":V: . . . . . . . „ . . . „ . ••-R-- sm ' tr&m- - A • •r-s: ^m§ AUCTION SALE. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26, 1896. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday. May 26, 1895, at six D'plock A. M. Trains Will ;p»88 ilcHenry station as follows: GOING SOUTH. P Lake Geneva Passenger. ...7:13 AST • X Williams Bay JExpresa . . .8:25 " X Williama Bay Passenger.........3:25 P M GOING NOKTH. • X Williams Bay Passenger........ 0-48A M 8 Lake Geneva Passenger 5:03 P M MX Williams Bay Express....... 4:55 " &X Williams Bay Passenger ....... 6:51 EXPLANATION.? P--Daily. X--Daily except Sunday., is Sundays only. B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. Universallst Church Directory. ,T. J. Walsh, ... .President F. L. McOmber. -..XJlerk James B. Perry ...... ...... -- Treasurer Rev. J. Straab, D, D............. ?v.-....Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladies organ- zation.) . • • ~ Mrs. Jas. B. Perry ....... .>'.>.President Mrs.. L., H: flffett...i..:..Secretary 3upt, of Sunday School,..;.,....O. N. „Owen ,Assiatant,.,.. £*...•Mrs. -0./ jif. Owen *»"The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Burnside Crossing, " . - ".„/> Preaching,1aervifees at 10:30 A, id. aijd at 7',30 P.M. A cordial invitation to all.' " Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev; V/ C. Cook. ..%v.... ..Pastor, Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 F. M. , ' Suridav Scihoolj il:45 A. M. -- DV. A, E. Auringer, .Superintendent Epworth League, 6:45 v, M., Wayne Wood burn, President. - / , Prayer Mooting, WednestMfy, 7:30 p. M. Ladies' Aid society eiwrn alternate week, Mrs. C. E. Lamphere, President. -8®~A Oorfiial invitation is extended to all. K. O. T. M. MCHENRY LODGB NO. 77, If. O. T. M.--Reg- nlar meetings second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month, at K. O. T, M. Hall. GEO HANLEV, Com, J. J. BISHOP. R. K. MASONIC. _MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W, A. ORISTY. W. M. PETER FREUND is nursing a nice pet in the shape of a Felon on his right hand. LOOK out for something new by the West McHenry Band and Premier Dra matic Company, in the near future. FOR SALTT^A'brand new "Crusader" Bicyele. Will be sold cheap. Can be seen at this office. QUITE a large company from Waucon- da attended the Riverside Skating Rink on 3aturday evening last. WE understand that Tho«. Burke con^ templates rebuilding and enlarging his market and residence early in the spring. THE contract for building the new resi dence of John H. Miller has been let to E. W. Howe, who will commence the as th&weafcher vill periyit commence e weather >vill per Stoddard sold hef' residence, in this village^ to John Doherty, Consideration, $1,300. Mrs. Stoddard will move to Belvidere. worjc as soo 'WE learti that Mrs'. SL. F. L. MCOMBER is moving into the Mrs. Blackman house, on the West Side, this week, and<A. C. Friedley has moved into the houseOn Park Avenue owned by Jos. Deitrich. O. N. OWEN, wife and daughter expect to start for Oakland, Cal., the last of this week or the first of next, where they vrill visit with friends for the next two or three months. NEW advertisements can be found in our paper this week from Owen & Chapell, A. P. Baer, John Evanson & Co., W. A. Cristy, Wm. Bacon and J. W. Cristy & Son. Read them. DR. CORTHELL, Oculist, will make his next visit at the Riverside House, in this village, on Saturday next, Feb. 29th. See advertisement on first page of this paper. REV. V. C. COOK will speak on Temper ance, at the City Hall, at 7:30 P. M. Sunday. This is one of the regular W. C. T. U. lectures. Good music. Every- , body invited. THE Elgin Courier says: "Farmer" White, of the asylum, is obtaining some fame in McHenry county, as a curer of hog ailments. His name, acccordiug to papers there, is now "Americus" White, which is not bad, either. T THE Epworth League of the M. E. church will, be held next Sunday evening at 6:30. Subject, "Christ in Tempta tion." Mark 1:12; Matt. 4:1-11. Lee Andrus will lead. A cordial invitation is extended to all. WE are requested to give notice that College representatives will speak before the High School, in this village, on Fri day afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. All interested in a higher education are cor dially invited to be present. WE learn that John Welch, a brother of Wm. J. Welch, of Beloit, Wis., and brother-in-law of James McCabe, of Volo, died at Ogden, Idaho, a few days since.. We have not learned further particulars. He was 44 years of age and formerly re sided with his parents, southeast of thiB village. A HORSE belonging to a Jew Peddler ran away on Saturday and plunged into the Race,'back of"the Fox River Yalley Mills. After considerable labor by some thing less than a hundred men and boys he was hauled out on some planks, ap parently not much the worse for his cold bath^^A slight damage to the cutter was the only diBcernable result. PERSONS wishing letters to go through the mail in a hurry should always wipte "in haste" on the lower left hand corner of the envelope. ' Then everybody con nected with the postal service jumps around lively. The stage driver whips his horses into a brisk trot, the post master dances a jig and tlje route agent pushes forward and tells the engineer to pull the throttle open and let her go. We gaeea, PBATSOUAL. JAMES WALSH, of Elgin, was calling on friends here the first of the week. HON. GEO. W. ELDREDGE, ofRichmond, was on our streets on Saturday. MRS. L. H. OWEN was visiting friends Richmond on Saturday. A. C. GRANGER, of Chicago, spent Sun day witlrfriends here. H. O. THOMPSON, of Chicago, spent Sunday with friends in this village. Hr E. J. .HANLY.is attending to business in Chicago to-day, Wednesday. Miss CORA BENNETT visited Miss Agnes Murphy, at Woodstock, on Friday and SATURDAY. MRS. C. E. LAMPHERE has been quite sick the past week but is now reported better. MRS. J. YAN SLYKE and Mrs. F. L. McOmber were Chicago visitors on Thursday last. c" , Miss BERNICE PERRY visited with her sister, at Madison, Wis., a few days this week. • --. FRANK MATHIEU and wife, visited with friends here and at Johnsburgh. the past" week. JOHN SCHUENEM ANN and wife, of Chica go, were the guests oi Jos. Heimer. and wife* in this village, the first of the week. Miss ALICE BENNETT, who has been sick the past fouir weeks with La Grippe, is now improving. Miss BESSIE MCKINLEY, of Chicago, is the guest of Hon. F. K. Granger and wife, this week. OSSIAN M. CONGDON, of Nunda, candi date for State's Attorney, was looking after his fences, in this village, one day last week. JOHN TONYON, of Pistaqua Bay, took a new boarder on Monday night in the person of a twelve pound daughter. His many friends here send congratulations. W. D. WENTWORTH and wife rejoice over the arrival of a twelve pound girl, at their residence, on Thursday last. Mother and child are doing well aud Deacon is happy, as he basil right to be. THE Ladies' Aid Society, of the M. E. Church, will meet with Mrs. M. E. Howe, on Friday afternoon, February 28, at the usual hour. Everybody invited. SECRETARY. THE Willing Workers will meet on Thursday afternoon of this week with Mrs. E. J. Hanly. A general attendance is requested. « MRS, J. B. PERRY, Pres. MRS. L. H. OWEN, Sec. THE Loyal Temperance Legion meets at the City Hall every Tuesday at four o'clock. Let all the ladies of the W. C T..IL come out-prepared to teach. All children invited to come immediately after school. CARL MEAD, President. BELLE GALLAHER, Secretary. • i SCANDAL. It began at the top of the hill in a very small way. Somebody said "I think." It rolled along collecting bits as it went, until somebody said, "1 be lieve." It went further, until somebody said, "I know." And then it rolled and rolled, until it was a great ball that hit somebody's heart. WE have always believed in the Dar winian theory, that mankind is con stantly advancing in the scale of intelli gence; but when we see a. (so called) re spectable young man come into a nice, clean office and squirt tobacco juice all over the floor, our faith is considerably shaken. We cannot help wondering what kind of a home he hails from. If it fits put it on. IT is sometimes difficult to please everybody; in fact, we gave up long ago trying that. Sometimes as a choice be tween the wishes of different persons an editor cuts the Gordon Knot, and does just as he pleases, and thus one is satis- fled. This may explain some things and leave others yet to be surmised or guess ed at. A good editor will always leave a chance for people who have active brains to use them as they scan the carefully edited columns of his paper. THE edict of the Northwestern road has gone forth from Chicago along the highways and byways of travel, to the effect that a red cap shall be worn by cer tain officials. The use of the "lurid" new headgear is limited to the ushers and passenger agents about the station. These are the men w ho comprise a sort of bureau of information for the travel ing" public, and it is not with a view to artistic effects that the bits of color have been introduced, but to advertise these purveyors of information to people with questions to ask. Newspaper Friends. "Every newspaper treasures up in its memory the names of its friends, likewise its enemies," says an exchange. "It never overlooks an opportunity to assist the former, but never goes out of its way to aid the latter. Human nature is the same way everywhere. People who show a newspaper man a kindness never made a betW investment or one that will surely repay them a hundred fold, Sooner or later, even those who go around depending on the public for their living." As has,been truly said: "There occasionally comes a time in the life of every man when a word said by a news paper either makes or unmakes the in- ( dividual mentioned." Facts that are Hard to Get Around. It is a fact that the tide of emigration is coming East. The western fariqerp, from the prairies of Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, find that they can get from the C. S. Graves Land Com pany, R. 311, 5G Fifth Av., Chicago, (see advertisement,,in this paper) good farm ing land in Central Wisconsin, Clark county, at a nominal price. In quality as good, if not better than ttieir western lands, with no blizzards, cyclones or droughts and with plenty of water, fuel and best of schools. Experience has led them to investigate these advantages.. Try the Polar Star Patent Flour and Pillsbury's Best, at Owen & Chapell's. (6T The "leaders" have confessed to a knowledge of the fact that Major Mc- Kinlny is.the popular favorite,I. and one whom they cannot overthrow through the honest concentration of their strength on the man of their choice, by bringing out a dozen "favorite sons" in pa many states. They propose to beat McKinley, not beeauggihey consider him untrustworthy or a weak candidate, but fot^the reason that they are jealous of his popularity with the people,' and' they wish no man to occupy the presidential chair who shall possess the public affec tion and confidence to such an extent that it would be dangerous to attempt to embarrass his administration with, factious opposition. Then,, too, they know that Gov. McKinloy has a great deal of respect for the rights of the com mon people and they realize full keenly that he regards a^ "boss" as a very ordi nary member of tfie human family.--Ex. flST'The Geneva Republican pertinently remarks: "Have the "bosses" gone mad? Verily, appearances would justify a man in thinking so. They "keep close to the people" long enough to find out what th§ people want, and then they go and range themselves on the opposite Bide. They only, inquire the popular Will for the sake of violating it; The same performance that has been enacted in Chicago in the way of setting aside t he- more sacred wishes of the people, is being attempted elsewhere, is the nation made up of ,Chieagos ? " RINGWOOD C. E. Fay was an Elgin yiBitor on Sat urday last. / Millie Lawron was home Saturday and Sunday. » N D. Steven^bought a horse at F. H. Allen's sale. G. H. Spaulding is still at work on the Lumley farm with his well^machine. Miss Osborne and Little Geneva Fay dpent' Saturday and Sunday with friends in Englewood. ' teg" When, with the mercury down in the neighborhood of 15 degrees below zero, we read that Australia is passing through the hottest season ever known there, we are inclined to be more content with our lot. Zero weather means a great deal of discomfort, but it is far preferable to an excessiv^Jjeat, when the thermometer registers 122 degrees in the shade, such as is reported in various parts of New South Wales. London dispatches declare that Mr. Bayard's popularity in England is increasing every day. This is doubtless in conformity with the rule that an American gains favor in England just in proportion as he scoffs at the institu tions and repudiates the principles of his own country. teaiF"Tho Maryland legislature has un der consideration a bill to authorize turnpikes to charge bicyclers one cent at every gate. The macadamized roads have been constructed by companies made up of the farmers and others of the various communities, and have been kept in repair by funds received from tolls. {@"A poll at a late meeting of the Mc- Lean county Republican Central C.im- mittee showed Gubernatorial preferences as followa: Hopkins, 24; Tanner, 15; Rowell, 5; Fifer, 2. Evidently all the people down in Central Illinois are not yet Won over to the Tanner stand. tQT'Hon. A. J. Hopkips telegraphs to the Chicago Tribune from Washington that he sees nothing in the choice of the Cook county delegates, instructed for Tanner, to prompt him to withdraw from the gubernatorial candidacy. Swedish-American Republican Leaeue of Illinois. Meets at Rockford, 111., March 9 and 10, 1896, and for this occasion the North- western Line will, on March 7, 8 and 9, sell excursion tickets to Rockford and return at reduced rates, good for return passage until March 11, 1896. For tick ets and full information apply to aeents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 34w2 Frank Bell and wife started for Nebras ka on the 3;20 train Saturday. will stop at Dixon a few days. John Thompson, of Lansing, Minn., who has been visiting in this locality for a few weeks, returned home Monday, Scott Harrison resumed his duties for the Illinois Steel Company, at Chicago, on Tuesday morning. No new cases of La Grippe arie reported this week and all old ones are still on the gain. A. L. Francisco closed his school last Friday and started the first of "the, week for Minnesota, where he will stay for an indefinite period. " ; The Leap Year Party was a. cess. The young lady who checked bag gage received many words of praise for the business way in which sh6 conducted the affairs of her office. - " The dancing club will hold its sixth dance on Friday evening, the 28th. G. A; Stevens and Chas. Shales will, have .charge oi the floor. Everybody cordially invited. •: " • 1 - In putting our locals together last, week we omitted one sheet, so that ohr sick were not mentioned, but as they are all on the gain we hope the oversight kept them improving. A set of Computing Scales are now used at the store of Cristy & Son. Ttey are nice ones. Call and see them work. They have a clerk whose special business is to show them to the public. G. A. Stevens, inventor of the Stevens Patent Husker, reports business pros pects bright for the future. Several cut ters are waiting for the attachment which will be put on as soon as received from the shoos. Cheap Excursions to th9 West and S^uth. On March 10 and April 7, 1896, the Northwestern Line will sell Home Seek ers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to a large number of points in the West and South at very low rates. For tickets and full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 34w4 Home Seekers' Excursions to the South. On January 14, 28, February 11 and March 10, 1896, the Northwestern Line will sell Home Seekers' Excursion Tick ets to a la>ge number of points of Ken tucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma. Texas, and Arizona. For tickets and full information apply to agents C. & N. W. It'y. 28 w7 Homeseekers Excursion to the South. On February 11 and March 10, 1896, the Northwestern Line will sell excursion tickets at very low rates to a large num ber of points in Virginia, Georgia Ala bama, North Carolina. South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missis sippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Indian Ter ritory, Oklahoma, Texas and Arizona. For tickets and full information a.vply to agpnts Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 31w3. DELINQUENT subscribers, to whom we have recently 6ent statements, should give prompt attention to the same. These statements were not sent out for fun. At Cost to Close. 1 have left from the late sale one Gang Sulky Plow, several Walking Plows, two Corn Planters, one Stack Cover, 24x30 f«ot, one two-seat Surry, one Road Wagon, and a few other articles, which will be sold at Cost and Below, as I wish to close them out at once. If you are in need of any of these articles call at once and secure a Bargain. WM. BACON. McHenry, Feb. 25, 1896. c SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! L You will find our styles the newest. «ou will find our prices the lowest. will find our shoes jusc what wish you had bought before. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. You you will Corn Starch or Extracts absolutely free at Evanson's store Saturday, Feb ruary 29th. Just received, another car of Sleepy Eye Flour. It costs nothing to try a sack. . A. P. BAER. Come to the Great Shoe Sale, at Owen & Chapell's. » A lot of choice St. Paul Fur Coats are offered for less than first cost at S. Stoffela. _______ BESLEY has in the usual large stock of Valentines,, at prices from one cent up. Call and see them. ° WOODSTOCK. Chas. A. Stone has accepted a position in the boot and 6hoe store of Stone & Hart, and entered upon his new duties Monday. The Presbyterian Society celebrated its fiftieth anniversary Sunday. There wore three services, morning, afternoon and evening, all of which were largely attend ed and highly enjoyed. Messrs. Woodruff, Sullivan, Cheeseman 3oge, Saunders and Gilbo, and Misses Lizzie and Mollie Sweeney, Pollie Rier- don, Eva Ryan, Sarah and Mary O'Brien composed a party of Harvard young people who spent Sunday evening in this city. The party was entertained in the parlor of the Hotel Woodstock by Prof. Peak and Lou H. Bennett with harp and vocal selections. Thos. Powers came up from Nunda last Saturday to buy a good team and when Lis eyes rested on O. S. Mat ron's fine team of "Craig Miller" colts it was a case of "love at first sight," and in a very whort time tlrey~were his property even though it took a good deal of money to buy them This was, without exception, one of the finest and best teams seon on our streets in some time, such horses as Craig Miller sired, as his colts all showed marked evidence of good stock and superior breeding. The fourth annual reception and ball given by Company G, Woodstock Guards in Murphy's Hall, on Friday evening last was a grand success. The reception pro gramme was a fine fone and everybody was delighted. Tho exhibition drill, by eighteen young ladies was especially fin«, and was executed in a manner that re flected groat credit not only on them- selyes but on their instructor as well. The ball took place immediately after the reception, and about sixty couples danced to the sweet strvins of music furnished by Smith's Full Orchestra, of Janesville. with G R E E N W O O D . Mrs John Dassow is quite sick pneumonia. Messrs. Paul Richardson and Ben Hut- son, of Ostend, attended church in Green wood Sunday. MiBs Sadie Garrison is visiting relatives at Dundee. Mr. Robbins attended Principal's Mating, at Woodstock, Saturday. Jf. E. Thayer and wife, of Ilidgefield, were Greenwood visitors Saturday and (Sunday. v Will Cruikshank and wife were visiting ih Seneca Saturday, and the sudden thaw leaving the roads bare, Will came home alone. Don't forget to bring your shadow to Wright Carr's to-morrow (Thursday) night. Its valuable. The Missionary Entertainment, given by the ladies of the C. Ei Society, wt s highly appreciated. Owing to bad roads the attendan -e was small. H. J. Dygert went to Harvard on Sat urday to attend a funeral of a Brother Mason. A number of our young ladies took their best fellows and attended the Leap Year Party, at Ringwood, Friday night. The undersigned Will. sell. _at _ public auction k>n the Fred Collison farm, 3 niiles south of Richmond, and 1 mile west of Solon, Friday, February 28th 1896, comineneing at 9 o'clock A. M! Bharjj: 36 good cows, new mjlch and close springers. Half the cows are f ull blood Durhams, recorded. 7 2-year pld steers, 2 2-year old heifers, 1 2-year old ball, 7 yearling heifers, 3 yearling bulls. AfHhe heifers and balls are full blood Dif£hams. 55 Shropshire ewes with lamb, due to lamb in March,»1 Shrop shire ram, 10 Poland China sows with pig, 1 PolOnd " China boar, 3 shoats, 75 Plymouth Rock chickens, 1 bay mare 10 yrs old, in foal, 1 brown mare 5 yrs old, % blood Shire, in foal, 1 bay mare 5 yrs old, 1 bay mare 6 yrs old, 1 bay horse 4 yrs old, 1 bay mare 3 yrs old, 1 bay horse 2 yrs old. 2 brown mares 2 yrs old, 1 yearling colt, 1 Shire stallion 6yrs old, 1 imported Cleveland.bay stallion 10yrs old, 30 loads co^n fodder, 20 tons tim othy hay, 500 bushels corn, 200 bushels oate, 3 cattle feed troughs, 1 sheep self 1 set 2000 pound scales, 1 fanning mill,' nearly new, 1 milk wagon, 1 Gorham seeder, 1 new Deering mower, 1 Rock Island hay loader, 1 Hollingsworth hay rake, 1 Piano binder, 1 sulky plow, i sulky cultivator, 2 set drags, 2 stirring plows, 1 pair bobs, 1 lumber wagon, 1 hog rack, 1 stone boat, 1 grindstone, 1 stack cover, 19x40, nearly new, 3 bbls of cider vinegar, 1 watering tank, and num erous other articles. Usual free lunch at noon. . ..' • » •; ; TERMS.---Sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount a credit, of 8 months will be given on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. 2- per cent off for cash on all sums entitled to credit. " No property to be removed until settled for. F. COLLISON AND F. cCOTT. . JOHN HOLIAN, Clerk. COL. J. G. WILSON, Auctioneer. Pe'rsonall Conducted Excursion to California-. A ia the Chicago, Union Pacific & North western Line, in upholstered tourist sleeping cars, leave Chicago every Thurs day via the Northwestern Line. Low rates, picturesque route, quick time and careful attention are advantges offered to those who join these excursions. Cost of berth only $6. For full information apply to agents Chicago & Northwest ern R'y. 33w4 FA KM FOli RENT. A g od Farm for rent on reasonable terms. For particulars inquire at this office. We have told you but you may have forgotten, that there are no rubber goods made that can equal the genuine "Snag Proof." Lots of imitations but one genuine. We sell the genuine. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. Corn Starch or Extracts absolutely free at Evanson's store Saturday, Feb ruary 29th. | All kinds of Fish for Lent, at Owen & Chapell's. Even if you have money don't be 'ex travagant. Use "Best on Record Flour because its a saving. For sale at Evanson's. Gus CARLSON, the Harness-Maker, is offering some rare bargains in Blankets, Robes, etc. Read his advertisement on the first page of this paper. Come to the great Shoe Sale at Owen iS^ChapolJ'i. Call and examine our line the best oa the market. OWEN & CHAPELL. of Bicycles, The best line of fresh nnd salted Fish on the market at lowest prices at Owen & Chapell's. it more fruit in winter, fes, Lemons and Apples We should Bananas, Of a at Owen FOR SAL! I now offer for sale my house and three and one-half acres of land, situated in the village of West McHenry. Will be sold cheap. E. J. HANLY. West McHenry, III., Jan. 20, 1896. The Sleepy-Eye Flour has no superior on the market. This is the verdict of every one who uses it. Call at A. P. Baer's, West McHenry, and try a sack I have calls for money on first class real estate security for a term of years. lltf H. C. MEAD. R A T A R R H H A Y F E V E R O R A S T H M A n I nniin positively cure 1 by nature's roots and herbs or no jiBy. for ten sample treuUnents, ICINE Co , I)cnver. Col. Send lUo postage COLORADO MED Something New. L. E. BENNETT, Photographer, has just commenced making something new in the Picture line, which is neat, hand some and cheap. It is called the Man- tello Photograph. It is a beauty. Call at his Gallery and see a sample. For the NEXT THIRTY DAYS he will make these Photographs at the low price of $1 PER DOZEN. Remember this ie a 30 days offer and call at once. If you see them you are sure to order a dozen. COLLARS, cuffs, suspenders and hand kerchiefs, at cost for the next ten days, at J. D. Lodtz's. THE NEW YORK LEDGER, America's Greatest Story Paper. Always publishes the best and most in teresting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, re gardless of expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something in the 'New York Ledger that will interest every member of the farnHy. 20 pages--price, 5 cents. For sale^-in -this town by Charles Slimpin. IF you are interested in poultry read about the one hundred poultry pictures in another column. "A good Horsehide Shoe for men's fine wear. The same stock for ladies and children's common wear are the proper caper. We have them. J. W.. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood. WE must have help. We pay men and women $10 to $18 per week for easy home work. No books * or peddling. Steady employment guaranteed. ;Send stamp for work and particulars at- puce. HERMANN & SEYMOUR, 213 South SJixth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. , ] 30-m3 I - I I have made a specialty of the prose cution of all kinds of damage cases against RAILROADS, dttier Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless successful. Call or write me. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, Woodstock, 111. A. P, Baer is giving aome great bar gains in Rubber and Warm Goods. Call and see what cheap goods they are. If you want a new Harness, single or double, call on Gus Carlson. He is sure to please you both in quality and price. FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv ing rooms in second story. Is situated in-center of village and is'afirst class lo cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on rea®onable terms. Inquire of 4tf H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. HAVE YOU A COLD? If so, then, instead of taking so much quinine and other strong medicines, take a pleasant and mild stomach and bowel remedy, which will cleanse the system, and you will be surprised how quickly the cold will leave you. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will do this better than any other. Trial size 10c (10 doses 10c), larger sizes 50c and $1 at J. A. Story's. Simon S. Hartman, ofTunnelton, West Ya , has been subject to attacks of Colic about once a year, and would have to cal a doctor and then suffer for., a jout twelve^ hours as much as some do when they die. He was taken recently just the same as at other ̂ times, and concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says: 1 took one dose of it and it gave me relief in five minuter. That is more than anything else has ever done for me." For sale by J. A. Story. . female Loveliness. May be obtained'by intelligent women. A well regulated system,mast of necessity show it» fruit in the face. To regulate a-Dd k^P 5t in P^ct con- dition there is nothing so good as Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin--Constipation r TAXES! TAXES! The undersigned, collector of Taxes for the Township of McHenry, will, on and after Monday, January 20th, 1896, be at the following places for the, purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: Mondays--At the store of Castor Adams, in the village of Johnsburgh. Tuesdays--At the store of J. W. Cristy & Son, in the village of Ringwood. Thursdays--At the store of A. P. Baer, West McHenry, Saturdays--At the store of Owen & Chapell, McHenry. p All persons having Taxes to pay should call at any of the aboye named places at as early a day as possible. M. J. FREUND, Collector. "WESTWARD HO! A Region Abounding: in fountains of Gold and Streams of Silver. During the past quarter of a century the Rocky mountains of Colorado^ have produced millions upon millions of dol lars in gold and silver (and precious jewels) thousands of persons acquiring wealth and ease as aresult. Some of the richest gold mines in the world have been discovered* during the past year and there is no end to the "lucky strikes" being- made at Cripple Creek gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Rockies is unequaled in either Europe or America for grandeur. For several years there has .been publish ed in Denver a big fiftyrsix column week ly famiiy newspaper which gives all the most important mining newe and illus trates each week the very choicest of this marvelous scenery, contains original western stories of love and adventure, pure in tone; yearly subscribers are given gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. ®To introduce this great illustrated weekly family pa per into new homes the publishers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (stamps or silver). Club of five $1. Men tion tlie PLAIN-DEALER and address Illus trated Weekly, Denver. Col. BOOKS WANTED? If so call at Julia A. Story's, where you will find a large assortment constantly renewed by the latest publications. A fine cloth edition of all the standard books only twenty cents a volume. The greatest reduction in Shoes ever known at Owen & Chapell's. DRY WOOD FOR SALE. The undersigned has a quantity of dry wood for sale. Will deliver in any part of the village in quantities of one cord or more. Orders may be left at the agricul tural warehouse. WM. BAC<M Don't Tobasoo Spit or Smoke your Life Away The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure, that braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No- to-bac is sold by Julia A. Story under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. New York of Chicago. THREW AWAY HIS CANES. Mr. D. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black Creek, N. Y., was so badly afflicted with rheumatism that he was only able to hobble around with canes, and even then it caused him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Pain Balm he was so much improved that he threw away hie canes. He says this linnment did him more good than all other medicines and treatment put together. For sale at 50 cents per Lottie by J. A. Story. Many merchants are well aware that their customers are their best friends and take pleasure in supplying them with the best goods obtainable. As an instance we mention Perry & Cameron, prominent druggists of Flushing, Mich. They say: "We have no hesitation ia recommend ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to our customers, as it is the best cough "medi cine we have ever sold, and always gives satisfaction." For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by J. A. Story. .It'» Free! Do not fail to send for a free sampe copy ot the Weekly Globe, box 540, Den ver, Colorado, an illustrated home and family paper, devoted to temperance, pure western storieB, mining news, etc, Fifty cents per year. Send to-day. Loan* Negotiated. Do you want money? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms rea^fenable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. The Golden West Invites your attention. Fabulous for tunes have been made by judicious in vestments in gold mining stock j. Send a stamp for full particulars about Crippl# Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad dress, Pike's Peak Mining and Real Es tate Company, (Incorporated,) Denver, Colorado. The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webb r. Holland, Mass., had a very bad cold and couch which he had not been able to cure with anything. I gave him a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says W, P. Holden, merchant and post master at West Brimfield, and the next time I saw him he saiu it worked like a charm. This remedy is intended especi ally for acute throat and lung diseases such aBcolds, ct oup and whooping cough, and it is famous ̂ or its cures. There is no danger in givitHr it to childrtn for it contains nothing injurious. For sale by J. A. Story. Over One Hundred Poultry Pictures. Of Poultry House, Incubators, Brood ers and Brooder Appliances, in Poultry Keeper Illustrator Quarterly No. 1, Price 25 cents postpaid, or 75 cents for the four numbers of 189G. That leading poultry magazine, The Poultry Keeper, one year 50 cents, or both the Poultry Keeper and Illustrator one year to new subscribers for only eighty cent^. Sample Poultry Keeper free. Address^Poultry Keeper Co., ParkeBburg, Cj/este^qounty, Penn. Business Locals. Masks at Julia A. Story's. Spring Dress Goods and ' Prints at 8. Stoffel's. Have yon tried the new Pan-ka-ko at A. P. Baer's? _______ New Wall Paper with Ceilings and Bor ders to match at S. Stoffel's. Insure your property Vith S. Stoffel i and be insured. Overcoats and Winter Suits at hard times prices at S. Stofiel's. I have calls for Houses, Who haB any to rent in this village? Let me Knpw and I can rent them. H.C. If you want a keg of nice Syrup go to A. P. Baer's, on-the West Siie. and get a ; keg of Baer's Choice. It has no superior on the mariiet. , , ^ We handle the famous Featherstone Bicycles, Road King, Diike and Ladies' Special. OWEN & CHAPELL. ' / • ---- . . A. P-Baer is discounting his pricea on Blankets, Shawls, Children's Underwear, and Hosiery 20 per cent. " V. •: NOTICE] ^ VH'-*-;" All persons indebted to the firm of Perry & Owen are requested to call and settle at once. We desire. to have all ae- ' i counts closed without delay. v . , • P EKRY & OWEN, ; 0 Nothing yet equal to the Pan-ka-ko self rising flour, for pancakes, at A. P. Baer's. ' »• : FARM FOR RENT.--I offer my farm, sit uated in the town of Greenwood, for Rent on reasonable terms. For particulars inquire of C.B. MURPHY. Particular Notice* All persons indebted to the estate of Richard Bishop ate notified that the same must be paid at once. J.B.PERRY, Administrator. McHenry, Nov. 11th, 1895. 19ml MRS. M. P. O'BRIEN. Ivesdale, 111., writes: "I have used Dr^ Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as a family medi cine with the best of results. For de rangements of the stomach and a general laxative I like it better than anything I have used. It is so pleasant to taste my children are always anxious to take it." For sale by J. A. Story. SMOKERS! Wta in Want of a Good Cipr! CALL AT KTi THE OLD RELIABLE Cigar and Tobacco Dealers. OUB SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best, hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. Awarded Highest Honors--World!* UNCLE BEN'S. 1896. GREETING. Having renewed my age, compromised with my creditors, quit drinking and failed to get a cash partner, will be obliged to continue my business at the old stand in the old way, at West McHenry, where as heretofose will sell at hard times prices for Cash or on credit by agreement, nothing but the Best qualities of Staple and Fancy Goods. Groceries, Fruits and Provisions, will be handled always of the best quality or no trade. '.*K. Most heartily thankful for many years of generous patronage and trusting that my future good example may still en title me to a large share of public fav or, I will trust my case in the hands ;of a discerning public. » Representing the only full and exclus ive Grocery, Fruit and Provision etock in town, I i amain as always for green backs and 16 to 1. Uncle Ben Gilbert's West McHenry, 111.,. Jan., 1896. PROMISE OH Goeo^^ijjHB Asa EARMER6 • WANTED w to bny Farms in CENTRAL WISCONSIN, Land is on the North western line C. St P. M & O. R'y, about 200 miles from Milwau kee and a little North, in Clark County. This is one of the bestcoun- tics in the State, having a population of over 25,000. Land lies adjoining railroad, and does not extend over six miles from it at any point, ahd is from four to ten miles from the County Seat, -which has nearly 3.000 inhabitants and is qiute a manufacturing center. Well supplied -with excellent water and best of fuel. Good schools. Why rent a farm or buy an improved one? Buy one unimproved and make the profit. CDCC TIPIf CTQ tip to $20 allowed purchasers I ilkC IIUIVCIw of SO acres or more of land; one-half fare to those buying 40 acres, if K.B. tickets are bought-of us or you have a receipt showing amount paid. OVER G.OOO ACKES SOX.lt TO ACTUAL 8ETTLEBS. Only S5 to $10 per acre. C3 per acre cash, balance five years' time. ., We want 23 farniliesfrom this place S WiU you help ns? Big inducements to those moving before May I, 1S95. Write'for particulars. Agents, surveyors and teams on hand to show the property free of cost. Buy your tickets to Columbia, Wis., via Merrillan Junction. Ifct c. S. GRATES USD CO., R. 311,56 fifth In., Chicago, ID. W|j CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. and indigestion absblutely curedT 10 I A'pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Ammonia, Alum or any other adt '40 YEARS THE STANDARD, doses 10 cents. Large siza'boVand Si" I from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, a t J . A . s t o r y ' B . ' ' 1 > - -- -- NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST MoHENBY, ELL. Keeps open for the aooommod&Uoa oft He Public a Flret-Claaa Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at ail time* keep the beet brands of Wlnee, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. PABST'8 lIUvukM Lager Sin At Wholesale and Retail. Beer in L&rge or Small Kegs or Bottles al ways on hand, cheaper than any other, qu&M. ty considered. Orders by mail promptly .attended to. GOOD 8TABL.1NV TOJK HOHAtV, woall aad'see we. Robert Sohiesale. V^.,rvv V..' • ' •"-•-Hv' . 1 : .7'"- :