iiMeafe WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19, 1896, There has so much been said about shoes of late, through these cplumns, that it will' suflfce for us to say but little. Are glad to be able to" state^ to the shoe buying public of McHenry and Lake counties that our shoe stock is not is not in such bad shape as to cause" $3.50 shoes to be sold for 99c. No shelf worn out of date stock. Have bought, part now in, balance coming right along, the most extensive, style right up to date, line of footwear ever shown here. Men's verylatest and common sense, $1.25 to $4. Ladies' button or lace, latest shapes, $1.25 to $3.50* i - " Oxfords, latest cuts, 75c to $1.75. Misses' and boys's school shoes, the right goods at right prices. (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.) CALL FOR THE A Great Slaughter in'Children's, blisses'. Ladies and Gents' Shoes. To looking over nur Slice stock we fiad a great^na'ny edc^sizeSy especially m ladies' and misses', and in order to make room lor our spring st< ek have marked some at less than half of the original cost. We hive them all' sorted out in plain sight with prices marked in latge figures. The e shoes have got to go. Come early and sccure the,best bargains. The following are a few of the actual cuts on different styles and grades; , . • Goat. - • French Kid, Hand Turned. Formerly. $3.25 now $1 49. Formerly $4.25 now $2.00 " , 2 90 *' 1,39 " «• 2.75 " 1.25 • 2.05 " 125 " 2 75 44 99'^ • •' 3V00 75 These inav seem to be large cuts for shoes; but they are facts. Some are odd sizes and a little out of style but of the best quality* It will benefit you to look over our line of Spring Hats, just in, beiore you buy, in black and colors. I^^Rockford Overalls and Shirts. Those needing anything in that line from now untit April 1st, will do weil to get our prices and see our stock. ' Fish of aH kinds for Lent. Fresh Groceries. ' " The best and purest Flour, Corn Meal, Graham and Buchwheat. Our Clothing Stock Is in shape to save* you money for the next 30 days* Dont mias seeing our suits and odd pants. «. • V'%V JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry, We are still giving 20 per cent off on all winter Overcoats and Cloth ing. These goods have got to go be fore March 1st, regardless of cost. BICYCLES We have taken the agency for the celebrated "Featherstone" Bicycles, and have on hand samples of their "Road King" and "Duke Wheels. These bicycles have a reputation second to none •and we invite all ladies and gentlemen to call and examine before purchasing elsewte:e Men's Boots. Overshoes, Rubbers, Hats, Caps, Underwear, ' CENTS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING C8ov.es arscS -Mittens, Trirnks, Class and Tinware, Groceries, and Crockery. Everything must ffo, at half price, at M Our Grocery Department Is always complete. We aim to keep only the best brands of al •roods in this line. Our Coffees and Teas have gained a reputation that is second to none in the country. Try them once and you will never drink any others. Yours very truly. SIMON BROS West McHenry, 20 rTamiH'-Ti. . 7 Harcock.. . . . f i Hardin . 7 Henderson., . . . 3 Henryi . . . . . . .13 Trrquoift . 2 Jtykson . 8 Jap'-er . 5 Jefferson . . . . . IS Jerspv 10 jo Davies . 7 Johnson . f iKane 5KanKfikee 12 Kendall K nox . f> T.ake .11 La Salle 13 Lawreoce • 13 T.pe ' • 8 Livirgston. 7 Logan • - 7 Macon 4 Macoupin 7 Madison . If Marion . 11 MnrPhall . . . . . 25(Mason.. . . . . 14 MHRBRC . 11 FcDonongh . . 11 McHenry.. . . • 7 McLean . . . . . . " Menard . . . . . . 9 M>r«er • • *;Monro» • • 71 Montgomery . . 7jVorjran, . . . • • 8 |Monltrle • • 9'Ojfle - 1 1 P e o r i a - 12|Perry . . Pi Piatt • • ^iPike . . 3 Pope - 6 Pu.askl . . . . . - I f Pi] tnam • 12 Randolph. . . . . 17 Richland . . • • * Rock Island. . .14 ^ line . 5 Sansramon . . • • 4 Schuyler - • R Qcott • 11 Shelby . . 4 Rtark" • 5 at Clair . . . . . . . f ijatephen8on,. . . . 5 Tazewell . . . - .13 TTnion ... 7|Vermil!ion.. . . . 7 Wabaah . . . . . 8 Warren. . . . . .11 Washington . . . '5 Wavne . . . 5 White . . . 7 Whiteside . . . . 7 Will ; . 5 Will iamson . . .16 Winnebago. . . . 4 Woodforri . . Remember the plrce and come soon. Bargains such as were never before offered in McHenry. This grand sale is only for a short time? West MeHenry, Feb, 18, 1896. OWEN & CHAPELL McHenry, 111., Feb. 5th, 1896 CHILDREN'S SHOES The thought that fhc youngsters may need shoes (this week perhap's) has made us careful to offer you the very best things that comfort and durability suggests. 173 pairs very best Milwaukee grain leather to close out at Per Cent Disrount. Odds and ends of ladies' and gents' shoes at evon bigger dis counts. Some at half price if you care for them. Notions Our stock of Dry Goods add Notions is complete, and many goods are advancing but we have not advanced ours yet. Call and soe what we have to offer in Sheeting; all widths, from 36 to 81 in, in bleached and unbleached. Rockford Flannels and Dress Goods. Some newly come ̂ things have been cut in half, all staple sorts that we are anxious to sell be cause the season is slipping away. 25 cents for the best. Great selling here, Saturday, of odds and ends, a few of each. Blankets, shawls, overcoats, underwear. We call it the closing com bination sale, truly a money saving sale for you. The Grocery stock is very complete. Atwood & Steel's lemon and vanilla extracts, 5c per bottle, 4one pound packages cornstarch for 25c. 4 gal keg syrup $1. 15 lb pail jelly 35c. 3 qts cran berries 25c. fjgP FISH FOR LENT. 4 kinds codfish, white fish, salmon, trout, herring, smoked fish, all at lowest market prices. BOOTS ANi SHOBS M. D. Wells & Co.'s are the standard goods in this locality, and we have the agency for them. Felt Boots and all kinds of Rubbers at greatly reduced prices. Now is your chance to buy at less than wholesale prices. The season is here for Dried Fruits and Canned Goods, a have them at our usual low prices. New goods received daily '• Sought for and found at last." After many years of careful investigation, and after making experiment after experiment, we have selected and secured a coffee that will please any one wanting a ehoice combination coffee. " SANTA ROSA COFFEE" is the coffee is the coffee that wo are sure will meet the wants and please the taste of every consumer of coffce. -- Baer's Choice Svrup. all the gro. Have you tried a kee:? If not why not. i I6Y6LES. tftScjW of jliflb fad* Are th© IViosi Popular in the Worfd. Evidenced by the fact that there were more of them sold in '95 than any other make. Be sure to see samjde before purchasing your '96 wheel. Made by INDIANA BICYCLE CO. , INPIA.NAPOLIS, IND. 3i""° 'n. A. HE AW) AM, Agent, McHenry, III. To represent i iBlfl cit ies and towns, soi ic i ing orders tor our high grade mi A complete l ine of Ornamenlal shrubs, Treei?, Har<ty Roses, etc, , etc, Also, men to work country trade on pale of our famous NORTHERN GROWN SEED POTATOES, and full l ine* of Nursery Stock. Apply at osce. stating age. We want A Few Floral Company McHENRY, ILL. C, T. ESHIL80N, - MANAGER. There is always a "Best" in everything, why not in Hour. Old Sleepy-Eye Flour has been tried and tested and pronounced the Best, because it goes further, is purest, most economical and costs no more than inferior Hour. Costs nothing to try a sack. Just received, a car, 500 sacks. L. L. MAY & CO , Nurserymen, Florists and Seedcmen, ST. PAUL, &11NN. AU kinds,of Cut Flowers, and Funeral De signs to be had :it al l t imes at Reasonable Rates. • Carnations in bud (and other potted plants for .sale. Orders taken now for bedding plants de sired in the spring. Will have all kinds of plants for fancy bedding. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, « ROSEDALE FLORAL COMPANY, " ' , MCHENRY, 111. Buy only the celebrated "Faney Pat ent" aud "Pillsbury's Best." of Simon Stoffel. FA KM FOil RENT. A g -od Farm for rent on reasonable terms. For particulars inquire at this office. MRS. M. P. O'BRIEN. Iveadale, 111., writes: "I have used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepf-in as a family medi ciqp with the best of results. For de rangements of the stomach and a general laxative I like it, better than anything I have used. It is so pleasant to taste i my children are always anxious to take it." For sale by J. A, Story. 'SLEEPY