week. DR. C. H. FEGERS was a Chicago visit or on Wednesday of last week. E. LAWLUS was a Chicago visitor the first of the weekv MRS. R. WAITE has been quite sick the past week. ROBT. MADDEN, of Gray's Lake, was pon our streets on Monday. ° - C. E. CHAPELL, of Elgin, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Friday last. Miss MARY CONOVER, of Avondale, was the guest of Ella Erwin the pa§t week. " •'BUTT" WALKER, of Harvard, was at tending to business in this village a few days last week. - MRS. C. E. LAMPHERE has been on the sick list the past few days, but is now re ported better.. CLAYTON.HARRISON, of Lake Geneva, was calling on Irienda here on Sunday last. • A. M. WHITE, Superintendent of tbe -State farm, at the Elgin Asylum,' was on oar streets.on Saturday. R. A. HOWARD and wife, of this village were the guests of Ed. C. Howard and wife, at Fox Lake, on Sunday last. MRS. EARL MEAD, of Waukegau, was visiting her parents, in this village, the first of the week. FRED ARNOLD and a party of friends, frctm Woodstock, attended the Skating Rink, at Kiverside Hall, in this village, on Saturday evening. MILO Howe, Harry Hanly, Miss Jennie Covell and Miss Stella Nordquest, com menced attending school at Nunda on Monday last. COLLARS, cuffs, suspenders, and hand kerchiefs, at cost for the next ten days, at J. D. Lodlz's. THERE is some corn to husk yet, and numerous farmers are pressed for the want of crib room to store the enormous crop. • WE learn that the celebrated pacing Btallion, Midnight, record 2:17%, former ly owned by H. B. Throop, of Nunda, hats been purchased by C. A. Appley, of Lake county. Consideration, §1,000. HANLY BROS, have just put in a fine now Engine, at their Mill, which was necessitated by the extreme low Btage of the water. They are now able to accom modate their customers on short notice. WALTER CULVER, sob of C. N. Culver, of tins village, was married at Elkhorn, Wis., Jan. 1, 1896, to Miss^ella Taylor. Walter is well known in this village, where he resided some years ago. FRANK NICICOLS was quite severely hurt while helping to fill the Brewery Ice Houses one day last week. He slipped and fell, striking his back upon an up turned pike pole, which made a sovere and painful wound. THE Epworth League meeting will be held at the M. E. church next Sunday evening at half-past six. Subject, "Per sistence in prayer." Luke 11:5-13. Mrs. Lee Andrus will lead. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. J. H. MILLER has lately erected several fine Granite Monuments. One at Ivan- hoe for W. L. Converse and one at Mon- aville. for Elmer E. Barnstable, who was killed at Gray's Lake, Sept. 3d, by the cars. A MAN being asked why his nose was so crooked said he supposed it was made that way so he could not stick it into other people's business. We know of some others who ought to have crooked noses. D^i. CORTHELL, Optician, will make his next visit, at the Riverside House, in this village, Saturday, Feb. 1, for one day only. Examination $1, except where glasses are ordered. Read his advertise ment on the first page of this paper. MRS. CHAS. GIBBS was thrown from a buggy, Tuesday night, while on the way to Genoa, and received injuries in the shape of a broken collar bone. Dr. Arm strong attended and she is doing well. So says the Richmond Gazette. A SPECIAL Meeting of the Board of Education will be held in the High bchool Room, on Saturday evening of this week, Jan. 18, at 7:30 sharp, for the purpose of transacting any business that may properly come before the Board. By Order of the President. THE Rock Falls correspondent of the Sterling Standard is responsible for the story that S. W. Barrett went to his gar den on Christmas day and dug therefrom potatoes, turnips and radishes more than he could usea£a^ dinner. And Rock Falls is a no-license town, too. TiiE^Harvard Herald last week said: "The thousands of friends of Col. Wm. Avery will learn with regret that his 'physical condition is such as to occasion grave feara„QiiJbIie--part--of-his family. He has been ailing for a long time, but be was taken violently sick Monday, since which time he ha3 been very low." ON Wednesday evening last the West McHenry Cornet Band, having just learn ed of the marriage of E. B. Perkins, gave him a handsome serenade, at his resi dence. After playing a couple of tunes they "were invited in and a box of Bar- bian's Beet passed around, and after wishing the neiwly married couple much happiness the band played "again, and the boys went their way home humming that good old tune, "This is the' way I iong have sought." >- THE Ladies'. Aid Society, of the M. E. Church, will meet with Mrs. C. £. Lam- phere, on Friday afternoon, Jan. 17, at 2 o'clock. Everybody invited. SECRETARY. ALL are interested in having the sur roundings of Woodland cemetery kept in good repair. Then throw in your mite by attending the Drama, at Riverside Hall, to-morrow, Thursday evening. TiiE-Willing Workers Society will meet with Mis. O. N. Owen on Thursday afternoon of this week, January 10th, at the usual hour. Every member is earnestly requested to be present: SECRETARY. Battle of Gettysburg. The G. A. R. Post, of this pUce have decided to have the lecture on Gettys burg on Thursday eve., Jan. 23, assisted by the school. Proceeds to be used in the purchase of books for the school library. TUB next Social by the Ladies of the Willing Workers Society, connected with the Universalist church, will be held with Mrs. E. J. Hanly, on Tuesday evening of next week, Jan. 21. A fire programme is being prepared. Refreshments will be served for which 15 cents per plate or 25 cents per couple will be charged. All are cordially invited, IT is said that a common dandelion is a perfect soporific. Two or three leaves chewed jusfc before going to bed will in duce sleep, no matter how nervous or worried a man may be. The leaves can be dried easily for^ winter use, and tbe best of them as that when used to woo sleep there is no morning headache or weariness such as invariably follows the use of chloral or morphine. A SOUTH DAKOTA editor recently re ceived a jar of peaches from an old aunt in one of the eastern states. The peaches ^were pickled in brandy. Upon receiving them he immediately sat down and wrote a letter oi thanks something after this style: "Dear aunt, thanks for the pick les. While we are not much ot a lover of peaches, yet we fully appreciate the spirit in which they were tendered." - A. M. WHITE, of Elgin, who formerly resided in Lake county, and who is well and favorably known in this section, has invented a sure cure for Hog Cholera and offers §100 reward for any case of genuine Hog Cholera that he cannot cure, provided the disease has not ad vanced into the second stage. The medi cine is called "White's Hogine," and parties troubled with this disease among their swine would do well to give it a trial... For full particulars address A. M» White, Elgin, 111. „ ., Biverside Skating Rink. One of the attractions at-the Riverside Skating Rink, on Saturday evening of this week, will be a BARREL RACE, for a prize of a dollar ticket. This is one of the most amusing features of the rink, and can only be appreciated by being seen. We shall expect to see a big turn out at the rink Saturday evening. Everything made pleasant for those who attend. READ the programme of the Drama, to be presented at Riverside Hall, Thursday and Friday evenings, by the Premier Dramatic Club, which can be found in another column. Tli* Special Discount Sale, At John I. Story's, in Riverside Block, will be continued at the following prices'; All Hats and Caps, Kocklord "atr^voCrt" double Shawls, and Felt Boots, will be sold at a discount of 50 per cent. All Underwear at a discount of 40 per cent, and all other goods at a discount of 25 p\er cent from actual cost. These goods are going fa3t. Call early and'secure a share of the bargains. ' " " JOHN I. STORY. OVERCOATS 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT We will give 20 per cent discount on all men's, bov's and children's Overcoats. Our s|fcock is complete. Call and look them over. OWEN & CHAPELL. Have you tried the new Pan-ka-ko at A. P. Bfiler's? . For the Benefit of the Cemetery. We would again' call' the attention o$ our readers to the entertainmeut to be given at Riverside Hall, on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week, by the West McHenry Band and Premier Dra- maticClub, for the benefit of" Woodland Cemetery. It, in itself,, will be well worthy your patronage, and tlieusauBe is one in which every one in Hiis village and vicinity should take an interest. Give them a rousing benefit each evening. The following is the cast of characters and synopsis of the play: CHARACTERS IN .PROLOGUE. John Renaud ....Frank C. Going Soldier in the French Army. Lazare . «a.J. M. Van Slyke A camp-follower. Count D'Aubeterre Harry Hanly Commanding King's own regiment. Denis O'Bourke... Wm. Noonan Ail Irish Sergeant in King's service. Captai,ri DeJang ..........Harry Eldredge Of the French Army. Seneschal ......l.. Milo Howe 01 the village of Montaghe, Madeline Renaud.:"..Mrs. Frank. G. Going John's wife. <» * • Adrienne Renaud.....^liss Cassie Eldredge • ." Child of John and Madeline, Martha 1 ( Miss Alta Kimball {•Peasants... •< >v Louise,,; ( Miss Clara Sch'ssle - .v . ; Soldiers, Villagers, etc. SYNOPSIS OP PROLOGUE. . ; PART J.--Home of. John Renaud O'Rourke aud his foine news. The sol dier arid his wife. The sacred deposit. Lazare, the camp-follosver. Murder of Madeline. Mother and child. Who kill ed her? It was papa. PART 2.--Camp of the French army. O'Rourke and the soldiers. The accusa tion--"You killed your wife." Condemn ed by his own child. "You have killed me my child, but I loye and forgive you." Twelve years are supposed to elapse between' the incidents of the prologue and those of the first act of the play. CHARACTERS IN PLAY. John Renaud Frank C. Going Condemned to the Galleys for life. Count de Mornay 1 M. Van Slyke Returned from exile. Duke D'Aubeterre Harry Hanly Governor of Provence. Viscount Raoul DeLange.v.. A, G. Eldredge Betrothed to Adrienne. Denis O'Rourke Wm. Noonan In the service of the Duke. Captain DeLang Harry F. Eldredge Of the King's Guard. •Joseph » Milo Howe. In thajsefvice of the Duke. Adrienne Miss Harriet M. Howard The Duke's adopted daughter. Valentine Miss Bernice Kimball Adrienne's school mate. Duchess D'Aubeterre..MissClaraSchiessle The Duke's wife. Chanoinesse Mrs. C. T. Eldredge Of the College of D'Hyeres. Julie .' Miss Florence Matthews Adrienne's maid. - Soldiers, convicts, etc. . SYNOPSIS OF PLAY. ACT 1.--Park of the Chateau D'Aubo- tere. Mother and daughter. The lovers. The Duke and O'Rourke have a diver sion. The galley slaves. The convict's story. "You are my father." None of ray shame shall shadow her life. ACT 2--Salon in the Chateau D'Aube terre. Adrienne and the Duchess. "You are not my mother." Tears, hang it. O'Rourke explains matters. The Count De.Mornay. "And you, sir, have killed his daughter." ACT 3.--The Count DeMornay and Val entine. "Forget that girl I say." The Necklace. "Do you mean to accuse me, your lather?" "You killed Made line." The Duke and Duchess. "My daughter has gone mad." ACT 4.--Home of the Duke. The Chan oinesse. O'Rourke's opinion. Raoul's noble sacrifice. 'You believe your father innocent and so do I." The convict, Face to face at last. The count over reaches himself. The necklace. "You killed tny wife. Arrested. Your escort is awaiting you. Restored to the world. HEIMER & ENGLEN sold last week six Lots at Maple Park, on the river bank, north of the Iron Bridge, two each to Amil Larsh and E. Hunter, of Chicago, and two to Mr. Eskilson, of Rosedale. Consideration, §200 per lot. We under stand the parties will build substantial cottages on the same early in the spring. Other parties from Chicago are also negotiating for lots in the immediate vicinity. Messrs. Heimer & Englen are deserving of great praise for the manner in which they are handling this property They of course bought it for a specula tion but are willing to sell at a reasona ble margin and thereby get buildings erected, improving not only adjacent property, but the village as well. SCHOOL CONCERT. The Principal and Teachers of our Public School are making arrangements for a grand Literary and Musical treat, to take place on the evening of February 7th, three weeks from next Friday even ing, at which time the following. well- kuown artists will be present and take part: Mrs. V. C. Cook, Vocalist and Elocutionist; Rev. W. M Oeschger, of Crystal Lake, Elocutionist; Prof. Sears, of Carpentersville, Violinist, and Miss Browne, Vocalist. It is also^expected that a professional from Chicago, will be here and furnish music on the Crowti Piano, with Orchestral attachment. The entertainment will be of a high order throughout, and well worthy the pat ronage of our citizens. More particulars hereafter. A BABE TBEAT FEEE. Theo. F. Swan, Elgin's foremost mer chant, has on exhibition in the Big Store during the week January 12 to 19, the wonderful pony "Chief," jet black, height 42 inches, weight 30t) pounds. Tail, fifteen (15) feet long. Thousands of. school children see him every day. Something New. / y- L. E. BENNETT, Photographer," has just commenced making something' new in the Picture line, which is neat, hand some and cheap. It is Called .the Mon- tello Photograph. It is a beauty. Call at his Gallery and see a sample. For. the NEXT THIRTY DAYS be will make these Photographs at the low price of §1 PER DOZEN. Remember this is a 30 days offer and call at once. If you see them yoju are sure td order a dozen. Proceedings of the Board of Trustees ^COUNCIL ROOM, Jan. 6,1895. Board met pursuant to' adjournment. Present full board.' y Miiiutes of last meeting read and ap proved. ' , • The following bills were presented and ordered paid. .J' W. Schriener, at. "com ».... ....$17 75 M. Neisen, police services.......:. 41 00 J. Wajeh., police services...!........... 40 75 J. Thalen, special police services... 3 00 J. J. Miller..................................... 3 25 J, Bonslett......1^..... 3 94 W. Bacon. 7 93 B. Gilbert.... "3 75 C. Swadis"h, cleaning well...l... 3 00 Perry & O wen *...... 21 03 Murphy & Phillips 1 95 Moved by Wentworth that the feeding of tramps at the expense of the village be discontinued. Seconded by Granger. Ayes--Wentworth, Granger. Nays--Howard, Justen, Neisen and Nordquest. , « Motion was declared lost. ~ Trustee Howard moved that all trainps. after being lodged and fed, be compelled •to leave the village, aud that if the mar shals are unable to enforce the order that they call the necessary assistance. Sec onded and carried unanimously. -< On motion board adjourned to next regular meeting; v "- .. JOHN 1. STORY, President. F. L. MCOMBER, Clerk. > \ ALMOST the last one of the old settlers has departed. Mrs. Harriet Warner died Sunday morning, Dec. 29, aged nearly 76. She was a sister of Andrew Kennedy, long a resident of Richmond township, now of Harvard, Neb., and Asa Kennedy late of Wisconsin. She and her husband, S. D. Warner, were a bright young pair, when they came west to Naperville, 111., then to Richmond, finally to Wisconsin in the early 40's. No log house was cleaner or more pleasant than theirs, on the edge of Mound Prairie, a sample of good cheer, hospitality aud joviality that flowered all around the one roomed cabin. Mrs. Warner's was a most indus trious career almost' to the end. The useful labor of her hands will be remem bered for maiiy a year, After a year of extreme weakness tshe died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm, Trow, at Genoa Junction, where she received kind and faithful attention. * Another child, Emir, a conductor on an Iowa line, often visited his mother. These with sympa thetic neighbors, laid her to rest Tues day, Dec. 31st, in the Richmond cemetery, beside two children who died many yt-ars ago.--Genoa Correspondent Richmond Gazette. BIVEBSIDE HALL SKATING BINK. The Skating Rink, in Riverside Hall, is open to the public on 'ft ednesday aqd Saturday evenings of each week and is attended by large and pleasant parties; The programme will bo as follqws until further notice: The rink will be open ou Wednesday and Saturday even ings. Admission, 10 cents. Skates, 15 cents. Five tiskets, including skates, $1.. Admission to those furnishing their own siiates, 15-centss, or eight tickets for $1. A good brass band will be in .attendance each evening. It should be borne in mind that River side Hall has one of the finest floors tor skating to be found in this part'of the state, and uothing will be left undone to make it pleasant for all who attend. Re member the dates, Saturday and Wednesday evenings of each week. TAXES ! TAXES ! The undersigned, collector of Taxes for the Township of McHenry, will, on and after Monday, January 20th, 1896,be at the following places for the purpose Of receiving the Taxes of said town : Mondays--At the store of Castor Adams, in the village of Johnsburgh. Tuesdays--At the store of J. W. Cristy & Sou, in the village of Riugwood. Thursdays--At the store of A. P. Baer, West McHenry. Saturdays--At the store of Owen & Chapell, McHenry. All persons having Taxes to pay should call at any of the above named places at as early a day as possible. M. J. FREUND, Collector. ANNOUNCEMENT, We have sold out our entire stock of General Merchandise to Lewis H. Owen and Sherman S. Chapell, who will con tinue the business under the firm' name of Owen & Chapell, at the old stand. To all our former customers we can say that the business goes into the bands of a firm of excellent business qualifications ,with several years experience, and we bespeak for them a continuation of our past patronage. We shall continue our Banking business at the office of the above firm as heretofore, and we shall endeavor to better meat the requirements of the public by giving our undivided time to it. PERRY &, OWEN. Shredded whole wheat Biscuits, One dozen in a box, at Owen & Chapell's. I have made a specialty of the prose cution of all kinds of damage cases against RAILROADS, other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful. Call or write me. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY. . Woodstock, 111. Just received, a f^esh supply of Holland and Domestic Herring. Also fine Keg Syrups. OWEN & CHAPELL. IF you are in want' of a fine Robe, Blanket, Harness, or anything in the Horse Goods line, do^iiOt fail, to call on Gus Carlson. He has the finest line of these goods to be found in the market, arid is offering them at bottom figures. Do not fail to see hiiri before you buy. A. P, Baer is giving some great bar gains in Rubber and Warm Goods. Call arid see what cheap goods they are. Dried fruits are very low and our as sortment is complete. J J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Bargains in all winter goods at Owen & Chapell's, One hundred children'^, misses' and ladies' Cloaks, Capes and Jackets at less than first cost, at Stoffel's. . VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE. . Among the fruit and flower novelties which 1896 brings us, we jiotice' that the enterprising and reliable firm ot James Vick's Sons, Rochester, N. Y., are calling attention to three, which seem to have won greai&ivor wherever known. They are the DouNe_Sweet Pea, the only one in the wornr-true to name, "Bride of Niagara," the "Early Leader Tomato," the earliest of all the tomato family and sure to become a great fav orite, and the already famous black berry, the "Rathbun." -- From the praise and compliments giyen So abundantly to the "Bride of Niagara," this sweet pea must be more than charming and from the encomiums lavished on both the new tomato and this new blackberry, it is pretty certain no garden desiring to liavo the first and best of everything, can be without these now comers. . 1 „ By the way, readers, are any of you so far behind the times as not to know " VICE'S FLORAL GUIDE?" If any of you have never seen it, send 10 cents to this firm at Rochester, N. Y., and got a copy. You can deduct this from the first order far seeds arid the pleasure and inform ation their Guide will give you will cer- tainly induce you to keep up the ac q u a i n t a n c e . " i " " V • > THE NEW YORK LEDGER, America 's'Greatest Story Paper. Always publishes the best and most in teresting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, re gardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can hd found every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something in the New York Ledger that will interest every member of the family. 20 pages--price, 5 cents. For sale in this town bv Charles Slimpin. Wool Soap don't shrink flannel. For sale by Owen & Chapell, Heinz's Evaporated Horseradish. Just as good as fresh, at Owen & Chapell's. Just received, another car of Sleepy Eje Flour. It costs nothing to try a sack. A. P. BAER.. Cash purchasers receive extra induce ments when buying of us which is as it should be. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Fargo's Root-sand Shoes and Candee Rubber Goods at a big discount at S. Stoffel's. While we hear a great deal about high er prices in shoes, you cannot find anj advance in price on our stock. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. For a pain in the chest a piece of flan nel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm.and bound on over the seat of the pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, will afford prompt relief. This is especially valuable where tbe pain is caused by a cold and there is a tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by J. A. Story. A. P Baer is discounting his prices on Blankets, Shawls, Children's Underwear, and Hosiery 20 per cent. NOTICE 1 All persons indebted to the firm of Perrv & Owen are requested to call and settle at once. We desire to have all ac counts closed without delay. PERRY & OWEN, Great bargains in Overcoats, Suits and Odd Pants at S. Stoffel's. Nothing yet equal to the Pan-ka-ko self rising flour, for pancakes, at A. P. Baer's. Stylish Curduroy Vests, in fancy colors at S. Stoffel's. Blankets, Robes, Flannels, Yarns, Un del-wear. Caps and Mittens at less than cost, at S. Stoffel's. A COAL MINER, Wm. Gilbride, ot Assumption, 111., writes: "Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the best remedy I have ever used forstomach troubles. I never felt bettter in my life and I think exery family should keep it on hand. It does more than is claimed for it." At J. A. Story's." Call for a Calendar at Stoffel's. ONE of the finest five cent Cigars on the market is the new brand just put out by Barbiau Bros., called "Barbian Bros. Best." Try one. THE HABITS OF CHILDREN Should be closely watched and regulated by mothers. Carelessness in childhood often leads to serious trouble in after life. The digestive organs and bowels should be kept in the best possible condition to insure good health, not only for the present, but for years to come. Dr. ,ii'.f am.», I LU1UF3 UUL potent remedy, corrects all such evils in children. Twenty doses (for children) 10 cents, at J. A. Story's. Particular Wotice. All persons indebted to the estate of Richard Bishop are notified that the same must be paid at once. J. B. PERRY, Administrator. McHenry, Nov. llt.h, 1895. 19ml FOR SALE. ' . . \ The brick block known as thoPekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv ing rooms in second story. Is situated ip center of village and is a first class lo cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and On reasonable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. The finest line of Crockery, Glassware, etc., can be found at the Farmers Store, on the West Side. Call in and look it over, atid if in need of anything in that line we will give you prices that cannot fail to please you. A. P. BAER. FOR SALE OR RENT. Farm containing 240 acres, situated one mile south of the village of McHenry. This is one of the best Dairy Farms in the county. Has good buitdi spring water, running into the barns, making it convenient for stock and dairy purposes. «*For particulars call on or address W. & B. BONSLETT. 565 Boulevard Place, Chicago. Many merchants are well aware that their customers are their beet friends and take pleasure in'supplying them with the b§st goods obtainable. As an instance we mention Perry & Cameron, prominent druggists of Flushing, ,Mich. They say: "We have no hesitation in recommend ing Chainberlain's Cough Remedy to our customers, as it is the best cough medi cine we have ever sold, and always gives satisfaction!" For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by- J. A- Story. Business [Locals. For F'ur Coats go to S. Stoffel's. Candee Rubber Goods only at Stoffel's. SHADE Frames arid Crepe Paper, for Lamp Shades, at G. W. Besley's. Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. [ A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in lenther. only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. Dress Flannels, Suitings, Shawls and Blankets at cost. Cail on S. Stoffel. , 15 First class Fur Overcoats to close oat regardless of cost at Simon Stoffel's. ^Qnly CandeeJlnbber Goods at Simon Stoffel's. One of those Fancy Rockers would make a fine Christmas Present. Jacob Justen has them and at living prices. Fifty inch heavy Serge Suitjings, in navy blue, only 25c per yard at Simon Stoffels.™ -- • Elegant medium and heavy Overcoats, in fancy colors and trimming at Simon Stoffel's. - . ' C;.A - ' • V • - . I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Know and I can rent them. - H. C. MEAD. If you want a new Harness, single or double, call on Carlson, He Is sure to please you both in qiiality fcad price, \ Mixed paints, paints and oil, carriage paints, brushes, etc., cheap, at Besley's, on the west side. - I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years, lltf H. C. MEAD. BARBIAN BROS, have just put in a new line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. P AT ARFM4- UA* OR ASTHMA UM I HUMil positively cure 1 by nature's roots ami herbs or no pay. , Send 10a postage for ten sample treatments, Uon.itADO MED ICINE Co., Denver. Col. Call at Gus Carlson's and get your horse dressed up. He keeps everything in that line and of the best quality. ' We are selling the Cross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal at the same price we would have to ask for a cheaper coal. Try it. WILBUR LUMBER Co. The Sleepy-Eye Flour has no superior on the market. This is the verdict of every one who uses it. Call at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry, and try .a sack. If you want a keg of nice Syrup go to A. P. Baer's, on the West Sirle, and'get a keg of Baer's Choice. It has no superior on the market. .It's Free I Do not fail to send for a free sampe copy ot the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western stories, mining news, etc. Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. FUR! FUR! I will pay the highest market price, in cash, for Raw Fur of all kinds. Call on or address me at West McHenry, 111. WM. C. HOWARD. West McHenry, Nov. 20, 1S95. 20tf Loans: Negotiated. Do you want money? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. UU&MTCf) 8 or 10 men to solicit orders ™ Mil I tu for Hardy Nursery Stock Fruit and Ornamentals ; also new and valu able varieties of Seed Potatoes. Permanent positions; gcod salary, ranging from $75 to fI25 per month, Apply quick with references, L- L. MAY & CO., St faui, Minn. Nurserymen, Florist* and Seedmen. It will bo an agreeable'surprise to, per sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking Cham berlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances the attack may be prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symp toms of the disease appear. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by J. A. Story. Changegin Price; ^Change in the making of Pictures nec essitates an increase in price, and there fore on aud after September 16th Cabi net Pictures will be $2.50 per- dozen in stead of $2 as now. The change, how ever, will make the pictures worth more than the difference in price. L. E. BENNETT. McHenry, 111., Aug. 27, "1895. A TRUE SAYING. It has been said that habitual consti pation is the cause fully one-half the disi eases that flesh is heir to. Keep your bowels regulated by Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and your system will be in prop er condition to keep off diseases of all kinds .Get a sample bottle (10 doses iu cents) of J. A. Story, and you will bless the day you did. The G-olden West Invites your attention. Fabulout for tunes have been made by judiciouB In vestments in gold mining stock i. Send a stamp for full particulars about.Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real ins tate Company, (Incorporated,) D#nver, Colorado. Don't Toba'oo Spit'or Smoke your Life Away The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You ruu no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York or Chicago. WESTWARD SOI A Begion Abounding in Mountains of Gt>ld and Streams of Sliver. During the past quarter, of a eentury the Rocky mountains of Coloraiio have produced millions upon millions of dol lars in gold and silver- (and precious jewels) thousands of persons acquiring wealth and ease as a result. Some of the richest gold mines in th« world have been discovered during tlie past year and there is no end to the "lu^ky strikes^ being made at Cripple Creek gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Rockies is unequaled m either Europ^or America for grandeur. For several years there has beea pubhshr- ed in Denver a big fifty-six column week ly family newspaper which gives all the most important mining news and illus trates each week the very choices! of this marvelous scenery, contains original, western stoVies of love and adventure, pure in tone;„yearly subscribers are given gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. To introduce this great illustrated weekly family pa per into new homes the publishers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (stamps or silver). Club of five fl. Men- tionthe PLAIXBEAEER and address Illus trated Weekly, Deuver, Col. The International Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, DR CV-AS* GCOD*?: [ANS xr AABLK CREAM BAKING NWMR MOST PERFECT MADEV A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free frctm Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEAR'S THE STANDARD. 0 A compendium of iiumsn know ledge. Revisised Edi&tion. En larged, Improved, find brought down 1;o date. . \ As the^ weeks and months of labor, in it« preparation have grown into years, this largo iotce of workers, from editors down have been inspired bv the " worth of dolag,"acd the "doing well" of the familiar quo ation. it iB therefore with confidence in its ability to' merit the demands npon it that the publisher# offer to the public, which haS beeu educate*! to the appreciation of accurate comprehen sive reference works, and whose increasing requests for such have been a constant stim ulant iu this great work. "Seasoned life of man preserved and stored up in bi-oks."--Milton. It It is comprehensive, concise. convenisntL late, unbiased, accurate, international, prac' ticactical, attractive and cheap. It has the best system of cross references, the latest, clearest, best colored maps, the largest number ot distinct titles, the moeS superb illustrations, tbe best Corps of editors and contributors, ami is 15 per cent cheaptr than any other existing work. DODD, MEAD & CO., Publishers, 158 Adams, St, Chicago* Officially adopted in the cities, pub!:o schools of New York city, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Spring field, 111., etc. SMOKERS! When in Want of a Good Cijar! CALL AT fi&RBIAM BROS, THE OLD RELIABLE Cigar and Tobacco Desfrera. OCR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best, hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. WM. B'ACO^N DEALER KF Implements or ALL KINDS, MoHENRY, JLL. Have now in stock a full line of FEED GRINDERS,! FEED CUTTERS, TANK HEATERS, ETC. To which we invite the attention of Farmers, confident that we can make you prices as low an a good article oan be bought for anywhere. Gutters, Buggies and Wagons Of the best makes and reasonable prices. ID rill "Wells. We make a specialty of putting down Wells, and guarantee them in eveiy in stance.- Call and get our terms. WM. BACON. McHenry, 111., Dec. 3,1895. r:,. t • from I ifi*. 1st Day, KEVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Man of Me. CARMERC s WANTED -- to buy Farms In CENTRAL i Wisconsin. western line C. Stf. M & O. R'y, about' 300 miles from Mt!wau- ke<.*ar.d a little jSorih, in Clark County. This . is one of the best cotip- tics in the Statu, having a population of oyer35.0C0. Land lies adjoining railroad. And does not exteaa over six miles from itat any point, an'd is from four, to ton miles froin-ttoe County Scat, whii-h has near)£ 5.000 Inhabitants and isquiteamaHufact^rsiyjwntet!. Well supplied with excellent wateraud •«. t tapX~. Good schools. Why rent a farm orfcay WW™ one? Buy one unimproved and masotue proat. race TIAV ETC up to allowed purchaser# rnCX I ivici) of so acres or moroof iand; one-half fare to those buying40 aorvs. Si U.K. tickets ara bouabt of us or vou have a receipt s&owioa SomS 0TtR-«.«0» AtltKS TO ACTVAT SKTTI KKS. Only 16to*10PI* acre f2 per acre cash, balance fivo years' time. » - We wajnt 3$ familiesthispiace! VfUlyou help ijfc inducements to.thoso yicving before Mayt Writefor particulars. Agents, surveyor* sa<l ti'-ims on hand to show the preiwty freo of B^fyour tl<*et» to Columbia, \¥W via M*rrUiau SlCtlOO. I C. S. QKITB IPC0,,E.«1,M Fifth ia.Clut^UV '# 15 th Bay. THE GREAT 30th Day. PR-ENGII HBMBJDT produces the above results in'30 days. It *ct< powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail Foung men will regain their lost manhood, and ol«S men will recover their youthful visor by usinjj 'a KKVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Jiervctu* ness. Lost Vitality, Impoteacy. Nightly -Emission* Lost Power. Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases. an4 ill effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion which unfits one for study, business or marriage. II not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, bal is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, britif. lng back the pink flow to pale cheeks au&r* » storing the fire of youth. It wards off Jnsanll* and Consumption. Insist on having RKVIVO.U other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, SI.00 tier package, or six for SjSJJ.OO, with a post- tive written sruarantee to rare or rcfviad the money. Circular free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 53 River Si., CHICAGO, ill, yOR S/SXJE lilL G. W. BESLET, WESXMCHENKT, IUk