Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1896, p. 7

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Bow-Shooting. The Bow died hard. Firelocks were introduced into "England in 1446, and a quarter of a century later, when Edr ward IV. landed at Ravensburgli Cas­ tle, lie had among his troops three hun­ dred Flemings armed with "liange gun- nes." The fact is nevertheless indis­ putable that as late as the reign of Henry VIII. English faith in the long yew bow and the'cloth-yard shaft dis­ played little sign of being shaken. The Guyeune expedition of 1512 was half composed of archers, and Flodden was' a victory of the English bowmen. In­ deed, as late as 1031 the practice of ar­ chery was still occasionally enforced on tinin-bands, while early in this cen­ tury there were actually Russian troops with this by no means ineffective weap­ on. ^cot &\wafo\\\\\y W LcYvfcavvess W\\s - \ \s \ru\\4 wxw&WttA Stiffness, Wfcen ST. JACOBS OIL would cure in the right way, right oft. r y v HP f.f v THE RISING SI N STOVE POLISH in i f 11. calces for general blacking of a stover. THE SUN PASTE j POLISH for a quick LaB0B5£,o# after-dinner shine, T»E applied and pol- ^ *̂*=2=^=2*̂ ished with a cloth. Moras Eroi., Prop*., Canton, 3i.i«s.. C.S- A. I [BPBCttL TO nn» IAD* BEAXtEKS.] - Intelligent women no longer doubt the falue of Lydia E. Pinkham ,s Vegetable Compound. It' speedily relieves 'irregu­ larity, suppressed or painful inenstrua A great many men throughout the Coun­ try, including plenty of really swell fel­ lows, have got it hfto their heads, rightly or wrongly--and we are by no means sure that it isn't rightly--that there is no rea­ son why any mau should pay more than $3.00 to $5.00 for a pair of shoes, and, to say the least, the idea has this foundation in reason, that excellent shoes are now made for ?3. To pay $8 to $12 for a pair, of shoes is simply throwing awayVnioney, and in many cases this is done to gratify a mistaken notion that none but your fav­ orite shoemaker is worthy to"adorn your feet. The recent improvements in shoe machinery make .it possible, as shown by, the well-known W, L. Douglas $3 Shoe, to produce a shoe to-day .that will Com­ pare favorably jn style, wearing qualities and comfort with those offered at $6, $8 and $10 per pair. ," Waterproof Fabrics. Washable fabrics can bo made water­ proof by the following recipe. Tweed and serge are also said to be rendered rainproof by the method: Take pow­ dered aluui and sugar of lead, each one ounce, and stir into a gallon of rain­ water. Let it stand some hours and when clear pour off the liquid. Im­ merse the fabric to be made rainproof for twenty-four hours, then nearly dry and press heavily with a warm iron. The clotli, it is claimed, will be unin­ jured in color and texture and will re­ sist any rain the wearer is likely to be exposed to. 5 7'is pure Cocoaj and not made by the so-called "Dutch Process Walter Baker Co s B reak­ fast Cocoa is absolutely pure -- no chemicals, iions, weakness of the stomach, indiges­ tion, bloatihg, leucorrhoea, womb trou­ ble, flooding, nervous prostration, head­ ache, general debility, etc. Symptoms of Womb Troubles are dizziness, faintness, extreme lassi­ tude, " don't care," and " want to be left alone " feelings/ excitability, irrita­ bility, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatu­ lency* .melancholy, or'the " blues,"' and backache:.' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege­ table Compound will correct all this trouble as sure as the sun shines. That Bearing-Down Feeling-, causing pain, weight, and backache, is instantly relieved and jparmanently cured by its use. Under alVcircumstances it acts in perfect harmony with the laws that govern the female system, is as harmless as water. It i$„ wonderful for Kidney Complaints in either sex. Lydia E. Pinkhani's Liver Pills work in uni6on with the Compound, and are a sure cure for constipation and sick- fiea'da^he. Mrs. Pinkham'6 Sanative Wash Is frequently found of great value for local application. Correspondence is freely solicited by the Lydia E. Pink- ham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass., and the strictest confidence assured. All drug­ gists sell the Pinkham remedies. The Vegetable Compound in three forms, - Liquid, Pills, and Lozenges. -WALTER BAKER & CO., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. sty is the Soul of Wit Good Wife, You Need SAPOLIO Forecasters. Some people are so intluenced by the electric currents of the atmosphere that they can foretell the coining of a thunder storm with perfect accuracy, and others there are with nerves so sensitive that they are sure of having neuralgia from a low and fretful state of the nervous sys­ tem. Now why can't the latter be warned in time and know that an ounce of pre­ vention is worth a pound of cure. To use St.«Jacobs Oil promptly will ward off an attack, or if attacked, will promptly cure. Such people can do for themselves what others do from weather prophecies^ heed the signals and save the wreck and dis­ aster. Weary Wangles' Excuse. Housekeeper--You don't look as if you had washed yourself for a month. Tramp---Please, mum, t*h' doctors say th' proper time to bathe is two hours after a meal, and I haven't had any­ thing you call a meal in six weeks.-- New York World. The lirute. Young wife--John, mother says she wants to be cremated, mung husband --Tell her if she'll get on her things I'll take her there this morning.--Spare .Moments. At the Dentist's. Young lady (timorously)--Who was that screaming .just now? Dentist--Don't be alarmed; it was a patient who was being treated free of charge.--Journal Aliiusati!. Brings comforrWl improvement and tends to personal ̂ enjoyment when rightly usea. The many, who live bet­ ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's "best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup*of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas­ ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax­ ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid­ neys, Liver and Bowels without weak­ ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all iSrug- gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man­ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup, of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. JUST BEEN TO THE STORE SEE-WHAT I COT FOR IO CENTS By trilling with a cold, many a one al lows himself to drift into a condition fav­ orable to the development of some latent disease, whirl) thereafter takes full pos­ session ofithe system. Better cure your Cold at once with Dr. I). Jayne's Ex­ pectorant, a good remedy for Throat ails and Lung affections. Telephone< on Ships. As sjH>a-kkig tubes are found not to work on the Knglish warships owing to the rattling of the machinery, the Ad­ miralty has determined to try tei:>- phones. She Trapped a Train p. Last evtyiing a tramp rang the door bell at a house on 17th street, and. when the lady of the house came to the door, he wanted something to eat. She told him she had nothing for him., and at­ tempted to shut the door, when he put his foot against it to prevent her. and insisted on entering the house. This scared the woman, and exerting all her strength, she slammed the door to and ran out to the kitchen to fasten the other door. When the front door was slammed the tramp's thumb was caught and jammed so fast that he could not get away. He began shouting to be released, and made as much noise as a pig under a gate. The employes of a stable near by paid no attention to his noise for a long time, imagining some citizen had come home in a tipsy con­ dition, and was having trouble in get­ ting into his house. At length the row attracted a crowd, and the tramp explained the situation. Some one went around to th^ rear of the house, and in turn explained the situation to the woman, who unlocked the door and released the tramp. Not relishing the attention he had excited, and fearing that a policeman might happen along, he ran off down the street as fast as he could go, with his thumb in his mouth.--Morning Ore- gonian. The Unknown World. Notwithstanding the rapid advance of exploration in various parts of the globe a recent estiinjitty'jby' a member of the Royal (Jeographical Society shows that no less than 20,000.000 square miles of the earth's surface yet remain unexplored. The largest unex­ plored area is in Africa. 0,500,000 square miles, but even North America con­ tains l..";00.000 square miles of virgin territory. Some readers may be sur­ prised to learn that there is three times as much land awaiting the foot of the pioneer in North America as in South America. The only failure a man ought to fear is the failure in cleaving to the purpose he sees to be the best. To retain an abundant head of hair of a natural color to a good old age. the hy­ giene of the scalp must be observed. Ap­ ply Hall's Ilair Uencwer. Religion pure and undeliled never makes a prayer that it is not willing to take off its coat to help answer. The Genuine "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are sold only in boxes. They are wonderfully effective for coughs and throat troubles. Every man has his devilish mo­ ments. My doctor said 1 would die, but Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me.--Amos lvelner, Cherry Valley. 111., Nov. 21?, '05. It is safer to live near a powder mill than to have a temper beyond control. The object of the manufacturers of Dobbins' Elesir.c | Soap has beon for 31 years to make tills toap of such ! perinr quality that It will fflve universal Mtinfac- tum. Have they succeeded? Ask your grocer for It. Take no other. Nervous People wonder why their nerves are so weak; why they get tired so easily; why tliey do not sleep naturally; why they have frequent head­ aches, indigestion and Nervous Dyspepsia. The explanation is simple. It is found in that impure blooa feed­ ing the nerves on refuse Instead of the ele­ ments of strength and vigor. Opiate and nerve compounds sImply deaden and do not cure. Hood's SarsiLparllia feeds the nerves pure, rich blood; gives natural sleep, perfect diges­ tion, is the true remedy for all nervous troubles. His Fourth Year. Foot-ball has proved to be of great Interest to the general public, and peo­ ple are ready to accept many remarka­ ble stories of the athletes who indulge in it, but it is doubtful if even "l^nele <Jabe," in a story given by the Sunny Hour, really believed that fOot-ball possessed such wonderful powers as he seemed to ascribe to it. 1'ncle (Jabe walked around the stal­ wart foot-ball player with an air of critical curiosity, looking him over as he might have looked at a horse he was about to purchase. "Aniandy!" "What is it, Gabe?" "He's night onto six foot, ain't he'V" "Every inch of it." "Weight about one hundred and nine­ ty odd?" "1 reckon." ell. foot-ball does develop 'em most powerful." "Certainly, a fine young man." "Mau 7 'Maiuly, Professor Bunter told me hisself 't that feller's in his fourth year! Talk about your oatmeal | porridgi Shot by His Dog. Louis Lezot'te was shot by his own dog while squirrel hunting in the woods near Rehobeth, Mass. He had a dou­ ble-barreled, gun with him, and sight­ ing a squirrel high up in an oak, Le­ zotte let go one barrel, badly wound­ ing the squirrel. Standing the gun against the tree Lezotte began to climb to secure his quarry. The dog, which from the time of the discharge of the gun had been running excitedly around the tree, began to jump against the trunk as if trying to follow his master. His paw struck the trigger of the unloaded barrel, sending a charge of shot up past Lezotte's side and lodging In the muscles of the right arm near llie shoulder.--Lezotte fell, but managed to make his wf/y to a doc­ tor in Rehobeth, who sent for an am­ bulance to take the wounded man to the Rhode Island Hospital. c? What Did He Mean? Twtv young gentlemen met in one of the Pittsburg parks, according to the Chronicle-Telegraph. One of them was wheeling his first-born son. "Ah, good morning, Mr. Bellefield," said the proud father. "Now, isn't that a pretty baby?" "It is, indeed," said Mr. Bellefield. "I have never seen your wife, but I fancy the child must take after its mother." THE AEBMOTOli CO. does half the world's windmill business, because It has reduced the cost of wind power to 1 .'(> what It was. It has many branch f houses, and supplies Us KOO(1B and repairs a at your door. It can and does f urulsh a ^ bettor article for less money than •Kffgrjgy others. It makes PumplnE and jRvSmCs Geared, Steel, Gaivanlzod-attor- Completion windmills, Tiltiuc t and Flied Steel Towers, Steel Buzz Saw Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed Grinders. On application It will name one of these articles that It will furnish until January 1st at 1/3 the usual price It also makes Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Factory: Rockwell and Filimor; Streets, Chlcaja Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1 FITS.--All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kliiio's ( Nerve Itestorer. No Fits after first day's use. Mar­ velous cures. Treatise and J2.00 trial bottle free to Fit eases. Send to Dr. Kline. <J31 Arch St., 1'Uila.Pa. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Strut for Children teething; eottens the irums, reduces iullaiumation, allays pain, euros wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. ClAUS SOAP. Cftli HEW YORK DJSPATCM. lJeut weekly publislied up elate. # All washing is not white washing, S® as all soap is not Santa Claus. ] H'jM | That bath-brick tint when seeu in g clothes, always proves that they g; are strangers to Santa Claus Soap. « Try it. Sold everywhere. Made by | THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, - CHICAGO. M/tKK a new article staule as lood. A;,'i'iit? sell them uu tight. H. 5, Franklin urove. ills. Dr. ParkDurst and young Pen ? In twelve familiar "talks" Dr. Parkhurst, the great New York preacher and reformer, will address himself to young men. A feature that will continue through the year of 1896 in There are two kinds of sarsaparilla: The best -- and the rest. The trouble is they look alike. And when the rest dress like the best who's to tell them apart? Well, "the tree is known by its fruit." That's an bid test and a safe one. And the taller the tree the deeper the root. That's another test. What's the root,--the record of these sarsaparillas ? The one with the deepest root is Ayet's. The one with the richest fruit; that, too, is Ayer's. Ayer's Sarsaparilla has a record of half a century of cures ; a record' of many medals and awards -- culminating in the medal of the Chicago World's Fair, which, admitting Ayer's Sarsaparilla as the best--shut its doors against the rest. That Was greater honor than the medal, to be the only Sarsaparilla admitted as an exhibit at the World's Fair. If you want to get the best sarsaparilla' of your druggist, here's an infallible rule : Ask for the best and you '11 get Ayer's. Ask for Ayer's and you'll get the best. ONE DOLLAR FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR ¥ ¥ OVER HO GIRLS WERE EDUCATED FREE « At the best colleges and conservatories under the Free Educational Plan of THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. Every girl lias the same chance now for any kind of education she wants. Not a penny need she expend. Let her simply write to C!)e £urm PwDSisfting Company, pfcite&jpftia IDDER'8 PASTILLES, CUKES WHtHc ALL ELSE FAILS. „ gg Best Couglx Syrup. Tastes Q00CU Use fgf in time. Sold by druggists- 3* COPYRIGHT, 1883, BY THE CURTIS PUBUSHINO COMPANY

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