A GREAT undertaking r Free to Comrades. The latest photograph of Hon. I. N. Walker, Commander-in-Chief of the G. o A. R. Write to F. H. Lord, Quincy Building,'Chicago, and you will receive one free. ^ The beam of the beWtolent eye giv- etli value, to the bounty Vhieh the j .hand dispenses. y / m. #ll<» #<< I THE KINQ CURE OVER ALL FOR T rheumatism. I 3NHBIJRALGIA, Is the season for purifying, cleansing, and renewing. The accumulations of waste everywhere are being removed. Winter's icy grasp is broken and on all sides are indications of nature's returning life, renewed force, and awakening power. FOR WOMEN Can California Raise Coffee? An attempt is to be made to cultivate the coffee plant in the beautiful San Joaquin Valley, in California. The result cannot be known, it is said, within less than six years, The chief anticipated difficulty arises from the lack of a proper quantity aiiil distribu tion of rain. . ' <" Is tfthe time for purifying the blood, cleansing the system and renewing tiie physical powers. Owing to close con finement, diminished perspiration, an d other pauses, in the winter, impurities have not passed out of the system as th*y should, but have accumulated in the blood. in« chapter, during wbfck period tiie guesses will be received .fcgr' THE RECORD. - To stiU further promote popular interest in this refearkatole story THE CHICAGO RECORD offers 810.000 in 8SS cash prizes for the 885 guesses.which shall i-rtrae thonearest to being true and cpaapJete soiw tionsj of'the mystery in.the story. • , *• • BEAR MRS. I'LNKHAM ONLY WOMEN AND GIRLS MAY GUESS. that THE CHICAGO RECORD ie a newspaper particularly suitablefw woman's readinff ths further condition is' made that Uie $ 10,000 in prizes eha!'. be paid only for explanations or sruesses sent in by women and gills. All may re tilt, but only WOMEN AND GIEXS MAY GUESS. A SPECIAL OFFER litieal news with judu ial impartiality, free from the taint of partisan, ship. It is Chicago's family newspaper.Prof. J. T. Hatlield, of tb© Northwestern University, writing to the"Evanston (III.) Index, says : • I haw come to tho tinn i on elusion, after a long test, and after a wide comparison with 'He journals of many slates and countries, that THE CHICAGO RECORD coines as near being the ideal daily jour nal as we are for some time likely to find on these mortal shores.' ' The journalists' class paper, published in New York, called •' Newspaperdom.'i says: " There< is no paper published in America that so nearly ap proaches the true journalistic ideal as THE CHICAGO RECORD." Forward yotir subscription as early as possible, so that your name may be entered on the svibscription list at once and the paper be sent you without any delay and in time for the opening chapters of TH& RECORD'S GREAT $10,000 PRIZE 8T0RY. Address 111 • i • i THE RECORD will be sent to any address, post-paid, for 10 days, begin ning with the tirst chapter of the story, FOH to VESTS. in coin or postage stamps. The story begins March 38, and it is desirable that sub scriptions should be received as far in advance of that date as possible, but all subscriptions on this special JQ QAYS offer received up to April 1 will be filled, but none after April 1. BiiniiiwiwinMHiBiwiMwwfl THE CHICAGO RECORD ... Is Chicago's leading morning daily. In fact, with a single exception. It has the largest morning circulation in America -100,000 a day. It is a member of The Associated Press and "prints all the news from all the world. ' It is independent in politics and gives all po- SEND Kuril in Si Gas from Ice. A correspondent ot' Science describes ah interesting scene recently witnessed on a skating lake near Baltimore. White spots reseinbliug air-bubbles were noticed in the ice. and one of the skaters bored a hole into such a bubble and applied a match to it, whereupon a flame burst out at the surface. Further experiments showed that when a small hole was bored down to the bubble a long, thin jet of flame could be obtained which would last for a considerable time. The bubbles were due to accumulations of marsh gas, formed by the decomposition of vegetable matter at ilie-bottom of the lake. The correspondent suggests ihat such supplies of marsh gas might be utilized for the illumination of skat ing ponds at night. VICTOR F. IAWS0K. Publisher THE QHICAG9 RECORD, 181 Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Don't Ho Too Kutc for the Mtvimcr, And don't omit when you arc packing up' your effects preparatory fur (lie voyage, to include among them a snji|>l,v~i»f Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, the great remedy for sea sickness. Tra\ elers for pleasure or business seeking foreign climes, or who locoino^e by steamboat or train, besides yaehunen and mariners, testify io the remedial and preven tive eftieacy of ihe Hitters, which is incom parable for nausea, -ht^tditehe. dyspepsia, biliousness, rheumatism, nervous and kidney t rouble. --but thresher four are better still. Ijot AT.T. the ten:lly join in tho search fcr tlio explanation of the mysfcetf in "SONS AND FATHESS.'" but ramon-Ht - "r-'yvocen end sirlemay SUCSB"--and wte tho 889 PEIZEg-i TWO HEADS ARE BETTERTHAH ONE House Plants. Saturate the earth around house plants every day with the coffee left over from breakfast. It stimulates them. Plants that have a red or pur ple blossom will be rendered extreme ly brilliant in color by covering the earth in their pots with about half an inch of puverized charcoal. A yel low flower will not be affected in any way by the use of charcoal. A gentleman of a methodical habit, who had adopted the practice of retaining a copy of every pre script ion issued by his family physician, became interested as time w ent, on to note that the same ingredients were pretty certain to iic proscribed at some point, of ihe treatment of every case. For a poor apatite, or a sore throat.-._v for restlessness which disturbed the baby's slypp, and for trouble which beset the aged.grandparents, the favorite remedy was always 1 itiming.up.-although slightly uioditied front time to time and used often in conjunction with others. One day our friend hap pened to observe that the formula of a certain advertised remedy was identical with the latest pte^crip- tion lie had received fronthi^own physician, and in some surprise he slated the case t<? him. The family doctor, after listening to what he had to say, replied: "The case is about this way: Whenever i hen* is a disturbance of the functions ,,f the body, no matter of wlmi nature, it is pretty certain to be accompanied by a derangement of the digestive organs. When they are all right the patient gets well. That particular formula that you have observed me to write more ami more frequently is the result of an age of careful experiment, and is pretty generally agreed upon now by all educated physicians who keep up with the times. The dis covery of thy past few years of the means of redueiug every drug to a powder and compressing the'" powders into little lozenges or tablets, or tabules if you prefer, which will not break or spoil, ot iose their good qualities from age. if protected from air and light, is the explanation of how it has come about that this pwg^iption is now • for sale as an atrtartised remedy. j It is the medicine mat nine people : out of ten need every time they need any. and 1 have no doubt that making it so easy to obtain, so carefully prepared, and withal so cheap, will tend to actually prolong •othe average of human life during the present generation." Kipans I aiMilps arc soltl by rtruijcists. or f>s mi: !t the price vfio cttiun •• boil is sent to t he Riparts cun uj- < a! Ci>n!|iari>. N« i0 spruce Street. New ¥»rfc Sample vial. 10 ceulf. With a better understanding- of the transient, nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts--gentle efforts'---pleasant efforts-- rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion .of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the f;<ct, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on whiclfrtf acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and sold by all rep- ul»able druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, then one should have the best, a nd with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general sat isfaction. THE AERMOTOR CO. does half the world's windmill business, because It has reduced the cost of wind power to 1.'6 what tt was. It has many branch .houses, and supplies Its goods and repairs ilMy. at your door. It can and does furnish a JBIBBft - butter article for less money than ^gjothers. It makes Pumping and Geared, Steel, Qalvanized-after- Completion Windmills. Tilting ^3KflBKv and Fixed Steel Towers, Steel Buzz Saw Frames, Steel Feed Cuttero and Feed Grinders. On application it will name one mi ~ of these articles that It will furnish until January 1st at 1/3 the usual price- It also makes Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Factory: IZtb, Rockwell sod Fillmore Streets, Chlc&so. as a Bam Door/ Home Seekers' Excursions. In order to give everyone an opportunity to see the Western country and enable the hotiieseekers to secure a home in time to commence work for the season of 18!hi. the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway has arranged to ruu a series of four homeseekers' excursions to various points in the West, Northwest and South west on the following dates: March 10, April 7 ami 21 and May at the low rate of $2 more than one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be good for return on any Tuesday or Friday within twenty-one days from date of sale. For rates, time of trains and further details apply to any coupon ticket agent in the East or South, or address F. A. Miller. Assistant Gen eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. For 5 cents you get almost as much "Battle Ax" as you do of other high grade goods for i 0 cents* Before the days of "Battle Ax" consumers paid 10 cents for same quality* Now, "Battle Ax"-- Highest Grade, 5 cents* That's true economy* ASTHMA If " La Belle /Chocolatiere " isn't on the can, it isn't Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa. WALTER BAKER & CO.. LIMITED, DORCHESTER. MASS. POPHAWS ASTHMA SPECIFIC Gives i-etieC in FITS minutes. Send f or a F1MCK trial package. Sold •>> OrupKists. One Box seat postpaid on rweipt of <1.00. Six boie* JS.OO. [ Address T1108. ropiUM, PH1UL, «. Sufferers from coughs, sore throat, etc., should be constantly supplied with "Brqwn's BroncTijal Troches," Avoid imitations^ j Daute was solitary in his habits and by his austerity chilled most of those whom he met. •Rpt?u«o 'ino '.tospur\\ 'jjooqjjo^r q -j* •SJJ\;---pasn aAttq auptpam jseq oq} si -/.UIQ s.ostj 'sasttestp jsaqo putt Sunj ao^j Bad men always hate the laws that good men would enforce. st n nen an article has been sold for 31 years In spite of competition and cheap Imitations, it must have su perior quality. Dobbins'Electric Soap has been con stantly made and sold since 1865. Ask your yroctr for it. Best of all. --- ~ OimtS WHERE Ml ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Cte * in time. Sold by druggists. Glycerine in Glue. A little jrlyeerine added to gum or Slue is a great improvement, as it pre vents either becoming brittle. It also prevents gummed labels from having a tendency to curl up when being written on. 'A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful of Shame." Keep Your House Clean with v PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. By Jjight. Dr. A. (Jrahain Bell describes in the current issue of Progress of the World device by which lie transmits sounds and ordinary conversation along a sun beam, in the same way that one now uses a telephone .wire. • Examination and advice as to Patentability of inven tions. Send for INVESTORS' Grips, OK Hon TO HIT K PATENT. Fatrlok tmmjQ, WaskUcien, M'. : If this weather lasts two days long er. jtlie tirst birds of spring will appear, wearing shirt waists.