Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1896, p. 8

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©. T. U. DEPARTMENT- Antloles and Notices under tho nborc „„ M|nurnUhed by j,he Ladies ot the W, O, T. ftrfflftio editor claims no part or credit for t the Ne»l Bow's Perfect Cure. "I was a policeman in Portland when Gen. Neal Dow was mayor of the city in 1854," said a Main street man on Thurs­ day. " "A man had been abusing his wife on Pearl street and the mayor had per­ sonally instructed me to gp down anc. arrest the man and be sure and bring his bottle along with th& prisoner, too. The mayor came into the municipal court the next morning and requested that the bottle be brought in and tried with the man. The man pleaded guilty to kicking over the table and swearing at his wife, but stuck to it th&t he had not been drinking. The mayor took the bottle and placed it on the table in the court­ room and the prisoner fixed his eyes 011 it and admitted that he had drunk out Of it. When the man wae> sent to the jail Mayor Dow took the bottle along him­ self and. requested the turnkey to place thfe flask just outside the cell door where the prisoner could see it and it stood there two months. He begged to have the bottle broken or removed. Once when the door was opened/he made a dash with his. foot to break it, but did not succeed. When that man was released he perfectly hated the sight of a whisky bottle and : to my certain knowledge he never tasted a drop of liquor afterward till his death in 186-4 of consumption." QB.ISTT&'. ^{WCWOOD, H-*"' A FEW BARRELS Of choice Apples, nicely sorted, ;:; : $3 per barrel, SMOKERS "--~~l A Wlien in Waul of a Good $pr CALL AT THE OLD RELIABLE Cigar and Tobacco Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best, hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. MAGAZINES FSl! THE HQHE. © FrankL£^i| f \G\CL5 FRA3M& LESLIE'S P Made of goods of our own selection, and in the newest styles. New Patterns Wall Eaper. Nice Patterns! Low Prices I . SHOES! SHOES! For everyone. We can please you. J. W. CRISTY & SON, Ringwood, 111. OPULAR MONTHLY Contains esch Month : Original Water Color Frontispiece; 128 Quarto Pages of Reading' Matter: S00 New and High-class Illustra­ tions ; More Literary Matter and illustra­ tions than &ny other Magazine in America. 25 cts.; f.3 a Year. Frank Leslie's Phassnt Hours; FCR BOYS A?'D GSRLS. A Bright, Wholesome, Juvenile Monthly. Fullv illustrated. The best writers for young people ©"iitribnto to it. 10 <-ts. : '$1 a year. SEfilt ALL SoLSCSIPTIOKS TO Frank Leslie's Publishing House New York. | UsdcrJstediy the Best Club Offers j \ £?-- <*rnd to Frank Leslie's Publishing House, X.Y., ! \ or Scw Illustrated Premium List, Free. A. Eagela's SALOON AND RESTABRANI MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent ifor SC1JLXTZ Milwaniee Brewii Co.'s Beer, THE BEST MADE. In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to ICO barrels. Orders by mall promptly [attended to. ALSO, ALWAXSJON HAND Fine Kentucky [Liquors* French?!Bitters, choice Aiess Wines, Cigars, Etc. I buy none but the best and Bell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McRenry, 111., 189-1. For a pain in the chest a piece of flan­ nel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm &na bound on over the seat of the; pain, and another on the back between the shoulders, will afford prompt relief This is especially valuable where the pain is caused by a cold and there is a -tendency toward pneumonia. For sain by J. A. Story. THE NEW YORK LEDGER America's Greatest Story Paper. Always publishes the best and most in­ teresting short stories, serial stories and special articles that can be procured, rer Kardless oi expense. The latest fashion notes and patterns can be found every week on the Woman's World Page. There is always something in'the [New York Lodger that will interest every ... member of the family. 20 pages--price, I ' ^ o,. °.r 8a*e this town by I Charles Shmpm. I JULIA A. STORY, DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES. A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY f ON HAND. FULL LINE OF PATENT; MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES. Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions! Carefully compouiidnd by a Regis ter^Phainmc let. Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. --1 "•--JTJL1A A. STORY One\Door West of Riverside Bouse, Mc Her try, 111 F. It. MeOMBER -- DKALEU IN- ES, RANGES. B' <>\ ^ A V* X WEST McHENRl, ILL. ELGIN, ILL. UNIVERSAL I PRICES. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. t Barb Wire." - Giiddeii, . .(Dekalb)' galvanized, ' 2 point, thick set, per 100 lbs., $2.29. • - Glidden Patent, (Joliet) galvanized, thick set, per 100 lbs. §1.98. Fence Staples, per lb, 2-.k\ Wire Nails per lb. :Uc Heavy Milk Cans, Shoe Dept. Reliable, Trustworthy, Footwear. Always, just a little under anyone else in in pricp. Ribbons. The only complete ribbon dept. in Elgin. Lot 1, Nos. 5, 7, 9, satin ribbon, part cot­ ton, 2Ac per yard. •Wall 'Paper & Paint A ' most: complete 1 ne at nominal prices. Wall Paper 3c per roll und upward. DRUGS. All Patent Medi­ cines at cut rates. Little Liver Pills 8c ^Seat Dept The very best qual­ ity at a nominal price. CORSETS. 100 doz., compris­ ing the leading makes worth $1, §1.25 and §1.50, for G9c. Sectional Map of Illinois,. always sold for 75c, our price 29c GROCERIES. The celebrated White Swan Flour, per 49 lb sack, 98c. 2 lb can Spa Baking Pow­ der, 19c. Jewelry Dept. Remodeled through­ out. 100 alarm clocks worth §1 for (59c. Millinery Dept, Will Open Soon. THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ILL, GEO. W. BESLEY, Having succeeded myself I am still in the Hardware business, with a fair prospect of remaining for a time. While 1 have not ad­ ded to my business anything in the line of Fancy Dress Goods 1 have added some such goods as properly belongs with the hardware business, and not heretofore carried by the hardware trade in McHenry. I am after your patronage, and if it is to be had by offering you goods from my stock at a reasonable profit, and using only BUSINESS methods in our dealing, I am sure of a share of it. You will find in my store a very complete line of Builders' Hardware, Carpenters' & Farmers' Tools; Dairy Supplies, Tinware, Enameied and AgateWare* Hardware House Furnishings, a fine line of the best table and pocket Cutlery on the market, which is fully warranted to the buyer. Sporting goods, guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, etc. t3f~The Peninsular stoves and ranges for all kinds of fuel, made of cast iron and steel j in a variety (^styles. BICYGL.ES I'aifllflso in the bicycle business, with -- ! a line of wheels ,and bicycle sundries of the best, of which I shall have more to say in the future. F. L. MeOMBER, West McHenry. West McHenry, j Illinois, . .DEALER IN. . . . DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AMD LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter lor Medical Use. iSir3 The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always on hand. Pbysieifiiis' Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give mo call. GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHenry, Jan, 1, 1896. JACOB JUSTEN, FURNITURE, McHenry, Illinois. RIPANS TABULES Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase iu extent and .gradually grow dangerous. & If you suffer from Headache, Dya, . mwm _' Depia or Indigestion...a TAKE KIP A3* § TABlJItMw If you are Billious, Constipated, or have a Disordered Liver. TAKE B1PAN5 TABWL1S If your Complexion is Sallow, or you Suffer distress after eating, TAKE MFMS TABULES For Offensive Breath and all Dis- --^ orders of thr Stomach... TAKE ^BWLBS Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly on the liver- stomuch and intestines; cleanse the system effectually ; cure dyspepsia, habitual censtipation, offensive breath and headache. One Tabuie taken at the first ..indication of in­ digestion. billiousness, dizziness, distress atter eating or depression df spirits,. will -surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. ' Ripans Tabules are prepay d from a prescription widely used by the best physicians, and are presented in the lorrn most approved by modern science, It given a fair trial. Ripans Tabules are an infallible cure; they contain nothing injurious and are economical, One. Gives Relief. A box will be sent> postage paid, on recipt of 50 cts by RIPANS CHEKfjfCAL CO., 10 £pruc6 S1„ New York. Loaal druggists everywhere will supply the Tabules it requested to do so. -j They are Easy to Take, Quick to Act and Save many a Doctor's Bill. • i! for tta jr in With a full line of the best makes of Plows, Lever and Disk liar- rows, viz: The Bradley, The Rock Island, (rosier Grand Detour. p" Sater. Lever Harrows, 2 and 3 scction, wood and steel.t Prairie City Seeders. Leader Drills. FARM WAGONS, HARNESS. Last but not least, a car load of the CELEBRATED PEABOBY BUGGIES, Just in. The best Buggy, the best proportioned Buggy, the finest finished Buggy that ever came to McHenry. No cheap John's, but honest work throughout and at a price that will astonish you, for the class of work. Can fit you out with a nice Surrey at the right price. - I have taken every taken every precaution to buy standard goods as the above will show; that I can and will prove to purchasers. Axle Grease and Fine Machine Oil. Give me a call and 1 will do you good, and value received. Yours for honest jroods T. J. WALSH. I STILL ME II LEiD! OUR SPRING LINE OF Are now ready for tho inspection oi our customers. All the latest patterns to be found on the market. Call and see 'ilicm and leain our prices. \ \ \ v \ \\M .\N\i\V Os v ' \ -• \< IJN OUR ULhi UNDERTAKING, EMBALMING. We carry a full and complete stock of all kinds of KITCHEN, ¥ FURNITURE! i ( PARLOR, BEDROOM and DINING ROOM _J FURNITURE. We have a fine line of goods ami would be pleased to show them to you. Call and see our line before buying and we will do as well by you as anyone.. We solicit your trade. WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., Etc. We guarantee first-clas* work in every respect. "r 'If--Jt ' JiOQB tlUBTBTf. MeHenry, 111., Dec., 1895. CLOTHING MHITIIEIII We can show you some of the latest spring styles and wo with to say to our customers thit Our Pi ices are Q f |_J r-p Our Goods are X And we are to make Everything that is not satidfaotory. I v ' v 1̂1 Kinds of Fish For Î cnt, SIMON STOFFEL. - r ' . XMUBAlf'©H KUSINMSS-- & Will be kept up in future. Will wsit the city every Thursday an will fall all spccial orders of a reasonable nature. SLJMCOW STOFFEL, \

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