% pi SO •;CU R E *:FOR:'- Emperor Wlliiam's declaration to Dr. W. J. Leyds, Secretary of State for the Transvual, that he would not recognize- any claim of Suzerainty oTer the Bber republic, coming as it does so soon after the note to President Krueger congratu lating him on the defe'at of the English invaders und$r the lead of Dr. Jameson, is particularly offensive to British pride. Popular feeling in both countries is at an excitable pitch. The feeling in -Great Britain, according to the London corre spondents, is much more intense and bit ter than it was at any time while the Vene zuelan question was at the front. Great Britain boldly annexed the Trans vaal to Cape Colony in 1877, at a time wh^tt the republic was in difficulty with tho native Africans. Although the an. nexfition was said to be in response to a request from residents in" the Transvaal," the Boers soOn rebelled against British rule.' By the treaty of 1884 the independ ence of the South African republic was recognized in all matters relating to in ternal affairs. But Great Brjtain retain ed "a suzerainty over the country, and it was through-her ministers that all for eign Negotiations of the republic were to be conducted. Gboats Are Pale aiul Shadowy*. ofay those who profess to liave Interviewed them. Whether spooks are tallow-faced or hot, mortals are whose blood; Is thin ana watery in consequence of iinp»rfc<>t. assimila tion. When invalids resort to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, -and : use that uv.equaled tonic persistently, thev soon "pick up" in strength, flesh and color. "It should be hsed j also to prevent malarial, rheumatic and kid- ney complaints, and to remedy constipation, sick headache and nervousness. • * Weak Luflgs are strengthened, Pleu risy Pains relieved and Asthmatic symp toms subdued by Dr. D. Jayne's Expec torant, a sovereign remedy for all Coughs and Colds. ' f Filling the mind with knowledge nev er takes any sin out of the heart. FITS.--All Fits stoppwJfrtse t>? J>r.Kllne'sGr»at Nerve Kestorer. >«o Mts al ter first day's use. Mar velous cures. .^Steatise and StOO trial bottle tree to Fit cases. XpA'Stfto Dr. Kline. 831 Arcli St.. Fliila. Pa Mrs. WLnsU/w's Soothing Syrup for Children •eetliimfr-sotxeus the icums, reduces inflammation, fcllays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. Hybrids Fine Animals- and May Be a Soarcc of Wealtb. • / A famous Montana character is Char lie Allar^of Ravalli; Mr. Allard is famous mainly because he is one of Cli& owners of the largest herd of buffalo in the country, and no man living has given to these now rate animals more patient study and attention than he. •"The coldest storms of winter do not trouble them," he says, "for their,thick, shaggy coats are wind-proof. During the heavy snows and blizzards they climb the hills and, turning tho**: breasts to the wind, defy the storm They feed where the snow is thinnest. Cattle are driven before a storm, and will often go with a wind sixty or one hundred miles from the accustomed range, unless they reach a sheltered spot. Horses turn their backs to a storm, but the buffalo faces it every time. They seem to keep in about the same condition of tiesli the year round, and are as good eating in the spring as they are in the fall, anil a buffalo steak Is as fine a morsel as ever a man made a meal of. About; two years ago I pur chased the .Tones herd of buffalo, which was at Omaha. -There were thirty-one of them in the herd, and-we paid (for I have a partner how) $18,000 for the lot, Marehiel Pablo, a.well-known cat tleman,.has joined me in. the business, and for the- past year has had entire charge of them, so that 1 do-not. know just,exactly how many we hate--about 140 I should judge how, and'by the next fall there will be fully 200 of them. "We have experimented "in crossing buffalo with all breeds of cattle, and the results are most satisfactory. The polled angus stock, when crossed with the buffalo, produces a magnificent ani mal. The fur is finer and closer than that of the buffalo, and the meat is sweet and wholesome. We are procur ing as many of these animals as possi ble, but will not put any on the market for several years yet. We are not sell- tag any buffalo at present. We receive letters every day from, museums, parks and shows, wanting them in all quanti ties, and, though we might dispose of one or two singly, we have no pairs to sell. A buffalo hide is worth 9100 now in the market, and heads bring from $200 to $500 when mounted, and the value of these is steftdily increasing, so that buffalo breeding is as good an Investment as real estate. Our herd the only one I know about of any size. There is a small one in the Texas panhandle, and these, with the few that roam in the National Park, are the. sole remnants of the thousands Which roamed the prairies but a few years ago,"--Anaconda Standard. Now It Isthe L/ullaby Concert. The lullaby concert is the latest. This charming idea was recently put into practice by some young society ladies of St. Louis, anxious to collect funds to establish a day nursery and babies' creche. These young ladies arranged a concert in which the lullabies of all nations should be sung in appropriate garb and with scenic accessories. The curtain rose on an outdoor summer scene. The songstress represented a young English mother, dressed in a simple white dress and Leghorn hat. She sat beside a hammock swinging un der a blossoming apple tree, and sang the sweet, familiar melody, "Hiish-a- by. Baby." Other numbers which gained much applause were one of Mo zart's lullabies, sting by a German peas ant woman in a rustic interior, prepar ing her little ones for bed, and rocking an old-fashioned cradle with her foot; I)e Koven's "Japanese Lullabies," sung by a young lady, who waddled on the stage with a beady-eyed infant peering over her shoulder in sleepy bonder, and a negro croon, sung by "Old Aunt Jemimy," over a woolly-haired picka ninny. But the climax of enthusiasm was reached when America was repre sented by an Indian mother, swinging her papoose in a nest of woven rushes, chanting a weird pathetic song of the forest The entertainment.was not only a unique and brilliant affair, but was a great financial success. The nerves upon pure blood and they will be your faithful servants and not tyranni cal mastars; you will not be nervous, but strong, cheerful and happy. To have pure blood, and to keep it pure, take -- GERMANY AND ENGLAND MAY FIGHT. &wrafo\\\ty m\4 ^ W\\s % vs> Vcu\v$ viwwaWe& Great Britain Active in Military Prep- , arations--Feeling Against Germany Gains Intensity--Emperor Declines to Recognize English Suzerainty. THE RISING SU\ STOVE POLISH in ,1 1 cakss for general blacking of a stove. THE SUN PA STB i ( POLISH for a quick LABOR after-dinner shine, THE • applied and ppl- ish-d with a cloth. Horse Bros., Props., Canton, Mass.. U.S. A, THE AERMOTOE CO. Goes half tlu world's windmill business, tiecaasa It has reduced liiiwost oI wind power to l:6 what It was. It bus many branrii houses, and supplies its goods and repairs AsXwffiYJL at your door. It can and does furnish a „ better.article for {ess nibnej than others. It makes PumpUnr and iSygSSBWEaffi Geared. Steel. Qntvlinired-afier- Completion Windmills, Ti'Une and Fixed Steel Towers, Steel Bnsz Saw Frames, Steel Feed Gutters and Feed Grinders. On application it will came ons fill of these articles that it will famish unttt Jami try 1st at 1/3 the usual prica- It also makes Tanks and Pnmpg of all kinrts. Send for catalogue. Factory: 12th, Rockwell and FilKnore Strcsijfc Chkaio- Loss of opportunity i3 Life's greatest 1033. Think of saffering with Years Years Years •when the opportunity lies Morphine Habit Cured to ifl to 30 gays. N'o pay till «urc<I„ DRi J.STEPHSNS, Lehsnor.,Ohio< THE \TENEZUELAN BOUNDARY COMMISSIONERS. X IT CURES. X OQ QOQOOCJXyaSOQQQCQGQOOCSO A"GEyrS WAN 4Mb I >.-One of dufts earns »4,000> several ST,OOO, yearJy; FKeK OUTFIT. P. O. 1371, New York. IN Writicg: to Advertisers,' please clo nob fail to mention this paper. ..Advertisers itlw to know what mediums pay them Best. - Catarrh Cannot Jie Cuxeti with - LOCAL APPLICATIONS. Astliev cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood fr. constitutional disease; and in oraet to oiire it yon stuist Uifc?ilitenia) remedies', Ilali's Catarrh Curfi is tfliken internally, and acts directly on Hie blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is-not a' quack medicine. It Vas prescribed by one of tho host physicians in tins conn try for years, and is a regular proscription. It is com posed of the best tonics known, combined \vith tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on the ranc(«t;s surfaces. The perfect combination of the tvfo iuKredients Is what produces such von- rterful results'In curing-Catarrh.' Send lor tes timonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. rRcWM5pH.Ai.vi Ethel--I wonder if he loves me he says'/ He has known me- only Week. Clarissa--He may, if that's the time he lias known you. fulsoinely extolling the buccaneering ex ploits of Jameson against the Boers. Tlie Times has fatuously tetated in a double- leaded leading article that the "march will remain a^/lorious tradition for the Anglo-Saxonpace," while the St. James' Gazette says' it relieves to a certain ex tent the dark odium attaching to Majuba Hill. But the principal cause of the excite ment is a dispatch from Berlin that the German emperor has declared, in no ambiguous.phrasos, that lie will no longer recognize the treaty of 1SS4, thus express ing an intent to dash aside the British claim of suzerainty over the South Afri can republic. Hardly had this news been published when the Globe issued an extra edition announcing under "scare headlines" that urgfent and extreme activity prevailed in the war office and in the naval dockyards, and adding the following startling tidings; "A dispatch received from the military camp at Aldorshot says that: the general belief, almost backed by proof, prevails there that the authorities are considering tho mobilizing of the army reserves and part of the militia. The men employed in the ordnance stores are all very busy." This announcement simply intensified the inflamed condition of the popular mind; and John. Bull, as represented by the average pot-valiant Londoner, shoutpd in raucous tones his utter detestation and defiance of the German ruler and his army. The activity in diplomatic circles has seldom been equaled, a correspondent says. Tt is feared if the dispatches an- In the eyes of the British, therefore, Em peror William is overstepping the bounds of courtesy in presuming to communicate with the Government of the Transvaal at all, except through the ministers of her majesty's government. William's declara tion that he will recognize no suzerainty over the Transvaal, which tfle British claim by virtue of treaty^ it> an added insult that cannot be passed over without a serious humiliation to the pride of Great Britain. The situation is complicated, too, by the unsettled condition of j^fjfairs in South Af rica. from whence trustworthy informa tion is exceedingly meager. Cecil Rhodes has resigned the premiership of Cape Col ony, but the reason for the action is not yet apparent. Once before, when there was ail intimation of. interference from the home government with the action of the chartered company in conducting a war of aggression against the Matabeles, Rhodes, in threat, suggostoQ tho possibil- ity of a British South A triCaTr repxih 1 io in- dependent of Great Britain. It is highly improbable that Jameson's raid into the Transvaal was made without the knowl edge and connivance of Rhodes. Possi bly that uncrowned king of South Africa hopes for an early realization of his dreams of federation, and has resigned in order that he may not be hampered by official responsibilities. Hall*k Hair Renewer contains the nrftu ral food and color-matter for tho hair, am medicinal litjrbs for the scalp, curing gray ness, baldness, dandruff and scalp sores. Illinois claims of improved acre nig 52,( >P»0,0(50. Piso's Cure for Consumption run i I case of Pneumonia after the family i I tor gave up all hope.-- M. F. McDm' Conowingo, Md. "Brown's Bronchial Troc hes"' are of; service in subduing hoarseness and-eoi -old only in boxes. Avoid imitations. It's your fooney and your dress that you want to save, but you can't save either by vising cheap trashy binding. Pay a few cents more A Great Bi^ Piece for> Of course, we want to tight with the rest of the boys, but we shall not be meas ured for a brass-mounted suit before spring. A Brooklyn scientist declares that whisky will not cure snake bite. He doesn't dare tell that to a Kentucky cun- nel, sah. Uncle Sam w ill not permit bull fights in this country, but he isn't averse-to taking !i hand, if necessary, in a John Bull fight elsewhere. Nellie Bly is now serving as police court reported for a New York paper. Nellie's next assignment probably will be the di vorce court. If we ever sent against England a regi ment of plumbers and gas men, the blasted Britishers couldn't stand more than a couple of charges. One of the awful• effects of the Vene zuelan war and Hiost to be dreaded is tho reappearance of the topical songster with jingo rhymes. The London Globe thinks "the Monroe doctrine is dead." Well, we're keeping it yet, and no one will be permitted to jump on the corpse. At the next meeting of the Interna tional- Peace Society Hon- Ab. Ilamid of Constantinople will read a paper on "Homicide as a Habit." The cable brings the news that Peru heartily approves the President's mes sage. Will John Bull shake whenever he thinks of this Peruvian bark? The last revolution in Colombia is said to have cost the citizens of that country $4 apiece. Dirt cheap! Why, an ordinary Universally ustsi and rccom- meiideil for Cuts, Hunts, Bruisjej, Colds,' Catarrh, Sore Throat, alt Fain, Plies and Xttilaunuatioiis. Who Cau Say They Arc Thoroughly Well ? How They Can Be Strong. Genuine In • our bottles only, buff wrappers. See our name, Pond's Extract Co., New York and London. She Knew the Reason. He was smoking and musing over the ways of the world. "Odd, isn't it," he said at last, "how- few people attain their ideals in this world?" "In what way?" inquired his wife, suspiciously, for she was not a woman to "be caught off her guard. "Well," he replied, slowly, "I was thinking of Jones when I spoke. He had an ideal woman that he was al ways talking about when lie was in college. She was tall and stately in his dreams, and he seemed to have no place in his heart for a small women. And yet--and yet " "Well?" "Why, he finally married a little tkin& who hardly comes to his shoulder. I wonder why it was?" "Perhaps, John," she said very slow ly and distinctly, "he is like the ma jority of other men and was afraid to take anyone of bis size." When he spoke again he changed the 6ubject.--Chicago Evening Post. He that Works Easily Works Sue cessfully." 'Tis Very Easy to Clean House With ~ that is cov ered by tho3e words so constantly spoken >y women. Lydia E. Pinkham discovered the lource of nearly all the suffering endured Dy the sex. "Women's Complaints,"--these two words are full of more misery to women than any two words that can be found in the language of the world. Sirdden fainting, depression of spirits, reluctance to g>- anywhere or to do any thing, backache, "bearing down," and kindred symp- toms of serious dom imagined by / \ sician, and re- j found; the same noble woman who discovered the cause of all your misery also worked out the remedy. All druggists have it. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is the greatest blessing that ever came into the lives of suffering women. nouncing the bellicose intention of Em peror William be true that Europe will be in a blaze in a few days. But there must be no doubt touching the attitude of the Salisbury government. It will most as suredly fight for the maintenance of tho treaty,.and no diplomatic argument will be potent enough to swerve it from that stern determination. Already Sir Frank Las- "1 lirmlvbelieve that Pi-so's Curo kept mo from having, quick Consumption.** -- Mrs,. H. D. D A li LING, Boa ver Mead -w, N. Y.. Juno IS. 1393 . BURGHER SOLDIERS OF TRANSVAAL, The Pope's Salary. The Pope has no salary; his principa. source- of income is the Peter's Pence, a collection taken up each year in every Roman Catholic Church. The amount received varies, but the Pope's income is as rule in the neighborhood of $1,- 500,000. Of this he retains about $100,- 000; the rest goes to the cardinals, poor bishoprics, the administration of the church, diplomatic expenses, schools and tlib maintenance of the Vatican and its dependencies. Mrs. Wcrtle Goes to Sea. * Mrs. Amelia Wortle, of Rockland, Me., recently astonished the port phy sician by applying for the medical ser vice to which sailors are entitled. She received it when she proved that for ten years she has been going to sea as steward of the schooner Mayflower, of which her husband is the captain. Cures Where All Else Fails. BEST COUGH SYRUP TASTES GOOP. USE IX TIM"^. SOLO BY DWTGGKTS. 35 CT>. „ GilREb WrltKE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. ̂ Tafites GpcdU Use tn time.' Sold by dnjcEflSts. )f Course- 1 (Do youWash QUICKLY? irrlDo you Wash EASILY ? U l]Dc you Wash THOROUGHLY? (Doyou Wash CHEAPLY? • • You may IF you will useu I | Better use them l| . •, this way, • if you don't use Pearline. Give your tired arms and aching back a- f^T"rest, somehow, when you're scrubbing /^-vl / 'V anc^ cleaning. "An absurd idea?" Of course. But when a person* has cleaned house with Pearline, year in ancj year outt and knows how much work it saves, and time, and rubbing, nothing seems more absufd" than to try to cleap house without it. Pearline-- no soap with it--just Pearline--makes house-cleaning ©asy. Egg- W ithin an Egg. An egg laid by a New Bedford hen last week'measured four inches long, seven and a half inches in circumfer ence, and weighed six ounces. " When broken it was found t;o contain another ,egg, of ordinary size, perfect in shape, and with a hard shell. » f St. ljouis the Great Mule Market. St. Louis is now boasting that it is the greatest mule market in the coun try, and that Missouri is the greatest male State. . * The best, purest and most economical soap made Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY CHICAGO.